I i s JAUI3 A. 2.0ri2?20N Dllr One B-OEi, cent-i One Yer M.M more, IEKNAE1 N 1 A K K F. , efIiilti- M.l , retiring from bu-i- ne$ and iuuiientally is distributing (350.000 to t'ue clerks and workmen who helped bim to do his work. That is as cjood a wav to settle tbe Inrmpni niipsiioo as waa ever r - - j i llMrtJ t '-l.es Durham PotofflC M MCund- devised STATE NEWS. silMr. Democratic .a politics. eonsfTti U poilCJ ul for home Lavt.-esu first. vaertiof rates nifcde known on application to cfflce In Due Bulidlcs, Ket Hale I nw -state 'Phooe 17. Bsl! 'VhOBS 17. r0htngf o advertisement n.uit b ta In bj 11 o'clock to Caf of v.'vic o I'.itr" tnaarwon THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. The President says "Every man .. . i l i : 1 . r. 1 must ue uaranteea uia nueny au his rio;ht to do as he likes with his property or his labor so long as he does not infringe on the rights of his neighbors." Mr. Roosevelt neglects to say, however, that no man is at liberty to exchange there suits of his labor with his foreign to pit leaves no . l:. Ueis-hbor without pavinz tribute room for aouDt as 10 uis iv" o i; I the protected interests tho .irnfpr'tion nOllCV. I " - o A Washington scientist has th (Tfrm of laziness. When AVWIIV w they catch the germ of poverty we will be ready for the millennium. Henderson Gold Leaf: Mr. J. 11 Reavis, of Wise, Warren county, killed a hoir last week that weighed 020 pounds when dressed. It was fifteen months old. Siatesville Landmark: One of the largest radishes of the season, the long white variety, was raised on Mr. J. C. Kimball's farm, south of town. It weigns or dM weign Wednesday 20 pounds. Winston Republican: Mrs Mar tin Peoples, of this city, raised a monster pumpkin in her garden this season. It weighs 86 pounds and measures 5 feet from stem to stem and 4 feet 3 inches in circumference at its broadest portion GreCnsboro Patriot: The Pine Hill gold mine, in Randolph coun ty, is to be worked extensively. The equipment of the mine is to De increased by two hundred thousand dollars and will have a capacity of a A bill has been introduced into the French Chamber of Deputies providing for the abolition of all French titles of nobility. This is a move in the ritrht direction, but what The cake-walk has reached Eu- w become of all the silly Ameri rope and when it comes back with can iri9 who have sold, or are about ed by Minnesota capitalists the cachet of Fans what a dizzy to Fell themselves, for these gew vogue may we expect forur purely gaws? And how will our Chicago American production. and New York millionaires like this HpRt.riK-i.ion of what thev bought and An Antwerp lapidary has, after Sr-, i - y : . -v. v. --J s.i 'I- 7 tt,v y EaOilEIIEP BTOUG COItlFflHY. DURHAM, N. C. CAPITAL AHD PROFITS SI 55,000 00 J. E. RAWLS, Freitlent. G. O. TAYLOR, Vice-President. Ev. C. MURRAY, Cashier. r - , THE THIEF OF BEAUTY Is Captured by BradAeld's Regulator. Tlioisantls of voitng women are awaking to the fact that iuherited coniliuess has been stolen, and instead of glowing checks a u d bright eyes, the tell-tale wn-iVics tf paia have taken their place. Ticfc are tiie warning feelings! -Weak a ' lue.l in the morning, no life to enter . . 1 . J i!:ni their former pleasures, irritable. thousand tons of low grade ore a C'S) iwiies, general dispirited day. 1 ne capital stock ot tne com pany owning the mine was recently increased from oi.e hundred thous and to a million dollars. It is own- vVe solicit the accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Firms and '.tdi- triduals, a"d all business entrusted to us will receive prompt si d at cu rate attention, and every facility and accommodation in kteting with he uccount will be exunded. W corckUy invite a persjnal intc.view ians-6ns or curretp )ndcnce. years of labor, cut a perfect tinser Mooresville Enterprise: Mr. J K Valley, who is engaged in get ting out poplar timber for" ship ment, has brought to this place for loading a large number of the logs, several of which coutain about 1 ,000 feet of lumber. The entire lot will ring out of a single diamond. Some TiiBTway the last census is being average 1,200 feet to the log. These ieweler will now cut a hole in papa's torn up by statisticians is indeed Dig logs win oe snipped to a nrm M I. R!iaa ahnwa that thp I VJi"!iVv , oouuouu, wucic iucj 1 will nA nnvprti1 intrv v.irtmiH warPH census reports oi average wage . , int0 .u . Httle wooden CUD8 tbat utterly worthless for comparison be- are um by the merchants all over oause the method of estimating them this country for vessels in which Ha k,.pii r-ninnlPtolv