EDITORIAL THE COST OF CRIME ——■- 1 We find in the current issue ol “The Journal of the National Edu cational Association," an article bj J Edgar Hoover, under the captior of “Tyue Cost of Crime,", that is wel worth reading In this article Mr Hoover gives facts and figures in regard to the prevalence of crime that should arouse every citizen ir the country who wishes to see law and order prevail andthe tremend ous cost of crime minimized W< quote: “When we consider that there ar€ in America 3,500,000 persons whose ' chances in life have either been han dicapped or absolutely ruined b> theirf attempts to defeat the law, we begin to understand what crime real ly costs When we realize that £hese 3,500,000 perpons annually rol up a total of " 1,500,000 Serious crimes each one of which affects the victim in gome morale mental, oi physical manner, we are shockcc even more Beyond that, we must consider the social and financial wreckage brought upon an entire family when one of its members are sent to prison" , According to the figures quoted by Mr Hoover the crime army of Amer ica includes more than 700,000 boys and girls of less than voting age, who, at the very threshhold of life, were cut off from worthy careers Think of it, instead of being an as_ set to their communities and to the country as a whole, they are a dis . tinct liability both morally and eco nomically It is not necessary to read between the lines to realize that the cost of crime is a ghastly one and contineus to grow in magni tude from week to week and month to month Our laws are not being enforced and we are leading in the wrong direction' Unless somthing is done to stay the hand of crime the time will come and not far dist.. ant when the criminal courts will be crowded with the young crimin.. als and many of them will land in the state prison and wear the stripes of the onvict Should this occur there will be ittle hope of reforma tion in their lives They will go the way of the confirmed criminals who have no hope for the future ■flHJ’ttfnftntrluiBheeif>tartedin Sanford to lajigthew tire eity school term from eight to nine months by issuing a supplmentary tax to take care of the ninth month If the money spent in the courts to sup - press crime in the town could be directed to the support of the Bchools we believe that it would take care of the increased cost of the term We further quote: “The time has come when proper respect for law should be a prime element of ail education, in the church, in the home, in the school, in the college, and in our daily life Children sould be taught the filthi. ness of crime They should be shown the utter lack oif reward; the fear in which a person must live if he is pursued; the career of bribery and underworld ehicanry he must purse if he is to escape apprehen sion Children mat be shown that crime brings punishment and there is no way to escape it“ Mr. and Mr*. Mansfield Celebrate Wedding Anniversary. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Mansfield, Sanford route 2, the children ot Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mans field with their children and grand children gathered Sunday December 13th to celebrate their S9th wedding Anniversary. This splendid couple have raised a family of children that they should be proud of. They have lived happi ly together almost half a century, al ways striving for the best and noblest things in life, and they have instilled these qualities in their children. It was an enjoyable occasion for all who were fortunate enough to be present near 76 friends called du ring the day to extend congratula tions and good wishes for the future. All gathered in the dining room at the noon hour around a loaded table of good things prepared by loved ones. Memories of by gone days were brought to mind and each one expressed their joy i nbeing able to be present, Thot< preseat were: T. A. and Fred Mansfield and families, San ford route 2,‘ Ed Mansfield and fam ily, Sanford route 1, Floy Mansfield and family, route 6, Mrs. E. T. Hun