iileciioij i'RUij r VOUM 1! : Tha Board of Elections of the Countv of. PurJAin at its nieot-m on SiJa i iy, tn erst Oi o( ieuwiiita, ii establish the follow ing otic? and voting places for U.j county of LmrnAin. to-wit: ' . MSSCM TOWNSHIP. It was ordered that the voting precincts and plaeos lu Mangum Tonaiiip euuua th count; Bsrd of Elections. LEBANON TOWNSHIP. " It iu ordored tliat the voting precincts aud place ia Lebanon Townahip r. main un eaanged wit a the exception of "the roting place for cox Store precinct which is cnang eu from Cox's store to Cola's Store. " It was ordered that the roting precincts nd places In OacGbovi Towsship, Cdab Foe Towkship and Paitkbsok Towsshif remain unchanicud and are hereby eatab lsoed as Uiey now exist. DURHAM TOWNSHIP ' It ra ordered that the following noting places be established for Durham Township, to-wlt: - ' . (1.) Ordered that the Bragtown precinct remain unchanged and the voting place be a; old store house right hand owner of Cox and Christian Mill road and left side of Stag ville road. - . . . . (8 ) The East Durham preclnot be estab lUued as follows with roting place at Crab tree's store:- . " - -Boundaries:- - 5 ' - Beginning at Oak Grove Township where Elerbee Creeft crosses, thenc up Elerbee Creek to the Cox and Christian Mill road. hence following the eastern boundary of said road to the city line", thence with the ty line eastward to Its end, thence south ward with cltyjllne to where It crosses t ay etteville road thence with center of said road to Patterson Township line, thence with Pat terson township line to Oak Grove Township line, tbence with Oak Grove Township line . to the beginning. . , . . , (8.) Brady's store precinct with oIni ?ilaces at Brady's store be established as ollows: " . - Houndarles-Bertnnlng at Intersection of Dlllard and iMaln Streets in the City of Dur ham, south of center of Main Street, east of center of DUlird Street and running thence with center of Main Street east ata Its ex tension, along the new Edgemont road to the corporate limits, thence South with the line of the corporate limit of the city to the in tersection of Fayetterllle road, tbence along the center of Fayetteville road, to Patterson Toanshlp line, thence westward with Pat- ' tenon Township line to where the line of -. sewer pipes of the city of Durham (going through the plantation ofr.J. 11. Vlckers) crossns, thence with the line of sewer pipe to the corporate limits to the City of Durham, tbence with the corporate limits to the b ay -ettevllle road, thence with fayetteville road to Dlllard Street, thence with center of Dil Urd Street to Mala treet, the beginning. (1 Ferrell's st re precinct, yotlng. place Ferrell's store, at, luifcr.-eitiim of Milard treet and O'Biiant road lu tbelOity-of ur- H luudarles Beginning at Intersection of Ro horn and Main Siroem ftttliu lU Of Dur ham, uu the eat of tuu cunler of tfox'ioro Street, and i.orth of the cuuie; of Main . Street, and running thence east with the center of Main fct-eet, east Miu Street, and Etlgemont Avcnuuauu tliu ex tensions thereof totnevlty corpor e iluilis; thence north ward with the lilty limits to tho Intersection of AluiUiitroad, I nance witti Aiorlght road to Koxuoru Street, thsuco with Koxboro ' 8 tret t tu Main street, the beginning point. (5.) Purrish Warehouse prevluut, voting place Parrlsn Warehouse." Boundaries Beginning at Intersection of ' ftnxhiiro kiiiI Main Streets west of Center Of Boxboro street and Nori,h of C Juter of Main. Street aud running thence westwarq witn Main Street to center of Maugum Street, ttience northward with center of aiangum Street and Its extension to the city corporate . limits, tbenpe with and following the city corporate limits to the Albright road, thence with the Alb Ight rosd to the center ef Box boro street, then e with center of Boxboro Street to Maw Street, the beginning point. ) Court House Precinct, voting place, r..it,rt. tJnnul . Uonnriariuu Reulnndiir at intersection of Main Kiid Mangum Street south of centre of MhIm Street and vast 0T Center oi inanguiu - Mt.rnitf. and rimnlnu thence' south with Man