.:-t s "-'. t. il.: cwm .wt nrrc ItT-Oa isoaA, St cea. On Y.ar, U-2-' f oa Tsar, Oas DcUar. Iimt4 a the Parana Powi: as tecoad aa Kr, feat int-class reaiUi Democratic ia politic. coagervatlva I policy .aal for hen: LiU. sta Int. . aa-wrtisag rates made knowa oa applleattaa tooScala Du Bulldlii. Wart Kal late stats 'Phone ST. BeU "Phon. 17, of iiriismBH molt s I . ilUT U o'clock OB to l IN lasortiOB. dayOfpUBUC.u. - Chairman Bacock admits the propo-1 OCTOBER 8. ft. . , .. . . . :aVin(T to WEDNESDAY, . . . i- Democratic Mate h0 For Chief jMtic Pupreme Conrfr-1 For Chief J2 4,K. ofp.ke. For mjAwM lusticeof the i MDrrme u-our. Ui from tht Aiwst-UENWtGtiOV rwinTfLKEL UVUl " - f - Hn.tdr5rf pSbifc mstrucuo.- For Corporation Oommlssioner KUGENE G. i BEUDlNUHKLU, of Wake. ii r tii vi' L'i li ii rL.r wtaiin For Conerem, Firth District. WILLIAM W. KITCH1S. of Person. For 8olloltor, Klnth DlstrloU AUBREY . LBBOOKS, of Guilford. LetlsUtlve Ticket. Far! State 8ehate-W. N. Prltchard. Of n-irxra. R I. Walknr. of Caswell. For Boone of BepresentatlresJones Fuller, of Uurham. County Ticket. For Sheriff Felix D Mar'hm. For Clerk Superior Court JalebL. Creen. " For Treasurer Pschll Lunsroid. For Register of Deeds-John E. 8uU. tor Lioroner-i . r ran k uurj. pronnSrtij O. K. Proctor, 'L. T. Uamptpa. Thomas Mn.wnihA. John W. Allep. I In. v.nk. Ju iii W Allan. 1 For Constaole, Durham Township Ed. T. Lea. Better register without delay. 1 o Th - ratio of $16 to 1 ton of coal may remind the republicans that it is a oondition that confronts us stead of a theory. it- The republicans ha7e been telling us that the silver Question was dead. but their candidate. Mr. J. Lindsay P.t.t...n: i. not at all inclined to ilia Bnpp.,h hre w . . . I a strong reminder of the ones ne made d-ring tbe falmer-uucsner campaign. -0 The independents and republicans I ire greatly elated over their candi date for Congress, Mr. Patterson We like to see people get enjoyment out of thingB in this life as they go along. Mr. Patterson is a very diet I vonnff man from Winston, who w .n-.r..: .u. . KiinKinmiii awIUllY aliitiu lull mil """lail UJOlaiiae, uui . b is uu wit. uc i . . . ...... i . .. . ..... beat him in this aiouiot, ana mere- fore makes Mr. Kitohin's political record the paramount issue in bis speed. This is possibly the chief . v m. p,oron ,inpa not 1 caouu wut ... " 1 meet Dir. jiucnin in joinr, utuaie. . 0 . we nave, no reau auu.-g " years that gets so oIobo to us goes up and down all the f venues of ourl raainaa with all thn foroe of auto- mnwi! vpinnitv-in fantitiust kicks -.. . . ; our emotions, like a reiractorymuie, into shattered rainbows, and there is naught to behold but iridescent a ems. as- laree as cakes of Limber- " . Loa i a rM .hat U on- VUvvoey aaa vm vwaaA appreciative of what is truly great und glorious without compare. It gets away with ns. Our pen is stuck in a star, and our thoughts are auto- mobilinsr uo a moonbeam. It is w a this- -an article in the Charlotte Ob- .p- W W.Wpf R. Henrv. on t . o-i.,. i,!,.h nlo.pa with Jeter Pritcbard , which closes with the following pargrapn: "And now. Senator Pritch- ard, press on in this great fight. Jioyal hearts are with you. j-Tess on, O stainless statesman. The cloud kissed summits of the Appalachian Park, wreath four name in glory, and the waters of the upper Cape Fear, ; whis per your power to1 the wailing sea." " ' Great Geehorsaphat ! Has poli- .. . - .... -r - - , r-, . ' i tics in North Carolina