ter and family, Clinton, B. L. Mans field and family with whom they are making their home. Miss Lena May Palmer who is teaching in Mt. Gilead is at home for the holidays. Misses Margaret Palmer, MabU ' Seymour and Jean Bowers students at Greensboro College will come . home Saturday for the holidays. I ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs Adams Music Clfib Mrs G T Adams' Music Club will have a Christmas program at her home on, Hawkins Avenue Christmas “.even There will bp a Special pro. part, a Christmas true, and the mem bers will exchange -: presents, after which refreshments will be served Presbyterian Church A special Christmas program will be given at the Sunday school hour at the Presbyterian church Sunday 1 morning The yocng people will have charge of the program | A pageant "White Christmas ves per Service," will be given at the Presbyterian church Sunday after I noon at 5 o'clock, by members of the ■ Auxiliary A special offering will be taken for ministefia relief You are invited to attend j First Baptist Church I There will be special Christmas' music at the First Baptist church Sunday -rooming At the evening service 7:30 o'clock,the B Y P U will present a pageant “They That Sat in Darkness" The public is invited to attend Fresbytenan Ajuxiliary The auxiliary of the Presbyterian church will meet Monday at 3 o'clock | at the church I Lee County Library , The . Lee County Library will be closed for the Christmas holidays December .24th, 25 land 26th Get your books out early for the week end MERCHANTS TO REMAIN ^OPEN IN THE EVENING. The majority of merchants of San ford will remain open in the even ings until Christmas beginning Fri day evening. Shop as early as pos sible and avoid the rush. Christmas Service at East Sanford Baptist Church. There will be a Christmas exercise at the East Sanford Baptist church Christmas day at 7 o’clock in the evening. The children will have a part on the program. Special Christmas Service. There will be a special Christmas service at St. Andrews Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Special music. Sermon by the p«a^rv,Jttev. to. Pate.. Every body is cordially invited to attend. ' One can now gain some idea of the appearance of Sanford's . new posto-ffice when it is finished The walls are created and the plumbing is being installed, and workmen are buisy on the roof Altnough the building is only one story ,it is high er that one magnedit could be It is well constructed This has to be done the government will refdse to accept it As the work is being pushed on the building it will prob ably be ready for occupancy in thtf spring Congregational Christian Church j At the Congregational Christian church Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock a program of Christmas Carols will, be given. You are invited to attend. I I - ^ St Thomas Episcopal Gh*n\ch 1 Rev F Graighill Brown, Rector I Sunday, December 20th, fourth& Sunday in Advent, 3PM Sunday school; 4PM Evening prayer and j sermon I The public is cordially invited j Birth Announcements Mr. arid Mrs. A. |£. Miller, Jr., an nounce the birth of a son, A. K. Mil ler III, at Lee County hospital Mon day December 7th. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Knight of 38 Hawkins avenue, Sanford, N. G., announce the birth of a son, Eugene Royston Jr., at Lee County Hospi tal, Dec. 12, 1936. Mrs. Knight was formerly Miss Lucille Andrews of Ra liegh, N, C. I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Womble an nounce the birth of an 8 pound son, Monday December 14th at Lee Coun ty hospital. Mrs. Womble was for merly Miss Emily Gurley. Mr. and Mrs. James Chears of 3rd street, announce the birth of a son James Jr., Sunday, December 13th. Lions Club Sponsor Show. Tuesday evening the Lions Club of Sanford sponsored a show at the Ag ricultural building tor aise funds to provide a Community Christmas tree for children in the county between the ages of one and twelve years old. Santa will present every-one with a package