:0 o ESTABLISH EP, lSS DURHAM N C, MONDAY. DECEMBER 1, 190: VOLUME 27-NUMBEU 37 lilUHt Sttt&rax 'xisii. Two Fine Novelties. Huyler's, Ghrisfmas Turkeys and At YEARBY'S Salted Almonds, Nuts and Pecans. -YOU- Jhc cjudcje And ask you to see for yourself be fore deciding on your wedding present. We have the lar gest variety in China Art Goods, Din ner and Tea Ware, Silver and Cut Glass. We do say however that our goods are sold under an ABSOLUTE GUARANTEED Arid If it ten't ricrht we'll make it right. J. HENRY SMITH'S, Next door to PostofEce. -'Phone 412. OHEISTMA9 SURROUNDINGS, There's a world a 1 . 1.. 11.. for the men fhemgelves but for those who I IE 1.IINUU I. VI I ri IPU Till" mNH H WMUI Will. U 111 H I Jr..men'l e?ri S0?!?"? buy "remembrances" for them at this time LI II b lur LUIIKH W I While this Is first and last a man's store and we sell the kind of I that men appreciate we make it particularly pleasant for ladies at tms season ana can as- sisttnemtoa cnoice in sometmng ror tneir male friends or relatives. Wt mlgh suggest, for instance Johnston Furnishing Co. 8. P. MASON, Manager. N. S. TRAMS & CO. Manufactures Fine Candies, Choco lates and Bon-Bons. Candies of all kind fresh made. All kind of Crystalized Fruit. Fan cy Boxes of Candy at any price. BANANAS M. BANANAS We Have Fruit of All Kind. Bananas to be sold Saturday, No- vember 22nd, at 10 and 15 cents a dozen. Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Malaga Grapes, Lettuce, Celery and Nuts. If you want to get the . best Candy and Fruit in town, go to i Two doors above the Postoffice. 209 West Main Stieet. mm Interstate 'Phone 417. MISSIONARIES HERE. Drs. Lander and Keid Spent Sun day in Durham Rev. Dr. J. M. Lander, Metho dist missionary to Brazil, preached at Trinity church Sunday morning. Dr. Lander chose as his text the 12th verse of the 10th chapter of Romans "For there is no differ ence between the Jew and the Greek," etc. In the course of his sermon,. Dr. Lander told of the work being done in Brazil. The sermon was un.'ke the majority of those delivered by missionaries who have returned from foreign fields, in that the mission woik in Brazil was not stressed as being more important than that of China, Japan or Corea. Rev. Dr. C. F. IteiJ, who is in charge of Methodist missions in Corea, was in Durham Sunday, but on account of sickness was unable, to be out at the services. Drs. Reid and Lander stopped over here on their way to the North Carolina Conference at Fayetteville. Now .Meet at Durham. A new change of schedule went into effect on the Southern Railway Sunday. Passenger train No. 136, which ha9 been arriving here at 3:10 p. ra., is now due at 4:45 p. m. No. 135, which has been leaving Dur bam at 5:04 p. m , has been changed to 4:45 o'clock. These two trains now meet here, instead of at Ral eigh. The afternoon train from Greens boro was changed bo as to make close connection with the Southern's fast flyer. This train brings North ern mail, and now enables the peo ple of Durham and other places on thp North cwiin DivUinn tn crntMety and morals were public drunk NpVnrW nanprB Bpvpralhmii-J earlier than heretofore. 'The change is a welcome one and thoroughly appreciated. A Small Wreck. A small sized wreck occurred on the Southern freisrht vards Saturday afternoon boou after the Sun went to press. The shitting crew, With I.I ! ,:.... lueir eiitnue. uroceeueu m iuu uireu- tion of Duke's factorv to take the siding, when the shifter ran into the engine of No. 73, an east bound fhrnnaVi frpiffht.. Thn mints nf hnth ensines were considerablv damaged, The accident delayed the east bound nassenerer train, which was already . - . . . .1 late, for sometime. A CARD. W a will onmmenflino' t.h firat of December, carrv no accounts longer than One Week. Bills must be paid on Saturday or Monday. By mak- ing this change we put very few to any inconvenience, the Risk rnce has been taken trora everything in stock and Cash Mark put instead, thus giving a saving of 15 to 25 per cent. You can compare with anv grocer's prices in the city to prove our statements. We have many of the very best citizens of the city mitlt am Mn.