rf^ :gr oito fJlfqfol no u n i rc 7;.0(«(f JcVO ‘wr/!ol» ''>•<* J-vt ,^1 Uloil*' 9rf» fntW, ",f,7 niio [7*i Now a Regular Feature ■ -5■ »i , ©£ iThis Papa*^ ,<■« • •' Tkla famous war rvvrTooc 'S;- “The Mule.in the Mine” z:’wJ. TS Famous. Headline Hunter,. 31*’; T JS is a story about a mule. Maybe you’ll.ggt a kipk out oflit. I So did Anthony Perol£^*HI C'TOliCi J T.. It happened in K-eoal mine back in 1919. The coal company,' 'onjt •ays, bought a fine young" mute to be IraineSTo baul'coaTcars ii. ffii' I nice 7°“»«r flrfffr M; 1fefnmP* $e in coal shafts and this one was no exception. . Towt. says Jt. takes a lot of patience and experience to train a mi le to Behave himself underground uniessyou shoot hlm and bury Him. Bu this 1 mule, mine bef< puj -right to work,on the cars.without ever having been In t coal re-aidlhe*iidn*t’tilfeTta^bltj■‘Arid he-tehe.Wed“66* displeasure-mule like—by kicking. “1 Wetl, tlr- every‘tlme-he- kleked.Tenysays, he hl* We.book smack against the low, rocky roof of the shaft and hurt himself more'than ’ - did:the roof, still. After i time his hiaok got alt sqr«Jsnd h<; Ijlroselif got wild kicks, in which ho cartie off second bes< sorer best, M ■ In no 1 few wild j Mulo would rajfe his headsand flap his huge ears inquiringly at the low roof. And that’e Just what a smart mins mule" never doea because . Brings his sensitive ears Into contest with the high tension wires ovej ] head with disastrous results. /'':' i f U ■' Wham 1 Whenever the mule gave that rock roof a dirty look the roof i Back at hlm with air electric shock that-slapped Mr. Mule-down as thou;h ha had been slapped by the Brown Bomber. i ' 1 You Just Can’t Knock Sense Into i Mule. Now a mule Is a pretty stubborn customer and that newcomer toAk an 'AwfuIbAatlhg BAfote he hegdlfto get wise:1 Every time the driver would : him up to a car he’d arch his back and let loose with both feet Ouch I A1 ■harp rock In Ip the roof-wdtfld stab that sore spot hi his back' Tp would] come the head and ears and a dirty look and, xowle, the sparks’woeld fly from his Big eats add down would go Mr. Mule again fob The dount! ) , All that rough treatment on his first day, Tony aays, didn’t help that mule’s disposition at all. Finally, he decided to change hie mode j of attack. After all When you’re getting licked you don’t keep on I boring in. Hie back waa plenty Sore and he wae etill tingling from h|a j last electric slap-down when he changed tactics. If you can’t kick you j can bits, to when the laughing driver went .to hitch him up again he | got the surprise of hie mining life. ■ Mr. Mule bared MS "big yellow teeth and, head down and ears flat, went for the driver. That gentleman, Tony says, didn’t waste any time at all in ■'chopping down a convenient man-hole. The mule missed him, but, seeing some other annoying humans In the shaft, he made for them-with Are In his blood shot eye. i The Mule Suspects Tony'Is His Annoyer. And that’s where Tony comes into the plcttirfe, Tony hadn’t touched that mule’s sore* back or flicked his ears with tt high-tension wire, but the mule didn’t know that. Maybe he thought Tony-waa the electrician. Anyway, be name tearing along the narrow shaft, with month wide open, straight fQt Tony! ; ! Tony says his mouth looked like the opening of a new tunnel, studded with big . yellow nuggets I AA ' » ’ > : 3 ijjj Ada right after Tony came the mule 1 That mule wasn't fooling! 1 ®je was squealing like a stuck pig, hnd Ala dentnl ware, Tony says, looked llke( ft tooth I paste ad. Tony thought fast, and, maSSfe**# sharp Jeff -turn—without; giving . i*,left-tura signal—he dropped hla length Into a convenient Bian-holei had |flj! there gasping for breath. hi! •, , The manhole Wubiyt'Oeep maybe the mule Wonidnt see, $b« .'.Ala's,! mule' was no Jaetrasf 11 ne -Just dug his 1 that left turn on the fly 1 %g|reJisg In^ithe Earth* le Hfrajsnft tteep though hide Tjpny completely, but h' for Jpbr Tony’s false taope& 's'A ’T*"> to;'> be more or leasbpring and jsrarely . highly remunerative. But this period , ■ j Getting Ahead a&'ifl V> vfr.ui*ir)r,\ offT jRvr By Floyd B. Foster. i '£ .VO>r/ .ilfifflR Sfi;/ ■■.'prijoum Kiif^ p*-f» a i i ITW ■ Importance I of1- Untwine i.! j r> af dmYouTOwiiMind i»> I-..-..:.; ,! DOWN .If .T A I,.Mi DOWN , YoarQleetrtoRata. ,hot dropped etqad, . Utl for the past IS Vebra-^-today Blcc- ’ IrioittrDostoj/oii Much lett than’ ever iefore tKo! it • ** ..THItff'TY to elec.frtfy pour A ome — to vto CHEAP Electric- ; " «» abnndantlv m , J»/oc« of. more cotHrincihod*, ; JttOfttiolru o>(T' purchase anew 1936 Electric Range—any siat: ’ ' :1 or styleiyeu inay desire—-with many new refine '' ments whitfh''-add greater Beauty, Convenience, Cooliv'sej.Speedj and Operating Economyr—at th« • lowest nnee; in jthe history of Electric Cookery' :.!