crsxi i-TD error. DtUj On moaia, II cam Cn Yr, tUf Kttir at the Darhtm PoctoBe u Mcoad e ui mail BktMi, bat lm-e:ua rujlit BttMt. Dtmocrktle U politic, eocrTilT. lm poilcj ui tor kom. UUrera Int. 4.dTrtUB( rate mla k.owm oa appllcatioa to offlc la Ihika Bulidlaf, Wart Mala It. IiMNUM 'Fboo 17. Bail 'Phon. 17. VOhaaf of adrertlaeniaati mut b haad- 1 la bj 11 o'clock oa dJ of imoilcaUoa to iamra laaartlaa. " MONDAY, JULY 14. Qceks Alexandra baa bought a cpy of President Koogevelt'd "The Strenuoua Life." Next thing we know she will be reading Harriet Hubbard Ayer'a "How to Be Beau tiful, Though Old." o Hers is another Chicago profes sor who says Shakespeare and Homer will soon be forgotten be cause of their insignificance. Let's see; wasn't Chicago the town that indorsed Mary MacLane? O i An esteemed contemporary an nounced that a woman was shut up on her husband's complaint. This is the first time that a woman was everfeeown to shut up on her hus band's or any one else's complaint. o It is rather a strange coincidence that on the same date the society folk of Newport opened the festivi ties of the season with a dance the Indians in Montana began their sun dance. The people must have their fetish. o A beferee has just annulled a marriage because both the high con tracting parties were insane when they were wed. There are a good many people who have been crazy to get married, but come to their senses afterward. The Democratic primaries, to be held next Saturday week, is for Democratic voters, and those who desire to support the Democratic ticket. If a Republican votes in these primaries, we should think he would feel honor bound to support the whole ticket, if be goes in to help to nominate a Democrat. o - For several years past the Chi , cago Tribune has made a specialty of compiling each year the number of Fourth of July casualties for the whole country. As a result of the use of fireworks last Fourth. accord ing to the statistical editor of the Tribune, there were 31 deaths and 2,649 persona injured not a bad showing considering it was a quiet holiday. . o i he jjurham sun says: "It 18 not always best to forsake principles tor men." . , " True. How about sticking to man in disregard of principle. itaieign rost. We put the principles of the democratic -party above favoritis m of men. , So far as we are ooncerned claiming to be a democrat, we shal vote for the man the democratic party nominates. Can the Post say at much? It is a foregone conclusion that Judge Clark will be nominated for L'nltf; Justice-Aa this event now seems ceTTaTnTit will be interesting to know what our esteemed contem poraries, who have been fighting him , will do after the nomination is con firmed by the State convention. iney will either have to support him or oppose him. If the former, some of their previous editorials will not be pleasant reading to them if reproduced by- the Republicans as Democratic authority. Whatever they may say, it is certainly evident that the majority of the Democratic voters want him, if there is any thing in their expressions in the county conventions. REPUBLICAN SPLIT? If reports are true all is not bar. mony in the State Republican ranks, and according to these reports the bone of contention is Pritchard. The Franklin .Times prints a letter, signed ? A Committee of Republi cans, which it says recently came to its possession, which urges the Re publicans of the State to repudiate Pritchard, who, the letter says, ha a :hui ozi , .purity. Tie ic:o c tencr cf tU eiier is la efect that the j irty, or at least the members of it behind that communication, are tired of Pritchard's bosism and it protests against the management of the State organization by a federal oEee holder. With a fsctioa of his own party arrayed against him, Pritch ard'a boast of succeeding himself becomes more vainglorious, nays the Charlotte News, and the News sixes it np about right. o NERVE AND NERVES. It is a good thing to have "nerve " It is a bad thing to have nerves. Ninety per cent of our American people suffer from nervous com plaints in a greater or less degree. Nervousness seems to be the na tional disease. It is the result of the strenuous life of our times. Sipecially is it so in business, where the struggle for supremacy leads all to work at high pressure, with in. sufficient time allowance for rest and recuperation. Advertising columns of the daily papers reflect this state of affairs in the advertisements of nerve foods, nerve medicines, nerve tonics and the services of nerve specialists. We do not know Siri . Swanan der, but we heartily endorse the prescription he writes for the ner. vous business man. TbUisit: "Eat of plain food, slowly and regularly. "Breathe fresh air at all times. "Exercise judiciously. "Rest mentally and physically. "Try to sleep. "Do something for some one. - "In a few months your brain will be clear and your senses bright. Before the year is out you will