) - : P.; v JCSTAilLianD, lSS'J. DUB HAM, 2T. C, FBI DAY OCTOBER 24, 1903 f t .5 .... v' IA'ME 27-KUMBi:il ICS Now Fresh .and LastiDg. Hudnut's New York Perfumes. L Mipnt's Parisian Extracts. J. d. ill. The Last Call. oNsoUThErn. p iron? tier nrn Ct7 r- ii-j-Enj fatJflt " ipEJtj - STORES I SPOKE TO A LARGE CROWD THURSDAY NIGHT. -AND All t6e Leading American and French Sachet and ; Toilet Articles at Ad- j ke.i I YEPBY'S Drug . Store. OUR FALL STOCK OF POTTERY) GUSSWAHEIHD ART GOODS Has never been so complete as now. he Speech Was an Earnest One Advocating Republican D0.2. - . - trines. Senator Jeter C. Pritchard -Dot-P to a large audience at the co-irt Douse last night: in font th was so large that many were unable to obtain Beats. Dr. E A. Yates introduced Air. rritcnard to the. audience in a brief manner. senator rntcbard said, that he esteemed it a ereat riviloA dress such an audience, andthaD ur. ites tor the kind introduction. He did not puroosfi in ha . , j- MVBI H IU abuse anybody. A good deal of Snnr i,;v- ard's speech was devoted to the tariff question., in isya. under R-nnM;. can rule, the people of the United States enjoyed a higher .Wro prosperity than ever before; more men were employed at remunerative wages man ever hefnrn Th..., w inviu iiv CI was a President inaugurated under more favorable aueoicei th land. , The Wilson-Gorman tariff bill was alluded to. and the nee and mioa then with what they are now under the Dingley tariff. f l be Kansas Lit? niaifarm -j i.ov.v.u. was characterized as being the like of wmoo pad never been I REGISTER! REGISTf n ! ! A " f 1 i I a Let everybody register who is 7 entitled to do so. I There is an entirely new reg- A tstration this year. I Yonr old registration entitle yon to vote this year, f Unless von register hf-. t, I books close on the 25th of Oc- - J - w tober, you cannot vote this year, The boot 1 or nnn. t registration and will be open k mr mat nnmoca amm a ? Sunday excepted, until sunset 4 v oaiuraav. uprtrux- te, m iv every person who is en 1 r " cu- titltd to vote under the amend- 2 ai VJUV.C, . Regiateryourselfandgetyottr f ieighbors to register. 4 Tn ArtfVkrula " , Ovi ' I It declared ftl'ainut PVorTT mn T vvvu auu wuma we carry , , c uu a the widest possible range from the v t r 00ul(1 Set dollar. J , most inexpensive to the most cost- Caro,ios ha8 00 g' eater enemy f lj grade from the simplest to the thaD.b arrays one class against f most extmisitP fWnro ! re ; another.; a - -- JUU. a, you . - nflVff rtPPn cnrnric - .I., i I in uu ui inn ffrannPBt nimnt ..... uipHv.u n k LUC CXtem I . , o "juiguo of our Jine heretofore you will be Ver wased ,n the Un"ed States, the amazed now. Call and fonvinopLIiPuonoan8 rweoted. a Preside vonrself that nr nnocoa . i.j I unaer tne a President. . Uliff ev Unit. 1 . , O rf I WVJ "iuo 19 now musical witn the liirlliriaa tn m. ...... i . .....w w uiwi yuui iciiairemenis i l . " " uo no matter wnat class of goods you wiua is oringing may be interested in Not toV raore tban. lt dia 10 block under through our store you miss a treat: L,eraocrat, rnIe Lumber is bring- . nugmwe iuu. rice one-tnird more. J nMlMlt Y I H V ave.r7 'naustry ts at the hieo water waBwtim Vlllllliri. I maiK, . 7 NOTE FIRST Tue adoption of the Consti tutional Amendment made an tirely new registration neces sary. The disfranchised negro registered in the campaign of not provided for new registra tion this year the names of all of these negroes would remain on the registration books. -NOTE SECONn An entirely new registration this year was necessary to put the amendment in operation in this election. NOTR TlTTPn , Each Democratic paper is re quested to keen this in inent place in the paper until mc icgistration closes. NOTE FOUR. Cut this out and post it at some prominent place in the voting precinct. F. M. SIMMONS, Ch'mn State Dem. Ex. Com ALEX. J. FEILD. j Secretary. 