WOMB MAKE CLOTHES FROM HUSBAND’S SUITS Horn* Demonstration Club Women mre using ’ their husband’s discarded suits to make attractive' clothes for themselves. ■ ‘“For many years farm women have been taking their husband's old suits and cutting them down for tl\e Uttfe boys—ndw they are utilizing the suits -for their1 own wear,” said Miss .Willie U. Hunter, clothing specialist at State College. She pointed out that men’s clothing Is usually made of good material j and that careful cutting and designing can be used to economic nivantage al thogh the knees, sleeves and seats of eld suits may be wom. ’ “The coat of the man’s suit can he used to cut the woman’s coat and the skirt can be cut from the trousers. Sometimes if a sleevei is wom it is necessary to design a sleeve for 'the woman’s coat with a deep cuff. “A plain gored skirt pattern is saf est to use, but often it is ncessary to put on a yoke to l obtain the right length. However, the skirt may be cut with just a yoke in back and Sbme times the skirt length may be secured without a yoke. “The first process in making the wo man’s suit from the man’s is to rip and clean the suit carefully and thor oughly. Dry cleaning is recommend ed, but some woolens will wash pi^ely with soap and water if handled care fully. “After the suit is ripped and clean ed, press the material and be sure ther are no wrinkles in the matrial. Then place the pattern on the material and cut.” A suit of this type was recently ’ modeled by a Lee County Home Dem onstration Club woman at the Short Course Dress Revnue at State College.. It was attractive and did not cost a penny. Miss Hunter advises that farm wo men avoid thejuune-made look in mak , mg their suite by careful workmans hip. Thorough pressing must be done. Each seam and process must be be pressed as tee suit is made and after it is finished a thorough all over pressing is needed, she says. - v rAIHWlS u« nniau I BEGINS THIS FALL The campaign1 to adjust the wheat acreage of North Carolina so that com mercial growers may receive a‘ parity -price for the grain is beginning' to take shape. John W. Goodman, district farm agent for th State College Agricultur al Extension Service, has been locat ed at Salisbury, center of the’-’whdat ■growing are a for this state, and is mapping plans for the adjustment cam paign. County farm agents are ex plaining the contracts and method of procedure in the principal wheat grow ing counties and are receiving assit ■ance from the college and extension specialists. According to I. O. Schaub, director of the adjustment program, the con tracts will offer growers 20 cents a bushel this fall and either 8 or 10c a bushel next spring on an allottment of 1,937,959 bushels which is approxi mately 54 per cent of the average past five-year production in North "Carolina. In the contract, the grower will be asked to reduce the acreage planted: for 1934 and 1935 crops by the per centage that the Secretary of Agri-( culture may declare is necessary, to | control production. In no case will | this production be over 20 per cent of a grower’s average acreage for the past three years. Checks wiU begin to be mailed to the wheat gcrowers as soon as the Wheat control associations have been fotmed to administer the plan locally and the contracts have all been signed and accepted. Mr. Goodman says full details of how the plan will work may be found in the Federal publication, “A Balanc ed Harvest,” which has been prepared by the Agricultural Adjustment Ad ministration and is now being distri buted by county agents In the main Wheat producing counties. NEW PECAN VARIETY -GROWN IN EDGECOMBE. The Bake pecan, the first nut of any kind to receive a patent under the plant patent laws of Congress, may g. inark the beginning of a new era in -pecan growing along nbrthem limit of. the area adopted to the commecial culture of this tree crop. ^ W. H. Brake, of Rocky Mouht, has - "the original tree of this new pecan in his front yard—it is one® five trees resulting from nuts platrod 23 years ago by his father, H. L. Brake. The nuts planted were secured from the famous Williamson tree at Rallgh, noted for its largq, sige, magnificent beauty and enormous1 crops of thin shelled nuts. ' . E. B. Morrow, extension horticultu rist at State College, became interest ed in the nut seedling on the Brake farm and mode an extensive study.