come to this? n- Whe, Republicans talk about the bond issue of the Cleveland adminis- tration, remind them that the plates ' - for the first issue were made under the orders of Harrison's Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. Charles J. Foster, while the. protective tariff was in force; in othei words,; that the Harrison administration cieated the conditions which made the neces - sity for those bonds and bad pre i.L.i. . . J , pared the plates to issue them rand remind them that when Cleveland ended bis first administration heleftlDr' King's, New Discovery wholly a ,urplu.;or 1000,000,000 in the Treasury, and that when' he came back in 1892 he found that the liar, ...... . , . t , rison administration bad not only depleted tbe Treasury but had found t -i r- -. i it o Ue c: .'t eii.ee --iry t? J i-i-e ia cri jini thit in caking the iae Cleve land only carried out the policy tbe mal aiamistration of tbe harrisoa alminUtration miJe necessary. A fkw week j ago the Repulli cans were almost a unit in denying that xraerican made goods were, sold cheaper in Europe than in J n ! . America. They laughed at the idea (bana 0f Mr. .John Dolao, who, nii ,hPv tried to iueb it out of ' ,- court But now it is changed Binuu ustuuo j - ft What if Imirimn m n n f 11 rpr I . l ii uai it a.i..v. I sell cheapejc abroad than at homfc?"i TBe Philadelphia Press, the org.n . . , . t ,.t. ,an- , it .itll I ku0 Yiueiucuw, uuv uu. C3diiion dees exist and concedes that it is wrong, yet proceeds to ex- S-- ..... I CUseu. Ana .aieij oeorewtrv ouw . m i . k.' . inn has admitted the truth of the state .... . . . . ment, but has defended the course. n Tue question thereupon arises, Will WU"UU'W " American mide goods than Euro- peans have to pay, even though the Republican party may defend it? WHAT 1 1 STANDS' FOR Democracy opposes any law which UOVern- m tn an man or fit of rrftn that ll j i , . , , ... they may pront unauiy at me ex- pease fiof the people. Democraoy stands for eaual and iust laws to all it ia nnnoopd to anv law which gives capital an undue advan uKor .ni) pn.illtr onnnspd to any law which gives labor an an- o- ... due advantage over capital, it staida for such laws as will give ...I u : i:r every mau u kbl uuUO .u ..... . whither he be producer or con- Mmer. whether he bejietr-oT-)oor, high or low. S Whon Triiata am arrnorint. when - .I . : . . v .6-.-w " -7;. ' wueu me- i.yc cuweuu itne sneiter 01 ine win, ueraocraoy 1 . v i. . . ; a: ia. 1 ig opposed to them, and it is like- wise Opposed to the tariff laws that afford thera shelter, because they Vl0late that true, honored arid just principle, Equal rights to all and special privileges to none." High or low: r oh or poor. Democraoy is for L.i 1:1.. u... .:n k unalterably opposed to tne aistino- ti -s Republican laws have made. The honorable use of wealth is phasing to Democraoy as to Re- .1. ,k uuulluauiaiiii auu ,uu wiiiuii, i . , ... assprtions to tne contrary win Berve nA ntVior nurnnaa than trt Inwor ihnap I wb make them in the estimation of , . ,. . ; I I The tentative plan of tha Scth- em Pacific directors to issue $25,, 000,000 bonds fo.' improving the i ygtem hL8 bpen abandoned. It is I understood that conditions are re-lb I g irded as unfavorable to such a pian at this time. ke look at the prisoner. He Learned a Great Truth. It is said of John Wesley that he once said to M.8 Wesley: Why io Vou te'l thfit child tha samo thine over and over agai j t ' "John