Retail Sales » ' V Counts One of the Few CounliesThat Med. A Bemarkable Advice I* Bet* - Moved Up Front 3*id (u 1»M K 17th in 1*80—WitHMie Exceptioi of OUe County loe^ledejto Gr*»< eat Advancement if 0**1 in Hie State. t pi the Univei r* '» t«U« by the U 8 the rank of totsiwotumeWl each county; the __ je number .the total pay *hlt to. note how eome mktedto 1936 A the counties occu Vame tank ‘ for rfd'are a few note |on* Among the _ tvje improved their rank in retail otrnde ia Igi^wM^h haa moved up ffmn 82nd to" ^ rank 17th Tyrell taithe Only counter , in the state thatfcs dfSe gtampr ad. vancement thaii Lm Somfi of the counties have /dropped off i)» .rank During the last three or ; four In the current 5,1 arty News' Letter baaed on data tel. J Census Bureaur '• counties according tail sales for the llfil coRAnna show retail ttede for. number of retail of• employees; an It is interests ;• of the. ^ ; iargje majority i py somewhat each year, but _ worthy ..eace; - counties that yean Lee bar made remarkable pro grew along many-lines; Tbs mereh.. ante . of Sanford have wring that pe their trade to a mark the surrounding .riqd jnc r of Internal Revenue will be at Sanford, N. C„ March 6, 1937, to as rist taxpayers * in . preparing their returns No change-will be hiado for this service.: The matter of tiling yj ; income tnx returns, should be given immediate attention, in order to avoid penatly and inter._ Mtt. If your net income is $1,000 or nrer or your gross income is $5,000 >r over and you are aingle (if mar ried and not living with husband or wife) you are required to file a re turn. If you' are married arid llv_ ng with husband or wife your net income is $2*500 or over or your ?r6as income is $6,000 or over, you are required to file a return. Form To Be Used. Form 10-10A should be used if the net income ioee not exceed $5,000 and is deriv id chiefly from salaries and wages. Form 1040 should be used for net acomes of more than $5,000, or net acomes regardless of amount if de. rived from a profusion or business, deluding fanning, or from rents or •ale of property. All returns must i# filed in duplicate. . When and Where to File the Re. •urn. You.- returns for the calendar (rear of 1938 shall be filed not later han March 5, 1987, with the Collect >r of Internal Revenue for the die. trict in which you reside or have wur principal place of Business. Penalty: A penalty of not more Jian $10,000 or imprisonment for tot more than one year, or both is raposed by statute for wilful fail.. He to make return on time, end, in addition, 5 to 25 per cent of the unount of the tax. * New Zealand demands for electric refrigerators are growing rapidly, Left handed fountain pens are nnnufatured for use of left handed vrifcrs. The pen point is cut eb._ iqusly, • -» - J.. 'd i , ABNER J. L. SLOAN • '•/ -‘1 ' ' ■' .Jfy ■Abner J L Sloan, a wefi known fanner'of Lee County; '"died at his fcoiha nea.» Salenj5Prest®feriaJi church Sanford ftpute ;2, ~ Saturday, jji'tsr J 'I was conducted Sun 3‘BO'bddcld at'.Sa lem church ..conducted bj’ the’ pal lor,Rev W. A, I'ate, interment was in the church cemetery. .* j Mr Sloan, was a splendid Mariner and a good ciitzen. He was -public stirited and had many friends who will regret to hear of his death. He 1 wits a great sufferes for the ' past year and had to be kept in -a plaster of Paris case. | , Mr, $lqnR,srna the soft ,of the late Mr aadfftcs Jordan Sloan; _v Bolides -his wife, 'who was Miss Ma^JChom as„ seven children survive: Mrs Walter Clark and Curlen Sloan, * Jonesboro; Mrs Carson Lanier, San..' fiord Route 6; Mrs Boyle Cox; Earl' -Wdun and Mias Jessie Sloan, at home, Jordan'SfotuvElon College;' one brotner, P T Sloan, Sanford, R2 day^afthmodn at HARTN ESSES IN FLORIDA ■ n ducted the service. Interment was in the tt'alson family graveyard near SsaiforrL ' - , Mr. Kelly was a World War veter Tobacco Company. His mother. Mro Mary Jane Kei.. ly, survives with . one uncle, S J Kelly, of Durham ACE OF CLUBS DANCE Tnere were people from a number of places in North Carolina at the dance sponsored by the Aoe of Clubs of Sanford, last Wednesday, Febru