rnz OLD Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Postmaster General Payne is con sidering the idea of placing por traits of the late Dr. Charles F. Mr-Donald on money order blanks. Dr. McDonald was the first head of the money order service and m th( main its originator. Old Ladv (whom the Rev. Dr Drvleisrh has helped up the church .tpniACan vou tell me who is to preach today? Dr. Dryleigb, madam. Old Lady Please help mo dnwnntairs aaain. New York V w C5 Sun. 1R131DE! 1 WORRHD. Chafing I njer liemanJ to ttie ir.e ick Control ersj . Jos: Oh!, writing from Washing ton to ihf AJ.inu Constitution, in egard to thf i.egro postmaster, Vick, t-oii Mvpr-y siyf : "Tin- president argues luat tne ction of Seuator Simmons and his emocratic associates in the house, n entering formal, protest against the appointment ot a negro post master is mereiy a political play to put him in a position where he will be hurt v.ith either the negro vet1 of thecouFurv or with the southern white republicans. That, of course, was the (.ecoinlarv u not the cmei purpose of the North Carolina demo crats in taking a hana in the hgbt and their shift seems to have struck the bulls eye. i'Prtsident Roosevelt tears tnat should he refrain from giving V tck another tmn as postmaster.it would be declared by the North Carolina democrats and by democrats throughout the country that he had turned Vict down because he was a n 0 cr r r On t h other hand, should Vick be a'ain civen his position the president would he proclaimed as hostile to the sentiments of south ern white men of both parties who loair-A tn plirrrnate the nepro. At the same time the assertion wouia be made that the president was op onsed to a decent republican party in tbe soutn. lie is in a noie auu io worried over his predicament." "Some folks " said Uncle Eben "is a pood deal like mules. Dey uses up enough energy to do a day's work stan'in' roun' an kickin'." Washington Star. mm Local GlimPcS' Littie Hebecoa Mii-bie, who bis been verv sick, i somewhat better oday. Friday fair, colder; variable winds, is what the weather man redicU. Nine cases were tried before the mayor this morning. All were mail cases. A marriage license was issue today to McCoy Johnson and SteM instead, colored. perfectly kept garden of evergreens, m il-iiur ni.'tiirp of loveliness that earn ;ne printing ousiness, can near T. hpr(1 MPS1)r, Jnhn ir An- somettiing to dm advantage ny ap- , , llio,daie j. t Peseud plying at tne sun omoe. and J. B. Ramsey entered by the P. A. Noell returned last niahtlriffht and left aisles that lead from from a trip out on the Norfolk & ihe two mam entrance doors diagon- Western road', lie had been on a ally to tbe pulpit, rollowinji came hunt, and brought in a nice string the bridesmaids and groomsmen: of birds. W. J. Woods also came Entering the right door Miss AuguB- non the same train after a sue ta Tallcott with Mr. Fred W. Mah- " I have been using CASCAHET8 for Insomnia, with which I have been afllicled for over twenty years, and I can say thut Cuscarets have given me more relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as beinjf all they are represented." Thos. Uillaud, El?in, 111. CANDY ft S CATHARTIC TdAOl MAUI MW-(r Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. '.'ie, 5Uo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Itratdj Conpiay, Chlc.lro, 3lontral, K.w York. Sift I A TO DIP Sold and Kimranteed by all drug HU I U'DAV Kists to ( I KK Tobacco Habit. RBMOVftL SflLE ! Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma chines going at a Bargain from this time to December iSt. A PRETTY BIG THING. Rockefeller Plans to Spend Millions for education. Washington, Dec 10 Amove ment in the interest of educition er ceedinirfn magnitude the nngnih cent gift of Andrew Carnegie for th (larnpcie institute has been quietly planned by John D. llocke fpllnr. ihn Standard O.l kinii, am will become a reality within a short me. Already a bill incorporating the "general education board has passed both houses of Congress, am within a few days will be sent to th president for his signature. While many of the details of th movement are withheld for the pres pnt.it is known that Mr. Rocke eller intends to endow the new in Btitution with probably more than the $10,oii(i,uun donated to tbe Car negie institute for the advancement of scientific researcu. Furthermoie, it is not his desire that the institution should become a one man affair, as other millionaires and trust magnates have signified their intention of contributing to a und that will make the "general educational board" the method or exploiting the greatest educational monument in tbe history ot tne world. Unlike the Carnegie gift, the purpose is not to explore the unknown realm of science, but rather to make practical the dis semination of knowledge among the people. The headquarters of the board will be in this city. Here is your chance to secure some thing good. Best offerings ever made. On the istof December I will move into the new Loughlin Building corner MaL and Church Streets and up to that date I offer you my stock at the best prices possible Cnme and See lor Yourself W. R. Murray. nov4-tf This Heater Has more good points than other. any WOMBLE & WALT Can make a price that will interest you. p23-lf For Kent. One good store Louse on Cleve land itreet. Desirable locality Apply to E. 0. Hackney. n24-tf s, $3.50 r. S3 a. J S 2.25, I vnrvr.-TiniSFF. ENDING. ;! Kcc r'in After ihetertrauii) at lioree or UrlJt faiher. liiieih rost: A charming event ill liileigu society v jl tue in iniiijc last night of Miss Charlotte oung, daughter of Hon. James K Voung, ye are offering some lints of our Shoes at a bargain state insurance commissioner, anal them to you Mr. Henry Roane Thorpe, of Rocky Men's Shoes. "P & J" Special in Box Calf, VicI, PateDt Mount. 'Ihe wedding vows were m, and Enamel, worth from J4 to J5. Special price, said in the First Presbyterian church ... e. v- , n,innh. worth trnm t tn in mis city ai p:.io ociock. i uC f r rr SHOES PK1DGBN & JONES' Footwear - for - Men - Women - and - Children $2.50 Let us show $3.50. $2.50. d rated in palms and potted plants the Children's Shoes, just the thing for school and rough CAp , ,n, BJ,tinr he most wear, worth from 75 cents to $1.00. Selling now for vJVJO. hurch o'clock. The church was most beautifully deco Anything in the shoe line can be found at our store, and the price so low yon will be surprised. Try us PRIDGBN 6c JONBS, v. THE SHOE MEN J. S. CAKR, President. THE BANK OF THE TOWN. W. J. rJOLLOWAY, Ca&bler. cessful day's hunt. The Peruchi-Ueldeni Company losed their three night's engage ment here last right and played to another good house. They appre ciated the patronage and kindnesses extended to them and so announced from the etaare. It is i.n all round gofld company. 1 personal print$. Tl)e First-national Bank. (UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY.) Castes k Sales Ms oi Emi Warelonse Ue City. ler, Miss Linbra Morton with Mr. Herbert M. Jenkins, Miss Meli9sa Payne with Mr. J. Crawford Biggs, Miss Annie Cannady with Mr. John M. Sberrod; entering the left door flca l!Un;,ho A . liloVo orilh Air Robert Lassiter, Miss Liia Tu.ker Safety Deposit lioxes in ateei burglar rropi ana J! ire with Mr. J. K Morrisey, Miss Lucy TrOOf V auJtS for Kent. .n " T . I " I1VJI 1 UOrpe WltD AVir. VVaiKlHB JTiOOirUS ci;;fe .nnntcnrnnte Oofrrn Millc onA r.rfir Vntirirttir;n(r These couples passed each other in Establishments Merchants and Individuals, and will be pleased to meet irooiuiiuB aiiar auu .ucu Dr correspond with those contemplating making changes or opening opposite eiaes. new accounts. We guaian'tee prompt service acd courteous attention. The maid of honor was Mies Ma- r r Joseph g. Brown, 'of Raieigh, stlltu Superior Facilities lor all Banking Purposes. was in the city today. Mrs. C. S. Uill, of New Bern, is L. L. Chamber- bridal party Miss Duncan tbe guest of Mrs. lain. Miss Alice Carter, ot Apex, is visiting the family of Dr. N. 1 