BUSINESS WOMEN _ MEET IN RALEIGH NEXT WEEK The Sanford Business and Profee eionai Women's Club will be weu rep resented at the annual convention of the North Carolina of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs, which will be held in Raleigh, June 12-24. Headquarters for the con vention will be at the Sir Walter Ho tel. ' Mrs. Gus Worable, retiring Presi dent of the local club, is a member of the board of directors of the state or ganization. She is also a member of the organization committee. Josephus DanielB, editor of the Ral eigh News and Observer, and secre tary of the navy in the cabinet of the late Woodrow Wilson, will address o icxitUvns lunciieon, that will be tendered by the Raleigh club and the Raieigh Chamber of Commerce Satur day afternoon. Other outstanding speakers will be Mrs. Ellen Libby Eastman, of Sanford, Maine, who is chairman of membership for the Na tional Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs. Mrs. Eastman, who was the first woman in all New England to pass the certified public accountant examinations, will address the . annual banquet that will bring'the convention to a close Sat urday night. / The convention will open at 7-30 o’clock Thursday night, June 12, with a dinner given for the executive board by the Business and Professional Wo men’s Club of Raleigh. Mrs. Dess M. Gurganus, president of the hostess club, will preside. A meeting of the executive board will follow the dinner. Miss Lona Glidewell, of Reidsville, State President, announces that a number of matters of importance to the State Federation wifi be consider ed at that time Following a sight-seeing trip over Raleigh, directed by Colonel Fred A. Olds, of Raleigh!’toe delegates and visitors will be guests of Mrs. O. Max Gardner at a tea given at the execu tive mansion from 6 to 6 o’clock Fri _ Is expected that between two and three hundred leading business and professional women of the state will attend the final banquet that is set t°,'j J;30 q clock Saturday night. Miss Glidewell will be toastmistress, and the winners of prizes offered during the past year will be announced. Mrs. Eastman will make the main address. MR. BAILEY AND - v t „ THE farmers Now that Mr. Bailely knows that he must have the votes of tens of thousands of farmers in order to suc ceed in his punitive expedition against Senator b.mmons, the Kaieigh lawyer is professing undying friendship for the man who owns farm lands and tnl the soil. But at a time when Mr. Bailey had had a real chance to demonstrate ms friendship for the farmers of North Carolina, what did he do An accurate answer to this Ques tion will be found in the pubhsued record. In 1919, when the Income Tax was before the Legislature of North Carolina; Mr. Bailey was there lobby fng^ against it. Notwithstanding the fact that land was already taxed, and notwithstanding the fact that teach ers and Stenographers and clerks and -all others who earned their living by working for salaries were required to pay an income tax to the State, while those who received their incomes from stock dividends of from profits made in trading, did not pay an in come tax, Mr. Bailey vigorously op posed the Constitutional Amendment to levy a tax on all incomes anke. He appeared before the Legislative Committee in Baleigh, which had this matter under consideration. In a speech before that committee he argued strenuously against extending the income tax to large incomes, de lved from stock dividends, industry and business, although since the peo ple ratified the Income Tax Amend ment, it has been demonstrated that the income tax has been at the foun dation of North Carolina’s remarkable progress during the last decade. What did Mr. Bailey say about the farmers? According to the Bal eigh Times, an A1 Smith newspaper that is friendly to Bailey and is now suDnortiug him in his campaign to nunish Simmon?, the following is an accurate record of what transpired when Mr. Bailey appeared before, the Legislative Committee to fight the Income Tax: “If you want some revenue right badiv. assess the lands of North Carolina, 33,000,000 acres of them, at their market value, as Kr-your consti tutional duty,” he (Bailey) thunder ed. turning to Maxwell, “and you will get some revenue—all you need. Why don’t you do it ? ft is easier to make the corporations shell out once more Why, in North Carolina hogs are valued at less than I pay for a ham,” he