- A I 1 DURHAM, IT. C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER T, 1902 VOLUME rr-JJUMBER 118 ESTABLISHED, 168'J. 1 ItUxk!s gtixtxsa; w?, Ready for Use. ' No danger in handling. Kills every time. No mixing or soiling dishes. AT YEBY'S Drug - Store. LONG HAIRED LADIES At our store next week. ffid toy mm. AS DECIDED BY BOARD OF CANVASSERS. inaioritv. 933. IN A SOCIAL WAY. Cornoration C'rnraiBSioner. h. O R0,Uin,tfiil,1 1 M17! D. II Ah. tmovable Occasions lesterJa kJVl4l "Vf J - , - - J I k-.f Cai Rj.innHalJ'a raii.lHir A ! 1 C T It OO 1 1 a tl J La V t K V C U i I. . i 'it - 1 - r i..u- ....... 923. 1 ue social uie 01 uaiuuiu iuku- Chitf Justice Supreme Court. sea to be a ga and brilliant one this Wltpr riirk. 1.740: Thom&a N. season. It has already opened in - -J - - - 1 A The Work Completed Late Thurs day Afternoon-Total Vote of Each Candidate. The following is the official vote as found ,by the Durham county canvassing board. For Solicitor Audrey Ij Brooks, 1,835; Robert D Douglass, 903. Brooks' majority, 927 For Congress W. w. tvitcnm. 1.847; J. Lindsey Patterson, 921. Kit -bin's majority, 92(5 For Senate. Kbr. 1. Walker, I QOQ. IV. 111. m V P.i ,.kar,1 1 H'll- . rri 1J d t - . I . O i nomas j wiiusiu, i;; juues c I Lon Lyon, 890. Walker's inaviritv over (01dbira, 923 Pritchaid's mjrity over Lyon, 1,054 Fur House of Reoreeentatives. Jones Fuller, 1,088; C. T. Pearson, 1,042. Fuller's majority, 640. Hill, 942. Clark's majority, 798. Associate Justices tlenry Connor, 2,714; Piatt D. Walker, 2, 714 No opposition. Judse Second District. R. 13 Peebles, 2,709. No opposition Judge Fourth District. M. Cooke. 1.815; E W the most pleasant and enjoyable manner. . At her beautiful home. 702 Duke street, yesterday afternoon, Mrs. L A. Carr entertained the lounsts Club, in their regalarly appointed Charles meeting time. The residence was Timber- decorated in a lovelv manner with take. 890. Cooke's .mrionty, 925. white and yellow chrysanthemum Judse Siith District. William The TouriBts had an instructive and K. Allen, 1,812; W. S. O'li. Robin- delightful meeting. A diiaty lime- son. 892 Allen 8 msiority, 9-'U. course mncueon as - ivi irc li..l,.o Virrhih Diiir'.t Wahpr I Carr was most lihwi ti'.'i k. II Ntal, 1,820; II F. Seawell,858. and is deeply interested imheCiub. Neal's majority, 932 Judge Tenth District. li ,1,817; A L Coble, 892 s rnaioritv. 925. Judge Eleventh District. Eras- tus B Jones, 1 ,815; II. R Starbuck, 893. Jones' majority, 922. Judge Thirteenth District. W. li. Council. 1.823: Robert H. Mc- 4 4 In dnpartiug each memVr a given a Urne and beauti.ul ehnsinUie mum as a souvenir of the oi-t! :i 'n. MRS KRW1N ENTERTAINS WRIST l I. I B Mrs. J. Harper Erwin's lovely home was last evening a ect ne of rare beauty. She most charmingly a Wk .1 rhih 'I'h.i jTHE - UROHHEiiflEn . STORES I MESS GOODS SPECIAL! No offer in choice goods t f this cli. 'n ter wa3 ever made before in this city in the very heighth of season. This lot was re ceived November 3d, and go out to our cus tomers at a great sacrifice. We offer about 0(K) yards of Sharkskin, in seven colors and CTack in 3()-inch width, value GO cents, at only 30 i-ciits per yard. Will give splen did wear and will make beautiful dresses. 'I k ffrMJ,nyM ih.m Nei'. 889- Council's majority, 934. front hall wa9 decorated with yellow ,?tr 1' Judge Fourteenth Distriot--M and while chrysanthemum and 1,886; YV.1. R,dmo.ul,884 Mark- H. Justice, 1,818; Olney F. Blythe, pftlmt,; the front parlor with white ham majority 1 003 - 891. Justice's majority, 927. and pink roses; the rear parlor with tor Clerk of the Court Caleb j,Mi,e Fifteentn District Fred- American Beauty ros. the wholo B Green 1,020; W. J. Chrisuan, erick Moore 182G; C. B. M.sh- effect being very beauulul indeed 1,097 Greens f'i a burn, 838 Moore's majority, 932. The luncheon insisted of oy.ter o ,R,erruf h" , Jude Sixteenth District.