stand erect, looking the future square in the face, with fearless eyes." It has been Baid that bad health is largely due to bad conscience. The iman who honestly strives to follow the dictates of his conscience can stand up under a terrible pres sure of work both mental and phy sical. The above writer strikes the key note of unselfishness when he says "Do something for some one." Our attention, oooupied with a view to helping others, will leave us little thought for own ills, and in right living they will soon disappear. Cultivate nerve, but beware of "nerves." Crop Prospects in Orange. mi . m ine prospects tor tobacco and corn in O ran ere were never bettor Sheriff Hughes says that in the Pine nnot section ot Uedar Drove town ship, where the people are all happy and contented, the tobacco cron looks finer tnan be ever saw it, and .. . r corn iooks like it was growing on ricn river Dottoms. so tar as we have been able to learn, the above is about the condition of tobacco and corn all over the countv. Mr. D. S. Miller, postmaster At m snelby, and one of our best citizens if he is a Republican, savs the croD prospect in Little River township is very nne, ana tnat partridges are very pientuni. lie savs that even the old hens are hatching the par mm, J ' tuugco auu man iiue iiiibiu uirUB lOl low the hens around with their -lit tie chicks. Hillsboro Observer. - A Manila dispatch aavs: Genera Maxilon, who has been convicted of treason at Cebu, island of Cebu, has been sentenced to ten rears im orison- ment ana to pay a find of 12,000. . . . . . General Noviso, who was jointly charged with General Maxilon. was sentenced to seven years imprison ment ana a similar fine. Ninety corpses have been taken rom the wrecked mine at Johnstown. Several living men were found, bv the resouers, but they had become raving maniacs. The . Ttnblio has no interest in Tammany faotion fights exoept to see, ii possiDie, tnat disorder is pre served. Puck. Summer comnlaint prevalent among children this seas on. A well developed ciae in fch writer s ramiiy was cured last week bv. the timely use of nhamhirlainV Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dyone of the beer patent medicines A. a a m manuiaccurea ana which is always kept on hand at the h me of ye serine, inis is not intended for a free pull for the company, who do not advertise witn us, but to benefit uttie sufferers wbo may not be with in easy access of a nhvsiciAn . nti family should be without a hntt'A nf this medicine in the house, especial ly insummer time. Tannine Wa Journal. For sale bv W. M.'Yaaiv. CO "PLICATION lacle 4tn S'.aj Uie to Iaurf.r n Ki sult cf Takiog Iilisl IIoxolclv. July 3. Via . Sin Fraceisco J aly 1 2 It is not nn'.iksly tnat complications may entue be tween Japan and the United States as a result of local people taking posseession of Marcus Island, a small guaco island , lying about.2,S00 miles west of Honolulu, and about 1,000 southeast of Yohohoma. An expe dition to leave here next week, un der command of A. A Rcsehill, for the purpose of occupying the island, as Rosehill was recently granted title to the island by the United States. If the exDerience of CdL Pierce. a a of the transport Sheridian, is to be Ai .1. iaen aa any muiuawon, me services of an American warship Tnav be m necessary to place Rosehill in pos session of the island. About 14 months ago Capt Pierce stopped at Marcus island for the purpose of adiustine? bis instru ments. He headed a party and went ashore in a steam launch. He was met on the beach by about twenty Japanese, many who were armed with rifles, and who ordered the Americans to leave the island at once. Seeing that the display of fire arms did not frighten the visi tors, the spokesman of the Japanese produced what purported to be an a a official document from the Japanese government, and nourished this pa per Detore uapt. nerce. An explo ration of the island disclosed the fact that Japanese evidenttly were at work obtaining guano. Captain Pierce made no attempt to molest the Japanese. He was' then not aware of Rosehill's claim. Captain Rosehill expects to sail for his island on July 11. THE "SUn'daNCE." Redkklna Celebrat Religions Ceremony Near Butte. Butte, Mont., July 12 -A thous and Indians from the Creek, Chip pewa,' Flathead, Lemsi, Blackfeet and other nomadio tribes, have been gathering in the mountains twenty miles south of Butte for some weeks where they are engaged in their an nual religious ceremony known as the "San Dance," which has its origin with the sun worshippers. The old and cruel ceremonies of fastening and dancing around a pole, with leather thongs tied to the poles and fastened with sticks in the breasts of some of the braves, are strictly observed and the wild dance continues until the thongs tear out toe flesh of the Indian falls exbaus ted. The eatheriner of the tribea wan tJ cj " kept secret by the Indians, and the tact ot its progress was only