W. R. Williams Enters' Race For Mayor According )U> Announcement Mayor Wilkfcu Will Not Be to The R»ce For Re-Election— Ten Gundldates Out For Aldermen, M SoLeverette AUtf Announces Himself a Candi date For Mayorohrp. Another bimwial municipal dec., tdon is just around the corner aiAi tile prognosticators are husy Some surprises have been sprung in the Campaign during the past few days. The people of the towrf and even aome of his close friends were not prepared to team that W- R* WiL. * liama had made up his mind to exl. her the race for mayorship of the town He had discussed the matter with citizens of the town and had .received enconuragement orf all sidas to enter the race. He finally made his formal announcement last Monday, and since that time many citizens of the towrt have called at hia office or met him on the streets . and pledged their support. Should Mr. Williams be elected mayor, he Will be no stranger to the duties of Mr. Williams has sprved u mayor of the town three consecutive terms, from 1927 until 1933. Barfks Wilk 4ns succeeded him that year, since which time hh has held the cdjfjieet pmw closing , his second teim. To the surprise of the people of the .town, Mr. Wilkins Will Mot be a can - didate to succeed himself as mayor. He made his decision to not run the first of the week. A statement giv ifigr the reasons why he will Mot ask for the office again will be found in another colnmn of this paper, Many objectives were put over urMer . hi« administration and he retires ■ from the office with the town in a prosperous condition. , He succeeded orte of the : best mayors the town has ever had. Wil liams always manifested a deep in ternet in. every project .that Was put forward, for this upbuilding and ad vancement of the towtf In. fact, he had the initiative to create ami put over projects. If elected he will per .mit no grass to grow under his feet, It now appears that there will he only two candidates in this race for mayor, Williams, and M'-S Leve^ ettee, the latter having beta flfst tp announce himself for the office. Mr Leverette, who has madt^-hla homsfjn Sanford only a few y*are„io favorably , known to the ppopte of the town H* SB-*, itadTiitfieh j»nd idghly esteem ed by his friends tta?d';»Sig^bora Ten candidates have' aimouncedtheiii selves for the office of aldermen' In the several wards. Following are E. their artnouncements: FOR ALDERMAN - I hereby announce my candidacy for alderman from the Fifth ward in tjxc Town' election May 4th. Your vote and support will be greatly ap preciated. STACY A. LOVE. FOR ALDERMAN , *1 am a candidate for re-election aa Alderman from the Third Ward, f will appreciate your influence and TOte in the Town election May 4, J. C. GREGSON it % FOR ALDERMAN I will be a -candidate for Alder man from the Fourth Ward Your Support, and influence will be deeply ^appreciated. R. a HARTNESS -!| FOR ALDERMAN ;; ■■■ I hereby announce myself a can. &date for alderman from the Thirt Ward. I will appreciate your vote aiM Bupportl If elected X will worl Dor the interest of the people to th< best of my ability. JOHN D. WICKER. FOR ALDERMAN I am a candidate for re-electior -as alderman from the First Ward and will appreciate your vote an« influence. H M. UNDERWOOD FOR ALDERMA I Hereby a trounce .that I am i candidate from the Third Ward, ii the municipal election May 4 I shal appreciate your influence and sup. port. _ J. T LEDWELL FOR ALDERMAN I will be a candidate for ..re-elec, tlorf as Alderman from the Fourtl Ward in the Town election, May. A will appreciate your vote and activi support. E. Wi. FIELDS FOR ALDERMAN I will be a candidate for aldextnai from the First Ward in the tow ■election May 4th, arid will sincere!: appreciate your ote and active sup port H. Me WAGONER. FOR ALDERMAN I will be a oandidate for re..dec tion as Alderman from the Secon Ward in the town election, May 4tl arid will sincerely appreciate yoi support. Wt H. FITTS. FOR ALDERMAN I wish to announce that I am dandkjate for 'Aldbrman from tt / MRS C. C. THOMAS Funeral service for Mr*. C.