A y.UZLZS ROMANCE imiu::a:; t.iiat'.ien iy Effect cf faca P! oa GeuviTe lo and tea Latest Fad in Matrimony it A oo Mirroring From saiai.roi TamcJ From Home. lay-I-ask- joa-a-queslioD ?" kj f tra sni levelling wece tUmmered Perry villa Tecumseh to 0f birbarism cornea from Southsmp- tbe girl whom he bad courted for jton county. Agon, uencg from Geoe-Mmanpoz, waa lurnea out 01 aoors TUmKU hn.it he de her UJ "ia " . ""'""T Ktr UliU VJ neighbors and he waa left 0TXT3 un trrrca. Dl!l 0 moatt, eenta-i On Tts, tiCJ" Wttklj Cni Taai, Ob Delia. itrd at ta Dtrkua FottcSea u iecoafl- last sail mattaz, ba litKlui raUf Kami. Damoeratte ta politics, ecauerrattTa U poUei aad tor bom tatereata trtt. ISTtrtiaBf rates made know a oa application to offloa la Data BailOlnf, Watt Mala n. latantata 'Phoat IT. BaU'PhoaaK. r-Caaaf of adTttrtlMnaati Bill be kaad- 4 la bill o'clock oa dajof pabucauoa to 1U im Uaartloa. TUESDAY, AUGUST 5. The international oil trust is the! . . : u v V- . ?. I slid down onto the Brussels with Norfoik bealth authorities he waa lore It is swauowea oy morgan auu 8aid nervoaaly. Now 0Q hi, wsy home. hi wicked partners. tb , h th j. Meantime his father had heard of h..nf..i;. nun. - f .nt tn tba illness . of his daughter, and If any one thinks the weather is I ?' , ,r when tbe ion came home broken oat - lasir ir ah vi wa m vr duo i n i i . . . lor him ohanrvA thel ' I with sm&llDOx. be was refused aa know how much J love you; you are mi88ion to his home and the entire aware of the extent of m v adoration. I neighborhood became terrified. At - 1 . 1 1 - on the mohair lounge in ner moiuer a tQ di(J alone M(1 unaUetlt3ed fi4Te by palatial residence . last Monday t heroic country doctor. After hia nifht. . death the people of the town were I . a a t i Tbe old girl to whom tbe by- atram to oury mm, ana me nouse id .Un.t nnfllinn w.a nnt turned iwuiwu wj -j w " -s- t" 1 " r- iKm rpmatfd. her withered laoe towara her com- The Tictim of thu iDbamn treat panion for a few minutes, and then, I ment waa William Thomas Douglaa, bowing her head, sweetly mumbled:! colored, who came to Isorfolk to ' - s . . mi b .1. nV,.i t - - viait his siaier. i ne oroiaer oon- TT . n . ..tracted smaupox i rora ner, ana oe- nppj wm rerrjv.uo .. UC f . . interceDled b- the -r . want to You warm now, thermometer when thj county can vaas gets around to tbe tbree-quar- , v. . ... ,v ' no honae could he find shelter or at terP0Bt- L-n lw. . tn. h0 linu tention, and finally he crawled into J""". "J "v' an old unused outhouse. There he Mk. Whitnkt says the democrats wife. lav for days. The disease had al- - I ar - ..ft ..Slar have no issue, and The Waahington I Alias jiimDie a teem cnatwrea. m08t run us course before he receiv Star insists that tbey have "tool They were loose. Should ahe riak led medioal aid, and then it was too nnu : r U linear Ufa in th hana nf th late. The man died, and then tbe -i..:L S-S-.l fcnaalino- tniaht Jfftr bar? Her P'Oblem of intempgthe body INM uu.b . T"'""'- " ; : Nohodv nonld b found to touch it. i a mindwasmaaeup. one wniaperea TheVhT.icUn who attended tbe Thk Chamber of Commerce meetel dramatically: Ak mother!" man offered out of his own pocket a tonight. All should turn out and! Perryville lost no time. True, reward of $25 for assistance in bury hear what ia beincr done, and encour- Mra. Rimhle waa a widow and he lug the body but none would re- ' a ' I I i . rru - u .11 . spona to mis muuoemeni,. iuo , . , body remained for some time in the hAAvfa1 Ktlf tnA t?Atin rr UltAr'l I . w. J"-UB ihotiHft where the natient died when blood waa up and ' nothing could people from the surrounding neigh top him. borhood came with torches and set Pn.klioa aoiio k Unn nntil iil I atB tO thfi DiaCB. M. UBUiue noiuq k.c uca f J VVI o, I & he age the things that make for the ad- vancement of Durham. o Tax Aldermen say the street cars must not run over six miles an hour between Five Points and Dil went into the kitchen where lard street and not over eight miles Geneve, mother WM bQgUy eDg8ged au uuur un uiuer Bireeta. Thk democrats of Indiana are not fooling with the skins of dead is sues. 1 bey are out lor live game and are nominating the men they think can bring it into camp. A. L. Daley Pardoned. The Governor Monday pardoned on a peach pie. Geneve staved in A. L. Daley, who was convicted o the parlor and walked up and down WJ 11 ' w"ora county at tne nervously. "Will she consent to it?" the darling old girl soliloquized, look. ing up at a grandfather's clock. Minute after minute rolled along. Thk bog pen question bobed up Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half in the meeting of the city Aldermen hour. "What can be keeping him?" last night, but it was decided to de- wondered Miss Bimble. "I'll go fer action untilJanuary, when a law land see." So saying, ahe tiptoed will be passed, after the fall slaugh sen tenoed