1 cere was a bpn.l.an.i early this morning near Gioonilie oeiween mixed traip No. ir, west bound, and throuoh fro!rtf la 0- "v.jju, 1,U. 1U NO. 11 Was in f-harrrn V Oper and Engineer Glenn, a young man Who Was ronemlo .-j . iiuuiuieu Bra a M..1-.I 1 . . . 1 k me mroitie or &o. 46 It seems that the two traios had orders to nana t n;k-:ii- r viivnuuTiiie. i trough some misunderstanding of orders on the part of No. 46, the ran lotreioer dear th swiioK K.k engines were badly broken up, "and UVU,H engine naa lu be sent from Greensboro to carry No 1 1 bto that eity. Neither of the encinppra drama.. or any of the crew' sre reported tc nave been nurt. A wrecking crew was sent to the scene and had the tiack cleared in time for No. 8 to pass only a few minutes late. XT ' m . rrieOdS OI tbA vnnnn nn;n.A. . f Vy J & .51UCCl U o. 4B express muoh sympathy for nim, as it comes as a pretty hard blow. He bad only been running a few trips. 0 A Night of Humor. "A Wi8fl Woman" ia . . I "luov IUUHI laughable corned v. s good humor from start to finish, over the ludicrous situations. A very good audiennn u-itnoco,! play last nie-ht and pninni t Tk. 1 . oc J J n 1 uc company is composed of talented actors, and the comedy partJ were never better acted in Durham. Th singing was catchy, and the Dro- lODged aDDlaUSfi after Ihn of each sonor. shownd tt.t it Io " nan appreciated and the led more. The com nan v ; an .11 I 1 j .0 wu mi round good one far nhnvo ... erage that visit Durham. 1 ' 1 1 1 nm nr I o Cnnvtr UUlllGUO OUOOIdl.' We place on sale today a large lot of yard wide Sea Island . Cloth, line aBd smooth, and nine weight for Underwear and general use. You cannot match this cloth for less than 6 cents. Will sell until clos ed at 5 cents per yard. Broad-Giotns. Ribbed Hose, The "Fampson" hrand of t ast Black Hose has a wide reputation fortheirstrength double knees. arA j Ulllt heels, and are a 25 cent value. Our price 15 cents a pair. After a veiy close exam ination of the different makes we chose this superb cloth. Comes in 23 shades and colors-is 52 inches wide and has no equal on this market. We believe ours is 25 percent, better than other one dollar cloths in this city, yet our price is 98 cents per yard. Taiieta Silks. All Silk Taffeta, in best colors and shades, 19 inch es wide, at 49 cents the yard. B: F. KRONHEIMER, Next door to Postofficei -'Phone 412. til? During the D&st vnar mn na. tional banks were established than during the four years of Cleveland's administration. The ne would go further and say that more were established in air mnmho m -t " uaVMfckJD than during the entire Democratic administration. More nnttnn miiu have been built, and more mnufao- lones istablished. Where one freight train ran under Democratic rule, ten run today; where one pas senger train ran thei. four run tn. day, and there are ten times people who ride. niL ' 1 .... iue speaaer said tnat be sympa Southern's Special Trin.. ine aouthern railway's speoial trains to the State fair on October iuano autn, will pass through Uurhamat 8:52 a. m. Returning ihiciku ai o.iuj n. m. . arrtv. Tkft I x -n n Jfg at Durham about 6:a0 o'clock. lie LaST iLall. Special trains will be run from Ot. iora on tne above days to connect Thow 3- . "peuiai trams operated be- inCV trV tO nrPllldlAO nannl o I f n , r. . . ut i j kvk' w 1 iitccu vjreHFiHnnrn tun against me and say that I passed the ... jtf u pviisiou deserters. This was r. Webb Camp, characterized as false, the speaker i The R. F. WebbCamp, No 118 Bavins that It nenainnorl fK. nf-A . . it ' ' ... 