Wes- lev. because or ce telline is tot enough " It ia for this same reason rhftt. von Am toM niriin unA avain tnat chamber ain's Coueh Ramfidv I cures co'da and erio: that i; counter - aY tendency of these diseases fa pneu,moniat and tQRt it av v uui w u auwuaAjivuaijs uuu U at- tri.tk&fi&S! 9 I sale flates to Horse Show, Richmond Account of the above ocoasion, thA Snnthnrn Raiiwau will apti rnn,i trip tickets (via Keysville) to Rich- mond, Vs., and return, Oct. 13 to 18 inclusive, limited returning Oct, 20, at rate of one fare ($4.50) plus 50 cents, for one admission to Fair Grounds. No change of cats be- tnroor Tn harr anil R.tohmonrt Train I " VW ., uwaa WUK V W a V , at. a Wat eaYeg Durham 9 :5J a. ra.. arrives I I Pinr.mnr1 3 OR n m ' rot nrni nn p. m;; returniug leaves Richmond 10:16 a. m. , ar- rives Durham 4:30 p. m. - or fur- ther information call on or address I n llnaAnhnpv I Ana I Aivant u, Vmcuwiji uv.i .iguuu ; , John R. Morris, of Baltimore, spent last nigui in tne ony. Night Was Her Terror, 'I wculd coufirh n v. rlv all ncrht a . a a r m. a I . . a . - r. -5 . f h 1 hardly get any sleep. I had con sumption so bad that if I walked a block I would cough Irightiuliy and it blood . bui. wh6e aifother 'medi Boit blood, but when all other medi- oines failed, three . $100 bottles of abSSuTeV SSltS Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and ll Throat and i iffi Troubles, Price 60c. and $1 CO Trial bottles freQ at K Biacknall & Bon's Drug Store. , i A It Caosei tie i'ret of n II ti Fotger ia Chs'lctt. Charlotte News: Arc:: the ef fects of the late Hr. Jizna Caa uiogham, whj at ore tine was a member of the police force of ibis city, was found a faded picture and a letter ging a description of a niai wanted in Savannah, Gi., for forgery,' for whoe apprehension a rwa d of as iff red. , At the death of Mr. Cunnirvham, , .,J 4ka that sometimes devotes his Iruh clever nesa to detective work. ...s... Saturday. Mr. Dolan had occasion D"UI.u"i ' fn o" " f wk spend the day in Conco.d. Walk- , th denot. ne passea a man . u1 Vim if ha avaa rminnr tn LUai HiCU IIIUJ . J - S'"S Charlotte. Dolan replied that de waa and U euanger ana xoi.u went to toe station together. When -a . Waed ,he Irain.lheT OCCU- - . the game seat ana on reaenme for ' . . Charlotte the stvanffer asked. Dolan where he boarded, lie told him , " - 1 l 1 ikn. .fiVaA if tAla - - r inn. r.iiv.ii l u r 11 .in Bkcu i v buiji u I told there would be, oe accompanied I , t th Manbion House on LteDreseMative Scotland Harris, tx yy e8t Trade street. fiknrti ripr tfpivintr the strftrjc-1 WW. Lit J tm - " " ' O O I s nK.rlfta tiv r... ; . ; . light. He returned at ah early lb. hnnr in tho mnrninw. I vu.r.w nn.nf ih. hank dr v. ... r .k. ;iir iil t trip Man. cdiici J w w. 1 . sion House for Mr McGee, who, the driver aUited.owed hm (3 for carriage nire -"'-8?' Mr. UOlta naa aooompameu iruni uonoora. answerca m tui uuio. - , J i u. I A(j Boon gg the ljght of day Lunwn on KicGee's faoe. Dilan Lulled from his pocket the faded r. dure and letter mat naa oeen p j tu. n..i.,i,.m. pf . foeti. . He looked his man over and . " agKea uiui ii u wuum u a air oil htm IZ UB WOUIQ n0l aCOOm- I bim uptown. The Strang r did and the consequence was mat ne was nabbed by the police as a sus- P1C10US ouaraotcr. t . . M w j y Nes ho jfJ 4Q t on piotare.f - - j WM called in to examiue McGee and the little faded picture and pronounced the picture a good likeness of McGee, although