We Are Giving Away Aluminum Ware! We have the most complete line of aluminum wareever shown in Sanford. We will sell it to you or give it to you. Every piece warranted for 20 years. Come in and find out how you can get it free or how cheap you can buy it. Pafdo^sS and 10c Store ADVERTISING BY US IS HONEST ADVERTISING. Come To The Lee County Fair And if you want a Good Pair of Shoes for Grand-pap, Grannie, Dad, Mam, or any of the kids we can fit your feet and our prices are less. Stroud-Hubbard Co., CASH SHOE STORE. Phone 186. HUSBAND RESCUED DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Tear* of Dbcaanfkf Conditiom, Mrs. Bollock Goto Up is Despair. HnbuJ Cut to t.f. COm, Ky.—In sa Interesting letter from this place, Mn. Bethe Bullock writes as toBmat "I odtoasO tar tour , years, wilh womanly troubles, end daring tUs time. I could only stt up tor a Htfle while, and could not walk anywhere at aO. At ttanes, I would fatao aetere pains la aqr left ride. The doctor was called In, and his treat meat relieved me far a while, 1x01 was soon confined to my bed again. After ftal, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak 1 cadd not stand, and I gave up in despair. Al last, my husband got me a bottle of Canhn, the woman’s tonic, and I com menced taking it From ttie Tery first dose, I could tefi it was helping me. I can now walk two mOen without its tiring me, and am doing all wf work.'* It yoo are all ran down from womanly tatto,tiWt afrre m h» despsts Try Canhn, the woman's tonic. It hss helped more tttan a million women, la its 50 years of continuous snrrrsa, and shoold sorely help yon, too. Vonr druggist has sold Canhd for years. He kaows what it will do. Ask him. He will recom mend fi. Begin taking Canbd today. (fflfTnnuniHimwiirmmmmmmfflfni 'V'OUNG men— * men—if you would appear as you wish to appear—if you want tnat tidy— “■well-Kung”— cor rectly dressed look— 'BaivJtee’ Suits From $15.00 to $25 00 Overcoats From $15 00 to $22.50 are \Jour domes. ONE OP THE MANY* . J , high art Models A Wealth of models—a wide assortment of latest fabric creations and a guarantee, ■with no strings tied to it—await you at our store. HICjH ART Style Clothes enthusiasts are our strongest endorsement. Ones ««w * HIGH ART Sint or Owooe wad You’ll join the ranks of your own sccord. Stein Brothers, 8ANP0RD, n. o. THE SANFORD HXPRKSS FRIDAY - November B, 191B LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. R. E. Bryant, of Surry county, spent a few days in Lee county last week prospecting for land. The County Commissioners held their regular monthly meeting Monday. On ly routine business was transacted. Lee County Superior Court will open next Monday with Judge Devin pre siding and will last one week. It will be a mixed term A force of men have been husy this week putting in drainage piping along the Southern Hallway track next to the embankment on Moooe Street. Mrs Sam Ellington, whose husband recently died at Moncure, came to San ford Monday and will make her home with her niece, Mrs. W. K, Make oeace. We are informed that whUe on a raid in the Spout Springs section Monday a posse of revenue officers shot up a negro blockader. We failed to got par ticulars. Quarterly conference for the Sanford Station was held in Steele Street church aat Monday morning by Presiding Etder Gibbs. He found everything In good shape. Mr. John Reeves, who took a textile coarse at the Agricultural and Mechan ical College, Raleigh, spent the week end with his brother, Mr. Chas Reeves. He expects to go to New York and take a position with a large concern in that city. The Baraca class of the Presbyterian Sunday School enterained the Phila theas at the home of Mr. H. M Wil liams on Hawkins Avenue Monday night. The Halloween season was ob served and all enjoyed the amusements of the evening. Prof. C. E. Teague went to Randolph county last week to attend the funeral of his uncle, Mr, Francis Teague, who died in the hospital at High Point the Sunday before. Mr. T^-gue died at the age of years and is survived by hi* wife and five children. The Pbiiathea class of the Baptist Sunday School gave a Halloween party at the home of Mrs. Marion Vestal on Steele Street Monday night for the benefit of the church. A large num ber of young people were present