p.lianaed from butter, lard, etc., is measured and UUo " f j o- . I ..i that pmnlnvml in 1890. Under the weignea ( j - - new method the number of wage earners is reduced to a monthly basis by dividing the total by twelve, no matter whether the establishment ran twelve months or not. Inat is to sav, if one hundred men were em- the purpose of sending baskets of ployed for six months, and no more, i F" J , , , and they ask a liberal contribution the "average number" of workmen f . ... f . calls for protection ot 4,game, ana would be estimated at titty, and by Boxes have been placed in all of wild creatures generally." Probably dividing the total wages by this the drug stores and banks for the his trips to Virginia and Mississippi number a result just twice as large purpose of receiving these contribu- - were for "benevolent assimilation," a8 Was obtained in 1890 would be picket with the ring . D'Anni nzio, the decadent Italian poet, is said to have 72 shirts. If he could spare a few of them to cover the nakedness of bis plays it would be an act of decency. o The flaw in the order of the Post master General forbidding thejnter- marriage of postoffice clerks is the implied assumption that a Govern ment clerkship is a sure one. o- Tun President, in his message, fetli.-i-r, sleq-Icss nights, cold feet, "bear ing l n" p:iins. All these symptoms I.K.-i!c tleranired and weakened organs, and exhausted energies follow the weak ened condition of the female organs as surelv as night follows day. Save your- eif from worse resiuts by txlkvuvj BRADFIELD'SI Female Regulator The nujf-t invigorating menstrual regulator in the world. It relieves painful, profuse, obstructed or suppressed menstruation, nervousness, hea- laches, ct cetera. Beamy c.f face and pyuii:ietry of form are the re sults of its use. Ot druggists!. tnirDoon, "Perfect H.alth for Women." free. IHcBRADFIELD RHGULATOil CO., ATLANTA. GA. LADIES ORGANIZE. Committee That Should lie Heartily Supported. Sixteen Durham ladies have form ed themselves into a committee for merely. Thkkk are growing evidences that the people of New England do not welcome that Kind of prosperity which increases the cost of living out of all proportion to the increase Denver, Col., was opened last Wed of income. obtained as the average wage now. No wonder "wages have increased,') NOTES OFNOTAKLES. The home for consumptives found ed bv Charles L. Adams at North CuK'Afio has a female Dr. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde who writes anony mous letters of the filthiest kind. She is known, but a weak kneed set of officials has neglected to put her where she can do no mere harm. o St. Louis is living up to its prom ise of municipal house-cleaning. So far no social position, no amount of wealth, no former reputation for religion or piety has protected the boodlers from prosecution and swift conviction. o Thk proposal to admit Oklahoma and Indian Territory to statehood, and refuse admission to New Mexico and Arizona, is politics pure and simple. 1 he welfare ot the terri tories and of the nation has nothing to do with it. ; o Bishop Turner, of Georgia, be lieves in negro emigration. His race does not show much interest in the subject, and the whites are apa thetic, as they are not prepared to face the labor problems that won be thrust upon them. u A burglar caught red-handed in Philadelphia has been identified as a member of a reputable business firm of that city. Perhaps if be had resided in a live town bis regu lar and honest business might have . kept him out of mischief. o The socialists are giving the German Reichstag a very hot time They fight on the floor, they how down what does not please tbem they obstruct business and are gen erally. obnoxious. That, however is the socialist's idea of political ac tivity. f o It is certaialy an xlifyiDg brand of statesmanship that would refuse to admit Arizona and New Mexico to statehood becauso they might go democratic. Let Porto Kico and the Philippines take heed. Not de velopment along the lines of civili zation and culture is the prerequisite of admission to statehood, but the political views of the inhabitants. nesday Count Von Hulow, the German mperial chancellor, will accompany Emperor William to Rome on the occasion of the unveiling of the Toelhe statue. W. K Vandeibilt', Jr., will give each of the public schools of Little Neck, L. I., a hue Christmas tree, and will act as Santa Claus at one celebration tions. lnis committee is composed of the following ladies: Mrs George W. Watts, " L. L. MOREHKAD, I. F. Hill, J. C. MlCHlE, L. A. Carr, T. II. Martin, Bessie