MONCURE NEWS ‘i' : K(fc ,W. W. AATck* and daughter, little Frances, who has been at the beach, returned home last Saturday. ' Mrs. Emma Churchill, who made an extended .visit to see her children at Bald gh and other places, returned home last week.’. Members of the Young People's di vision of Moncure Epworth League, gave s weinie roast last Thursday evening, which was enjoyed by the large number at young people presret. Rev. H. M Russell, instructor of Cblcesbury Training Schools, preached at the Methodjst church here Sunday morning. The people were glad in deed to .have Mr. Russeft with us •gain. “ Mrs Gnmesley and son, Max, of thirham, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G F Carr. Rev and Mrs A M Williams were dinner guests at Mr and Mrs. A F Wombs Sunday evening. Rev A M Williams preached an in structive sermon on the Sacrament Sunday evening, after which an im pressive communion service was car ried out. Aj the Durham Leaguers could not come Sunday evening' the following __program wa« carried out with Mias Ruth Stedman as leader: j f . Song—Take Time to Be Holy. i Scripture Lesson—Psalm 1, by Miss Bettie Harvard. The Lord's Prayer in unison. j (a) Reading on Books, by MrsAS W. ■ Addicks. ■ A Talk on The Importance of the Bible and God, Harvey Woanble. j! The meeting closed with the League benediction. AH the young people of the town and community are invited to the Bp worth League service next Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. A good number from Moncure at tended1 the Home Coming at Mount Zion last Sunday. Early last Sunday morning a large number of peop’e gathered for the Home Coming at Mount Zion M E church, which is located on the Mon cure and Pittsboro road. While gsth f, bring into the church, How Finn a Foundation, was played on the violin by Mr. George Bynum and daughter, Miss LO> Bayne, with Mrs. W W Stedman playing the accompaniment on the piano. Then, All Hail the '. Power of Jesus Harney was sung by , all. After the devotional by the pastor, Rev M C Ellerbe, Mr "J Lee Harmon, superintendent of Mt. Zion Sunday school, gave a most hearty welcome address, mak'ng all feel welcome and at home. The response to the wel - come address was gfrven by Miss Ca me Lia Stedman, in very appropriate words. Then announcements were ' made by the pastor, Bey M CEllerbe, after which offering was tairiwi, VlbSn nmsie w*» made again >y. M5r. Bynum ’* and daughter for the offering. The choir that sang Bess of Sharon, Rev M C Ellerbe, the pastor, preached ? ” * most excellent sermon or. Silver and Gold Have I None, but Such as I have Give I Unto Thee.“ At the noon hour a real'fellowship -- ■— . was enjoyed, everybody glad to see j everybody, by that time the good lar . dies of the church had'filled a long table under the shade of the trees, with good things to eat. After the Messing by Rev JK M Russell, every r one enjoyed the delicious and bounte ous dinner. The men of th church had made ready a barrel of ice oold water winch was apso enjoyed by “ev ery one. - For the hot weather it was indeed wf reshkrg. juusr a most cnjoyaoie noon hoar, aK assembled again in the church ■ i _ __while violin music . was made by Mr. Bynum and his daughter. Mass T.jlfc., Bayne. Then thecongregafcon sang There's Power in Hia Blood. Rev. H M Russet] brought a good message for the evening service. Then the following choTs sang several se . lections: Gum Springs, Hanks Chap el and Mount Zion. Then a reading entitled Laddie, jvas •i .given by Miss Carnet in Stedman. For the closing all sang God Be With You TUI We Meet .Again." Then benediction by Rear. H. M. Russell* This was the first Home Coming ever observed at Mount Zion church, but it was indeed a good and enjoyable day, seeing so many who used to at tend church at Mount Zion. The oldest member of the church, Mrs. Lucy Jeans, was present, and she cs 94 years of age. All through these years' Mount Zion churefa has made ■ a won derful record and the members of the church today are a band of Christian workers. May they pass on and for ward until all meet at the great Home Coming In that city where eye have not seen nor eora have not lieard the things that have been prepared for them that love God. | . Revival services are being he’d' at Sf Mount Zion church each afternoon this I/-’; Week at 8 o'clock. The public is .cor' t HSally invited to these services. | :X'. * , Mr and Mrs. O. A. Trollinger and uttls son are visiting their parents near Lexington last week f: . 