a,.'' .-B.CT-- .'- C..l: ’ K'-“ BtTXOW : imi hit , ,!&:&'■ 1 'Mtatfim mi, r>•& ^n* is Hdii B^iiig Mck c PROSPERITY -*** g-tfakfl^'n 4; ’ . .* •■ - _X •• - - - ~~—*■:- - • -V..-;- -I-; mi 9fl<m 4lfcoi«i~W: :r pi I^X' «£«* ■ • • Js«ue# oil ,**f>r ■'.V/AC'i^-fvja^jW !tt:‘,'il(t!!C’ff!''! V'jgfiiS-yi-; ■ i r,| PlsTP'l ■WftjSjrJttT Imi ftji sT l,: wy^M. LhJLJ ft i&itriv/ttw" wmmkiytdmmUl tJL ^ JL »!: '^VrrjW ftRQt Jift.rfndtrf e«3. ai ferfifl1#; .ttoifijs •/»<-« <J*ld Oil*?r,f{:>' ■srlf, «t 0 SillO'Ig ow: 9(fcj is iaa Jui*. ttjtikvA wi srfl «v«v.'fsui ii Ivtiiiaft-Vitl-ftS-intja L's I" !#‘ " -'tii rf.’jtssj .‘j.foircri yl' ■ '' .'"'i '»*>■ r,'lli aiMiiiaa <» aiiMa v* if, * ..*& j/.iv-yp , volume' 46,' Number sfe h NORTH CAROLTlfA, MARCH 10, M§2. _ ■——L-—--^-j——11—fr—‘—*——— ; ■ ' ..*-■■ -r&j 'lit. M fro f i c v Published WEEKLY., Trj'ij 1'ijn.i Aim:,Owl. ’ifsalool me id 11 f •*!»'< r.»f5 /if GU/f • »v„v,, .PiVR , .25 TH MILEPOST 4 • n 13 ATTAINED BY t v > . COUNTY OF im 'Since Formation In 1907 County i. Has Almost Doubled In Population. • HAS PROGRESSIVE RECORD Ml Creating County Narrowly Escaped Defeat, Pasmn£.By -:■ QnlyjOin$JZoter,g > Lee county has two distinc ' ' tions. She is the only county in • the United. States that has a . court hopse on a rural mail route and has the shortest name of any county in the State, spelling .the name With three letters. .... . A The ExpWfsa.if lMf» wef* ing the 26th anniversary 4>f: the ejrea • • tiisfc of- Use county which for: S,.tluar'i %et o •fa1’ century has been a member' •’#' the galaxy of counties of the State. Two counties, Hoke ahd Avery, have '■ '-'Vyh drdated'hiace Lee,”iiaakiegi 100 -'counties tor tile State.' m area Lee 1 iB one of the smallest counties in the State, but when it cornea to progress development she is one of/the • 1 foremost. She hah outstripped many pf her sister counties in many ways. -Hie phople 8f the County are Justly proud of her achievements of a quar : ter of a 'dehtui'y:1' • 7 ' The county was cheated by the we * gjalatfift at 1907 and it will be beta. ■ 'by reference to ail. article On ''another gage of this issue of The Express that : an electiifa ratifying the action of .the L^latufe was hdd iif the new conn . f ty On Tuesday, July 2nd, 1908;.lfcW ; proposition, carrying by an overwhelrif • - fag majority—676 to 40. The bpard of elections was. composed . of J£. .R. V. ' Hoyle, t: k Campbell and ^’W. ' Wfefo£' ft re»ihired' '4 ,haM' fotayt j contest to put the thing over in the > ' Legislature. When the first vote wps . taken it was found thah the advocates of the ,new county were defeated, but 'they were determined that the word! ..(fefeat should not remain in their vocabulary. . They roardialed . their jforces for a;second charge and wore - - as. determined to put the thing over as the doughboy.B who broke the flfa-, denburg line. The Legislature had -rr- - to grant their demand to get “shut” of them. Had the Legislature held the notorious legislature of 1931. , Many of the people who stood should ■' ;er to shoulder in the fight for the new county were descendants of the Scotch’who fought with George Wash ington for the»freedom of the Ameri V ' , ' can people. Following are the names iof some who worked for the new county: A. A. F. Seawell, now Asslst - 'jant Attorney General of the State; Duncan E. Mclver, Dr. W. A. Mon' rpe, W. J. Edwards T. L. Chisholm, S. F. Hatch, 3, 7, Edwards, johp. lt. Jolies, B! C. Fearce; D. D: Buie and ’• (George Cole. -Only three of these , . men are still living, Messnrs. A. A. F. ■SeawCH, T. ft. Jones and J. J. Ed _ • Tneiirst term ox Lee superior Court iwm held in the old i&nfotd Opera House during the week of July ' 24th, 1908 in -the Commercial Builds mg on the comer of Moore and Wicker . streets rnid<wa*'-presided - over toy Judge B. F. tong with Solicitor L. D. ' •- JtodftiBon *epres$nf trig the;: Sfaie jair |irfMl«SttH'ng "officer™” 7 'XU available seats in the court room were occupied the lawyers jurors and wi^wBse’s oc cupying the stage ahd’j tho IspSctjfors the main part of ffia’hairand the 'gSt lery. Sheriff J. C. 