j i A ESTABLISHED, DUEIIAir, IT. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEE 4, 1C02. VOLUME 27-HTJJIFEE 9 - A I Ollxili isx5ata rasj. V . .He, A BROWNIE PICTURE Taken With a $1 KODAK NO. 2 BROWNIE, $2.00, AT YEARBY S DRUG STORE. - SCHOOL SUPPLIES 1st. and 2nd grade ppecial tablets as instruped by -the Superintendent. Best pen and pencil tablets, composition books, lastes, pens and "pencils, inks. pen holders, pencil boxes TO GO TO RALEIGH. Dr. Tyree Rev. $25,000,000 ON HATS. A REMARKABLE MAN. r. 2 1. . Yl.. I 1 nai m la. 9Uin ,11 luiiis i . m a i s. . ia "ere- I New York. Sent. 3. Twentv LT. T. v. uo Sr. m nn ! n in tn h tnpnt nn aerea nis resignation as pwur ui millinery ! the First Baptist church, m this city, to take effect the 1st of No vember. The announcement of Dr. Tyree's resignation waa made at the prayer meeting services on Wednes day ni-ht. Dr. Tyree accepts the call extena- A. Duhf, of Raleigh, Can 11 ears Things White He is Asleep. There's a fellow in Raleigh by the name of Dughi A. Dughi, to be correct that is a most remarka ble man. He is very popular, in- fagjj I deed so much so that people all over tne estate, wnenever tbey have a fashionable function consult Dughi, and the result is that Dughi's unique ly faghioned ice creams are served, and . Dughi gets up the menu, (be tween me and you) and is generally there to serve it himself. He's re- This is the sum the milliners now in JNew- York trora all over toe United States will put into ionable domestic and imported headgear. 1 here are 15,000 of these milli- npra vhn visit Nw Ynrl rinrincr the ed to him by tbe -First Bjpust fall buying season, are they are ar church of Raleigh, and wll go there. riying every day in 8hoaU Since the death of Dr. A. A. Ma"- tk m;u;na.n .,..ann u.i. tnnr shall, that church has been without monthi and th twenty.eight large markabIe in thia respect-a remark- i pastor. wholesale and lobbing houses which It will be with the deepest regret .PP to that tra(le .verao,e . busi- that the members of the First Bap- npaa nf npa,i ii onn.ooo P.h. list ohurch, of this city, and those Most of the buyers are women, of other denominations as well, are for tbe majority of Western houses to give him up. Ten years of earn- h reacbed lhe conclusion that a est, faithful, conscientious work in mere man doesnt tD0W mucn aDOUt the service of the Master in our h . R t view the new midst, has g-eatly endeared him to creatjon9 with an arli8t8 eye. Every season brings with it many novelties, for nothing is more changeable than woman's taste in hats. So each buyer puts in a couple of weeks looking over the stock. Then comes the final selection. the people. During his pastorate the church has had a wonderful growth and power for good; the church building remodeled and greatly improved, and many other things could be mentioned. While all hate for him to leave, there is no one but what hopes that God's richest blessings will rest uv on him in his new field of labor and throughout life. Just who will suoceed Dr. Tyree as pastor is not known. The church will look about and endeavor to se cure a pastor by November 1st. "The Lonely Widow " The "Lonely Widow," a new musical farce comedy, has been booked to appear at the ' Opera House in this city Sept. 5th, and judging from the flattering press notices the company has been re ceiving in the towns in whioh they have played, the publio will have an opportunity of witnessing one of the best performances of its kind on the road this year. A clearly defined ble caterer. Not many moons aback, a gentle man was in conversation with Mr. Dughi, who had hadja long day of labor in his fruitry and lunch empo rium. It was late in the night. This gentleman was telling Mr. Dughi quite a lengthy and amusing story. When about half through he discovered that Mr. Dughi was fast asleep. He told the story to the end. Dughi slept the faster and Bounder. Finally he left. Dughi still slept good sound sleeping ; no fooling. The next morning Mr. Dughi told hi. friend the whole story, from be ginning