WOMEN’S REALM ' —tPJUKJ !H2f r '--cunt: —SOCIAL »* ! ¥.!!>■ iijiwy ITl [^11II I'llll1 llT ft£ As rr"± Ooft will hum* ^ a aC 3i3* (Tdbmk at A* tt ft SaE. A «—* ^m'iijttrfTii iumioag if As : flrrik arcarrwt fWfr p Wit wrt MnC BL T. SttM ; taBJ brtt ac. Asgr IWma as is B&r amt aiasam ms t£~f- #«4 Iraswiefc. Gs, iusmi smfc rf ■ Mr. ant It-a. A X. a Me*. C. iL Birser mm Eads**" i a pace .if pfmjw i, Sc. Bar- 3 he's da I aSt jkusB. Boot jritet. * -■■Barite' stsfaE wM ran W 3fc* «t ft. Sttrar ami sswani pirn saw jmmte rf c®E5b*v &y 3b*. 171 —-j Li.irt»m Canifciiiiiriim rrmtn Wfsr* WTO at &SHK SBC tSirfBH* a 4e SawTra Ttaatnt by 3Ea® Or onate Cnicnt; tnm jnasmte 'if tirffte iy 3D* Fran* Ch*xs ami a terit rf arte ay J. F- Sianmmia. Tine jrte* ra* Amtirgrf ay ckutemaa firant ai sanfarti. AS Ste mmdteam <of tin eraria® *t urate aaoicraao* coranantt euio* mi Lent se* wa jenei Xr- xml Xr* C 1. aawrf anwt saesfist pafinr flkwm» ami m C&vgcs werc_&pi fiir- X5« ect^ a£ Qtaaiats*?; Xsk Ka£? GJ Sam. af-GreetaaorTs^ Xeml L>. P. H13 ryf^j, ¥r anrf jL JL. CfefSiB. <!»«. fewi, Jr^ Xaary Carai^rai Seews* m® 3fr. ami Xn> C. M_ «£ tt&wfc aotfflt&y aa i^wcsary <s£ Jfci» lawny 3a»»w&, Le sssi Gwgfflr gasns- a jiKSEgr HEK Tiiesda^r ipnwniy aes. ammy of fe. ami JCess. H K_ Caafer. Masses «£ iwm f-iwwws aid tsc-J si yagta fn&fti cae mannas vise A 8—BBOfai &Ertfctagr cafes waA gftjsr! een»K«.8ttc IMf — I TMfe‘% <HE^3y- tfflti Ma,, arai aCE ■ »*rf caucst «bp serroiiL 3Ks»; cswal iat T&szgaszz s£ jb2es&~ WF ggfaL S5»es <2a*$y* Bhfte, tf Xinr «fc. and Siry BoaSem. rf Irm ' ®az&BE» Keiiy efflasrtaami at' c taQ^cE Saai *esk at! Qsatiiatte Awiiwt i<i- Sswezs- Sawm'-. t a tTimfaJ igaig Saw a* i»m» * 5» Eaos- let Caa^otH «rh» fc^£. :®re Jtiae acsd JEss Mary Lasse Satk Jam. Tc the iamrum the has-’ a $teceextad «Hfc lo^ezK. ‘ IfcSeaM aMiee gad gSnger de' *** wd at i&e tnntiiiiMa ,jf efe= 1&« *£ayaqr we Mates' E*fr* Kaie, Mary Bnaam. Jtarx sorae Cat*. Kefey Ut Caa^seO, ra» l«n™T Saras WatrftSea.. “»*■«. G-re-fos Efflhfeh, anujaa. Mmumt AaijEary at tie Prs ! H.,EL CL Hetos*' F Jfat A_ G. Cuter. TVr inhj^r gf * ^"^"J*** ,~Utto *,d fiT*CTl"<’"'L<,s,**g' ■Aj.r. 't! CMr 3 ' drtit for ^ rf Smome. K. Y.; Xn. En <rf *«* HE, s. C-s Kix. a. Q. *«- a t Xtt jlI • Ha CL |L Eitonj.—Etoe Mr- *»*■ *• U tag; Jit, ksn *«™*E to Okir base to JSsamSe, r'mmt, «*» am Mr. mad3h*. CHL BeO mf^ad. *** Jfam B^T* _ — 'Vto, and aa&j r_ Bd3Ts people joe ISiaafcefcfc.CSiy. ■ t. V. I-. T)«t to aitk tie ftagiB-i * tee toto Sfe Bdl » mxr. ■matt of faUtt 6* t&* ■ m a.1 ■mnsaf <rf A* aetfmri att’Vhp1 3s Snmtt taf" aKlmttt Air SaftSSr’ ■Sfrftnaii. Aftrr A* Aunfit? SdbnC »? pteri ob Ac eSmadfc ■»> auip moat After t&e service at life® dhiedk we went tnC 3a a Mug tafifir as ®e ggggg «u§ tS» gootf raafigff $grea£ tdk* gte tlkiiiiFf mr *a£ Tthag awicst dbragft tike MBA fcaf vrorkat wuute in d&$ aretiniT aTwaaity. 3?- way jf gflmrj of rami fwi After Mr_ Ffeanfts seCnmed ^SVrarft?