POISONING BOLL WEEVIL PATS $32.10 ACRE Profit from cotton depends on the cheapness with which it is produced. Proper fertilization and cultivation _ _ are important factors in the produc tion of cotton at a low cost, but early poisoning and standard dust poison ing to control the boll weevil are also necessary. Poisoning to control the boll weevil ' has been tested in South Carolina f6r .eight years under practically every •■""condition to which a farm can be sub jected. In these tests average profits per acre from early poisoning was . $12.64 and from standard dust poi soning $32.10. Early poisoning prior to standard dust poisoning has con sistently given about $12.50 profit per acre over standard dust poison ing alone. .Cotton is HE to a good stand in many fields in Lee county, and it will not be long until it is time to apply the early (per Square) poison. There fore, every cotton grower should se cure malosses and calcium Arsenate for the:pre-square poisoning and Cal cium Arsenate for later applications , of the standard dust. During leisure time mbps for early poisoning should be made by tying strips of burlap bags on the end of a thin board which is about two inches wide and two and one-half feet long. Dusting machines . should, be purchased so as to have them ready when eight to ten per cent of the squares are punctured. It is important that growers be come acquainted with the proper pro cedure to follow in poisoning as im proper methods do not produce pro fit. The early poison, which is a mix ture of one pound of Calcium Arse nate, one gallon of molasses, and one gallon of water, should be applied as soon as a few small squares appear on the cotton, before they are large enough to be punctured, ^Jiis mixture should be applied at the hate of o*e gallon per acre by means oX a home made rag mop, taking care to reach all growing tips of the paint. Later in the season if eight to ten per dent of the squares are punctured the stan dard dust poison should be applied with a good dusting machine that will blow the dust over all parts of the cotton plant. Three applications at the dust at five day intervals will he' necessary. Dust should . be applied when the air is still, preferably early in the morning or late in the evening. E. O. McMahan, Couny Agent BIG CELEBRATION THIRD DEGREE MASONRY ' Two Local Fellowcrafta To Receive Symbolic Rite. ! On Tuesday, May 27, the Sanford j Masonic Lodge will confer the sub- i lime degree oi Ancient Free and Ac cepted Masonry, in ancient form, up on two Sanford Fellow crafts. Many will recall the splendid degree worn of the Sanford team last fall at which time visitors were present from va rious parts of the state and to which] several Grand Lodges Officers were r in attendance. The Sanford Lodge degree team,' composed principally of members of . Sanford Masonic Club is reputed to be one of the best teams la the State. The degree team will carry dut all the ancient usages of Masonry ft*, conferring the degree and the man- ’ bers will be arrayed in costumes such, as were used by the Craftsmen m the,building of King Solomon's Tem ple in Jerusalem. —' . & The team has already begun hearsals of this wrok, their fiifst re hearsals having been held at the last meeting of the Masonic Club in Meu of the regular program of that or ganisation. Interest in the work, is running hard to the end that this degree shall surpass in beauty and craftsmanship the last exemplifies tion of the sublime degree of Ma sonry. ! The same team will work out the degree that appeared last fall, at which time nearly three hundred ma-! sons were presnt. The local lodge an- 1 ticip%tes a larger crowd at this meet ing and suggests to all visiting ma sons from out of Sanford, who have j never been examined or vouched for in the local lodge, to be present rariy' at this meeting so their examination can be complete! before the wadang starts. This will be extremely impor- ' tant to visitors; ! The meeting wil open promptly at, seven thirty P. M -j FARRBLL-GAYNtR COMBINE I DOES t'KQELE NUMBERS Janet Gaynor ano Charles Farrell their debut ai ukelele strum* j men extraordinary h “High Society Blues. Fox Movietoie romantic ro-J mnnce, coming next' Monday as "SW to *?