taken BOme years previous. Motiee was taken buck to tne ceu ana tnis . a 1 morning he was brought Lefore the Reoorer to answer the cha-ge of Ufe pretence in connection with Thi ohar2e couid not be sustain ed bat McGee, alias Moore, alias WUliamsoh, was sent to jail for 10 aaya 10 www Pl"lv tme to bear from , authorities. rttn.. v..nu .ni Po-. in ton. who have the case in hand, seem to think that Dolao soared up X the right fellow and that a "maoh- My" wanted mar. in Savannah hasli) - , . -11 , .... Deen naooeu in vuariutte. Thcre jB rew-d 0f 400 offered A 1 fAA VX fAra 1iaa T TT Williamson, by the police author- itie9 0f Suvannalj, and if McGee proves to be thenright man, Mr. Dolan and Orders Earnhardt nd Farriiigton will share this liberal purse. The Savannah authorities have en notified and it is thought a detective from that city . will oome to Charlotte to-morrcw or next day Cares Eatloa Canor, Blood Poison, Sores, Ulcers, Costa Nothlnn t0 Try Blood poif on and deadly cancer are the worst and most deep-seated Diood diseases on narth, yet the easiest to ICUre When BOtanlC BlOOd Calm 16 used. If you have blood poison, pro 1 ducmg IMcere, none pamsf pimples, mucous patches, falling hur, itching Bkin, ecrofula, old rheumatism or of- - ttiSSZgGSL ing, leateriug gores, eweiungs, .umps, I persistent wart or sore, take Potanic B1 Jd Balm (B- & ) Itwi'icure even the worst case atter everytnmg K Jfiffi: mftkin thft'hW pure and rich, and building up the broken down body. Botanic Blood Balm (b. b. b.) thorougnly tested for 30 years. Drugstores. 11 per largo I DOttlA. Trial treatment free DV Writ 1 iaS B'00 Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga, I V aA..awL llmm.JlI f . L 1 3 I lBBliiOO tTOIlUW IM1U IXUtj luoUlCtu HU SSSSl (aa Brt Aiivfirr.iflnfl rn:A dies do) but ia composed of Pure bo I l. r T. 1 : I , nnnn m. i- I muiU lUKrOUlOUWJ. VVW OUUU WWW- monials of cures by taking Botanic Bl xd BaJm (B. B B J - . Some er dese hard-headed sinners kin take dis fer dey consolation. r. u u AM.M j- I Ut, WUU L U BUY UUfll HtlllkO 1U i UH P. '7 gwine-Atlanta i Constitution. REEUMaTISM CURED LV A DAT. "Mvstic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I o x days. - Its action upon the svs ff i2Sp1It i: The nrst aose greauy Denents. 75 cents. Sold by Hackney Bros., Druggists, Durham. . i'at ,to p-r . j-b TU Vet to t a)ij 0 16. L'cT.'aV tVcC-; a Call Wii is- sued ty cine leiiicg ceroes cf the State for a coMunwcn to be held in Raleigh, Octoh r ieth.forthe pur pose .f totninatipg a ticket to fce voted for by negroes in the coming ovember eleu".on. This is the outcome of tha ciion of the Ha- publ-cans in throwi.g the ne.ro, overboard. The call atjo requests , a candiaate tor congress oe , nam d 1 to I .k fo.i-.. ; iu niiir. I Am San.tnf I Pritcbard. It is ck-.rged that he failed to put any R.puUican.on the State wicket because he did not wish to showuis party's wrakness. ne told 'President R lose :elt that t'-ere were 40,000 white R publicans in the Stale anl by polling all votes possible for Judge Uill, Demociat, Chief -Justice, he coped to 1 now -a. . r I .... . w . . . this iu-.nber. The call ia signed by nPgToc9 who have bereturor, uaen a . nTAmln.nt nft fl lAmpllfflA 1ft XVA- I diuiulueiiv li tL m . au u.. w.m. w . are ex-Congressman O'Hara, ex- Congressman and ex-Recorder of Iipp la (:h4thftm. ex senator iet " I - W V?a.na f? H NWom. W ' Young. HOweariT Ola ne peiray : deaoe of beinsr a great musioianr ... . . atl "W7f even before he could talk be waa dead staoa on itim8elf."Lif e. Ban a Tea Penny Hall Through Ela Hlind vmie ODeni'e a oox. j. kj ujunt. . -. . i n a i 0f Three Mile Bay, N. Y.raiaten oenrT nail throusth th1 flhy pari of lite hand ,'I th. ught itonc6of v .r." cause aao,"njsiy8, "ana lmmoaiaw M . . 