containing a toy, candy, fruits and nuts. The organizations contributing to this worth while program were: The Sanford Music Club, the Johnson Singers, Lucas’ Comedians, Miss Lor raine Gilmore’s Dancing class, Ralph Groce, and Mrs. Lacy Smith’s violin ists. Despite the down pour of rain a splendid program was given and $7« realised for this worhty came. MRS. JOHN WILLCOX Mrs. John Willcox, 46, wife of the Moore county clerk of court, died around midnight Sunday at the Moore County hospital of tetanus, brought on by a slight abrasion on her ankles Funeral was held Tuesday morn ing at 11 o’clock from the Carthage Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor of Euphoronia Presbyteri an church, of which she was a mem ber, and Presbyterian pastors of Car thage and Gulf. Burial followed at Crosshill cemetery. Superior court, scheduled to con vene was adjourned until Tuesday noon out of respect to Mrs. Willcox. All offices at the courthouse were closed during the hour of the funeral Mrs. Willcox was born in Timmons ville, S. C., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gee. She married Mr. Willcox in 1916 and in 1919 they moved to their pre sent home, the famed house on the “Horseshoe” near Carthage, pre Revolutionary home of Col. Phillip Alston. | She leaves her husband, seven chil dren, Margaret Lorraine, Catherine, John, Clare, Mary Gee and Ida Cam eron ; her mother Mrs. Ida Morrie Gee of Timmonsville, S. C., one sister, Miss Alma Gee and three brothers, Marion A., John, and P. O. Gee, all of Timmonsville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Chisholm, Miss Mary Schirmer and Mr. Tommy Chis holm of Charlestown, S. C., will spend Christmas with Mrs. H. M. Williams. Mr. M. H. Newlin left last week I on a business trip to Panama and Chile. j Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ingram, Mrs. Cora Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Un derwood, Mrs. E. C. Heines Sr. and Mrs. L. R. Sugg attended the funer al of Mrs. John Willcox in Carthage Mrs. Mayola Ledwell was operated ! on at Lee County hospital Monday and is getting on nicely. Mrs, John Phillips of Cameron is a patient at Lee County hospital. Misses Helen Gurley, Louise Long and Willard Buchanan, students at FloraMc Donald college are expected home Friday for the holidays. | Mf\ Cla*yboura Gurley who has been in New York for some time has returned to Sanford and has a posi tion at the Carolina Hotel. Miss Mildred Davis of Hemp spent Sunday with Mr. C. W. McManus and family. j Miss Frances Gunn student at Queens Chicora is at home for Christ •*&**?*!* •*** Mr. R. H. Meeks is confined at hie | home with a severe cold. Mrs. T. D. Meeks has returned from New York where she spent 3 weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. N. Cowan. t LIONS CLUB The Lions Club will have a com munity Christmas tree in the Agri cultural building, Wednesday even ing December 23 at 7:30 o’clock for the children in the county between the ages of 1 and 12 years. Mr. A. K. Miller asks fhat all who know of children unable to get here to let him or some member of the club know, and arrangements will be made for them. AKUU1JU LULK LllJES OF PNEUMONIA After few days illness of pneumonia Mr Archie Cole, of the Pocket sec tion, died at the Lee ounty Hospital Tuesday morning, December 8th Although it was known that he was seriously ill, the announcement of his death was a great shock to his neighbors Mr Cole, who died at the age of 65 years, was the son of the late Mr and Mrs G B Cole, of the Pocket , commujnil/ He lived all his life in the community in which he was born j and reared He was engaged in ■ farming Mr Cole was never mar. j ried, but made his home with other members of the family He had since boyhood been a loyal member off the Presbyterian church, and at the time of his death was a ruling elder in Buffalo church He led a quiet unassuming life, but took an in terest in those things calculated to advance the best interests of the community He will be missed in his church