-Gar- 00t.klail9 wilh cheese wafers, ch.cken . m i . .! 1 1 w . i i .i ... i n ,n i . i s .-. . . . - in i ii prfriiNnn I n i i ivi ih ..-wvu, , Cade, 880. Ferguson's majority, i:.. -r.. . r, ouiii., joiiu v. xv.g II l m U N III Suiti'8mfj)rity,840 f OF POTTERY, GLASSWARE AND ART GOODS Has never been so complete as now In Art Goods and China we carry the widest possible range from the most inexpensive to the most cost ly grade from the simplest to the most exquisite decoration. If you have been surprised at the extent of our line heretofore vou will be amazed now. Call and convince yourself that we possess unrivaled facilities to meet your requirements no matter what class of goods you mav be interested in. Not to see through our store you miss a treat. J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to Postoffice. 'Phone 412.- 935 salad, tomatoes, with miyouaise dressing; hot coffee; peppermint wafers and salted almond; with punch served during the progress of SKIRTING! SKIRTING! 54 inches wide, in grays, for unliiied skirts, every fibre wool and a $1.00 value, our price 51) cents per yard. 0 - ful eveuirii? and it ia praising Mra. Erwin on her charming entertain ment. INFORMAL RECEPTION. The home of Mr. II. N. Snow, on ford, 1,922; T. J. Ilolloway, 848. r ' 1 rx 4 I r v -v f - 1 . l.un.tora smr.jori.j i,u? unci .vey ya te .ck. .Itho tramps. The Clnh hid a deliiht For Coroner.-J l rank wa(liry, Kev. Dr. T. N. lvey, editor of : " " "7 .T . . . .7 1,770; Dr. V. I). Youug, 988. the Raleieh Christian Advocate, Maddry's majority, 78H. passed through the city on the five bor Surveyor. G. beivin, 0 clock train yesterday afternoon on 1,832; W. D Young,- 1. Belvin's his way to Granite. Falls, Caldwell M'jinty, 1,831 county, where he was summoned on U liilnn llAmrniaUlAnArfl H Annnnnt svf tli.. b.i Ana tl nnao rf hlB John W. Pope, 1,828; Z. T. Ilamp- father, Rev. G. W. Ivey. This Chapel Hill street, was brilliantly ... .1 - . . .11.. . - .-1 -I k..i.ilnl In J ton. 1.731: O. K Prootor, 1,734; be oved so d er of the cross is 77 "iun,ll,MW BJU UBauuiu"J ucv,u Thomas Lipscombe, 1,7 10; John W. years of age, and has been in the ted last evening, the occasion be II 1 t " A . I tJ lArHMnn 1 I ' I A I ; .. . F tr r 1U. I I IT H I II I II Ilia I Pl-if lllilllll . lilllll IF11' Alien, 1 ,0114, i o vrancii, i,4n, ministry ror years. lie isiueia r . r- W. T. Ilolloway, 1,008'; Kinchen oldest member of the Western North mentary to Miss Delia, and Mr. and Hollowav. 970: California Massey, Carolina conference. Mr8- Claude Walker, of Richmond. ... ....ilnk.T:V .I I Wl I U n A inal.liniiinlll KLllllWI ' I . . ...... I.i t . I . 11 ...! 1 interred r KRieisn. itDPoiiPHis wprp. inpawani v euitr uve wuie eicuiun. i i e r j in.iino. nf tha Po9ao Durham Mrs. C. T. h oushee. of this city, tamed till time for relrcHbrnents to V ugi 1 v v o v 1 ' - - 1 I . township D. C. Gunter, 2,190, went to Raleigh Thursday to attend be served. 1 he dining room was a Tv P.ip. 1.402: the funeral of Mrs. Allie T. Gill, scene of beauty with roses nnd i? n nbn 1 AnnR'f! VVnnd. I who dipd at hfir home in Franklin maiden hair fern decorations. About n 1 onT, 1? n uioiwtir 1 ft.-Unimtv Thfl rpmainH were carried I twentv tive quests were ureeent. all VkW y I y'J if t ) Llf tJ UlftlUWO, ,WUWJ v-j. - j O 1 J. T Inscore. l.380;N A. Ramsey, to Raleigh and interred in Oakwood of whom agreed that they had spent 1 ,377; J Owens, 1,371; J. F cemetery beside her eon, the late a most delightful evening Pleasants, 1,300; J. C. Matthes, Zaoh Gill. Mrs. liill was 97 years B. F. KR0NHEIMER, 113-115 Main Street. CHOICE MILLINERY. MRS- ADiL M. SMITH Is Showing the Leading Styles in Ladies Head- wear. Including a beautiful aud up-to-date line of Novelties in Millinery Goods. If you want a Modest Ilat or a Smart one, call on her. Prices will please for handsome goods and work. ootl"-lra GOOD BUYING- mmiMEANS MONEY SAVEDfUIHt! 