- of 'its productiveness and characteristics with the view of competing with other eetaasfrialpeekhs, and reported that It hod met all tests satisfactorily. He I advised the propagation and distribu tion of the pecan, so it was patented by Brake on November 29, 19S2. "The Schley pecan has long been the criterion for commercial pecans, and has been' noted'for the thinness, o> shell and ease of extraction, however the Brake nut compares to this variety to its “own advantage,” says Hr. Mor row. The Brake tree thus far has provd to be one of great health and vigor. This nut matures about the same time as the Schly and is recommended for the same area in which the Schley ma- f tures. In 1830, the Brake tree yield-1 ed a 75 pound crop, 140 , pounds in 1931. Grafting of this variety * has thus far brought nuts larger than those of the orginal tree. i CONTRACTS ARE BINDNING; MUST, BE FUFILLED -- ' I Those few cotton gowers who may harbor lingering doubts as to whether their contracts to destroy a given cot ton acreage are binding had best pro ceed to destroy completely the acre age offered and so fulfill the contract in time to receive a rental payment. The dead line for Complying with the contract has been set as August 23rd. “Where Secretary Wallace has ac accepted a contract on the part of the government it is binding, legal docu ment and those who have signed the papers must proceed at once to de stroy the cotton acreage offered," says1 Dean O. I. Shaub. “This means that the cotton on the acreage offered must be completely destroyed in the amount see forth in the contract offer. Dcr ing the last few days some local com mitteemen have reported that cotton growers busy with their tobacco harv est have failed to plow up and destroy the cotton offered. Some other report that the amount of* acreage offered has not geen destroyed and still -oth ers say that some of the cotton sup posed to be plowed up is still living be cause the work was done incom pletely,” : '*7 Not only will local committeemen make a careful check to see that the cotton has been has been completely destroyed but an advisory committee has been appointed by die Washington office to check the work in each state, rhia committee will hear complaints,, make adjustments but will mainly see that all the cotton acreage offered to t !■ I the government has been property tendered. Uean Schaub expects rental checks to begin* coming to die state* now shortly since an agreement has been - reached as to the payment of seed! loans. Checks will be distributed by the County Agent. . notice op sale op real ESTATE. Default having been made in the payment of a deed of trust executed to' the undersigned on the 12th day of April 1928, on the lands herein de scribed, said deed of trust being re corded in, the office of the Register of Deeds for Lee county in Book 127 at page 108, the undersigned will, under power of said deed of trust, sell’ at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Sanford, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock, noon, on Monthly, the 25th Day of September, 1933, the land described in said deed of trust, to-wit; A certain tract of land lying and being in West Sanford Township, Lee County, North Carolina, beginning at an iron stake, the southwest comer of Mary Green’s lot on Wall street; run ning southwest with line of Wall St., 70 feet to an iron stake; thense paral lel with.Mary Green’s line 100 feet to ning southwes with line of Wall, street to an iron stane; thence paral lel with Mary Green’s line 100 feet to ian iron stake; thence 70 feet parallel with. Wall street to an iron stake, Mary Green’s corner; thence with '■ Mary Green’s line 100 feet to the be ginning, being a part of the lot con veyed to O. P. Maekpeace from; J1. A. Ramseur and wife under deed of j March 25, 1919, and registered in Leej county in book No. 15 a page 847 and being Hie