and enjoyed the amusements of the evening which were appropriate to Halloween season. A nice little sum was realized. Mr. R. G. Hanson, Jr.f of Asheville, who holds a position as immigration agent in the industrial and agricultural department of the Southern Railway, was in Sanford Thursday. He was im pressed with the spirit of progress In Sanford and Lee county. He came to this office and arranged to have The Express sent to his department of the road so that it can keep posted on the developments and improvements being made in Sanford and this county. Wake, as well as Lee county, is con fronted with the problem of how to keep its improved highways in repair. Last week while on a trip through that county am noticed that some of the improved roads were in had shape, go> log to pieces for lack of attention. The roads around Raleigh are about as good as the improved highways of this county, but a few miles out from that city much of the surface has been washed off and one finds it very rough traveling over the roads They are not so wide ss the roads in this county and were built without much grading. This makes the surface easy to wash away, the upkeep of the roads expen sive. Wide well graded roads will stand the wear and tsar of travel much better than narrow ones built on the surface. The Board of Highway Commission ers in their meeting Monday ordered that the short link of road connecting Chatham Street with the road leading by the court bouse to Jonesboro be built. This link is only 200 or 300 yards long and connects with Chatham street at the railroad crossing In front of the home of Mrs. Lizzie Alicott. At sl most every meeting of the commission ers citizens of the county appear be fore them and ask that they be permit ted, at their own expense, to build short roads leading out from the ™»in oighways through certain sections, these roads to be surveyed by the high way engineer. The commissioners de cided Monday to have these surveys made so that the proposed roads can be built. A survey will be made for a road from Tramway to Centsr Union church. Mr. D. A. Cole has already built about one mile of this road, and it is in good shape, too. A road will also be surveyed and built from Lemon Springs to Swann Station, and one from Swann Station to Cox’s mill Citizens in other sections of the county are planning to build short roads. In do ing this the farmers show a progressive spirit. They realize the advantages Offered by good roads and are deter mined to have them even at their own expense. The county should —«k provisioo io keep these roads up. » Mr. and Mm. E. M. Uoderwood, together with a camber of friends, made a trip to Mr. Harp*' farm, at 1‘inevlew, In Harnett county, Sun day afternoon in Mr. Underwood’* car. We noticed along the way that some of fields were still white writfa cotton. Some of the farmers hare put in small grain. However, some had not gath ered their corn. With the exception of one place just acress the line fat Harnett county, the road between Jonesboro and Pi aerie* is la pretty good shape. However, a good drag ging after the next rain would improve It. Many good farms could be opened between Little river and ‘'Never Fail Farm." We doubt if there is as much as ten per cent of the land in that section now under cultivation. This If about the per cant of land under culti vation in much of Lee, as well as Har nett county. There is room tor thous ands of good farmers in the two coun ties. Much of the idle land is as good, if not better, than that that is under cultivation. Mr. Harps has put down much of the land on his big tobacco farm in rye an^i will, we are informed, turn it under next spring as a legume. He gathered a large crop of tobacco this-year and as much of it is of a ffne quality be eipects to sell ft at good prices. THE COUNTY PAIR. ;> Proem tor Thursday and Fr|. daj—Aaruplaaa Flight* Both Days. The Ue County Mr opened Wed nee. J*y morning under anon favorable efv» eumstenoda ,1* wee an Ideal day for the opening, tod weather being dear* cool and bracing People fro* all eeo* tioQ» of Lee, and from Chatham, Her* nett, Moore and other oounttee {began to arrtre al as early hour and t*y tee o'clock the streets were thronged with people. The fair wae opened by a short and appropriate