- C. Thomas, who died at her home near ‘ Jonesbro, March 29th, were held Wedi&sday at 8:00 at Shallowell1 Congregational Christian church con.. ■ ducted by the pastor, Rev F. Erwir. Hyde, pastor of the church. Inter ment was in the church cemetery. Mrs, Thornes was well fcnowd in this section and was one of the most j beloved women in the community.] She was the oldest member of the' missionary society of the church and always took ai l active part in the services until she fell several! years ago and suffeerd a broken' hip which was the cause of her death. '* , Surviving are seven sons: Robert, Jones, Stacy, J C., Oscar and Agiter Thomas, all of Jonesboro, route 2; J K Thomas, of Florence, S. C and one daughter, Mrs Hubert Clark,, Durham ORANGE PRESBYTERY MEETS AT MEBANE The spring meeting of Orange Pihsbytery will be held at Mehane next week, will open' Tuesday morning1 at H o'clock, and the mod erator's sermon will be delivered at that hour by Rev J S Jones, pastor of the Cross Roads church in Orange county, Mr K E Seymour will be the delegate from Buffalo, Mr C L £ole, from White Hill, Mr f P Gilliam, from Pocktet, J Martin* Willcox, from Euphronia, Rec C N Morrison, from the Buffalo group, Rev W A Pate, from the Jonesboro group, Rev A V Gibson, from Sanford group, and E M Underwood as delegate*. NOTICE OF CONSERVATION ALLOTMENT. Mr E, O McMahan, County Dem onstration Agent, spent Tuesday in Raleigh arranging the conservation allotment program for the fanners of Lee county ^for this year Mr. McMahan and his force of assistants will begin at once sending out state raents to the farmers. ; - Fifth WawL Tour support will be highly appreciated. ^ A. M. HARRINGTON , tg • ' , ■ ■ s I hereby announce my candidacy for Mayor of the Town of Sanford. Your support and vote in the Town election, May 4th, will be sincerely appreciated. M. a LEVERETTE. All the present members of the board of aldermen are candidates to succeed themselves on the board. They are E M Undterwood, J C Greg son, W H Fitta, A M Harmigton, arid E W Field®. Candidates are out against all aldermen except W H Fitts, in the second ward. Some of the Candida the are making a house to house canvas so as to embrace or include the ladies as well as the men. There arts ben candidates in the race for adermen,an* average of two to every ward It is reported that some of the candidates for aid ermen are promising their constitu ents that if they will vote for them they will see that their water rates are reduced*, It is said that there are now no dirty faced children in Sanford. Their faces are kfept clean by the osculation of the candi dates , SUNNING ON HIS RECORD Sanford, N C., April 5, 1937 To the Voders of the First Ward:— I am again asVing your support for alderman from our Ward. I have served you faithfully and, 1 hope, efficiently, for a number of years, always looking to the best interest of our town and that of the taxpayer* I have not always been able to do everything that you thoughtl possibly might be done, but under existing conditions as I saw them I have done what I conBcienti ously believed^ to be for rite best and it has usually' proven correct On my record and the experience of years I am asking your vote I sin... eerely appreciate the splendid sup... port you have given me hetetoforr and hope that you will do so mgairx If I do not get to see you before the election on May 4th, please con., •idfcr this letter a personal solicita tion of your vote. Thank you. Yours very truly, E. M. UNDERWOOD STATEMENT FROM MAYOR WILKINS > I am definitely out of the race for ‘ Mayor. My decision has been made after serious thought over a period Of several week*. For four years 1 have given the better part of my time and energy to matter* of inter est to the town ,and I am very - grateful to my friends for their co.. * operation with me, the Board of Aid * ermen, and