cial Declares Sound PHILADELPHIA.—Sound public policy In chartering banks was Ilk Eastern Conference on Banking Service, held here recently under the auspices of the American V Bankers Association. H» dictated r that "few questions Dealing on the - future stability and .security of our •' banking systems loom as mon lm ' >portatrt than1 that ol -a! sound policy j ., 'to he j pursued In ban k cl Anifflur fo competitive1 piSiifeie of both state ana national banking authorities to charter the most banks in the past, he said thpt “this and-that country was over-banked, am - lasidetW apypfhRr cmmi < lag •than it has in the deliberations oTdttr highest tribunal—•the i So-: preme Court ,9! jtha United States. Until this is fdcbfebfcefr ahff bf6txfcht into being within both our state and national systems, we may never feel •Wftwfc* fwiunt political expedience and favor. ■ (M:t than competitive advantage aa be. i tweenj'sysfar»Bjj:In gome sfefeST feU - • arrangement gf>is even ftcrUftr in the refusal of the one anthority to i even consider a charter while pend ing with the other. >*♦ 4 *+*JM*'t&tf Hie 'cirtitpe&ti## IS# political aspects of our fntore char ter policy, ha continued, there are several others more individual and local whioh merit of purpeae.' cotnnnnirtjr -needrtho' > character of manage ’ tuae* •t eapWai-T, t h & fe* __ , to the "character, responsibilit; fitness" of the Incorporators of a new bank, ha said, continuing: "So Important jo bconadre this factor to be> tmA^ V jdiiT^lt first among those tor consideration, for 4eas^sj|e motive is shghd. honeatl _■ _ jsulta'nf ftrStftfttfoif jB^ll service to the commanty will reflec other than the spirit of its fonnden sHnsasawsaia by no means simple. The country was dotted with such. The expert ssfssBflwaisiaina only by charter^granUng authorUies, hot by the gerfpt^l ^pnljSi^ af Other factors to be CTingiger^dl a i among the most important in grant ing new bank charters, he said, are the number of institutions already serving the area, the record .of trsni lugs or eirikifegijlnsMtgtlwna ■* tM number of failures since 1920, and the reasons £g4refop jpptgie] yton venlence and ad tin tags, the mhson able prbspecta for &rpWOt th< community, expectation of profit able operationjtnd whether a brand of an existing instflnUdu ~couIc seiwe as well. j[[■<, jr. j, Sonnd public pojicy' deipandi that no new ba<s'lfe «haries4d,fin less there is a definite, necesgitou) and permanent neei»ihfr deehnwd “Sound mergers, consolidations ant the sensible extension of biWB banking are much to be preferret to hftygeneral^movemeot toward i Hood of • new.. charters. Bat heri /again we must gaard carefullj i against monopoly or unbridlec ‘branch competition, either of jvhlel might become as dangerous aa tht org»*l**UM| pfnfi».l»aska" p I—-— Public Coa6denee< - WSs^-!lHMnf«igtns* NMaUr iauuul t-ii'i *IWOMBt tint there bM "tpibnot lou of public confidence In -banks,1* William A. Boyd of Ithaca. N. Y„ asks why. if this Were true, bank deposits are constantly I harassing “1 maintain that any banklnfc^nst£ ration which has continued tp serve Its community since the tryidgdays of 18kS must Ipe epjuylns thp respect and cqnddenfe of that cotfmunlt^. and l am Suds that this very large maMrity iof banking: instltutipns which have come through this de> liO 'yi° A directory of trust instltutioiis published by the Trust Division. American Bankers Association lists 2,853 institutions baring aggre gate capital funds of