uj kW.ik.wi rJ Cae moal. M cenl. Cn Ttr, TS m TJ, Cat Dcllkr. BatiraJ at vaa rarkkm PoftcSc u ecc4 duiEd Btmi, bat tim:ui hCii an. D iaocratic U politic cotsaerrttlT la poiscj ut tor horn lateresta trsi. 4.3vrtisnf ralea made kiova ua application .toofllcal Duka Bniidln, Wast Mil rt. UMifUM 'Phoaa 17. Ball 'Phom IT. BT" Change of ad vartlaementa nut ba tJ ' J in fej 11 o'clock on day of publlcatioa tolnsira tnaartioa. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. Thk keynotes now sounding indi cate seme lively campaign music for the democrats, and an all "rag time'' programme for the republicans, o Mb and Mrs. O. Y. Stib, with all the little oysters, have arrived in Durham, and yet do new bivalve jokes have been sprung to get them into a etew. o Thb Raleigh Times and the Hen derson Gold Leaf have said kind things about Durham and the Dce ham Daily Sux. Brethren, accept our thanks. o Once in a while we read of the 'Populists." Will some student of ancient history kindly tell us who they were, where they lived, and - what they did ? o Small talk is the loose change of conversation. Intellectual capital lata seldom have much of it, but then they are not as financial capitalists. common as Durham will not bave the pleasure of a visit, or seeing the President in her gates, when he visits North Carolina, but she wishes him mighty well while he is in the State. o It is announced that a Connecli cut man is going to spend his honey moon in a balloon. This is foolish ness. Like the rest of us he will have to come back to terra firma a- gain. o A St. Louis library has ordered the novels of one of the young worn en of that town burned. If the price of coal keeps going up we may have to burn a few novels ourselves this Winter. 9 Wb are glad to see that W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr. , is going to confine his high speed experiments to bis railroad. We recommend that all automobile fiends buy a railroad and follow his example. o Mb. Bbvan says that Representa tive Babcock has crawled so far into his hole on the tariff question that only the tips of his ears are visible Mr. Bryan bis a very comprehen sive way of putting things. . . Judging from the force and vigor of some of President Roosevelt's re cent utterances he must bave been nourishing bis mind on some such strong food as Baxter's Saints' Rest or Johnson's Commentaries. o And - Monroe Rogers arrived in Durham safely, ' and is safe in the jail 1 And Durham is as calm as - May morning ! You don't say so Tell it to Governor Crane, and pub lisb it in Brocton and Boston. ' o . . It is said that Hon. Thomas 'Bracket Reed will not make any political speeches this fall. He has been out of politics so long that it is feared he might not talk to the ' point, but speak out and say just what he thought. A German scientist suggests that inaemuch as mosquitoes are the prey of dragon-flies and as they avoid that insect, the bodies of dead dragon . flies be hung up as scare crows or , scare mosquitoes. Now go out and catch dragon-flies. ' o - Mow that tbe Peter Power suit against the Northern Securities r Company has "petered out" it is announced that another suit will be filed to serve tbe same purpose. We wonder what tbe name of the new "straw plaintiff will be. '.r a " ' , Scientists bave traced tbe Gyp. eies back through Europe into Egypt, thence ioto Syria and as far as Western Hindustan. It now seems certain that they are descend- 1 fr;a tie Ji:;, ere cf lie CI t! afxsr Ohio citizens ia Washing ton, toldicg lacritive Governmect positions, have declared themselves as ia favor of the present incumbent as the nominee in 1904, and if any thing should happeB and Hon. Mark Hanna should loom np they wf uld hare to take the back track or swear that they did not know it was loaded. Col. John A. Jotcb and Mrs. Ella Wheeler Wilcox are still quar reling over the authorship of "Laugh and the World Laughs with You," Our knowledge of poetry is rather imited, but we prefer to read it to quarreling over its authorship. Per haps Bacon wrote Shakespeare's plays and Col. Joyce wrote the poem referred to, but as to the lat ter we have very little sympathy with a twenty year squabble over a stick of peppermint candy. o Thb fact that the President and his Cabinet will take the stump this fall, possibly with two exceptions men .who can't make a speech is commended by the republicans and condemned by the democrats. The former says it is "going back to the good old times," and the latter that "it is undignified." The "opposi tion" are harsh enough to say that the Cabinet have been "ordered" out and must obey or resign, and the "opposition" very generally tells the truth. Farmers and Good Roads. In all states that have given state aid for roads, the farmers at first opposed it, but at the present time they are loudest in their