Johnson. Mrs. Jake Halliburton, of Char lotte. is visitincr Mrs. Thomas L Peay, on Dillard street. T. II. Street, of Mill Creek, Per sonvountv. is the guest of J. R. Patton during the State Conveution Mrs. J. A. Noell and Mrs. R. A. Pass, of Roxboro, arrived in Dur ham last night and are tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs J. Scott Burch duriug the Baptist State Convention. IS. li. JNorman ot Roxboro, was I v I - .1 l in I inrtiAm rnnav. i r. r orman was returning from Lexington, where ly bllls f d Py"R iVSnnU mains of his wa maue- VL-.. .3...,...,,.. Insured against Burglary in the Fidelity and Casualty Company, of New York. d5-tt the groot Arrington. As tbe entered the church played Logengrin's maich. 1 be bride entered on tne arm 01 ner .- nnrvrAV0 T n Air father, Hon James R Young, who J-j J J DVJLJ T O DllIN l . gave ber away. 1 ne groom eniereu from the door left of the pulpit witn nis oest man, air. j it rtrrmgvyu. 1 rrT T T" rri f TVT - 7 ryn y tt Rev. Dr. W. D.Morton, of Rocky I M I nniC lO 1 LJL Mount, uerformed the ceremony in , r m beautiful aud impressive language. Mendelssohn s wedding marcn was played as the party retired from the cuiireD. miss uuuean piayeu nunit during the ceremony. STORE A Costly Mistake. Elundora aro eometimej very ex pensive, uccasiouatiy me useii ih the price of "a mistake, but you'll never no wrong it you taKe vt. King's New Lifo Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, eadache, Liver or iiowei troubles. They are gentle yet tnor oueb. 25c , at U. Eiacknall & Son's Drug htoie. Under Our New System We can sell meat 1 2 0, sugar 5 c. meal (a 20 c per pecK riour cheaper than any TIME GROCER. All of our prices are a surprise to those who have been running montb- he accompanied the remaii brother, Rev. VV. C. Norman. C. A. Jordan, of Petersburg, Va. , spent last night in Durham on his way home from Roxboro, where be bad been called on account of the sickness and death of his mother. He left over tbe Seaboard Air Line this morning for home. STILL WORTH A PREMIUM OVER CREDIT. See our card elsewhere. Cheek-Roister. Co, THINGS WE SEE. WANIED- All kinds of money at A. Max's. Arbuckle coffee 10 cts Sublime flour $4 40 Glove handkerchiefs, which until Meat. 10 cts last season were shown only among Sugar 5 cts exclusive goods, are found this year in great variety. One of the most effective of squir rel skin stoles has straps of black Persian lamb set into the collar at intervals around the neck and across down the front to about the bust line, below which there is a clasp of metal. The leather-covered tables and In which we take the greatest pride, it is that which contains the SACK SUITS Which we have marked $12.50 and $15.00. These styles are correct and include every one that the man of fash ion demands this season. 1 he fabrics are beautiful specimens of the weaver's art, and all thoroughly test- ed tor strength and durability as well as fast color. AS FOR THE OVERCOATS, We have at this same price, $12 50 and $15.00, a splen did collection made up from substantial Kerseys, Mel tons, JBreezes, (Jassimeres, rAc. Boy's Knee Pant Suits, Lard 1 1 In all the best makes, ranging in size 3 to 16, and price $1 .50 to $8 50. Green coffee 5 1 Young Men's Suits, price $5.00 to $18 50. Our Hats and furnishings have become famous for the great values and styles, and little prices. A FAK11&L Llbl Uf int. IfllKllb IUU pn rn1nrPH rnllars. Randies not hroken. Just received & new line of watch- ri 1 'it 1 O M es. l nev will piease you. o. m Snider, the jeweler. . CAN BUY AT E. JOURDAN Holiday Rates. For the Christmas Holidays round trip tickets will be sold between aU points on line of Southern Railway at one and one third first class stan dard one way fares for the round trip. Tickets on sale Dec. 23, 24 and 25, also Dec 30 and 31st and San. 1st, 1903, with final limit Jan. 3rd, 1903. Tickets may be sold at same rate to students and teachers of schools and colleges upon presentation of certificates signed by' the Superin tendent, President or Principal thereof on Dec 16ih, to 22nd, 1602, inclusive, with final limit Jan. 8th 1903. All 1 kets to be limited to continuous passage in each direction, For further information call on or address (iowan Dusenbery, Agent. The Cheek-Hoy ster Company are selling sugar for 5 cents. IJobby "Did God make that new baby, pa?" "Yes, Bobby." bobby "hay, pop, about what does be charge for a kid like Detroit tree Press. 