same property conveyed by C. C. Spaulding, Trustee, to J. C. Pitt man as shown by deed recorded in Book -at page -Registry of Lee county to which reference is; hereby made. j This the 21st day of Aguust, 1938.! VICTOR S., BRYANT, Trustee. | Durham, N. C. JONESBORO CHURCH DIRECTORY Jonesboro Presbyterian Chu/cfh ' , Rev. J. S. Cook. Pastpr . R Ai Watson, Superintendent of Sunday School . Mrs. Wayion Blue, President Mfoman’s Auxiliary Jonesboro Baptist Church . " Rev. Frank Hare, Pastor, T. T. Lanier, Superintendent of Sunday School Mrs. E. B. Faulk, •---.fMpRNftM.W. Rfcp Thomai.AdaiM '**•**&“ ■ , ' **• NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the authority confrered by deed of trust executed by W. R. Makepeace and wife, Mabel Makepeace dated the 16th day of March, 1929, and recorded-in book 21, page 263 in the oflee of the Register of Deeds for Lee County, Jefferson E. Owens, substituted Trustee, will at 13 o’dock, noon, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1933, at the Court House door of Lee Coun ty, In Sanford, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cosh, to the highest bidder, the following' land to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in or near the Town of Sanford, North Car olina and Beginning at an Iron stake in the northern line of Sunset Drive at a point 236 feet westwardly from the, nortwest comer of intersection of Sun set Drive with Vance street and run ning thence N. 32 degrees 36 minutes west) 170.2 feet to a stake hi the line of lot “No. 67; thence S. 69 degrees 22 minutes west 36.8 feet.to a stake, corn er between lot 60 and 61; thence in a soctheastwardly direction along the dividing line between lots 60 and 61— 168.8 feet to a stake in the line of Sunset Drive; thence as the line of Sunset Drive in a eastward1 y direc tion 66 feet to the beginning and, be ing a part of lot No. 61 in plat made by Robt. B. Cridland. This sale is made on account of de fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. A five per cent (6 per cent) cash de posit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 19th day of August, 1933. JFFERSON E. OWENS, (£161.) Substituted Trustee. nv x ur LiAiiu Under authority contained in a diced >f trust made by C. M. Reeves and athers to the undersigned trustee De :ember X, 1926, recorded in Book 124, page 608 Registry of Lee County, and, pursuant to default, I will sell st pub lic auction to the last and highest bidder for cash at the 'Courthouse door of Lee County at 12 o'clock noon, Monday, September 11, 1933, the following real estate to-wit; FIRST TRACT. A tract of land lying and being in Greenwood town ship, Lee County, N. C., described as follows, to-wit Beginning at at stake, white oak, pine and black gum point ers near a branch, A. G. Thomas line, and M. V. Morris and Ella Mores’ corner, also corner of tract of 98 3-4 acres conveyed to McGetoee,'and runs thence with McGehee’s line S 24 W. 43.60 chains to a stake;thence N 87 W. 30 1-2 chains to a stake; thence N 12 1-2 W. 26 drains to stake; thence N 74 1-2 E. 30.60 chains to a stake; thence N 77 h 24 chains to the be ginning comer, containing 143 acres, more or less, as surveyed by R. C. McNeill, surveyor, December 31, 1918. Hi's being the same tract of land con veyed to E. R, Buchan by A. .C Carter and wife by deed dated January 15, 1920, and recorded in Book 18, page of Lee County. 264, office of the Register of Deeds SECOND TRACT: Lyin^ and be ing in Deep RTyer township, Lee County, N. C., and bounded and de scribed as follows to- wit: Lot No. 7, cotaining 49.1 acres, lot No. 8, con taining 61.2 acres as appears on a map showing the subdivision of the lands of ‘F R. Snipes Lumber Co., at Osgood, N. C., made by E M Eustler Engr Co., of Raleigh, N. C., W A Pet erson, Engr in March, 1919, which map is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lee County, in Surveyor’s Record Book 1, page 40 and is hereby referred to and made a part of this description as fully stated further, except from’ lot No 7 above described, however, the parcel of land in the comer thereof beginning at the S W comer and