city employtoes, in our el f forts to serve yea end make out town a better plaoethriwhich. to livei To .the governing' body* «f our town; I pledgb my fu5“llh<! Continued co. , operation. e W. BANKS WILKINS. REGISTRARS AND POLL HOLDERS APPOINTED Be It Resolved by the Board of -Aid ermen of the Town of Stanford: Notice is hereby given that under and< by virtue of the provisions con tained in the Charter of the Town* of Sanford, and under and by virtue of the provisions contaii/ed in the gen eral Ejection* laws of the State of North Carolina, a municipal elec - tion is hereby called and will be held in the town of Sanford, from sun - rise to sunset, on Tuesday,, the 4'th day of May, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, for the purpose of elect ing the Mayor of the Town of San ford^ electing one member of the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Sanford from each of tlhe five wards ^ of the town And for the purpose of holding andj conducting said election, the fol1 lowing polling places, registrarsJ and judges of election are hereby i designated and appointed. First Ward polling plade: Lee Mo_* tor Ccmpany; registrar, Mrs. W. H Walker, judge of election, Ralph Monger; Judge of election, Wallace Mclvei. Second Ward polling place, HuckL an‘s Service Station; registrar, Mrs. D D Riddle, judge of eelciior^Jjloward Spivey^ l Third Ward Polling place, Me Iver^ Furniture Co.; registrar, Mrs a J G Formy..Duvall; judge of election, G H Wilkie judge of election ;B B Fore Fourth Ward polling place: Sanlee Chevrolet Company; RegSnstrar, W W Cunningham, judge of election, Mary Belle Buchanan, judge of election*, A F McIntosh. Fifth Ward polling pdace, Town Hail; registrar Mrs S T Ingram; Judge of election, J. A. Foushee; Judge of election, Leonard Tally j. Be»it further resolved, that the Chiu# of Police of the tbwn of San ford . within two days, serve a #opy of this notice on* each regist - rar and each judge of election nam ed in said notice; the Town Clerk post copy of tfcis notice at two puh lie places in each of the Five Wards of the Town of Sanford for Hot less than ten days prior to auh election He it further resolved that at least ten days notice be given in two pub lice places in each of the Five wards of the Town of Sar/ford of a regis tration of voters in and for such wards, specifying the time, places and names of the registrars so that the persons may register to vote in such election. FAIRVIEW DIARY ENLARGED Thte Fairview Dairy has been' en larged and the new section will be used for manufacturing ice cream, } The room which was recently vacat ed by the seond A & P Store, which' opened on Carthage srtreet, a few j months ago, is being fitted up for an ice cream parlor which will be run by the dairy. BIG MOGUL ROLLS MAJESITCALLY ALONG It is interesting to see long | freight trains pull through Sanford over the Seaboard Air Line Railway, j including some times as many as 100 cars,fulled by a big mogul engine or a coupte of smaller engines. The two small engines, puff, blow and jerk, and look like they have more than they can carry and an . tempt ed to stop and rest, while the big en gine, almost htalf as long as a city block, rolls majestically along with its tremendous load of freight and looks as if it were not half trying. One sdes in* that mogul strength and power, the thing that calls for all the admiration of his soul. These material things remind one of the strength an'd power of some great man that stands head and shoulders above those around him Intellectu ally he pulls the heavy loads and solves the great problems. TIMBER FOR SALE AT AUCTION Located 4 miles east of St Paul, on the Johnson Place, fine lot of pine timber, between six and seven hundred thousand, mostly original growth. Sixty thousand maple; four hunded fifty thousand gum; fif ty-five thousand feet of poplar; three hundred sixty five thousand ! feet fine cypress^ Railroad an\l highway on the place. ’ Time