r.z cr ci't id s cu ICCiL lit CP .mi Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Music at Lake wood Park. From now until farther notice there will be music at Lake wood Park on three uiglts each week Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights by the orchestra. , Durham Tbaction Co. President Krager has been paid 1120,000 for hie memories, which sum he will contribute to the Boer relief fund. A savings bank will be organized at Goldsboro. t HEADACHES I FROM HEAT OB EXEBTION CURED -BY- JCAPUDINE.j m no naa anecu on Heart or Head. I --SOLD BY ALL DRUG STORES. I For Sale. One good horse and wagon. One new top spring wagon will be sold at a bargain. Apply to E. 0. Hackney. a!3 tf. ILazyliuGr With - IMIW.. -ki-u "f"1 tlOD. I found CASCARETS to h nil nx riJb. for them, and secured tuch relief the first trial. -.wU "vu .v.tci iiuo lira, itriai IQM I DUrChaied annttlAr annnlir anil ... . pletely cured. I shall only be too glad to rec ommend Casoarets whenever the opportunity U presented." j. a. Smh:h, gttO Susquehanna Are., Philadelphia, Pa. CATHARTIC Ns. TftADIMAMM Moiartmo PlMiant. Palatable. Potent. Taut, flmvi tv flood, Merer Sicken. Weaken, or GriMcV. -? CURB CONSTIPATION. ... torUf ltm4T C puj, OlMgo, Mwtrnl, .w tart. 320 C9T0Rlfi 'dnd gtmrantoed by all drug. V"AU gltu to CUJiJH Tobaoco Habit. Rev. G. F. EicC.on ;ret WATCH This Space for the Next Attraction AT THE Durban. Opera House. T.l.erj Celine M's. Apr ma Mjajiv. Smith, n?tcr cf Mclhxiil church, was areuei from his peaceful slumbers this morc;r before 6 o'clcck and tarried to the Yarborough House in jot baste. This gudJen call was far him to join in wedlevk Mr. James O. Apple white and Miss Mary Tiilery. Register of Deeds, Joe Bernard, had to answer to a summons about the same hour in order to issue the license. This romantic before-breakfat marriage took place in the parlors of the Yarborough House this morning at 6:30. . Yes, it was a runaway marriage to overcome parental objections on account of the bride's youth. The bride lives at Halifax and was vis iting a friend . in Scotland Neck. The groom's home is in Tiilery and after a drive of twenty miles through the rain he went to the house where he found the one of his choice wait ing. Together they took the train arriving in Raleigh this morning at 5 o'clock and were soon married. Mr. Applewhite is head clerk in the large grocery firm of VV. II. Randolph fc Co. , of Tiilery, which position he has held for six years. Miss Tiilery is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tiilery, of Halifax, and has visited in Raleigh. She attended St. Mary's school for three sessions and is an accomplish ed and beautiful vounsr woman of the brunette type. They left this afternoon for ureensboro, where they will vuit some of the bride's friends and re turn to their borne in" Tiilery next Wednesday to receive the congratu lations of friends and forgiveness of parents. A ROMANTIC CHAIN. A chain of romanoe with three links was cemented today when Miss Alice Seward, of Petersburg. Va.. became the bride of Mr. Robert Powell, formerly of this State, but now of Savannah. A few years ago Miss Ida Baldwin, of Savannah, married Mr. Hatcher Seward, of Petersburg. At this Savannah wed. ding Miss Annie Powell, of Savan- i .... nan, was maid or honor and Mr. Ar thur Seward, of Petersburg, was best man. They met first 'at this ceremony, and two years later Miss Powell became Mr. Seward's bride. Upon this ceremony Mr. Robert Powell, the bride's brother, was best man and Miss Alice Seward, the groom's sister, was