Leak, John M. Manning, J. E. Stagg, T. D. Jones, W. II. McCabe, A. G. Oarr, J. R. Day, C. H. Norton, i. L. Tyree, Miss Mary Hanks. Coming Back Home. Raleigh News and Observer: It The Rev Charles Siegel, superior will be welcome news to all Norto of the Redemptonst house of stud- Carolina that Hon. Robert C. Strud les, at Ilcbester, Md. , is about to go wick, formerly of Hillsboro, and to Porto Rico, and will ba the first then member of the House from Redemptorist priest of German ex- Durham, will return to North Caro- traction to set foot in that country, lina, and locate at Greensboro. He Allen Farm, o.ice the home of ba8 prospered and won honors in the Ethan Allen, the hero of "Ticonde- &t"e l Washington, but his heart roga," will soon be transformed by turn8 back 10 Dixio- He is a true its present owner, W. J. Van Pat- raan in every way and recognized as tou, into a public park and present- a lawyer oi great aoiiity ed to the citv of burlinsrton. Vt J o I m a. linn i ni.. tfrpr;,.!, P IUIp thn ,i..in rigHt Will OB Dlllor. PnainPpr. who has rPPPntltr rPtnrnpd iuu' ?uu 411 ulusu,& iruia diuiu unca.uec.areu u. iew mendation ot Dr. King's New Die York yesterday that no section of Covery for Consumption, will have me giooe wouia aeveiop so rapiaiy a lone uid bitter light with their relatively in the next five years as troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal South Atrica. termination. Ke d what T. R. Beal of Beall, Miss , has to fay: "Last Better Than a Plaster. fall my wife had every sa mptom o ADieceof flannel damrjened with consumption. She took Dr. King's Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound New Discovery after everything else on the affected parts is better than a had failed. Improvcnxnt came at plaster for a lame back and for pains ono and ti ur bottles entire y cured intheside or chess Pain Balm has her. Guaranteed by R. PI cknall no s iperior as a l.ninent for the re- & S n, Druggists. Prico JOc, and uef of deep seated, muscular and fi-uu l rial bottles free. rheumatic pains For silo at W. M. Yearby's Drug Store. Four men were killed and ten in The iured. three Drobablv fatallv. bvtho trntaiicwtl vo rntimmant rf I . . . ' - Justice Siras from the United States DUmbet five mIne of the Lehi . and Supreme Court, it is believed may Wilkesbarre Coal Company at South result in the promotion to the su- vu;ii,naK,rrn p, t.,Li1 rmo Urn nf W ,r IT Toft ' "J ri v in j v. un, vi ui m.a a ait j iuc chairman of the Philippine commis sion Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revo A Tlmolv cro-Bstlnn auu u nous iruuoio in your S V Stem This is the season of the year when T ITltlZ the prudent and careful housowifA rf plcLiahes her supply of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It is certain to be necde 1 before the wi ter in over, anu roeims nro mucn more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at hind and given a soon as the cold is (contracted and before it acn upsets. K'.ectric Bitters will quickly dismember tho troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, reguiato tha Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarity tlie blood, liundown svs terns benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under - " f THIS IS THE STQVE YOU NEED. CALL And place your ORDER Before the rush. We have a large stock. Prices low. LLOYD'S HflRDWfM STORE, SMOKE UP! A CARD. We will, commencing the first of December, carry no accounts longer than One Week. Bills must be paid on Saturday or Monday. By mak- ng this change we put very tew to 0 . . rr.. IV- 1 r an v inconvenience. 1 ne rtisK r rice . . . . . has been taken trom evevytning in tock and Cash Mark put instead, thus giving a saving of 15 to 25 per cent. You can compare witn any errocer's prices in the city to prove our statements. We have many of the very best citizens of the And when yOU smoke) smoke something good. We have several brands trading with us and paying prompt- , . . . . . ;ftvm(Mlt anA cotisfartlnn. .V, Wo nvtonn thorn ' o V LVcl V UlUUlUi II c V Aivu.i v " w , nnv linnoro thanlffl anil Unit ibeir aid IO O O- V1A. V. I . in this new departure from Old Time Custom, and hope they will show their appreciation by sending u9 their orders. If you have not honn tralincv with n Bond US a trial ..