speech by Qqw urewmaa R N. Page, of this dlatent, at the entrance of the Graded a«K^| building. The parade, which —ittim. posed of e band, march ala, fair school children, oorn club boye, epete* carriages and automobiles, wae viewed by the people manned on the tidewalke as It moved through the streets. At (he conclusion of thin part of the pie* «ram many of the people went to floral hall and to the carnival ground a of the exhibit* did not oome in> until Wednesday morning, but-were ssoa-al tered and ready for InsdeettOe aioeg with the other ex hi bite. The exhibits are good. In seme department* they are better then they were last year* The exhibit by the girl's canningQfubi of the county U a dUtluet feature of the fair. A. C. Beach, a celebrated aviator, who has been secured to wire dally Sights during the fair, Bade hie first Sight In his aeroplane Wednesday af ternoon. He took flight from the term of Mrs. Winfield Temple just north of town. Ail eyes watched the machine It gracefully circled over the town returning to the starting point. Beach will make another flight this (Thure-i day) afternoon at 2 o'clock, also tomor row afternoon at the same hour. Fol lowing Is the program for the laat two days of the fair: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH— FAIR DAY—EVERYBODY’S DAY. Marshals form at Graded School building at 10:00 o’clock, and headed by brass band inarch down Steele Street to Wicker Street, up Wicker Street to Chatham Street and up Chat* ham Street to Floral H«H Aeroplane Sight at 2 o’clock p. m. FRIDAY, NOV. 5—RACES OPEN TO LEE AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. Marshals form at Graded School baUding and march to raoe track. Aeroplane flight at 2 o'clock p. m. Races commence at 3:00 o'clock sharp. First Race—Trotting. Second Race—Pacing. Third Race—Mule race, running. Must be ridden by owner. Dotk of J. O. Vaughn. Mr. J. C. Vaughn, after aa Wen of some duration, died at his home near Fayetteville lent Sunday. The funeral wan held at Camp Ground Church on Monday and area conducted by Rev. I*. M. Chaffin and Bev. K. A. McLeod. The following people from Sanford at tended the funeral: Mr. i. B. King and Manor Claude Vaughn, Maura. A. P. King. D. D. Seymore, J. P. Seymore, J. BL Wicker and Mr. and Mrs. M. U I M elver. *, .. Mr. Vaughn was born in Wake | county April I4tb, 1828, and died at the age of 87 yearn. He eaarried M ih Isabella *st weak. Dr. Gilbert McLeod, o!Carthage, was In Sanford Tuesday. Mrs. Frank Daniels, of Swansboro, i»' visiting her parents, Mr 'and Mr*. 8 M. Joner. ~ '..T . " Mrs. W. W. Jordan and three oh lid ren. of Mullens, 3. C., are visiting h*r mother, Mrs. J. F. Hirer*, Mr sod Mrs. J. A. Stout, Mis* Stel la Stout and Mr*. J, D. Brower, of Ramseur, came down Tuesday to /visit the family of Mr. J. B Stout and to at* tend the Fair. Mrs. William Rogers, of Cameron, came over Tuesday to v.*lt the familte* of Messrs. Lee G. Mdver and Chai. P Rogers and to attend the Pair. Mr J B McManus and family, of L Ddon, are visiting Mrs. W. B, Glass, mother of Mrs. McManus. Miss Florence Glass, of London, is here on a visit and to attend the Fair. Mrs. Emma Green, of Goldston, and sister, Mrs. Ella Mclver, of Bear Creek, came down Tuesday to visRiko family of their brother, Mr. J. R. Rives, and to attend the Lee County Fair. Mia* Mamie Wieker went to Moncure Saturday where, on Monday, the began teaching. Mrs J. R. Jones returned Monday from Norfolk where she visited her daughter, Mrs. W. A 8haw. Mr. sod Mrs. Roy J. Moose, of Greens boro, spent the week-end with Mr*. Moose's parents, Mr. and Mr*. J. B. Woodell Miss Birdie Faires, of Pinehuret, is speoding the week with Miss Lacy Kivt-s M ss Florenoe Murphy spent the wi ek end with her parents at Atkin* Mr Uwen C. Rogers spent the week end at Hope Mills. Mr. tialph Monger spent the week end with friends at Mount Airy. Mrs. Hugh Page, of Clayton, came up last wees to attend the Lee County Fair and to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Riddle. Mr W. H. Gurley,jMr. and Mrs. Gra ham Kimrey and Miss Lucy Rives spent Monday in Troy, making the.trip by automobile. Mrs. Harvey Btrtokland, of Apex,! came up this week to visit her mother, Mrs. U. G. Petty. A national board to examine physicians, replacing the