maid of hon or. in this case the acquaintance oi tne maid of honor and the best man again ripened into -love and Ml'NH A ioo Souriivl mill M.. - -..a w f. Ul A Will UriiUlUO IVUB, JCroert Powell this evening. Prnf William Royall, of Raleigh, left for retersourg, where he will act at. best man for bis cousin. Mr. Pnw. ell, The bride and croom will spend the winter in Colorado and return to Savannah in January A blizzard haB been rapine? in the r .. i . o o , ivuckv mountain. Uaitcred Ire -a lihways, 1 y- ways. Railways and O.hcrways. Fair YVedcesiiy, liht winds mostly west. Keep on procrstinatirg and you will not be able to vote next month. Durham Commandary No. 3 will be teld tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Work in Red Cross decree. 1 The next attraction at the Dur ham Opera House will be "Life's Great Lesson," on Monday niht, October 13th. A marriage license was issued today to W. T. lae.n. aed 58. of OraDge county, and Emeline Rhew, aged 49, of Durham county. Tomorrow will be an auspicious day at Eronheimer's. It is the oc casion of the third anniversay open ing, wmcn begins at 9 a. m. Prof! Plato T. Durham of Trinity College, is to preach at vi est Market Methodist church, in Greensboro, next Sunday, morning and night. Capt. Gowan Dusenberv. ap-ent of the Southern, has been in charge ot tne baggage room at the depot, during Baggage Agent Lee's absence from the city. A meeting of Hose Company ino. I will be held in their hall to night at 7:30 o'clock. Business of importance will come np, and every member is urged to be present. s -aA-J Jl, i.i Jt tzou our :rriGHEons. Sovene-u cf Pecpla ai Tit!ns la General, Reported Dally Ey B, F. Abe r ne thy. The Mount Zion Baptist Associ ation convened this morning at 11 o'clock at the East Durham Biptist church. Qaite a number of dele gates, mibioters nd visitor are present. Three Democratic candidates spoke at East Durham last tight. They were Jones Fuller, candidate for the legislature, Hon. A. L Brooks, candidate for Solicitor, and C B. Green, candidate for Clerk of the Court. All - made excellent speeches. W. F. McLean and W. C. Perk. of Raleigh, who have been visiting N. N. Mcln nis, returned home yes terday. Mies Nannie Bootheis on the sick list. , James Marshall killed a mad dog yesterday near Commonwealth. It bit one dog belonging to Mr. Boothe and another belonging to Mr. Hack ney before it was killed. STATE NEWS. a ?3t be lithe shi.eruulver ,l.o ct ratteru snoes is very clever MA 1 make a shoe quite as pretty, but up to darp no sloe lias ever Ken krown that FITS like Queen Quali ty. Net a wrinkle !. Hot a piccia ! And 0 ! so pretty. V Boots, $3.00. ' Oxfords, $2.50. PRIDGBN 6c JONBS,- THE SHQE MEN, The neero arrested at Pocahontas turned out not to be Green McAdoo, the Greeusboro wife murder. Hint n v e.... .u:.r : fin. 1 . a uangc, uuiei lusueu- lue Countv (Jommissioners n k c...u .-.L were in session atrain today. UDto Kn..... n i. ' this writing little business except Sunday afternoon at John Hopkins & -w -wuvuuvci u uospitai, Baltimore, where he bad been transacted. They meet asain Unn aovorai A tomorrow. " finn Mia Mm.1 t,- . r vu aiD a viuaiUD TV CI C KjCkX 1 1CU VU Col. Benehan Cameron, of Rocky Mount. Stagville, has gone to Macon, Oa., The Rad-Pop independent ticket, iu Biicuu iue sessions or tne Ha- iui"ibu at vxioru oaiaraay, is tional Farmers' 1 Congress, which g"g to pieces. The nominees for meets this week. He is the first sheriff and treasurer respectively INDEPENDENT TICKET. For Chief Justice: - THOMAS N. HILL, of Halifax County. ' For Congress: J. LINDSEY PATTERSON, of Forsyth. For Legislature: . CT. PEARSON. vice-president. MOVEMENTS OF PEOPLE. . a have declined the nomination. The nominee for clerk will also come down. It is evident now that the whole thing is a Pritchard. soheme to elect legislators who will vote for him for United States Senator. An unsucessf al effort was made at 2 o'clock Sundav morninor. sit. I For Clerk of Superior Court: , W. J. CHRISTIAN. For Sheriff: ' W. T. REDMOND. For Register of Deeds: J. V. RIGSBEE. 