to seven years in the State'i prison. The following reasons were given by Governor Aycook for exe outive clemency in this case: "Prisoner ia pardoned upon tbe recommendation of numerous oiti zens of Chicago and Milwaukee who certify that they have known him for many years and he has al ways borne a good character unti tering. Then the pens mtfst go. o Out in Hot Springs they have been just having a banquet on a rat tlesnake. By the rattling good time that Roosevelt is having and the noise he is making, one might be led to believe that he ate a rattler for breakfast every morning. o Thk Teachers' Iuotiiute, now in session here, will be of great benefit to those who attend, ft ia a pleas ure to see teachers miugling togeth er and studying tbe beat methods to teach. All should endeavor to make this Institute a great tuuoeBa. o Tub cry comes up from among the New England manufacturers "We desire to move South V Come. A moat cordial welcome .awaits you. Come to Durham, where you will find progress and a people that will give you the glad hand of fellow ship and encouragement. It is hinted, with how much truth We know not, that the republicans in this, county will put up a mixed ticket. ' A democrat that will run on a republican ticket for the sake of getting office is not much of a dem ocrat in principle and is only fixing a good place to jump over the fence. He's a decoy duck that will fool but few. 1 o Thk New York Press (Rep ) says that "we have to have a protective tariff to secure an American market for American products." In other words, if tbe American manufact urer did not have the protective tariff tbey could not charge tie American consumer 40' per cent more for their products than they charge tbe foreign consumer. . -i o :' ' Litest official statement from Washington is to tbe effect that Prince Chen, tbe Chinese envoy, will be entertained by the President at Oyster Bay. The dispatch doesn't say whether the President is to entertain Chen personally by doing a few stunts on a bucking broncho, swallowiog a double bladed sword; or have Senator Piatt turn a few flipflops oo the shimmering sand. . j- ' The Daii.t Sun Is ft a year, oi 25 cents a month. Get the news every tveolo. I .i . .at it' j : - into the kitchin. and much to her ne Pre8en .no?- "wp"" I . I . J I U l ft , . , . . i rtH3ULuaiuueu uy oeuawur uianuu. v Qtirnnaa iilapnvoral thai In. .nnm I . was empty. ' The wind came in through the I proved by thcsolicitor of the district ooen window and . fluttered a little I and by tbe sheriff of Guilford 1 r. .i. note to her feet from tbe table She .oani- " " ointl'. BD0W.n in8i tne ptisoner nas never Deen onargea picked it up anxiously and her face turned ashen white when she read: Dear Geneve I have asked your mother, as you suggested, and she was not half as slow as you in accepting me. We are on our way to the parsonage. Be a good girl until we come, home. Your new father, PkRBYVILLS TBC0M8KB. . Genevieve immediately ate the unfinished peach pie and died about ten minutes later. with any offence before. He is of fered employment in Cbioago and it is represented will go at onoe into useful work." YOU A co.m. una fJ0Tf!I2 7 AH YOU EXPECTANT? MOTHER'S FRIEND makes childbirth easy by preparing the system for parturition and thus shortening labor. The painful ordfeal ia robbed of ita terrors, and the danger lessened to both mother and child ; the time of confinement is shortened, the mother rested, ana cnua fully developed, strong and healthy. Morning sickness, or nausea arising from pregnancy, is prevented by its use. As pregnancy advances, the breasts en large, become swollen and hard. Long before the child is born, they are prepar ing for the secretion of milk. It is import ant that they receive early attention. Mother's Friend soltcns tne skin ana facilitates the secretion of Life Fluid. Undeveloped breasts, bard-caked shortly after delivery, are the result of non- treatment, ana lineiy to cuimmaie in Mammary Abscess, from which so many suffer excruciating, pain and are left with these organs permanently impaired. the mtuclet and sinews, thus bnurine comfort and causing an easy isue of the child. Try it. Of druggists i.uo. Our book "Motherhood" free. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO, ATLANTA, CA. "Up ." F L 1 i !L-iAiiU!i : The hot weather is here, and we want to call your at tention to the PEERLESS ICEl.REAM FUEEZtRS, nothing better or more inexpensive for deseit make cream of finest quality, in 3i minute. Our WATER COOLERS are the bet quality for a low price onthe market ail size!, from 2 in 10 gallons. We have a few of the Lawn Swings left, only $4 50 each.' Call and give us your orders for what you need at Lloyd's Hardware Store, Durham, N. G. Two Slokroom winuiip, In a recent lecture on first aid to tut Injured the speaker emphnslzed tws cautions that are so coiunioniy aisre garded as to be well worth repeating In print. The first Is, never rub a per son with liniment that has been put on a flannel cloth, for the roughness of the flannel and the friction on the skin, with the penetrating ingredients of the liniment will easily make an abrasion of the skin, producing a con dition that may take weeks to heal. The Becond warning is that in any con dltlon of unconsciousness the hot ob ject applied, bag, bottle, brick or what ever it may be, must be wrapped In flannel or cloth before it is brought Into contact with the flesh ofthe per son to be treated. A severe burn is often made by a thoughtless attendant' who puts a too hot water bottle next to the skin while the patient Is uncon scious or unable to move away. j IGHICULTliatL IHD lIECHAillCAL COLLEGE. t . INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION : t t - A combLatioa of theory and practice, of book study and man- t I oalwork in En eineerinir. Chemistry. Electricity. Me- 4 chanic Arts and Cotton Manufacturing. Fall courses (4 4 i years). Special Courses (3 mos ) Tuition and room, Jio a term; f m An . m . ...... V ooara, f a a montn. 30 teacners, 390 students, new buildings tor 9 I 500. Write for booklet "A Day at the A. & M. College." X ! President GE0..T. WINSTON, RalelgD, N. C. ! f June!3-Sm T B. N. DUKE, President. JOHN F. WILY, Cashier THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM, N. C. Canital $100,000.00.... ..Surplus $.100000.00 Deposits $800,000.00. ' SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. This branch of our business has gradually grown until we have issued 1,885 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to encourage thrift and economy among our people we receive from $1.00 up and allow interest thereon. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent. This Bank is authorized by its charter to ootaa Guardiao, Executor, Ad mmistrator. Trustee, Aeent. etc. jan26-8m - Employment of Children. Raleigh TimeB: Some of the papers are having something to say just now upon the failure of cotton mili employers to keep their agree, ment not to employ children under twelve years old. .This agreement was made in 1901 when the Legisla. ture was on tba point of enacting legislation on the subject. How ever, there are two sides to this question. A mill president here admits that his mill has a few ohil I t a laren under twelve years, bat savs that he had rather not employ them, for if one should be hurt in the mill it might prove very expensive. Bat in some cases these children are sup porting a widowed mother or some dependent household, and if they are discharged the officials are begged to take them back. In other cases the statement oi the children's age is falsified and it is really' inipossU ble to tell how old they are. . In a fire at Lances ter, Ky. , nine horses in a livery stable were burned to death. Hotel, opera boose and several business houses . were de stroyed, causing a loss of $50,000, with $20,000 insurance. Two thousand candidates have announced for office in South Caro lina, and tbe campaign is nearing its close. Seven Years In Bed. Will wonders everease!" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. PeaBe, of Law rence, Kan. The? knew she bad been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and gen eral debility; but, "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled tne to walk," she writes, "and In three months I felt like a new person." Women suf fering from Headache, Backache, Ner vousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells will find it a priceless blessing. : Try it. Sat isfaction is guaranteed by B. Black mall & Son Only 60o. v I ' 8ubacrib to the. Sim. " In the murder trial of Robert Owen for the killing of Jim Wil kins at Virgilina, tried at Oxford, the jury rendered asverdiot of mur der in the second degree. Judge Mo Neal ientenoed the murderer to five years at first but the foreman and several of the jury in company with Gen. B. S. Royster,the defender's attorney, solicited the Judge and tbe verdict was reduoed to three years imprisonment. Summer complaint is unusual'y prevalent among children this seas on. A well developed case in he writer's family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dyone of the best patent medicines manufactured and which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. This Is not intendelfora free pull for the company, who do not advertise with us, but to benefit little sufferers who may not be with in easy access of a physician. No family should be without a bott'.e of this medicine in the house, especial ly in summer time. Lansing, Iowa, Journal. For sale by W. M. Tear- by. W. H. Horah.of Charlotte, was fined $5 for slapping bis house keeper, Bessie Moore. He admin istered this punishment because she persisted in bugging and kissing a small lap dog. He said he