1 u . nuu 1 """v vvuicuTiib veterans, will early in the struggle deserted and meet at the court house on Saturdav Went tO the Il.ltnn ormw an1 UFlurnnnn ftt . . . J later On in tha nnnrl. M- a: I UI u : 1 ' ' moos did not object to the passage There will be an election of office?, or tne bill, and eaid not a word. for the ensuing term. A full at- 1 D Br"er p3,a a tnbute to tendance ts desired. J. G. p:uer General Hnrr'y l!harai;tn i.:ji- a J..... 1 'rer . ..uviaiij ouu aiuuiy nujuiauv, welfare of the Confederate soldiers, and his benevnipnp.n tnma k I Kicbmond Mnimo ,t...i. more Soldiers Homo at Raleigh, which and Bolona sausage, at Cheek fc more tuan Senator. Simmons "yBier jo. . 24-2t. ano tne wboie Uemocratic machine CHOICE MILLINERY. MRS- ADA M. SMITH Is Showing the Leading Styles in Ladies Head- wear. Inclnding a beautiful and up-to-date e of Novelties in Millinery Goods. Ifyoawanta Modest Hat or a Smart one, call on her. races will please for handsome goods and work. octl7-lm Common Sense 9P tbized with the average Democratio naye ever done or ever will do unti speaaer. it ne savs thprp u nn ooomsdav. shnnlH thar prosperity in the land, even a mnl long. would laugh at him. v There were charges of Democratio ucuatvi i nicuaru Biiuueu orieny cl,ganoe, maae oy the speaker, to his and Mr. Craig's campaign. "We are going to have a deficiency He also spoke of Cy Watson, who of a million and a half when the ne saio nad about as muoh chance to legislature meets WE HAVE BUNCHED OUR HITS oftUU season and vlaltorg to the store can ee tbe beauty show and find the bargains without trouble, T. La.. 11.1 .... u Kuoae laiugs wnicn have struck tbe uo oa,,u uau as muon chance to iart T ou,.rlcUy "e on" a 8maU . e,.ected 88 a .cat d,d t0 Set of 1 concluding his speech, Senator .. -mn,,, Z l0. re810D9 Wlth0t laws. nritcbard thanked the audience for There-, do Jn. n. rr , . ' people present were advised to their re-pectful attention, and com--StSWS V0-1? thTe Kepullioan ticket; vote pHmented them for their intelligence to say that Drlcea km rioht I. -L-.'T" arymnst K it,. kin ,J 1 i wa6ireferrlDtoour loSa;n"Mr","UBS,, re". . " ",u,.u u gwu iuoh. I M Iao ll'inioIaAaii-ITmMH.a. - I PUmiSlliiKf PA doctor'"8aid the 8Pe!ker- I am - Second One Tonight. o vv not exactly that.. but if twelve and Messrs. Jones Fnllnr n v :-a. P. MA8QX, Manager. half percent were involved, wo ild Pearson i will have their second joint 1 tU UC WlBtJ IU CUL aWAV T.h A nt hat I UIHUUHRlOn tnniornt ftt 7Qfi --T J www WMVa - " V V Utftt T TT' 1 f TITO eighty seven and a half per cent to Tne speaking will take place at JJJL!. IVLXvJvlOf 8et at the cancer." ' Coley's store, in North Durham. Crig was characterized as having Mr. Pearson will have tbe opening vi xuii. wayue, ina , nas just at" " 8 01 negrop-oDia 1 peecn oi ininy-nve minutes, Mr. r'wjoA at A ii . . .. Iev6rfiaw. If hp crno nv. aa ha has I Fnllflf will fnllnoT nritk . ...vu buu will HSS'St in matin? I , - O- - 7 " mm a 1UI tjf candiWnl 1i trt xt . uodb, ne win oe.in tne insane asy- minuies- speech and Mr. .. . olo.e. with . rejoioder of Johnston a Pearson ten min wc invue eacnand "They say I am not a friend to utcs. every one to call and see our new the Confederate soldier, because I The place of tbe speaking can be candy. We have boxes of fancy voted against a certain bill. I did easily reached by taking the Man- canaies, ail kinds of chrystalized ,wre "8aiu" "u wuuju uo so s nreet car. maia large crowc fruits and fancv cak igai Vf had, l. do 80-" Senator wiU be Pre8eDt goeB without saying -uv.jrcMjt.ca. Pntchard explained why be did so hilllinlNl " KHlHltC I ?a.ve ni9 reason for so doing Samuel L. Adams is in Sussex auiiuuuv i aVUilUUUeJ I He did not know even where the county, Vs., where he has gone to We have fifty buoches of Bananas grave was of his father who wore appear in an injunction suit against that we will sell Saturday, October grayv "Neverin my heart could a lumber company. 25tb, at 10 and 15 rents a dozen 8JkV anything against the Confede ' We have fruit of alt kinds, ApoW ,ale soldier.!' Senator Pritchard The original Tenney Candies, at I ft that ha nraa nnt a 1 . lliifr iS fI J ingme vonieaeraie BOldiers, but IllllS 01 3 I I llfIS ' ' Wa" again8t lbe Partiuular billabove . anuueu to. it yon want to get the best Candy and Frnit ,the maiket can afford, please call on Fears,-Oranges; ;Umons. Granes ami jMuamazoo celery. For Rent. A 2-story, 7-Joom brick house, on i a. a a Hamseur street. Apply to Mrs. C. at TT CI-.. ui. v. iuiieii, at m, j, yyy att's. oo21-4t . Food Changed to Poison. Putrhfvinc fnnrl in tha inoh'nu I O ' tuiVDVlUO) I II II II II m - IP ' w W VT Aafll,C7 1 1 IB TfJL I ttM XI. U. 1 linnaj U W. the poisons T from clogged bowels, -e cou" oa8e cao B0PP7 your tt . w ; geHly, easily but surely, curing wanU ' .farmtore line, at low 29 Wtst Main Street. Constipation, Biliou ness, Sick Ilead- rale9 as wel1 M witl lace curtaini, ; Interstate Phone 417. 1 ache, Fevera, all, Lver, Kidney and rtips, clooks and maoy btlter band. ftnhswihufntRn- troubles. Only 25c at R. son.e goodt. Call and see a nice Subscribe to the guw. . , BlaQkoall & Son'. 4 'slock. - , oo20.1w The N. Y. Supply Store, oppo- !. ....... L. ... . bboes for 19 cents at A Max's. 1 Hey are bound to go. - lieautitui curtaius, latest novel- ties in that line, for sale by theN. i. oupply Store, oppos'te court ..viubb. oc20-lw Teachen a man that in nrAr tn svKt.:.. 1 1 . .' 0. 13 ttlwayS cneapest. STEIN, BLOCH & CCS FINE CLOTHING HIGH ART GUARANTEE f!T.OTrTTrn Are two of the best makes this country affords. We are or these two lines. Therefore in ordeVto get tteSSJtofiK W? brand of Children's uchw. jyouDie seat, double knee. Guaranteed not to rip. ResnectfulW LAMBE - & - LYON LOADED SHELLS. ALL NEW GOODS. for comfort and PRESER-r Winchester ' and Club." Loaded with black VATION OF THE EYESIGHT HAVE YOUR SPECTACLES AND EYEGLASSES FITTED BY and smokeless powder. D- $ Rapport. Expert service and lowest charges guaranteed, umce over Kron- sioj heimer's store. TfYLOR & PMIPPS. The men's Store I cf $Pu V01? hxx iQ htimor when we advertise as above OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR AND -'SUITS I I 1 h .r'lnppi i'" S!;,M' "!! n m m" cm,n,ers fW iospectlon ui purchase SEE OUR and NOVELTIES 1 I S. C. ANDERSON CO. "SOLE AGENTS FOR KNOX IIATs W. A. SLATER COMPANY LLuimtKS AND FURNISHERS. iepl-tf W. L. WALL, ' dialib m; WOOD ANO COAL. Can supply wood In any quantitiea. Cut wood a gneclaltv. . . - aurauur boas til. Joa-TU HALF W. H. EDWARDS, Main Uf.aat r....U.. VT Office over Litmbe & Lyon's new store. In- .1 ... . 1. . D L . ..... . . The Daily Snw is i 25 cents a month. Get the news very evening. Trunks for Sale. -We have a lot of H. W. Ronn tree& Co 's trunks that were ship pea to J. I, Uwith, which we iU 5i?nbi,c anctln. to thehlghv t bidder, for cash, on Saturday, November 15th, 190a, at the Court Honsedcor, in Durham, N. C, at charges. 6 odo-td J S. Murray.

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