'Watson and bis . deputies, Messrs. ‘Phillips, Loyd, fitm ' ter and Kimball, were on hand to Rye l serve order, and Clerk. of the Court ; T-. N. Campbell, was at his post and - ready for business. He was ably as , aisted by the Clerk of the Superior ■ Court of-Moore county and C. L. Wil. jljams of this place. In- the b^r were ;the following lawyers: A, A. p.'Sea • well, K7 R. Hoyle, D. E. Mclvei-, A.^C. [ Holloway A, L. McNeill, andj R. W. < Powers, of the Lee County bat ! Hayes Wl H, -A.-'Londoh, r: h: of Pitta-. JtoorojW. X,Ad|n)s, 1J. F. Seatoell, U. ' Spence and -George W. McNeill, of V i Carthage; W. D. Siler,1 of SilJr Cityi r\ j^nd H. L. Cook, of Fayetteville. Court ; opened at 'ijl/Sfli'o'clock, ill The following citizens of the <$un^ !ty composed the grand jury: Matsys. 1H. M. Nicholson, T. W. White; E,;M, ]Atoms, E, P. Hinesley, D. A. Lemons, Will Wicker, J. H.i Phillips, E. L. -<-Webster, X. W. Lassiter, H. C. Brown J S. V. Scott, E. L. Johnson, J. A.. Wil* Mtt, C. N, Brown, BJ. C, Cox; D. M. ' Phillips, G. G. Morris and N. A. Mo, , Neill. Mr. Njcholson Was made fore jlhan of the grand jury. After.receiv j-ing the ’Chaise t of Judge Long the jiury repaired, tb the Scott building ! .10ft .acres*; Wicker Street fsr the transaction of business. During the" JSeek the doclus$.,Was cleared of a large number?.#, <£ses. Much’of the Week was taken up with the trial of* ALsnder and ^mi-dcr-canos,., Soofi after ■ this cou^t was hel'd 8i#;CourtJ house , ghd jaiP weds cejnstyuqted and thq !44urts nave Wen- hel<5 there, j Since lee county was created, it has Ifnade remarkable progress alonfr many A movement tp enceufage the pro duction of vegetables-and other-coun try produce for the.northern markets, was inaugurated at a meeting of Lee county farmers, held at the home of Mrs. J. N. Martin, of the Jonesboro Tramway road last evening. The ob ject of the gathering was to receive reports from these farmerswho ai-. ready have been familiarized with the; propect and to.complete other arrange' ments incident to setting the plan ,ta. motion.' ' ' ' >H' , . .It Waft deciiM to; hav? a packing, plant at Mw.- Martins’ farm where farmers, may make deliveries of yege-’ tables and produce:' A packing plant , here wilt be' ideally located •• for the : farmers .of the Jonesboro And Tram way sections.. A packing plsh'i ybjll' also be opened in the vacant lot, next to i. T. Davenport £ Sons, for farm-,' (eta of. flfg.,Sanford "^settop,' ^A' pfcek tag. house will, also ze opened, 'at Broadway. .. . sn.:;.>.nr;'./ij ' Promoters of the -project w®. 'hole . S mceting 'with" thp tortne^i'; Town Hall here' Wednesday night, March 10th, to consider . such other matters as May come op. 1 > ' The handling of. the vegetables and produce will be under the super vision of 3. I* Gilmore , who operates' a fruit and vegetable store on Wick-, er street.t Mr.. Gilmore hopes to /se cure enough of acreage to warrant the placing of a grading machine for cantaloupes/,This will ..greatjty,1 in crease their marketable 'value aa they will then, be assorted for' pack ing in the proper size crates.! Toma toes yijBl. be hand packed arid wrapped, under the supervision of experienced help which also makes them more val :uable un the'-market. a-naift .. [Jt isi plahhed tii secUre; ' sufficient acreage inVLee county and make Mr/ Gilmore’s 'place here a center fo? gradning and packing < bo that 'the trucks load daily/ 1 1: There is always a fairly good de mand fr;fine |irodttce,;mid vrtiehWia' property graded fend packed "ljtft$'aa*y: to dispose of.- ‘ i .. .. , ( SET MACHINERY w TO MAKE LOANS TO LEE FARMERS .tf/Tfir^rrrfr' Meeting Here Is Attended By 17.