HILL'S CANDIDACY. i i.v; i: z ? u;:i, cf Ui::fn, t iV.egtl Sisf Jrf cf V.Ui Cr. ; .V.tkii lto crrcs. r Milj-Oat Ttu, Ca Delia. itiaiuiiiraaa Poftoffc m wcoaO1 1 tui m2 KttMr, bat tnt-clui riUJ una. DJDoertlc U pollUc. eoMMrrtUT U policy ul tor bom tBtrti Int. aSvartttf rtea dv! know Ob application to offica tm Duit BalMlnt, wart lia IatanUVt 'Fboa r. BU'Pkoaff. j r'h.-j. .Mrtlaiuall But b aaad- 4 la tj u o'clock o aj or mttumHOB ttttlirtUMriiom. i I T yEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13. I That Lonz Island City evange- Democrats, the only one that will hg . I. . ..... , ., . - I l list who threw t lamp at a male toroentor evidently believes in let. . , . . ting bis light ihine before men. Havisq formed t matcn trusi, the organiaera will probably try to prove it is all right on the ground saal t'lat matches are made in heaven. Ix Boston one man was fined (10 'for kicking his horse and another man assessed $5 for kicking his wife. That ratio would be strange if found anywhere else than in Bos ton. - o Tbit have found a skull out in Kansas Citv 35.000 Tears old. It -09 must have been a man's. No wo man would have been bo foolish as to leave any such reoord of her age lying around loose. An extr session of Congress, after the November elections, is among the probabilities of the. near lion of reciprocity wilh Cub. on nisminaana n is tnougm ne win do something along this line. 0 Thk Internal Revenue Commis- ner, Mr. Yerkes, reports the re- ipte of the bureau for the year to L,. oa ..n.' . iiii nr. in . ci ann. a nuui lb nun m ah Mai rt.i i aakAfl Ainvra rno va oei Ka 9)n 1 OflT AO A OK F.m a 1 1 aAn-nna I w 11)l).5.4,i,vu, ... ureen ana mrs. liaurav joner, reia- u wan he,e , Mr Mitohell, ex This is a decrease of $35,003.6V9.17 tives, and his library to Judge W. ' . niii.inn wth h hr from the receipts of last year result-1 ing from the repealing of the war- revenue taxes. The most recent case of a fatal ..r,io. of lh.mrfic.1 frMeroil,, is that of the fourteen-year-old child of Georee Croneberger, New York uidjt, nuiwn TT.0 uu.vu i Aifn mkinh ma. hltfAn no a mrtSnntM and died two day's later from ery- sipelas. The attending physician certified in his report that the mos quito bite was the oause of death. , o To overcome the dangers of our battleships, likely to result from the new shell recently invented, it is Baid the ships will have to be cov ered with thicker plates or armor. How this is to be done without add ing so much weight as to make them unseaworthy and less speedy is tbe problem experts are wrestling with. One suggests the invention of a face hardening prooess for armor, supe rior to that now in, use, as the only solution. 0 Thk building operations of the country during tbe last year involv ed an expenditure of $8,000,000, 000, a gain of one billion over those of the year previous. The value of clay products, mostly brick and tile, were 1120,211,587, a gain of $13, 999.242 over the year 1900. The gain and increase in the brick indus try ia unprecedented, there having been a billion more made in 1901 than in 1900, whilst the price ad vanced from 15.41 to 95.60 per thousand. ' - Thk committee to select a site for the Masonio Temple met in Golds boro Tuesday, but adjourned ' with out reaohing a decision. If Dur ham expects to make a bid, or do anything towards securing the Tern, pie for this city it is time she was making a move. Another meeting of the committee will; be held in Raleigh, but the time has not been set. This handsome temple, which is sura to be built, would be a beau, tiful addition to our city, ' and it is worth looking after and securing.' It would inake .Durham the center of Masonio interests and we are accessi ble to all points for such a gather, ing yearly Let as go down to Raleigh and tee if we cannot induce , its location to be la Durham.' .' ,. o ' Tbe daily t0N w 3 a year, or 25 cents a month, Get the newt every evmlr. cS:e cf Chief Justice cf tte Ssprerse coart ci ioria caruui.. Hii attitude is a very ridiculous one whenteesys te U subject to such 4jtion aa may be taken by ny State convention composed of Democrats. Democrats" indeed! Ai tie Charlotte News says: The Democrat! have already named their candidate. The Democrat! of Mr. nin'g county nave expressed weir i t . . u frt, ai, i ea I n-ii rrL I l J 1 vl 4 I mil. mere dm ireuj Sute convention, composed f be held this year, ana inai conTen- tioahai named a Democrat for the , m.