and by his neighbors and ] friends Surviving are three sisters, Mrs ' J T Matthews, Dayton, Tenn; Miss ; Flora Cole, of Washington; D C;and ] Miss Annie R Cole of Sanford, R3 | The funeral services were held at t 11 o'clock Thursday morning Buf « falo Presbyterian church, the pas_ 1 tor, Rev C N Morrison, asissted by 1 Rev A V Gibson, pastor ofthe San... ( ford Presbyterian church, and Rev, J T Barham, of Greensboro, con. I ducted the services Mrs Matthews ( and daughter Miss Cornelia Cates of t Dayton, and and daughter Mrs Me. ( Daniel ,of Bennettsville were among S those who attended the funeral from a distance The pall bearers were s A A Bowers, Charles Lilly, Shelly € Groce, J D Cameron, John Register and H B Conder t .—--— < Cornelia Moffitt is recuperating rrom an attack of flu. __ j ~{j MILTON 'MetTER DIES AT HOME If} JJjOBESON COUNTY Mr MiitonMcIver ,who had been in-falling hraUl for a year or more, died at his Hojpip in Robeson coun ifts held at Rex Pres ty, th« 4 byterian churc^i. of which Mr Me Iver had geenil^ifor many years ruling elder, oiSitne following Sat... irrday Mr age of68 yeai late Mr and and was home place in Euphronia ch man he mov< where he eng, was married by ris second her marriaga, Moore county survive ,Go: ler who died at tlit fas the son of the Langston Mclver, the Mclver ole ire county near When a young ' Robeson county in farming He ie, and is survived •e who was before »s Carrie Cole of children also tnd Julia Mclver LITTLE LYjbf DOWD PASSES Funeral- serves were held Mon., day afternoon^Jli at the home of Mr and- Mrs Dowd near Sas.. ford, for their?g*7-months old son, Lynn' Dowd.wfi* Died in Lee County Hospital on Sujjidpy night, after a short illness • -'-j Rev .-F Ervirj Hyde the pastor of Sanford Cangriigational Christian church, officiated at the services Burial waa‘ ini,fallow Well ceme, tery ■ • WESLEY* BIBLE CLASS The Wesley.Mble class of Steele! street Methodigjjplhurch met Monday' evening at the^Ame of Mrs. O. P. \ Mr^epeace -witli \ Mesdamea A. M. Hubbard, H. H.JSUnderwood, R. L. Burns and J. LMSauls as joint hos tesses. Oliver, president, . Matthews teach r of the North Car -Recently held in istmas Contest was fruit cake topped un and coffee were '§ had a Christmas Miss Margar^j presided. Dr. er of the class olina conferencl New Bern. A staged after whi< with whipped CB| served. Each pl| favor on it. j Jjt Eight Members '^ cne Family at OtvidMlIji College. An interesting Sunday's Greensl was the family Mr. William T. niBtofy lishing a record without parallel :icle appeared in Jjr© Daily News. It f Cedarville, Ohio was solemnized iere Friday evening at 8 o’clock at he Congregational Christian church, iev. F. Erwiin Hyde officiated, us ng the ring ceremony. T ,e church was beautifully de corated in trailing cedar, ivy, ferns ind white candles. Mrs. W. H. White sang “I Love fou Truly," and *<0 Perfect Love.” Hiss Mary Addie Whj^. played ‘‘Love i greetings” by Edgair^nd “Souvenir” : She played during the ceremony “To i i Wild Rose." Miss Elsie Buchanan sister of the i >ride was maid of honor. She wore ] i brown dress with accessories to , natch. The bride who wore a green ] raveling suit with gray fur trim | nings and matching accessories, with 1 i shoulder corsage of roses and val- ] ey lillies, entered with the bride- l :100m and during the ceremony, Miss -Vhite played Lohengrin’s Wedding • ■larch and Mendlesohns Wedding : ■larch for the recessional. 