The Question—Why Defeat Simmons?—has been raised by Mr. Ed M. Land, of the Statesville Bar. It calls for an answer. The undersigned answer the question as follows: 1st. Senator Simmons should be defeated because, he defeated the Democratic Party in the last election. 2nd. Senator Simmons should be defeated because, while enjoying the position of Uiut ed States Senator at the hands of the Democ ratic Party, he used, not only his personal in fluence, but all his official power given him by his Party to divide and defeat his Party. 3rd.- Senator Simmons should be defeated because he entered a contest within his Party in 1928 and, so long as he was winning, required the minority to stand by the decision. He had his way in precinct meeting, county convention. Congressional convention and State covention. He was beaten in the Natio .ial convention, and bolted. So olng as he was winning he gave no notice or intimation that he would not stand by the Party’s decision— that is, he used the Party so long as it woul d suit his purpose, but when it went against his will he turned upon it. 4th. Senator Simmons should be defeated because he advised the young Democrats of this State to vote the Republican National t ickec. 5th. Senator Simmons should be defeated because he made his speech at Raleigh over the radio to tens of thousands of people liste ning in, in which he said and did all that he could to divide and embarrass the Democrat ic Party in North Carolina and accomplish its defeat, and contributed as much as he co uld to the loss of a number of counties and two Congressional districts. 6th. Senator Simmons should be defeated because he gave his public pledge and un divided support to the campaign of Democra tic disaffection, headed by Frank McNlnch, in 1928; which campaign was financed by sources unknown to the people, and no report has ever been filed with the Stajte authorities, as required by law of political organiza tions, as to where the money came from or w hat was done with it. 7th. Senator Simmons should be defeated because he supported Hoover and is respon sible therefore, for “Hoover Prosperity.” The Democratic Paty must oppose the Republi can Party this year and in 1932, and Mr. H oover is the head of the Republican Party. It will be difficult to make progress against the Republican Party with one at the head of the Democratic ticket who supported Hoover and “Hoover Prosperity.” 8th. Senator Simmons should be defeated because the Democratic Party cannot afford to approve or condone, or in any way to cop ntenance, the conduct of Senator Simmons in fighting its National ticket and supporting the National Republican ticket. Respectfully T. C. Bowie, West Jefferson, N. C. E. S. Parker, Jr., Greensboro, N. €. F. S. Worthy, Washington, N. C. Felix E. Alley, Waynesville, N. C. Charles R. Thomas. Waynesville, N. C. John W. Lambeth, Thomasville, N. C. Thomas M. Washington, Wilson, N. C. J, R. Jones, Sr., Sanford, N. C. Robert N. Page, Aberdeen, N. C. J. 0. Can-, Wilmington, N. C. Don E. Scott, Graham, N. C. W. D. Turner, Statesville, N. C. R. L. Phillips, Robbinsville, N. C. L. T. Hartsell, Concord, N. C. R. R. King, Sr., Greensboro, N. C. W. A. Finch, Wilson, N. C. Paid For by Democrats of Lee County Never in oar entire hashrai earee. have we offered values to equal the tires aow la our stock. Buftt by the U. 8. Rubber Coa^any to outlast ad outperform aay tires ia their .various prise (tosses—priced toy us able low levels—they are easily the fOmanat the bargains available in jtofr*. Don't take oar wordjfor ’ it—find oat for yourself—today! SANFORD NORTH CAROLINA '•V* j ■*.. dee... •,:, yOl'K OLl) OIL STOVE FOR A New Perfection Range OR Boss Oil Stove WE WILL M AKE A LIBERAL ALLOW ANCE FOR YOUR OLD STOVE HOW ABOUT YOUR OLD • 4 REFRIGERATOR? YOU CAN TRADE THAT IN FOR A NEW REFRIGERATOR ' Lee Furniture Co. Inc SANFORD, N. C. “YOUR HOME SHOULD COME FIRST.” Wants WANTED— 500 people to try out new Long leaf Bread. Put up in striped wrapper. Smith's Bakery. Made by Nancy Davis or Striped Creaseback Cornfield Beans. . Vigorous and pro iuctive bean that bears quantities of fleshy pods nearly eight inches long, and so round and fat as to be distinct ly creasback. A fine bean for eith er the home garden or market, and particularly fine f r growing in corn. 50c a quart. J. H. Monger, Sanford, N. C. . ' Now that school is out let the boys run and play, and to save the skin of their toes, see our tennis shoes and oxfords, made by Hood, priced $1.00 and better grades, too. Stroud and Hubbard. Colored bunch butter beans.’ Bear longer, stands-‘drought better. 50c a quart. J, H. Monger, Sanford, N.C. v '.'ix r>— Our new lonjA loaf has a better flavor^and^a wM^rture and stays of our New. T one loaf free, at 110 clippings f we will give H’s Bakery, Sudan Grass and Tesonite. Monger,' Sanford, N. C. J. H. On gallon of Poison Molasses should cover two acres cotton one time, according to Coker letter. Mix with one gallon of water and let them have it. Sapona Mills, Inc., Sanford, N.C. Sugar Crowder Peas, the best of all the table verietieg of field peas. J. H. Monger, Sanfond,,N. C. Special Men's faniy Sox, made in Burlington, N. C , value, 60c. Special buy,, and you are tile winner, 3 pairs for $1.00. Stroud and Hubbard. Brabham Peas, wilt resistant at drought resistant. J. H. Monger, Sin ford, N. C. * *>| Save your dippings of the tfew Long Loaf and present ten of them to Smith Bakery and get a loaf free. Seed Peas, good mixed peas, $1.00 a peck, $4.00 a husbeL Brabham peas, $1.60 a peck, $5.50 a bushel. Early Taylor Peas, Dixie Queen, Brown eyed White Peas Sugar Crowder Peas. J. H. Monger, Sanford, N. C. Say, folks, redthis—Nu-Shine Shoe Polish, and it is one of the best selling, regular for 25e, special buy, and you are a winner, now 15c or two for 25c. Stroud and Hubbard. FOR RENT—1'umished rooms, for ladies, or gentlemen. Good board furnished if desired. Mrs. J. F. Gonella, Comer Carthage and Endor Streets. M-29-4L Did you ever stop to think we have been here in your town almost four years, and we give the people of Sanford and Lee county credit for the good business we have had. Why not your patronage. Home Town Bakery, too. StfWH’S BAKERY. Nitrate of Soda, Fertilizer, Cotton Seed Meal, Cotton seed hulls, Peanut Meal. Sapona Mills, Inc., Sanford, FOR SALE—Nice geeee feathers, in bed, pillows or loose. 402 Hawkins Avenue. Tobacco Top Dresser 10 per Ammonia, 10 per cent Sulphate Potash. Now ready. Sapona * Inc., Sanford, N. C. , For the benefit of the tried our New Long Loaf# ile wh( no' -- ..CTT 1A/UJJ -- , buy any more for any reason, we hav —-Jn it thii made new improv, week. SMITH’S Anklets, new light, pretty colors, al sizes, sox, too, for boys and girls, onl; 2Sc pair. Stroud and '* * POISTlFMrM.AlieESVa-^. „ Weevil, now ready, 50c ## Galb barrel lots, 60c per gallon in^ VOX .„ per gallon in yoi {“£; one gallon o»t .. Mills, Inc. *** Girls, they are in town, and they re made in Burlington, N. C.—Pull 'vshiaasd fiare £*wrHoeiery> 1.00 a pair while WtF lot: ome first served. Stroud and Huo ard. " ® Plant slock beets or mangrelsi^^^i! splendid winter feed for cattle, sheep, iogs and poultry. Increases the milk flow and helps to keep stock and poul iry in fine condition. Yields larger :rops than turnips and are higher in r^rd1^ J’ H‘ MonKer» Sa“ FOR RENT—Two cottages, one 5 room, $15.00, one 6 room, $18.00, newly spring cleaned, screened. See J. K. Perry. FOR SALE—100 acres of good farm land, thirty acres cleared, good dwelling, house, good barnes and stable, two good tobacco bames, one tenant house. Four miles from Jonesboro or Sanford. C. H. Crick more, Sanford, N. C., E. F. D 2. 2t SALESMAN Wanted with car to sell coffee to merchants on commission basis. Give references in reply ing. Answer care Express. LOST—One black horse pony,weight about 400 pounds. Finder please communicate with H. C. Booker. Colon, N. C. FOR RENT OR SALE ON EASY TERMS—Six room house near Col lins store; two vacant lots on Hickory Avenue; one vacant lot on Maple Avenue; four room house and lot on Lincoln Heights. Miss Mary Chandler, Sanford, N.C. WANTED—Settled Woman to keep hours and do necessary work for family of three. References ex AppJjr P.O.Box 1077, Norfolk, Virginia. WANTED — Unincumbered white housekeeper modern home in coun try, permanent M. B. Clark, Car olina Hotel, Sanford, N. C. Only $1.36 pair for ladies pure silk full fashioned Humming Bird ho siery, both Chiffons silk to tops and service weights with hem tops. Stroud and Hubabrd. WANTED—Settled white woman to live in family, keep house and do necessary work for family of three References exchanged. Apply P. O. Box 1077, Norfolk, Va.