“ New T-mple Theatr Neither Miss Gaynor nor Fa ever have had a musical 'double” they made no exceptions when cEUed — upon to play ukeleles. — — | -Mis* Gaynor took w tourse of/uke* lessons from the greatest Aiative . teacher on a recent trip to HfTwaiL Miss Gaynor sings four songs and Farrell sings five. The mu^feil score was written by Joseph McCarthy and James F. Hanley. McCarthy is co author of "Rio Rita,” irTtrene,”/‘Kid Boots” and many otner famous pro ductions; while Hawey has written scores of popular phng hits. The director, Ofevid Butler, also di rected the Gaynor-Ferrell team in ‘‘Sunny Side Up.” \ Others prominent in the cast in clude William Collier, Sr., t. Joyce Compton, Heads Hooper, Louise Fa zenda, Lucien Littlefield, Brandon Hurst and Gregory Gaye. - - MCIVER BUILDING SOLD The Express is-informed that the Melver building on the corner Of Moore and Carthage Streets, owned by Mrs. D. E. Melver, has been told to Mrs. Harriet K. Butler, -wife of Howard Butler, who is connected with, the coal mine at Coal Glen. The sale was consummated within the past few days and the new owner is now in possession of the property. ! The Express has not bad an oppor tunity to talk with the Butlers, but we are informed that they plan to remodel the building and make chant’ ges so that it will front op Carthage Instead of Moore Street. We are in formed that they have bought the ' property as an investment. They evidently have faith in the future of Sanford and see development ahead that justified them in buying thisi property. It is believed that they an ticipate big developments in the coal industry a few -miles above Sanford 9n the river and feel that Sanford will be greatly stimulated by it. Accord-,, ing to reports other outsiders are be- ] coming interested in Sanford and are , in«mWe.v about real . I WILRIK HOTEL CHANGES HANDS . The Express has information from a reliable source that it has changed hands within the past few days. Bar row-Chapman Hotel Corporation, of Norfolk, Va., which operates hotels in a number of towns, has closed a deal by buying an option which was heH by Mr. J. C. Williams, who operated tfhotei for the past few months. It Aid^that they now have a, 10-year ie on the property and will take charge of the hotel the first of June. This concern is said to be financial ly strong. No doubt they plan to push JKftel business in Sanford an.I dc Everything possible to pull the tourist travel over Federal Highway No. 1. A link of this road is being hard sur faced in South Carolina and when two or three short links are hard surfacec in this State, there will be a hard surfaced road all the wav from the Canadian line to Miami, Fla. This is the shortest route South and shouk draw heavy tourist-travel. Juniors Entertained. The Junior Class of the Jonesborc High School numbering thirty mem bers w’as delightfully entertained las^ ,Friday afternoon when their attrac tive little mascot, Gloria Stuar Campbell was hostess at a delight fu outing. Cars were provided ar.J th< young people drove to Paradise Yist* near Goldston, where for an hour 01 two boating and swimming were en | gaged in. Games and contests wen also enjoyed. Just before returning i home, Mrs. W. H. Campbell, mothei ! of the hostess, served a delicious : supper in cafeteria style with cok I draiKs. The above outing proved tc be one of the most delightful of the spring season. Progressive Farmer Absorbs South ern Ruralist The Progressive Farmer, a Nortl Carolina corporation, .with offices ir five principal Southern cities, has an nounced acouisition of the Southerr Ruralist, of Atlanta, Ga., thus be coming not only pre-eminent in the South, but the 'largest strictly farrr paper in the world. \ Each of the two publications fonn Bjer now has a circulatior 00 and the estimated con aition, eliminating dupli be 1,135,000 copies, er will become effective »r 1, and beginning or * publication will become illy under the name