f4.4iytoJj,|JM| and totid resources of .335,v-.o,Uwr PHlOa iOilOCfli ft! OJfi iJO' ^ ia w- ». n. fr^w nrvsiirarj rvrav I eaiss U- S. A. Medida Me t II. ST.K IT WOSXI At AH OrrgeWs •jHW.rstt imm -rm Tnrtk Mat ilW Tot* xr.. Gartten Contest Goes ; Weather I- ! teden contest,■ *»■--, though handicapped by snow and extre mely cold weather this winter, is atiU, WfW pushy} ^y}Sta|e CoUege agri-' ^•D^t bfe aiieonl^d^Miss Mary! E. Thomas, extension specialist' ini foods and nutrition advises home'gar' deners entered in the contest "Other I people’s gardens have been set hack 1 too. 5 "Don’t give up and quit keeping, your records. All who keep up your | records untill the dosing dates, March J Will be eligible for the cash prizes f tPO*be awardqd.” ; | uals in the State will recieve prizes,' i»f $29,-|l&50r *7-»0j and > IS. j -the fqur home demonstration county councils' with the ’ ‘grehteWt percent- 3 age of their club f members i complet ing the contest will recieve cash 3 prizes of the same amount as the big ti ’^vidwds. In 'each* Coiiniy with ten or more[< testants enrojfcxj, fading in to plete records at the close of the 'coh- ^ test, the first and second prizes <’will i O^JIve if the fall and wii-' ter garcten contest, Mias (Thomas saijd, * is to stimulate the grpwing of yeir round gardens to provide rural people with an adequate, well balanced rust in winter as welt as in summer. j | Ai though fresh vegetables this Win ter are scarcer than ever, she added c evek^r family should make an effdrt t tcf hqvq, .«£ the very least, three s*- I rings of vegistables In' the diet bvejy I day. - I < Bulky, vegistables help to keep the i cSgestive tract JO order, she pointed i out, and provide the minerals and yi- ! tartlins Width' tomb up the system. j j rfrt X* £rick Brooders Are r j Gaining In Popularity ■ S£>jn 18 to million chicks will ___ , _ . ^Carolina this-yWir, 1 poultry specialists egtijaatg. £ i j 1 Thus may be s^fenthe importance * of good brooders:' to the poultry: ip- * dustry, said G. F. Parrish, extension ' 1 I < poultry specialist at State Collegia | Although a number of broodcts ate ■ now in use, he said, the brick or stone 1 th-tHniei i* gteeady coeidered the, farm 1 er’a stand-by. It is both inexp and efficient. chicks can be cared for with a - te a house 12 by « feet in area, 3#u ' kdditiohal broodipg s^ape ; desired, a 300 chick unit t ran be add: d by/er^ending the length Of the h«u te fthftet arid Adding 4hpt -Ha » Hr* KfrttvW* * *■ { ivto the Brooder. Parrish pointed out the advantages of brick b i They are practical, and Farm women and 4-H club constructed them succ /Syy jbo maintain /mall pints df the ! There is.nofire hazard if! and floor dr^ jwefl insulated, tw jis low whire Wood fa’ ayaflaidFl !do not cive off am? fm/ipi Insih* a - A* ' — W*. AJWiC* U1U| hoeaeudn fact, they, aid in ye the brooder house. / [ / j j i j t out pf ortidi There is nothing tcj getl_rr mid they are’ejuy to operatic £kiffi Cienrt brooding pphce prevent! ierowil ling the chicks.; Brick hold bc^— [keeps the brooder Warm when)! gets low. i ' 1 Directions lot er house may _ tee agricultural, edite^ at Strip j |Wige, rtaeigh, oy fropi,- county “ .