„ Say, ladies, the wrong polish will and Hubbard. . Tennis Shoes and fancy straps, all colors, sizes, made by Hood Rubber Company, priced $1.00, better grades, too. Stroud and Hubbard. TOP DRESSER for Com and Cot ton, 10 per cent Ammonia, 10 per cent Potash. Now ready. Sapona Mills, Inc., Sanford, N. C. FOR RENT—Desirable offices. Good location. Steele Street. Apply Wil kins-Ricks Company. FOR RENT—Two or three furnish ed or unfurnished rooms, furnace heat and garage. Mrs. W. D. Hunt er, Phone 66-L, Mclver Park. FOR RENT—Modem furnished ap artments for light housekeeping. Private Baths. Booty* Trail Lodge. TOMATO PLANTS—Greater Balti more, etc. Boone Trail Lodge. FOR RENT—One house on Green St., one on Chisholjn, one on Washigton Street, 5 to 7 rooms. See O. P. Makepeace. FOR SALE—Bull Terrier pupa, good stock. *3.00. Mrs. C. D. Drown, by Kelly Store, East Sanford. Remnants, odds and ends in Ladies woven sandals. Price reduced to $2.98 A real bargain if you hurry while w< have your size. Stroud & Hubbard. FOR SALE—A fresh milk cow, will give four gallons of milk per day. Apply to T. A. Mansfield, Sanford, Route No. 2. TOBACCO TOP DRESSER—Potash all Sulphate of Soda and Magnesia Limestone. Sapona Mills, Inc. PEANUT MEAL—The best feed go ing for the cow, the hog, the mule, t*Btes good to vou. $2.00 tier e by C. H. Smith. | FOR RENT—Office rooms. Very 1 giraWar location on Steele Street. In good condition. Apply to Wil kins Ricks Company. Off wth your coats, boys, the new Shirts, Let us shew you the new Shirts, Blues Jp Broadcloths, Whites and fancy stripe* —guaranteed m 'evwry «way. Prissf $1.00 to $2.00. Stroud and Hubbard. KEEP COOL SPECIALS BATHING SUITS— Ladies’ all Wool BATHING SUITS in solid colors, also neatly trimmed .....$2.95 to $5.95 .- 1 ■■■■■ Bathing Suites for the Kiddies... . each $1.00 to $2.95 1,000 Yards Silks, Good quality. They contain Print CrepeHie Chine Georgette, Flat Crepe, also Ray on Crepe... —-—-.jiei^yard $1.00 26 New. Flat Crepe Dresses in pastel shades, also prints m light shades..... .$5.95 Ladies' Summer Hats, in Straws and Plain Hair Braid effects ....... $l,oo Up to $4.95 Men% Straw Hats for the summer. They are mostly straight brim and plain straws, fancy and plain bands---... . $i.qq, $1.95 and up to $4.50 NOTICE— L.___ The Wilkins--Ricks stock ecently purchased by us is now on sale at THE BARGAIN STORE, next door to our Main store. Williams - Belk Co. STEELE STREET, SANFORD N. C. PROGRAM The New Temple Theatre SANFORD, N. C. Week of June 9th to 14th Inclusive l • .. Monday and Tuesday NANCY CARROLL IN “HONEY” “HONEY”—Delicious, sweet Musical Romance—All Talking, all singing, all Loving 1 Matinee Monday,,3:15. Night Shows, 7:U5 and 9:00 Prices, 10c and 30c. Prides, 10c and 40c Wednesday and Thursday CHARLES( BUDDY) ROGERS, IN “YOUNG EAGLES” America’s “Boy Friend” in his most thrilling role since ‘‘Wings.” It a * real Knockout. Don’t miss it 1 Matmee Wedneaday, 3:16. Night 7:16 and 9:00 Prices, 10c and 30c. Prices, 10c and 40c. Friday and Saturday ZANE GREY’S - “The Light of Western Stars” / . With Richard Arlen and Mary Brian. At last you get all of Zane Grey! You hear his thrilling heroes talk. A great spec tacular Western Drama. Matinee Friday, 3:15. ' Night 7:15 and 9:00 Prices, 10c and 30c. Prices. 10c and 35c. Open Saturday 2 P. M. and run continuous till 11 P. M. COMING ATTRACTIONS-Montana Moon, Loving the Ladies, Vengeance. The Party Girl Four Feathers. The Cuckoo. Denis Holiday, Lone Star Ranger. Alias French Gertie. True to the Name., Ladies Love. Brutes, Divorce. Children of Pleasure, Big Pond- .In Gay Madnd. So Thu is London. * ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW. GET THE HABIT ! GRAND! 81 Pullman Loaf, 21 oz. Wrapped Pan Rolls, Doz. Flnnr A P Piain oi> SelfGQ JP 1 IQlir, Rising, 98 lb. bag tyoAD Davis Baking Powder, 12 oz. Can Fancy Creamery Butter, pound, . 41c Eagle Milk, Can, . . 18c PEANUT BUTTER, f.B. . 17c Mdai Flour, 12 Bprd 59c ft? Coffee, rouND 19c