^Farmers{ McMahan. , BLANKS jfe IpSwWu'. ARRIVE ‘ LATE Expect Many Applications For .'' Loans To Be Made By Lee • ' .County Farmers. A/; ' ’ ' .. a.,;;.... ' aH vf, .'"A '■ • ;" ■- ' I" ■ ; lThe Express carried a notice from Mr. E. 0. McMahan, County Demon Stratioii Agent last week, which Stat ed that all Lee! county" farmers who were interested in making application for loans from the Farmers’ Seed and Fertilizer Loan Fund were asked to meet at the court house last Saturday morning at 10 o’clock'so that ; the me thod of procedure iii applying, for these loan funds could - be .explained and that the blanks _would be ready 30 that the applications could Be made but. About 175 farmers from various lections of the county called during !yexplaine(f fo them. ’ ‘ For s son, Mr. McMahan failed to receive he blanks from Washington. HoW sver, he received a batch of blanks on 1 belated train Monday morning and is the machinery for handling this rasittess and making these loans to he farmers is now set up, farmers vho can quilify can get the money. Following ate the members of the lomnrittee who will pass on the Ap plications before they , are forwarded, larefully passed or-’ by another com nittee before they me accepted by » Washington where they will >be he Federal government and .the ihecks issued to the applicants: W, P; !)yer, chairman: J. R. Sanders, W. E. Campbell, and E. R. Wilson. Mips Stella Stout, who was made clerk to he committee, will fill out the blanks ind prepart them for the farmers. PhfeACpmmittce acts ^Without pay, opt is the clerical work, including filling mt the various blanks and serving as 1 notary public, is not paid for. by he government* the, farmers who are ipplicanre for these loans will pay SRss Stout’ the sum of 50 cents each. The notes become payable the 30th next November and bear 5 1-2 per ant interest.. Some of the member, f the Wpshingtpn committed are Irw forth Carolina. About $75.00 is the iiaximum for each loan. No more ban $10.00 per acre is allowed on the obacco Crop, *hd;$6.0O peracreoivtt# iil|, make application for ioans. t \ PLAN ANOTHER POULTRY SALE Judge McPherson U Elected fr* adent el jCCe County Poul try Association Here. A cooperative -poultry sale will be held in Sanford off Friday, March 18th This sale has,been.arranged for by ’the Lee Mutual Poultry Association and County Agent E, ©. McMahan. The association ; was, organized on February 2Qth and Mr. T. J. McPher son whs elected president, Mr. K. K. Knight, vice-president, and Mr. W. E. Temple, secretary and treasurer. This will be the first marketing enterprise of .the association, and we feel sure thaVit will be handled in an orderly and efficient manner under the su pervision of these officers. * * .. A car will be on the Seaboard track hear the Union Station to'receive the poultry rOm 9 a. in. ts> 3 p. m. -on that day. Heavy hens, will sell for 14c a pound, Leghorn hen® 12c, and tfft, keys 14c. \ 'A complete’-price list is gives iff ant-advertisement at another place in this paper:- , '■ McPhall-Andrews. Mr. and Mrs'. J). McL. Holt an nounce the marriage of their niece, -Miss Levada McPhail to Mr. Herman Andrdws, September fifteenth, 1931, (in JBennettsville, S, C. ' - ten Mr. A. M, Gunter,,,, who. hag he critically ill at ms home oft Chariot™ Avenue for soine time, is now improv ing, his'many friends will be pleased k-T: •. wv.-.kv ■ LONG SENTENCES >% METED OFFENDERS j Looters 9f Several Hundred I . Pounds. Qf Tebaceo, (ifven . . - Stiff Sentences* •• Sam McLean, Rufus BUief-i-and “Shorty” Hamilton, *11 of the" Tram tVJh •mmi ‘ r% ft <1 VS ^ *» WVj-iwiW *- Li>Cjsg — /wiy secfioiTof the bounty, wdre giv en terms on the roads by Judge Tom .McPherson in.Recorder’s Court-Tnes ! day.; The trio was, convicted of the : loot of 'seiw'taf hundred pouhtla' of ’ tobacco frohi Miss Elva Bryans’'pack-, house, near Tramway, last fell. Me-. Lean.was given eight months, Buie, six months and Hamilton four months. 