pres ent system of examination by State boards* was favored by the Sixth Annual Clinical Con gress of Surgeons of North America'at.the opening session in Boston. A resolution to this effect was adopted. •r. Julius Shaffer, ,; Will; be in 8*nford at the OolonialwIcn on Wednesday, November 10th, foi* the pur - pose of examining weak eyes and fitting glasses, f F^Come early. DR. JULIUS SHAFFER. FOB 8ALE—Cabbage plant* for fait setting 91.25 per thousand. Apply to J. B. Ktves, Sanford, N. C. North Carolina, 1 In the Superior Moore county, ( Court. No. 10386. — W. D. tfyrd, Plaintiff, ▼a. Claud Byrd, Defendant. Notice of ■— ■ ■- Sale Under W. D. Byrd, Defendant.. By virtue of executions directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Moore county In the two ac tions entitled as above, the judgments in said actions having been aockeied in the Superior Court of Lee county, I will, on Monday the 0tb day df December, 1016, at 12 o'clock, M , at the oourt bouse door of Lee county, sell to toe highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions, alijthe right, title aod in terest which w. D. Byrd, who is a non resident of the State of North Carolina, has in the following real estate, to wit. Those two lots of land lying together and constituting one original piece of land lying and situate iu the county of Lae, in the town of Sanford, North Carolina, in East Sanford, on North Street, listed on the tax books of Lee ooonty as the property of W. D. Byrd, and adjoining lots of land owned by Messrs. Brown and McNeill. Also Lot No. 4, in block 62, in the town of Sanford, which lot fronts on the south side of 9th street 80 feet and runs back 200 feet.; Also ail that real property and lots In the town of Sanford, Lee county. North Carolina, conveyed by deed from Chris ton* Clow to W. D, Byrd, fully de scribed in said deed, to which deed reference is hereby made. 'This 2dd day of November, 1916. -f '■ • D E Lasater, i Sheriff of Lee County. FAYETTEVILLE, Execution. Claud J. Byrd,Plaintiff, vs Own* Sixteen Farms and Has a Pretty Daughter Unmarried. Fayetteville Observer. A lady, whose name we are asked to withhold, who lives In South Carolina only a lew miles from Bennettavll)e,abd who owns M beautiful farms In the State, four of them near Columbia; hat on hand of this year’s production 1,700 bales of cotton, 1,200 of them being long staple, for which latter the hat refused 18 oentt a pound She told recently 8,000 bales from last year’s crop at as average of 18 oents a pound. Besides raising euoh a large yield of cotton, an abundance of teed stuffs for her live etoak and tor home consumption were also produced. We learn alto that these farms are In a high state of cultivation, and the lady who owns them deoltned 8275 an acre (or some of the land,. We would state that this lady farm owner Is not a widow, but has a .hus band, a prosperous manufacturer whose Interests are In another State, these luterbeta requiring a greater portion of his time, and that the tupervliion and management of his farming- interests are left to hit energetic, intelligent batter halt; We would stata, however, to arouse a lutharglo hope In tba breasts of some of the'young men of North Caro lina that this prosperous lady baa a beautiful, well educated and highly In telligent, Ann looking daughter of mar riageable age, but parenthetically we would suggest that she la not looking for a husband. Suitors arc numerous, but are frequently repelled. Ye re porter has seen a photograph of this young lady. For Sale. Three small Chatham County farms, about 80 aei es each. Good foy oottoo, corn, grain, eto. CLARENCE POE, . ' Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina, 1 Lee County, . ) Wilkin Ricks Co.' M. R. McQirt and De Lisle McQirt. In the Superior Court. Notice of Sale Under Execu lion. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Lee county in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday the Oth day of December, 1015, at the hour of 12 o’clock, M-, at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest which the said M. R, McOirt and DeLisle McQirt, de fendauia, have in the following real estate, towit; First Tract.