1 The couple left immediately for a r rip through the western part of the h tate after which they will be at 1 t ■ome in Sanford where Mr. Wildman j ■olds a position with the Edwards • t; iompany. '■ j Misses Margaret Hatch, Katherine Iriffin and Betty Harward and Eliza eth Reeves, students at Woman’s lollege of the University will come aturday for Christmas. Mr. C. G. Hatch of Greensboro nd Sam Hatch of Raleigh are expect d home soon for the holidays. Miss Katie Sugg of Samarcand will e at home next week for Christmas. Mr and Mrs R S Talton spent the reek end in SmithfiWd with their ■eepfe V;. .. . -JONESBORO NEWS... Christmas Exercises On Tuesdayevening at 7:30 o'clock the Methodist Sundifer school will have their annual fmaa, tree and progratn in the chitrch auditoridm, to which the public is invited On Wednesday evening the Bap tist Sunday . school will give a Christmas pageant as well as a Christmas tree, and the public is also invited to attend Close For Holidays The Jonesooro school will close Tuesday December 22nd, for the Christmas holidays, and will re open for the spring term January fourth The teachers will spend the holi.. days at their respective homes - Engagement of Popular^ Couple Announced The home of Mrs-J E Brina was the scene of a lovely party! Thursday evening when Mrs Brinn/Sand Miss Myra Godfrey fentertainedi .tjie Merry Go Round Bridge club and invited guests at which time dh&agement and approaching marriagevoU’ their sister, Miss BLanche Godfrey, to William Irving Garris, of Raleigh, was announced Guests were greeted on the lawn by Mr Brinn who directed them t o the front entrance where they were graciously welcomed by the hostess es Others assisting in entertaining were Mrs John A Dalrymple, Miss Bess Barnes and Mrs Frank Brinn The beauty of the home was en_ hanced by an attractive arrange ment of holly, poinsetta and other decoratoins suggestive of the sea son Bridge was enjoyed for a number of hours following which prizes were awarded Mrs Albert White, Mrs R R Knight, Mrs W M Holt, and Miss Ethel Kelly Miss Godfrey was presented exquisite lingerie The refreshment table further em_ phasized the Christmas season, a color seheem of green and red being earned out in the appointments Delicious checken salad on lettuce, heart shaped sandwiches, fruit cake topped with whipped cream, pickle, saltines and coffee were served Each plate bore a nosegay of orange blossoms to which was attached card bearing the inscription — ‘JBlandhe Irving — Dec Th« *hi^d^eiect*s'^~'!|)ra^evv‘#i^ with a pair of silver wedding slip, pens, showered with lilies of the va! ley and fern Miss Godfrey is the daughter ot Mr W A Godfrey and the late Mrs Ella Harrington Godfre$&-~ She at tended Flora McDonald College and later graduated from the Southern Conservatory of Music Since that time she has been employed as mu sic teacher in the Jonesboro school, .being a skilled musician and one of the most popular young women of the town Mr Garris is the son of Mr and Mrs W C Garris of Mufreesboro He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina and King's Business College, Raleigh,, being a member of the faculty of the latter college On Wednesday evening Miss God frey was honored when Miss Ne’l Gibbs and Mrs J R Dalrymple joint ly entertained at a bridge shower at the home of Mrs Dalrymple She will also be extended a number of other social courtesies prior to her marriage METHODIST AUXILIARY The Auxiliary of Steele Street Methodist church met Monday af* ernoon at the church., The meeting vas opened by singing “Joy to the rVorld”. During the husineBS meet* ng the circles treasurer reported that 5451.89 had been raised this year nd the Auxiliary treasurer reported >559.84 by -the Auxiliary. Mrs. B. 'ole, president, presented Mrs. F. Y. lanner a life membership from the Luxiliary and she also presented ’hillis Ann Buchanan a life mem bership, a gift from her grandmother lrs. L. C. Isenhour. Mrs. P. J. Bar inger then presented Mrs. Cole a ife membership from the Auxiliary. Mrs. Cole presented the leaflet, My Gift Complete.” Mrs. Barringer inducted the devotional. Mrs. L. P. Wilkins spoke on Temperance and the lembers voted to givea donation to elp the dry forces. They also voted > write our representatives in Ra ■igh asking them to support the xuse of temperance. Names were drawn for the shift* ig cff circles next year. The meet tg closed with prayer. Mrs. Mildred L. McKoy who has sen living near Lillington is spend er the winter with her sister, Miss argaret Lasater. Mrs. Love Burns returned from Washington City last week where le visited her