- 6 .. . nrAor tinnda apnt. C. (). I). WOeD V' desired. Acoept our thanks for past patron age. we nope to continue 10 raeni a large share by adopting this Casn Method. Respectfully yours, Cheek-Rovster Co, 'SPORTING 6LU5' Is a daisy five cent smoke. O- Notice. T will miilrn mmllr.'it.lnn to the Hoard of Al dermen of the Citv of Durham on January 1, 1903, for license to retail spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, at 1B4 farrisn street. This 1st day of December, 1902. Notice. I will make anullcatlon to the Board of Al dermen of the Ulty ot Durham on January 1, 1903. for license to reran spirituous, vinous nnri mult HiinnrA. at 122 Parrlsh street. ... T tmte .ra W . J. WUUUK This 1st day of December. 1903. Notice. We will make aDDlicatlon to the Board of I Aldermen of tho (Jlty of Durham on January 1, 1903, for license of retail spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, on Church street. Farmer's Warehouse. v. u. sikuul1 & uu. This 1st day of December, i902. 'DEAD SHOT' Is a splendid 10 cent Cigar. None Better. O It is in everybody's mouth; so are its praises. Ask your dealei s and druggists for these brands. When you try them once, you will want them again. All made of good goods. GappinSton's Cigar Company aug!9-lm DRIVE THIS "WAY! The Durham Tobacco Market. Notice. I will make aoDllcatton to the Board of Al dernicnof the Ulty of Durham on January 1, uhm, ror license to rer.au soirnuous, vinous ana malt lluuors, 11B farrlsn street. GREEN ANDREWS This 29th day of November, 1902. . Unsurpassed Facilities lor Handling Parmer's Tobacco. Come on to Durham. Notice. I will make aDDllcatlon to the Board of Al dermen of the (Jll v of Durham on Januarv 1. 1903, for license to retail spirituous, vinous ana malt liquors, No. v, Mani;um street H. M. COBLE. This 29th day of NovemDer, 1902. Notice. 1 will make atiDllcation to the Board of Al dermen of the Ultv of Durham on Januarv 1. 1903, for license to retail spirituous, vinous ana man liquors, lis rarristi street. O. M. WHITSELL. This 29th day of November. 1902. Four large warehouses, with every accommodation for the convenience and comfort or planters. Drive into Durham. All of ou.' Warehouses are wellllghted, furnished with good quarters for the planter, and good stalls for his stock. Head your wagon towards Durham. Notice. I will make application to the Board of Al dermen of the UltW of Durham on Januarv 1. 1903, for license to retail spirituous, vinous anu man liquors at liv rarrisn street. K. B PROCTOR. This 29th day of November, 1902. Market Better Equipped Than in Years Past. " ' Notice. We will make application to the Board of a mermen or tne ulty ot uurnam on January 1, 1903. for license to retail spirituous, vinous ia man liquors at iuv r eaoony sti J. W.BYKEi This 29th day of November, 1902. Our Warehousemen are energetic, progressive, pushing men and know how to serve you in an accc ptable manner. Ship your tobacco to Durham and be convinced. Notice. we win make application to the Board of Kean these tacts caretullv bear tnem in mind when rnt. ui ii. ...... i i . Aldermen of the 1. ISK'3. for license to retail spirituous, vinous ana malt liquors, at uu Karrlsh street. ELLIs & HUDQIN9. you strip your tobacco, and then hitcn up and Notice. has become nettled in the Mytem. In L,i!eapS5,n? ?nd ' orou?h f ec.tlve altnoHt every inbtanco a povere cold 7J 1 . . -,. . ov? nmbe warded off bv takine tha uu'n.ai " " " aon'l give remedv froelv aS soon ftfl tho first in- PieccsaiiB action. uuranteed by diattion of the cold appears. There PlacKnail druggist.. ih o danger in giving it to cluldren k i ffip it, rortriiriH nn harmful Biihshniipn I ' SHIe. It is p'cusant tj take -both adults One good horse and wagon. One and children like it. Buy it and you new top spring wagon will be Bold g. tthobist. It always cures. For at a bargain. Apply to E. C. sale by W. M Year by, Druggiat. Hackney. al3 tf. Snlx-crlh to the WksL 8oh. I win make aDullcatlon to the Board of Al- dermen of the City of Durham on Januarv 1. 1903, for license to retail spirituous, vinous site Oil y Stables. and malt liquors on West Main Street, oupo A, J. H.L.1.1S. Subscribe to the Son Notice. I will make application to the. Board of Al- uermeuoi iiieuiiyor 1'urnamon January l, 1903, for license to retail spirituous, vinous ana mail liquors, atzia west Main street. J. W.HUDGIN8. Notice. I will make aDullcatlon to the Board of Al dermen of the Citv of Durham, on Januarv 1. .903, for license to retail spirituous, vinous ana malt liquors, at 1U7 ana iw unurcn street, This is the fOapket in t-hich to Sell. Durham is accessiblA. It is in easy reach of farmers by wagons, and gives tLem good roads as they come this way, and exceptional fine facilities on Tour railroads for shipping. Take advantage .of it and come to Durham. i

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