gum-Street to McHanuen Street thence with center ol McMannen Street and the exten sion thereof to the corporate limits of the City of Durham, thence east with thecorpor ' limit nf Lhu I M v nt Durham to the cen ter of Fayetteville road, thence with the center of FayetlevlUe rondto Diliard Street near Carolina Furniture Factory, tuence with and along the ceuter of Dlllard Street to the center of Main r treet and thence with and a! on? the center of Mala Street to Mau gum Btrvet. the briiuu!n pjiut. (7.) takes' Store precioot, voting place at store house on comer of "orportion and ilangum Btreew. known as fcaiies etore. Boundaries fcSeitnnms at Intersection of u.n.nni r.A rh.nai tin! Streets, north side of center of Chapel Hill Street and west side of center of klansum Street and running thence north, with and along tne center oi Maugum Street and the extension thereof to thmnmM limits, thoni-fl e&St With the corporate limits to where It intersects with . l i .i , Villi -4 .ka.M I lie uox ana vnnsvian m.iu mnu northward with the Mill road to Elerbee treek. thence np Elerbee Creek to the Geer Mill road, thence Southward with the Mill XL- i . SATURDAY, Z?T " Flies Tktt K1U S-iatrt.' Files are tbe natural prey of ep'Jer' yet, strange to say. there are io Bra4 some flies which prey on spiders. These daring little loseeta do not diSer much from ordinary fiies, They; are hymenoptera, and Fepsia ornata is a typical Insect of thi3 kind. They usually come upon the spiders when the latter are unprepared and sting them to death. A spider after being stung once has generally sufficient strength to hide In a tuft of grass, but his shelter proves only of temporary service, for the pitl- m.-.uA t.-t a MpnAMU limltA (if the CitV Of Durham, thence east with the said corporate , less fly soon" returns and completes Its 1: i . '.i . !l .1. , J U tkAlllA wft.h . - . ... work by stinging the Helpless victim limit to the Belt Line BaUroa'1, thence with said railroad to center part of Upper Street (a street running from Trintity Avenue and passing in front oi eastern now on venemru. Louies to the Belt Line Railroad) thence with said center of Upper Street to center of Trinity Avenue, thence East with and alone said center of Trinity Avenue to center of Foster Street, thence with and along center of Foster Street to center of Chapel Hill Street thence eastward with center of Chap el Hill Street to the beginning at Maugum Street. (8) Five Points voting place "at Mangnm s brick store at Five Points, City of Durham. Boundaries Beginning at intersection oi Chapel Hill and taangum Street and tbe south side of center of Chapel Hill Street and west side of center of Mangum Street ana running thence with and along the cen ter of Mangum Street to Main Street, thence with and along the center of Main Street and its extension to the western corporate limits of the city of Durham, thence with corporate limits of said city of Durham to Belt Line Railroad thence with said Ballroad to center of Upper Street, thence with the center of said Upper Street to the center of said Trin ity Avenue, tbence east with Trinity Avenue to Foster Street, thence with Foster Street to Chapel Hill Street, thence with Chapel Hill Street to the beginning on Mangum Street. (9.) Sykes' Store precinct, voting place, store known as Sykes' Store oa Milton Ave nue. " ' Boundaries Beginning at intersection of the line of the corporate limits and Chapel Hill road and running thence with center of Chapel Hill road and Chapel Hill street to center of Gregson Street, thence with center of Gregson Street to center of Main Street, thence along me center oi aiu omto uu Its extension west Main Street to the corpor ate limits, thence with corporate limits to Chapel Hill the beginning point. c(l0.)