shouted. "Goats, sheep, ladv jacks,” etc., are very low down.” Turning upon the late Victor S. T lit, of Durham, Mr. Bailey shout Ml taxed /hv. dogs in Durham are higher than mules I" Mr. Bryant replied: <*Anything short of the income tax will bring an archy. You plan of running down the man with the cow and letting the man with the Income go is hot fair.” As has beeirstated by Mr. R. S. McCoin, a leading member of the Legislature, the language of Mr. Bailey was “not the language of a man who wanted to adjust or equalize » burden on land. He specified all the land, even counting aeres. He even forgot to except the cemeteries.” In September, 1920, after the adop tion of the Income Tax Amendment, Mr. Bailey wrote the chairman -of the State Democratic Executive Com mitee*: “1 advise that the income tax does not reach the farmers, as I should like." . Does al this sound like the activ ities and language of a {Treat cham Sion of the farmers of North Caro na? How does this record compare with the thirty-year record of Sena tor Simmons in the United States Senate, where he has stood up and fought for the interests of the farm ers in every session and in ^very cri sis has been found casting his vote on the side of the farmers? Mr. Bailey and hi? managers cannot point ito a single instance where Simmons has failed to stand for the farmers. -Winston-Salem T~” >g and Red arrow spr sucV'ug insects . , pyrethum spray that is highly recom mended for killing praet sects on vegetable^, l- . and fruit trees. Especially effective against Mexican bean beetle, Japan e«e beetle, striped cucumber beetle, cabbage and tomato worms, snuash and potato bugs, and aster and dahlia beetles. An ounce makes six gallons B. Monger,’ Sanford, N. C. FRIENDS SEE BIG CHANGE, SHE SAYS “Every spring I’d have a ‘let-down, weak feeling, and last winter a rheu matic-neuralgia condition in my shoulders and back was so severe 1 * ~ '"'K* Jiawvuauy constir pated. Pour bottle* of Sargoii strengthened me wonderfully, all pains are gone, my nerves have stead led and my sleep is restful and invig orating. I’m steadily gaining lr weight, I eat heartily and without £ trace of indigestion and my friends all remark about my splendid health 1 “Sargon pills stimulated my livei i to normal healthy action and entirelj , overcame my constipation.”—Mrs ■ Bessfe Miller, 18 Murdock Avenue Asheville, N. C. Crabtree Drug Company, Agents. * TRY* CHIROPRACTIC FOR * Stomach Troubles, Horarseness, i * Liver Troubles, Sore Throat, * Kindey Troubles, Constipation, * Lumbago, High Blood Pressure , * Goitre, Insomnia, * Debility, Pelvic Disorders, * Sciatica, Chronic Appendicitis, Bronchitis. I * Other conditions too numerous * to mention. mcnviun. * DR. R. O. HUMPHREY, •• KnnfnrH V r • Headaches, • Backache, • Colds, * Nervousness, Paralysis, Blindness, Deafness, * Neuralgia, * Neuritis, Loss of Appetite Indigestion, Gastritis, DR. J. C. MANN, The Well Known Eyesight Specialist and Optician Will be over the Post Office, Sanford, N. C., every Wednesday from 10 A. M„ to 3 P. M. Head ache relieved when caused by Eye Strain, Glasses fitted that is easy and restful to the eye. Over 25 years daily experience in examining eyes. Consultation free and invited. TAX PAYERS OP LEE COUNTY TAKE NOTICE. Pursuant to Section 623 of the 1920 ! Machinery Act, the Board of County, Commissioners will, on the Third i Monday in June, being June 16th, j | meet in the Commissioner’s room (Register of Deeds office), at the Court House, and sit as an equalizing board, and shall contiyyfrom day to j day until such duties aSrare required of them shall have been completed. Duties. | The Board of equalization and re view in the years other than the year of tBe quadrennial assessment, shall not in crease or reduce the assessed valuation of real property, but the same shall be listed and assessed at the same valuation as listed and as sessed at the last quadrennial as sessment: (a) Except where real property has been discovered and hot list ■' ed or assessed at the last quad rennial'assessment. (b) Except where clerical errors havo occurred. (c) )Except where improvements have been added, or buildings or other thing of value has been de stroyed or removed to the value of one hundred dollars or more. (d) Except where valuations have been affected by some extraordi nary circumstance. . (e) Except where property has been subdivided. And equalize visible, personal prop