J o o o "Lest You Forget, We That no one can serve Q on Q " e OOQ i. J. LONG, PHONE468. PEHEflD mW COTOflY, . UUKHAM, IN. CAPITAL AND PROFITS $155,000 00 Q. IS. RAWLS, President. O. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. EX C. We solicit the account of Merchants, Manufacturers, Fhms and Indi viduals, and all business entrusted to us will receive prompt atd accu rate attention, and every facility and accommodation in keeping with the account will be extended. We cordially invite a personal interview jan56m or correspondence. AGRICULTURAL IMP UECHAIilCiL COLLEGE. j t INDUSTRlflL EDU6ATI0N : I A combination of theory and practice, of book study and man ual work in Engineering, Chemistry, Electricity, Me chanic Arts and Cotton Manufacturing. Full courses (4 ytars). Special Courses (3 mos.) Tuition and room, $10 a term; board, 18 a month. 30 teachers, 396 students, new buildings for 500. Write for booklet "A Day at the A. & M. College." board, 18 a month. 30 teachers, I 500. Write for booklet "A Day ! President GEO. T. WINSTON, Raleigh, N. C. ! I ' ' ' 1une23-2m . . f THE NORTH State JSformal and Literarv Session opens i I Classical Scientific Commercial Industrial imiuouioul iiuu abaifo 9iuu. faculty ui WUrDy- Practlce and Observation School connected oo" Musical jl2-2m KEEP KOOL BY EOMING -TO- MONTREAT. HOTEL, MONTREflT. "LAND OF THE BKY," WESTKEN N.O. The most charming spot in all the moun tain at which to spend the heated term Sleep under blankets all summer. New hotel with all modern comforts. Double dally mall, telegraph and telephone, mineral waters. Two miles from Black Mountain Station, Southern Railway. - W. D. PAXTON, Proprietor, mayl-3m Montreal, N. O. Qood printing. P S rom eryice. ZEB-P-COUNCIL, JOB - DURHAM, - PRINTER, NORTH CAROLINA. Keep this In mind, so that when you need Letter Beads, Note Heads, Envelopes. Bill Heads, Statements, Receipt Blanks, Olrcu culars, Posters, or Pamphlets, yon will com municate with me. and your needs will be supplied. You will find my way of doing bualaess satisfactory.; YOUR OBEBS SOLICITED. I STRIVE TO PLEASE. When You want Wood In quantities of from Are, ten, one hundred or two hundred cords, call on - J.L BOWLING, Next to Electric Light House, for prices. He will make mem rignt. r nones interstate 141, Bell 108. Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds fle- ' ' u verea promptly. 6. R. HOUSTON, ' . Mechanical Draughtsman and Builder. Will give estimates on all kinds of work Plans and specifications made on applica tion. Work done on short notice. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. "LockBoxNo. 608. Durham. N.O. 1 - Job Work a Specialty. . seplfl-tfj DR. J. J. THAXTON, DURHAM, N. O. . - With flttv-flve years of experience as ren eral practitioner. His specialties, uucuous memoranes, glands and nerves Females in fiart'cular. Indigestion, bronchitis, serofu nr. pnnstt nation and headache. Secondary and hereditary diseases. Turkish Vapor Baths given. jant-w. -GRAND EXCURSION . TO " - "". MOREHEAD CITY, Monday, August 4tb, 1902. HniithBrn Railway will onerate sneclal train leaving Henderson August 4th, at 7:30 a. m, Oxford at 8:40 a. m., Dtirham 10:15 a. " . . , .. .. . D n.iu m , Kaieign 11:11 a. ui.. emma is.ua p. m.. ar riving at Morebead uity at i:uu p. m. Kouna trip rate from Henderson $3.00, Oxford $3.75, " rtnrhum 12.25. Raleigh t3 00. Selma 11.75. Re turning train will leave Morehead City at 4:00 p. m., August 6th, giving two days and ..A.i.ki. tt.ha aniuihnrn. Pnr fiirt.hor In. formation call on any agent of the Southern Rallwayorwrite. LiVEEioNiTpAi - Charlotte, N. 0. B. H. HARDWIOK. Q. Pi A,. Washington, D.O. o Say it Yet," you in the Wall Paper hand. MURRAY, Cashier. 