- Hunt's Store precinct, voting place known as Hunt's store, near corner of Jack son and Duke Streets. Rnnnd&rlMt - Reirlnntnsr at Intersection Of Main and Mangum Streets south of center of Main Street and west of center of Mangum Street In the City of Durham and running thence with and along the center of Mangum Street to center of McMannen Street, thence with and along McMannen Street and Its ex tension to the corporate limits of the lty of Durham, thence with the corporate limits of the City of Durham to the point where the present sewer line crosses the same, tnencs to the present sewer line to the Patterson Township line, thence with the Patterson Township line to Chapel Hill road, thence twice In the lower part of the thorax. Milk as a Food. Milk as a food is a perfect one for the very young Infant only. In adult life it Is often of service and may save life, but It does not afford all the mate rials required for nutrition. Moreover, It yields what Is not required a large percentage of lime. The latest re searches show that this Is not so great ly on account of the quantity of lime contained In the milk as because the salts are in a form peculiarly adapted for" retention in the system. - Her Biggest Catch. The Mutual Friend (to athletic wo man) Now, Mrs Stebbins, what was the largest fish you ever caught? Mrs. Stebbins It weighed 140 pounds, but I dou'f remember its name. Mr. Stebbins (feelingly) I do; it was John Stebbins. Colorado Springs Ga sette. Appreciates Herself. Mlnnle-Evidently Sallie thinks her self one of the four hundred. Kittle One of them! She thinks she's the four and all the rest are the tw ciphers. Boston Transcript eastward with center of chapel Hill road to Chapel Hill Street In the City of Durham, thence with and along the center of Chapel Hill street to Gragson Street, tbence wlta center of Greison Street to center of Main Street, thence with center of Main Street to the nefftnnini' Tjomt in oianBum street. (ID 8outh Side precinct. West Durham, vot place at store known as South Side Store. Boundaries Beginning at the point where the North Carolina Ballroad crosses the Or ange county line, thence eastward with said rut road to corporate line of the uLtv oi uur- ham. thence southward with corporate line to where It crosses Chapel Hill road, thence westward with center of Chapel Hill road to the Patterson Township line, thence along the Patterson Townshtn line to the Orange County line, thence with Orange County line to the beginning point where the railroad crosses. . (12) North Bide precinct. West Durham, votinir ill ace. Blacknall's Drug store. Boundaries Beginning at tne point where the North Carolina Ballroad ' crosses the county line, thence eastward with railroad to tbe line of the corporate limits of the City of Durham, thence with the corporate limits of said city to the Geer Mill road, thence with said road to Eno Blver, thence up Eno Btver to Orange County line, thence with stld Orange County Hue to the beginning point where the North Carolina Ballroad crosses the same. . J. 9. MANNING, Chairman, -J, OIHO LUNSFORD, Secretary, a6-20d. County Board of Election. Chimney sweeps seem to occupy the highest position In regard to mortality from cancer and coal miners the low est. The stino-koto, a board, bridges and strings, Is the representative Instru ment of Japan. The ileasou 1 Sometime Comes lhief Times i the Surface. Few popular fallacies ere cf sticb wue extent as tr.e Vrv.cz mat a person , ;si rise to the surface three times. no more aud no L-ss, before he can pos sibly drown. There is little ground for this sup position, although it has been almost universally btlkved In for generations. The truth is that a drowning person may siuk the first time never to rise -ain, or he may, as be Indeed does In ie majority of casos, rise three times btfore he sh.ks fiJrever. It all dtp.r.ds upon the quantity of wMer that he swallows when he sinks and the size of his lungs. The human body iu life naturally floats while the lungs are inflated. As "long as one keeps his head above the surface of tke water he can float, face up, with out having to move hand or foot But as soon as a person sinks he gulps and imbibes a quantity of water. If after he has swallowed water he has any air In his lungs, he willun- donbtedly rise again and will continue to sink and rise alternately until all the air is expelled from his lungs, when he will drown. In most cases the frightened victim of an accident