549: R'T. Howerton, 545; J. M. of age, and was truly a mother in New buppiy riulmr1 UUIV iiL'OiUiUiitt3,JUiU4 Horr-aday, 543; John A. MoMan- Israel. tie was mucu oeiovea ana oi v.uineseoacrea.uies ua . ,, buy special offering, when presented. We r1en,542;J.G. Piper, 541; Green highly esteemed by a large family Hyacinths, , etoija.treive4 purchased last week a number -of stylish, np-to-date patterns at close Bailey, 536; A. P.-Faucette, 536; connection and a wide circle of wood & King sdrug store. L prices which enable us to tffcr vou a suit for $io oo Its equal Fine goods. Low Prices. Sneed- s never before been offered by us. Sx our window We are con- Markham-Pearson Co. n7 at. f.tamiv aai,nS "ew, iniD? l w ' rrcf" . A . .Fo . I line oi ivien s, rsoy s anu vunujtu & isi'u, na's, vicuis rur For SALE or Rent. nishings, &c. Call and fee us. IItadquatUrs for Fine Clothing. First nine were friends. J. B. Warren, 1. elected. Constable Durham Township. Ed, T. Lea, 1,350; H. D. Kerr, 533. Lea's maionty, 707. To Wed on the 13th. Invitations have been issued to the marriaare of Mr. Charles O. Vea A . 1 H 1UU 1 1UV. H'l I - Jntinen of the Peace Oak Grove J of Knap of Keeda, to Mrs. t- oi im.p la (J. Coleman, ot MoriaL. on townsnip. viauu ouenuu, iu.j, . i - - - - . ,.i . . T P. Rogers, 107; A. M. Sorrel!, 97; Thursday, November 13th at half ply-to L. A. Carr t .. ?, oo. i v ni nast twelve o clock, at the home oil r ltd. Krilo Tho nnntran.tmor nartiPiil Nn rrnnna rpaprvnrt at A in i' irai i nrpp wre liiecieii. i - . . i . t A desirable residence cornar More- head Avenue and dencecornar More- . r-r i l i - "T tt at ror,aA. LAMBE - & - L YON, . . . . I mioVi Fnr thorn a lnnrr nnrl hinnl I thoir mnat. an fSPO hlH HtnCK anil I mmmmmammmmmmmmmtmmmmam?mm mtmmmmmmmammmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmm A.m. vvrenn, , a. li. jjiagg, o. i - . j i ONE PRICE CASH BLOTH1ERS. THE RESULT OP WELL DIRECTED EFFORT g seen In the goods we carry. Our stock Is not a mixture of the good and bad. There s no halt and half quality. Different grades, of course, among the different things In this Hue oi MEN'S FURNISHINGS. but nothing pretends to be what It U not. If It's wool ltr8 sold as wool; If cotton, cotton. Is Its name ana price. Old customers appreciate this. We want those who are not yet customers to do so, too. . Johnston Furnishing Co. 8. P. MASON, Manager. MR. KARRIS, Of Fort Wayne, Ind., has just ar rived and will assist in making candies oi all kinds. New candies every week. We invite each and every one to call and see our new candy. We have boxes of fancy candies, all kinds of chrystalized fruits and fancy rakes bananas! - Bananas! We have (fifty bunches of Bananas that we will sell Saturday, October 25th, at 10 and 15 oents a dozen We have ftuit of all kinds, Apples, Pears, Oranges, Lemons, Grapes and Kalamazoo Celery. Ruts 01 all Kinds. Tf vnn want to set the best Candy and Fruit the market can afford, please call on H. S. TRAMS & CO. 209 West Main Street. Interstate 'Phone 417- Wrenn's rnaioritv. 1 1 . Justices of the Peace Uedar torn township. W. II. Morris, 33; C. Barcee, 33; L. A. Page, 31; Itutus Page, 23; Hugh Green. 24. inrst three elected. Constable Cedar Fork township. 0. F. Beasley,35, no opposition. Justices of the Peace Patterson township. G. A. Barbee, 92; W. J. BUckwood, 83; J. W. Elliott, 59; G. M. Parrish, 46; C. Massey, 41. First three were elected. Constable Patterson township. 8. II. Pickett, 95; T. P. Rodwell, 45. Pickett's mRiority, 50. wedded life. To Marry in Roanoke. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr. John Mason Jameson, son of Mr. M. C. Jameson, comptroller of the Norfolk & Western road, to Miss Mamie Elise Johnson, daughter get goods almoBt at your own price. Urn jtAjeratisietuem. Children's Eyes! If your child is backward in his Both of Mrs. James JJavid Jonmon. 1 be latnritai does not like to stdv or ceremony will take placet in Green has svmotoms of headache, you AM .l. M.nll ISXAMJ-tL A Va I til 1 1- J A.I. -4 J.. .M. viviniirrAi i . 