* «vwyi3o»ty mjijrf a feast *rf s®3^ dfergr.. lir. tfa» aVramm we afflen&M tek ft* tfbi gjimefc ant 33491c & very I 'wy gcuadi r-a-r&r*: Iffy '3* T?li«y Brafce a very tmacnin?? oaSL Xr Sterui laant ami 5£r. J'ani Iff-agTrr Iff-Hw Weostzr irrenfe very g®»£ tarftre. ji Ehaary Maaobrwa- rsaai t&e DUlrA. Pjftlaac iwa^ a few remarfcy am fetes- ta1 dte ILant fac Ms $mn£xe£&- Mrs. Mary Bryn amf Easauy Massaew* ssn^ a aeaa£ifa£ teeCL Cscmanne Xastnews. ICarnur UkaAwwg. am£ V^gyam Bryn; a special »U£- Tafe Time T* Be H&yJ*' We iwr^mogai tmise cftasfc 1 ftawe wte*- last. vearr Mrs. Frsarik Itafl*-, Hh>^. Xaznreoie' Mrreig Xagf- ; E* *»rfa. i;' Smeary Macdiews was e&oefiei serre taary ter anfitMir jwbl Thasre ptesanfi ' tfrarif wqpkiagygfi rrr»*Ty ’waw* fiiCaw: J 3fr_ aemi Xwl F_ X. WTa;*ir, agrrf AS Amnit, Mtt^. JL*. BL Easa/ Lee Sfladkr Mol AitiSe W«tor Mr. • mn£ Mrs. EL CL Bain ami eniireu. X EL j&»£ ami Mary d£ jkpp»7 Mr. ' ami Mss. X. H_ Bait Jfany Gate 1 Me*. ECSjt WaarikaS, Mr. ami Mgs. €L • L Xamr,. Mrs. Aanfe SLaragt. J_ W. ‘ JfaaHwA. CL 3hn» J5—apt Man^ Mnu ' Mawr, H«rii» E^sa£eyp EassSie Ma W. S. Benns. Xr abnf Mrs. Fn£ Jm^ I#b taoi Cba taoi, ■» t B*it c«r&g. jBVmrft. Haft. Sea HI Baste 3S Jfe. fct Brit LlCttaoi .Bwrffirgeanc C. 3L mat, ma ci?. *». am* mol a. c. Xv^Kin^ WBasaewSSe^ Xbs- i ErS^ans __ " I Et I» TViCkc. *2 A, X Dfamu. Wttafcnsos 3tir W. L mmaanm. Cy® WU JE— Ih. Xattbftawx ami irfrifafcam Mb*. ». T TfiHkim. Mrs. W. • Git&nv E3>«» JEa* me., 'tbs. anal Sol Jll Aatnr mmm. c Mha- BkiGttaP IIm& (Dwrik; Bkwft H Xn sn£ SEdsl X o* 3feas. Iatfirtr Gadber ami Frrmk Batts. Ac Kwulm^ «e»—Hrii rf id -V ifciaC P* ‘library Ni^iif Friday Qm» in 3se mwtitur a* Ike] tSe ' __ •*_ Affl aipfy nt toe kffftnry of toe ^aarfhrrt L-ificacy. norm C&e Cranty Liilnry. u P^bb i» Jmn Sfcfrnar- Be tout if 3te atztuggfi®* toe Sanford £itemry ^I*x& cnararuHared in keeping: & *&*« aryinfmA Front tone ivvoL in front Iwose to ft aiiTO desgiie toe Ea*n: tdfcafc toey ftaif wary lifidte nxraey to nipfmrt is. Fur yatry* toe aen eff toe tpn tacneti i iaaf soar to i&e ayepnds «£ rtw women to nra&im text TwngwiiiJ.ilj. cotoibutiims to feaeg) ft -xramt riming ft* ftiursL ftf history,, gftijgfc Ha^ jutfllTifftmt in rriin m *53^, grwribi wknast like & hifweJL THie women tt Halted w» money finr £to so®! pMltt By Jg&rnsy fWtgrt-iin mgntlc fnwmt ft mw jwmiait, tost toe library ■iimuik & Sand 1 ftmm rf fesming-1 ^Einaai* me mHcatnrian* airf will “'jfrow irg'y’ K^fia toe tow in and cmnnyi. ft ftae ke ■v*a& at cmnfty nuacamtinjit and nsf ju^ WEflei ky toe «mmty. C HL Oaite^, a gwfTwftgg «ff toe keani if aonzfty aunt EBBEgBnMBS^, ™TXlfir M. to If (fntjmrnry trtrw ?