ary 3rd approximately 2,600 people were on the floor dancing. Only about 100 over coats and coats were missing when it was all over. Some have been secured and others have not. CLEBRATE FIFTY FIFTH | ‘ ' ANNIVERSARY Mra Minnie Councilman .is * visit. J ing herv bister, Mr^ R. s Phillips1; near Glendon, for two-weeks. I Mr and Mrs Phillips celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary Tues ’ day of this week. I TULLUCKS IN FLORIDA Mr and Mrs W N Tulluck, Mrs James Bridges and son, James, Jn,1 left this week for Florida, where they will visit Mr and Mrs Bill Tul luck at Homestead, Fla,, two weeks. JONESfiORO GRANGE The Jonesboro Grange will meet Thursday evening, February 28th, I at the Grange Hall All members are urged to be presbnt as there are many things of inteerst to come up. A special program is being planned. I • CARD OF THANKS The family of S J Kelly wish to' thank -every one for their kindness and sympathy during the sickness and death of their relative Toy M Kelly, S J Kelly and family 909 Spruce Street, Durham StThomaa Episcopal Church Rev F Craighill Brown, rector Sunday, Feb 21, second Sunday in Lent; 8PM Sunday school, 4PM evening prayer and sermon The public is oordially invited ■ Jut^ge C L Williams will speak on -patriotic themes at Steele Street M E church Sunday, at 11 o'clock j H«m of Mr ud ;■ Mr* # M Bolt ' . Mr* Vf. M Holt was hostess San., day. to luemU.*ra pf Mr Holt's family, the occasion being the birthday an. njvorsary of Mr Holt and their at. tractive little - daughter, Ann, who celebrated her first birthday on St Valentine's -Day .A delicious three course menu was served, the dining table being centered with a lovely White birthday cake decorated with lighted tapers Following dinner Mr and. Mrs D McL Holt presented little Ann Holt a sterling eilveg.tea spoon which was owned by her great great grandparents and was one of a 'set of silver brought over from Scotland, and is thought to be over cue hundred and sevenEjh^fiva years sojoyingjaie dftightfol ' oc casion were Mr flfiMlrjkrs • D Met, Holt, HealMrs B- D 'BaHcr, Mr and*Mrg J B Faireloth and children, of RoSeboeoy and Bob ert Currie, of Broadway Dinner Bri^SP On Monday evening at her home here Mrs K L Robertson entertained at dinner honoring1 the birthday an niversary of her husband ■ The living room in which guetta were entertained was attractively decorated with a profusion of spring flowers, including spirea, forsythia and jonquils Guests were seated at small tables which were beautiful iy appointed carrying out the George Washington motif of red, white and blue Small white vases tied with line ribbon and filled with red gera ilium and fern formed the central decorations for the four tables ar ranged for dinner Three course dinner was served to sixteen guests Following dinner bridge was enjoy ed foa* several hours High score award for ladies, a fruit set, was awarded to Mrs R R Knight, and cards were awarded Mr Knight fox; scoring high for men Mans Raymond a vase of flowerts for Mrs Watson Hostess to Bridge Club Mrs W G Watson was cordial hos tess to members of her bridge duly and two additional guests, Mrs Floy O'Connell and .Mrs E B Watson,^ 'entertaining Tuesday vvening at her home on Lee street j he living room in which the tables were arranged for bridge, was taste fully decorated with spring flowers and potted plants The place cards, table appointments and refreshments attractively carried out the George Washington color motif of red, white and bine I At the conclusion of the games Mrs Way Ion Blue was awarded hose ha., holder of club high score and Mrfl Ployd O'Connell .received a pic ture as winner of visitors high score The travelers prize went to Mrs W M Arnold and the low score award to Miss Myra Godfrey During the social hour Mrs Wat., son served a delicious salad course with coffee During the games a refreshing iced drink with salted nuts were servod TEL Class Meeting Members of the TEL Class of the Baptist church were entertainer! Monday evening at the home of Mrs Chas Bullock with Mrs O V Turner, joint hostess ; Following the devotional Mrs Vic... j