of sale,April 9th, 3PM Place of Bale, on the farm. Terms cash. Don’t miss this sale. Will be on the plac)e all day Tuesday, the 6 th. . J a LAYTON, Owner, LiUington, N. C Poreh swirgR, parch chairs, double cane and slot seat chains, mattress es and pillows, refrigerators orAi oil stoves Make living more pleasant. I Mrs J G Farmy-Duvall has return Ied from West Jefferson, where she spent three weeks with her daught er, Mrs Carlos Thomas 23028 POUNDS OF PQUl/TRY SOLD SINCE FIRST OF JANUARY The poultry businless since the first of the year has been unusually good at this place The prices and volume both were above the average The sale last Saturday amounted to 3363 pounds and the receipts to taJed $G35L'2l Sixty-nine farmers had poultry on the market. This brings the total for 3 months uj^o 23028 pounds, that sold for $3,400.76 435 farmers and farm women patronized thes6 fine sales These figures show what is being done in the poultry lii/e in the coun ty this season. This money comes in at a good time as the farmer's wives and daughters are now buying their spring dresses, hats and other GEORGE F STEWART George F. Stewart ,of Chapel Hill, died fit the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Sparrow, Monday, last, after a few days '‘illness of pneumonia. The body was brought to the home of his mother, Mrs M D Stewart, on Hawkin's Avenue, Tuesday, where the funeral was held Wednesday at 4 P. M Dr R E Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church, conducted the services He was assisted by Rev Mn. Morris, of Carr boro. Mrs. W. H White- sang “Shadows” In_ barmen was at Cool Springs Baptist church cemetery Pallbearers were: Lynn Adcock, Jack Cheek, Charlie Seagroves, Gar land Perry, S Baldwin and Roy McGinnis. George S tewart was the son* of the | late M D and Mrs Stewart, and was' bora in Lee county. He was a con_ tractor and a member of the Bap tist churcl* Surviving are hie mother, Mrs. M D Stewart, of Sanford, his widow, who before marriage was Miss Ai/nie Sparrow; one son,/Harold Stewart, _eigiht sistera, Misses Lessie and Sal., lie Stewart, of Raleigh; Mrs Marvin J Thomas an'd Miss Katie Stewart. Sanford; Mrs Carl Buchanan, of Broadway; Misses Alma and Vera Stewart, Rock Hill S C; Miss Edn'a Stewart, Charlotte; and D D Stew, art, U.,S A Montgomery, Ala- . tended the funeral were: Mr and Mrs W D Stewart, Montgomery, Ala; Misses Margaret Cox and Net Whitworth, Charlotte; Mr and Mrs Sam Sparrow, Louise Sparrow, Mn anti Mrs Ernest Sparrow, Mrs Edd Roberson, Mr Ferrell, Miss Daisy Perkins, Mr and Mrs Charlie Mar_ tindale, John and , Paul Sparrow, Miss Margaret Wamble Earlie Worn ble, Mr and Mrs Fred Sparrow, Mr and Mrs Jack Cheek, Mr and Mrs Doil Lowe, Mr and Mrs Seaton Black wood, Mrs Ben Trigg, Miss Lottie Blackwood, Dawey Merritt, Mrs Tom Kennedy, W J Hunter, Clyde Witt, Lacy Carson, Dr B B Lloyd, and Mr and Mrs G S Baldwin, of Chapel Hill. LOCAL RED CROSS CONTRIBUTIONS TO FLOOD SUFFERERS W W Robards, chairman Lae Coun ty Chapter American Red Cross, stated today that the sum of $1,247. 20 was contributed through the lo_ cial chapter for the relief of suffer... era in the recent floods in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, in addition to clothing and supplies dotted by local merchants and citizens. This was valued at approximately $150. According to the latest advices from the national headquarters of the Red Cross more than $23,000,... 000 has been contributed for the re . lief of those who were affected by the floods More than 1,300,000 per sons “received emergency assistance during the flood period, | According to a recfet.t statement by Admiral Cary T Grayson, chair man of the Red Cross ,the organiza | tion is now entemig the second and more lasting phase of flood work— • that of rehabilitation of 214,792 families whose homes and personal property were damaged—in many cases ruined by high water, j Admiral Grayson stated that assist ance was being rendered on the basis of n'eed, rather than on the stand point of losses. Although a person may have suffered heavy in the dis aster, if his or her financial condi - tion is such that they can star.