to end. How is that for hearing in your sleep ? But Dughi is an active man whether awake or asleep. Have Just Received. Two cars celebrated Jellico Lump Coal. Lay in your supply before the rise comes. W. L. Wall, Inter state 'Phone 315. s2-lf. WMWNDS: Returned Home. Rev. T. R. Troy, the oity mis- sionary, has returned to jjurnam and. resumed his work, after a ... .. . . month's vacation, pleasantly spent Diot riing throughout thn nlav and in Greenboro, and Liberty, N. C. wjtn the musical specialties, that VVVil In in Grponsboro the benefi-1 ... a xa ,i j m i . -1 I I o luiciBiicioou, uruviuus auu CVEU- and manv useful tinners for I cent influences of his services were 1; t invoked, and he was instrumental ment The singing and dancincbv II ar KoOK ,ist in reconciling the estrangement be- momK. s. t w n - - - a. ? nil j i.a lit. i n ifi i:im iiimi i mil w ir ha iii mi tween two fallen young women and especially fine and fire and sur- IS Now K Cady . t.hiir familips. Thev were rescued .: i vr:n. v : ' ' J JV v I j i ueumio uauuu uy ijxmc. irsuviuo , one from jail and have now started tbe Baby Blossom is a most marve- Illl ana Uet UnC out to live better lives with their h.,0 k I Your trade card and book list will sbo I - - - I l It ml I W A h Ik irft hul one to give them a helping hand to and wlD dancer on the American raise them up, and Mr. 1 roy hear- fitaB,. aDDears in sinmner and dano- ingot it went to their rescue, hko in specialties, as do the eminent the life-saving mariner wbed one is comedians. Messrs James Mackin drowning. He .threw out the life and joe Vance. ropes. I Secure vour seats earlv in order Mr. Troy's services are constantly t0 eniov one of tne heartiest lauchs !- I 11 a1 fit anA fliata ia nn man H7t I . it n I o v " v i nr tne Rpaann. i hiiai nrmpR win i - . -m. m mm know of who is doing a more blessed prevaii. geats on sale at Vauhan's; IQ tu6 JT U DllC I wuri. SCHOOLUSE J HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. - 'Phone 412. I I v w HUM WW V II11UI .AUIV1V1VUI AUOO- It 1 mi i . J I Kinspeopie. iney OUiy wameu sume ter Commodore, the youngest buck a special tablet made for the 1st and 2nd Error In book list, 4th grade, should be Fry's Primary Geography, 60 cts, Instead of Maury's Eleinentarv. Hmembr school books are strictly cash. We will exchange for a limited number of second-hand books that are stamped on the list, If in good couulllon C. ANDERSON CO. DUK11A.M, N. O. S Smokes Fre, Miia man Kragraat, liuru.n l all tiller DUfiVANA 5c. DURVANA 5c- RVAWA 5c. DURVANA 5C. DURVANA Smoke Oat And Y a Will Want Another Acinar Which Taste di1 t'barta the Smuker. DURVANA CIGAR COMPANY, DURHAM. N. C. THIS WEEK ONLY. To close outbalance of our medium weight bjack and blue Serges and Worsteds, also a few Fancy Mixtures left, we will offer a special line FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, for the low price of $7.50. The styles are represented in our window. These are the greatest inducements we have yet offered our customers. Save money and don't miss this chance. Lambe 8c Lyon, ONE PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS. New Fall styles in every department arriving daily. WE DESIRE TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION -TO OUR LINK OF- COOK STOVES and RANGES. 'Farmer Girl" can not be We have three lines of Cook Stoves. The excelled. The Iloyt Steel Range is the best we have seen. TfYLOR 6c PH1PPS. Rev. J. W. Jenkins Married. Hog Pens In Evidence. Raleigh News and Observer : The Tbe sly is very much tbe s'yle in marriage of Rev. Dr. J. W. Jen- some portions of Durham. The log kins, Superintendent of tbe Metho- pen question will not dowL. Com- diet Orphanage, in Raleigh, and We are ready now to fur nish the public with the best grades of flour. We are in the milling business MID-SUMMER SALES. n order to make room for our Fall stock ot Shoes, we propose to make it to the interest of the buyer by selling him Summer Footwear at CUT prices. See prices and see if you can not save some money. 85 cents. 