tor Rice, president of the class, pre sided over the business session dur ing which plans were made for beau i tifying the church lawn Vhere was a large attendance of members eac h j bringing some articles of fancy work to be sold to increase their class funds ! At the conclusion of the meeting | the hostesses served cream and cake Duncan M St Clair left this from ing for Chapel Hill where he becomes a Linotype operator in the Oranges Print shop Mr C L Rynolds, who was for sev eral years manager of the Egyp Farm, at Cumnock, has bought the j A A Dalrymple place on Upper Little^ River, where he will have a farm conducted along with his other busi- ' fc '^SOCIAL CALENDAR Frkt»y,,jFeUruary/l9, 3:80 P M Friday Contract c._, ..... Dan Mitt thews. Monday; February 22, 3 P M Circles of the First Baptist ch«rch: Circle No 2 Mrs T J Brook*. CiAe No 3 Mrs J L Stewart Ciiyle No 4 Mrs J T Davenport Me No 5 Mrs T E King. No 6 Mrs W R Hart ness Auxiliary of Steele Street Method htt'church, at the churchy . February 23rd, .3 r4 5 ord Literary Club with Mrs Wilkins. M ria Club, Mrs Lynn Ferry. PENDERGRASS ILL is of Mr J C ? Pendergrass to know that he is ill at hie home. Sanford, Route 3u All -htojfm WlT. Pendergrass a speedy i of The Methodist Church No 1 met with Mrs S^T and Mrs G G Dorsett at the the former. Mrs Ingram, -—» presided, and conducted *" :^^»otionah* . Piftteen members * ansVrtnred the roll calL, During the ! meeting plans were made to ^jron “The Old Madis Conven_ | VaniLa extract is being sold I by circle to raise fund&, ! M Reeves conducted •- the I studjr^pcurse, after which, the hos_ • tesses «erved a sweet course. « I <3r5 with Mrs Charlie Lano, with 14 present Mrs L A Me IVer presided and conducted the de votional. Mrs Mcltec and Mrs R! E Tally read articles on medical mis! sions. The hostess served straw be r ry shortcake and coffee. Presbyterian Church Circles. The circles of the Presbytrian church met Monday at the following homes with “Undiscovered Neigh bors Home" as topic for study. Circle No 1—Mrs G H Oliver with nine present. Mrs Gordon Riddle, chairman, presided Miss Addie St Clair presented the leaflet and Mrs Edwin Donnell, Bible teacher. The hostess served ice cream and Circle No 2 —With Miss Mary Frances Underwood and Mias Susan j ritan jojnt hostesses. Miss Helen Rosser, chairman, presided. Miss Kathferine Monroe presented the leaflet and Mrs E C Heins, Jr., was Bible teacher. The hostesses served strawberry shortcakte and cufiv-e Circle No 3 met with M--s J II O Briant with is present. Mrs G B Kimrey, chairman, presided Mrs R E Bobbitt led the dfevotional and Mrs A G Caj-tgr was Bible teacher. The hostess served sandwiches, ba nana bread with cream cheese cof. fe «nd G R Wheeler There were 2 new members, Mrs ■ R Lax ton, and Mrs C W Dickens, ar two visitors, Mrs S W Allen ar Mrs B M Williams. Mrs W 0 Spence .had charge c Che social hour and staged a con test. Mrs J L Jackson was winne The hostesses served angel foo< cake topped with whipped cream pink and white mints and tea. Aid Society of Congregational Christian Church Mrs T G Proctor was hostess to the aid society of the Congestion ai Christian church Friday evening. There Were 35 present Mrs Proc. tor, hairman, presided Miss Hattie Way conducted the devotional. The committee made reports on work done and plans ware discussed for carrying on the work for next month Mrs Proctors home was beautiful ly decorated in ferns, yellow bells, pussy willows and jonquils with val dntirte napkins Congealed fruit sal ad, toasted sandwiches, fruit cake, topped with whipped cream an cof_ fee were aterve by the hostess. Mrs Paul Wicker and Mrs John Thomas will be the next hostesses TRIO GRANGE BEGAN ERECTION OF COMMUNITY HOUS$ TUESDAY The Trio Grange met Friday even ing at the home of Mr and Mrs S G Groce. Master G W Anderson was in charge. Some time was taken up in the discussion of rural electri fication and other projcts of com. | munity interest. Hie members wer« happy over the fact that the community house would be started Tuesday of this week. The lot was donated by S G Groce. The men members