-1 - n rt r DAm W t lv 1 vptv month. We extend them J - - - j - . 'y t-Very our sincere thanks and ask their aid in this new departure from Old t; n.,Dt.v, anA i,,,n th mill lueu ppitjiuuu uy oruumg U9 jbeir orders. It YOU nave not , 1. . , , . , oueo irauiug wuu.us scuu ub a tiiai order. Goods sent C. O.t IV when desired. Accept our thanks for past patron' age. We nope to continue to merit a large share by adopting this Cash Method. Respectfully yours, Cheek-Roystkr Co The New York Supply Company will Sdll you the beBt matting that can be bought in the city from 10 to 40 cents. n8tf See A. Max's front window. New and up-to-date millinery at half price. He struck a bargain in this j line and he is giving the people the benefit of it. Fire Saturday morning practically destroyed the stock and business house of M. L. Uohs and Company, wholesale grocers, Knoxville, Tenn Lobs $100,000 covered by ineurauoe. A Costly Mistake. Rhindora am Rt.metimea very ex- nAnuivft. itapftfuouaiiv iue ltseu ib 11 1 f ' i 1 - the price of a mistake, but you'll npver . tie wrone it you uiku ur. f 1 a Kine's New Life Pills for Dyspepsia Dizziness, Headache, Liver or Iiowol troubles. They arc gentle yen tnor ouch. 25c . at R. Blacknall & Son's Drug Store. , . 40o. a yard, 50 inch extra heavy weight dress goops, nearly all shades, at Levy's. 1 Monogram Coffee 3 lb. can. Ilegu- I lar price $1, at A. Max's, 75 cents. DIB III IS tl I FOR THE TRIAL OF CRIMI NAL GASES ONLY. The Drawing of the Jury, the Charge of JuJe McNiell and Other Court Matters. The December term of Superior Court began this morning about 10 o'clock. Judge Thos. A. McNeill, of Lumberton, is presiding. Solici tor A. L. Brook is also on hand. This is the latter's first court here since bis re election The term is for the trial of criminal canes only. The fo'lowing were chosen as grand jurors for the term: L. S. Christian, foreman; W. H. Harris, D. M. Cheek. W A Barbee, P. E Beasley, A. M Sorrell, T. L Mc Cleese, W. T. Cole, W. K. Lynn, C. C. Thomas, O. II. Freeman, Lewis Burch, J. B. Sualey, W. II. Stone, Jr. , J. F. Clements, J. R. Bledsoe, Luddeu Tilley, J. D. Kelly. J. W. Zcbary, Ju J. Duke, 11. E. Seeman, R L Lindsey, M. H. Jones and R L Crumpacker were excused from jury duty. Judge McNeill, in his charge to the Srand u.rv! w"1 ove! luhe uffen ?e8 10 he crlramal u" of lhe u,t, ate in a brief manner. He recited the offences against the person as being murder, homicide, rape, abortiou, seduction, assault, arson, burglary, etc. Those against property were enumerated as larceny, fale pre-' tense, receiving stolen goods), for gery, etc. Offences against public ennesB, bigamy, fornication and adultery, residing arrest, bribery an?y prjurv HU)ormimuo, perjury, forcible detainer, gambling, In speaking ol the crime ot carry ing concealed weapons off of one's premises, Judge McNeall eaid that "the pistol and whiskey together is me inception oi many crimes u.eu in miv nrtnpf a " " vvu. .n Among tne common law ouences the following were mentioned : Abandonment, defacing of legal ad vertisements. iniury ot cattle or live etock, cruelty to animals, con I . . 