1 1 111 111 y V". I HEADACHES THE LITTLE GROCER. chairs are delightful. The designs Flavori of all kinds such a3 .... ' I Oransfi Phb Una. Lemon PeellniC. undecipherable to the unfamiliar, citron, Currants, but With many quaint meanings to Seeded Raisins. Maple Sug;.r, the initiated, and showing rich com- Cream of Tartar, MapleSyrup, . " I ...A -.1 .1.1 1 h nat. nns nf innr Hn nrantra and auu umw wiiug buuu w sun uiues. ui me cuioriDsr is t-d s.t, nhhs effective. Buckwheat Flour. Cream of Wheat, Bulgarian and Oriental embroid- Shredded Wheat Biscuit, Grape Nut. priPfl rfWnrato nnllnn linon fl nn-l Orce, ChOCOltttP, nA 'd.. ' Cocoa's of all kinds. u nuB.nlc, 1 anem wttioiB olives, Mustard, m nannei ana ngnter weignt wools sour Pickles, Sweet Pickles have embroidered bands for front. Salad DressiDg. All kinds of Cakes and Stock and cuffs, or the Pntirp frnnt Crackers. Also Lewith Tea Flakes. 1 st... 1 JSHEEPHPIWPEffHSOU CO. One Price Clothiers. Markham's Corner. Heaters! Heaters! is embroidered. Black and white embroidery is one of the whims for army blue or red waists. Tbey are nnished witu pearl buttons and ac companied by black silk turnover collars and scarfs. Many of the new collars have the little tabs in frout studded with tiny steel buckles or silk buttons. Tbe silk bat for riding has draped around the crown a veil of while chiffon, with large dots of black. The veil hangs in long ends at the back. Chairs from 35 cts. up to $3 50 at the New York Supply Company's, opposite court bouse. d3 of every description. In fact we carry most anything to be found in a first-class Grocery Store. C. E. JOUR DAN. d5 lw This HIOM 11 h) AT OK KXKKTlON CUKlili -HV- CAPUMNE. No Had KITei'ts on Heart or fleail. --SOU) BY AU, DKUQ 8TOKKS.--. Call on (!. W. Phillips for Fur niture. Opposite court house. :jd House for Kent. 8 rooms, furnished or unfurnished, water and gas; three minutes walk from postoftice, Apply to Lock bor 6 1 .-ItetwlSja-jte.: ...i .....i. .. 9 3t. Farmer's Wife I wish, Abner, ! you would kill a chicken for dinner today. Abner Oh, wait awhile. Maybe one of them 'er automobiles will come along. The Somerville Journal. A Frightened Horse, Running liko mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a' hun dred other accidents, are every day occurrences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Sa've handy and there's none as good as Bucklen't Arnica Sulvo. Burn 8, Cuts, Sores Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under it soothing enect 2c , at li. Blacknall & Son's Drug Store. watch: F pace for the Next Attraction AT THE Durham Opera House. Bayle's Saratoga Chips. arrivalCheek Royster Co, Fresh For Rent! Four Ctrl en Ifoonis, cheap By thb year t the right parties Front rooms, over my Store, ou Main Struct ' Apply to C. E. Jourdau, " docl -Im The Little' Grocer. WILSON HEATERS ! Fverybody knows the Wilson Heater to be the best Wood Burner made, prices $4.00, $5.50 and $6.50. Cheaper Wood Heaters for those who want them. All sizes and prices of Coal Heaters will burn soft Coal. Oil Heaters in full nickle and Black Japanned, war ranted not to smoke or smell. The Royall & Borden Co. THE FIDELITY BjlflX RESOUSGES $1,000,000.00 Issues certificates of deposit bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. $1.00 and upwards received in our Savings Depart ment on which interest is allowed . at the above rate. Acts as Administrator, Executor, Guardian, Trustee, Agent, or in any Fiduciary capacity. I jan25-3m One Dollar a Year.

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