running east 630 feet and North 280 feet and being a pa rail elogram in S W comer 630 feet by £60 feet, the said lot having been con veyed to Board of Education of, Lee County. Also excepting and reserv ing from lot No. 8 above described about 8.1 acres lying in tire northwest comer of said lot and conveyed to Garfield Wicker, as will more fully appear by reference to deed therefor THIRD TRACT: Lying rad being in West Sanford. Townjghijv Lee Coun ty, North Carolina, on the waters of Deep River, Big Pocket and Patter— son’s Creek, and bounded and describ ed as follaws, to-wit, Beginning at a large white oak on the bank of Deep River, a comer of Egypt Im provement Company’s lot, and running thenoe with their line S 80 36 E 1097 feet, Kasaell’s corner of 4 acres; thence with Kissell’s Jine S 4.40 W. 628 feet to Kissell’s corner; thence with another line of Kiasell’a lot S. 86.36 E 830 feet to its comer on the Egyt Imp. Co, line; thence wjth their Une 8 4.40 W 1662 feet tea stone; an other of Egypt Imp. Co. comers; thence with a line of Egypt Improve ment Company land S 87 36 E 224 feet to the center of the new Sanford Cumnock road, and running thence as said road' ifi a southern direction ap proximately 4267 feet to a stake. in center of the lame Intersects line of Egypt Improvement Co. land, and running thence If W go fee* to a •tone on the edge of th old roadway, another comer of Egypt Improvement Company property; thence with their line NSW 423 feet to a stone by a pine oh the vreit bank of said old road; thence with Eyypt Improvement Co. Stle N 87 W 1604 feet to a stake among holly trees on the southeast bank of Patterson's Creek, the origin al Foushee comes; thence up the va rious courses of Patterson's Creek as .follows:. 3 8B W M feet, N 87 3-4 W 100 feet N 8 1-2 W 100 feet; N 0 8-4 W 260 feet; N 67 1-4 W 150 feet; S 88 1-4 W 76 feet; 6 «8 1.4 W 100 feet; S 40 8-4 W. 106 feet; S 23 3-4 W 160 feet; S 26 W 100 feet; S. 75 1-2 W 187 feet; 8 84 1-2 W 170 feet; S 4 3-4 E 214 feet; 3 12 1-4 W 85 feet; S 70 W. 141 feet to near, the west side of the mouth of Rocky Branch; thence con tinuing up Patterson's Creek N 38 W 82 fee*! N 01-4 W 225 feet; N. 70 W 222 feet; N 88 W 400 feet; N 70 W 120 feet; 8 84 W 250 feet; S 60 W 100 feet; S 48 W 100 feet S 24 W 368 fee to the Egypt Improvement Co.'s line, a stone on the east bank of Patterson's Creek Just bePow a ford; thence with the Egypt Improvement Companys line S" 41.45 E 1869 feet to a stake at the intersection of old Fou shjee line; hence 3 41.45 E 1869 feet to a stake in the said Egypt Improve ment company's line, pine, red oak ad hickory pointers, being one of the agreed corners between Matthew Gil more and Cape Fear Iron & Steel Co., now R. R. Uelvers comer; thence with the agreed line N 89 W 1960 ft. to another of the agreed comrg, a stake, two white oaks, red oak a|nd map's pointers, R R Mclver's comer; thence with another of the agreed lines S 1 W 1348 feet to a stake, maple, two white oaks and a pine pointers, east aide of branch, one of sa d agreed corners; thence with anoth er one of said agreed lines S 39 E 453 feet bo a stone in the original Moore and Chatham county line, two Spanish oaks and two white oak pointers; the first comer of the above named1 agreed boundary now R R Mclvers comer and the McIntosh corner; thence with the old Moore and Chatham county lines N 88 1-4 W. 5556 feet to a large stone in a field, called the Davis com er; thence with the Davis, now called the Glass line N 4 3-4 E 2772 ft. to a stake, hickory pointers, the Davis or Glass comer; thence with the Glass line N 85 1-2 W 1760 feet to a stake at the root of a large sweet gum on the west bank of a gut or branch at a point S 10 3-4 E 66 feet from a stone, one of he McIntosh comers; thence with the Glass hoe S 4 3-4 W 186 feet to the mouth of said gut in Big Pocket Creek; thence down the various cours es oif said cree4c~aMnt as follows. N 70 1-4 W 200 feet; N 75 3-4 W 500 ft N 35 1-4 W 200 Feet; N 51 84 W 1000 feet; N 40 W 162 feet crossing the old Tobacco Road; N. 28 1-2 W 506 feet; N 10 E 110 fact; N 51 E 606 feet; N 0S» E 600 feet; N 5 1-2 E, 106 feet; N 89 E 100 feet; N 2S l.