'For Treasurer: Darhamltes as Well as Others Ar Con- staatly on the Move. W. E. Lunsford, of Umbra, was in tne city today. . VV. W. Mason has pone to Monks- iT.innnlntnn tn imnh ri;n T?ii;.f vine on legal business. the negro charted with outraeinir "Capt. S. A. Ashe, of Raleio-h. war r8, aIe& Wown at her home 10 here today on businPRa Lincoln county, on the night S..t.l nta.u r II. H. Patterson, of Chapel Hill, has ordered a special term, of court ...v. .vuajF. tor Jjincom county, for the purpose ueputy uollector S. P. Salter. 1 01 giving auiott a Bpeedv trial. field, of Roxboro, was in the city Cou"t i" to convene the 20th of this today. , month, and Judge Francis D. Win Mrs. W. J. Ori.wM Uf. .viJ9 has been commissioned to pre luuiuiutc uu a viBii 10 reiativpH anrt friends in New Bern For Coroner: DR. W. D. YOUNG. For County Commissioners: J, B. WARREN. A. N. BLALOCK. KINCH HOLLOWAY. CALIFORNIA MASSE Y. W. T. HOLLOWAY. Heaters L Heaters! T V . Hf . 'II n - ni t 1 . I iurs. 1. 11. iprrpn nil t: .u. i- t , , . . . -icigu inuca, on; xvan UIQ- .e.gU wno nave been visiting ham, Charles Pachal and Geo, Flin Fill Q rl Una in I luakn . L. . tl 1U u.uaui, nave returnea torn three vouns bovs from twlvP to fifteen years of aee. were arrested x? t. j 1 ,1 try.. nn V . .. . ' . . I J? VtSrVIlllll v. KMnWH Tn A Wl onn 1 1 il 1 . ITo axt 4.-jt MP J Huen rarK " morning about xli'a tJ . " . i ".4,D"". "c"lc 10 e me D6Rr uttuu3 vvauicu. day-lieht. Ate eohone me w V wous turner maae, Drices Z4. N)'Xf.Rf1 and td KA w 1 "-v ril IT T -r-r . "w T Kvew 141 1 J VA UJ. aJT . home. WILSON HEATERS ! vueaper wooa neaiers tor tnose who want them. A violent earthquake was Terni, Italy. felt at u "ooBi mp:e ot unambariain't sccmacb and Liver Tablets at W. M Yearby'a drua afcorfl. Thnw w yj - -t w uni . er to take and mora nlnnso-nt in ef fect than nills. Than . UUTJll ueew not followed by constipation oo id uiwiu iuec ee witn puia. iiegu iai bmh, too. p-r DOX, dav-liorht. 10 SINS Wanted at Dnrham PantalreO.eivnd TturrUn frnm nn.,.m Factory for steady work. o7-lw ing the police officers to lookout All sizes and Drices of final Rno W",MlT, rnn7T" n fo' three runaway boys. They left Coal win uuiu bu To go to Supreme Court. nnri,., j ' ' : l-.,-. H . The case of T. F. Smith vs. Er- to Ca y o'nX BImWr o. win Cotton Mills Comnanr. f, A I -J ranted nnt tn smnto P amaU " m . ; . r J ' .w. ,.1,1 wkuhu aim iubuu Evli 011,1 , " dujcu, tiu.uuu damases. - which had hoonlThatr on in the Superior Court since Mon- portunity was given them to ride the day morning, was non-suited this bumpers and they came into Raleigb arternoon. Attorneys for th nlain. Ki- . . . i uuiumg auuui turee o ciocs tiff at once gave notice of an appeal and proceeded at once to Pullen to the Supreme Court. Park, where they could get tbeir INDEPENDENT SPEAKING 00 Vl'j " I in 1.1 . . Hon. J. Lindsay Patterson, of For- LJ 1 , no.money defray r Syth c..vo biiu pcvi.cu uepenu luetr isuurs ior existpni'P The Royall & Borden Go. wide-awake Dur- TIME TO CONSIDER The WK3KI.Y Sun is onlv t TnAonnAannaAiA "Pon ther labors for year. From 20 to 2a columns oi in 5th (Winai nZZ 1 7,1 were relurn to Durham by live, interesting local, state and add ,iH " n'Z '"'' "ni lhe father of one of them. "We general news each week. SuU..th7 world," said Cio.uxh Tth .f o ; "1 " ,. 