1 ”, Mrs M F Blakwelder and children Spent last week "With her people at ■ Mooresville. , ■ V .. * » B»v. T. ,Y .Seymour win begin re* »tA 1 vival servi ces at Gum Springs Baptist church near here, next week, begin- j ning with *’l day services nest Sun*. > day. The public la invited to attend, this meeting. , j C. D. Orrell and daughter,I j; Miss Barbara, who has. ben visit '— Tng Mrs- OrreHs mother Mrs. Barbara Watkins, left the latter | part of last week for Yemassee S. C. Miss Williams, who wai with them, went to Wilmingtoi to visit friends there. Miss Cox, of Staley, Is visitinj Mss Lucille Wicker this week. Miss Honeycutt, of . Clinton was in town one day last weel to see Mrs- J. L. Womble. ,Mr. J. L Womble, Jr., has r< turned home from a visit tc friends at Burlington. Miss Martha Seymour return ed last Friday from a visit tc friends at Durham. Miss Belle Ellis and Mrs- Wig gins of Durham, are guests oi Mrs. Eugene Johnson this week, A friepd of Greensboro, has been visiting Mrs. W. C- Mathis the past week A music recital was given in the school auditorium here last Friday afternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock under the direction of Mrs. H- M. Hackney. Mrs Hackney has taught music all the summer to students in Brickhav en and Merry Oaks comm uni ties. The pogram given was rend Bred well and enjoyed by all pres Bnt. There were some present from Merry Oaks, Corinth, By mm and Moncure After the program the students served delicious punch, wafers. Mrs- Elizabeth Mills of Ben ion, is visiting Mr .and Mrs. J-C. leawell, of Brickhaven. Mrs. dills is 91 years of age. Energising Evelyn Evelyn brent of the motion pictures and stage is a con 1 Armed “Bnacker” and if you under . stood the parlance of the stage and i screen you would know that a j “snacker” is one who partakes of b sweet bite between sets or acts. ! The value of a sweet snack, scien tists point out. is to refuel the | body with sugar—nature's greatest I energy food—to offset fatigue. Kiss Brent's snack usually consists of a piece of cake and a glass of milk. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 193S FOR RENT—September 1st, e'ght room house with garage and large garden, on Oakwood Avenue. Apply ‘ to Mrs. M. T. Yates, Jonesboro, oi A, G. Yates, Sanitary Cleaners, Hanford. ViJkW FOR RENT—One four room apart meat—kitchen, dining, living and bed rooms. Modemly heated; lights, phone and garage furnished: brick residence; Mclver Park. . Phones 490 and 414. Up NEVER | 11 GET TIRED I 5 OF CAMELSJ SLdBRSHM THEY DON’T GET ON THE NERVES EITHER Crowd's ccsdicr Ichucos never acton utrurlierocS.. fM&vtr Ore ucrurTai SOME DAY you’ll look back to the summer of 1933 and say: “Imagine! , AGoodyear Tire for only $5.00!” . Yet even these remarkable low ^prides * mean nothing unless the the is built right. Along withy these extraordinary prices for the new Pathfinder you get the highest [quality in the moderate price field Goodyear has ever attained. This new Pathfinder is a bigger value than the old Pathfinder.' It has the big ger safety margin of FULL CENTER- " / TRACTION—bigger mileage from the 20 PER CENT THICKER TREAD — stouter body of heat-resisting Super- ^ twist Cord—and other improvements that make it a still better buy than the > 17,000,000 Pathfinders tfiat went before. ^ Look at the All-Weather values, also! This great thoroughbred—the finest tire that money can buy—waves an alluring price tag. • Whichever you want—new Pathfinder or All-Weather—remember this: More people are saving money with Goodyears than with any other kind. * K: Exide Batteries Good Gulf Gas WASHING POLISHING GREASING Service That Counts liberal Trade-in f Value on OLD TIRES. GOODYEAR PATHFINDER Supcrtwtet Cord Tire* ' 4.40x21 4.50x20 4.50x21 4.75x19 * 5.00x19.. 5.25x18 $5.55 -i .6.00 6.30 - 6.70 * ...7.20; -8.10 Other Site* Prited fa Proportion ALL FULL OVERSIZE GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER Supertwiit Cord Tire* 4.40x21 - . $7.20 4.50320 7.60 4.50x21 7.90 J 4.75x19 -. 8.40 3 5.00x19 ;_9.00 525x18.10.00 .. *-.* . 