- t .v. c omoe of Chief Justice of the Su- oreme Court. If Mr. liill is altva ,..,. tn ty. nr;,nnir. Wil- Democrat wby did he not lubmU hi . . t0 that , ho will u convcntion and what 1 man who nas a rigni to oe cauea i uemocrai win paruoipaie in ur I Mr. Hill's performance does not reflet rdit nnon him o-r.lled D. it;. .r : ,v interest of Republicanism, and if be is anyooay s canaiaaie mis year ne l will be the candidate of the Repub-1 lican party. Let him tear off the timIc and coma before the D.ODle in i i I his true colors. jiuu,B The will o the late Judge John j r i- irin Gray Bynum has been probated. He lnt ha turned .gainst you Iaaba' I AAA r m DAKnlavanin FfAml - Burke in the Stale Normal and In dustrial College; 1, 000 for a mem- prial window for himself .and wife M De0 leMt. l0oo for Keeping up lot in meoemeiery; tne N. C. Supreme Court Reports to me owe Juiorary poriran ui i h father, Judge J. G. Bynum, to the ?hi' So,ety at .the State tJni- lT m Ini Urn G D !.15'000 tojttr. nd Mrs. . p. - - , - - i -r T ft T I r oynum, jr. Poison a Family A neo named Owen Harris has I UVvU (ftl I vD wvva b vaivm awa nvviuvb in tn nnUon an entire familv. He ins to poison an entire family. Mr 0.ok Tmo.,;. hmily Tbe, all became ill at the table and a I physician was summoned. Mr. Yan loey suspected this negro, so arming IL! 1 1 :.U - U . n L.nl uiujBtjii wiiu b piBiui ug weui iw me i field, arrested him and kept him covered with tne pistol until an om- cer came. The doctor says that the only thing whioh saved the Yanoeys was that tbe negro put so much poison in the coffee that it caused those who drank it to vomit. Tans Green was found on the negro's person. Cures Eczema and Honing Hnnrora Tnrbnacb theBloocl-Co8ts Moth' to Try It. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recognized as a cert in and sure cure for Eczema, Itching Skin, Hu mors. Scabs. Scales, Watery Busters. Pimples, Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, uarbuncies, trickling rain tn the Skin, Old Eating Sores, Ulcers, eto. Botanic Blood Balm taken in ternally, cures the worst and most deep-seated cases by enriching, puri fying and vitalizing the blood, there by giving a healthy b'ood supply to the skin. Botanic Blood Balm is the only cure, to stay cured, for - these awful, annoying skin troubles Other remedies may relieve, but B. B. B. actually cures, heals every sow, and gives tho rich glow of health to the skin. B. B. B builds up. the broken-down body and makes the blood red and nourishing viwu a Jva nuu uvuiwuiuat Over 8000 voluntary testimonials of k p4 TtiA en n vutcauj """""" - B.) Druggist, ' $1. Trial treatment frAA nnAil hv writing UinnA . j r -J o . Ua1m fly A 11. I lAnAaiWA given until cured. .. The schooner John D. Paige, Capt. Foxwell, loaded with salt from New York to Wilmington, N. C, put into - Norfolk yesterday in aisiress, leasing, i ne raige, woion is owned in iNorioiK, win oe par-1 tiaiiy ugnterea ana repaired mere. The American Sugar Refining Company and B. H, Howell, Son fc Company advano tbe prices of soft sugars ten points and that of con fectioners A grade five points. tjfk'..-: .. iota, . : . Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,'! writes Mrs. W. K. Hav ilaud, of Armonk, N. Y., but when all other remedies failed, we saved ber life with Dr. King's' New Dis covery. Our niece, who had Con sumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and today she is perfectly -well Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infalli ble for Coughs and Colds. SOoand $1.00 bottles guaranteed by R. Black nail & Bon. Trial bottles free. 6 Next tnciih ili i-':nz:i c-rt will tear tbe srpejl ia the noted Wilcox carder case. There are now indications ia Wilcox showing eins of real or feigned insanity. The tin abet a City l&r ileel says in part: "Jim" ucox, the alleg ed murderer of Ella Maude Cropsey, has made an enemy of one of his once best friends. Since Wilcox's imprisonment jiiler A. Newbern has spared no eff ort to make his prison me cumiuriawe iur uie uwm- man. Qtrtv.1ir f tarn Ann i!iriT aY- w-n-. i . - iaK ..PvM tJtlkUt VA T bV I a W a w 1 Mr. Newbern, or "Bonney." as he better known, went over to his a : l uouso uu rwunog a ui m.-- 'med to the jail. WUcox is man-upper cell. "Bonney" drew himgelf by banind extended cox reached for a knife and aimed a vicioui blow at the unprotected hand, inflicting an ugly wound upon aha a Ik lailAa'a finnAM Newbern droooed to the floor and demanded an explanation. The prisoner assumed a murderous atti tude and threatened worse were tae opportunity presented Jeed, in inflicting more serious wound. Inside the prison walls an angry argument ensnea oetween me aeeper nd DU Cbwg' Mr. Newborn's re ply wai, in part: "Jim Wilooz, 1 have treated you as a friend. have never once refused - to grant you anything within my power, whn. th'e had of eYery mVin the Now tnat vou Ik no T Kail treat vnn nnat ai T An the othfir -riaoneM and when you hMgIwant t0 be tlyj man to pull ,k. ,'.. hi. j mpriBonment that Wilcox has d is j d hi- marderou8 character, tn' i. T?rtKort Mitnlil1 ialt Lh .