1 1 1 i. ii . iLiiaiiiiikr. a i mi i i rrrnn rir rmii ir.ji i iiri r i vi i ir Wednesday evening, November 19.1 little eye trouble. There may be no outwara sign oi a aeieci, yci iuc eyes should be examined to make sure there is no fault in them. I All three elected. Constable Mangum township. J. A. Moize, 170; N. M. Carnng. ton, 105. Moize's majority, 65. Justices of the - Peace Lebanon township. T. E Cash, 85; II J. Pope, 56; B t' llestef , 55; w . -K "nnnr-yan, 54; VV. ! lerry, d4 b'lrnt three wie elect'' d Constable. Li-banon township.-- E P. Holt, 103; J N lui:i, 20 Holt's m.tjority. 83 State Superintendent tunim in struction Jiiivs Y J'-jf-cr, 1, 821; Daniel A Lng. 888 .J.jjf.ei'i M. To Organize Tonight. The Vance Club will meet to night at 8 o'clock, in the Board of iye speciai care to children's eyes C'lUUCIliuu IUUIU Bl IUD VUU.V woi.i fT) o T A T 1J f IJ T' Office over Kron- nertaininp- to the welfare of sib I heimer s store. nil will be transacted. Go out and encourage the boys by your attend ance, if nothing more. to. i ii.b.ci,ii o uir.j.,,.vj, tciucation room at me court nouse. - c n . Justices of the .Peace Mangum jt j9 hoped that all young men in- UL, S. l township. E. II. Veazey, 951; D. tereeted will attend this meeting, as Eye Specialist. C D. Harris, 174; E. G. Gray, 111. bMjneM pertaining to the welfare of si6 heimer's Three Small Cases. Bill Smith and June Peoples, both colored, were , before the Vlayor's court this morning on the i:nan or nn ic t dl' irane ai lue uain Both defendants were dis charged. Millbew VVimberly, for issault and battery with deadly wp:inon. was bound over to court under a bond of $50. Cut It. G. Gates, of Rougemont, was in the it' this morning and vent LOADED SHELLS. iLLL NEW GOODS. Winchester" and "Club." Loaded with black and smokeless powder. TAYLOR 6c FHIFFS. The Men's Store! W7a cnooV nncitlvplv hut in irnntl hiitnnr when wp mlvrrticp na ahmrd stated. There is a diversity of opiniou about tuiuy things but none OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR AND SUITS, I in all styles, we have on our counters invitiug inspection and purchase. I I C C The cold weather is comingdrop in and let us fit you for the emergen VJ1C120 y-' FURNISHINGS ot all kinds. and i CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS SEE OUR "SOLE AGENTS FOR KNOX HATS.1 W. A. SLATER COMPANY, Oiif mif nn Ycarby'fl drug store and iet afre down to Raleigh on a short trip sample of C'namb il v'M'a Bto-rach ,nd Liver TuLVfltB, tho beat plijflio. Thov ft'p.owi -nd ir.vi'irato the Ptoinach, imrrovo tho app tito and regu&tu h- bels Rr-gular pizh, 25c p r box . ' New arrival Men's $7.50, $10.00 and $1 2.50 Buits. Sneed-Markham Pearson Co. n7-3t. NOVELTIES! S. C. ANDERSON CO. A. Max is retirinir from business and his large stock m are such that it will ro with joy. ' No fnke. Every thing Take a look at A. Max's west show window. Pretty ladies' hats make lll'lll uu!MWl-no ----- .... ust go. Prices Prty display, and they are going nake you jump cheap. These goods must be Hold. sepl tf W. L. WALL, PIALIH IN. WOOD AND COAL. Can supply wood In any quantities. Cut wood a specialty. W. H. PRICE EDWARDS, Muin Ht.Tiwt. Durham. N. 0. Office over Lanibe & Lyon's new store. In- terslttie ruone no. juus-vi Iloster beer is the beer to drink if you want the best brewed. In i bottlei and oo draught. It. Trunks for Sale. We have a lot ofH. W. Rotn tree& Co s trunks that were ship ped to J. L. Lewith, which we will sell at public auction, to the bJgh est bidder, lor cash, on Saturday, November 15th, 1902, at the Court House door, in Durham, N. C, at 1 2 M Sale made to satisfy storage charges. ocif-td J. Sr MowtAY. Subscribe to the Sum. must go at rook bottom prices. dow is the time to secure bargains InMrtUU Phone 111. an-7U

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