i 1 . 1 Farm Forest and Garden 4 I\r * . ' . • - ' '• '• - « • .■ --.----- - : : -. - J . * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< t PREPARE WHEAT LAND IN ADVANCE OF SOWING .The belt wheat fanners of North Carolina do not seed their wheat. on freshly prepared lands. , “A well prepared sed bed is essen tial with wheat and assures' good stands and heavier yields. However, this seed bed ought to be prepared sometime in advance and allowed to ^settle. The land should be prepared from 4 to 8 weeks before ceding time, Jf possible,’ ’says P. H. Kime, agrono .omist for the North Carolina Experi mentStation’ . ‘A well pulverized seed bed,rather loose on top and com pact but not hard undeif cath is moet desirable. It will hold moisture bet ter than a loose, cloddy] bed.” Kime believes that disking is to be pfcferred to deep plowing in preparing land for wheat. Especially is this true where the land has been in sum pier crops and cannot be plowed be fore Octoberl. Clover sods and oth er lands not in summer crops should he plowed .during August or early Sep tember and disked two or three weeks later. This gives time for vegteation to rot and the soil to settle. Harroying or light disking just be fore sowing the wheat will prepare a good surface for seeding. In many cases plowing the land for ■wheat iat not desirable. Certain loamy noils that were well broken in tho spring can often be put in beter shape for wheat by a heavy| disk that by the plow. Fields planted to soybeans ir c pel of Jesus Christ. Mr. R. D.Phillipg returned Satur-1, day from a two weeks’ visit to Greens boro Winston-Salem, Ash'vRle ami , other points, and reports a pleasant time. ' . • ] Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Allred, Clarence, l ] B. F„ Elvin and Cherrie Phillips at-1 j tended church Friday night at Pros- ■< perity, j, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and nephew, ] and Miss Mary Phillips, of Aslieboro, j attended Children’s Day at Fa.r'c Promise. ■ ( Mr. and Mrs. Joe Phillips have re-' ] turned to Kentucky after a visit here, i Mr| Offie Phillips and Mr. Murd An-; ■ ing the trip in a Model T Ford. Mr. 11 Andrews returned and reports a good ( drews attended the World’ Fair, mak- i time. | j Mr. and Mrs. JT G. Shields returned t Sunday from viltii)g their daughter, dm Ben Craven, of Beidsville. Mr. J. J. Cheek and grand daughters >f Spray, are visiting hint. Mrse. Allen Phillips is slowly im-, iroving. ' Norman Gensen is ablet o be out, gain. : !. . \i~ 7 Mr. Archie Paschal, of Brownsville, fexas, arrived last Thursday. People are getting busy, fodder gad (ring in this section. jumper ourmxs news. Misses Elaine Patton and ECinoi Ucair called to see Miss Eva Belle homas Sunday afternoon. ,, Among those calling on Mrs. ' Paul r. Thomas and baby Sunday were: drs. M. S. Bradley, Mrs. C. P. Brad ey and daughter, Eugenia, Misses Surnetta Allen, Annie Lee Bogan, and Jenevieve Patton anl Mrs. Early [homas. Mr. Blli Nowell spent Thursday at tis farm in upper Harnett and had din ier with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc iir. He was accompanied back to Vendell by Miss Rosalie Thomas, who rill spend a week or so with her ris er, Mrs. Nowell. ! Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Kelly and daugtw era, Hisses Mamie and Alma Kelly, rere dinner guests last Sunday of dr. and Mrs. C. P. Bradley. A number of fanners from this sec ion have b\n taking tobacco to Falr nont «nd are pleased wit;, tin. way it 3 selling. The blood curdling w.-e-k which oc urred at Lumberton when a truck oad of tobacco was driven into a mall train which had been obscured iy buildings along the track, and riiich resulted in the death of seven ■n.i the injury of 5, struck personal in the of at least cue local nhabitant. Mr, K. W. McNair remem ■ers three of the victims as bright yed promising lads who accupied iesks in her school years ago. Hay wood and Burchard Smith, brothers, nd Dick Harper were pupils in the irst school she taught. TTie Harpers ire very welt it do and prominent pen ie in Lenoir, and Dick ^Harper was a ery apt pnpil. She states that she till has specimens of class work done y Burchard Smith. Haywood was a rood pupil and hopes that the Inquest rill decide that the railroad should rive better protections at the cross nga. Mrs. Ella Womack is spending some ime in Winston. Salem in the home of ier son, Rev. Fred Womack. " Misa Edna Patton, of Murphy, wB» ron second honors in the State wide eauty’ contest staged at Wilmington ast week is a cousin, of Misses Gene ieve and Elaine Patton, of this com lunity. She is a daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Tom Paton, in whose home liss enevieve aPtton has visited. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McNair and !r. Paul J. Thomas were in, Sanford fonday. TATE TAXES HAVE JUDGMENT STATUE UNDER NEW LAW. The btate Department of Revenue dll enforce the provisions of Section 73 of the new revenue and machin ry act which authorizes the state to urtify unpaid tax accounts to the -erk of superior court and have them ocketed against delinquent taxpayers s liens of judgment having the same orce and effect as a Judgment of the uperior court itself. This applies on .ccounts not paid within 30 days af er falling due. The fact that the State has already noved to place this section in full orce and effect should serve as a naming to all merchants and others equired to pay taxes to the state go -emment, since these judgments will le as legally collectible against the ■state of a delinquent taxpayer as udgments handed down by the courts ind will stand against the property ■f the debtors until paid, W. C. Spruill leputy state revenue commissioner, leclares. Persons who purchase stores and ither businesses should be advised rith reference to this new provision f the law, else they are likely to bujp iut establishments having heavy state udgment taxes against them without mowing it, the deputy commissioner ointed out Section 470 of the new state rev nue law provides that every tax im iosed by the act shall be regarded as i debt and collectible as such by the tate. Section 473 reads in the main: “If any tax imposed by this act or ay other tax levied by the state and tayable to the commissioner of reve iue|, or any portion of such tax, or lenalties duly assessed for the non isyment thereof, shall not be paid rithin 80 days after the same becomes lue and has been assessed, the com nissioner of revenue shall certify the ame in duplicate and forward one opy to the clerk of superior court of he county in which the delinquent tax layer resides or has property, and idditional copies for each county in vhich the commissioner ,of revenue tas reason to believe the delinquent axpayer has property located, which opy so forwarded to the clerk of ruperior court shall be immediately ocketed by said clerk and indexed on the cross index oi judgments, and from the data of such docketing shall con stitute ,a lien upon any real property which the delinquent taxpayer may own in said county, with the same force and effect a* * Judgment render ed by the superior court. "The duplicate of said certificate shall be forwarded by the commis sioner of revenue to the sheriff or sheriffs of such county or counties, and in the hands of pich sheriff shall have all force and effect of an execu tion issued to him by the clerk of the knperior court upon the judgment of 'the superior court duly docketed in Said county. The said certificate shall state a return date of not less than 30 or more than 60 days, and the sheriff receiving the same shall there upon proceed with the collection of the sum there set out in all respects fmd with like effect and in the same manner prescribed by law in regard to executions against property upon judgments of the superior court, and shall be entitled to the same fees for his services in executing the order as is allowed by law upon executions. The sheriff shall make this return in du plicate, filing one copy with the clerk of superior court in said county and the other copy he shall forward to the commissioner cf revenue, togeth er with the money collected thereon, fees his lawful expenses and fees." .. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND. , ■■'4 - i.—_ ! Under and by -virtue of the authority confrered by deed of trust executed by W. R. Makepeace and wife, Mabel Makepeace dated the loth day of March, 1929, and recorded in book 21, page 268 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Lee County, Jefferson E. Owens, substituted Trustee, will at 12 o’clock, noon, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1933, at the Court House door of Lee Coun ty, in Sanford, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, the following land to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in or near the Town of Sanford, North Car olina and Beginning at an iron stake in the northern line of Sunset Drive at a point 235 feet'westwardly from the nortwest corner of intersection of Sun set Drive with Vance street and Tun ning thence N. 32 degrees 35 minutes wesH 170.2 feet to a stake in the line of lot No. 67; thence