't"'6"' one 01 lIem. "and we will see it .j "vci u auiv pieseuianon 01 me issues ot tne campaign. 1. 15. ClIRlHTTANr Chairman Indenendon t Rvor t ; t r - awuv.t. committee, JJurham County. scribe and get a nam paoer Called to Greensboro Capt. J. J. Louarhlin. haviri . , ...a turned irom South Boston. V. inf. this morning for Greensboro. He was called there on account of nna of his clerks. James C. Mahrw. hav. in fr HufFflrpd ft atrnlro nt : llH. 11. 1 lr 1- rir 1 - .. . . - I 3 . . r J vu iiuc ui ju.cn a. wnrapn s onn rninraH'. vbrnu f .u i . ioiir Hino nT nia tin. ' f i - l 0 wuv mc vi iijc UCM 1 - -M vaub AJUUiTU values we have ever hart. nr RNlmni cv. f-.ic . r- ... Ilin will rctnm n;k . . ,- , - - - vx.uuv. wuww muses, iiuux 7 sc. 101 lumgut ui iiuuiorrow rv fli.r CrtV. OI - 1 . r ...... . . ' I ; - vu "vuvui ouura iur ouvs. irom r nn rn tn fi. nuurniDtr, CI 1 . w- j-. vwi mcu a 1 o ouues ai 5o, 2 00, 2 50, 3 00, J3 50, are the best that can be had - - - V.7 "vtia, 3 auujm;, irunus. t o w (pin aw., uive us a can The Stove Pipe Boiler. An arrangement for heatini? watnr arouud stove pipes, is the latest and best thing out The fact that al most every family buys one is dnffi. oient guarantee of its merits. J. H Stone, general agent, and J. C Richardson, local aurent. are. nan vans ing the city. Don't fail to let thorn . .... snow it ana explain ns merits ya . . oc2 lw to Burcli-Gormaii Company. W w m. . ' . One Bound Over. am Cox was arraigned in tho ponce court this morning and bound over 10 tne December term of the Superior Court under a bond of $50. J wo men were killed and aovcr, -- w U I others injured in a collision on the Northern Pacific railroad. - n nn w 1 . mm u a. J nm mmi ifHOKB For Constahle. I hereby announce mvsplf an 5r.io. pendent candidate for Constable of uurnam townshin. Tf DntA 9 r4' urn m?;., UPPO wM-a V IVV I 7- f - ' .uDuuargB sgaiusi nim was carry- w, Fve me puulio to the best of mg oonceaiea weapon. Four de my aoi"y. II. D. Keee fendants, charged with drunkenness, Tr were nnea 5 each. One for disturb- aamuel Rob nson hnt i:ua , UUU IV I I IRII You Take a Look at -Qur Line of WOOD ana COAL HEATERS And Decide for Yourself the Kind vou Want WOMBLE & WALL, ;TIie New Hardwiiremen. I B. N. DTJKK, Preeident. ' 1 jqhn'F. Wir.v. n.), THB FIDBLITY BflNK DURHAM, N. C. ng the peace, had judgment against Smith Brqwn, at Andarke, Ark. L, . - ' him held ud. :. ' . ".V . ' umtn , $ AA AilA nn -C..I..1 h aaaa Aa Wopklnrf 24 Hoars a Day.':V .1 tu. L.?- . A . . Deposits' $800,000.00. There is no rest for thno;J.., ' ' L 1T" little workers-Dr. .BbSTw to it trTTNTifiH tt -r-vr- Pills, Millions are alwaPvt busy Parun ' nl iJr-72'..-f' " XJ&AM A". me Tom d Liver. .TannH?, p;u " Feu. Appiy to iw office. 1 titf uBmw hob graauaiiy grown until we have nees, Fever and Ague. They banish pn- i,."TTi 1,950 SAVINGS BOOKS. hick ueauache, drive out Malaria. m inc De8t velvets, plush and ' t nm ti nn r, nA nZ ir :"- vor pwpie we receivt sei;23-tf nice, work wonders. Try them, see A. Max's front window A o -mJiu t V wu 25cu at R. Blacknall Kr. Ann, r. ' ' Kvu H VIUI Store, o 6 v . '. I oaieiy xeposu juozes ior rem. . , . price will cret them in hia rof,'rinnl rrv,: twi j . ' ale. nere's your chance. ' miniatrator. Trustoe. An-ont .etc. wuitob, jaerator, Ad-: . r w 1 1 lnnva.WM