3m Other Sitn PrUet Proportion ', .ALL FULL'OVERSIZE * wm Sfrfti' PHONE#j 3 POINTS, m Sanford, ASK FOR CHARITY— BUT WE ASK YOU TO USE *v" SNOW FLAKE & WHITE HERON HIGH GRADE FLOUR. “Paronize Home Industry First” MR. R^6. .KING TELLS A WONDERFUL ^ STORY ABOUT BATS. READ IT. For moii chs my place was alive with rats and 1 was loosing* eggs. feed and chickens, when friend told me to try BEST-YET. I did and was some what disappointed at first by not seeing many dead fats, but in a few day* * didn’t she a live one. What we^e not killed are not around rhy place. BEST YET kills rats and mice only and leaves no smell from the dead rat. Come* in two sizes, 4 oz. size for the home 6pe, 6 oz. size for the farm 76c. Will not hurt your cat, dog or chickens. Sold and guaranteed by SMITH FEED STORE (Successor to C. H. Smith) Chatham Street, Phone No. 442, (Retailing At Wholesale Prices.) STATEMENT STATE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Worcester, Mass. , 1932, as Stem *, **«"*»* Filed. Amount <* Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year, $142,337,874.64; Total ^ Premium Income *-- io.369.661.06 Miscellaneous -——— .$142,337,874.64 Total — ...-■ Disbursements—To Policyholders Miscellaneous-: Total .$7,376,126.88 20,647,620.09 Business written during year—No. of Policies 10,086, Business in force at end of year-Number of PoUcies 174^82, Amount--— ASSETS Value of Real Estate (less amount of encumbrances-—— Mortgage Loans on Real Estate —- ' ~,. " ~4"’ made to Policyholders on this Company’s Pohcies assigned as collateral-----~ Premium notes on Policies in force -- 1 . " Net Value of Bonds and Stocks Cash interest and Rents due and accrued--— Premiums uncollected and deferred -- All other Assets, as detailed in statement . 29,932,605.50 28,022,746.97 40,742,147.00 634,954,857.00 f 6,059,374.99 53,265,79934 36,666,402.48 294.00 45,718,173.10 2,343,461.98 2(746347.34 3,949,776.18 - 999,208.74 Total __ Less Assets not admitted . ...$161,748,338.19 62,470.35 Total admitted assets LIABILITIES Net Reserve, including Disability Provision--— Presen Rvalue of amounts not yet due on Supplementary Contracts, etc. -.— Policy Qaims ...$151,695,867.84 ..$120,410,068.00 Dividends left with Company at interest Premiums paid in advance Unearned Interest and Rent paid in advance Commissions due to Agents Estimated Amount payable for Federal, State and other Taxes Dividends due Policyholders ---*——----— All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement-— 5359,400.00 683,001.43 6,265396.24 418,762.61 69,798.38 771.26 600,000.00’ 5,511,096.88 3,053,865.21 Total amount of all Liabilities, except Capital —$142,37235936 Unassigned funds (surplus) —-A———-- 9,323,807.98 TOTAL LIABILITIES .4151,695,867.84 i Business in the State of North Carolina During 1982 Policies on the lives of citisens of said State in force December 31st of previous year, 8188; Amount-.--$7,847,209 Policies on the lives of citizens of said State issued during the year,-266; Amount---------- 766,154' ?otal No. 8454; Amount ——.—i—~—-— Deduct ceased to be in force during year .860; Amount 8,618,863 951,972 Policies in force December 31st, 3094; Amount .... Losses and Claims unpaid December 31st of previous year, 4; Amount. ; Amount. I.- .. Losses and Claims incurred during year, |] . .' Total No. 197;. Amount -1—-— Losses and Claims settled during the year, in full, 194; Amount —!—.— .,. .—. 7,661,391; • 6fiS0? 157,646 Losses and Claims unpaid December Slst,, 8; Amount. Premium Income—Ordinary .. —- 163,576 -- 160,488 , -— 8,188 -!- 216,675 President, Chandler Bullock - Secretary, Nelson P, Wood Treasurer, Gto. W. Machintire Actuary, Chas. R. Fitzgerald Home Office: 340 Main St., Worcester, Mass. Attorney for Service: Da,n C. Boney Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Manager for North Carolina! S. W. Sparger, Durham, N. C. State of North Carolina, Insurance Department. s Raleigh, April 21st., 1938. , " , I, DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above Is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Stabt Mutual Life insurance Company, of Worcester, Mass., filed with this Department, showing; tbs condition of said Company on the 81st day of December, 1932. ,» Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written, v i ‘ . .y (Bfhl)- _ . DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner, : [’