demands tor improvement oi tne roads, as they appreciate that they are really benefitted the most because they are continually using the roads in hauling their products to maTket, winch they can do at all seasons of the year over a good road. The saving made to farmers in States where they have good roads is enor-'l mous. 1 he greater portion of the cost of state aid, of course, has to be borne by the cities on account of the greater valuation. l be lowest estimate of the cost of the bad roads tax, that of Prof. Latta, of Perdue University, collat- edfrom the certified experience of practical tarmers in 40 counties of the State of Indiana, amonnta tn 11 cents per aore annually, of fifty dol- lars per square miles of faim area in the United States; $500,000,000, or three times the cost of all tbe common schools in the country, are thus wasted. No Place for Small Boys. Scotland Neck Commonwealth: One has only to make observation! about railroad depots, postoffioes, and other places where the floatingorowds collect, to find explanation for cigar - ette smoking, profanity and general ill behavior amongst the small boys of the t.nwnn and villacrea Tt in on appalling contemplation that small ' - me,. AO B.U. boys of tender age are allowed in some nlaoes to collect almost in droves around such places to listen to the ronch and noir inU hear the profanity of men who en- gage in such talk. The Dlace for guoh boys, black and white, is ai home engaged m some sort of em- . ployment, or harmless play. It is a great mistake on the part of parents . JO B al w. uigui, nuu men guiug ui will unumes sets tnem on a downward course that is hard to check in the auer years. P, , " An Sloping Preacher. Asbeville Citizens: There was a runaway marriage at Monroe vester A u - -a I 'V,!"H1"',ie wwegroom . was a virffinia preaoner ana tbe bride I . I io. a. x. AviuuaruBon ana MISS O a T 13 D!L.. J mar I Maggie iiyrd. About a month ao Miss Byrd and her preacher friend ran away to be married, but were overtaken at Wadesboro by an irate parent and Miss Byrd was taken away from her lover and carried baok borne. Last night she met Uiohardson here and this time the carefully planned elopment'was suc cessful. , A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery why women endure EtacEacne, ueaaacne, XMervousnesa Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Faiatira ana uizzy opens wnen thousands have proved thatElectri : Bitters wil quickly cure such troubl8 I mt fered for years with Mdney trouble," writes Mrs Phobo Thrley, 0f Peter on, la., "ana a 'a me back pained ma an T r,.f v.... iic's whoMv' and, although 73 years oU. I now am able to do all my housework." t overcomes Constipation; imorovea Appetite, gives perfect health. Only BQq at R. Blacknall & Son'n nn Store. . 8 NEW PAFI.l CHARITY. One That Va.iil to Tsll lis Trn:i la Oct Charlotte News: An exeisr e is responsible for the story that a wes tern weekly recently announced that for jast one i-sae it would lay aside all foibles and tell the rlain. un varnished truth in both its editorial and local columns. The exchange faila to give the name of the paper Dot prints an item which it claims to have reproduced from the paper that was suddenly afflicted with a desire to tell the truth. Here ia the item: "Married Miss Sylvia Smith to Mr. Jas. Carnahan last Satur day, at the Baptist parsonage. - The bride is a very ordinary cm about town who doesn't know ' any more than a rabbit about cooking, and never helped her poor mother three days in her life. She is not a beauty by a long shot, and has a gait like a fat duck. The groom is known as an up to date loafer and has been living off bis mother all his life, and don't amount to anything nohow. They will have a tougb time of it, and we withhold congratulations, for we don't believe any good can come from such a. marriage." Along the same line, the Albany Ledger, a country newspaper of Missouri, makes tbe plain, if in elegant, observation that: "It sounds a thundering sight bigger to say Mr. So and So accepted a position than' to say he nearly ran his legs off and told forty lies to get it." Among the Schools. There are now registered at Wake Forest College 243 students. This is a fine number for the opening. The number of students of tbe A. & M. College is now 455, more than half a hundred more than President Winston expeoted this month. The prospects for the opening of St. Mary's is very bright and Rev. T. D. Bratton is having things put in shape for the reception of the students. Prinoipal John E. Ray, of the Institution for the Blind, expects the largest opening in the history of the institution. Although the work will not begin before September 17th, applications from 92 students have already been received. It is expeoted that there will be 300 the first day, and that the total enroll