swallows enough water when ho first sinks to leave him In a very exhausted condition; but, s there is still air left In his lungs, he soon finds himself on the surface again. Each time he sinks, however, the sup ply of air lu his lungs grows less until ultimately there Is no longer sufficient to support him. coumra DANGER Notice of Sale. Under and by virtue of the powers confer red upon me in a Judgment of the Buperlor Court of Durham County, entered at March term, 1901, in an action entitled Fannie Bur cham vs. Horace Jones and Edna Jone , and a further order of said court entered in the said action, at January term, WIS, I will, on Monday tho 6th Day ol.Octoher, 1902, m wt M . nt the Court House door. In Durham N. sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following de scribed real estate. In Patterson township, Durham county, N. situated upon the wa ters of Little Creek anit bounded as follows, . 'iintn.iialani1afnimrtrlv helonsrtna to Kendoll Southerland, and formerly a part of the lands of Willis Barhee, having been pur v. a v Phiiiins for the benefit of the heirs of jesseBargrove, deceased, at an of ficial sale thereof by J. P.Mason, executor of aaldBarbee.SOaoresot Which Abounded " . . ,;n,H HnorlnnlnV at a Stake in the Soui herland line some 35 chains north of ' the Chatham county liner running , thence i,h ouM Rnnt.herl&nd'a land 31 chains : and Wtlnks to a stake; thence west 14 chains and 75 links' to a stake j thence south 85 --a oa Unk- themes east 1 chains and 75 links to the beginning, containing 50 acres more or less, and the balance of the land, about 78 acres, adjoining tbe above de scribed land on the north and the lands of Monrol Carlton and John Merrltt on the east. Henry Merntt on the south, and Peter Wilis on the west, the whole being in one tract and being the same on which said Hor ace and Edna Jones now live. . ' . ace ami uu VICTOR B. BRYANT, August 30th. 1902. Commissioner. Notice of Sale of Valu able Farm. Notice of Land Sale. n me In a deed of trust, executed by Under and by virtue of the powers confer red upon me In a deed of trust, executed by W. 0. Jenkins, on the 10th day of April, 1901, I will, on Monday, , the 6th Day of October, 1902, a.t 12 o'clock M.. at the Court House door. In Durham, sen to the highest Didder, at puDiic auction, for cash, that piece or parcel of land lying ana Doing in uurnam townsnip, in Dur ham county. N. 0.. and bounded and describ ed as follows, to-wit; Situated In that part of Durham Known as Haytl, it being Lot No. 8 of the Isaiah Spark man lots, sold by lohnson Ray, administra tor of Isaiah Bparkman, to Lena ifi. Mark ham. lying between liOt No. 7 (Diqpii Dy a. G. Elliott) and Lot No. 9 (bid off by Dr. A. M. Moore) fronting od Justice Alley fifty feet, and running back In tbe shape of a parallel ogram one hundred and forty feet, contain ing 1-16 of an acre. See plat of Isaiah Bparkman lands and deed from J no. W. Markham and wife to W. J. Jenkins, recorded In Book of Deeds, No, 35, page 10ft, in Register's office of Durham county. This Is a desirable piece of property Is Haytl and there is located upon It a house comparatively new. VICTOR S. BRYANT, Septl-1902. Trustee. Beautiful Thoughts The sweet, pure breath of tbe babe is uraestive of innocence and health. A mother's yearning for children is in separable from a love of the beautiful, and it behooves every woman to bring the sweetest and best influence to bear, on the subject of her maternity. To relieve train and make easy thai Dcriod when life is born again, Mother's Friend is popularly used. It is a liniment easily administered and for external use only. Prpcnui nt women should trv this remedy. it being undeniably a friend to her during nature's term of suspense and anticipation, flother'a Friend.' if used throughout gestation, will soften the breasts, thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples. A J muscles straining with the burden wi'J relax, become supple and elastic from iti n,itiniui1 nnnliratinn. V All fibres in tbe abdominal region will rcwlilv a the exoandintr covet containing the embryo if flother'sFrlend