'Hamilton from the evidence, dis ' dosed, apparently was a “ring lend er” in the robbery, but turited state’s evidehce. ‘The s&se had bedn con tinued from time to’ time sine* the robbery on aCcouiit of the failure to ’ find thef whereabouts "Sf Hamilton, •who recently Was located in Madison, his former h<jn»e, where he Was'in the Hamilton’s evidence, it is doubtful if a conviction could have been obtain ed. Pouglaa and Jimmie McLean, al leged also to have been involved in the theft were-apprehended recently and will he tried at a eubsequent term of court:- According to residents of the section in which the young men live, there has been an orgy of mi nor thefts during the entire foil, and winter. Smhll lots ’ <rf tobacco, chickens and other things have dis appeared almost nightly from homes in the neighborhood, - At one time lit is said invaders of . hen roosts stole a “sitting hen.’’ Jones Turner and thi colored, were each giv en *Ji me on a charge of having enter ed a Colon , store, and stolen a quantity of 'merchandise. Turner and Greifn •admitted having- served ime before. -Smith ,a ginger cake, youth ■«£, Vass, was admitted to the .county home. 1 : -Chased-from a atill recently,"where he was caught in the act- cf mairij\g a1 “W1”* Wade Mattox, white, was : giv eO a suspended! sentence of. two ypnrsT He Wail also fined costs and $50. < Mat tox Was-required to enter bond fog his appearance before court at intervals* for the next' two years and to j$ow his good conduct. i-Jr f' iames Gilmore, a colored boy,' who was present at the still with Mattox when the officers came up was Baidas ed pf thecha rges, Mattox testifying he Was not a party toj prohibition law violation.' r ,<9* 1 5: «::• ; NAME JURY LIST p ; j FOR COURT TEf&t First Week0g,’J6.'teoriard, ()jip, Meksarfier, J. 0. Thomas, Barton Joqes, B. M. ThwjM. W. Erwin fjfjo <Paji’> T. C. Gladden, ^5eb Harrington, wipjwr; \8. M. Cox, c. A. Lano, A. B. ColeijjK, Clskida Jj_Avent, J. B. Spivey, Emery ,L. rWicRer, B. D. Baker* F. fi. Rdr ^ K-.f3wtejf,;jr, G, >f. Tally, Ray, Jf B. Rosser, Melvin.-tjhle, 1 J- P- baliymple; R. J. Marion, G, 1V. Smith, Waiter It. G^more, . Wi M. Cooper, C. It Baker.' K A,' Poe; !SV. S. Allen, H. J3, Bdwjnan, L! C. fspit hovjr, N. B.iMeasamer, C.J. Jordatv PV Seeond Week,: C. I* Fields, Glert potjfrew," a®# Cdi$?:Thecdore l|tc Po^gald, W. B-sJones, Paul Williltne, ,wr:Lazarusj Frank Watsoii, jj'rte. Burns, W. W.^obhrtfe. I. H.Williira aonS R. B, Csggliis,i4toy M. Camp|i4ll, R. jP, Harrington, Dalton E. Coifkf, J- M, Edwards, J. T. O’Neal, Wi 5$, Johnson, KSharper tfH. A. l^Ai' m/m, 'Brookif~> maty Sem|, J,. t SaSWJ.^’.-'fcauftC. V. hil|s, Of B- Andrews, W. W. -Thomas, -T, O. ews, T, O. Marks, D. B, Biith HIRAM KfiSG TELLS OFATRqCITIESlN tfar EAsy theatre i Brother- of Mr*'0.<f\: Makepeace? ••••'• Is Missionary In Chita— ; ■■ > ■ Says Jay|nto Blame. Wr CONDITIONaSiE VERY BAD Describes Seed! in War Zone As f ? Chinese Dash To Safety * jaftpmwif - - <! u Interesting Adeiights on the 1 Sino-Japanese retivitiee in the ^JE5»e £a*t, ,'wkefc he is-stationed: • vTs» a miasionai# at Shanghai. i» { "fonrigheei by Jtr..i Hirath King,, '■ 4-btifther Makepeace, ti ' 'of this city, in ^fitters which have •« reached her frejh the war eecten -• ■‘‘Thh section o^the town t^here we have Sul headquarters,*’;' he writer "is that part oC the /l^maatioal Settelment supposed U be policed by Japahese city etseers.''' But thfeif marines took chaiige and.’ u*d3 it as a base of war against the Chinese. They1 ! have butchered'mitty innocent Chinese i there. The-American consol advised that- tre Air tnOVffi:6ut. We are how at the same houjfe with the Ander sens (missionary Mind Kernel bishop) | I, anti all ofusjfjbopethata.World ! conscience will Scpn bring Japan 'to her senses and refee an end to this : j£*fgareuh slaughier. Tothiy one of our Servants whifetayett in nor iaw I Sjcnool bttiiamff' ,:Mb Juried, / for no reason at all, except - the Japanese soldier wanted to kill a Chinese. Of course there :hav^®een wane lawless acts by Chinese, 'J$t they'' have beeii brought on by the ^Japanese: and 1 am firmly convinced timl Japan’s military and naval party i&re 'guilty before Heaven for all tbsj|present bloodshed and < misery.