396 students, new buildings for at the A. & M. College." I CAROLINA Industrial College. September 18th. Expenses $100 to $140; for non of thirty-three members, wun me uoi e Correspondence is Invited from those desiring competent teachers and stenographers. To secure board In the dormitories, alt free-tultlon applica tions should be made before July 15th. For catalogue and other information address PRESIDENT CHARLES D. I.V1VER, GEEENSBORO, N. C. "The most beautb ful school site in all the world." Mountain, climate. Un e luallt d health record An endowed institu tion for Indies. Famous throughout the country for the excellence of its results. Unsurpassed nu.nuinvg IU nil UP partments. Magnificent Uollege of Music. A t-KMiH nrlATlllin,tnha. atn.lnn. Tu'-,.. Regintratlon necessary. Catalogue free. Aaaress: PRESIDENT SIMMONS, - P.O.B0X429 Romk, GA. July9-eod-2m Oreenstoro Female College, Greensboro, N. C. Literary and Business Courses, Schools of Music, Art and Elocution, Literary Course and all Living Expenses $wu.uu per Year. Fall Session Begins September 10th, , 1902. For Catalogue a(ply to LUCY D. ROBERTSON, Jun37-2m-d&w President. TRINITY COLLEGE, DURHAM, N. C., Offers 1S5 graduate and undergraduate cour ses of study. New library facilities, labora tory equipments and gymnasium. Number of students doubled In 8 years. Large num ber of scholarships awarded annually. Loans made to worthy students. Expenses very moderate. For catalogue address, D. 7. 11EWS0M, June28-Un Registrar. MEDICAL SCHOOL DN1YER S1TY OF NORTH C1R0LIHA. FOUR YEARS COURSE. Seven Laboratories. 22 - Instructors. Fall Term begins Septem ber 8, 1902. For information address, f. P. III. Chapel Hill, N. C. junc28-tf The Wbekly Sun is only $i a year. From 20 to 23 columns of liveinteresting local, state and general news each week. Sub: scribe and get a wide-awake pur ham paper. : ' Auk your dealer for Cuba ileal A find 5 cent smoke. HI 's i f 1 LONDAT, AUGUST 11. INDIAN AND BUFFALO. Bow t Latter Timd Hnnter aid Ched the Ked Maa. A retired offlcer of the Northwest mounted police who took part In a Mis souri buffalo run forty years ago de scribes the Impression at the time as of, aa earthquake-. The galloping horses, the rocking mass of fleeing buf falo, the rumbling and quaking of the ground under the thunderous pound ing, were all like a violent earthquake. The same gentleman tells how he once saw a wounded buffalo turn on an In dian hunter. The man's norse took fright Instead of darting sideways to glre him a chance to send a last finish ing shot home the horse became wildly unmanageable and fled. The buff ale pursued. Off they rushed, rider and buffalo, the Indian craning over his horse's heck, the horse blown and fagged and unable to gain one pace ahead of the buffalo, the great angry beast covered with foani, with eyes like fire, pounding and pounding, closer and closer to the horse till rider and buffalo disappeared over the horizon. "To this day I have wondered twhat became of that Indian," said 4he offi cer, "for the horse was losing and the buffalo gaining when they went behind the bluff." This incident illustrates a trait seldom found In wild animals, a persistent vlndictiveness. A. C. Laut In Outing. The Wild Strawberry. The wild strawberry is very- widely diffused over the surface of the earth, being found In the chill regions of the north as well as in the sunny climes of the south. It is not a tropical plants however, and except on mountain Bides Is not found south of latitude 38 de grees north. On the European conti nent-it grows extensively from Lap land and the Shetland isles to Italy and Greece. It is also found throughout western Asia, but Is unknown in China and Japan. It has grown abundantly on the bleak hills of Iceland for cen turies. It Is found In America from Labrador and British Columbia to the pine woods of the southern states and on the high lands of Mexico and the Andes. The hardy plant, with its tiny scarlet berry, may be said to girdle the earth on the line of the polar circle and several hundred miles southward, ex cept that it is not found in the basin of the river Amur, in Siberia. ' Brougham and Mulled Fort. Lord Brougham, who as a member of the house of commons was a most abstemious man, upon his promotion to the peerage acquired less commend able habits. Puring his long and im passioned appeal to the lords to1 re frain from rejecting the reform bill of 1832 "five tumblers of mulled port. with a dash of brandy, were brought to him at intervals.' When he came to his last sentence ("I warn you, I implore you yea, on my bended knee I supplicate you reject not this bill") he knelt on the woolsack, whence he slipped to the floor. It is recorded In the "Lives of the Lord Chancellors" that "he remained