——g a led tamed frywl agents. c. Specialists (biter For Early PI n »Wojl onli |a i ^way, m^ny specialists aft St ^ ,S- °nlf —lVf ^way, m^ny specialists aj ; aaa offering t growers L pm the Carolina Fa ■ thre radio program. » * 'JFor instance, during the past inonl of the points stressed was 1tns ing and proper care of tobacc > plai dbeds so that tee growers might ha/ j healthy, vigorous plants when tjit tin [ for transplanting comes, | j - ***** m aiso oaoy cnick seasod, specialist* from the Poultry impart* jment have been inftructmg chicken ■ raisers as to the best methods of car jio* for and feeding the chick*. The 3W M. WMtet A IwMt' hroeder’ trere offered b& ‘the' progmh, had k wide response from listeners. ' , Horticulture and home demostri* specialist* aj< ; urging the imJb fnd *wm*i on farpxt toigt-ow morf "4» ii ties 'of veeetahUu'is! that tKat. fities of vegetablAp^so that they will have enough for use during the spring Idid summer and also a quantity's^ 4<^ent for canning. This enables fart* ijubilies to have a year around supply A jdf vegetables for table use. . | The, full schedule^ for the week «< "Fetotlafy 24-t-28 follows: Monday, Work Stock?*; [Tuesday, M. E. Gardner,“fearing tot Fruit TreSs"-; Wednesday, J. B. Mai*, 1* ^arm Credit”; Thursday, Dr. jane S [Mkmmtppp, fIThp |fome Garden’;'F, pearstyne, “Questions and ^Anuirars ioii* .poultry Problems” ;5afic %;' Guard Ewes Against <• oifette31! Lamling paralysis, the causi which is definitely known, is a dii common to ftWi found' on the open range, v i It strikes ewes in an advanced A* „ JuwnwwyitiMii 11 Mssiij^ki pears-to be oni pf the contributing |ac " d Dr (jjj • - iftdHaS^witlltilnl^rv. fit perimeni jS title®. V A W j . Stoma aadheayy anew. *sYs* iiZ I; ■ The Symplons ate dullness, walking n circles, Or standing- with Head: press Kf against some object. The head may Mt drawn' to the side, or the animal nay be lying down with the head turn jetite, blindness, paralysis, and convtil id aside. Ah increase thirst, loss of ajp lioha at* Commonly noted. Many' sheep breeders aa well aa vet* irinariana, feel that an ample allow* incj of a balanced ration, forced ex ercise if necessary, and sufficient c al lium (preferably supplied by a good Cgume hay) are important latqra in ireventing the disease. Feeding mo asses and steamed bone meal is alto ecommendpd. Veterinarians report that benefic&l esutts have T>een obtained from ihEra enous injections of cglpuni gluconate. td ebu£r One way dhcht&:aO that the anitnal* will aveito walh Aomone to Another to at 1%^ —r Junking Plan Thoroughly Successful % i Tfte wholesale Wnjoval ft rmnmn ars from the streets and highways of he country, upder the junking plan in ugurated Jan. I by the Chevrolet Mo or Co.) has elicted from H. W. Cam ron,managing director of the Nation 1 Safety Council, a telegram of com aendation to* M. Et-'‘Coyle, president nd general manager .of .Chevrolet. “I have just been advised‘ thatthoui ands of obsolete and unsafe automo ifes have already tteen removed from lighways as a result of your million olar fund for the junking of old cars h rough your dealer vrganiaau^p,” aid M, Cameron’s telegram.. “The pay nent for each junked car ufthis man er is a real contribution Jo the cause f highway Safety, Eleven percent of be automobiles in use today are eight ears old or more, and fifty seven per ent have been in use for at least five ears. This very definate contribution n .your part should hasten the day of Tester motor comfort for alL Congai ilations, and best wishes tor continued access of the plan." \ Advices; form Chevrolet indicate h^t January saw the jUnkjng of thou ia^dt of dangerously old ears whose urther operation constituted a hazard o their owners, and the' puhlic fit Upgf 5o thoroughly successful -was the cui mign that it is Iking continued hrouj^ February. r oc£ brn tjW COVfcV-NOT PB Itei - HOUSEWORK ' thing ttramt npt is a burden irneo ayfvhta ydn.