daughter, Mrs. David ossett. Miss Iola Parham will spend the Christmas in Fayetteville with her liter Mrs G B Seeaoms ■ -v I Sanford Music Club Tre Sanford ""Music Club held its guest day program Saturday after... noon at the home of Mra Fred Ray, Jr and oh Sunday afternoon the same program was given at Steele Street Methodist church at 5 o'clock with several changes on the pro., gram No 2 and No 5 which were given Saturday afternoon were omit ted Sunday evening and Mrs Make, peae and Mrs Buchanan gave a duet which is not on the program Tea and wafers were served Satuday af tern oo n The program was as follows: Soloist—Mrs T J Brooks, Mrs W H White, Mrs H F Makepeace, and Mrs A C Hood Quartette—Rev and Mrs A J McKel | way Rev and Mrs A V Gibson I Accompanist— Mrs L R Sugg i Directress —Mrs Raymond Gregscn i 1 Fh-ench Carols—Harvey Gaul - I a I Know, O Virgin Mary b One Wintry Night c Chirstmas Day is Here 2 Piano Trio —Military Polonaise Chopin, Mesdames E W Hunter, H C Roberts and L R Sugg 3 Quartette-— , a ivejuice xe Larisuans | Loudly, Bach b Hush My Dear, Bach | c The Slumber of the Infant Jesus Gavaert j d While by Sleeping Flock We J 1 lay, German melody, l?th Century j 4 Vocal Solo—The Infant Jesus— I Pietro A Yon, Mi's H F Makepeace j 5 Pino Solo—Dainty March — 1 Poldini—Miss Mary Addie While 6 Quartette a Break Forth O Beauteous Hea venly Light—Bach bBring a Lantern, Old French Carol i c Cradle Song of the shepherds , —Glatz Folk Song 7 a The First Christr.: ; Mom— Newton b The Shephers Story — Dick Young People Enjoy Car Ay Pulling The young people of ti, Presby terian church ages frci. 14 to lb years, enjoyed a candy \.... ng Fri_ day evening at the chui.— . uer the f * " _ ' —- ' Mrs Harriss Hostess s: Bridge Mrs M W Harriss was ..jstess at her new home Wednesday afternoon and evening, when she entertained a number of friends at contract bridge In the afternoon seven tables of players enoyed a series of progres_ J sions and the high score prize was presented to M,rs J U Gunter The second prize was presented to Mrs .Waylon Blue The consolation' went to Mrs W H White In the evening seven tables were arranged for the game and the high score prize ■was presented to Mrs , ■ Wade B Jones, Mrs G E Morris. won the second high score prize and I the low score went *o Mrs W W' ! t Chaffin I - i i Idle A While Club j | Mrs E T Ussery was hostess to the | Idle A While club members and four j extra guests, Mrs S Q Kimrey, Miss • Julia Mae Endarws Mrs Graham Kimrey and Mrs E B Watson, of Jonesboro, at her home Tuesday afternoon Concluding the series of progres ' sions at contract bridge, Mrs Gra_ j ham Kimrey received the prize for j the highest score held by a gue6t ' The club high score went to Mrs Cur i rie Golden To Mrs G G McCor mick fell the consolation Pierian Chib The Pierian club met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Paul J Barring i er as hostess at her home Under i the general caption “Expatriate I Americans,“ Mrs E A Griffin review ©d the book* “My Cousin, F Marion ! Crawford, by Maude Howe Elliott Mrs A G Garter gave “Roman J Spring,“by Mrs Wintrop Chanler 1 Fortnightly Club ■ i Wednesday afternoon the Fort... 1 nightly Club was entertaine by I Mrs Austin McCormick at her resi. ' dence Three tables were placed in a . Christmas setting and at the conclu j sion of bridge the prize for high_ i est score in the club was given to Mrs B B Kammer As high scorer among the vistors, Mrs H F Make peace received a prize Mrs Poe Entertains at Bridge Tuesday afternoon Mrs Richard Poe entertained a number of friends 1 at contract bridge For the occasion for tables were arranged Mrs W L Simmons held high score Mr? John Wesley Russell scored second high Bojti ^ece£vfcd» ’prices The ] hostess served a chicken salad* course j] SANFORD LITERARY CLUB The Sanford Literary Club was de lightfully entertained Tuesday after noon by Mrs. W. W. Robards. Mrs. Robards had as guests her sister, Mrs. W. W. Bass of Raleigh, Mrs. Mil dred McKay, Mrs. W. C. Harward and