THE SANFORD EXPRESS THUUSDAY, MAY 7. 1891. , Locals. BIB life booked for Sanford! Sheriff Jno. L. Carrie was in town last week. Evangelist Bill Fife coming to San ford July 18-20,1881. Considerable white frost yesterday morning) but no damage reported. Town elections in various towns of the State this week except Sanford, where none wag held this year. Frof. J. A. W. .Thompson and Mr. J. B. Guthrie of Siler City gave us a pleasant call while in Sanford yesterday. Bev. Dr. J. J. Harrell, missionary to Brazil will return on account of ill health. \ . Bev. W. F. Watson, of Carthage, was in Sanford yesterday en route to Bir mingham, Ala., to attend the Southern Baptist Convention. Engineer John A. Weatherspoon of the C. F. & Y. V. B. B. employ is spending some days in Sanford visit ing his parents. Encouraging reports come from western Chatham as to the prospects for wheat and corn crops. Also as to fruit except peaches. Mrs. CoL Jaa. Hives and Mrs. J. K Rives. Jr., of Goldston have been in Sanford this week visiting the Messrs. Moffltts. rue university oase Dan team piayeu with the Virginia club at Islahd Park last week and were defeated by a score of 6 tff 1. Miss Addie St. Clair who has been teaching school is again at home. Clad you are again with us Miss Addie; your presence makes Sanford more like San ford. A grand Methodist State Education al Conference was held this week at Durham. Many prominent methodist were in attendance among them Bish op Galloway. Married Tuesday, May 5, in Carthage at the residence of the bride’s brother Bey. W. F. Watson, Mr. J, F. McKeel to Miss Sibba Watson, Rev. W. F. Watson officiating. Miss Della Campbell who has spent some months in Sanford returned to her home last Sunday. Her stay in Sanford has been very pleasant to San ford people and we regret her having to leave us. Revs. Dr. Deems and Dr. A. C. Dixon both North Carolinians made addresses at the dedication of Talmage’s Taber nacle last week. They are both elo quent and men of whom North Caroli na can justly be proud. Charlotte has had a grand music fes tival this week—Tuesday and Wednes day. Miss Lizzie P. Mclver and Mr. J. R. Weatherspoon of Sanford attend ed and while in Charlotte visited their folks in the City.. Marbied.—By Rev. W. E. Woosley' Miss Elleu Brower of Brower's mills, Randolph county, N.-C.. to Dr. Pem berton of LaurinburgMay the 5th, 1891. The bridal party boarded the train on theC. F. & Y. V. R. R. at Goldston for a Northern tour. The very popular Belfords’ Magazine has an excellent number out for May, according to the table of contents. The price of the Magazine is $3.50 a year, but arrangements have been made to furnish it and the Express one year for $3.75, if paid in advance. The C. F. & Y. V. R. R. offer reduced rates on round trip tickets to Greens" boro on account of the State Inter-Col legiate Oratorical Contest at Greens boro. Tickets to be sold May 7. and 8, final limit May 9th inclusive. The following rates will govern- from com petitive points: Fayetteville $5.00, Rural Hall $2.45, Sanford $3.40. We are informed that considerable amount stealing in small things is go ing on just a few miles north of Siler City. In one night chickens were stolen from Messrs. S, P. Teague, £.. J. Fox, A. M. Fox, W. W. Edwards and others I doing, of vio lation of the laws, or of disloyalty to the government under which they live as an excuse for- the man dates of expulsion and the brutal rigpr with which they are enforced. It is the refinement Of barbarity, cruel to all but especially to the poor who have not the means to seek homes in other countries and who are brutally driven out by the persecutors who doubtless take Sleasure in the suffering they cause. lissionaries should suspend opera tions in Africa, China and other heathen lands and turn their atten tion to Russia. Immigration Convention. The following explains itself. Read the proclamation and R. R. rates below. Executive Department State of North Carolina - Raleigh, N. C. In accordance with the expressed desire of the Southern Inter-State Immigration Convention held in the city of Asheville, N. C,, in De cember last and in compliance with the will of a large number of lead ing citizens from each section of