11.00. ON plaints come to the Sun abont then Miss Mattie Atwater, matron of the tor thepurpose 01 Supplying as strong the odor of the pens them- Orphanage, took place yesterday af- this community with the selves. In the western pa"t of the ternoon at 5 o'clopk at the Orpanage. nest ?rade of flour and if city one man says that in hot we tb- The ceremony was performed by m Uow ug to do SO, er, and espccia'ly hot nights, he has Rev. D. T. N . Ivy, editor of the , q11 on jOQvnv n ni ' Misses Patent Leather Sandals, were $1 50, now Misses Vlcl Kid patent tip Sandals, were $1 50. now Misses Tan Slippers, were 11.50, now Women's India Kid Oxfords, Women's Dongola Oxfords, Women's Patent Vamp Sandals, Men's Vlcl lace and gaiter Shoes, were $3.50, now Men's Satin Calf Shoes. Men's Tan Shoes, were $3.50, now Men's Tan Shoes, were $5.00, now I T 1 1 n J n i nl Art nn tn 1n down everv one of his win- Nnrth Carolina Christian Advocate. WC Smill CUUCttVUi tu yictioc NAIL THESE BARGAINS SIGHT. Don't fail to secure something I rOni ID IB BIOCK OI I u uivoo uvvtu cicij vuo v i uuim vai vii-ua vui lavinu t vuni.C) i . . in wws PiTRwramwfifl dowa in oraer to bieatbe Willout The bride is a native of Chatham lYOU in eveiy pal lituiai. XU- AM i- Kf J 1U11 --f I " ----- - I w - There will be sorrow in your being stifled with most horra odo s. county, and possesses many virtues At COnSlQeraDie expense pocket if you do. A citizens. says if some aot'on is not that endear her to friends, and the we have equipped the best . . i . l a l- i u i . r r 4 1 i . ! i ... . This is tbe season of change here. iaen to relieve peopie, wui mey gioom is one oi me uesi kuowu m: in the BOUtb and We jj-.ng obiore tDings are oui or BiyieipciHiov i iaiug uwj w mcu m iuo iuoiuuudi vuuiucu. i r .i a. J .. . I n sil nun nt hii hmikO Hiiii rr I A IhO I Ilia nnAFNAtirt an1 nnnwinAi nrswlr haa ueioro mere a lime 10 lutruuwutji wiwdo up u-o mu"o v I AI cucigwu uu uuuuug nwia ud i , - , , -i ; Yinaf Ka nhnntfv .n live with AniiiroL lfta p.niitrihiit.fld larorolv tn thfi nrnhan- lU XlltJ lliailveu T c I1U.VC tucui iu ouuio taoto 1 1 j v j . ijuudv i J - " i O unnt of stonk." Fll things are is a prettv bad s.ate of ao- s. it knocking for admittance and sum- certainly does call for re'e( fo ibe mer things must be people who a e housed ud ner.r bese I Pointing Cannon at Us. . I . . 1 . TJ I t-ii T ri. m . 1 CIJUAKEL) OU T pests to tne oi.acto-ifs. ve re tvaieign rost: oione irom tne unceremoniously. Little prices are asked to beseech the Ake-men to do granite quarry near the oity is now doing tbe work quicklv. something for those am clHd by I being cut for mounting the two TMinotAn Unvnichinff Pa meir Deiguoor s pigpeus, aouas u e uarge cannon on euner Biae os tue .lOllllMIIII t ill IIIMIillif LU. Sitw (iaViinoa for all." tat, hnnn ihav OcnfoAorato mnnnmont. Thn fnna " - o i - -rr" j i ft I vui ui aiivxo aic x ccmooi will pay attention to tbis reqnedi. will point west, and a Wag said yes-1 w;fV. he fiffure -of General We sell good Trunks, Dress Suit Cases, Telescopes, &c, at very close prices. Call and see us. Burch-Gorman Company. MONEY SAVERS. to the omhan- in tne marKet. " I II 14 I 1 an up-to-aate ai miiiert and now there is nothing lacking but your patronage to make the enterprise a success, and we hope to merit this. Confederate monument. The guns Onr hrands are Peerless FREE SHOW AT A. WILSON'S ' ;-new- ClotMnff and Shoe Store. Lee. mounted on his S. D. Olive, who is ruuning as a ham or Greensboro may have in the famous war horse iravei- matter of removing the state house. On a Week's Vacation. 107 East Main Street. High Grade Goods. Big Bargain Prices. newsboy on the Phnt System be tween Savannah and Jacksonville, is in Durham on a vacation for about a week. "Dutch," a be - is famil larlv called, is one of tbe best in that lite of - business that can found." ' Latest Style Suits, $2.50 up. Worsted Pants. 