Mrs. Byrd Newton. I Mrs. Robards home was beautiful ly carrying out the Christmas motif* The topic for the afternoon was “Adventure with the Orchestra” Miss Margaret Lasater gave a most inter esting paper on “Pioneering with Theodore Thomas” using the book “The American Orchestra and Theo dore Thomas” by Charles Edward Russell. Mrs. D. L. St. Clair reviewed Ar turo Toscanini by Tobia Nicotra. At this time each member received a Christmas present the names being drawn at the last meeting for- ex changing of gifts. The hostess pre sented each one present with af package and at one end a string was drawn causing a fire cracker to go* off. Inside was a cap for each to wear also her fortune and a prize. A delicious course was served with ’* coffee by the hostess. Woman's Missionary Society of First Baptist Church The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church met Mon day afternoon at the church with 41 members present and four visitors During the business session the fol lowing officers were elected for next year: Mrs C W McManus president; Mrs G H Boges, vice president; Mrs S W Allen, second vice presi dent; Mis R E Wall third vice president; Mrs Blanton Hartness, secretary; > Mis D H Cooper, treasurer Cicle No 3 with Mrs O F Patter., son chairman gave a Christmas p<* geant, “Peace," which was greatly enjoyed by all present Circles of Presbyterian Church The circles of the Presbyterian church met Monday afternoon and evening The book of Genesis was taught at the Bible study period &nd the topic for the program was “Some Better Thing" which was on. ministerial relief Circle No 1 met with Mrs R E Me Culloch with Mrs Gordon Riddle, chairman, presiding Fourteen were present Mrs Charlie Scott was Bible teacher-and Mrs Edwin Dent j neil cQndu^tgd-» ths devotionalMrs. f S Q Kimrey, president, was a visitor^ The hostess served fruit cake topped with whipped cream, toasted sand wiches and coffee Circle No 2 met with Mrs E C Heins Jr with Mrs Edwin Smith and Mrs Howard Turner as joint hos tesses, 22 answered the roll call Mis Heins was Bible teacher, Christmas carols were sung after which sup per wase served Circle No 3 met with Mrs C F Golden with Mrs G B Kinney, crair man, presiding There were 18 pres enut Mrs A G Carter was Bible teacher and Mrs T G Gunn, Mrs Cline and Miss Catherine Carter read interesting articles The hostess served fruit cake topped with whip ped cream, r:bbon sandwiches,crys_ talized fruit and coffee Circle So 4 met with Mrs E T Us3 ery with Mrs Victor King, chairman, presiding There were 12 present Mrs R E Carrington was Bible tea cher and Mrs King gave the pro gram The hostess served cookies and coffee Circle No 5 was entertained by Mrs S B Jones with Mrs S J Husk., eth presiding Ten answered the roll call Mrs Jones was Bible teacher and Mrs O S Lambeth was leader of the program Mrs Lam... beth presented all present with leaf lets in which were printed Christ mas carols All sangs the carolsr after which the hostess served sand wiches and tea Circle No 6 met with Mrs J P Mom roe with 9 present Mrs W H Gur ley4/ chairf nan, presided Mrs Mon roe was Bible teacher and Mrs D B Teague and Mrs R R Mclver gave program The hostess served dough nuts, peanuts and coffee Circle No 7 was entertained by Mrs D B King and Mrs Coley Snypes at the home of the farmer There were 18 present andMrs War. ren Glover was welcomed as a new member Mrs King was Bible teach er and Mrs John Liles was leader of the program with Mrs H M Wil liams, Mrs W H Fitts and Mrs G E Morris assisting The hostesses served sandwirres cake and tea Miss Glenn Ross has returned from Lee County Hospital where she received treatment for a few days Mr Ernest B Camp, of Waynes., ville, came Monday to visit his broth er, Mr E H Camp, who is in Leo County Hospital George Culbreth student at Duke, will come home Saturday for the Christmas holidays Mr. J. W. Gilliam and daughter, iliss Mildred Gilliam spent the week nd in Georgetown with Mr. and iri. Robert Gilliam. •' c t ‘ tv > - '*• ~ <• a .