v s x . ji e i;?satj C:.J Oe moo A, M cent, i Ob Yaar, H.S8 If Mil uaa T, Oaa Dollar. IiWraJ at tha Curiam Poatcffica u aaeeafl' e'.aji mall Battac, bat lnt-claa riiM Damoeratlc la politics, eoaaarraUT la poller tad toe bom lntareata Ink. a-irartUni rataa mada kaowa oa appllcatloa ooScala Duia BaUtUag. Waa Mala it lataratate 'Phoaa ST. Bail 'Pboaa IT. crctuxt of ad wtlaenaanta ami b aaad 1 la bj U o'clock oa day of pabJlciWoa M iaiiira taaartloa. TUESDAY, JULY 15. With the mayor ind chief of police indicted, a stranger has now tome chance of visiting Minneapolis without being robbed. . Bkip in Liverpool is in the clutches of the Trait. Nov we may expect to hear at any moment that they have also formed a liver pool. o Bloodhounds have failed to cap tare Tracy, the Washington State outlaw. A pack of Jersey mosqui toes would run him to earth in fif teen seconds. o Doctoks are able to see the back bone of a patient in a New York Hospital. There are people all over the country whose backbone you could never see. They haven't any. o Wx are pleased to learn that Queen Alexandra has accepted two chinchillas and two egrets from an American lady. Maybe her majesty thought they were something good to eat. o Six Georgia watermelons will be sent to the royal palace in England, we are told. And thus history will repeat itself to some extent, for the boney-parts of the eaters will cross the rind. Since Newport has been having trouble with its cooks, society peo ple there can sympathize with the Vatican in the Philippines difficul ties. The Vatican, too, has lost its fryers. o Mayor Tom L. Johnsonrof Cleve land, Ohio, is in the field for the Democratio nomination for the presi dency and will make a tour of the west in the interest of his candidacy, probably this fall. This statement comes from the mayor himself. In the language of that beautiful and olaBsio song, "Mistah John'ning turn (that candidacy) loose." o ' The Republican' billy-goats an grazing mighty near the Democratic fields in this county, and hope to butt into Democratic clover through whatever dissension gap they may - find in our ranks. It is time no to stop all the holes and keep them out. They hang their hope on inde pendentism, which is only a lullaby to woo a man to his own undoing. The Chinese government is to change its embassador to the United States. Minister Wu Ting Fang it to has been recalled and Sir Liana Cheu Tung is to take his place. We are sorry to lose Wu. He was such an interesting oriental interrogation point. He never visited Durham, however, and will return to his native land without seeing a young and real wide awake oity. But he will bear us in rememberance when he puffs Cameo cigarettes and wreathes the smoke from Duke's Mixture in his luxuriant bjudoir So long, Wueyl ;(fff4t utrrrl THE STATE CONVENTION. The Democratio hosts will meet in Greensboro tomorrow, in State Convention, and light the camp fires and hang the Democratic banners upon the watch towers. A platform will be adopted and a few State offi cers nominated. The contests for nomination! are few associate jus tices of the Supreme Court and a member of the Corporation Commis sion, and as these contests are be tween good men, the convention can lijaAD uu iumwh m us nominations. W e agree with the Charlotte News when it says that to formulating a platform it will be hardly necessary to go back to the past for issues. Standing upon the basic, principles cf Democracy alone is sufficient to cratie majority in tbe Mate, if it is Eecessary to go into detail, the issaea raised by tha last session of Congress are enough to invite tbe serious and thoughtful consideration of every man who desires honest government, be his political belief what it may. But it will not be necessary to deal in national issues beyond condemn ing the sins of tbe present national administration. We have domestic issues a plenty, and will have, so long as tbe State returns a Republi can senator and two Kepnblican Representatives. o m A MERRY HEAR.' We naturally turn toward woman for comfort and encouragement and even advice. Ignore it as we may, she holds the reins that guide us, and her often subtle suggestions sway as to our final conclusions. Margaret Sangster, among other wise words, says: - "Better than a fortune than gold and silver and jewels better than anything that can be weighed in earthly balances, is a sunny hope fulness of habitual thought, which makes the common day and the rough road cheery and smooth ; for "a merry heart doeth good like a medicine." "Merry: Enlivening, gay, ex. hilarating." Margaret is right! The merry heart is a medicine, acting and re acting from mind to mind, and from heart to heart. We need such tonio among the too serious scenes of commercial life. We teed the bright glance and the spirited word, the enliven ing tone and the enoouraging demea nor of those who can cive them forth to the nervous; and over wrought man who treats all of life as a mere business proposition with out the lift and sparkle that a mirth loving soul can impart to it. What's a story without any fun in its pages? What is a play unre lieved by wit? What is a news- ....... ... , . . - 11 B. a. I 1 ' . Ill w uai is uuBiuesB wnea naouaauy treated as a bare, cold, case-hardened thing that holds no spirit of pleasure or glimmer of imagery or smile or laughter or humor or mirth? We all appreciate the genial, kindly nature of him who sheds sunshine and brightness as be passes along tbe dull pathways of com merce, and lifts the curtain that so often shuts out the human element of joy from the strenuous marts of trade. A Touching Figure. Capt. Sam Bryant, the Kentucky turfman who passed away last week, was a tnorougo sportsman. Never, oowever, in all bis varied exoeri ence did he swerve from the faith imbibed at bis mother's knee. Hia last words are said to have been: "I believe that the great Judge of the big track up yonder is going to hang out mv nnmripr " Thorn i aess of figure in that speech and oomeining oi Deautv. Death often called forth poetical expression. To tne writer, there never was a more beautiful touching figure than that saia to nave been emDloved bv i . . " a . little boy in a nearbv southern nitv upon the occasion of the funeral nh. sequies of Gen. Robert E. Lee, The . . 1 ma mtie teuow was in bis mother's arms as the funeral cortecre nasnfld by. Along the line of march there were no ary eyes, and out of vn sympathy nature it seemed was weeping also, as a drizzlino- rain had been falling all the morning. Sud denly the skies brightened. "Lnnk momer, ioo, tbe little fellow cried, pointing a chubby finger at a rainbow wbioh spanned the firma ment, "God has built a hrid fnr .t- . . .. p .. . - General Lee's soul to march to heaw. en on." Birmingham News. The Same Old Story. J. A. Kellv relate All ATfaAIMAf AA tfmliar tO that Which hftA riAnruin w almost every neighborhood in the Uuited States and has been told by thousands of others. He says: "Last summer I had an attack of dysen tery and purchaa d a be Hie of Cham lerlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I used accord ing to directions and with entirely Mtisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when : 1 unad nth remedies." Mr. Kelly ia a well known citizen of Henderson, N. 0. our tuue oy w. ju. xearoy. The Wki,t Sun is only Si a year. From 20 to 23 colomns of live, Interesting local, lttflta and general news each wJek. Sub scribe and get a wide-awake Dor ham paper. com EiLij clai;: y;cil.;v. Tbe IrUflJi cf tit Rival Cani:Jati for Anoc.tli Josui CIva Out Flioraa Almost A!.i. Gbse.nsboeo, July 14 llany dele gates from tbe em have arrived oa the night train, representing princi pally candidates for corporation com missioner and the associate justice ship from that section. The man agers of both Brown and Conor have reached headquarters. In conference with the friends of both, who claim ed to speak by the book, I learned that Connor would come out on tbe first roll-call with more than a ma jority, the exact figures given being 635. On the other hand, a Brown man gave me 6S2 as the estimate of his strength on first ballot. These figures were given without either side knowing how close they were calculating the same majority. Congressman Small, former law partner of Judge Brown and his in timate friend, just seen, says he makes no boastful claim of strength, as the contest is close, but from the latest and most reliable estimates be feels assured that Brown has votes enough to be nominated on the first ballot. In conclusion he said: "You can quote me aa authority for tbe statement that Judge Brown will certainly be nominated." Corporation commissioner is tbe next topio of gossip. The following is an estimate given of the vote on first ballot by friends of different candidates: Beddingfield, more in structed votes than all other candi dates combined; Mason, instructed 130, estimated vote on first ballot 417; Watson 60 instructed and many scattering; Fairly 50 instructed; Mi chaux 50 instructed and lOOsoatter- Tng for first ballot. If the