S. 69 degrees 22 minutes west 35.8 feet to a stake, com er between lot 60 and 61; thence in a southeastwardly direction along the dividing line between lots GO and 61— 168.8 feet to a stake in the line of Sunset Drive; thence as the line of Sunset Drive in a eastward y direc tion 66 feet to the beginning and be ing a part of lot No. 61 in plat made by Robt. B. Cridland. This sale is made on accoupt of de fault in payment of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust. A five per cent (5 per cent) cash de posit will be required of the highest bidder at the sale. This the 19th day of August, 1933. JEFERSON E. OWENS, (8161.) Substituted Ti ast^e. NOTICE OF LAND SALE. Under authority contained in a deed of trust mads by C. M. Reeves and others to the undersigned trustee De cember 1, 1926, reco -led in Book 124, page 503 Registry of. Lee County, and pursuant to default, 1 will sell at pub lic auction to the last and h ghest Udder for cash at the fjourthouse door of Lee County at 12 o’clock noon, Monday, September 11, 1933, the following real estate to-wit: FIRST TRACT. A tract of land lying and being in GreenVood town ship, Lee County, N C., described as follows, to-wit Beg lining at at stake, white oak, pine and black gum point ers near a branch, A. G. Thomas line, and M. V. Morris and Ella Morif.s’ comer, also comer of tract of 98 3-4 acres convened to McGefcee, and runs thence with McGehee’s line S 24 W. 43.60 chains to a lake; thence N 87 W. SO 1-2 chauns to a Stake; thence N 12 1-2 W. 26 churns to stake; thence N 74 1-2 E. 30.60 chains to a stake; thence N 77 E. 24 chains to the be ginning comer, containing 143 acres, more or less, as surveyed by R. C. McNeill, surveyor, December 81, 1918. Th|is being the same tract of land con veyed to E. R. Buchan by A. .C Carter and wife by deed dated January 15, 1920, and recorded in iBook 18, page of Lee County. £o«, omce oi uie iwgiauer oi Deeds SECOND TRACT: Lying end be ing in Deep R'ver township, Lee County, N. C., and bounded and de scribed as follows to-‘wit: Lot No. 7, cotajning 49.1 acres, lot No. 8, con taining 51.2 acres as appears on a map showing the subdivision of the lands of F R. Snipes Lumber Co., at Osgood, N, C., made by EM Bustier Engr Co., of Raleigh, N. C., W A Pet erson, Engr in March, 1919, which map is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of lose County, in Surveyor’s Record book 1, page 40 and is hereby referred to and made a part of this descript on as fuily stated further, except from lot No 7 above described, however, the parcel ojf land in the comer thereof beginning at the S W comer and running east 630 feet and North 280 feet and being a pa rail elogram in S W comer 680 feet by 280 feet, the said lot haying been con veyed to Board of Education of Lee County. Also excepting and reserv ing from lot No. 8 above described o,-:r4, '-or:,. , . , -‘t .. , :,c|sw:-": ‘ T WILL YOUR SON HAVE A FAIR CHANCE In American Business today odds are 237 to 1 against a young man witnout a college education. When your son grows up, the odds will be even greater. We have a plan to assure his college education. You will find it simple and easy to adjust to your present economic condition. Let’s discuss it. Sanford Building & Loan Association W. A. CRABTREE, Pres. J. E. BRINN, Sec about 8.1 acres lying in the northwest comer of said lot and conveyed to Garfield! Wicker, as will more fully appear by reference to deed therefor recorded in Lee ‘County. , THIRD TRACT: Lying and being in West Sanford Township, Lee Coun ty, North Carolina;' on the waters of Deep River. Big Pocket and Patter son’s Creek, and bounded and describ ed as follaws, to-wit, Beginning at a large white oak on the bank of Deep River, a comer of Egypt Im provement Company’s lot, and running thence with their line S 80 36 E 1007 feet, Kissell’s comer of 4 acres; thence with Kissell’s line.S 4.40 W. 528 feet to Kissell's comer; thence with another line of Kissell's lot S. 86.36 E 330 feet to its comer on the Egyt Imp. Co. line; thence with their line 3 4.40 W 1652 feet to a stone, an other of Egypt Imp. Co. comers; thence with a line of Egypt Improve ment Company land! S 87 36 E 224 feet to the center of the new Sanford Cumnock road, and running thence as saiu roaa m a soumem direction ap proximately 4267 feet to a stake in the center of said new road where the center of the same intersects line of Egypt Improvement Co. land, and running thence N 87 W 60 feet to a stone on the edge of th old roadway., another corner of Egypt Improvement Company property; thence with