ment will reach about 370. Political Dots. Tit A Ninth flnnorrnasinnal dist.rint. republican convention, at Hickory "hnnHoir nnm nitiul dan K llioo K Mecklenburg, for Congress by uuiaiuawun. Kepublicans at Salisbury nomi nate A L- C00'8 for jadge and J R' McC!ary of Lexington for solici tor. Only seventeen delegates were present. In Craven O. H. Guion was nomi nated for the legislature; William Watson was renominated for clerk, and D. L. Roberts for treasurer. The fight between E. M. Green, the present register of deeds, and George B. Waters, his opponent, was very olose, Waters winning by only one 1 vote. Harmony prevails among the democrats. I Robeson county democrats nomi- I natffnr tho Sonata 1ant T Mo Bryde, for House. Geo. H. Hall and w . " X MVUWVI SW. A . E. J. Britt. I Annual Excursion to Norfolk on Sentemhtr 9th. The Southern Railwav will odV ate BDecial excursion train to Nor. folk, Sept. 9th. leaving Charlotte at I " CD - 6 25 P. M., arriving in Norfolk at 7.30 A. M., Sept. 10th. Returning leaving Norfolk, Va., Sept. 11th. , . . .rp.Ug .wu uj0 uu I " uiguw iu iuib uiagUlUU eu I Vliy I I oy tne sea. rne rates from Dorham to Norfolk and return will be $2.60. mis is a rare opportunity to visit Norfolk, Old Point Comfort and Virerinia Beaoh. SnUl colored neonle. Tinknta ah nil 111 ha a x . 1 "r- tot further information call on ' r ..vtm purohased from Station Agents. Rnwan niioonK t;.w a-.. - w"uu vva f A IVBOI - an 12 Gil It I "Did be set married?" "Not 'get,' was,' she and her mother ar- ranged it." Detroit Free Press. 'Phone 361 Coleman., the Printer a22-tf. "How do you know the Dhoto- graph flatters her? You haven t seen it, have you?" "Of course not, but SK nine Post. RHEUMATISM CURED MA DAI. ' "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures In i to 3 days. Its action uoon the sva- tem Is remarkable 'and mysterious. it removes V w "k c me CBDSC auU iU! u. F? penetts..- 75 cents. Sold by Hacknev Bros., Orugglsts, Durham. Best 10 and 120. Lawn at 6c, at K tFKUr f ACIi IN CLAf s. A w .nst:oa that 'is Eve., In? Ken tucky. A di va'.ch from Greenup, Kx., says: The recrle on the riir-e be- tween Scbultz and White Oik creek are having a sensation. In aa iso lated log cabin, which for several years has been uninhabited, is to be ween, according to tbe testimony of responsible men and women, a phenomenon never before known in this locality In the past week hundreds bave visited the cabin in daj light and all testify that they have. seen pictnres of departed ones appear in a glass which hangs npon tbe wall as plainly as they ever saw them, in life. As a result the excitement in the neigh borhood is intense and people are coming from miles around to see the strange sight. It appears to be a panoramio ar rangement, for the picture of one person will appear and remain for a few minutes, when is will fade slowly away and another will appear. Among those whose faces bave been recognized are James Rowland, Mrs. Jonas Harr,Mrs. Jennie Glenn, and Mrs. Ella Lee. Some of the visitors to the cabin have tried to engage the spirit pictures in conver sation, but without avail. "Helen said she was tired of having people agree with her about everything. "Well, she's just broken off her engagement with Jack. They had a little disagree ment. Detroit Free Press". Cures Eeasewa and Itching Hut ore Through the Blood Costs Noth to Try It. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) is now recognized as a cert in and sure cure for Eczema, Itching Skin, Bu mors, Scabs, Scales, Watery Blisters, Pimples, Aching Bones or Joints, Boils, Carbuncles, Prickling Prfln in the Skin, Old Eating Sores, Ulcers, etc. Botanic Blood Balm taken in ternally, cures the worst and most deep seated cases by enriching, puri fying and vitalizing the blood, there by giving a healthy blood supply to the skin. Botanic Blood Balm is the only cure, to stay cured, for these awful, annoying skin troubles Other remedies may -relieve, but B. B. B. actually cures, heals everj son, and gives tho rich glow of health to the ekin. B. B. B builds up the broken-down body and makes the blood red and nourishing. Over 3000 voluntary testimonials of cures by Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Druggist, 1. Trial treatment free and prepaid by writing Blo'd Balm Co., Atlanta, Gi Describe Rouble, and free medical advice o v--.