1 " J.'.l. ''SS To and occasionallT aftflTwards. To . j -11 1 ftnd the paFrt8 werc 900n healed." For sals at W. M. Yearby's drug store. arrests falling hair. Cures Eandruff, Brittle Hr, Itching .and all scalp troubles. Fully guarntecd to cure or your money back. - "Coke Dandruff Cure It ,otTO, narTiesi. UnMilnun. M. T.. "NaUonal Home, Wla." JnigM ci twardi at Parii 1 Ex position acknowledge Coke Dandruff Cure to be the only Senulnet imedy. ton taeoet angers lmitatioia. Demand Coke. A. R. BREMER CO., Chicago. lather Tour Head With S Coke Shampoo Toilet Soap SoU by W. M. Yen by, Dtrlam mar27-ws.1 mod thiiigto tie to i vi ocvm.iy - pviicjr u w.iu rire Insurance Co. We will in ?ure you against-loss in a strong company, and we will help you get your money in case ot accident. Don't procKStiuate on this impor tant duty, but insure your property and give-y cur mind a chance to rebt easy. Janu s Sou agate & Son's, Insurance Agency. Pb ne 18. Office over Morehead Banking Co HALF PRICE .... W. Ez -J W AlXlJd) M.tn fit.MPt. Tlnrham. N D ' - Office over Lambe & Lyon's new store. In - teratate 'Phone 173. JullS-tf FtESH OYSTERS, rri r-r r n atpiiif r tmtU UKbltWtU Every Saturday & Sunday, Al " a m H T Smith's RpctannTit ui,.t uuiiiu u tivuvuuiuuiil ' . , . nest oi every mng ine maraet anoras atltu. all times. 1 -' j Near N. W. Depot-ocl-tf " IatarMaVtrMBtN. to t-e vc. it V U ' ML - n responsibi'atv, ana now impoi uu W H H 'lV 1 ta,-r,t nf disease is left in the blood " i It f . :.-4 , V V.1n1ca r!i?1. ertailir " the EOSt W -t .... v. a-- , . mart rtritji little bod v with oSen rf pons,citarhof tie nose ard throat, -veak eyes, glandular JlinbrittleUv.,vfiite8wBgandleform. H" Innt ntwii such lAU'I .MM B--"" t - ,lv! for hrititrincr so much HiiserT into the world t 11 yoa nave U10UK1 i'i llill a: i,i.: ci-ctcn hn t,Mt!,J;Mii? ripnn voar own yoa have not only enlarged your capacity icTtne cmjoymenioiue P'" if life, but have discharged . duty all parents owe to rosterxty- and made lUAll."li """""" -" ""ff . There is no remedy that so surely a purely vegetar'e medicine, harmless bv both old and y Ting without fear of Ttr'ti na tmnr rase ana lei This will cost you nothing, and we will skin diseases. THE JWirr rtvt fhxrlutiu Snstnta glxmik. DURHAM. N. C CAPITAL A D PROFITS $155.00000 0. E. RA IS, President. lT lT rrs ia -.T-r -T3 E. C. We solicit the ace tints of Merchants, Manufacturers, Firms and Tndl- vidttals, and alt butlness entrusted rate attention, and every facility the . ccount will be extended. Wf jan5-6m or correspondence. 8M0KEIP! And when yon smoke, smoke some'hing good. We have several brands that annot b, beat for giving y a enjoyment and satisfaction. O , O r 'DEAD SHOT: Is a splendid io cent Cigar. None Better. - 6 OO I It Is in everybody mouth; so are druggists for these brands. When you try them once, you will '. want them again All made of good goods. I a A SB. ' " " ' a" atk ' Aa. Cappington's Cigar Company. augl-lm WUw Yon want Wood Inquantltle of from flve.ten.cn hnndral or two nonareu coras, call i a . J.. I. BOVLiHG, Next to Electric Light House, for prices. He rill make them right. Pbonas Intewtate 141, Bell 108.