*! the loss, it is not a proper applicant for lkjlief, however if their resources are limited and funds can not be borrow ed o<r otherwise secured it becomes the respoiubility of the Red Cross to assist the person in getting reestab I lished in their homes and occuations | Already families repiresenting 966, i 564 persona have registered for as ' Instance frof the Red Cross in get ting reestablished in their homes and occupations following their tragic* experiences. Admiral Grayson statqjp that the Red Cross is very grateful for the gerierous an'd quick response to the qal for assistance for the residents in the fooded territory SOCIAL NEWS IAL CALENDAR Friday, A.piril 9th, 7:30 Joint meeting of Missionary and Aid Satiety of Congregational church 'at the home of Mrs C C ■Saturday, April 10, 3:30 Sanford Music Club at the home of MtS W M Kelly, with Miss ArUie ^hite as joV.t hostess. Monday, Airil 12, 3:30 Wouunn Missionary Society of First Baptist church at the c{lOR$. ' Monday, April 12th, 8PM Circles of Presbyterian church. Circle No 1—Mrs W F Chears Circle No £f—Mrs J W Russell Circle 3—Mre Jones Harring Circle No 4—Mrs C G Hatch Circle Ni 5—Mrs S J Huskt-th Circle NO 6—Mrs W H Gurley Circle *Sb 7—Mrs L R Sugg Circle NO 8—Mrs H G Wreiii Circle Ne 9—Mrs F L Knight xnonaay, Apra Circles of Steele Street Methodist Church 8 Cirete Nd 1—Mrs W L Seawell, with,Mrt*|M E Blaylock as joint joini hostess. Circle No t, Mrs Garland Corrin Circle Ni^ 3—M ns W L JeWell, with Mr»7;M H Newiin as join't -4r hostess >>4 Circle No jl Mrs—B Cole 7:30 Monday, ! 2th Circle N»^> with Mrs James Bridges at the home of Mrs W M Tulluck Tuesday, April 13th, 3:45 Opfen meeting of the Sanford Literacy ^3ub at the home of Miss Margaret Lasater FriAgy 4Contradt Club The. Friday toi/cract club met Fri day evening of . last week with Mra Dan Matthews A Shte had as guests Mesdanfcs J «]*£ Holland, Wade B Jones, Dudley ; Dell and William May. C Mrs C H Porijer won the club high score prize and Mra Wade Jones the guest prize*. EJach were presented potted plant*., 4| The hostess served a salad course, MrsJ W Russell with be the next hostess'* ' • u W ' f Junior Music Chib t Misses Margaret ’ Simmons aiAl of the Junior Music Club at thehiome of the former. Oficers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, Mias Jane Rush Vice president, Miss Margaret Sim mons Treasurer, Miss Edna Britt Secretary, Miss Miriam Stout, Accompanist, Miss Lelia Wheeler Parliamentarian, Zelda O’Neal, Reporter, Miss Sarah Miiler Chairman of the program commit tee Miss Nettie Reeves. A program of Irish songs were given after which the hostess served a salad course FISH FRY Blaster Monday Mr F B Harkey gave a fish fry] and picnic dinner at his private pond honoring relatives home for Easter. Those enjoyir/g the occasion were Mr and rMs F B Harkey, Mr and Mrs Wilson Harkey, Misses Estaline, Carrie Lee and Juanita Harkey, Mrs Florence Winfree, Mr and Mrs C E Campbell, and Charles and Eva Mae Campbell, of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Whitsell, of High Point; aird Mr and Mrs Russell Tay or and their children, Matgaret Estele and Elizabeth, of Lillington. MONROE-JOHNSON Announcement has been" receiver of the marriage of John Stewar' Monroe aii.l Miss Estelle Johnson, which took place December 18th. Mrs. Moi.'