claim of Beddingneld s friends is correct that would give him clearly 245 instruct ed votes, though he declines himself to give out bis figures. Speoial to the Charlotte Observer. Lost Reason While Working. Salisbury Sun: Mr. Burrell You nor f o one of Davidson countv's substan tial citizens who lives near tbe river, lost his mind Friday while working at bis threshing machine. Mr. Young was feeding the thresher when he suddenly turned in a dazed manner and pat bis hand to his head. Parties near him questioned him and found that his mind was blank. He was taken to bis borne and was unimproved yesterday afternoon. It : i k. it i ii tuuugui iubv mr. i uune i ursio wai aneotea oy toe sun. i he antorta " nate man was is abouJJ7 years old. Eloped With a Doctor. A Knoxville, Tenn. , special to the Washington Post says: A sensational elopement occurred in this city tonight when Miss Em ily Taylor, tbe beautiful daughter of Hon. R. L. Taylor, ex-Congressman, thrice Governor of Tennessee, famous as lecturer and speaker, and known to Tennessetuns as "Our Bob," was married to Dr. Georgs F. St. John, a prominent young physician of this city, to whom she had been engaged for a year until Governor Taylor recently broke off tbe match. Summer complaint is unusually prevalent among cnudren this seas on. A well developed case in the writer's familv was owrpA Inat. bv the timelv Una of nhamhavlainVi Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Rome- ay one 01 tne nest patent medicines manufactured and whtah ia l kept on hand at the home Of ye A AHfe n a rill- Z T A . . m Bui-iuo. xnw is not intenaei tor a free Dull for the mmmnv. vhn An n)t advertise with us, but to benefit time Bunerers wno may not be with in easy access of a nhvaiAfan Wn ramuy should be without a bottle of this medicine in the house, especial ly in summer timn Tannin Tia Journal. For sale by W. M. Year- "iapt. unaries mae. th now president of the North Carolina Bar Association," says the Asheville Citizen, "is one of the ablest mem. bers of his profession in the State, and the honor conferred uoon him by his fellow members in reoocni tion of this fact ia wnrthilv ha stowed." The hospital suDoorted at Hilt. more oy ueo. w. vanderbilt, is to be enlarged, making it the best 1 ii - -- equipped small hospital in the oomn. a-3 1 ' - . Inspectors examined the mir at lonnsiown, where the recent einlos- ion oocured, and pronounce it safe. A Fireman's Close Call. ! "I stuck to my emrine. although every joint ached and every nerve 1 . 1 .... -. wtM racsea wiin nam." wntaa n. W. Bellamv. a locomntioA Amman of Burlington, Iowa, "i was weak and pale, without any appetite and u ruu uown. as t was about to give UD. lent A hnttla VII.U Bitters and, after taking it, I felt as weu bb a ever aia in my lire." Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfaction guranteed by B. Blacknall & Son's r roe bu cents. 9 Men's underwear suits 60a nn tha dollar at A. Max's. o MOTHERS, DO YOU KNOW the many ao-ealled birth medicines, and most remedies for women in the treatment of her delicate organs, contain more 01 less opium, morphine and strychnine? Do You Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcot ics without labeling them poisons ? Do You Know that you should aol take internally any medicine lor the pain accompanying pregnancy. Do You Know that Mother5 Friend is applied externally only? Do You Know that Mother's Friend is a celebrated prescription, and that it has been in use over forty years, and that each bottle of the genuine bears the nam of The Bradfield Regulator Co. ? Do you know that when you use this remedy during the period of gestation that you will be free of pain and beai healthy, hearty and clever children ? Well, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. Of druggists at i.oo. Don't be persuaded to try a substitute. Ourlittle book "Motherhood" free. THE BftADFIELD REGULAT0I CO, Atlanta, 0a Rate to Hot Springs. The Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Hot Springs, N.C.,at rate of $6 40, for all trains Saturdays and forenoons of Sundays, returning leaving destination not later than Monday following date of sale. All tickets limited to contin uous passage in each direction. All tickets to bear aoross tbe face tbe words, "special weekend." G. Dusknbeey, Agent. Transfer Points. Passengers from Mangum street to East Durham, and from East Dur ham to Mangum street and from WeBt Durham to : Mangum . street transfer at corner of Main and Man gam streets. Passengers from Chapel Hill