-. FIRE I FIRE! FIRE! I . - AQd there goes your property I In sur!d ? If yu are vou have an anchor to the windward. No ? V.e" ought to start thinking. Better think nOW. be fore the fire comes. You know a- Dout the stitch In time." Take stitch today by seeing us. I J flTTlflS Nmithffiitfl & .Qnn'tf I - wvuu6Wv v uvuo, insurance Agency. PDoneie, Office over Morehead Banking Oo WHEH YOU WANT CALL ON US. We can snrml nu; , rc.J. iTPRn Vegetables, Eggs and the best of FAMILY GROCERIES. Prompt service when you something nice. want T. S. CHRISTIAN & SON, Church Street. mayl4-lm Tinieit: - Yoo. :want 'Wood J ri KHiy NK "mi w niiecinc ugnt House, for 1 fcT- Tl i . ... . . ' will make them right. Phonea Intemtata prices. Bel Out wood to order, and coal of all kinds de- 111. Hall ma U.ll M 1 -la marMf uruinywj. DR. J. J. THAXTON DDEHAM. N. 0. With flfty-flve years of exDerlonne m Mn. eral practitioner. His specialties, mucuoua mempranes, elands and nerves Females In articular . Indigestion, bronchitis, arrets. uyuBuiuabiuu uu ueaaacDe. necondarv hereuitarv dliuuuina. .Tufiriuh Baths given. " iani-tT COITI PRODUCE n : cr cz-.z ..i,"::.t:rr " d fc . " poisons v .20- r. n i t.. cir way iato tie blood, and are forced by tie circulation tiroth tie giards and pores cf tie skin, causing' it to bam Hie re, and tie incessant itching allows no rest nibt or day. Eczema appears in a great many dif erent forms, beginning frequently as a mere redness of tie skin, fol lowed by little blisters or pimples, 7 rtlllZlirj 4AWivi.J acid poisons sometimes dry up tie natural oils and tie skin becomes hard and dry, often cracking and bleeding and causing intense pain and fearful itching. This form of Eczema is known as Tetter, and joftenest attacks the hands and feet. Unsightly eruptions 7f g g ? -in tie shape of pimples and blackheads break out - npon the face, neck and shoulders as a result of polluted blood, and this" humiliating disease is called Acne. Local remedies afford but scant relief. The blood and system being saturated with the poison.the disease cannot be reached with washes.sal ves, f PJ ' p powders or other local applications. S. S. S. restores the deteriorated blood to its normal condition, stimulates the sluggish organs, and all the waste matter iseliminated through the proper channels. S. S. S. makes the blood rich and strong, and under its tonic and invigo rating effects the general health improves, and the skin becomes soft and smooth again. S. S. S. contains no minerals but is guaranteed purely vegetable. Write us if you need medical advice; this will cost you nothing. Illustrated book on skin diseases sent free. . . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO- Atlaata, Ea. SMOKER?! And when yon smoke, smoke something good; We have several brands that cannot be beat for giving you enjoyment and-satis action. O- -0 'DEAD SHOT' Is a splendid io cent Cigar. None Better. O It is in everybody's mouth; so are its praises. Ask your dealers and druggists for these brands. When you try them once, you will ' want them again. All made of good goods. GaprinSfon-s Cigar Company. auglSMm ' - WHY NOT BUY A It will last a lifetime. A cotton bed (felt is cotton) " can "only last a short while and your expense is repeated. A good Hair Mattress at the price of a cotton mattress, $r2.5p, is a good investment. Better Hair Mattresses at correspondingly low figures. Fof sale at the DURHAM MATTRESS FACTORY, M. B. WTATT, PROPRIETOR. ais-tf Also A. S. B. N. DUKE, President. . - JOHN F. WILY, Cashier THE, FIDELITY BfNK DURHAM, N. C. Camtal $100,000.00 Deposits SiL VINOS This branch of our business has gradually grown until we have issued 1,950 SAVINGS BOOKS. Tt! AVtfYoii f i AnAAf anA ..'fi baiety Deposit Boxes for rent. This Bank is authorized by its charter to an as riimrHinn ita.,- a aunistrator, Trustee, Agent! etc. I 1 t I AGRICULTURAL AND A INDUSTRIAL A combination of theory anS practice, of book study and man Ual work in RnoiTioQinrin' n,nmin mv.i-2:i I chanic Arts and Cotton Manufacturing. Full courses u f years;. Special Courses (3 mos ) Tuition and room. io a term: m nnorrf u n . , xrrl,? "f"".1"' . 3ieacners, 390 students, new buildings for 6 Write for booklet "A Day at the A: & M. College." I President GEO. T. WINSTON. Ralelcrh. N. fi. t Jnne23 " " THE NORTH State Normal .and Literary Classical Scientific p?"?? h 9 luuusiuai Pedacosical Musical Tlje Dttrljam UorresDOndence la Invited f mm t.hna One Dollar a Year. from which a clear or straw colored matter oozes, forming into sores, scales or ssi is weeping Eczema, commonly called Salt Rieum. Tiese .O- SrORTlNGGLUB' Is a daisy five cent smoke. . . o- THOMAS. Durham. N. C. Surplus $,100000.00 $800,000.00. ' Yk.'C"' MECHANICAL COLLEGE. I EDUGflTION : I - ... - - . . w - 8m - CAROLINA Industrial (joUzqz. ' Session opens September 18th. Expenses 1100 to 1140: tor non- A fe8ldentaoI the State $160. Faxsulty of thirty-three members. Practice and Observation School connected with the Ool- A lege. " . teachers and stenoKraphersT t To secure board In the dormitories, all free-tnltlon applica tions should be made before July Htb. yy For catalogue and other Information address ' ; PtlESIDENT CIIHRLES D. UMVEn. Jia-2m. , ' GEEBNSBORO, N. C. Weekly m, : ..."

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