£UgE®SS toe 13hw5«i»ji frqs mad** ■rimrrg* •ke owButowmi weed ca agpggBi Bto 3BLJW# to fts an^murt and malbp ft l osonCy BBegnty, A Large minrftgy off ffuwmi toe seEnraniiinjg' geettami ! and oafled fair BmafisE checks niss imnM COnOX K£K€HMS AsnViriringgy ; i nto of 3H S wffiirrg* ariH ke marie a “SOMETHING NEW” Special Roand Trip Shoppers Fares —DAILY— krUXTIVE JILT IMS. to SEPTEXME .Hint, tetor HAMLET-CARY 4XD IXTOUIEMATE STATKW; —TO— RALEIGH BE THRIFTY UEATZ TOC* ACT© AND PASSING «)«»;»« wnoir TRAVEL BY RAIL Safe—Comfortable—Economical GOING SCHmMTLE DAILT Lt. HAMijr U. MAE3TGN. Ur. HOFTXAX Ur. ABDOE_ Ur. PISE BLCFF . Ur. AHP8BEES . IfcI5 AX I»JJ AX . AS AX . *»:« AX 1»-AS AX KtxmoTur LUL F AKES TO I Ur. SOCTHEES PIKES_11X1 AX IM-Vam-«-UX1 AX U. CAXEXOX_ua am Ur. LEMON SPRINGS_m am l». saxforo_, iixt am Lr. COLON _i 11X* am Iawxcgie_Lttxm u xmr oaks_rm Lw. NEW HILL __UX5PM I». APEC ' _teas Px Ur. CAST_1_teat PX At 1ALPCB ... teas PM UgATg Hina IX PM SAXE PaT TICKETS GOOD OXLT 2 ' GOtXC OX TRAIN »ft 4 KKTCNXINC OX TULS Sc 1 THE SAXE DAT ^BS^CCTOSS * llASEU. TICKETS ONTKaJXFBOX STARONS *XEKE AGENT IS NOT OX DOTS. -——--' • ; For Details See Ticket Agent— ? H. E. PLEASANTS, D. P. A. smi OOO FELLOWS BLOC, 1LM k f Start On Tbeii Maamtoam fim- -tine tatlky. jjpjy — aad Beat* qmtOj asaa coocna wbb be Mf*”' aairii JKss. SntL A_ SL Mfyiilwr, gKugBmll etiovarmam ft Lee auuacjv ip.;fc» Wicfitr am tie SB jMshs amt «£ tie tiwpaiati— wfekfc is c«c*ahfiagr tdkxeagBD9v& ti&e asSrai fie (iftdao^ei tfc*C Saisfliawl Bflrdtoa!l wesre adhready fieefiasg t&e good effect of amresjed jay rolls q£ bocal —»■ tft ■As. cite cranefixanoni <s£ ftfcy : JCr^. Scats went to gfte csfeced. awwi** tsf tdte eaty* wdtere .ifaf* act MUs^tt rf irepceaeBtottinne coiased ws BEOS SUl OVgaaosd: ftwamt foe m&Sffi ^ OOW» tskcec. ttfce Sifferibr gqqurtt mS HMw bat Jfamfcsy, *b*S» W„ A. IKa pet SHfin®, tbe ease ef W. C. Wans&te am tudtenii us4». Kas Alhg^ Lt^cs^ai acas ^ Vaani «ff„ tie pfafirtti**' h»mg sward UliJWHtflB 4y (anaamt jfaigmaa ’^*y Hi ices asrauitm a ® ffifllkiiriT tonm a£ gnirrt!. TBe soft |nr out of am -*■». Hfe enriitot ns irfruriki M5« fflaSi WanriMc Bast fter Sfe ami a »IWT^ 5 tie Wenfifa casr aaa in^secd fmr Ka X&ie aiiriiflHifl ampumaJ our mu. P«WW«j Mr. Sam Mw arf children, •“‘safer, vtaiad M*v & M/ W*u»« -4 W JaroSy fettwkM Werd tautd*., “« Mr niMm EMi Wo*. of tap,! “ and Ml*. Mm WaMtta dtfMnn, V;«r BirMf*. XHMd Mr, sad Mis *• bis vacation stiff, w. rut •“ alt 1jyrtfe Bur*. ' *■„ Mr. aad Vm M. JL V ipiat the weak ati at Gvtir'f MJO •4 with Mr aad Mm Barf Byid. w Mi» Alice Weathsropeon, who spent * the answer with the faasOy of tar r enter, Mm- WiafieM Tnaple, has re tamed to Balejgh where the holds a 4 (Mrs. J. M. Ui% tat W. V. Cray, Misses Im Crowder, Myrtle Ashcraft, * Mary fhetatt aad Julia Gnaw, at 1 ' ‘ r. f*—rrfiiitCi t“~ * T. J. Brooks Friday. *■ W. H. Bice aad finally aad J. K. * Karr, of Greenville, &. C„ are spending * a few days with their blethers. V. L and J. H. Bice, awe near loam ' Spring*. J Mm Jaroca Pardoned daaghter sad » little son, at ffrhroertidsy, K. X, are * viririmg Mm Sam Mdjifidi * Mm F. A. Kendall aad chBdrea of “ Jaimss, spot bit week with Mm W. g. f Weafifcearspoom. || Mm T. A. Wofford and little daa | ghter, Betty Joe, haws tat era el front * Fataudh. Ya_ after visiliaig Mm * W. K. Harrington