\> E 100 feet; N 21 E 200 feet; N 28 E 81 feet; to the mouth of Big, Pockei Crock;thence down the various courses to Deep River S 53 E 1400 ft.; S 81 E 300 feet; N 83 E 900 feet; S 88 1-2 I 1200 feet; N 64 E 400 feet; N 56 1-4 E 500 feet; N 52 3-4 E 400 feet; N 57 1-3 E 830 feet; N 45 3-4 E 900 ft; N 38 1-2 E 800 feet; N 40 3-4 E 37< feet; N 34 1-2 E 266 feet; N 38 1-5 E 300 feet; N 42 3-4 E 726 feet to thi mouth of Patterson's Creek, N 35 i 30 feet crossing the creek; N 52 E 11< feet; N 44 E 635 feet; N 30 1-2 I 1100 feet; N 32 E 300 feet; N 37 I 330 feet; N 43 3-4 E 300 feet; N 52 I 900 feet; N 47 1-4 E 765,feet; N 3 E 600 feet to the beginning, containin; 1500 acres, more or less; exceptin; from above boundary 1 acre convey ed to Stillman by deed registered ii Lee County. This being the sam, tract of land conveyed by C M Reeve to E R Buchan by deed dated April 1923, recorded in Book 23, page 16; records of Lee county, »nd later re conveyd by E It Buchan to C. M Reeves. Said tract is subject to : prior lien to the First National Ban] of Durham Trustee, for N C. Join Stock Land Bank of Durham, N. C, for the sum of $15,600 as will mor, fully appear by reference to the recor of Lee County, N, C. | This August 11, 7983, 1 J M. REEVES, Trustee. D B Teague. Attorney NOTICE Of RE-SALE ■ - WHEREAS, the undersigned, 01 Monday. July 17th., 1333kst 12 o’clocl Noon, at the Court House door in Le< County, exposed to puttie sale tin l«ada hereinafter described, and tin same were sold and report of sucl sale made to the Clerh of the Super lor Court of Lee County; and WHEItl AS, there has been an increase 01 raise in the bid ahd a re-sale ordered THEREFORE, the undersigned mart gagee will, on Monday, September 4, 1933 at 12 o’cock. Noon at the Court Housi door in Lee County 'expose to re-sab at public auction to the highest bad der or cashi,. the following describe lot of land: . . . A certain piece or tract of land ly ing and being in--West Hanford, ad joining lot of G. B. Kimrey, Wes Sanford Township, Lee County, Nortl Carolina, described aa follows to-wit A certain lot or parcel of land in th Town of Sanford, in ths plan or pla 9f the surburban addition to said Tow known and designated aa “Rosemont bounded by Una bepafcing a^ th YOUR SON HAVE A FAIR CHANCE \ d ;a In American Business today odds are 237 to 1 against a young man without a college education. When your son grows up, the odds will be even greater. We have a j>lan to assure his college education. You will find it simple and easy to adjust to your present economic condition. Let’s discuss it. Sanford Building & Loan Association W. A. CRABTREE, Pres. J. E. BRINN, Sec Northwest intersection of Endor Street end Washington Street, and runs Street with the West line of Endor ^ Street 75.7 feet to a stake; thence ^ parallel with the Northern line of Washington Street 160 feet to a stake; ^ thence Southwardly and parallel with the line of Endor Street 75.7 feet to g the North line of Wash;ngton Street; thence with the North line of Wash- g ington Street 180 feet to the West ^ side of Endor Street. g This 16th day of August, 1933. ^ *. R S. KELLY, Mortgagee. E. L. Gavin, Atty. ' b Notice of Re Sale of Valuable I ^ Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in an or der of the Superior Court of Lee County. North Carolina, made in made in,a proceeding, pend ing in said court, entitl ed “R. E. Hollingsworth and o<4y ers versus F. R. Snipes and oth' ers,‘‘ the undersigned Commis sioner will, on Thursday, August 81. 