*- ■■ >;rffiprtBS &’t# A- i ‘^^aiteater^le®1;^^ KWg ‘tfelhr shore ‘'abotifStJoht^feiS '%herte7 hS-'is stationed: ~ ' • live in vtrtfslis called the In-' iSoiatlbnal SetttemBV a city of some' 1,800,000 (25,000 Hgtteh, Americans, etc:, andtherest Chinamen) ^otefned by -the British, American and other fortdgh' goVertimemk (Tbefc is be-' sides the ‘'French §’ Sett!emsnt’’ , of some 800,000; and ,%hen Hid Chinese governed section m-‘ some 2,000,000, ■making a total for “(ireater Shang golng in what appears now to be al most a plgn t» take ovc^ the, whole of China, Her flimsy explanations of her conduct have been merely ex cuses, Jim convinced, I thinly she is simply .taking advantage of China’s internal, distress andhelplessnflss to ■further1 her selfish an^ItionS, and 1 believe, she deserves .the condemnation and apposition of all .the,nations. “Of course I can’t, go into all the details of the development of tt«se last few days. Ill just say that. the Japanese landed troops,-here last night and took possession, of the Cfcinpse sections,?, fcjii,!,:. ;;,;uA hours Inter, -JHg. JUngtf adds' more to his letter. Be .says; .! 1 ' “While X was writing th* (above machine guns could.tfc heani at in terval^. We have aisoheardbombs and. rifle fire since, midnight last night..; The Chineseiaettian jg mot fuf1 from our headquarters,i" f I stopped; to go to the. bank with Bro. Hawk (one of our missionaries and Treasurer for .China); we found armed koldiers ori‘ every corner, but these;, are the city Police., A “state of emergency” war declared^ by the muhieipal. council ,be« ginning at 4 p. m. yesterday, and; re* f^rge police added te thefregdiar force to guard the International ^Settle ment,.;.,When the alarm; as.first felt yesterdao that the Japanesewere go ing to tend, in spito iof. the fact that -the Chinese officiald Hhdd yielded tc* their every demand, .the Chinese be gan streaming is to- the International Settlement from their .sections. All watched them pouring/down the street directly in front of*; our building— rikishas (small carriages drawn by men),- wheelbarrows,!'autos, ..trucks, busses, street cars, every sort of con veyance packed with the. Chinese and .what .belongings they could threw dt . (Continued On; Pa*4.Fjve). ui : *-pTm ,i,i„.v 11... t; t>ij 1111 .mn ■ TAKTALIZER ' ZLar-'.TTir.v 3(fi$ SihieS below properly arranged spell : the names of, two;, persons LnSan-' ford. '< It the persons who^d, naines are .represented by the, group; of .tetters decipher'Mejr own names and "ibriyg copies of this paper to ThAEipre^Office Wddftesidf&- "rBlghit, to' each of them .Will be giyen a, fr^e, ticket admitting, them .to the show. at the Temple Theatre1 Thursday highfe'-^-'1 Hp,:' i“:'TW6' wieelt’s thpitaliaeir.VvIqw.l ernif Jud AEWD SPSNEl l'™*-* 4Wmi'-Aj(roJH L(JKs'LS£j '‘! rul*at week's winners:; ;iO’> edT TiffiJr -Isaac .WJckhrvnatoo toa'JT ‘ ,'J ,K 'Stilt, ,*n<3? h»bn - Tonight at. the Hotel Wilrik. Ted Barrow Will fulfill at least one of the rosy campaign-pledges made by Her bert Hoover in' the campaign of 1928. “Two chickens In every pot—two cars in every garage”—this was the slogan to which popular, tunes were made to fit, ..to ,,.which;,;;,they.:, ,dan«^(tvflie “shimmy." Without any disparage ment to the President’s Sdniirera, without, essaying, to accomplish that which our, phieftein, could •no(,',$Ir. Barrow has ,offered sufficient, guar anties thereof that at, seven o’clock to night fpr every merchant .and every guest of the Merchants Association, to, whom he, will play host, there, will be ‘.‘two chicken* in every pot,” “No,. I am not promising, two cars in every garage ’/ ejaculated the Wil .. >■•; i-.ti, b'jsr V "iilxw&M’&i /; ■sit1 : w..; '■ rik manner wi$v a smile viewed this morning, “one pledge at a time will be enough for nk” But he did let it be known that his menu would appease even those who 4re Gargantuanly inclined. ' ’ The banquet, Mr. Barrow said, will inaugurate what he plans to make'an annual affair fpr the merchants. There Will be several prominent Out of town speakers, among them whom Will be Dr. I* B. McBrayer, of Southern Pines. ‘ There ill be no long speeches; no collectionp; no money to raise; just* simply aget-to-gether to diScuss mat ters of importance,' *'1 1 The dinner will start promptly at