gome time as if in prayer, but his friends, alarmed lest he should be suffering from the effects of mulled port, picked him up and placed him safely on the woolsack." r- Attar of Rosea. In trade the rose Is very valuable, "as the attars of India and Persia sell at a very high price, and there are large districts of rose gardens In which men and women are employed, the harvest insnths being March and April. In Turkey also rose farming is largely carried on, and a very line attar Is got from the rose grown in Kashmir. Even rosewater Is a luxury which is by no means to be despised as to price, but the attar of roses Is immensely costly, and It takes an enormous num ber of flowers to distil even a 1 few drops. . The attar is said to have been first discovered by the favorite wife of Jehan Jeer, through whose garden ran a canal of rosewater, on the surface of which the begum found a few drops of the precious attar or oil floating. The Best Liniment for Strata Mr. F. H. Wells, the merchant at Deer Park, Long Island, N.T., says: "I always recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a severe lameness in the side, result ing from a strain, and was greatly pleased with the auick relief and cure it -effected." For sale by W. U Yearby. - General Gobin, in command of the troops in the strike district, sent a platoon of cavalry to rescue woman woo was being persecuted by the strikers. Mike How much farther does the sign say it is to Noo York, Pat gey? Pat Twenty moiles. Mike Well, thot's only tin moiles apiece. Judge. " White Man Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty, of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yellow. Ills skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Teuow Jaundice, lie was treated by the beet doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try, Electric Bitters, tne wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: "Af ter taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney Troubles. Only 50c. Sold by B.Blacknail& Son, Druggists. 8 FCCD AN D TM SEXES. The Male Unman "eel to Eat Mora Than the Female. According to a writer ia tie Lancet, the male human needs more tool than the female not only on account of his larger stature, but also because he Is the more katabolic of the two. The man tends to expend energy and the woman to store it up in the form of fat; he burns the faster. This sexual difference shows Itself In the very blood. The man has a larger percent age of chromocytes than the woman, showing that he needs a proportionate ly larger quantity of oxygen in order to maintain his more active combus tion, a fact which one may associate with his comparative freedom from chlorosis. Moreover, weight for weight, his pulmonary capacity is greater than that of the .woman, whose smaller re spiratory need Is further shown by the facility with which she can without discomfort diminish her breathing power by means of the corset. "The great contrast between the metabolic activity of the two sexes," continues the writer, "was forcibly brought home to me by a military dis play given by a troop of dusky ama zons, with whom were also a few male warriors. The women, In spite of their daily exertions, were all rounded and plump, some very much so, no single muscle showing through the skin, and it was noticed that their movements, though full of grace, lacked energy and 'go.' 'The men, on the other hand, were spare, their muscles standing out plainly under the shiny skin, and they. In further contrast with the women, displayed a truly amazing agility, bounding about and whirling round In a most astounding fashion. The wom en, in short, were essentially anabolic, and the men were katabollc. I may here draw attention to the fact that men are apt to be larger meat eaters than women. Just as they are, possibly in consequence of this very fact, more prone to drink alcohol and to Binoke tobacco." SLEEPING HEROES. UlKhtr Men of the Past That Are Expected to Return. Is there any race that has not its sleeping hero? A correspondent re cently pointed out that the time for the fulfillment of the prophecy that the tenth of Krishna will restore to India her independence is near at hand, and every nation has some such savior to