1 I I 1 ..' J ceaung Dirtn oi cnuu, cuuing uown timber on the laud of another, dia- turbing religious worship, defacing sign posts, drunk or uisturoing ren gious meeting whether services are in rjroerress or not. disposing of mortgaged property, larceny of growing crops, retailing without license, etc. in speaking of cruelty to animals, the Judge said that the statute on this was a new, but good one. " l nere is not a hetter statute ou the books," said His Honor. Arch Mangum as sworn 111 as special orhcer ot tne grand jury during the term. The first business of the court was i thfJ Till the running over the docket by the Judge and Solicitor. A number of cases were uol prossed and contin ued. After this the court got down I to business in earnest. Mr. Slade Hurt. W. T. Slade had a painful fall at his residence on Saturday While corrinf' out from supper, be stepped off a step to the back piazza i fell, sustaining a hurt at left Bhoulder and left wrist. It is thouerht that hu ehoulder and wrist ifl, Uai.U t r,f nlano Mr. a 1 o uum ivuuuavvi vi v jiw-ji Slade's condition is reported to be as well as could be expected this . . . 1 afternoon. Don't miss the big Monday and Tuesday sale at Levy's. Uf Remember you never make a tailure on vour cases or ureau when you use Dan Valley Superb' tiveTlour. Atk your grocer for it , and take no substitute. tl.98 Men's Vici Kid Shoes, I the 13.00 kind, Monday and Tuesday. Levy's. James Johnson, general manager of the Mexican International rail road, has resigned, after nineteen I innn nt uAVITlnA vvi ra..u. He has been with the road from its inception. A elat s or two of water taken half an hour before breakfast will u uaby keep the bowtvs regular Harsh cathartics ehou'd tie avoide 1. When a Durgntivo is notdi?d, taite Cham berlaih's St mach and Liver Tablets They are mild and gentlo in their ao tion Bralo by W. M Yearby't DrugStoro . , , - Feather proof lied Ticking, 25o. kind, for 12j. yard. Levy's. CALLED HENCE. Mrs. Lawrence Interred in Gran ville County. Mrs. Ella Lawrence, agel 40 years, died at her home in West Durham, Sunday aftertoon about 2 o'clock, after an illness of some duration. Deceased leaves five children and a number of other relatives to mourn her death. The remains were carried to Gran ville county, her old home, for inter meut in the family burying ground. Tee funeral services were conducted this afternoon by Rtv. W. II Puck ett, pastor of Granville Circuit. The many friends of the bereaved ones ex'.end their consolation and sympathy in the dirk and trying hours of sorrow. Dr. Turnbull Appointed. The many friends of the above named gentleman, who was so re cently a resident of Durham, will read with interest the following item, taken from the Richmond News: "The synod of Virginia referred back to the faculty of the seminary its proposition that the synod ap point some one to vUit the colleges and present the claims of the goepel ministry, with the recommendation that tlie faculty appoiut the propos ed visitor. The faculty has appoint ed the Rev. I)r L. B Turnbull, a member of the board, now living in Lexington, Va., but formerly pastor of Hogo-Meiin i ial church of this city." tiocs to Atlanta. J S Durham, who has been wilh the Bell Telephone Company at Nor folk, Va.,fi'.r some time, was in Durham Sunday. From here halms gone to Atlanta, Ga , where he will be engaged wi h the construction force of the company. He pxppoN to be back in Durham "before, the roses bloom again." The Cheek-lto)ster Co , tell you something about the cash work. Read their card. Dress Goods of all dptoiiptions. t.o to Levy h Monogram Coffee :i lb. can. Regu lar price $1, at A. MaxV, 7" cents. Pic nic boy's 2'm. kind School Hose, 10c. a pair. Levy's. JSPDan Valley Superlative Flour is sold by all hrst class grocers. Order Dan Valley and you get the Bust. .. 