ia anolied externally during pregnancy, Of all reliable druggists $i.oo per bottle. Write for free bock on notfierhood." THE BKADFICLD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA Groom of No Importance If there is ever a time In ai woman s life when she is the most Important person in her own Immediate circle, it is when she is a bride. Apropos of this Is a story of a new society editress who had Just returned from her first assignment which was the writing tip of a wedding: "Did you,et nil the facts?" asked the city editor. "All that are of any Importance, replied the young woman. "I have description of the bridal gown and the troussmui and the flowers and the wed dlng presents, and the objective point of the tour, and the names of the i bridesmaids nr.d tbe officiating clergy man and tin reception days" "Who is the bridegroom 7 Inter rupted the city ruitor. "Ilis name has been printed f ur different ways In th preliminary announcements." The groom?" faltered the young woman, "wny wuy i rorgot to asu about him, and I guess nobody else thought of him. except maybe the bride." . Kot What He Wanted. A young man at the risk of his life saved a beautiful . young girl from drowning, ller grateful father seized the rescuer of his daughter by the hand and lu a voice tremulous with emotion s:i Id: "Noble youth, to you I am indebted for everything that makes life dear to me. Which reward will you take 100,000 or the hand of my daughter?" 'I'll take the daughter," replied the heroic rescuer," thinking thereby to get both the girl aud the money. "You have well chosen," replied the grateful father. "1 could not have given you the 100.000 Just yet in any case, as I have not yet saved that amount, being only a poor editor, but my daughter Is yours for life. Take her'and be happy. Bldfes you, my chil dren!" London Answers. It is courtinjT danrer to stand under icy eaves. Not a few have learned t' is to their cost. Every winter injury and even death are reported as the result of this carelessness. But there is a far more popular way of courting danger. Every man or woman who neglects a cough is inviting sickness, and many a fatal sickness has its beginning in a slight cough. The timely use of Dr. PiertV rWn Medical Discovery will cure the cough. Even when the coush is obstinate ami there is hemorrhage with emaciation and weakness, "Golden Medical Discovery" always helps and almost always cures. " I was troubled with a bad cold, which settled on my luns and left me with a miserable cough," wiuea Mr. Joseph D. Burns, of iS Huestis Street, Ithaca, New York. "I used two bottles of your ' Golden Medical Discov ery,1 after which my cox?h disappeared entirely. I can not recommend your medi cine too highly. Accept no substitute for "Golden Medical Discov ery." There is nothing "just as good" for dis eases of the stomach, blood, and lungs. Sub stitution means a little more profit to the dealer bnt a loss to you. The Common Sense. Medical Adviser, iooS large pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buf falo, N. Y. SEABCL-. Air Line Railv. iA to all ronn OorrectiMl Schedule of K' - AaiiWa Ttins Iac. I t 1 It !4 . S3. No. i-F- sru fx St 1 tiac ax Hndersor, i fcu ax P rteciout h, ft 15 i.c ax Bi-unorts, i7 Line - x Kew York. O.'Xrf'o . ', . ar ' bfb 8 Up axPlU)nlplU. tte p ax Petersburg, ax P.l' buioii.l ax Waabln.:Uo, ar Ba!'Uj.(ir, ar Ph la,ielhl. ax 2ie.v Vari S. A. L. t ;m 55 S -A'- viD 10 10 a Uiipm 11 ' Uitm 1 36 p .. 8 30 am -4 LJ p: Route. No. 81 KxISTto 'o- S ExS iv New York, OD.SACft. SMpra jrfj v " . S.Y.e.&X. Saopm T56 vPhUac'eU hiii, M 11 io phi 13 Id a Iv ti-ore Bay Lire trf'tra iv Waahliigtrn, N W.S.B. 8 0, in vnrt nut!-. (S. A."