.oe ,who lives in Pitts goro, is teaching* at Aberdeen, and will be in Sanford after school closes Mr. Monroe, who has lived in San foixi all of his life, is operating a transfer business. They have the best wishes of tiheir many friends SANFORD HARDWARE CO. The Sanford Hardware Company, a new concern', opened for business at the stand formerly occupied by Harris-Makepeace Hardware Co., on Steele stitet, this week. The busi ness is in charge of R B Wicker, and John H Kennedy, Jr. The new con cem bid in the stock of the Harris Hake peace Hardware Company, which was sold at public auction some three weeks ago by the receiv er, Mr S V Scott. As the bid was not raised, the Court confirmed the sale. The new company is composed of I Messrs O P Makepeace, J H Ken... | nedy, of Cumnock, and others. BROADWAY i. * Debate. Lai»c a . «; .ening the triangU.. lar debate was held with the nega tive team from Coats meeting Broad way affirmative team here. The query was: Resolved, that Govern ment should own and operate all* elec trie power and light plants and utili ties John Langdoi; and Zora Bright Hockaday. upheld the negative and Doris Burgess and NellieKjelly, af firmative. Both sides offered some good points and debated with unusu al ease and skill. However, the spleiAlid delivery of the carefully prepared speeches influenced the judges to decide in favor of the af firmative. On the same night the negistive team from Broadway debated the af firmative team from Ben Haven at Ben Haven and lost to the affirma tive them The school and oommuniy are proud of the splendid work these de baters have done this year. Much ci£dit is due them as well as their trainers Auxiliary Announcement The WotuiK/u Missionary Society of the Methodist church will meet next Monday evening at the home of Mrs Laura Thomas. All member* are urged to be present Visitors are always welcome, . P T A Announcement The last meeting of the Parent Teach Association for the current year will be held next/ Thursday ev ening in the school auditorium, Qf.._ fleers for the next year will be elect ed at this meeting Every one is in vited to attend, Junior-Senior Banquet The Junior class of Broadway High School entertained the geniorg at a banquet in the gymnasium Sat urday evening The gym, had been converted inVo a huge ship The ef fect of a ship was carried <m^> it* decorations and table' appointments; Also, each guest was given a sailors cap to wear through the acting as toastmaster the following program was carried out during the banquet: Welcome—Cecil Welcome—Cecil Thomas. To the Shore Going Crew—Mabel Thomas When My Dream Boat Cmoes Home (Song) Beulah Lee Thomas. To our Officers—Gladys Thomas To the Sailing Crew—Mr J M Smith Three for Jack—(song)—Marvin Smith. To the Oncoming Crew—Forest Steverte To the Shore Crew —The Mascota To Our Captain—Harold Badgett Sail—Mr. Taylor The menu consisted of: Fruit Cocktail Chicken Salad Cheese Straws String Beans Potato Chips Deviled Eggs Rolls Butter Tomato Salad Iced Tea Ice Cream Cake Attending the gUests as waiters ai.'d waitresses were Jim Pittman, head waiter; Nancy Sheppard, Ber tha Kelly, Mary Elizabeth Rosser, Cleron Hunter, Floyd Thomas, Louis Taylor, Robert Dalrymple. Visitors besides the seniors were, Mr and £frs J„H Taylor,, Mr and Mrs J M Smith, Miss Neoll, Mr. Currie, Mias Stroud, Miss Pate, Mr and Mrs Hal Thomas, and the mw? cots, Wally Bowenman an*d Grace Kelbj. ! miss lieuian Harrington, a stu dent at Thompson Memorial Hospit al, Lumberton, spent last week end with her parents, Mr an‘d Mrs D O Harrington Mrs Jee Monroe, of Jonesboro, spent last Wednesday with Mrs G M Harrington . Mrs Clifton* Bell returned to her home in Washington, D C., Sun day following a week’s visit at the home of her mother, Mrs Laura Thomas. She was accompanied by Mrs J G Thomas, who will vist her for a while Misses Mary Elizabeth Shaw re turned to school it W C U N C Sun day after spending; the spring va cation at home here. Mr E H Lasater, of Erwin, spent Saturday at the home of hia brother, Mr W B Lasater. Mrs D W McDuffie, of Jackson Springs, spent the past two weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs Net..