thought he had a right to punish her. Street railroad strikers at Iron ton, Ohio, Sunday dragged non-union men from the ears and roughly hand lea tnem. Heartburn. When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality oo rich, heartburn is likely to follow, and es pecially so if the digestion has. been weakened by constipation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily dig' sttd food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when you feel a full 'less and weight in the region of the stomach after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. F jr sale by- W. M. Tearby. " When you. want a good smoke, and tbe real flavor, try Cuba Real. Men's underwear suits 50o on dollar at A. Max's. the Teaching a Parrot. "There are two ways," said a bird dealer, 'of teaching a parrot to talk. One way la to put him In a darkened room, to sit in a corner and to repeat over and over again the word you want him to acquire. A clever parrot will learn a word or a phrase after some 400 or 500 repetitions, while for some It takes a week or more. Ton must keep still In the room. No sounds from within or without the house save your voice, monotonously repeat ing the phrase to be acquired, must reach the parrot's ear. Some people teach their birds in a well lighted room, speaking from a place of con cealment In a closet or behind a door. This method is not so good, because in the light the parrot's attention is dis tracted." . One of O'Oonnerl'a "Bulla." Some extremely -amusing mistakes have been made by even the most prac ticed speakers in their desire to carry their audience with them. O'Connell once in an election speech in Concilia tion hall told his followers that If measures Injurious to Ireland were brought into parliament he would go over to England and "die on the floor of the house of commons in opposition to them," and when he came back he would say, "Are you for repeal now?" -London Standard. The Same Old Story. J. A.Kelly relates an experierce similar to that which nas happened in almost every neighborhood in the united States and has been told by thousands of others. He says: "Last summer I hai an attack of dysen tery and purchased a battle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I used cccord ing to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than former attacks when I used othei remedies." Mr. Kelly , is a well known citizen of. Henderson, N. C. For sale by W. M. Yearby. When it comes to reduced prices on all lines of goods, A Max can beat the band. He has reduced prices that are reduced . Subscribe to the Sun. ' DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. all kind fof cut, split antick Wood, both oak or cine. Id lama or amull nnantitiaa . i handle nothing but the best grades of Coal. mum yuur uruors uuw Dttiore lue price au vanceg. Very truly, Ben Perry, U Oi i Interstate 'Phones, Ofllce Biff; .Kealdeace Near N. A W. Depot-ocl-tf The WKBKI.Y Sun is only $i a year. From 20 to 23 columns .of live, interesting local,' state and general news each week.' Sub scribe and get wide-awake . Dur ham paper. '. Session ODeus BeDtember 18th. E residents of the State 1160. t'aeult xoenses 1100 to 1140:. for non- t' acuity of thlrtv-three memnera. Practice and Observation Srhnnf rnnnvt1 -with t.ha lnl. THE NORTH CAROLINA fit t i r i " i tt State formal and JnduptriaJ (JoJiecje. Literary Llassical Scientific Commercial Industrial Pedagogical Musical lese. Correspondence is- invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. To secure board In the dormitories, all free-tuition applica tions should be made before July Wth. For catalogue and other Information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. LVIVER, J13-2m . GEEEN9BORO, N C DEI YE THIS WAY! The Durham Tobacco Market. Unsurpassed Facilities lor Handling Farmer's Tobacco. Come on to Durban!. Four large warehouses, with every accommodation for . the convenience and comfort of planters. : ' Drive into Durham. All of our Warehouses are wellllghted, furnished with good quarters for the planter, and good stalls for : Vin c.4..rU IT J 1 : t 3 T 1 uia istuuii.. xicau yuur wagon 10 warns iurnam. Market Better Equipped Than aii - jl uuig 'Ugi. Oar large number of buyers are active and liberal bid- uer; representing minions or uonars, ana reaaiiy ' " take every pound of leaf coming to our market." All leading ' manufacturers represented. Come right on to Durham and enjoy their activity and liberality. - ..-": This is the flftapfcet ;in hichtoSell, Durham is accessible. It is in easy reach of farmers by wagons, and gives them good roads as they come : this way, and exceptional fit e facilities on four : railroads for shipping. Take advantage of " , ' . - it and come to Durham. C2TA little adlct in the Sir yiV c a lona way over lowa aad the covntry - .

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