their lihe N 5 W 423 feet to a stone by’$ pine on the west bank of said aid road; thence with Eyypt Improvement Co. Kne N 87 W 1604 feet to a stake among holly trees on the southeast bank of Patterson's Creek, the origin al Foushee comer; thence up the va rious courses of Patterson'3 Creek as follows: S 85 W 93 feet, N 37 3-4 W 100 feet N 3 1-2 W 100 feet; N 0 3-4 W 250 feet; N 57 1-4 W 150 feet; S 88 1-4 W 75 feet; S 68 1-4 W 100 feet; | S 40 3-4 W. 105 feet; S 23 5-4 W 160! feet; S 26 W 100 feet; S. 75 1-2 W 1371 feet; S 34 1-2 W 170 feetj S 4 3-4 E I 214 feet; S 12 1-4 W 85 feet; S 70 W. | 141 feet to near the west side of the | mouth of Rocky Branch; thence con-1 tinuing up Patterson's Creek N 381 W 82 feet! N 01-4 W 225 feet; N. 70 | W 222 feet; N 80 W 400 feet; N 70; W 120 feet; S 84 W 250 feet; S 60 W 100 feet; S 43 W 100 feet S 24 W 363 | fee to the Egypt Improvement Co.'s line, a stone on the east bank of Patterson's Creek just befow a ford; thence with the Egypt Improvement Companys line S 41.45 E 1869 feet to a stake at the intersection of old Fou shee line; hence S 41.45 E 1869 feet to a stake in the said Egypt Improve ment company's line, pine, red oak ad hickory pointers, being one of the agreed comers between Matthew Gil more and Cape Fear Iron & Steel Co., now R. R. Mclvers comer; thence with the agreed line N 89 W 1960 ft. to another of the agreed corars, a stake, two white oaks, red oak ajnd map'e pointers, R R Mclver's comer; thence with another of the agreed lines S 1 W 1348 feet to a stake, maple, two white oaks and' a pine pointers, east side of branch, one of sd d agreed comers; thence with anoth er one of said agreed lines S 39 E 453 w a auj|ne ui tac ur^mai and 'Chatham county line, two Spanish oaks and two whi te oak pointers; the first comer of the above named agreed boundary now R R Mclvers comer and the McIntosh corner; thence with the old Moore and Chatham county lines N 88 1-4 W. 5556 feet to a large stone in a field, called the Davis com er; thence with the Dav;s, now called the Glass line N 4 3-1 E 2772 ft, to a stake, hickory pointers, the Davis or Glass comer; thence with the Glass line N 85 1-2 W 1760 feet to a stake at the root of a large sweet gum on the west bank of a gut or branch at a point S 10 3-4 E 66 feet from a stono, one of he McIntosh corners; thence with the Glass line S 4 3-4 W 186 feet to the mouth of said gut in Big Pocket Creek; thence down the various cours es of sa d creek about as follows. N. 70 1-4 W 200 feet; N 75 3-4 W 500 ft. N 35 1-4 W 200 Feet; N 51 34 W 1000 feet; N 40 W 162 feet crossing the old Tobacco Road; N 28 1-2 W 500 feet; N 10 E 110 feet; N 51 E^ 600 feet; N 69 E 500 feet; N 5 1-2 E, 100 feet; N 39 E 100 feet;.N 28 E 100 feet; N 21 E 200 feet; N 28 E 8* feet; to the mouth of Big Pocket Creek;thence down the various courses to Deep R'ver S 63 E 1400 ft.; S 81 E 300 feet; N 83 E 900 feet; S 88 1 2 E 1200 feet; N 64 E 400 feet; N 56 1-4 E 500 feet; N 52 3-4 E 400 feet; N 57 1-3 E 830 feet; N 45 3-4 E 900 ft; N 38 1-2 E 800 feet; N 40 3-4 E 370 feet; N 34 1-2 E 256 feet; N 38 1-2 E 300 feet; N 42 3-4 E 725 feet to the mouth of Patterson's Creek, N 35 E 30 feet crossing the creek; N 52 E 116 feet; N 44 E 635 feet; N 30 1-2 E 1100 feet; N 32 E 300 feet; N 37 E 330 feet; N 43 3-4 E 300 feet; N 52 E 900 feet; N 47 1-4 E 765,feet; N 31 E 600 feet to the beguiling, containing 1500 acres, mow or less; excepting from above bom%ry 1 acre convey ed to Stillma^l (ieed registered in Lee County. Tfe being the same tract of land conveyed by C M Reeves to E R Buchan by deed dated Apriit, 1923, recondlBd in Book 23, page 162 records of Lee county, and later re con veyd by E R Buchan to C. M. Reeves. Said tract is subject to a prior lien to the First National Bank of Durham Trustee, for N C. Joint Stock Land Bank of Durham, N. C., for the sum of $15,000 as will more fully appear by reference to the record of Lee County, N, C. This August 11, 1933. J M. REEVES, Trustee. D B Teague. Attorney NOTICE OF RE-SALE WHEREAS, the undersigned, on Monday. July 17th., 1933k, at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Court House door in Lee County, exposed to public sale the lands hereinafter described, and the same were sold and report of such sale made to the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Lee County; and WHERE AS, there has been an increase or raise in the bid and a re-sale ordered, THEREFORE, the undersigned mort gagee will, on Monday, September 4, 1933 fit 12 o’cock. Noon at the Court House door in Lee County expo.se to re-sale at public