seven O’clock and the meeting will follow!. ‘ ' ■ KIWANIANS AT Members of Local, Qab Attend . Divisional Meeting At Cape (•-: y -fear, -t<Xbyf': &‘r . . . ' Members of the local Kiwanis Club went to Fayetteville last Friday night to attend tlje divisional meeting, pre •preaided; oyer, by lieutenant-governor J. C. Pittman,-, and beard two excel lent speakers deliver memorable ad dresses. ' ■ ” •' ■:K' f [ Jita Lynch, of Florence, former go: [vemor of1 the Carolines District, urg ed Kiwanians to, exert themselves in an effort to restore confidence in our economic structure, and pointed out methods- by which we couki instill business-faith in our fellow men. Mr, Lynch, blessed with spellbinding voice, held his hearers in rapt attention' as his dynamic words filled the hall. - 1 Franklin Kedh, field representative of Kiwanis International, then spoke: on friendship. . Very dramatic,, this white-haired gentleman known as ‘ the silver-tongued orator’1 made listeners* forget their trouble? while he exhort ed theta to be aggressive in. applying; the golden rule. , , '• , , Herbert Hennig, of Darlington, go vernor of the Caro-Iinas District, ais busseAtHe Kitbanis Stabilisation plan, a program .'continuous > progressive re- i adjustment* tocoaditton*. . Preceding'the speeches, J. C. Pitt man, of thft local «h»h, and. head man - *’ iig meeting,, Wig; a parody .of .Ed ited ration of (Governor" Hennig. -— arody was clever and well received.. Speeial guests at the banquet were erectors and new officials of the aldonian Savings Bank (NOTE: ED LEASE CHECK BA^K NAME) hich reopened on Monday morning, hese gentlemen, who have defied recedent, were given, a healthy round C- applause, ’The clubs of Aberdeen, Fayetteville, nefprd, Smithfield, Selma, and LUm srton were also present. Sanford’s tten dance Iwas the largest of visit ig. clubs. Miss Louise Futrell went , Fayetteville and acted as accom anist in the musical program. Mrs. , C. Pittman was a guest of the San >rd club at the meeting. ORGANIZE BOY ! SCOUTS IN LEE Lee Copntv District Will Perm A Part of Occeneechee t'Oroncil. " ' ‘rti'C’ ;Le#^CbtUity District >■ of Bby $couts was c-rgfdhizdd' lift Sanford Tues day morning, March lot, with J.'W; Gilliam is Chairmaii' of this District . 11 This district. will, from a part of the .Qccpneerhee Council 'with headquart ers in , Jtalelgh, ‘ /the hoys * id Wake, Durham, Granville, Vance, Franklin, jWarren, Chatham and _Eee counties,, A; . i The first project this ndw District is planning for its work is to enlist as many men as possible for active service in the Boy Scout program in Sanford and .Lee County. ! .following the enlistment period which will‘ continue one week a for ma} training program will be put on by i Claude Humphreys, former Scout Executive, for those enlisted with the purpose cf acquainting them- with ,the content,matter of the Scout pro gram! to the, extent that, they will .be ablq tp fipd.tlmir places in Scouting, whether as .Scoutmaster, Examiner in the various scout craft subjects, or other positions of leadership accord ing to theirjtime and ability. This training program is being headed by , My 6, ,C.., Hein*, Jr. The first, meet W, was .held . Monday, March 7th., at 7430. P- M. at the Masonic Temple, phe .Course JWill operate one night a : t?eek fyr _siac, (6) weeks. The program jvjijl.he rtefireatiqnal, ip nature as‘well ^WStflnctive,;,;,,„r. ' , , „|Tptyard the,Utter, part of the train ing-ecu ree program the troup organi ifcfe/fiU'hi'^Hidifea1 w-its thh* put-i pohe .bf/instafBn^"^ Scoiit Troup in eachi’ ch'ureb in Sanford that will carry bri si’.Stoh'^''activity program for the fy >yk'' (inring the summer' months. '■ 'Aii^.'tndn1 Jhtehestdd rendering .sin invaluable service to the boys of San ford "and Lee County are urged to ghtl In 'touch' with either' "t. 