-. z.m 9 aiy fucliitonit. Iv Petersburg, r bur! am. Tickets on shIb toaJliioiuts PullaM. B wt reservations .Twde on a l' plication, flr a-hedule8 prepared and any ptner roi matlnn c: eerful y furnished. CoMMUf iclWules nd low rateg to all irlrxipal NU' ner KesotW nurlnif seasi.n. t TV AAA AAA 3 ls 7 I II II I I II II I 2 J?pJendid iiard and r2 Soft Burnt Brick. For sale by f.MflX. yHiunautiimiiuiiiuuuiiUK H. A. 1j. iOm 1037 If 11 rau 11 !0 1 i 00 pea 830e SOUTHERN RAILWAY. EFTIOT NOV. 24TU, 190J- IN Where Every One Smokes. Smoking Is universal In Polynesia, China, Japan and Siam. In Burma the mother takes the cberoot from her mouth and puts it to the lips of her nursing babe, while the child purses Its tinv lins and nuffs away with ev ery indication of pleasure. Kaffirs-ha bitually smoke cigars with the Ilgntwi ends in their mouths and their tongues adroitly tucked out of harm's way Even the pygmies of central Africa are inveterate smokers. The snn never sets on the smoking world, for before the white man of the Occident puts down his pipe at night the yellow man of the orient has lit his matutinal cheroot. THE CONNOISSEUR In "creature comforts" will tell you that ou liquors, both spirituous aud vlnuous. are ttie highest staudard of excellence. Hake "high balls." Kin rickeys and other mixed drinks to tiult tbe most fastidious taste. Our fine old Green Klver rye wnlskey is a notea Dranu. lias purity and maturity and the mellowness that gives the social charm. $1 (SO a bottle. we carry an me cnuicest wines, ursuuicn, Ins, ales. SC.. tne market auurus. irji mttleofour Oreen Klver rye whiskey, the whiskey without a headache. T. II. SCOGGINS, At the PALACE SALOON. " No. 124 COI1NER MANGDM & PEABODY 8T8 octl-tf - Korfoll and western Schedule In Effect! JUNC8, woa. UUitHAM DIVISION.-Daily Ex- ccpt Sunday. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. i.5B 7.00 Lv. Durham Ar. 9.15 9.35 d.07 8 16 Roxboro 7.48 37 8.45 Deuniston 7.15 few 55 07 Good Printing. prompt Service. ZEB-P-COUNCIL. - m PRINTER, - . NOETH OAEOLINA. JOB DUBHAM, Keen this In mind, so that when vou need Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes. BUI uircu- BEST FOR THE BOV ELS . " . i. u,in, haaithT morament of the liiel. trlTj day, yoi're 114 or will be. Keep your tZZlll oncn and be well. Force, In the .hapeofjrio. ! DOWSia open, buu Hnrron. The mooth- .."eieTt, n.5st perteci way of keeping tU. bowels elearana cieu k TTyri. and bv virtue of tne power comer-1 ueaas, Btatemenis, ueceipt u tanws. ...nnmnhv the ourjenor uour ui uur- i cuiars, roswjrs, or raiuuuicie, vuu wincura Mfl " " . . r. il 11 11 n An- I 1 n . n 1 . U MA .njf MAn. Its OOUUty, 10 tne SSpeOiai rrwwuwisa. l mauiunvc vivu iuo, auu jour uowb rui m M untt.t. Artniiniatraior oi w.t. auunnea.- rou win ana mv way oiaoins red ham Hiiltt et al. vs. J. E. Bultt, et al," appointing business satisfactory. the undersigned as Commissioner to sen tne YOUR ORERS SOLICITED. hereinafter aescnoou juu, Mm . I STRIVE-TO PLEA9E. Satarday , Septem ber l aiu , i v uz , .t i o'clock Mi, at the Court House door in Durham County, offer lor sale, upon r.UI". rti n&ab. nne-thlrd In - months and one-third In twelvemonths, the following aescriueu hkvui . ' CANDY CATHARTIC ".'...r-rTa i nai, Ohim Tnwnahln. Durham "t Nnh rWlna. and bounded on the wh. thB lands of John W. Fletcher, on the East by the lands of H. v. ! Westby the lands of Jeff Hall1. heirs, con-1 'JiL 'hm hnndred and one and one-half """"" knn.n the Watts l ?1 5; S : " ?.o and Vorfed In the " JOHN MERRICK'S Barber' Sliop Has been newly remva'ed from cellar to dome Two new batn rooms, with all mod ern itrproeir.ents. Newly decorated walls and celling, one of the handsomest barber shop dressers in the South, made In Durham. i run ai cuaira. bu vou bw tuu ire uui, n hour for a shave is something oi at John Merrick's. Oldest barber tad d of January, 1880, and recorded In the K 2f the Eefster of Dlii o Durham in noon oi aeeas. . u, vb " g. J4. 801TT. Commissioner. This 10th day of August, iww. Waiting an hour for it at jonn i the city. Largest and best conduct' etate, so say tne traveling puouc. Vnnra obedient! v. aug7-tf JOHN MEBEICK. bat LIKE CANDY o, . t.l.t.M. Pntent. Tante Good, JloQooi iK. Weaken, or Gripe, 10, Mr box Write for tree .ample, ana ooo.. ,-ir.nn SIW 101 BTIHUnU HHIPI waiarni " KEEP YOUR BLOOD uLtAH An Explanation. In one year the aurora boroalls wr-.s seen one night as far south a,s- Wilt shire. The Inhabitants of a certain village assembled to witness the un wonted spectacle. Many were the In quiries as to what It was when a wo man exclaimed: "Do thee send for our Jock. lie's a scholard. I'll be bour.d he'll gie un a neame!" When jock ar rived, he looked upward and said, "Oh, only a phenomenon! "mere, sald'thdi delighted mother; "aiun t 1 tell 'ee he'd gie un a neame?"