'J'.) lU REPORT " OKTIIK COXIUTION OKTIIH Fidelity Bank, At Durham. Nort h Carolina, at t ho close of Itusini'ss, November Sat h, 1W2. RWorUfES. Loans ami discounts...' fsW.IWH.W Overdrafts 3.182 8 Fiiruil lire and l lNlures 4,181.00 Realestato IMt.M) Stocks 7il,i")0 0() Kevenue Stamps tl lit Cash due from Hanks, . Sfs,irll 71 I Gold 1,:-H2.i,0 I Silver iUWGiH 103.tW..r0 Currency 12.frtN 00 ! Casli Items z,s.uu j Total.... JI.OUlHtUl I.IAHIWTIKS. Caultal. $100,000.1X1 Surplus 100.000.00 Undivided nrolits. Ii'ssexuenses) 43.4N buis I'ay'ahie Dividends unpaid 1!.S0 75.000-00 42 2&V 7 f Ashler's cheeks U.47M 01 Certified checks. .. fW.8 ! 735.509, Havings deuosits 1,6(4 I li 1 I.Ia.iI ,. ,l,..nl AOQ WitU 111 I Time oerMUcatesof dep'st 51,43 a." Total $1.04:1,41.11 NOKT1I CAROLINA, I Durham County. I I. John Wily. Cashier of the ulxive nam ed Hank, do solemnly swear that the aliovo statement, is true In Uie best, of my knowl . , 1 ,1.. ...11 XT I.' I IT 111' Bage una nouei. jn.i v. i n, i , Suhscrlrii'd and sworn to lie fore me, this iisnier. KfltU day of November, l'J02. j. n. um.is., j n., CoiiBKCT Attest: Notary I'ublic. A.F.LI.CYD ... W. U. I'liOUTOU, " W. H. McOAKV, Directors. The Personal Element That euters into my practice is a powerful factor in my ruccess. J give each paiient my earnest per sonal attention and take an intense interest in every case. Optics is my constant study; the relieving of some unusual eye defect my great est pleasure. Examination free. DR. S. RAPPORT, Eve Specialist. Office over Kron si 6 heimet s store. W. L. WALL, DBALKR IN WOOD AND COAL Can supply wood In any quantities Cut wood a specialty. I Interstate Phone IU. on-7lt THIS SPACE IS RE SERVED FOR ELLIS, STOlfE & CO. WATCH FOR TH&1R ANNOUNCEMENT. STOVE THOUGHTS. Nippy days nnw ami ten make thoughts of stoves pertinent and com foi table It may be a little early to b y, bat it certainly isn't too early to commence to lo k about if yoi ixpect to get the most for the mon ey. I ym want a sove and don't care whir It K or what you pay, b iy at any old store. If you want soni thing valuable which will give good servr-e and no trouble and uot tnis way. Tlu Genuine Wilson Heater is the Stove. TAYLOR & PHIPPS. HEADQUARTERS FOR FINE CLOTHING. Tf you are. looking for clothes tor the swell young Beaux The kind that are novel and bright. Be sure that you are able to pick out the label Stein, Bloch Co., and you can be su-e they are right. Lambe & Lyon, AGSLES, ONE PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS. See our Window's for Bargains in The men's Store! We speak pjsitively but in good stated. Thjre is a diversity oi opinion about many things but none wi'.h TUB MRM who bay their Clothing of us. OVERCOATS, UNDERWEAR AND SUITS, inp.U styles, we have on our counters inviting inspection and purchase. The cold weather in coming, drop in and let us fit you for the emergen- CV. niKiNlSUUNUD oi an Kinus. "SOLE AGENTS W. A. SLATER COMPANY, CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. WE GfN POINT OUT Burcli-Gorman Company. GOOD SHOES. THE FIDELITY MM, REsouRGEs $1,000,000.00 haues certificates of deposit bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. $1.00 mid upwards received in our Savings Depart ment on which interest is allowed at the above rate. Acts as Administrator, Executor, Guardian, Trustee, Agent, or in any Fiduciary capacity. j an 25-3m cost a small fortune, come right All - wool Underwear and Overcoats. humor when we advertise, as above FOR KNOX HATS." 0 The good qualities of our Shoes in a minute. U'hen you once see the ad vantogfs oi our Shoes you will take no others. You'll save money. Our dress Shoes lor Men and Women nre up-to-date, with style and workmanship New line of Men's Vici Kid just received. PRICES RIGHT. o- I

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