'W Giliiarh,1 Chaihinan1 DiSti4tt,'Council, or El' 6. : Heitid, JA, Chaiirribii,1PraihJhg Cborje bf,’thi* ■Cb'tihyt1'>!U;j 1" • 1 ’ BOUNTY SCHOOLS ARE AUTHORIZED 'TWO MORE MONTHfr wt ibni..' < :.;t pi Cost of Operating City and County Schools For Ex- ri K" • ^ tended Term $31,5«6. > .tCM.di/. > ; 11J an,. «u STATE WILL HELP COUNTY i ■ w_l+j-:■:V County Has On Hand' Already From Tax Collections ?12»7Q0\ ; \--- '■ of Necessary Sun«.i:*£* By authority from the Cofenty Commissioners who met at the Co art? 'Monday, it was ordered that the coun ty board of education be and they are j herehy authorized to operate the ip-! cal tax' school districts of the coun ty for tike extended two*months school, 'tetwi Sli-.i-W li! Tliis decision' was1 taken following 1 a conference between th board oi i education and the board'of; county I COffltniBsibnew. i' n 'TWe total' dost i oth operating the city and count-; schools^ according tb figures, ; fufnsned. hjt the1 hoard of education, twill: amount ten '$31,566 a large part Of which.will'be allocated; by- the ; state.1;• 'The; '.cost i of i operating'the Sanford schools for. the balance of the year wUl be appropxi 1 mutely $16,MO, which wiU be tmogf ed in payments of 43,000 per nfwn is $2,556. ' yfii ouhT - .It wns announced that' there is nbw in the hands of the county for distri bution to the school funds from taxes heretofore collected approximately $12,700. • , Mies Cornelia Simpson submitted a report of the home demonstration work for the month of February. E. G. McMahan made the following report, of work done as farm agent for the month of February, and, also the following welfare work: Mrs. Gil more’s case taken up, $4.00 for this month. Fannie Cox, Jonesboro, sent .to county home. Dan Morrison, Greenwood, no action; Dallas Ken dall, sick son, .motion made and car-i ried that he be sent to State Sani- j! torium for one month; Rensie Cole j family was referred to for action to ~ Ml\ McMahan; Lizer Watson case, no action; Flynn Hunt was given $1.00 more making it $3 per month. • \ | On motion it is order to buy 1200 pounds of sulphate of ammonia for county home. K. B. Way property taken up. N© action until Equalization Board meets '^Motion duly made and seconded ■> that’, McMahan buy grass necessary foi1 the county home. Hi On motion' Mr. McNeill was order i ed to1 trade cows over at county home, | E. H. Horton’s property wan placed I on tax books at $10 per acre for the 107 acres in Deep River township. List takers appointed . for 1932: Greenwood, Miss Sadie Matthew’s; Jonesboro, C. A. Godfrey, Cape Fear, Wi Levy Thomas; Deep River, E. Jack Johnson; West Sanford, W. W. Har- i ringtcn; East Sanford, E. T. Buch-i anan; Pocket, J. If. Register. | . The following prices were made for | commodities for tax book work: Com 35c, cotton 6c, wheat 50c, ioats 80c, i rye : 6.0c, meat 5c,j lard 5c» :i lumber ' $8.00 per M, cross tids 80c each. • < i i MAIDENS LIKE 1 SILK FABRICS i Miss Mattie McIntosh Studies! " Styles While On Visit To New York City. Silk frock? and gowns promise tC' pi ay g telling rdle in the spring watd rbbfe'ttfwSanf o+d’s smart modem ma'ifW, iiayS'"Mis.fi Mattie MefrioSh, whrt lias last retitriicil‘from New Yprk City 'where'she wentto study the hew styles. ’:1■* " Silk crepes and wools, site said, will eontiriuS to he'widely'-dsefl. ,:,l> ' FrocksyhloOses and scarfs for sifeet -wettr Hre'ffashienOd ftom; silk prodjle rhfp a reshit that isi birth fcolcirful and CHie."' hUfi.-teynni* Miss 1 McIntosh purchased' a11 Targe' liumbfe.i,',i>f 'Suits!1 ‘diffeSeS 1 and "hats1 Some *of whfch haVe alrOa&ji' arrfyed and- ate on' disjday at' hbf(khoiliie'bn rhetitiroit n <yt Steel6!ifftrketi,"‘'* • , , , j LOCK HORNS; STIR f of canvass begun; ?*r. '-:1 TPTTP,-. ,: -fj. : ’''£!•'* March Brings A Dash of Whiter •and More Political Gossip ’—Rives Announces. HOT FIGHTFOR SHERIFF Opposition To Cross Crumbles; ■; . Interest Turns To Impend ing Fight For Rouse, ■it « 'I .'