disoov erea oy toe prospectors wbo return ea trom the mountains last night Hard Time to Close Mouth. Cartersvixle, Va., July 12 ttachel .Lewis, colored, of Gooch land oounty, in opening her mouth to gape, yesterday morning, dislo cated her jawbone. It remained in that condition for several hours during which time she was unabfe r y ninnn kmm n . u i a i vw v.vow uu uvmu. xjx. oueau, witb the assistance of Dr. Gnover. of Washington, who is visiting here, ouuuggucu aiicr a uaru auu laooriOUS I enori, m restoring the jawbone to us natural resting place. The wo man is perfectly happy today, and says she will be careful in future J ..... vm. VAUft U IU1UIO 1 . . I now sne opens ner mouth. Special w jviunmona mews. Rumor In Railroad Circles. a.OXVILLE. JU1V la It la re- ir t i . ported that the Southern Rail wav nas seourea or will secure the Ohio ... . i River & Charleston Railroad and will extend it from Huntdale. N. L.,to connect with the mainline between Asheville and Salisbury, in order to have a coal road nearer it Washington and Carolina end with. out the long haul from the Jellioo district, thrnnn-h tn TTnnvti1 Jury at Charleston awarded its: 000 damages to Henrv Powell, of New York, in suit against Atlantic uoast JLine. During the exposition he presentea a ticket tor validation and ownership was questioned. Dispute arose ana roweli was arrested. A Manila dispatch savs General Davis has turned over the command or the Americans troons in Mininnn .' 1 J . rr a m. I - - " w generali are visiting Camp Viokers, iiuu mi ueuerai oumner. i ne two Klght Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night I iodic. - writes airs. Unas. ADDleeatA. of Alexandria. Ind.. ''and nnnM hardly eetanv sleen. .1 nn sumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cousrh fricrhtfullv And Kpit oiooa, Dut wnen an otner medi cines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr King's New Discover? whnllv cured me and I gained 68 Deunda." I .18 aosoiuteiv uruAraiitAAd tn mm wOUKub. UOias. LA (tnntifl. Kmnnhitia and ,811 Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c, and $1.()0 Trial bottles tree at K. Blacknall Ac flon'a T)m otiuro. s Men'i underwear Baits fiOa on th i... ... , n.o. flueii l p, J :i la the ua cj uJ I I J Wort. Grtet-cro IlccorJ: Th:s eveci tap pene-J it the Louse of a good o!J "eiho-iist and needs no bolstering up. One afternoon or to be exact", oce day about 12 o'clock the cook at a house in Greensboro m,1 nn a pan of light bread to be baked for sunaay s use, settle? n in the win dow to "rise.' She then went about her household dutiei. nevpr thinking of it for inlaur nrtn When she again cast her visual or gans on u she was a mah nnmi.i individual, for there it was baked hard, almost ready for devouring The rays of the sun. nnnrinr fnii opon it, had done the work. Quite . - . Mr m true the inside of the loaf w- nm cooked but the onuid a vti tknr. oughly cooked and hard as a corn aoager, so that it bad all to be thrown away or rather piven to tK chickens, though it had to be soak ea to a soitness so that the old roos ter oould get his bill into it. Eggs have been known to cook in the sun, but this is the first time bread has been baked in then mm And yet it was two degrees cooler ucro tuau in many Otner nlanea rinr. Mng the "hot spell.M District Attorney Marion Kriwm uemes mai ne proposes to cease pursuing Gaynor and Greene if 1500,000 was paid the United State.. On the contrary. heaavaGavnot- and Greene offered 1300.000 to hm w -J , allowed to escape. The spread of cholera in Manila has slightly decreased, possibly on account of the rains. The totals since the outbreak are: Manila. 2,181 cases and 1,718 deaths; prov inces, 12,476 cases and 9,357 deaths. The United States revenue cutter Grasham, with Secretary Shaw and family on board, has reached Boston long overdue from New York. The Gresham was delayed by dense fogs. . Transfer Points. Passengers from Mangum street to cast uurnam, and from East Dur ham to Mangum street and from west Durham to Mangum street transfer at oorner of Main and Man gum streets Passengers from Chapel Hill street to West Durham, from West Dur ham to Chapel Hill street, and from &ast Durham to ChaDel Hill street transfer at Five Points. A transfer is erood onT on first car leaving Transfer Point on date and after time cancelled, to anv point punched in direction indicated .. . . subject to rules of company. A transfer is good only at point of intersection. Passengers will see that transfer is properly punched as company will nnf .'L 1 uwn io iceuuusiuie ior errors in punching. Durham Tbaction Co. m - Tailor (to mother who is bavin a suit for her bov Do von want. the shoulders padded? Little Boy- no, mamma; tell him to pad the knickerbockers. Tit Bits. i i . i p . a uuiormnate tnat some men don't Lave'tha soma r..inn e. . ting out of trouble they have for get- ug QUI 01 WOrK. iiuud uray. wno an ed the nor i.i i t - onor at Norfolk, Va. , died of wounds innicten hv nnhKimin nUn k J "'.vvrnwu HUCU UQ IC ... "'"tea arrest. Don't brood over the nast nor uream oi me inture, but seize the instant and get your lesson from the hour. Tbe Beat Liniment for Strains. Mr. F H. Welln. tha mArohant1 ueer rara island, N. Y., says: "I always recommand OhAmhnriam'a y - wulmw HV rain aura as tne heat linimont fr, r. t-. T " .. 