: J j DUELTA-ir, U. C, TUESDAY. JULY 15, 1003 volume 2G-NU?,ir.i:iS 10 ... r; 4 i v. EffSY.'FEET For 10 Cts. Tender, or aching feet re - lieved For 10 ets. We will be pleased to give you a SAMPLE. There bai . FALLEN INTO OUR HANDS through persistent efforts on our part as fine a lot of MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS as one could wish to see, buy or wear. Made of the newest patterns and and in the newest styles these shirts have the appearance, the quality and the fit of. many goods sold at twice the price. s Can you imagine any better val ue than this? . . JoHnston Furnishing Co. WHEN YOU WANT "CALL ON US. We can supply you with Chickens, fresh Vegetables, Eggs and the , . best of , FAMILY GROCERIES. Prompt service when you want something nice,. T. S. CHRISTIAN & SON, Church Street. tnayU-lm , - . KEEP KOOL BY HOMING -TO- MONTREAT. HOT&U MONTREAL "LAND OF THE SKY," WE9TRRN N.O. The most charming sixt In all 'ie moun tain at which to spend the heated term Sleep under blankets all summer - New hotel with all modern comforts. Double dally man, Telegraph and telephone, mineral waters. Two miles from Black Mountain Station, Southern Hallway. W. .D. PAXTON, Proprietor, mayl-3m Montreat. N. 0. . v W. L. WALL, DtAI.BR 1H , WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood in any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. ToteWtate Phone BU. jun.Ttf THE 6&ST MEALS - Can always be found at H. T. Smith's Restaurant, At all hours, day or night He " gives more for the same mon ey than can be gotten elsewhere.' ICE CREftU EVERY SUNDAY. 909 Parrlsh Street. Interstate Phone 994. The Wkbkly Sun is only $i, a year. From 20 to 23 column's o live, interesting local, state and general news each week. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dur PBllICE ham paper. - SOUVENIR SPOONS. Something Novel The Hennett Place Itcauiifully Engraved. Ilist'io places dot the south, iu every flection, as a result of the conni t iome thirty eight years aito, when tue red fligs of war were fly ing, and they are now of peculiar interest to those who participated In the events of that time. Many cit ies and towns boast of their historic places, and Durham is not without one. It is the "Bennett Place," where General Johnson surrendered to Sherman. This place is now made more interesting by a beauti ful souvenir, which has been gotten up by Durham gentlemen, and it will recall the memories of that place to all who are left that were there in '65, and to the descendants of the two armies. It is a Bouvenir spoon of silver with gold bowl, be Hir ing the North Carolinaooat of arms, vignette of the American eagle, and the name of the State in raised let ters on the handle. In the bowl is an engraving of the Bennett House, with the old tree at the corner, a perfect representation of the place, K natural as life. Another style of t lis spoon gives you a scene with two bouses, the Bennett House be ing one. These spoons are made in the beet style of the jewelers' art and engraved equally as well. They are made by S. M. Snider, the Dur ham jeweler, and are for sale at his store in this city. The prices are $l,$2and $2 50 and their quality is guaranteed. Persons wiahiug to preserve a picture of the historic "Bennett Place," made famous by tie war of the states, should get one, and they are nice presents for your friends. I he picture of the place was taken wUh a kodak by Mr. W. G. Bram- ham, of this city, and he and Mr. Snider conceived the idea of repro ducing the same on these handsome spoons, which was a happy idea. Get one. . QUITE A NUMBER. Persons Wending Their Way to Greens boro. Congaessman W. VV, Kitchin, A. J.' Hester, J. A. Long, Dr. E J. Tucker, Luther M. Carlton, N. Lunsford, J. W. Noell, John E. Tucker and others, of Roxboro, were here a short time this morning going to Greensboro to attend the Congressional Convention, which met there this afternoon, and also the State and Judicial conventions, to be held there tomorrow. Victor S. Bryant, of this city, al so went up this morning. Quite a number of persons from Raleigh and points further east were aboard, among the number being Joseph us Daniels, editor of the News and Ob server, and W. P. Whiuker, of the Morning Post. Durham sent up a right good dele gation this afternoon. A Durham Boy Promoted. S. F. Howard, who enlisted in the U S. navy several months ago, and who, since leaving the training ship, has been on the battleship In diana, has been transferred to the Puritan, stationed at Bedford, Mass. He now holds the position of gun ner's mate on that vessel. We are always glad to hear of the prosperi ty of Durham boys. Excursion From Norfolk. A large excursion of colored peo ple is due here this afternoon from Norfolk, Va. They come via the Southern railway. There will be one or two entertainments on to night, and the colored element will doubtless predominate on the street cars. Gone to Hot Springs. Col. A. B. Andrews, First Vice President of the Southern Railway, with his secretary, Blair Patterson, in bis private car, passed through Durham early this morning going to Hot Springs, N. C, where they will spend the summer. Tbey will stop at the Mountain fark. Hotel. Ex-Judge A. VV. Graham, of Ox ford, passed through the' city this morning on his way to Greensboro. Working 24 Hours a Day. 1 here ia no rest for those tireWs little workers Dr King' New Life Pills. Millions are always busy, cur ing Torpid Liver, Jaund ce, Bilious ness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Headache, drive out Malaria Never gripe or weakeu Small, taste nice, work wonders. ' ry them. 25c. at Ii Dlacknall & Sou's Drug Store. 