whom the people look. West country rustics still believe that Arthur did not die, but sleeps in Avalon, and that in the hour of Britain's need he will fwake, deliver the land and restore the golden age. In Germany it Is a popular belief that Charles V. will some day wake from his enchanted sleep to reign over Germany, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Belgium and Hol land. Thousands of French peasants hold that Napoleon is only Bleeping and that at some future time he will reappear and rule. And Mr. Newbolt has enshrined the Devon legend that Drake is only listening for the drum.. - The Irish peasantry steadfastly re-, fuse to bel'eve that Mr. ParneH is really dead. They assert that his death was a ruse, that he was an interested spectator of his own funeral and that when the time comes he will emerge from retirement to give Ireland her Independence.- Every true Moslem be lieves that when antichrist appears Mohammed Mohadl will awake and conquer him. A Moorish legend de clares that Bobadil el Chico sleeps spellbound near the Alhambra and that one day he will awake to re-establish the Moors as rulers of Grana da. The Servians look to King Lager, slain by the Turks In 1389, as their final hope, and should Switzerland be again threatened" by tyrants Swiss folklore declares that the three mem bers of the Tell family who are sleep ing at Rutili, near the Vlerwald-Staten-See, will rise from their en chanted slumber and maintain the freedom of the land. London Chroni cle. Bopl Courtship. When a Hopl maiden decides which of the eligible young men of the tribe she wishes to marry, she goes and sits In bis house and grinds' corn until he is sufficiently impressed by her indus try to marry her. After the ceremony, which is an elaborate one, the couple go to live in the wife's house. If she tires of her husband, she can obtain a divorce by merely throwing his saddle out of the house. After marriage the house, fields and all their property except the herds belong to the wife. The Hopls are indulgent parents. The right of the children to do as they please Is never questioned. How a Woman Gets a Seat. "I will tell you how to work it," said a woman, whose figure showed she would be tired by standing, to a com panion' In a Broadway car. "When there Is no vacant seat, watch for two men' who are In conversation and Btand right In front of them. "Each one will want his friend to think he is very polite, so both of them will jump right up and offer their seats. That's the way 1 do, and it nev er fails." New York Herald. An Effectlro War "They say," said the young drama tist, "that I shall have to cut my play down, but I really don't, know where to begin." "Why not Btart at both ends,' his candid friend asked, "and work to ward the middle7" Chicago Record Herald. ; Oppoalta Meanings. "Cleave" is the best Instance of an English word with two opposite mean ings. "Nervous "let" and "propugn' are other Instances. ".T..'.;i 1 1 w w - , t I 'en and women of ute and jui rlc.t go into ecstacies over tl:e woadertui pat terns, text'res antirolors which are "the trait or tae Joom is oce fruit of the loom they rarely con sider, and that is the frail and faded woman, old before her time, because necessity compels her to work under conditions, which send her more favored sister to bed and the doc tor's care. The diseases which weaken ana torment women, may in almost all cases be cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. 1 1 establishes regu larity, dries weak ening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weak ness. "I had female trouble for eight years," write Mrs. L. J. Dennis, of 828 East College Street. Jacksonville, Ills. Words cannot express what I suffered. sought reluf among the medical profession and found none. Friends urged me to try Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. When 1 commenced taking this medicine I weighed ninety-five pounds. Now I weigh one hundred and fiP.y-su pounds more than I ever weighed tn ire. I was so bad I would lie from day to day and long for death to come and relieve my suffering. I ld internal inflammation, a dis agreeable drain, brearing-down pain, and such distress every month, but now I never have a pain do all my own work and am a strong and healthy woman." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be used with " Favorite Prescription when ever a laxative is required. mm V1 1 r. COPVftlGMT THE CONNOISSEUR In "creature comforts" will tell you that our liquors, both spirituous and vlnuous, are the highest standard of excellence. Make "high balls," gin rlukeys aod other mixed drluks to sulttbe most fastidious taste. Our Sue old Greuu River rye whiskey Is a noted brand. Has purity and maturity and the mellowness that gives the social charm, ft 00 a bottle. We carry all the choicest wines, brandies. Kins. ales. Ac. the market affords. Trv h bottle of our Oreeu Klver rye whiskey, the wuiNxey wiuiuuta neaaacne. T. II. SCOGGINS, At the PALACE SALOON. No. 124 CORNER MANGUM & PEA BODY BTS octl-tf Xorfolk and western Schedule In Effect JUNK 8, 1903. DURHAM DIVISION. Daily Ex apt Sunday. P. M. A. M. P. M. A it 1.55 7.00 Lv. Durham Ar. 9 15 935 8 16 7 45 7.2P 7.00 07 8 16 Roxboro 7.48 87 8.45 DenniBton 7.15 .E5 9.12 Ar South Boston 6.65 07 9.26 Houston 6.40 11.45 Ar Lynchburg Lv 4 10 WESTBOUND Leave Lynchburg. . 8:00 a. m. The Washlnirton and nhattanoo- a Limited, for Roanoke, Radford, Bluetleld PociihontAH also for Rocky Mount aud all sta dons on Wlnston-Hftlem Division and all points south and west. Solid vestibule train to Chattanooga and Memphis, Pullman deepen to Memphis and New Orleans. d. m. The Chicago Eidipsh for Roa- uoke, blnefleld, Pocahontas, Kenova, Colura bus and Chicago. Pulln an Buffet sleeper Roanoke to Columbus, also for Radford, B-ls-ol. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga and Intermediate joints. Pullman sleeper Roanoke to Knox- Pullman Bnffet Palace Cars Norfolk and Roanoke. 7 0 a.m. -for Rcanoke Rtdf rd, Bristol, Bl ietleld. Norton, Pochont&s, Welch. 6 00 d. m. Dally for Koanoke and Inter mediate Stations. Trains arrive at Lynchburg dally rroin thr nmt at 1:50 a.m., 8.5(1 a.m. 8:36 p. aud 10.16 p.'in. , JIASTBOUND Leave Lynchburg. 8:15 D. m. Dallv for Farmvllla. Rfohmnnd. Petersburg and Norfolk, arrives Petersburg st 7.66 p. m arriving at Richmond at 8.60 d aa., arrive at Norfolk at 10.40 p m. 26 a m. Arrive Petersburg 8.28 a. m ar rive Richmond 7.85 a. m arrive Norfolk 9. 10 . m. Pullman palace sleeper' between Lynchburg and Richmond. This car wlU be ready at Lynchburg at 0 p. aa. for reception r passengers. 8:66 a.m.-for Farmvllle. Petersburg. Nor folk M Rich it o ad . WIN8TON-ALEM DIVISION. Dally Ex. Bun. E.8un. Daily P. JO. A. M. r. M. A. U 3 00 8.00 Lv. Winston Ar. 9.60 2.00 3 86 4.C9 8.43 9.18 .23 . 10.84 Walnut Cove 9.01 1.21 Madison 8.26 13,48 Mayodan 8.20 13.44 Martinsville 7.(9 11 45 Roanoke Lv. 4.86 9.16 4.18 15 7-49 1.09 Ar, E ASTBOUN D Leave Burkevine4.31a.ru 11 84 a. m. and 6.36 p. m. WKHTBUUHJJ Jjeave unrkevuie us.zo a. m. and 12.C8 noon and 8-46 p. m. All inquiries aa to routes, rates &c, pre mpt It answered. W. B. BEVILL, General Passenger gent, Koanoke, va, M. F. BRAGG, Traveling Passenger i gent, Koanose, va. E. M. 6 RAH AM. Agent, Durham, N. 0. kMM4. CO YEARS' f EXPERIENCE ' V-' Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone senrllng a sketch and deaorlptlrm may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an, iiinnhmi la nmbahlv rmtentahle. Comniuhlrn-' ttona ntrlotly oonUdentlal. Handbook on Patents aent free. Oldest alienor for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn Co. receive rjKcfol notice, without charge, in the v Scientific Jlr.urica A handsomely tllrtstrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any aclentlde toiirnal. Terms, IS a rnr: lour niouiui, b sum oy an neweaeaiar. Branca OtHoe, 836 T St, Washington, D, ' Uut there 1 - SAW SEABOARD AIB LIlvE EAILYTAY. TO ALL POINTS UaBwaj TiAi. a LVi 1 t. I JA. No. til .1 Ei Hob l- i t 6 it) pm 15 2'..-.- saipu. ' --j i-J: T 15 air 6 V HIT. '' I ia I! (i am SlSnm r H -! ir P ri. )i ouil.. r fUitlni ,t:, rj ! r New York. O 1 S Co. m.r V V l . M . i u.T.,yu ub. 9 iv am w Ws! itM. N AW 8 B. 6aam . pvn..)..ivt. 6 ll ain 1 46 pm b. A. L. W H. Ry. P R h. 2pm 6 Maui 6'opm 6 35 a n firm 10 10am 11 : pm 11 Sa am t f4 am 1 36 pm C ' am 4 la pm r lit l.ii,..i.d x V'j.h:nrkon, ar P. !jul',.riia. ,r v. . , aOOTHisOTJHD. Route. No. 241 Ki bun No. St. Ex Sun lv New York, OD.S.S.C0. 