-./V; 7; ; Jloi'i-1' —have.i3ny, new 1936 Electric Range installed In your liome, ready to give you the greatest cooking ){>• service and satisfaction you have ever known. * ‘ • without a down payment and with 3 whole yuan ’ to pay the balance with only 5% candying char** I/;'1'/ —thanks^ easy FttA terms! ,• ■- , r V . i :r:q «j,1i ••• m —oo rate yonr new 1936 Electric Range for a* *.•'!> legs than it costs you to cook by non • ‘ 0 > slowery and unsatisfactory method*—dr disposal! , ' 1 it ciorl.f h . « ' ' , , ; -*■/»«« : • >iK!n',i j<»,: . . . ••'i-u-jc Dexters join with us In inviting jroa te dhiz'y inspect the many amasing featnm ?'V.V7 1C36 Electric Ranges and to tails* r.dvAJiiasfc of the present opportunity " ^OttJSR^i.ZE your kitchen. Garoiine/ £^;^|ght Company mi*1 ■ T: dfr-, ' 6&c&au£y ei C H;l A P MORE orf it amleS-A-* f 8 ^niniom boo') ,!->v d ad, Barbecue Township, Harnett County, N«*t^QB»|KiHii'jriKsSsist*.HHZr This 6th. aky'oT FebruaryjTi93B. Undfii :'r* ;ue of the power of saf# cobtayfeJf/W) a| Wrtp-ty deed of trust made and. dated. 29th. December, 1930, by J. E. Cox and wife Rebecca Cox, which is duly registered in office of Register of Peeds for Lee County in Book 125, page 242, demand having tleen made upon the undersigned trus tee to sell said property by the holder! of, the mfte secured) by said trust deed,' for failure to pay such note, as in said trust ($td' B“>v*ddd.i tha Undersigned Trustee will, on Saturday the 29th day of February, 1936, at the hour of ; 11 o’clock in the forenoon, at the Lee County Court House, offer and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following real estate, subject to such tax as may be due thereon, to-Wlt’: In Lee County, Jonesboro Township, State of North Carolina, described as follows: Beginning alt a stake on the N. side of .Vance Strfeet and the R. side of Udlrymjfle Street the N. E. inters^c^ tion; thence ilvith the K side of said Dalrymple Street N. 23 degrees 33’ W. 75 feet to a slake the S. W. corner ofdLotdNoi 12, Block A; thence with the S line of said lot N. 62 degrees 22’ E. 160 feet to a stake in the W line of Lot'No. 9; thehce with line of Lot Np. ft §, .23 degrees 33’ E. 75 feet to a Otdke On the N side Of Vahce street; thence S. 62 degrees 22’ W. 150 feet to the point of beginning, same being lets Ndi;13, 14, 15 of Block, A .of iftie Louise Knitting Mills property. Beginning at i stake on the E side of Dalrymple Street 75 feet from the, N side of Vance Street at the N W comer of Lot No. 13 Block A; thence with the' E line ' of said Dalrymple Street :N. 23 degree 33’ W. 74 feet to a/stake tfie -S W corner of Lot No. 11; thence with.the S line of said Lot, N. 62 degrees 22’ E. 150 feet to a stake in the W line of Lot No. 3; thence 76, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein secured as therein > provided* ; the ' tUideSmigned Mortgagee will-bn Monday,. March 2, 1936, at the hour of twelve lo’clock Noon, at the Cebrthbuse door in Lee County, North Carlina, offer for sale to"the highest bidder'for cash the fol lowing described "real1 estate! 1 l Lying and being in Cape Fear Town ship, Lee County, described as follows: BEGINNING at a 'stake lit original line and running thence N. 29 E. 1.10 chains to a stake; theiiCe' N. 66 1^2 W. 9.33 chains to a stake in the cen ter of the highway; thence with the higway 1.10 chains to a stake; thence S. 65 East to the beginning, contain-, ing one (1) acre, more or less, and be ing the same lot of land upon which is located the residence of the said Mrs. Emma Thomas and husbaind, J. C* Thomas in the town of Broadway. North Carolina. This 25th day of January, 1936 A. H. Suggs, Mortgagee JAPAflEHi Oil FOR HAIR AND SCALP DMbrnnt from Ordinary Hair Tonies S IT'S A SCALP ^SDlCIMtt j 40c * 51. FEEL It WORKI At All Druggists j Writs ftr FHtt tssklst "Tfcs Truth Ahsnt I Th« Hair.” Naliaul fUmttfy Cs.. Nsw Vsr* j 'M. %fg/abLiiniiUAFif Will be at his office oyer the: Post} Office, Sanford, N.G., every WEDNESL DAY, from 10 A. M.,io 3 P. M. SALVE , for LiQUld Toblfcto ii i Salve Nose t"j Rropa 5c, 10c, 25 c COLDS . ■> drice F.H. McBRYDE i 3;’;Taxi and U-Drive-It - . Service Any Place—Any Time —CALL US— r') Stooio Street Sanford, K, C. FImmM : Rea. MM •! £‘( .tii , _IL tMMRl