the State, I hereby call a conven tion of of all those interested in the upbuilding of North Carolina to as semble in the city of Raleigh on the 13th day of May at 5 p. m., in the Commons Hall of the State. The object of the convention is to secure a united effort on the part of the qitize is of North Carolina to co operate with the Southern Inter State Immigration Bureau in de veloping the natural advantages and making known the great opjiortu nities offered to capitalists, manu facturers aud to honest law abiding people who desire to secure homes in a genial climate among a hospi table, inotal and Christiun people. Signed Thos. M. Holt, Governor. , The following reduced rates are offered by the Seaboard Air Line: E. It. Tickets to he sold May 12th J and 13th, limited to return until May 16th. Rates as given from 1 points herein named are round trip rates to Raleigh and return from points on the Seaboard Air Line It. R , in N..C. Charlotte $7.45, lincolnton $8.40, Rutherfordton $10.20, Shelby $9.20, Wilmington $7.05, Henderson $2.45‘ Max ton $5.75, Sanford $2.45, Wel don $5.00, Laurinburg $5J75, Little ton $4.05, Louisburg $2.20, Lumber ton $6.45, Monroe $8.75, Mount Holly $7.70, Pitt-sbpro $2.45, Polk ton $0.10, Rockingham $5.20, Wadeshoro $5.95, Wake Forest .95, Warrenton $3.40. Rates from in termediate points ili same propor tion. R. E. Petty has bought and is selling a most handsome Stock of General Dry Goods this season which you will find well selected as to quality, pattern and style and offered at prices that will make you a bargain it you exam ine his goods. His effort appears to be to make sales by offering goods that will please you at Small Prices and but ONE PRICE ALIKE TO ALL. -^w' eoirsuMPnoircured, v — An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East India misaior^ uy the formula of a simple vegetable remedy tor the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make It known to his sufferingfellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it. tnia red p-~ ^ * 1.1—■.■ n — — t. . 1. i t. • * — — _ recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. Power? Block. Rochester. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfied, 111. makes the statement that she caught oold, which settled on her lungs: she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. Ho told her she was a hopeless victim of con sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggest suggested Dr. King’s JSTew Discovery for Consump tion; she bought a bottle-ahd to her de light found herself benefitted from first -dose;—She continued its use ami after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housewerk and is as well as she ever was.—Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at Mclver’s store. Large bottle 50c. and 81.00. Eupepsy. This is what you ought to have, iu fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars'are spent annually by our peo ple in the hope that they may attain -this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bit ters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, will bring you good Digestion and roust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all diseases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and 81.00 per bottle at Mclver’s Store. if action for tie ctrre of Secondary nnd TerHnrv 8orw, Glandular Swelling*, Khemnatiim. Malaria, cld _Ch ronlo_Ulcahaharp real.ted all treatment. Catarrh, LIPPMAN BEOS., Proprietors, Snggiita, Lippmm'a Blooi, SAVAHHAH, rays to him to forgive her. His Newest Styles, Collars, Cuffs, etc. 4-4 and 6re.hft3 b*?“ better to J ' ’ ider. The lad was -*»,d three or” R. E. PETTY, (»o You Want to Buy Where You Can hoods the Cheapest? -If so, Call Oxx- ;v ‘ _A~ IMIoI'V’IEIR. &c S02ST, leaders in Heavy and Fancy Groceries. Have now in Stock a large lot f Flour, Meal, Molasses, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco. Complete line of anned Goods at prices noi to bo UNDERSOLD. Also a fresh supply f Meats, Fish. Eggs, Butter, Cabbage, Fruits, Candies and Confection* ries. Many other things too numerous to mentiop. Call and mo ue efore buying and be convinced GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. Sanford, N. 0, ■