75 cents up. corn soles, $2.50, worth $3.50. cents up. Hard Finished Klimax Shoes, Fine Shirts, 25 If jou want to save money and get good goods, call at A. Wilson's New Store 107 East Main St., Durham, N. 0. augl8-lm The Pall Bearers. The pall bearers, attending the funeral of young John M. Shields, be yesterday afternoon were II. Brown, VY. II. Bradshon, I. N. Dav, W. T. Blackwell, J. R. Blackwell; J. Telephone Line to Harnett. A. Woodall. Revs. Cunninggim and The Erwin Cotton - M'lls Com- Thompson conducted the services pany has been granted tbe right of from the home of bis father, J. II. way to put np telepnone poles on Shields. any of the roads leading south from Durham, lhe company will run ler. And Banner, with the Confederate nag as our trade mark. In our judg ment the two brands repre sent the best in flour mak iner. Our up-to-date corn meal is like our flour, we think the best. Every grain of the corn J. II. Jordon, fugitive fromVir- :a Wmifrhlv sonnred be their private telephone to t.eir new gna wanted ou a cbarge of murder, f rounA then the m latSmi ev's Fa s. in Harnett was apprenendea in naraiet on r 1 . nD . . oountv. Tuesday by deteolive A. C. Felts. W. JU WALL, . biALiB nr. ' WOOD AND COAL. Can stipply wood Jn any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. Tntsrstate Phon M. Jub-W For Sale. One nice four year old two milch oows. Apply Houston. mare and to B. R. s21w,. He did not submit to arrest and was probably aiming to shoot the detec tive when the latter fired sending a ball through his chest. His con dition is critical. She Didn't Wear a Mask. But her beauty was completely bidden by sores, blotches and pimples till she used buckien's Arnica Baive. Th wwttirLY Sun is only Si a Then they vanished as will all Erup- . . 1 1 Wanai. . Raiwo , Unila TTIoAra 1 nrrttn nr rn 21 cmamna ui viuuo. -"-'"j . .... .. -1-- j I rwhnnnlfw Anrl Fnionfl from its uflfl. Infallible for Cuts, Corns, Bums, live, ' Infallible for Cuts, Corns, Bums, Decorated Iron Stone general news Scalds and Piles. Cure guaranteed. Dishes, 10c. 3, 5 and 10 Cent scribe anogwa wiuc-yy.B m- m &t R Blacknall & Son's. - S Store, opposite Yearby's drug store. meal is all purified after it is ground. TVe are in the market, we hope and be eve with the best in our and on this basis ask the patronage of this corn- Meat Dishes, all sizes, at factory I munitv. prices. 3, 5 and 10 Cent store. Hoping to have the good Two car loads best patent Flour fortune 01 Winning, and just received at A. Max's. $4.50 keening your favor we re- per barrel. , main Very Truly Yours, Dickie carrolina Roller Mill Co A. M. CARH, Manager. H0 cents. 60 cents. $1.00. 1 75 cents. $1.50. $1.00 and $1.25. $150. $2.00. THEY HAVE ARRIVED. Knox and Stetson Hats. New Fall Styles. All shapes and colors. We will be glad to have you drop in examine the stock and get your hat for the Fall. GREAT REDUCTIONS. All Summer Clothing and Underwear will be closed out at an enticing discount. We have the best and the prices are light, iweryttung a gentleman needs in Furnishings we can supply. "SOLE AGENTS FOR KNOX II ATS." A. SLATER COMPANY, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. W. THE ROYAL ELASTIC FELT MATTRESS Is filled with cotton pure, clean, white, long staple cotton, cotton knit into layers by a process that makes it permanently elastic and durable. Cotton does not get wormy. Hair does. Cotton is free from all germs. No one can tell what killed the hog that growed the cheap hair. We have sold the best hair mattresses now in use in Durham and will still set the best hair mattress for any customer who wants one and will pay the price. A good nair mattress maices a gooa oeu anu seas wr $25.00 to $35.00. A hair mattress at $1250 should be . looked Into before bought and should be accompanied by a health certificate. The Royal Felt Mattress At $12.50 Is guaranteed to la3t longer without packing or lumping than any 150.00 hair mattress ever made. This guarantee will be backed up by a cash deposit. Sleep on a Royal Elastic Felt '30 nights. Your money refunded after that time if you want it. The Koyall & Borden Go. mar87-tl "' ' I'M'. .!

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