2. Ladies' low-cut shoes at A Max's from 39o to $3 50. You will get bargains. UD m Fill, LIFE CRUSHED OUT WITH OUT warning: Abe Fowler Killed Almost Instant ly, and Jim Jackson Is Badly Hurt. Auotber fatal accident is added to the list of casualties on the sewer system work. This makes two lives that have been lost, and in both in stances resulted from being caught by cave-ins. Abe Fowler, colored, the second vict:m, was working with a force of hands in a ditch about fifteen feet deep, near the residences of B. L. Duke and bred Roll. Braces were used on the sides of the ditch, but these supports gave way and pinned Fowler in the ditch, crushing bis life out. His legs were broken and there were several other serious in juries. Physicians were summoned, but the man was beyond all human aid. Jim JacRson, colored, who 'was also at work in the ditch, was canght by the cave-in, and very painfully injured. He was moved to the Lin. coin Hospital for care and treat ment. His injuries were thought to be internal. A telephone message from the hos pital this afternoon states that Jack son is getting alcng nicely and that there are chances that he will re cover. PUBLIC SCHOOL MATTERS. Schools in the County Get Thirty one Weeks. According to the report of Supt. C. VV. Massey, of the public schools in Durham county, there are 9,139 children of Bohool age in this county, and of this number 6,367 attended school last year. The average length. of white schools is 31 weeks., an in crease of about one week over the previous year. The superintendent's report states that it is thought now that there will be sufficient money to run the schools the same length of time next year. Every white school in the county now has a li brary, the total number of books be ing 4,733. The Board of education has in augurated another move that will doubtless become very popular. They have decided to establish a central graded or high school in each township. . One of these has already been located in Mangum township. During the coming year it is the pur pose of the board to locate others. By the location of such schools, children can get a higher education than offered by ordinary publia schools, and at the same time the money intended for the education of the children is not curtailed. Educational matters in the county were never in better condition than at present. Friday and Saturday Nights. An old time festival will be given by Durham Hose Company No. 1, on Friday and Saturday nights of this week, at the Parrish Ware house. The object is to raise the balance of money necessary to pur chase uniforms and to pay expenses to the firemen's tournament. Dur ham Hose Company No. 2 ve a festival sometime since. There will be all the delicacies of the season, served in the most tempting manner. The attractions and amusements will be varied and interesting. Go out and help the firemen, and at the same time you cannot help but enjoy yourself. Ball of Durham Players. A game of ball was played at the George Lyon Park, Monday after noon, between the Durham League team and the Durham Semi-Professionals. The first named won by a score of 3 to 0. This afternoon the second game between the two teams is being played. Mattresses. Save money by buying direct from the Durham Mattress Factory. Neckwear at reduced prices. John ston Furnishing Company. Water Rents Are Due. Please call and uav nromotlv. All claims for rebates and errors must be reported before the 15tb of July. Very respectfully, jll lw J. C, Michib, Supt. Negligee shirts, all sizes prices at A. Max's. You cau them from 25o up to $1 23. and get BURIED IN ROCK. A Singular Tomb Found ia Frank lin tlounty. Mr. V. D Latta returned yester day from a visit through the coun ties of Johnston, Franklin, Nash and Wake. He tells us that the crops in the sections be visited are the finest be ever saw. The prospects are Irigh and he found the people in good spirits. In Harris township, in Frankliu county, be saw in a graveyard a re markable tomb, and one that thou sands of people have visited. A solid rock and apparently the only one in the yard rises up nine feel above the level of the earth, and is fifty-pine feet around, and is some what bowl shaped. It is a natural rock, and in this is hewn out a re ceptacle for two bodies. In this natural tomb reposes the remains of William Andrew Jeffreys, born Jan uary 23rd, 1817, and died October, 1845. Mr. Jeffreys had the tomb prepared himself K and the opening is closed with a marble slab, bearing the inscription and sealed up with '-cement. It is viewed by all visitors with a great deal of curiosity. It was Mr. Jeffreys' intention to have his wife placed there beside him, but she was not, and is buried in another part of the cemetery. The Tent Meeting. The tent meeting at West Dur ham draws large crowds nightly Numbers of people from this city go up on the street cars. The tent is located a short distance to the right of the car line. Rev. Arthur O'Rear is preaching with power and earnestness. 