auction to the highest bid der or cash, the following described lot of land: A certain piece or tract of land ly ing and being in West Sanford, ad joining lot of G. B. Kimrey, West Sanford Township, Lee County, North Carolina., described as follows to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in the Town of Sanford, in the plan or plat of the surburban addition to said Town known and designated as #‘Rosemont” bounded by line beginning at the Northwest intersection of Endor Street and Washmgton Street, and runs Street with the West line of Endor Street 75.7 feet to a stake; thence parallel with the Northern line of Washington Street 160 feet to a stake; thence Southwardly and parallel with the line of Endor Street 75.7 feet to the North line of Washington Street; thence with the North line of Wash ington Street 180 feet to the West side of Endor Street. This 10th day of August, 1933. R. S. KELLY, Mortgagee. E. L. Gavin, A tty. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by vrtue of authority con tained .in a certain deed of trust ex ecuted by Gordon R. Riddle and wife, to the North Carolina Bank and Trust Commpany, Trustee, on the 1st day of September, 1931 recorded in book 130, page 14, Registry of Lee County, N. C.. default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the undersigned Commission er of Banks, havi ng succeeded to the rights and duties of the said 'Trustee, will offer for sale, ,at public auction, for cash, in front of the Lee County Court House door, on WEDNESDAY, SEEPTEMBER 6, 1933, at 12 O'clock noon, a certain piece of land lying and be ing in the corporate limits of the Town of Sanford, West Sanford town ship, Lee County, North Carolina, par ticularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake in the South line of Chisholm Street at a I . . ' , VJ 'point 260 feet Westwardly from the Southwest comer of Chisholm end En dor Streets, and running thence in a Southern direction parallel with the Weatemline of Endor Street 100 feet to a stake; thence in a Western direc tion parallel with the South Line of Chisholm street 60 feet to a stake; V\ thence in a Northern direction and parellel with the Eastern line of Gulf Street 100 feet to a stake in the South line of Chisholm Street; thence in an Eastern direction as the South line of Chisholm Street, 60 feet to the begin ning, being the Western half of a lot conveyed to W. R. Makepeace by deed of W. R, Williams dated April the 2nd., 1926, and registered in Book No. 26 at page 93 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Lee County, North Carolina; and being the same lot conveyed to Gordon R. Riddle and wife W. R. Makepeace and wife by deed dialed Aug. 26, 1931, and record ed in Book 27, page 642, Registry of Lee County. Dated this 1st day of August, 1933. GURNEY P. HOOD, COMMISSIONER OP BANKS. i ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of R. J. Yates, deceased, late of Lee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Gavin & Jackson’s office, Sanford!, N. C., on or before the 6th. day of August, 1934,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 5th. day of August, 1933. Mrs. SARAH ELLEN YATES ADMINISTRATRIX OF R. J. YATES ESTATE. • Gavin & Jackson, Attys. News & Observer Mrs. Ralph Jordan ' Agent. Please have change ready for carriers. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Call me for house wiring and re i pairs of all kinds. ^ Irons, vacuum cleaners, motors, etc. Work guaran teed and the price reasonable, M. D. FOISTER ^ ‘ TELEPHONE 216 In Walker's Shoe Shop op. Car. Hotel 7 ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS SANFORD TO Washington .-.—. .Baltimore ... Philadelphia .— — Atlantic City — - -— New York ... __ $6.36 ..... $7.80 ... $11.26 _$13.50 $14.60 I proportional fares from ALL AGENCY STATIONS. Tickets Sold August 4, 6, Sept. 1 2, 3, October 6, 7, Nov. 28, 29, 9 Return Limit August 12 Sept. 9 October 14 Dec. 7 lame Fares Apply Southbomd on dates Shown Except May 29, July 3, And September 3rd. REDUCED PULMAN FARES No Extra Charge far Two Passenger* To A Berth. No Stopovers North of Washington. Baggage Checked. 7ONE CENT PER MILE EXCURSIONS SAME DATES AND LIMITS AS ABOVE BETWEEN ALL PIONTS ON THE S E A B OASD And Practically A1 Southeastern Deo tiaatloaa. We Are Equipped to handle your INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Give us a chance. CROSS &BRINN. DR. J. C. MANN. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Will bo at Ua Oflco Orer toot ©* flee, Sanford, N. G, EVERT VA/; NESDAY from M A. t to S T. lL s felt-' ' ft