-Notes and Queries. ' The three-masted schooner Cora Mathew, of "New York, bound from NewburvDort to Sew lor. cuy went aehore yesterday morning on ionswood Ilill bar, oil natnaru, Mass. , and will be a total loss. The captain and crew of seven men were taken off in tne Dreecnea duov. Gen. Passenger 8d V( Pt nd NOTICE. Administrator's Notice. Having auallfled as Administrator of Mar tha t) Daniel, deceased, . I hereby notify all nerwns having claims against tfce estate of FhSdeceased to present the same tome on or the deceasea w yr Xlll.ugt. 1903, or this SSS - 11 be oleTrfed in bar of their recov- of August, 1903, or this rotiwwiu a4te ""-'-"v.;.r,i- 6ry All persuua iuunw ibulss, please maKeimmcumwj DEALER IN WOOD AND COAL. Ail Unilt of cnt unlit and stick Wood, both oak or pine, in large or small quantities. I handle nooning out tne dcbi grauea ui wmi. Bend your orders now oerofe tne price au mAiit. mWS H. TTIiMAN. s . Adm'r of Martha 0. Daniel. This Augast 16th, 1902. TheDAH,YSrjNlsf3a year 01 Ben Perry, ,' Morgan Street. 'Phones, Office aid; Residence Interstate m, ... wear w. at w uepoa. oci-w Tt irfn nf a. mnrtff aire executed to tne by IT. W.Med Un and wife, Antonla ueaun, on October 8th, ltfta, 1 win on Saturday. OctoDer 18th, 1902, at twelve o'clock M.. at the court house door In Durham, sell for cash to tbe highest bidder the following aescrineu real estawj iu uui hum mnnii. Durham townahlD. and bound Art and described as follows, to-wlt. adjoining nt W R Rarhon. Knilirnr Rrlffes and nthera: BeslnninK on W. K, Barbee's and Hadirer unuee corner; inenc wium uuo - r, . i. . .11. . . . ,1, 1) K,,nii,ni ami innrRBfl nne-naii ieeb wj it. n. D.khu'i nnrnnr.nn Radser'a line: thence west one hundred and four and one-half feet w u n.rhna'i line: thence north one nunarea ana xour auu uiw-ou feet to the county road i thence east with tbe county road one hundred and four and one- ball ieet to un Beginning, whiuuiui w 9.12 Ar South Boeton 6.55 9.26 Houston 6.40 11.45 Ar Lynchburg Lv 4.10 WESTBOUND Leave Lynchburg. u.nn - m rh Wtuihlntftnn and OhattanOO- a MmtUd, for Roanoke, Radford, Bluelleirt, 'ocahoiitas, also tor nocny xaouui auu .u tloni on Winston-lsalem Division ana an points south and west. 8oUd vestibule train io Ohatianooga and Memphis, Pullman .i..AnuM Uamnhfianil Kaw Orleans. -iii n. m.-'i nn umcairo iiiunn iur n.ka TiioaflolH Prwjihfintjui. Kenova. Colara kn. !n.i nMfajm. Pnlln an Buffet sleeper n I In.lim T1l an TIW KUIIfini. 1 toi.Knoxvme,ClmttnoogaandlnterwedlAU SummOr HOmOS 111 the nolnta. Pullman sleeper Roanoke to Knox- uuiuiuvi w vlile . Seven Ytars In Bed. "Will wonders ever ceaset" inquire thP friends of Mrs. L Pease, ot Law rence, Kan. They knew ene naa hAAn unable to leave her bed in seven vpars on account of kidney ana nver trouble, nervous proetrat on and gen ami A nhilitv. but. "Three bottles of . " . . . . it n Electric Bitters enaoiea me io wbik, she writes, "and m three monms j Mr. lib a new Derson." v omen bui fering from Headache,Backache,Ner fileeiilesBness. Melancholy fTainting and Dizzy Bpells will Bod itapncelesa blessing. "jn. mv iefaetion is guarantoed by R. Black 8 16 7.45 7.25 7.00 Trains leav Durham, N. C. 2:30 a. m. No 11 westbound daib for Greensbcr ad points poutb ac f nt. Conn--ct3 at Qreenst oro w,t No: 8 ncrth'for Danville pud ht i. tnond, and south wit1! ros 39, 3. and 37, for Salisbury, Charlotte, O ucnbia,Savannah, t harleV-m,- et aonville, Atlanta a; d Now Orleai t atSaliHb'irv for Aehevilir?, KifXM . i.hat.ai v 'a'-.. Nashville b.na t.n -points wih' 3:35 r . 13, ctdou-. daily, for liaii. h, Btlnia and Qclii boro. Utir e: miircau meep Qret rwboro to Raleigh. 9:40 a. m., o. 8, eastboum taily, for Ealeigh, Selma and Goldi . x ! w ;a a aoro: connects ai coima witn a. antic UoaBt Laoe norta lor w use nd Rocky Jdu uv.t at GoMsboro fc rarboro. un.i Norfolk. At Belm for Fayetto-villp n; Flrreuce. 