1 he singing is a very attractive feature of the meeting. services will be held again tonight at 8 o'clock, to which all, especially the unsaved and those, who are laboring for the salvation of souls are cordially invited. Mattresses. All grades, any size mattress at the Durham Mattress Factory. -TO- MOREHEAD CITY, Monday, August 4th, 1902. Southern Railway will operate special train leaving Henderson August 4th, at 7:30 a. m , Oxford at 8:40 a. m, Durham 10:15 a. ni., Raleigh 11:11 a. m.. Selnm 12:05 p. m.. ar riving at Morehead (Jlty at 4:00 p. m. Round trip rate from Henderson $3.00, oxford $2 75, Durham 12.25. RalelKh 12.00. Selma 11.75 Re- turniuii train will leave Morehead Ultv at 4:00 p. in., August Bth, giving two days and two nights at tna seasnore. I' or runner in formation call on any agent of the Southern Hallway or write. R. L.VERNON, T. P. A., (Jbarlolte, N. U. S. H. HARDWICK. Q. P. A.. Washington, U. 0. W. H. EDWARDS, Main Street, Durham, N, U. Office over Lam be & Lyon's uew store. In terstate 'f hone 173. juiia-tr Ice Picks, Ice Cream Freezers, Fly Traps, Carpet Sweepers, Garden Hose, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jar Rub bers, Water Bottles, Water Pitch ers, Water Coolers and Filters, Hammocks, Feather Dusters. Come in see the new Glass Ware, China and Crockery we are get ting in, at J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next dor to Postoffice. 'Phone 412. HENOWNFD POR TONE & DURABILITY Over 117,000 Now in Use. FRANKLIN ! PIANOS. HIRVflRD PIANOS. Sold for cash or easy payments. W. RrMurray, Main Street, Durham, .N. C. DENTISTRY U ESTABLISHED 4 Subscribe to the Sun. "DURVAINA" fca-IS A LIVE, WIDE-AWAKE 5 Gents GIGfVrv- 5 Gents SMOKES FREE, MILD, FRAGRANT. GUARANTEED ALL HAVANA FILLER, "HIE SAME THAT GuES INTO 10 AND 15 CENT BRANDS. Whether you walk, talk or ride DURVANA is a good companicn. Take them with you. mmw c W coitoy, Durham, N. C. FECIAL UIT TO THE CLOTHING BUYERS OF DURHAM: In order to close our stock of Flannel suits, we offer your choice of about 75 suits $5 00 per suit. Look at samples in our window. The former price was $7.50, cheap even at that price. Our regular reduced sale still continues 15 per cent on all suits and extra pants, shirts, 25 to off. Straw hats i off. Call and see for yourselt, and be convinced. Ours is the cheapest. One price for cash. LAMBE Me LYON, One Price Clothiers and Furnishers. WARM WEATHER SHOES. Just the thing for the hot' days more to be in fashion. Our Men's Oxfords have all the good points of style and workmanship. These three price hints. At $3.00 Men's Ve lour Calf, Bluchef Oxford, Goodyear welt, sewed, value $3 50. At I4.00 Men's Patent Kid and Patent Colt Skin Oxfords, two styles toe shapes, reduced from $4 50. At $5 00 Men's Patent Ideal Kid Oxfords, will not crack nor peel. Correct and shapely styles. Burch-Gorman Company. izTHE BEATEN BISCUIT- originated in the old Southern families, in ante-bellum days, when hos pitality and good cheer were the signs of good breeding. But the mak ing of thit favorite bread formerly involved both time and labor and of late years was in danger of becoming a lost art. .THE ACME BISCUIT BEATER...... however, makes this process an easy and quick one and all house-keep ers who try it pronounce it to be of the day. TfYYLOR Unsurpassed Variety -AT-- REDUCTION. For warm weather occasions we CORRECT CLOTHING. SUlTo that will satisfy splendidly made. SMART and PRIMP. The sto k contains everything that the correctly dressed man desires. The reduction is big. Those of you unsuited, come and be suited. The line of Gents' Furnishings still full. . "SOLE AGENTS W. A. SLATER COMPANY, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. :-MOS0UlTO NETS-: Are good for keeping off ilies as well as mos quitoes. We have the kind that fasten on Wood, Brass and Iron Beds, as well as the . old ceiling style. Let us put you up one. BERNSTEIN Iron Beds are much cooler than the old style closed up; Price from $10.00 up, with spring complete. An elegant line of couches, $10.00 up. Big reduction in Mattings and Refrigerators. ; The Royall & Borden Go. mar27-tt , .-"., FECIAL UIT that are coming. It doesn't cost any one of the most useful inventions . For sale by 6c FHIFPS. have an unsurpassed variety of FOR KNOX HATS:" IRON BEDS. and cleaner for summer use head and foot wood beds.' X 1 f ...- ijw. "-..

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