-nee- l k».L *__ _•• , A tendenty to shrink from or sv difficulties can be a weilnigh Every responsible job in every line of work presents its difficulties The more responsible end better £*?“ the job, the more it abounds with them. It js this very fact that accounts,for tho fascination of busi ness, and that assures the man suc cessful in overcoming difficulties an ample reward for his labors. It is ***»«* of an in dividual s earnings is an accurate _--Yl — -—•••••so so ah accurate °Vhe ^mber of dlffi wlt situations he mu^t deal with in the course of a div’t ' fhjeourseof a day's work. Ttwrc are. millions of people who in nil faL.._Li a a Aw a’ti '. 7- 7” P«wpie wno * . ,, ——• - icnaiu IS ine reward the rank umkfile always t*WV W*ei¥& sorry to message andWahope that B son will soon ba able to work. Mr*.,Thonjpson asked t-r era of «l5 thetmSnilorson the puuu* erne charge fat her husband's1 speedy recovery, and also, to remember a(t the sick. l, Prim andMt* A U Clsley . and Mrs; Johnson and fa went to Haywood to attend preac.„„v .at the Presbytefian church there, but found that Rev. Jonas Barclay was'ah so sick at Pitishoro and oouid not., fill his appointment at Haywood. I> j .‘*5*9that Rsv. Ke lar of'Johesooro lSaa heen operated oh fox ap‘perfd!citis‘t)rfec4ltey and vkrnld not Aft aWe-^.jfiJQtjs^ppointni^nt at the Baptist church here next Sun lay March 1st We hope they will s ion |H |jl:/ i Mrs. Florence Wilkie returned h me Sunday 1 after Speeding a Week t rith .her sop at Fayetteville, j Mr. and‘Mfa:'Ralph Wilkie of lay etteville were in tfju 0 Sunday., I Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Culiipher ind son, Billie and Mr. Daytori Chris ain to, Raleigh, J^st Thursday to ria it Mr. Cullipher’s brother, who ii in the hokhital there. I ,, Miss Horten* Honeycutt, a men bey of the faculty br the Apex High Scl oel: called to see Mrs. J. L. Womble ast BMKMtf. lo nbnaM «!V .nil yibMto five naw traitors recOtly'far ldfegii and other sstw'miH operation* • Mtsi'Difrk ■ visited her'patentS111 PittsbOrd fciirt'Week:' ^ S‘“M>wa Mr. T.i;S; Crutchfield discover., early last Sunday evening*-’FOb £8rd some one had stolen hi* ear. In think ! htf ‘Wdr1 Mi rhatteV,1 Kd tOcaHeid thWt [two hoys, who said that they wefe from Selhtk, Were ' bringing around his filling- station Sunday afternoon and purchased some drinks, eoca-cdlai while there. Mr. Crutchfield ca’led to Jhe Mr. Jennings WomMe ahdtOld him-all -about what had'ha ppened: Then Mr. Wotahte' and Mr. fArutfch field in the formers car, rode towards Raleigh thinking that they Would over take the rogues. Just as they reached Pullen Park they passed the car whieh they recognized and the boys, packed on; the - side of - the1 road for their 'gas had3 given out' Messrs.' Wamble ’ Snd‘ Crutchfield rode into Raleigh and no tified the «^w rw.4 -*™-'«... — i .—L Selma were i ■jd OJ i) OF UGLY FAT ADVKI Mrs.o j Robert;, Hickey,-1 - *oeiVui«j; Cv'aiir,, whites; “My doctor prescribed Kruschen Salts for mo—rhe said they wouldn’t'hurt ms ih thfc least. I’ve lost ib*. in 6 waeks. Kruschen is worth its weight in groid.” Mrs. "Hickey* paid no attention to ffosstpers ;who said there was no safe way to reduce.. She wisely fol lowed her doctor’s advice. Why don’t YOU? .fii.oM ti.m * weeks and posts hut a trifle),, y take half teaspolonfnl fc Stanpiy :of ho^w^,, every :piorojngv, 4411 ; . v i.i hovo! fWjurli m\ f : -m A A / n -4^4 v-‘ ToTTo i * li i j .1 :.