aad Mm & B. 1 SaSanm »r Masses Thetea aad Aswan Lee Wat - ffardL of Sanford, spent several days ; - with their grand parents. Mr. and t Mm E. & IfiBiriagtra sa Carthage : ," Eaate lira. 1 Mr Ira Eefflty aad Mias Blanche . ' 1 Gater, at Mangwee. a minimi', d by i same friend* ssstiwed ever to Sanford ( - Standby afternoon aad were , 1 at: the home of Bee, A. J. Groves, am , . Gdilf atseet, Mr. Groves ofSdr, Jsr. Master tagme W« fford has beta visiting hi* grand tmnaU, Ur. aad Mrs. J R. Wofford, mi Jonsshraw Ron to Feer. ■ 0 ” Mijsos Cornells sad Udb Cheek hm rrtsnwi law after a «MHt Raleigh with XnEMw Wurth. c~ MM Oilie K*liy visited Mr- 'WattS*' XMy at Uterste la* «*. MetKaEj^, i* —»«" <* *• Fte*n*te», ®***’ *’*■■■*&ftr Mia. W, B. UiM art B**te Aang, «|a bar* tea at tea teas at Mr. Ralph Groce for tfca pa* then* waits bars returned bents. Mbs Berts Seilers, of Wadortoro, is vbttin* Mis. Harden latedab. Mr. and Mis. Lae Bowlin*, of Bread war, moved to Sanford la* wee*. Mia. Bowlin* was postmistress of the Broadway postoffke for a mother <£ ream. MU* Billie James has returned fra* Salem, New Jersey, where aha visited relatives. Miss Mary Frances Underwood has accepted a position with the Carolina Power and Light Company. ______ . The revival which was held at Mem phis last week was well attended, A ramper of people in Sanford have be longed to this church. The late J. K. Perry never failed to attend his old hurch services when possible. His laughter, Mrs, W. M. Kelly, assisted he choir last week. If you sic s lover of beautiful flow t» drive around from Carthage street' nto Summit Drive and see the lovely dot of dahlias and gladiolus grown jy Mr. A. C. Atkins. Mr. Atkins has raised the mo* beautiful flowers in his section for the pa* several years specially dahlias. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Weitherapoon if New York, will sprnd a few days rith Mrs. W. S. W eatherspoon next reek. > Paying for a home through the; Building & Loan As sociation is the simplest and easiest way to own a home. —BusinessMan Who Has Just Paid Off Mortgage, The association through its membership in the Federal Home Loan Bank is in a position to get money if it be comes necessary to meet an emergency. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The past four years should have taught every citizen of LEE COUNTY that something saved for the “rainy day” is an absolute necessity. —OPINION OFTHE MASSES. I have to work and earn, therefore see no reason why my little savings should have an extended vacation. I have put my money in Budding & Loan shares where it earns me 5 per cent interest. —A SCARED HOARDER. HI ever make enough salary again to have anything left after buying the absolute necessities for my family, I am going to start a savings account with the local Build mg & Loan Association. - —An Unemployed Hoshand and Father. New Series On Sale During Month of September. 4

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