- . Out wood to order, and cor 1 of all kinds de ll red promptly. a&rt-tf B. R. HODSTOH, i Mecnanlcal DrangHtsman anil Builder. w 11 give estlmat on all kicdg of wo Plans and specifications ma to on appl a tlon. Work done on short notice. Satis - e- I tlon guaranteed. Correspondence solicited. liOCK BOX no. OUo, uurnam. . jm 1 T ri Wnrlr n nriilf ir J J" ' UIk. t OpCWlilUy. sepl9-tf BEN I - uB,&.ieju. i WOOD AND COAL. All klndi ot cut, Split and stick Wood, both handle I oak or Dine, i, in 11 blnit-t awe , or small Quantities. I notnin but the best grades of Coal. Send your orders now before the price ad uvuu 11 I ranees. VerHrulj. Ben Perry, . . .. . Morgan Street. I Interstate 'Phones, Office 310; Residence ' TlW WlWt 8lW,tl jet JOT. vH, a i .J v-- dust lo-l. fc-r healtli and happiness. liow iucon-. k ceivitiV great A is the parents little sutierers ana doi icproacii - . - V 1 J ,, j 1J ran von, excect Wval aeveiopea, blood and build np yonr nealtn, ana . ' . L.. 1 .LV1 V.14 reacnes oecp-semeu, siuuuuiu u. . - L , trOTlbleS aSO.0.0. " KiUtuouui tveu iacvuu-i; poisons, and removes every tamt from the blood, and builds up the general . health. If weaklings are growing up around yoa; right the wrong by tmttinsr them on a course of S. S. S. at once. It is in its effects, and caa be taken any bad results. - , : our uuywuaua huyuc usiw yv. a'so send our book on blood and sritu m THIS IS THE STOVE YOU NEED.- CALL " .... " ."... And place' your ORDER Before the rush. We have a large stock. Prices r low. LLOYD'S; HflRDWfWE STORE xnn.DanMn MURRAY, Cashier. to us will receive prompt ar d acc u- and accommodation in kteping with cordiJly invite a personal int .view O- : O Is a daisy five cent . - smoke. its praises. Ask your dealers and ; Sale of -Lot. TTnder and by virtue of the powers contain ed In a certain deed ot trust executed by Jackson Evans and wife.' on the 28th day of June, 1961, and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds ot Durham County, In book 31, -of mortgages for said county, on page 228. default having been made In the ntvlnimt Of t.Via IrtltaVitAnnAaa aajviiMAit tliaA. by. I wl 1 sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Durham,, at U o' clock, Unoa r Monday, November 3rd", 1902, : the following land lying and being In Dur ham Township, In Durhan. County, In said Stat, and bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: .Adjoining lands of Cha. LIpscombe, Will Wycne and others, beginning at stake on the south side of Whltted Avenue and Wl 1 Wyche's north corner, and running thence southward with his andobas Llpsmbeanc others line 48 yards to an iron staket thedce westward 25J4 yards to an Iron stake; thence northward 48 yards to Whltted Avenue) thence eastward with laid Avenue H yards to the beginning, containing one-fourth of an acre, more or less. Dee deed from D. F. Vickers and others to Jackson Evans, dated October 8th, 1895. re corded In Book No. 23. page 470. Ac. VIcloBS.BRlANT... September 30th, 1902. DR. J. J. THAXJON, durhah; n.xj. . NOW LOCATED UP STilRS, WIST FOUIBB LO CATION, OH MAIH SThKBT.; t - With fifty-Ave years of experience as a gen eral practitioner. - tiis specialties, mucuous tnemoranes, glands and nerves Females In part'cular li ndlirestion. bronchitis, scrofu- lar. constlpi ar. constipation and headache. Secondary and hereditary diseases. Maths given. janl Subscribe to the WsaKLT 8oa. SPORTING GLUB

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