erty, (Machinery, Merchandise, Lum | ber, Logs, Ties, Pulp Wood, Live ! Stock, Automobiles, Trucks, & Etc.) and intangible,! Deposits, Notes, Mortgages, Accounts Receivable, & etc.), and correct tax lists and as sessment rolls, and enter such adjust ments and corrections thereon, to the end that each article of personal property will bear its proportionate part of taxation. J. w. McIntosh, Clerk to Board of Equalization. Nearly Killed by Gas —Druggist Saves Her “Gas on my stomach was so bad it mek. Simple glvcerine, buckthorn, saline, etc., as mixed in Adlerika. helps GAS on stomach in 10 minutest Most reme dies act on lower bowel only, but Ad lerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisonous waste you WevW knew was intoe. Relieves cob istipation in 2 hours. It will sur I prise you. Thomas' Drug Store, i SEABOARD INSTALLING ELECTRIC SWITCHES HERE The track construction department of the Seaboard Air Line Railway has force of laborers installing; interlock ing switch terminals electrically op erated at both ends of the Sanford pass tracks north and south of the town. These switch terminals will be operated from the Sanford station and a signal placed at the switch ter minal wul snow whether the switch is open or closed. The, new system will speed up the passing of trains at this point to a marked degree. As soon as the switchboard is installed in the station the operation of passing trams win be handled by pressing a button in the dispatcher’s oftice in the station. The Seaboard is now equipped t0 han dle trains about as fast as they can be moved over the road v.nh compar ative safety. Its long haul freight business is heavier than ever before. Long freight trains mov. over th* road in rapid succession. STATEMENT ENTERPRISE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Providence, ]:. I. CONDITION DECEMBER 81, 1929, AS SHOWN BY STATE^ I 11 LED. Amount of capital cash paid in ___•— Amount ledger assets Dec. Si, previous year, $2,583,408.65; Increase paid up-capital, $_____...0;--TotalI,. $2, e-3,408.05 Income-sfrom Policyholders/si,183,808142; Misceianeous, $146,767.40; Total, ... , :...r »IVWO,573.82 Disbursements—To Policyholders, $84,256.48; Miscellaneous, $112,628.077; Total,_._1.. .... . ___ _.- $1,210,537,35 Fire risks—Written or renewed during year, $216,140,967; in force____ _ZZZ.I _$3.j 1,315,175.00 All other Risks—Written or renewed during year, $......452,053; in force >_*.. ..*1 .,-»■... 432,933.0 Value of Bonds and Stocks ___-__ __—— -$2,411,821.38 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest ..-. $233,068.99 Agents’ balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1929 ...... ____..._♦ 65,947.03 Agents’ balances, representing business written prior to October, 1, 1929,_____.... _$ 2,582,82 * Interest and rents due and accrued __—* 9,977.93 All other assets, as detailed in statement ....._— — —*~$ 819,890.62 j Total .._ _______..._$3,533,315.77 Less assets not admitted ...,—....r~~— --— $ 3,662.82 Total admitted assets....... ____$3,529,652.95 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims ....—-$ 13,646.32 Unearned premiums________ __....-$1,206,218.35 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or acrued, $ 556.20 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and mu nicipal taxes due or accrued____ __$ 3,688.50 Total amount of all liabilities except capital_—- $1,224,109.37 Capital actually paid up in cash___ ....__.$ 0, Surplus over all liabilities......$ 0, Surplus as regards policyholders_..._____ $2,305,543.58 Total liabilities_______— ----$3,529,652.95 BUSINESS ON NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1929 Fire risks written.....$1,643,486; Premiums received, S 1,496 A11 other risks written :___,.$. 846; Premiums received, $ 1 Losses incurred—Fire_......