&il and sought the cell of the glieged murdereP. Wilcox met him theh' demanded: What in the do bottle, beat a hasty retreat. Later: Since the attack upon the Jail.er Wilcox has made another at- Its S i a J0B? yf was in 3au one aay ia s weea ana vv ucox raaae inreais simi ' g . wUt loking beer bottle. . .... ... - pfQvaient among children this seas on. A well developed case in the writers family was cured last week by the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dyone of the best patent medicines manufactured and which is always kept on hand at the home of ye scribe. This is not intended for free pull for the company, who do not advertise with us, but to benefit little sufferers who may not be with in easy access of a physician. No family should be without a bottle o: this medicine in the house, especial ly in summer time. Lansing, Iowa, Journal. For sale by W. M. Year- by. I uitimann l see you raise your own vegetables. bubordinate--No I simply plant a small garden bo as to keep Puok. the ohiokeni at home. - m a a . a . a-a . a a i ne unignts of rytnias are in convention at San Franoisoo and the E1." are meeting at Salt Lake City Heartburn, When the quantity of food taken is too large or the quality too rich, heartburn is likely to follow, and es pecially so if "the digestion has boon weakened by constipation. Eat I .1.1. j -, a,Ma. J..-.! digeBted food. Masticate the food fhnmiKrhlv Tf. oi-r kvn. Alai. u:r31'' " .. Z uc.".woou W"HU. y I riltmfViA nnrl wAirrht tn t.hn roclnn n1 ' " ' -f- w W.W .mwa. VI that vaii navA MtAn tnn miifth f ab-a one of Chamberlain's Stomach and liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For , sale by w. M Yearby. Small farmers are reported by oar i agricultural expert as in doubt which is the more expensive play ing golf or raising hens. Boston lransonpt. Peter Power, who has been fight ing the northwestern railway merger, has fled to Canada, where he is liv ing under an assumed name. ,f The Bams Old Story. J A. Kelly relates an experie ' o similar to that which has happened in almost every neighborhood in the United States and has been told by thousands of others. He says: "Last summer I had an attack of dysen tery and purchased a bottle of Cham-, berlajn's ColicY Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, which I used accord ing to directions and with entirely satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker, than former attacks when I used other remedies." Mr. Kelly is a well known citizon of Henderson, N. O. For sale by W. M. Yearby. Tfc CfO 3 Fr. I . K r. V Fa Eli, . which pricte fv.r a :: C iTU - , i - . .A i. SS . . . , 1 the slcry jciterdiy to ths crcwa I rinca ci wkh his Germany til qaimlled father- aad cfered lo reaoacce the rank and claim to the threes for love, says to-diy tht Hiss Gladys Deacon, daughter cf the fcte Ed- wsrd Parker Deacon, ho killed a wealthy French clubman, suspected of being his wife's larer, is the ob ject of the prince's aff ections. 1 be Matin adds that Miss Deacon told the prince she would not con sent to a morganatio marriage and if he desired to marry her a fall re ligions and legal ceremony would be necessary. Three days after the American girl's avowal the crown prince gave her a ring which he had sworn to give nobody except his wife, it being a present from his grandmother, the late Empress Fred erick. His Wife But can they prove that you have been dishonest? "No, they can't; but 1 shall have to pay a a aara " . lawyer all 1 nave stolen ta convince them that they cant." Life. In Old Kentucky Basil "Did old Stiller leave his family anything wbenhediedr' Zeke " Yeas, sab, He left a mortgage an' two feuds." Chicago Daily News. A FATAL BLOW baa often been given to the ambition and even health of the man who has had hit Droo- crty his all destroyed by fire without any insurance n&nng oeen piacea upon it. it er man should secure his home b Insur ance, and if It burns down you hare the wherewithal to build again. Insure by all means and your head will rest easy at night. James Soutbgate & Son's. Insurance Agency. Phone 48, Office orer Morehead Banking Co jammmnimfflniimuinmK 1 1 AAA fiflfi 3 Splendid Hard and 3 s Soft Jjurnt lirick. r 5 For sale by r m . ... mm -Maaaaa awaM A 1 f. MfX. 1 TJlUllillillliailllUlUllllllliiK V DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. All kindi