8 00 pm JfOns , . N.Y.P.AN. 866pm 766am lv Washington, N.AW.S.B. 0 1 m - n-t our . S U IC.rn 8 60 1 nuuu-ore. bat use e 3 inn - - r v , -Li 1 .u WiJ pm Klhn nnn S. A. L. 9 10 am 1087 pm l: 11 am 11 90 pm 4 00 pm 830 am lv Petersburg, r Lari.auL, .ii-noio i"u M 10 am points, runs an ana Boat reservations made on application. Hpe Jlal schedules prepared ami aiy other In for. tureriui y lurnisnea. uonrecient Wbedulesend low rates to all principal Stun. tt. H. REAMS. Agent. Durham, N. O. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. W ETFECTNOV. 24TH, 1901. TrairjB leave Durham, N. C. 2:30 a. m. No. 11 westbound daily, for GreoDsbor. and points south and west. Connects at Greensboro with No. 8 north for Danville and Hi h mond, and south with Nos 89, 33, and 37, for Salisbury, Charlotte, Co lumbia,8avannahl Chariest jn. Jhck. wnville, Atlanta a d New Orloarjs; Salisbury for Aeheville, Knoxville, Jhatttusooa, Nauhville and other points weut. 3:35 a. -in.. No. 12. pftsthoiino. daily, for Rulevh, Solma and Golda boro. Carries Pullmm, Rinpnor Qrwnsboro to Haleigh. 9:40 a. m., io. 8, eattbt.iiDd, daily, for Raleiffh. Selma nnd GoidM- boro: connects at Belma with At lantic Coast Line north for Wilbou and Rockv Mount, at Gclnhnro fnr Tarboro. and Norfolk. At FWmi for Fayetteville and Florence. y :oua. m., xso. 35, westbound, d uly for Groonsboro and intermftdiRift local points; connects atGreensboio witn u. u.Fast MaU for Danville, Lynchburg, Washington and all points North and West, as also with wo. su Jacksonville to New Ycrk via Richmond. Southern Railway Din ing uars operated on trains Nos. 3(5 and 30. 9:B5a. m., No 16, northbound, lailv for Oxford. LTendernon .Tpffria Kejsvillo tnd Richmond. Fo change of cars between Durham and Rich mond, where close connection is made to all points north. Close connection at Jeffries for Norfolk and Steamboat Lines to WaKhine-ton. Rilr.imnTA New York and Boston. 2:47 p. m.. No. 36 eastbeund. dniiv for Raleigh, Selma. Goldsboro and intermediate stations. 4:43 D. m.. westbound, dailv. for Greensboro and all nointn. ( Vinnwtu at Greensboro for Winston-Sa'em, also with Imoh. 35 and 29 for Salis bury, Charlotte, Columbia, Charles ton, r avannab. Jacksonville. Atlanta and New Orleans; at Salisbury for Asnevuie, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville. Cincinnati and 8t. IjouiB. Connects northbound with No 12 for Richmond. Nos. 38. 34 and 40 for Lynchburg, Charlottes ville, Washington, Raitimore and new xorn. 5:00 D. m.. No. 74. northhnund. ?aily except Suudav. for Oxford. Keysville, Richmond and interme diate stations. Pullmhan and Southern R ilwnv Dining Cars opercted on all (through) Main Line trains. No trouble to an swer questions. -j. u. hardwick, Gen. Paaseniccr rRANK. 8. GANNON, 3d V. P. and wcuccrm luunnKer. O. DU8KNBERY, Ticket Agent. norharn N. C. o.&o. RESORTS ROUTE. And Summer Homes in the Virginias. The most delightful section of the rnnntrw In which to pass the hot summer days. Is In the mountain region of the Virginias, on the line of The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway. n Besides such well known resorts aa the Greenbrier White Sulphur, Virginia Hot Surluffs, Rockbridge Alum, Old Sweet, Sweet Chalybeate, Warm, Healing, Red Sulphur, eaiii ouipuur, uuttu luiermont, uiaay s inn, AlleKhauy, &c, Ac. There are hundreds of country homes In the mountain regions wmc n mime me care 01 summer Doaruers a special business aud where board can be ob tained on niost reasonable terms. The Chesapeake at Ohio Is by man; hours the quickest line from Carolina points to the wesi. ' - I For descriptive pamphlets of the large re sort, 1! hint rated folders containing lists of Bummer Homes, Inns, Ac., address JU. u, rUTTo. A. G. P. A., Richmond. Va. . Sproaiptly procartS, OK HO TE1. Scad model, sketel.. ar photo for true report oa aatnaUbihtr. hok "Hun toObtaiaU.8. aad FominPateaUaadTradt-Marks." JntEI. Fairvst terms err olturad tu larentorf JfATBNT lAWTtU OF Jt TEARS' rSAOTIOX. ? 20.000 PATENTS PHflLuRED THHOUfiH THEM. I All twum auaSdentisl. ttoaad advu. fsilhful lnl. Modortt charms. wuuCe A. SNOW & CO. J MTCNT LAWYERS, Ops. U. 8. Patent Ofllct, WA3IMNGT0H, I Subscribe lor the Sun,