ol sive Farmer (consolidate Southern Ruralist)* Of ?igh will remain as now will continue to head the , A STMLiAand blockader LED WEDNESDAY ■ Sheriff SanAwomble and Deputj Sheriff J. H. Thomas made a raic Wednesday aftelnoon and captured a small galvanizes still and complete outfit in the hoqk of Luther Me Lucas, colored, A Highway No. 5( between Sanford Mpd tramway, alsc a new copper woi of sugar, and thi They placed Mcl charged with ma default of bond to await a hearing of .Recorder’s and 75 pound? I quarts of liquor under arresi liquor and ir Iced him in iai tt the next tern '***■■ CARBQI There will be at Euphronia the fourth ~ • Miss Cl; pleted the seven! ed her diploma or tardy during deserves praise dependability and J. M. Willeox, w| caused her perfe, Mr, and Mi Mrs. Annie 5r., and Wiltoi KSJSSSfc bterian church oi lorning in May. Willeox has com grade and receiv out being absent r school life. Sh* her efforts and ,lso her aunt, Mrs. did so much that attendance. E. M. Harrington, fer, Catherine, E. M., __ _ _ Harrington returned to *Plainefleld, jGa.. Friday after a Week's visit wi^ Vf~ u"’ “* Mr. J. E. Pq the week-end/ Mr. J. D. Pc./ - Mrs. J. AXAusley and little daugh ter, Joaephfie, were the week-aid guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Willeox. Glad to«ay Mr. Fred Tally is able to he qum again after several weeks l Mrs. Mamie McLeod, of Mt. Gilead, spent here with his father, n Woman’s Club met Moh oon with Mrs. C. G. Poe. Surf Way to Stop : f Night Coughs Fariiou& Prescription Brings Al JNight coughs or coughs caused by a cold or irritated throat, can now be most Instant Relief. a toped within 15 minutes by a doc rhieh works oi principle. prescription is put up under the on an This name Thoxine and is available to ev Having Thoxine on hand is a safe ty measure against all coughs and throat irritations. Thoxine contains no harmful drugs, is pleasant tasting and safe for the whole family. Sold on a money back guarantee Jo give bet ter and quicker relief for coughs or sore throats than anything you ever tried. Ask for Thdrine, put un ready for use in 35c.760., and $1.00 bottles. Sold by all ^uggistes. ' TRY* CHIROP ' Stomach TronbU 1 Liver Trouble*. ' Kinder Troubl 1 Nervousness, 1 Headaches, Backache, 1 Colds, ' Neuralgia, 1 Neuritis, 1 Lumbago, ' Goitre, Debility, , 1 Sciatica, Chronic CTIC FOR Horarseness, Sore Throat, Constipation, Paralysis, Blindness, ;t Deafness, / Loss of Appetite Indigestion, Gastritis, High Blood Pressure Insomnia, Pelrlc Disorders, Appendicitis, Bronchitis. Other conditions toe numerous to mention. i- DR. R. Oi HUMPHREY, • -f Sanford, N. C. \ Took Soda For Stomach For Twenty Years. “For twenty years I took soda fur indigestion and stomach gar. Then I tried Adlerika. One bottle brought complete relief.”—John B. Hardy. Adlerika relives GAS and sour stomach in TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowels, re noving poisons you never knew rerfi there. Don’t fool with medi ans. wbirb cleans only ppjt of the •owels, but let Adlerika' give stom ich and bowels a REAL cleaning and ee how good yeu - feel- .Thoma* >rug Store. Wa n is DRESSMAKING—Over Stroud and Hubbard’s store. Apply to Misses Campbell and Barry. * WANTED—Settled Woman to keep hours and do necessary work for family of three. References ex changed. Apply P. O. Box 1077, Norfolk, Virginia. FOR SALE—Nice geese feathers, in bed, pillows or loose. 402 Hawkins Avenue. Seed Peanuts. J. H. Monger,. San ford, N. C. Anklets, new light, pretty colors, all sizes, sox, too, for boys and girls, only 25c pair. Stroud and Hubbard. Tomato Plants most all the time. J. H. Monger, Sanford, N. C. Tennis Shoes and fancy straps, all colors, sizes, made by Hood Rubber Company, priced $1.00, better grades, too. Stroud and Hubbard. Seed Peanuts. J. H. Monger, San ford, N. C. Biloxi Soy Beans, Velvet Beans. J. H. Monger, Sanford, N. C. FOR SALE—Stroller, baby high chair. Phone 491-L. FOR RENT—Three or five rooms. Apply to Miss Ida Vestal, 302 Maple Avenue. FOR RENT—^Desirable offices. Good location. Steele Street. Apply '5 il kins-Ricks Company. FOR RENT—Two or three furnish ed or unfurnished rooms, furnace I heat and garage. Mrs. W. D. Hunt er, Phone 66-L, Mclver Park. FOR RENT—Modem furnished ap artments for light housekeeping. Private Baths. Boone Trail Ledge. TOMATO PLANTS—Greater Balti more, etc. Boone Trail Lodge. FOR SALE—Butt Terrier pupa, stock, $3-00. Mrs- C. D. BrowrT, by Kelly Store, East Sanford. StoAecypher’s Potato Bug Killer, 35c ^a 08% J. H.