_.22; Paid $.29 President, John N. Freeman; Secretary, Theodore P. Bogert. Home Office, 10 Weybossett street. Providence, R. I. Attorney for Service: DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh,N.C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, I Raleigh, April 8, 1930. | I. DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the ; above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Enterprise Mu- j tual Fire Insurance Company, of Providence, R. I., filed with this Department, 1 showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December, 1929. I (SEAL) DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. | STATEMENT I ASHWRIGHT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Boston, Mass., I Condition December 31, 1929, as Shown by Statement Filed. i Amount of capital paid in cash..........0 Amount Ledger Assets December 31, previous year, $7,364,105.77; Increase paid up capital, $..0; Total, _._._... $7,364,105.77 j Income—from Policyholders, $3,557,521.10; Miscellaneous, 373,661,46; Total--- :_____i___ _S3,931.185.56 Disbursements—To Policyholders, $228,131.45; Miscellaneous, $422,209.57; Total ____________ $3,650,341.02 Fire Risks—Written or renewed during year, $653,884,730, in force...Z-JTZU.-......$912,756,405.00 „ ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks . .......$6,087,642.25 Cash to Company’s office_...__J___;_,_.... $ 1,080.44 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest...$ 766,345.69 Agents’ balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1929 .......„.$ 186,136.53 Agents’ balances, representing business written prior to Oc tober, 1929 —-,-s 3,745.30 Interest and rents due and accrued ...t.4—. _ ... ._$104 086 16 Total Less assets not admitted . -.$$7,749,036.47 .. $ 18,012.55 Total admitted Assets ..... „ LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims.... Unearned Premiums _a. _,...... Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued .,....... .. Estimated amount payable for Federal, .State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued..... — $7,731,023.92 .—$ 41,159.14 .$2,832,363.95 —$ 7,000.00 $ 9,819,71 Total amount of all liabilities except capital .$2,890,342 80 Capital actuallyp paid up in cash .......$....0 Surplus over all liabilities .......$4,840,681.12 Surplus as regards policyholders.._i..$4,480,681.12 Total liabilities.......$7,731,023.92 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA, DURING 1929. Fire Risks written....$6,308,933 ;remiums received, $ 10,264 Losses incurred—Fire ____....__$ 304; cnid $ 321 President, E. V. French, Secretary, F. W. Jones, Treasurci G. S. Young. Home Office. .185. Franiriin street, Bo?»tcn, Mass. Attorney for service: DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commlssionor, Raleigh,N.C. Manager for North Carolina Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, April 9, 1930. I, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above_is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Ash wright Mu tual fire Insurance Company, of Boston, Mass., filed wit!' this Department, showing the condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1929. Witness my hand and official seal, the dav and year above written. (SEAL.) DAN C. BONEY, Insurant Commissioner. STATEMENT RHODE ISLAND MUTUALFINE INSURANCE COMPANY Providence, Rhode Island. CONDITION DECEMBER 31, 1929, AS SHOWN BY STATEMENT FILED Amount of capital paid in cash _. .... .$ 0 Amount ledger assets Dec. 31, previous year, $4,588,861.07: Increase paid-up capital, $ ; Tidal, $4,588,851.07 Income—from Policyholders, $1,973,014.06: miscellaneous. 57,062.08; Total... .. _; .... $2,240,676.14 Disbursements—to Policyholders, $140,427.50; Miscellane i . $1,879,462 35s' Total, .... .... .$2,019,879.85 Fife Risks—written or renewed during year, $360,234,911, In force. _.. . ... ...... . $590,530,293.00 All other risks—Written or renewed during year, $753,121, In force, __... J_„. .... _1.. , ASSETS Value of bonds and stocks.... .... Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest Agents’ balances, representing business written subse quent to October 1, 1929 -.. .... Agents’ balances representing business written prior to October, 1 1929 ........... Interest and rents due and accrued_;.. All other assets, as detailed in statement ....._. Total____C.. ... Less assets not admitted...... $ 721,554.00 .$4,307,116.17 .$ 404,936,42 .$ 93,290.07 .$ 4,304.70 $ 19.141.J9 _.$1,590,104.83 —$6,418,893.38 $ 6,107.70 Total admitted assets ..$6,412,785.68 , LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims.. Unearned premiums ....... SalurieSj rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued $ Estimated amount payable for Federal, county and mu nicipal taxes due or acrued..... . 6,147-60 $ 22,743.86 *2.0107',c*, 83 926.99 Total amount of all liabilities except capital Capitisactually paid up in cash...., ..... .... ...._.,.„,$ Surplus over all liabilities___.....$.. ..$2,040,182.18 Surplus as regards policyholders.. ..