1 o atrauis. I used , it last winter for a severe lameness in tha ni'do roonif . . - " "'"vj a Nu UIH tng from a strain, a-.d was greatly pleased with the qu'ck relief snd cure it effected " For sale bv W. M. Yearby. SPECIAL LOW RATE Excursions via Norfolk and Western Railway. Ffidflntlnn Wnm.n. m .,u . , . a 7 X. . ? w i. mjnwc Donne, ?2l FSnc,,8C0' 9J-' June toM- United Order Workmen. Pnrt.lanH n.o t..i.. iipa Tuna a . n ' 20. International 8. 8. aU , J" Janeaa. Knights of Pvthlas. Ban irnMn' oai . immit n tr. Lulrfi fMkw. TTtnh inra.ti.'ii M. . B. r. O. Elks. Salt i Tvriijo lur laiurm Kf keta. w7i iniStRr::". i.. ..... f i emu utttoa Y. n. BlliVlLL.' Gen'l Pass. Ag't. mar83-tlllaugl5 'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE A Family library TTi East In Current Ltafera 12 Comphtc Novels Yearly MANY SHORT BTOBIFcs aain PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.50 per year : 25 era. a copy NO CONTINUED STORIES : I SVSRY NUM1EB COMPLETE IN ITSELP The Daily Sun Is Ii a vear. or UPPINCOTT 25 cents a month. Get the news 44 hdt auA 'Ma-A m, a-A m, a.. .tar- , The lininiect bottle as j Sarntl strip ars familiar objects in' nearly even- household. They are the weapons that have betn used for generations to ght old Rheumatism, and are would be in modern warfare. ' r Rheumatism is caused bv an condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid, irritatir.f matter that settles in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corroding particles. They were deposited there by the Wood and can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing with liniments sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and pains, but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every change of the weather; the real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cored until the blood has been purified, and no remedy does this so thoroughly and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism umuuwuBeai. , jnt . gixt ftwHam gtutiusj guru. : DURHAM. N. C. CAPITAL AMD PROFITS $155,00000;- Q. ED. RJL"WXSi President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. B. C. MURRAY, Cashier. We solicit the accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Firms and Indi viduals, and all business entrusted to us will receive prompt ard accu rate attention, snd every faclllrv &nd the account will be extended. W ians-6m or correspondence. . . . B. N. DUKK, President. THE, FID&LITBftNK DURHAM, N. C Canital $100,000.00. Deposits This branch of our business has 1,885 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to encourage thrift and economy among our people we receive from $1.00 up and allow Interest thereon. , Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. . This Bank is authorised by its charter to act as Guardian, Executor. Ad ministrator, Trustee, Agent, etc. - janW-8m DEI YE THIS WAT I The Durham TdbaGGoMaFKet. Unsurpassed Facilities lor Come on Four large warehouses, with every accommodation for in convenience ana comtort of planters.-i Drive into Durham. All of our Warehouses are well lighted, furnished with good quarters for the planter, and good stalls for his stock. Head your wagon.towards Durham. Market Better Our large number of buyers uer; represenung millions of dollars, and readily take every pound of leaf coming to our market. AH leading manufacturers represented. ' tome right on to Durham and enjoy their activity and liberality. This is the hich Durham is accessible. It is in easy reach of farmers by wagons, and gives them good roads as they come this way, and exceptional fine facilities on four railroads for shipping. Take advantage of it and come to Durham. The capital is here ; waiting . jiavo uuiy iu unug yuur louucco xo uurnam to : get it.. - . :, . ' PRICES BEST IN JH E STATE 7 acid, sour of rich, strong blood tpthe affected parts, which dissolves and washes out foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains S. S, S. contains no potash or other mineral, but is a Derfect vegetable blood nnrifipr-. nr? mr.c- awir i sr.ttiNU co.f Auanta, 6a. cordia'ly invite a Dersonal Interview JOHN F. WILY, Cashier U.. Surplus ;$,10000000 $S00,b00.60. ' gradually grown until we have issued . " (. 0? Handling Farmer's Totacco. to Durham. Equipped than in Years Past. a ( ' are active and liberal bid- JRJWket in' to Sell. for ; your tobacco , and vou : i - N , J after the 4tb of next ; March, will 'by. dollar at A. Max'a. ' I e?ery evening. .

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