^Monger,. Sanford, Remnants, odds and ends ip Ladies' woven sandals. Price reduced to $2.38, A real bargain if you hurry while we have your size. Stroud ft Hubbard. Seed Com, Buckwheat seed, Water melon seed, Cantaloupe Seed, Garden and flower seed of all kinds. J. H. Monge.-, Sanford, N. C. FOR SALE—A freslit milk cow, will give tour gallons of milk, per day. Apply to T. A. Mansfield, Sanford, Route No. 2. _ A smair thing to look for but you should have the beak shoe polish for your biond and white pumps. For only 25c you target the best. Stroud & Hubbard. * FOR RENT—Office rooms.. Very de sirable location'on Steele Street. In good condition. Apply to Wil kins Ricks Company. Porto Ttico Sweet Potato Plants nearly every* oary. ft J. H. Monger, Sanford, N. C. I New prices on Ladies’ pure silk, ! full fashioned, “Humming-Bird" hosiery. Your choice, Chiffon silk to tops or good heavy service weights. Priced now only. $1.35 a pair. Stroud i & Hubbard. * - Say, ladies, the wrong polish will ; ruin your blonde and white slippers. *We have the best for 0nly25c. Stroud and Hubbard. PEANUT MEAL—The best feed go ing for the cow, the hog, the mule, and tastes good to you. $2.00 per bag. For sale by C. H. Smith. TOBACCO TOP DRESSER—Potash all Sulphate of Soda and Magnesia Limestone. Sapona Mills, Inc. Only $1.35 pair for ladies pure silk full fashioned Summing ' Bird ho siery, both Chiffons silk to tops and service weights with liem tops. Stroud and Hubabrd. ‘ esswrassassss^ .. STAN LAUREL and OuVER HARDV in an THE ROGUE 50% * y ' ■ Entirely in Color. Today and Friday at The New Temple ATTENTION! | All persona who are now carrying open charge accounts with the merch . ants and profesiohal, Men of SANFORD and other tributary towns WHOSE ACCOUNTS ARE NOW OVERDUE - . - t in ;f'A K^x* credit record ig one of your most valuable asseisLwHV* Because KS S3-- ZS&ZS isz^Ss£^stsis~^!issss£» ^WSVSS rS Complete Comfort At a Price You Can Cheerfully Pay! ' — . ^Get set for a summer of comfort,— it’s one luxury that you can afford, for our summer suits, skillfully tailor ed of feather-weight fabrics that keep out the heat and let in the breeze are surprisingly low in price! . No burden in weight*— no burden in cost,-—and 0h, what a relief in com fort! - $12.50 to $35.00 Wicker St. . . Sanford, N, C, OUR OWN TEA Indu—Ceylon—Jm yi m- W 25c N. B. C. Premium Soda Crackers yt. i7c became H Will save you money. When you buy at the A&P Food Store you do not have to give 5c of every dollar for profit—nor 4c for profit—not even 3c. A&P, unlike other food .store systems, deliberately cuts: its profit to less than 2Vgc on a dollar. Five million women every day find that the A&P’s lower profit on a dollar results m lower prices on standard high quality foods sold by all A&P Food Stores. i 11 “ * •VS* *° »****»«• A&P store first, when 70® «?ed fine foods. A&P*s low profit on a dollar_ "*• 2 V*-cents means food dollars go farther at >n AAP Pswwl - ' Rajah Brand Salad Ortiting K? 25c AAP Pure Grape Juice as. 25c Rajah Brand Sandwich * SPREAD 17c Gelfand’s Best Foods or Heilman’s Mayonnaise Small Medium Jar 9c 18c Encore Stuffed OLIVES * O*. Jnr 7yy M> ^ Me 37c GRANDMOTHER’S PAN ROLLS Ooz. SC CORN FLAKES 2 pkgs. 15 c —.J^LF*****1 Selling High-Grade Coffee in the World 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE lb. f PALMOLIVE SOAP 5 cakes 29c Octagon Toilet Soap s 3 cakes 20c ! Octagon Washing Powder Spkgs. 11c OCTAGON SOAP Special 4 cakes lie 3 cakes lie . Octagon SUPER t SUDS NECTAR TEA *-u:b- isc Iona. Tomato KETCHUP Hot IK- 1 OC Quaker beans Ovr-.I F-ak'id . S Cans 25c I * he urrat Atlantic & Paci fic Tiu rio