9 :50 a. m., INo. aa. wwetDOuna, aau; or Grensboi'0 aud iutetmediat local points; connects at Greenshcri with U. . r ase Aiau tor imnvuit, Lynchburg, Wasbicgton and all Hints Korth nua ween, asaisowuc o. 30 Jaikfionvilie to New York vit. tiichmoud Southern Railway Din irg Cars operated on trains Nos, 36 and 30. 9:55 a. m., No 16, ncrthbouna, iaiiy for Oxford, Henderson. Jeffries Kevsville and Richmond, o change jf "cars between Durham and Rich mood, where close connection is made so all points north. Close connection it Jt ff ries for Norfols and Steamboat Lines to V aohirtgton, Bltiniore, New York and Boston. 2:47 D. m., No SSeastbound. daily or Raleigh, elma, Golduboro and intermediate btations. 4:43 p. m., wefitboucd, daily, for Greenebvro and all points. Connects it Greensboro for Winston-balem, ilao with Nos. 35 and 29 for Salis- mrv. Charlotte, Columbia, Charles- i.on, -avann!ib, Jocksonville, Atlanta and New Orleans; at Salisbury for ABheville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville, Cincinnati and St. Louis. Connects northbound with No 12 for Richmond, Nos. 38, 3i and 40 for Lynchburg, Charlottes ville, Washington, Baltimore and New York. 5:00 n. m.. No. 74. northbound, K ' ' aily except Sunday, for Oxford, Keysville, Richmond and interme diate stations. Pullmhan and Bouthern Rtilway Dining Cars opercted on all (through) tf iin Line trains. No trouble to an swer questions 3. O.. IIAKUWIUA) Atrial. FRANK 8. GANNON, Geneeral Manner. G. DU8KNBKRV, Tloket Affent. Unrbam N. C o.&o. ROUTE. SUMMER RESORTS Pullman Bullet Palace Oars Norfolk and . , . ol..l 7 io a. m. ror noanoKe, nauinru, unowi. Bl iefteld. Norton, Pocahontas, Welch. 8 011 p. ra. Dally ror ttoanoie ana uiwr 14 Qt.llnna n,K..iu uMwtv.A it I .Vnf. n nil rv nHi v inn, ireet at 1:W a. in., 8.60 a m. B:3dp. ui and 10.15 'in. tpahtbOUND Leave Lynchburg i.n . lWli tnr Varmvllle. Richmond, P.rsburc and Norfolk, arrives Petersburg t 7.66 p. m arriving at Richmond at o-oo o in., arrive at storioi. at .u.w v rive Richmond Ubi a. m arrive Norfolk 8.10 & tn KU'iman Diuave bicvvvi ""- Wwllf tSfWi Lynchburg at p, n. for reception of passengers. 5-ia.m.--for FarmvUla. Petersburg-, Nor folk ana uicuaoaa. Wl NSTON-SAliEM D1V181UW. Sc. Sun. Dully P. M. A. n Winston Walnut Oove Madison V&vnHan Martinsville 7-4 ) l.OJ AT, noanoae t", K AST BOUND Leave BurkevUlel m avwafl H Jtl II- Ills " "k;tWaVK fin. u vuu ..J ID ra nnnn mTl SLA II. IT). All inquiries as to routes, rates Ac, prompt V h : BKVIUU General Passenger Agent. VI Dally Ex. Pan Ml. a. ju. 3 00 ,136 via S.iV) Lv. 8.43 9.18 J3 10.84 Virginias. The most delightful section of the country In which to pass the hot summer days, is in the mountain region oi tne v trguaias, on tna line of Tbe Chesapeake & Obip Railway. c Besides such well known resorts aa the Greenbrier White Sulphur, Virginia uot Surlnjrs, Kockbrldge Alum, Old Sweet, Sweet , i V. .. I ..U.i .. 1 W....k HA. Inff. KMfl MllllinilV. 8alt Sulphur, Jotel Lntermont, Olady's lnn. Alleghany, &j , &c. There are hundreds of country lion. In the mountain regions Wulcn maKe Tie care ui lumunr uuanwn a special business aud where board can be ob tained on most reasonable terms. Tbe UnesapeaKe o vmo is oj many non ra the quickest line from Carolina points to the West. . ... ... KordescrtDtlve nampniets oi tne largs re sort. Illustrated folders containing lists of Hummer Homes. Inns, tee., address j tu. ii. run d. a. u. r. a., Ktchmond, Vs. 8. W. 'SfcfV" kevUle 12.25 A Sj . - mm iMM-r-fr1"' ' - - " roiiypromrl,0aiI0rEt. Sooi amae! akM or photoforfrreiwrton jpatenUliilKr. B- : "Ho toObtaiaU.B.aa4 roignl,tatinoiiw-Mr, TREE. FairimJ ttrmt ret enK4 t invaiorf IU1 . .v aM, Traveling Pr Agent. w M RRAHAM. Aaent. Dm bam. N. 0. liimloa, lludarat ohs'ira". The Daily Son is $3 a year, or icrpntttft month. Get the news in ii .....mi;.. . wrrrai. o. v , upp u. a. rj - . ' . . Mnfa month. Get the news nail & Bon. .uniy wo. half acre more or less. tvery evening. ;! Subscribe tor the Sun. tvery evening. ; : ;;

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