$4,372,603.50 Total liabilities . .-$6,412,785.68 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLTNA DITRTNE 1929. „ Fire risks written ...._$2,739,141: Premiums roc*,,v‘1,1 p -•—-...—2,493 All othe? HsVs written ...... $ 1,140; Premiums revived, $ ..—...1 Losses incurred—Fire ___S ... 97* —-48 President, John N. Freeman; Secretary, Theodore P. Bogeri, K^me 10 Wovbr*««i''+. Stro^f R I Attorner for service: DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commit<>"er, R*]ei*h.N.C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INSURANCE DFP' , Raleigh, April 8, 1930 (SEA!,.) x . T. DAN C RQNEY. Insurance Cnm-'is«ioner da w-h the nhove is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Rhode Island Mutual Fire,.Tiwreiw* Correas?, sf Xv T ~ nartm*»ht. «hAwinir th* conditio** of on ♦*** "vY D»v*um ber, 1929. Witness my hand and a«Wa) —a' «•„ d— and ab™> v~«tt*n. DAN C. BONEY. Insurance Commissioner. 4 i NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that the un iersigned, S. V. Scott, Trustee in Bankruptcy, pursuant to order and de :ree made by the District Court of he United States for the Middle Dis trict of North Car'olina,, in Bankrupt cy made and entered in the Bank^ ruptcy Court by Honorable H. F. ,Sea ■veli, Junior, United States Referee 'or Rockingham Division of said Mid -he District of North Carolina, in the cause entitled: “In the matter of K. L. Baldwin and L. F. Baldwin, indi vidually, and as co-partners trading ind doing business as Baldwin Bro thers, Bankrupts,” will on the 21st lay of June, 1930, at the hour of ten ^'clock in the forenoon at Lee county court house door, in, Lee County, North Carolina, offer and sell at pub lie auction to the highest bidder for cash the reversionary interest and estate of said K. L. Baldwin and L. F. Baldwin, in and to the fol lowing described lots or parcels of land, all situate in Town of Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina. First: The property of K. L. Bald win, whereon is situate the residence and home place of the said K. L. Baldwin and wife, in West Sanford Township, Town of Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina, described as follows.: _ Beginning at an iron stake at the southeast intersection of Cross Street and Gulf Street, and running thence Northwestwardly with Cross Street 71 feet to a stake, comer of lot sold W. L. Jewell, thence North westwardly with the line of the Je well lot, 162 1-2 feet to a stake in line of Lot No. 1 of “Rosemount” prop erty; thence southwestwardly with line of said lot No. 1, 71 feet to a stake in line of Gulf Street; thence South 33 degrees 10 minutes East with Gulf Street 162 1-2 feet to the beginning, subject to the following (a) $95.53 Tax due to County of Lee (b) $925.59 Assessment for Street paving due Town of Sanford. (c) $71.70 Tax due to Town of Sanford. (d) Mortgage indebtedness, appro ximating $3400.00, as secured by Trust indenture registered Book of Mortgages 124, page 316, of fice Register of Deeds for Lee County to Insured Mortgage Bond Corporation of North Caro lina, and Union Trust Company of Maryland, Trustee. (e) Dower right of Mrs. Anna W. Baldwin in said property. Second: The property of L. F. Bald win, whereon is situate the residence and homeplace of the said L. F. Bald win and wife, in West Sanford Town ship, Tc ,n of Sanford, Lee County North Carolina, described as follows Beginning at an iron stake at the southeast intersection of Gulf anc Gross Streets in the Town of Sanforc and running thence South 33 degree; 10 minutes East with the Easteri margin of Gulf Street 150 xeet to ; stake, corner of Lot No. 18 of “Rose mount,” and running thence North westwardly with line of Lot No. 1 and parallel with Cross Street 12 feet to an iron stake corner of Lo No. 21 of “Rosemount”; thence Nort! 33 degrees 10 minutes West, with th line of Lot No. 21, 150 feet to an iro. stake on South side Cross Street thence Southwestwardly with Soutl line of Cross Street, 125 feet to th beginning, being Lots number 19 an< 20 in Block 6 of “Rosemount”, sub ject to the following liens: (a) $84.15 Tax due County of Le< (b) $1,040.92 Assessment for Stree I paving due Town of Sanford. ' (c) $64.00 Tax' -due to Town o: Sanford. (d) Mortgage indebtedness, appro ximating $3,400.00, as secured bj I Trusli indenture registered ir Book of Mortgages 124, page 312 office Register of Deeds fo] lee County, North Carolina, tc T.. --..J ™r TlasxA in.’uuu ra tion of North Carolina and Unior Trust Company, of Maryland upon the South half of Said lot and Mortgage Indebtedness ap proximating $700.00, as securet by Trust indenture registered ir Book of Mortgages 126, page 135 office Register of Deeds foi Lee County, to J. E. Biinn, Trus tee and Sanford Building and Loan Association. (e) Dower right of Mrs. Julia F, Baldwin. the same being lanas anoitea 10 saia K. L. Baldwin and the said L. F. Baldwin as Homestead exemption, sub ject to the liens as enumerated undei description of each of said tracts; and at the same time and place will offei and sell, at public auction to the high est bidder, for cash, at public auction the interest of the said K. L. Baldwir and L. F. Baldwin, in and to the fol lowing real estate. Third: The property of K. L. Bald win and L. F. Baldwin, in West San ford Township, JL°e County, Nortl Carolina, Town of Sanford, describ ed as follows: On Steele Street, be ginning at a comer , of the lot for merly owned bv Sinclair, now owne< by Dr. J. K. Hunt (the north come: of said Hunt or (Sinclair lot), an< running thence as his line S. 55 W 100 feet to a stake; thence N. 35. W 50 feet to a stake; thence N. 55 E 100 feet to a stake in line of Steel* Street; thence with Steele Street lin< Southward 50 feet to the beginning being part of Lot No. 193 in Scott Wicker Plan of Town of Sanford subiect to the following liens: (a) lift Tax due Countv of I>ee (bi $?22 45 Street Assessment du< Town of Sanford. (c) $20 00 Tax due Town of San ford. (d) Mortgage indebtedness appro ximeHnp- $21 as secured mortgage to Mrs. F. C Fields registered ih Book of Mortgage: ^128. page* 107 office Begisfpr r for Lee County, Nortl Carolina. (el Dower right of Mrs. Anna W BoMwm, wife of K L. Baldwin. (fl D^wpir right of M**s. .Tuba F Pflbwk. of L. F Baldwin. Fotlf+b * n* T r>"1' win and L. F. Baldwin, in East San t - - r>.* ** t1 Carolina. Town of Sanford, de«cribe< *-X'~ Street and Midland Avenue. being al of I/'t N° ^ in 8!«/’V* i’ ♦Vo S'l.n'O” 1914nf Innd in and Sanfon u^inx recorded Book No. 1, pag (vW>«« r> P pn IJ+JH1 P" T r*n fM»n BooV\ ir* w><ris; tered Book 20, page 560 office Regia ter Deeds for lee County, subject to the following liens: (a) $1.53 Tax due County of Lee. (b) $1.10 Tax due Town of Sanford (c) Dower right of Mrs. Anna W. Baldwin, wife of K. L. Baldwin. (d) Dower right of Mrs. Julia F. Baldwin, wife of L. F. Baldwin. ' The said sale will be had subject to confirmation by the Court. This May 22, 1930. S. V. Scott, Trustee in Bank ruptcy in the matter of K. L. Baldwin, individually and L. F. Baldwin individually, and as co-partners trading mid doing business as Bald win Brothers. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Lee. In the Superior Court. The Federal Land Bank of Columbia, ,Plaintiff. Vs. C. L. Allen, C. L. Allen, executrix of T. M. Allen, deceased; Lestro Al len, and wife, Gola Allen; Mrs. Myrtle Pulley and husband Court land Pulley; Mrs. Boulware and husband, Barrett Boulware; Claude Allen, minor, (aged 18 years); William Marion Allen, Trustee, J. A. Allen,' Carl K. Burgess, Trustee, North Carolina Agricultural Credit Corporation; D. B. Teague, Trustee; W. R. Williams, Receiver of the Bank ing Loan & Trust Company, W. H. Hill; Deep River Development Company and the West Pocket National Farm Loan Association, Defendans NOTICE. The defendant, Barrett Boulware, will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Lee County, North Carolina, to foreclose any ex isting and contingent interest that the defendant may have in the lands of T. M. Allen, deceased, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the .office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Lee County, at the court house in Lee County, N. C., on the 1st day of July, 1930, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This 28th day of May, 1930. W. G. WATSON , Clerk Superior Court Lee County. 666t ablets Relieves a Headach or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malarial in three days. 666 also in Liquid. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE i Having1 qualified as administratrix ; of the estate of A. P. Morris, late ot , Lee county, North Carolina, this is ; to notify all persons having claims [ against the estate of said deceased to > exhibit them to the undersigned at [ Hamlet, N. C., on or before the 1st . day of May, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. . All persons indebted to said estate ; will please .make immediate payment.. This 1st dav of Mav, 1930. LOTTIE LOIS MORRIS, Hamlet, N. C., Box 162, Adminis tratrix of A. P. Morris, estate. H. M. Jackson, Atty, Sanford, N. C. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the estate of Jesse D. Survey* deceased, late of Lee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the state of said de ceased to exhibit them to the. under signed at Sanford, N. C., R. F. D. 1, on or before April 24, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ' • * This the 24th day of April, 1930. ] C. W. Spivey and D. M. Suivey, i Executors of Jesse D. Spivey deceased. Sanford, N. CVt . *OBBt»OOOOOOBOOOCCmXJOO? Constipation in*. Troubles "I have used Black N Draught as a family ^ medicine for a good I many years,” says Mrs. Salliu Laughrun, of Huntdale, N. C. ”1 , have found it an ex J cellent remedy for % constipation and the r troubles that follow ’ it. I have suffered frequently from gas 1 > [laiiiw, auu — bothered that way I begin at once to take Black-Draught. Belief follows quickly. "I give Black-Draught to the children when they are con stipated, and it is not long until they are running around again”' Thousands of others have re ported good results from the use of this purely vegetable medicine. Insist on the gen uine Thedford’s CONSTIPATION* INDIOISTIO* Bmoiiswmsa Brezssar who need * tonic should take Used over 50 years. t-it* 300oacpooaoooooaoeoooaw8 J. C. PITTMAN Attorney at Law. Rooms 1 and 2 Cross-Marks Buildiajr SANFORD, N. C. DR. E. W. HUNTER. Dentist. Office 2nd floor in the PostoOaa building, on comer of Steele awl Wicker streets. Office ’phone 18S. residence ’phone 454, WM. F. COOKE, Engineer 23 Cross-Marks Bldg. Surveys land and construction. Structural Designs. * _Plans and Specifications. DR. F. W. McCRACKEN, Dentist. SANFORD, N. C. Office in Makepeace Building. Office ’phone 5J. Residence 62. DR. J. I. NEAL, Veterinarian. Office in New Building on Wicker St. Phone No. 126. H. C. RENEGAR, LAWYER Makepeace Bldg. Sanford, N. C. (Over Chear’s Jewelry Store.) SANFORD, N. C. E. L. Gavin D. B. Teague GAVIN ft TEAGUE, Attorneys at Law. SANFORD, N. C. PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS. WILLIAMS ft WILLIAMS LAWYERS SANFORD. N. C. K.lLHoyle Samuel Hoyle Sanford, N. 0. Carthage, N. G. HOYLE ft HOYLE, LAWYERS. | Sanford, N. C., and Carthage, N. C. I Sanford office 2nd floor Garin Snipes building; Carthage office Snd Floor Seawell building. A. A. F. SEAWELL, LAWYER. SANFORD. N. C. Masonic Temple. | M. L. MATTHEWS, M. D. Practice limited to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in Masonic Temple, Sanford, N. C. Phone 117; Residence 274. Hours from 9 a. m., to 12 m.f and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., and by appointment DR. R. O. HUMPHREY, Chiropractic Physician. Complete X-Ray and Sun-Ray Service j Makepeace Building, Sanford, N. C. J. F. FOSTER, M. D. Obstetricts and Diseases of Children. OfF.ce: Cross-Marks Building. Phone No. 380, Residence, 247. SANFORD, N. C. H. M. JACSKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 6 and 6 Peoples Bank Bldg. SANFORD, N. C. j General Practice in All Courts. CUTTER & THOMPSON, | Architects and Engineers Makepeace Building. SANFORD. N. C. thomas j. McPherson. Attorney and Counsellor at Law.. Masonic Temple. SANFORD, . | N. C. J. C. Muse & Company, Certified Public Accountants AUDITS— SYSTEMS—TAXES Masonic Tebmple Bldg. Telephone 568. We Are Equipped to handle your INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ' Give u9 a chance. CROSS & BRINN. DRS A. D. BARBER AND C. C. HATCH DENTISTS SANFORD. N. C. Suite in Masonic Temple Building. Tlephone No. 187. I CARitK MjkiuTUaE CO (INCORt'OUA IL.U.) . %l Undertaking Department Established 1900. Complete line of COFFTNS and CASKETS Auto Hearse Service. A. K. MILLER EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified ns administrator of the estate of W. H. Fitts, late of Lee County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said d»oeased to exhibit them to the undersiwned at Sanford. N. C.. on or before the 29th day of May. 1930, of this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will nleaae make immediate nnymept ' This the 59th daw bf Maw. 1950. W. H. FITTS. Jr.. Administrator of W. H. Fitts’ es tate.

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