1983, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder cash, at Lee Court House door, the following described property, e bids to start at the price set op I posite each tract: _ _ I _ First Tract: Brick building on Steele' street formerly occut pied by Baldwins Bargain Store, \ 46x120 feet, described in petition filed in cause as First Tract. Bid $1905.00. | Second Tract: Brick building 0 at intersection of Wicker and j Steele streets now occupied by t Progressive Stores, Barber shop, c shoe shop and store of c Lazarus, subject to indebt s ness approximating $13,000, < described in the petition fit- c ed in this cause as the Third and ; Fourth Tract. Bid $630.00. | Third Tract: Brick building at , intersection of Wicker and Moore streets .occupied by Bakery, Pres sing Company and others, describ ed in petition filed in this cause : as Fifth Tract. Bid $2205.00. < Fourth Tract: Lot with resi : denee at intersection of Green : and Steele streets, desribed in petition filed in this cause as . Sixth Wact. Bid $777.00. Fifth Tract. Four vacant lots, ' ; each approximating 24x90 feet ' fronting 24 ft. on Steele street, i where McBryde's Taxi Stand is 1 , now located,described in petition ' i filed in this case as Seventh ' , Tract. Bid $4462.50 for all ! lots. Each lot will first be off . ered separately and then the four ' Jots as a whole, to be sold which • i ever way the highest amount is ; bid. ; Sixth Tract: Alleyway and J , alleway rights'as described in ' , the petition filed in this case as I Second Tract. Bid $11.55. ! i All property sold subject to , lien for taxes due and street as ‘ sesesments due. ‘ | Terms of Sale: Cash deposit of 110 per ent of amount bid requir ' ed on date of sale; balance upon * confirmation, all saftes subject to ' ! confirmation by the Court. 1 This August 15,1933. 1 ; w. R. Williams, Commissioner, j Swuie Service from a pure-bred Guinea ho? sire. E. L. Watson, Jones- . boro, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER , DEED OF TRUST t I ” S I j Under and by vrtue of authority con ^ , tained in a certain deed of Crust ex- j , ecuted by Gordon R. Riddle and wife, " ! to ttio North Carolina Bank and Trust Commpany, Trustee, on the 1st day of • September, 1931 recorded in book 130, . page 14, Registry of Lee County, N, ; C., default having been made in the i payment of the indebtedness secured < : thereby, the undersigned Commission- j i er of Banks, having succeeded to the t rights and duties of the said Trustee, i will offer ior sale, at public auction, ( ’ for cash, in front of the Lee County t Court House door, on WEDNESDAY, SEEPTEMBER 6," 1933, at 12 O’clock noon, certain piece of land lying and be >g in the corporate limits of th< own of Sanford, West Sanford town iup, Lee County, North Carolina, pa cularly desor bed as follows: Beginning at an iron stake in thi outh line of Chisholm Street at j oint 250 feet Westwardly from th< outhwest corner of Chisholm and' En or Streets, and running thence in j outhem direction parallel with tin Western line of Endor Street 100 fee ’ a stake; thence in a Western direc on parallel with the South Line o: h'sholm street 50 feet to a stake lence in a Northern direction ant irellel with the Eastern line of Gut treet 100 feet to a stake in the Souti oe of Chisholm Street; thence in ai astern direction as the South line oi hisholm Street, 50 feet to the begin ng, being the Western half of i t conveyed to W. K. Makepeace by :ed of W. R, Williams dated April ie 2nd., 1926, and registered in Bool) o. 25 at page 93 in the office of the egister of Deeds for Lee County orth Carolina; and being the same t conveyed to Gordon R. Riddle ant ifc W. R. Makepeace and wife by »d dieted Aug. 26, 1931, and record 1 in Book 27, page 642, Registry oi ee County. Dated this 1st day of August, 1933 GURNEY P. HOOD, COMMISSIONER OP BANKS ADMINISTRATRIX notice Having qualified as administratrii I the estate of R. J. Yates, deceased °f Lee County, North Carolina lis is to notify all persons having I aims against the estate of said de eased to exhibit them to the under igned at Gavin & Jackson's office anfond', N. C., on or before the 5th ay of August, 1934,or this notice wil e pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estat nil please make immediate payment. This the 5th. day of August, 1933. Mrs. SARAH ELLEN YATE; ADMINISTRATRIX OF R. J. YATES ESTATE, lavin & Jackson, Attys. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST. * Under and by virtue of authorit untamed in a certain deed of trust e ■cuted by S. W. Blake and wife, t he North Carolina Bank and True Company, Trustee, on the 29th day c rune, 1932, recorded in Book 130, Pag 29, Registry of Lee County, Nort Carolina, default having been made i he payment of the indebtedness sect d, thereby, the undersigned Commis ioner of Banks, having succeeded t he rights and duties of the said Trt ee.will offer for sale at public auctio or cash, in front fo the Lee Count iourt House door, on WEDNSEDAY, AUGUST 30, 1933, ■t 12 o’clock, noon, a certain piece c and lying and being in Lee count; date of North Carolina, and desert! d and defined as follows: Situate in Jonesboro Township, Le ounty, State of North Carolina, be inning at a point on Lee Avenu which 5s the same as State Highwa toute No. 60)160 feet southward fror he southwest comer of said Lee Av« ue and 17th street, said point bein he northeast comer o L. L. Thomai and running thence westward! dth caid L. L. Thomas line S. 34.1 If 200 feet to a stake, another come f the L L. Thomas lot; thence N 6.45 W. 80 feet to a comer of lo ro. 1, thence with the line of lot No. [. 34.16 E. 200 feet to Lee Avenue ience along Lee Avenue southwar 0 feet to the beginning, being lot Nc in block 219, of the W. A. Monro ord, as shown and delineated upon < roperty between Jonesboro and San 666 LIQUID —TABLETS—SALVE ’hecka Col da first day. Headaches « Neuralgia in SO minutes, Malaria I S days. (66 SALVE for HEAD COLDS Moot Speedy Remedies Knowi ! map prepared by Francis Deaton in April 1916. Dated this 14th day of July, 1938. !j ( . GUBNNEY F. HOOD, | ' Commissioner of Banka NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAIF. ji Under and by virtue of the power and authority conferred on the under signed by a deed of trust executed by C.H. Riddle and wife, Lina Riddle, dated October IT, 1927, and .recorded ip the office of Register of Deeds of Lee Connty, North Carolina, in book of mortgages 124, at page 681, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, and the undersigned having been directed so to do, we willj, on Ifte 28th DAY QF AUGUST, 1988 at the hour of 12 o’clock, noon, at the Court House door in Lee County, North Carolina, offer for sale to’the highest bidder or cashthe following described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in the Town of San ford, on the west side of Steele street and moo re particularly described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the intersection of Steele St. with Chieholm street and runs thence N. 33 10 W. 80 feet to a stake; thence S. 66 60 W. 150.4 feet to a stake; thence S j 33 10 E. 80 feet to a stake in the line of Chisholm street; thence with the , northerly line of Chisholm St. N. 66 [ 60 E. 150.4 feet to the beginning com . er, being all of lot No. 7 and part of , lot No. 8 in the plan of Rosemont in t the TY>wn of Sanford, North Carolina. This 26th day of July, 1933. I L. E.| JOHNSON, Trustee. J. C. PITTMAN, Trustee. ' News & Observer j Mrs. Ralph Jordan 1 Agent. | Please have change i ready for carriers. ELECTRICAL, CONTRACTOR Call me for house wiring and re ’ pain of all lands. Irons, vacuum I cleaners, motors, etc. Work guaran teed and the price reasonable. ;j M. D. FOISTER ** V**1** TELEPHONE 216 In Walker’s Shoe Shop op. Car. Hotel \i l - 7J ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS e. SANFORD TO i Washington Baltimore ..,. . Philadelphia . — I Atlantic City-, New York —.. __ $6.35 __$7.80 .. $11.25 _,.$13.56 .$14.50 PROPORTIONAL FARES FROM ALL AGENCY STATIONS. Tickets Sold August 4, 5, Sept. 1 2, 3, October 6, 7, Nov. 28, 29, 9 Return Limit August 12 Sept. 9 October 14 Dec. 7 Same Fares Apply Southboud on dates Shown Except May 29, July 3, And September 3rd. REDUCED PULMAN FARES 9 No Extra Charge for Two Passengers n To A Berth. f No Stopovers North of Washington. Baggage Checked. f P^ONE CENT ’! M PER MILE — “ EXCURSIONS a SAME DATES AND LIMITS AS -1 ABOVE BETWEEN ALL a PIONTS ON THE SEABOARD l And Practically A1 Southeastern Des -1 ttaatioas. t 5 We Are Equipped to handle your [ INSURANCE ; REQUIREMENTS ' | Give us a chance. i CROSS &BRINN. OB. J. C. MANN, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST J Will ba at hio OBca Ov«r Pad O** '** Oca. Sanford. N. C. KTOBY WBP. >• NBSDAT from X* A. f » * f. M, V , _ - : . - -