* tie McLearv | Miss Mary Frances Lasater, of l Greenlaboro, spent three days last week atl the home of her parents. LOCAL BRIEFS It is not yet known just when the lew Post-office will open for service if the town* and section. The boxes lave been received and are ready tc )e installed, but some other equip nents have not arrived. Some ol the funiture and fixtures have been rfaced by postoffice clerics. The thunder cloud and heavy rain Monday afterrfoon reminded one ol the hot, mkb-summer season. The' brilliant display of electricity follow ed by heavy peals of thunder was more than a gentle reminder of the approach of hot weather. The rain is another back set to farmers who have hardly made a start toward pre paring to pitch their crops. ( The Lee Furniture Company build ng which will be converted into a iry goods stocrfe, ant occupied by Avertt, Thomas and Jones, is being prepared for the stock. Carpenters !>ave been at work building shelves imf tables for the past few weeks uAl wiM soon have everything ready o receive the stock. The firm hopes to commence moving by the 15th of his month, an| be ready to open he store to the trade by the first of May. Other concerns who have rented the upper floors, will soon be ' novmg in so as to serve the public. This paper ia informed that some! >f the farmers of this section have ost about all their tobacco plants, 'rotn the first beds that they put Hit, and have put out new beds with n the past week or ten days. Should hey get the points from the last >eda put out vfill mean late tnbac. *o which is always of an' inferior grade. Some of the tobacco brought to the local market last fall was of & late crop and was hardly worth gathering, grading and hauling tq the market. About the only thing that it will do is to lower the aver age price. 1 l$n. and Mrs W H Whi%i expect to leave $aturday, April 10th, for San Antonia, Texas, to attend the national convention of the Jefferapn Standard Life Insurance Company, The trip also Includes two days in Blonterary, Mex. Mr White is mak in the trip af a guest of the offciale of hia company, having qualified foi ncjs8~1ie wrote dun tion period. JSince Mr White be came agent of the Jefferson Stand ard Insurance Company at this pla^, the volume of business which went to his credit has entitled him to many annual tripe to distant points. The posts which carried No. 421 Boon'e Trail—have been taken up from the Chatham stgeet intersec., tion of Charlotte Avenue ot the Sanford Milling Company plant and have been transferred to the new sec tiorf of Boone Trail which extends from the tobacco warehouses on Wicker street by way of the Sear board underpass, connecting with the Boone Trail road this side of the Court House This will make il easier for people to travel over Boone rail through Sanford as il Is a direct route through the town, We understand two or three short lengths of this route through San ford will be hard surfaced this spring, the old gravel and tar sur face having been taken’ up last fall Little other than’ routine business? was transacted by the County Com., tnissioners at the Courthouse last Monday. Dr J I Neal was again appointed to vaccinate dogs in the county this year as a protection against hydrophobia, as was done last year It would be interesting to know how many people in the county complied with this law Iasi yeax by 'having their dog vaccinat ed. Several citizens of the county called on the board and made com. plaint about the dogs killing theii chickens anVl turkeys. If people are not willing to feed their dogs they ought not to have them. They should be required to pay the dam ages when they destroy their neigh bors property. Marriage Announcement. Mr and Mrs. Hugh Martin Monroe anrtounce the marriage of their daughter Ruth to Ma. John Pleasant McMichael Modnay, April 5th, nineteen hundred thirty-seven', Sanford, North CarolinJa. At home after Aj>ril 16th, 1363 W 4th St, Winston,Salem,N.C. Mr and Mrs W B Laaater She had as her guesta Misses Edith and Ann Nelson, of Greensboro. Friends ol Mary* Frances will be pleased t< ktftw that she has sufficiently recm ered from here recent operation t< be able to take up her work again. ..JONESBORO NEWS. ' Bridge Club