are doing the world The house will be at present one room 24x36. The Trio Grange wish to thank the Isen hour Brick Company for their dona tkm of 1,000 brick, and the Bordvin Brick and Tile Company for their do nation of 750 brick. The other ma terial necessary at this time will be purchased from the Sanford Sash & Blind Company^ Outside of tha above donations the house will cost $400. The ladies of the Grange made plans to serve the Rotary and Kiwan is clubs Tuesday of this wveek, the proceeds to be applied to the build mg fund. Personal Mention ■ Mra C H Porter end little daugh. ter, Marlene, and Mra Mixes Porter have returned from Sampson eetttt.. -26 t>, where they viaited S. B . Porter., ■ ::i Mr and Mrs L H Grumpier tt»»t - Sunday in dopeboro with Mr Grume ler's mother, Mrs Lula Grumpier. - . Miss Jean Lane, of Durham apeitt the'week end with her father, Mr W < C Lane . . Mrs N A McEachera, of St Paul, spent the week end with her amt, ,, Miss Jennie Gilmore, and gistar, Mrs ' Dan B King.. ■. , . ; Miss Frances Wilkina. of .Candor, ' spent the week end at home She . was aoompanied by Mias Katharine Sullivan.. - Miss Charlie King, who la ing at Four Oaks, spent the end with her mother, Mra A A ! era, and sister, Mrs Neill A Csta Mrs J T Drane, of Sanford, BS, is spending much of her time Sanford ith her daughter,- Mia T Poe, on Washington street. Missee Leslie and Sallis Stew art. nf Rnloicrh. nnfcnt *Re> Hff with their mother, lire. M D art. Mrs Will Fields hu returned to her home from Lee County Hospital where she Is recuperating frown aa appendix operation, Mjts K 1, ocymourand Mrs H B. Conder are visiting T L Bow'sra in Miounia, Fla. Mr Elmo Smith, of Mullins, S C, who is a patient at Duke Hospital, is improving. Mrs Smith is visit ing her sister, Mrs J It Ingram, while he is there. Mrs G Palmer will leave for her home., in Timmonsville, S C. Friday after a two weeks visit with Mrs J B Ingram. Mrs H W Silverman and Utile daughter, Rebecca Ann, of Nash ville, Term., are visiting Mrs C V Mullins on Hawkins Avenue, A B Cox is in Waits Hospital, Dag ham, recuperating from an appendix operation AN ORDINANCE CLEARING At its meeting Tuesday night the Boa"d of Aldermen passed e resolu tion requiring the sidewatks on Carthage street from the intersec tion of Moore and Endor streets to It “‘cleaned up" and cleared up all obstructions for a distance of 14 feet back from the city property line This is done to make the new postoffice on Carthage street more accessible to the patrons of the of fice This will prolUhly interfere with the present operations of sev eral filling stations and the bus sta Jtion between the intersection of Steele and Endor streets In order to "give property owners on Carth age street an opportunity to make the necessary changes in the next few weeks the ordinance will go into effect the first of May The bps station will prubably be moved to some other part of town where it will have more room SCHOOL FACULTY ATTEND REGIONAL meeting The superintendent, supervisors and teachers of the Sanford High -thool and Melver school attended the regional meeting held at Elerbe Saturday. The schools of several counties were represented. Those attending were very much impressed With the worn being done at the Elerbe schook. Miss Margaret John, principal of the Melver school, spoke for the Sanford t..! ools as a d others for thetr rerpe; .w, schools. Those from Sanford who attended were Superintendent George ft Wheeler, E I; Smith, Principal of the nigh school, Miss M-.rgan-t John, Principal of Melver scl.oil Misses Addie and Josephine St Clair, Mar garet Nister, Helen Johnson, Kate McKeman, Elnor Covington, Fannie Johnson, Ma.} Addie Whit*, Kuty Weeks, Me,h ues J u Gunter, Mat tie Kiggsbee, C C Cheek, Carl Stout, Hood, HarwatW C Lane, and Mr Sanders. FLEMING PRODUCE ENLARGES QUARTERS The Fleming "Produce Company has taken over the room recently oc upied Mrs K L Baldwin and thrown it together with theit- room and have made an attractive and inviting grocery store. Mr. Fleming has been doing m good business and is gradually build ing up his stock? of goods.