street to West Durham, from West Dur ham to Chapel Hill street, and from East Durham to Chapel Hill street transfer at live Points. A transfer is good only on first oar leaving Transfer Point on date and after time cancelled, to any point punched in direction indicated subject to rales of company, transfer is good only at point intersection. Passengers will see that transfer is properly punched as company wu not be responsible for errors punobing. Durham Teaction Co in THE CREAM OP THE VINTAGE lu chamDasnes.claretfl. BnTttundlaa. aherrlaa. porta, aaunternes. The oldest and mellow est of whiskies, brandies, rums and sins, tbe most luclous .and delightful of liquors and conuais are an contained in tne Drauas in our store and cellars. None but what we know Is the beat in nfrarfld. Trr a hnttla of yur ureen iwver, tne wnisKey wnnout T. H. SCOGGINS, At the PALACE SALOON. No. 131 COBNXB MANGUM PBABODT STS oetl-tf SPECIAL LOW BATE Bxonralona via Norfolk ana Western Ballway. Federation Womana Oluba. Loa Annlm. Oal., May 1 to 8. Travelers Protective Asao., Portland. Ore., June 8 to 7. Mystic Shrine, Saa Francisco. Oal.. Jnne 10 to 14. TTnitml Order Workmen, Portland, Ore., June 10 to 9). international b. ts. abso., Uenrer, Col., Oal , Angnst It to 15. B. P. O. Elks, Bait but vitr. uwo, aniiut n w u, Write for Information aa to rate and An.tM ox sate or tiCKeta. -w. u. BKYILL. H. B. BBAGQ, , Oen'l Pass. Ag't. T.P. Ag't. marSS-tlllangU I IDDIMPflTTI L-bII I lllUU I I MONTHLY MAGAZINE . A family Library " Tift Ess! to Currsnt tll.r.fera 12 Complete Novels Yearly ' MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY T0PIC3 $2.60 PER YEAR ; 28 CTS.A COPY- NO CONTINUED STORIES EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSELP The Dati,y Sun Is $3 a year, or 25 cents a month. Get the newi every evening. DURHAM. N. C. CAPITAL AND PROFITTsI 55,000 00. Q. 12. IUWLS, President. O. O, TAYLOR, Vice-President. t E C.MURluV.fHHhlcr, We solicit the accounts ot Mrchmrs, Uannlactnrers, Fhmsand Indi viduals, a' d all baslness ej rbs'td 10 na will recefre prompt aid accn-v lateattentiia, rnd every facility and accommodation in keeping hh tbe account will be exknded W- c itf ia ly invite a personal inteiview Janj-6m or correspondence. : B. N. DUKE, President. JOHN F. WILY, Casaurf THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM, N. C. Canital $100,000.00. Surplus $,10000OA)0 Deposits $800,000.00. ' GAVIJNTGS DEPARTMENT. This branch of oar business has gradually grown until we have issue4 1,885 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to encourage thrift and economy among our people we receive from $1,00 up and allow interest thereon. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. ThisBank iaautooroed by its charter to act as Guardian, Executor, Ad miniatrator. Trustee. Agent, etc. jan35-8m DEIVE THIS WAY ! The Durham Tobacco 3MarkeL Unsurpassed Facilities lor Come on Four large warehouses, with every accommodation for the convenience and comfort of planters. Drive into Durham. All of our Warehouses are weljllghted, furnished with good quarters for the planter, and good stalls for his stock. Head your wagon towards Durham. Market Better Equipped Than in Years Past. Our large number of buvers are active and liberal bid . ders; representing millions of dollars, and readily take every pound of leaf coming to our market. A II I Annm wMVa-A vl...... .a t n B , Come right on to their activity is the : Yaf 4 tiunicn to Sell. Durham is accessible. It is in easy reach of farmers by wagons, and gives them good roads as they come this way, and exceptional fine facilities on four railroads for shipping. Take advantage of it and come to Durham. The capital is here waiting for your tobacco, and you have only to bring your tobacco to Durham to '-'v V -.:-Vv . - -get it.'; : , PRICES BESTIN THE STATE ....! ' ... I . 1 awaamawamaaaasasai f ll o U iur,..vv ureiiuuseiueu are energetic, progressive, pushine: uicu iuu jiuuw uuw 10 serve you in an acceptable manner. Ship your tobacco to Durham and be convinced Read these facts carefully """jf j vuwuwu, uuu iiucu uiicii up ana ' DRIVE ON TO DURHAM. Tne Barton) One Dollar a Ysar, t I l A l Handling Farmer's Jobacco. to Durham. rers represented. Durham and enjoy and liberality. , flftapket in ' - .. ' . . 1 . bear them Jii mind when W. C. BRADSHER, - Pres. Tob. Board of Trade W. T. CARRINGTON, t tt f 1 TTT yice President. . . J. II. MAHLER, ; Sem-tory and Treasurer!. Weekly San,

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