—A certain tract of land lying and being in Jonesboro township, Lee county, North ■ aro Ima, adjoining the lands of H. A. Bight, Godfrey and others, described as follows; Beginning at a black gum in the miry brancn in H. A. Bight’s line, running thence north 48 west 51 chains to a stake in Banes branch among pointers; thence down as the channel of said blanch to tbe mouth of Banes Spring branch; hence op the said spring branch to ■is bead; thence south 45 east 31 21 chains to a poplar stomp; thence up the said braucu to the first station, containing 62 acres, more or less, excepting tbe burial spot on tbe said above described lands, same being oue chain square, being the same ira.t of laud conveyed to W. L Thomas by K. R, Boyle, com mis aiuuer, by deed dated May 22nd, 1911, which said deed is recorded in the uifice of the Regis er of Deeds for Lee couutv, North Carolina, in book b, pages 88 aud 80. Second Tract.—Adj lining the lauds ot Garner Watson and W. L Thomas, beginning at a etone near tne road in tbe ongindl line and runs thence north 48 west 14 25 chains to a stake in tbe original line; thence south 0} west 8 90 chains to a pine south ot tbe branch, three persim rnon pointers; tbence south 85} east 12 chains to tbe beginning, contain mg 5} acres more or less, being the same tract of land conveyed to tbe said W. L. Thomas bv Garner Wat son by deed dated July 4 b, 1011. which said deed is recorded in tbe ..ffice of the Register of Deeds for L~e countv. Norib Carolina, in bouk 4, page 484. Excepting, however, from the above described laods tbe homestead of tbe judgment debtors duly allotted to them by C C. Batch, Garner Watson and J. B. Watson, appraisers appointed to lay iff said homestead and to tbe return of the said ap praisers reference is heroby made Beginning at a stone in tbe line of tbe west side of the main road ran ning north and south, also line of Garner Watson and running with tbe west line of said road north 300. yards; thence in a westerly direction to tbe dividing line between Garner and M. K. McQirt to include acres, also dwelling and barns. -This in cluded the 5} acre tract of the laods above described, all of said 25 acres is land lying on tbe west side of the said road. This November 1st, 1015. Sheriff of Lee CoDoty. I will be at the following places on dates mentioned for the purpose of collecting the 1915 taxes. Please meet me promptly and settle your taxes and save cost later on. The county is badly needing funds. . Swann Station, November 16, from 9 to. 1 o'clock, -- Lemon Springe, November 16tb, from 2 to 4 o’clock. V Hngb Jackmn’e, November 16th, from 10 to 1 o'clock. J. D. Spivey's. November. 16tb, from 2 to 4 o'clock. Carbon ton, November 17ib, from 10 to 12 o'clock. ^ ; . W. E Pwchal’e, November 17th, from 2 to 4- o’oloclt, . > Oagood, November 18th, from 10 to 12 o’clock. K. M C. Wicker’*, November 18th, from 2 to 4-.io’clock. . . A. M. Kelly'e, November 10 b,,from 9 to 11 o’eloek. -< Broadway, November 19'b, from 1 to 4 o’clock.'7" 7 Sanford, November 29’h, from 9 to 4 o'clock.' Jonesboro, Nomember 22d, from 9 to 4 o'clock. Very Bespectfnlly, This October 10tb, 1916. it'll-: ' - . ~ -. . : ' COME TO (Lee County Fair. You are cordially invited to make our store your — headquarters. Use our rest room, tie stalls, and leave your packages. Don’t fail to buy Good Shoes for the winter, A full line ~ of Clothing,Cloaks, Ladies’ Suits and everything else. WILKINS-RICKS CO., Sanford, N. G. Just Received A Fresh Shipment of' Prepared Buckwheat Flour. Try some with our Pure Msple Syrup. OTHER MEW ABBIT4Li Rolled Oats, Shredded Wheat, Corn Flakes, Puffed Rioe Let us fill your orders, NISBET & WOMBLE, The Quality Grocers. . Phone 208. Keller’s 5,10 and 25-c nt Store x The New Store. Bargains That Are Bargains. Tcm will never have the opportunity of bnying goods any more at snch prices as we shall offer these. These are bargains that the bnyer found while North.: Ccme to see ns for bargain*. We will treat you right Jonesboro. Avenue, - > Next to Garage. 1-—1 The Store That Saves You Money Lee Furniture Co. Tired women, save miles, of steps and hours of time for yourself with a Over 800,000 women twe Hooslers every day. Therein nothing that will save so much work and time and energy in your kitchen. See the new Hoosier now. ' ' CARTERFURNITURECO. ■ • •• - ...... Sanford, M. C. 1 ■:d ■ —1 ■ K