of cut, split and stick Wood, both oak or nine. In large or small Quantities. I handle nothing but the best grades of Coal. tsenayour orders now nerore tne price ad vances. Very truly, Ben Perry, Moraan Street. Interstate 'Phones, Office 81S Besldence ill. Near N. ft W, Depot ocl-tf A Drop Of Ink Judiciously applied, may be the means of calling the attention of a good many people to the merits of a par tlcular article or line of goods which you have to sell. We have had many year's experience in applying printing ink. tet us apply some for you on the pages oi a THE SUN. MONTHLY MAGAZINE -A Family library - Th East In Current Litcratera 12 Com lets; Novels Yearly MANY SHORT STORIES AND PAPERS ON TIMELY TOPICS $2.60 fEH YEAR 25 CT. A COPY NO CONTINUED STORIES : ) EVERY NUMBER COMPLETE IN ITSEL The Wkssxy Sun ia only $i a year. From 20 to 23 columns of live, interesting' local,; state and general news, each week, v Sub scribe and get a wideawake Dux ham paper. UPPIfJCOTT S Tie liri:ert bcttle ai farnd fiiliar objects ia rearly very hestic.o. Ttey are the weapons that have tn used for fenerations to f git old Rietisiatisa, and are about as cf ective ia tie tattle with this giant disease as the tlnaderb'-iss of oar fwreiaiers wo-uld b ia modern warfare. Rheumatism is caused ty aa acid, sotr. condition of the blood. It is filled with aend, irritating matter Uiat setes in the joints, muscles and nerves, and liniments and oils nor nothing else applied externally can dislodge these gritty, corrodiegf particles. They were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood. Rubbing witn liniments sometimes rains: but these are only symptoms change of the weather; tie real disease lies deeper, the blood and system are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured until the blood has been purified, and and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise, without charge, all who write about their case, and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism and its treatment - THE Ste jx&ana Sttittttif SItwj. El Uilii HOT WEATHER The hot weather is here, and we want to call your at tention to the PEERLESS ICE CREABl FREEZERS, nothing better or more inexpensive for desert makes cream of finest quality in 3& minutes. Our WATER COOLERS are the best quality for a low Drice on the market all sizes, from 2 to "10 gallons. We have a few of the Lawn Swings left, only $4.50 each. Call and give us your orders for what you need at Lloyd's Hatdulare Durham; N G. B. N. DUES, President. JOHN P. WILY, Cashier THE, FIDBLIT Y BfVNK DURHAM. N. C Canital $100,000.00. . Deposits This branch of our business has gradually grown until we have issued 1,885 SAVINGS BOOKS. In order to enco&sage thrift and economy anions- our people we receive from $1.00 up and allow interest thereon. 8afety Deposit Boxes for rent. This Bank is authorized by its charter to act as Guardian, Executor, Ad-, mmistrator. Trustee, Agent, eto. - ' " .' jan25-8m : DEIVE THIS WAT1 The Durham Tobacco Unsurpassed Facilities lor Come on Four large warehouses, with every accommodation for the convenience and comfort of planters. -Drive into Durham. All of our Warehouses are well lighted, furnished with good quarters for the planter, and good stalls for his stock. Head your wagon towards Durham. - Market Better Equipped Than iii Years Past. Our large number of buyers are active and liberal bid ders; representing millions of dollars, and readily take every pound of leaf coming to our market, w All leading manufacturers represented. Come right on to Durham and enjoy . : ? -their activity and liberality. . This is the SftfhicfVLoSen. Durham is accessible. It I by wagons, and gives them good roads as they come . this way, and exceptional fine facilities -on four railroads for shipping. Take advantage of it and come to Durham. The capital is here waiting nave only to bring your tobacco to Durham to . . get it. ' - r - PRICES BEST IN THE STATE str!p are relieve temporarily tne acnea ana which are liable to return with every no remedy does this so thoroughly OI ilea, 5ironjJ UIOOU ig UK aua.icu yo-i uj, nuivu dissolves and washes out all foreign materials, and the sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains. S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral, but ia a oerfect vegetable blood purifier and most SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atiaata, ta, I Store, Surplus $,100000.00 $800,000.00. - Handling Farmer's Toljacdo. to Durbam. . Bflapket in is in ' easy reach of farmerff for your tobacco, and you mm iliia Market

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