•/!J 'io Jfi>/ix ‘UW JsC UK-'/i" " .r.hlll/c. i:H' 10 ilie/jli £< 0$ oiify (Oinie per 6ent is being t*fli oJ £>fli o* Ofi (wn of SanfordtaxeS Hur | otli no oiiiaz ouf a March I wgrige.^^d^'i^nt, and iasewitfa[4a^bsuceeiedkigr month. 3§R1 nljrgo'v oiViF.ii iinoo'l v]&oiin il’ioY wo olqooq. *&rfT ^tfilssug tn* 19#Jp f"!’ • Teiii&infng &i *1 m v\ 1‘ofli !>;/« hrmbio orf "fetish BUIS* -iii ruiili imob /; ‘ibul o’jiAq oA '.fiiifl 'io •jOl/ud on r. S‘ tmtfrt47ilofi rtl) o1 bins £>r» 'HfllUV' 51 /A' «-:i»;i;£1ixdso'ir{ afU juo’du Jsv/fU] bin ’’.L/i.od via ui &fjHo fci Ji fio/Iw ^ni/hv;/ :hiji« bar. ,\I!ii';>l£i b&Iixns X-'1 • * irf^ Trli! vjn'W/) jfiiiJ ^uodn v/ott .nma bio ,lUv>\ Ifai^ey Kpj inedy. Town Cferk^n k‘£? ti » flUiln'i "if)*' one per cent is being during the month oi h 1st the penalty; wil] g month. i:U©hra ■ svia! iinm1' ,11.1110 tit fcf/mojjrifcb ei 31 .e'j^rt'jupoduo°a tuaityieK \!U :tp3 ~~ Lhsj f Mi during theremaining imdsaitfeffifeaiKiisiii riIJO ' rise to tWo'percent, ind1 will increase witl each succeedi 1 »J ..M;/j--:/n (iff Ji'Moj i! ,,-u ijuo no .-Hi i. days of Februdr> ona ,v;h' i Hi r,vo ji', ;i) ol) oj k •J lo twjri <,Vl '^Mco fiT/tlo c<3_ /foir'w / ^nip.ob'' 4fc0-i^tni *v/o! line enoiuoy/f* oJfirjibb eJss'qi/ .t©L»n Jgorrr ns/iw tu A[/j( UiA p ‘ , ^ Jill_jjeui-iwmainani ujijujirtl .Mr. , T. O. M^ iKSk Tsfci1 Collector.! i^lXlO |)JIfc JfIXilC| *tffU yamom \!rIq tnutool fioiizu ioq#\ t'rtKntitnMH t^diooe .noiJosmw .15V.1 Mn'i *.rft \n [JAlJj «•* t- * Mtl« *•«.** eW£ <«uicis ijbuia r. ycU /['40ua JtO Am.jv>Mu "||,w u,..V/ tail. 'ii«« mli‘ i. Ji; , . ;, , .,- ,,, . ■iiiillissU.....K .T ,>;rtinuvt.<. \ ..... ......... ., . We will continue to have cold weather far. ,*•«,«£.! t .1. .a-', Ifl i'j K. M„w & month or iuor6*^so ordicor your cool before ^ 1 :';U’ W'•*».■> 'iiJ inu, -»ii. -Qtsi' .H'-xrx inui ohm you get entirely out Call telephone 220 far in QUICK DELIVERY. ru>.ri'.s'/> t.:.'.)iiiciud t>iij ^iinuu d oi V';?. Ii'jjjila'i i) i.-jiioll A AIA A . >i| line Ijlili loot! ■W'l iuijl . U, ‘iio, Jli^v .ti•*...! iid J' i toai 1A .VJWiiil -jiIj -ii>J tsttoi-d j.'iobcv. qo ,„t Jnp-.v .„[ „.,i, Mi So onitol A klmio'J n:.J )n j,,,,A,„ ui ‘ ;hIj J.i iioijj.-.KiaisHj U ttiirf -jol /Kiv/ t>Dm>iiS iiti rm.-u ass’! moaei o^o tj , vTiiblmrtr-ut AERIAL-TUNING SYSTEM .vUff. ii/iii Griiu/PUiJlocr 77/w yrf ’ - - .dr*inr! > hvjiv v v*/. ic»aii#'o JI jj* $nii'rji i bailt-inAettol-Tixfaria System that -doubles tfcw : s$L . t «;l »»p *1 ImL wow .TVlinln Iffiwiw - ~r- V^KvWlbo-V? oI>j«^K-d fcifl'" . Sdriford £;Radio Shop v(i j-; t:4 jOj! in ^nifiyvi* \ii\nvj/:b u»urui 'n»i tiit'ffift ®®***j‘l *ui&*cij T^nltd ?.-yi i it mh?. ujfrn-?iTtf,! j jl£ 1>xcg n ii -if/'. Iv7 v'l. jn&iJXUj j; W 11 *1 ‘io ^htji tt>h i’ <%at/ >' t Mi l '' SlUiioore St. Phone 1#$ ^Sanford, N. C. VHo .ficJliraJiH miuMsk Ml M m ctefrifrute Idfcolcfg-r ws &{:] f^VKp ^K'J i;nt II i /.;.i/i t.:-j in ;m..#', Is my routing > for less than car \ ?oad shipments j r:: iRSowonf ! ) * bsin«qc»*to // V) Jobi t A\fi' itiwfvm' orl'i rliPft*ynnwovjn v. ith (M .^7*1 fL..^>r*v/ < 'jTid: ISf !«A-i ftjfi 015 OV/J- 'idVO £>0f 0(1| 0 handling of lgss IhoH carload rhlp- ( mantpai low freightsates. Next time I •wtu: have. ANYTHING' tot ship or > jf -order pbpne your Seobdard Agent.. ' ( ,G»Mhe details of Seaboard's aimpU.' I . Jtfd^fcffipingl It's s4fe. Sure, Svrift— , * im^-MSW.ywwopeyil.) j.i.i, a ■ RAILWAY