.'wX -‘ ; u<.,r J ‘ ■%$*. Froitt his lofty perch. (*the Bee 4 political weathercock is cutting all sorts of Capers this week; his motions, however, are executed with such startling dexterity that, those .who i *rej,ub*wying • him from first hand faij.to gather one , iota of 'advantage for any of those in. whose hats the political bee buzzes. The Weatneroocltfs< mwtfemetitsil.M’e' too 'S'wifti to bfc guagedrihe: pe trays no signs • that could be CoUhted ’as Advantageous!or can didates foreounty < ori-state, of ficdSl tramuanou oh .,i . ’ ‘ litthinis ro&r !and: a dash of .frost, tkdjMim' Match1 brought alhng ^th . him ' something mire 'th^n' vHn 'teri Biding the icy.,blast,.tjjfjjflr,j>as not pet subsided, is,, the candidacy, of f {Sheriff "Av R. RiveS, announced, early thik 'week.11 Mr. Rives! anneuncement is' somewhat premature but so < was thd announcement ofi Ernest .White Who aspires to the position held by -the sheriff. While both made- their statements within the past week, it has been known generally for some time that "both would be 'in the race and the actual campaign:/between the two has - been going on :for • some months.' Whether others will enter the race is- not known though two names In addition to .Sheriff Rives and Mr. White have been mentioned. > With the premature progress that has beeh madi by these two, however,. it is believed' a majority- of. people .in ;> Wie COUOty nave aireauy xiiMue wpir White uisjjSaonduettog, a imliUuit campaign and has earned a ready1; announced cufididiite, will 'get' the nomination by default. With Mr. Teague’s statement <bsa vowing any designs on political office this year whatever opposition, had outcropped .0 Mr. Cross began to crumble away, rhere seems to be. a general feeling ill over the county that he has the ight idea on the fundamental ques ions with which the General Assem )ly will be faced next year and that he cause of the people lies closely x> his heart Cross is popular in Raleigh. He has influential connec ;iqns and, if he should be sent to the jenate, would be aiiibng the few in that body, who are not lawyers, that would take high rank. Every wind that blows adds specu lation to the manipulation that goes on with reference to the seat in the lower house. No ope. lias announced as a candidate,, , though possibly a dozen names have been brought into the gossip. Recent .talk has brought quite forcibly to the front J. J. Ed wards, Lemon Springs merchant and former county commissioner. The Lemon Springs man has been a wheel horse in Lee politics for many years. It is admitted he would poll many votes, but whether enough to com mand the, legislative seat at Raleigh is a matter of grave doubt. He is strong ip some pural sections but weak in the towns, In Lee, the city vote counts hegvily and, one from whom the city support has been alienated cannot expect to get far. ■ During the week the name ol ur. Charles L. Scott, who served as a ma jor overseas in the great war ,was brought ifonward., .ft, is , understood that friends, are .urging, him to allow his- name; #o be ,entered as a candi date:- He .: is. a very,.successful, sur geon, numbering his,,friends by bis acquaintances, and .'.should he decide to enterithe-race fior (the house, who ever wins the .nomination, over, him will have - to • dty/Soiuei running,. , , So far membera of -the local bar do not appear to fee anxious to furnish a member of -the next legislature either in the -senate or house. How ever, lawyers’--will. -T^rite the bills passed by the next legislature and they will also do most'of the talking in' the Committee1 hodme and dh - the floors of -bbtferhUtfseS; --f*i ; • - a-: At the preiiisnttirite-it is apparent that ’ nP eandidhte for governor - may yet count-Dee as o Certainty- for Wm. mere has - been1 d disposition OH-tho - part'Of mthy- td't-eserve'- judgment . tmtil’: fell1 -candidates have1 - announced. Unpopular'“'rS- -is theLstand - of Mr Fduhtaitfb-nti' '-certain -iSMKeait’ hi* kCwigtlt1 itf surprising; 1 -• His- stand -bn the Brodking* fnatitute'- reportt • Is “ ahalthsma"tti>lir farie^-CISihenf of)-tile , people,' yet;11 urtlese1 - 'Misers, -- Ehrtafe hans and'MaiwCU1 show Wmfe activity , Withhi'-lieej Mr.'Fountain Will carry the cdufltV *bjr default.-' ''nil i : ii!1'- il.'li.Ml'1!1' Mag- lawlli:tiafcwg.

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