Hostess. MrsWM Holt delightfully enter tained membars of the Merry Go Round Bridge Club at her home on* Lee street, Monday evening The living room in which three tables ware placed for contract, was attractively decorated in spring flowers. When scores were added Mrs Seth Cox deceived a box of dusting pow der as high score award and Mrs Albert White received to Bet access ories as low score At the conclusion of the games, A vent,arAi Miss Myra Godfreys very Avent, and Mis Myra Godfrey, e«rv. ed a salad ourse and an iced drink. Those present werte Mrs W M Am old, Mrs C H Von C&nifon, Mrs W G Watson Mrs Albert White, Mm T C Black, Mrs Seth Cox, Mr» Waylpn Blue, Mrs Irving Garris, Mrs RmeSt Caddfell, Misses Vivian Avent, De^r ey Kelly ai/d Myra Godfrey ^ Claps Hotfesg Mesdames Colton Godfrey and ^ b Thomas were cof^ial hostesses to members of the Yfe&Ley I}it}le CLass of the Methodist church Thpf? day evening,entertau;ing at the hpme of Mis Thomas, on Lee street The devotional was led. by Mf* R H Mann, after which Mrs Raymond Knight, president, conducted a ness session The committee op shrub|>ery for the church lawn im ported the world completed and pa|d for in full During the social hour the hostess es served a salad course with tea. Mr and Mrs Knight Eater tain Mr and Mrs R R Knight wera hosts Saturday evening, April 3rd, at 6 o'clock dinner, the occasion* be mg their 14th wedding anniversary. The lower floor of the home wap thrown ensuite and beautifully dec orated with spring lowers. Guests found their places at small tables arranged throughout living dining room 4^ sun parlor ^ A three course dinifer w^raeiT0& ’ Knight waa assisted in s&viipp by her two little daughters^ Emma Grace and Geraldine and Mary Les lie Robertson ai*J Elizabeth Clegg Following dinner bridge was play ed or several hours. High score awards were presented R L Robert son and Mrs Si Q Kimrey Those pi<esent~Were Mr aiAi Mr*. S Q Kimrey, Mr and Mrs F R Clegg, Mr and Mrs R L Robertson, Dr send Mrs Waylon plue, Mrs N C English, of Thomasville, Mrs L B Sassey and Mrs J R Dalrymple I __ 1 Primary Exercises The primary grades, number, 1, 2, and 3, will give their annual exer cises in the school auditorium Fri_ day evening at 8 o’clock. The public is cordially invited | Dignus Club Meets j Mesdames Raymond Knight and j H 3 Roman were punt hoateas?* j Tuesday afternoon when they delight j fully entertained club members at the Dignus club house near town, j The club house was attractively deqorated for the occasion with ! spring flowers and potted plants, I The guests were cordially greeted by the hostesses and invited into the spacious living room of the club house. Mns J N Martin president, presided over the business session during which encouraging reports wtere received from each department. Mias Cornelia Simpson was pres ent and gave a most interesting dem onstration of home made cereal During the social hour a contest was put on in which Mrs Tommie Foushee won first prize and Mrs T R Knight second. At the conclusion of the program, Mrs Knight and Mrs Bowman served a salad course, Boston Brown Bread and coffee. There were 15 members and two visitors pfesenL , Belle Barnes Auxiliary Meets | The regular meeting of the Bette Barnes Auxiliary was held Monday ' evening at the church with the prea j ident, Mre J K Dalrymple, preiidlng | The program of the eveiCing wae in charge of the young women** circle under thfc direction of Mt» L j L Thomas, leader of the circle. Tfcoae taking part in thi* splendid pro gram were Misses Julia Urflderwood, Hazel Copland, Jenny Lind Bowman and Mrs Dorothy Wedell A feature of the meeting was the talk by Mrs D C l*wTence, district secretary, who gavte a most Interest ing report of her trip to Columbia, S * C, * few weeks ago. •i.i Plant) were made for a large dele.. lgati,oo to attend the annual mission ’ (Itry 9pnjTereiA:e which convenes in Fayetteville next week

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