r V I t i t 1 1 It T. ME II EDITH, ED1T0, Js D E V o T X VOL. VIII.-: .NO. 17. ( CI5IUI, UtatlCtSCfc D To n r t r ' l' ' i n CHRIST THE JOY OF HIS PEOPLE. The royennnt engagements of Jesus, his very name, Ins incarnate, his blood, his premises, l2 us id,- ' . f wceiuu, hu teem to tov to i Ti?A. - rn . J VO US, --mure. llJCy Lave introduced grand rnTirirvtrvl miK f..:L .. I easuro Is j tuuu una love. Tlij us is a trans juiv imii j iruer exrcriericel thn J.,:kj . when Cod hf s up the light of his countenance u ron a soul, jhoi-wul has U W V':e "u tiuye, wnen tiicir corn, and w me, and oil iDcrcoeci straners interaeddln m .T:" Joy, they know notl,ins of it : it rh-.l" " ' Zl ' ! ihcir-undcrstondinsr. Saints ih 1 .1 'toll it l)n I. Him ii-n-rt v, , f ... . iVt juuiuuge to cxnrctss it VU....U. vuuvt-v jio)er, views ot it tooth jof anp-cls. mood inpn nnrl n--l . : .1 i i ' ) ii, is q pleasure that liialeth not ashamed, that leaves no sdnr be hind, for it is substantial ; whilst "the hV of the iijpocnic is uot lor a moment, and the ladhtcr f Jools- is like the crackling of thorns under a pot." This holjrscnsation, increasing more and more is the 2innin;r, the pledge, the pre?anC of eternal ine saints can tell ometbinjr vCjhe happiness of the world of spirits, bylhe bliss vhich a disco very cf Divii e love curses in their souls, even in the grwtes calamltiesr Such Ws the rpplure -whicb Peter; Jarnes, auU J6hn felt, when in tl,o rrvi . - c? r!-J "win motihtof transfiSuration,Avith the Son of God and ! xar greater De the raptur e of the glorified spU rits round the throne of God and the the Lamb for ever. "That mouot bow bvight, tho-e fo msliow f.r ! Tis?;ooJ to dwell foievfir tliere; ' Comfe. death; dear eovov of my God, Am hc?v hie lo that blest abode.' Oh, let us never forget that Christ Jesus is the roper, the appointed, the only object of religious V. Whatever the t :hriKti:in rmnir me connection with him. Arc the promises the atter of his rejoicing 1 These were all made by m, are ail ratified, "are all yea and amen in insi jesus, to tne glory oi Uod by us." Is it anv unimi uicssmg it comes to us only throunh or u is unspeakable, Uinjr excited bV a nonkwn ' Jocs,'hc itfj.ilr "u.y.unost; he lioi. of Cpd. UDipMkoMe cift 8 it S. Ml 4 ' '2! i iSiTA' l is feehngs Mch are T!.crcisare;Wnn,:.::.. - T ;: c, uy u,e Lnowledae and lov nf v i . i i . ' v uu ti n ano a scon- i irui" is not n fctoic Jn ir , date tnrnirh; butt he iov nn.,.nH,u L.,n.:. . WlC mtnsibihty-inotcsno the subject of it anrwf fr.,li i i ., ur uocs cicJusiely consi: iiuppmess , it is glory rx-uu telow j tyaajind of lirst-fruits of the new life, which veM plnck from .heavenly trees ia ihebin'rdom of rvWnW mediation. Oh, then, Christians, joy in God, I covering. Here was a prize! How mac whom you have now received the atonement :" I heads, how manv nisml nr xhr.t . tjjoice, ana pe exceeamor glad, lor rTeat is vour fJreird in heaven !" 4t rejoice in hopoof the glory Ood ;" 4lct j'out iohotanc,..be the. matter of 'your triumph, "though now for a season, if need be, you are in heaviness through manifold temp-; tations." While the rich man glories ia his 'riches, and the mighty man in his might, do you rather rejoice that your names ore ' written in heaven. "Declare his works with rejoicings ; go to God your exceeding joy ; with joy draw water out cf the wells of salvation j shout for joy, all ye that 6re upright in heart ; joy in God, the God of sal vation ; finally, my brethren rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice So shail the Lord your God rejoice. over you with singing, yea, rest in his love."- Rev, Thomas Spencer. EXCITEMENT. Excitement docs not constitute the Christian. Christianity is not mere excitement. In my hum ble opinion it is no less dangerous to resolve it in to a peculiar feeling, than it is to make it a mere speculation, a cold abstraction. But how many do it I . When , highly excited 1 hey seem to : th ink they have much religion, and are quite i flaming Christians ; but as the excitement dies away, they suppose that they have lost their religion. And in order to find it again, or raise it from the grave, they call into'-' requisition -a -system of powerful stiinuUfnts; without these, they are as -ihe-. ine briate without his glass, or as the sh out of wa ter. Such Christians are not like the evergreen, or the tree planted by the river of water which bring cih forth fruit in due season,' and its leaves never wither : but are plants which only arrow in ths "hot bed,-"'" mere .summer sprouts, wilted by the 1 vnrtll u,me:,l,:c;m 1 iw t!. fiti tmumnal frost. ' Thev have neither " root nor san 1 - ! . ' . .' 1 . . t ------ -- - A ta themselves. .Their religion has no internal ba sis. They live as the drone. They produce nothing in the live; they only consume. -: They are excited, whei others are. . They float oa the Undulations of tie wave of social emotion. As the cork floats in the stream, sntlip.vr drift on thn , j current of populo- feelin. Beinor mere .sail ves-; els, they can male no headway without wind and current. . lheir s is a mere Herodian religion, presence ot uod, he will frcm some meet the cold shaped according to the times. Now they are reply, I shan't be drove. After retiring fiom the quite religious, lad anon, they are very wicked, conference room where he has, with all the per When ' the time) are good, they are , good ; and . suasive arguments lie could command, endeavored vhcn times are "bad, then they are bad. AVhen to get the church to work, either to exhort or praj the south winds How, they are in the church ; but ' when the north rad blows forth, it drives them ' back to the worll as the sow to the mire, or the f kg to hist .vomit. Their religion is contracted, a : sickly excitement they love it as the tippler the intoxicating bowl,for the sensation it produces ; a mare element of sdfishness, which evaporates in lncrc eing-son. is liquid poured into a bowl vbich may all runut airain if the vessel be turn over. Is tliis Uiristianity 1 Is it not rather ultei-ation t Sucl Christians are like a sponge toturated with watci under the least pressui-e it spouts away. I It is not in them nU well of water, .springing VP into everlasting Ife. Mere excitement does " ,l constitute the Chlstian, else there would be '"e Chrbtianity hi bl rooms and theatres than 'l v.here else, Bar-Donas' and coffee houses, ' ' SSSS' ii Mi ' ' ' ' Molaler and infidels utwld be Wo, VhT- ueuiiul electrons would he ilicm. tr .. t u u6 most efficient mr?in idolater and inM.I. r. f? u"u VW o grace. , 6 , "ow mating! -the feci;, is ,ren7" den rf r " ? .e5' "3,Bt cr" 5 the ten- ireme to poict is where' lh r"ta dwells, and there is .' j r . V- On this rock V " "us- 15 "f lhe cf feciin ntense and thrilling : inr I n 01 wIjjc rv, j i'acucq m nis brrusr. Ti, v . AllU 14J losolarry. "Hi. w - Clireo nntajism,esevanc cold abstraction; as destitute of warmth as Green land ice or Alnin ... i. .. i . .. rrajiwieu obtxiad in his limrt i, tji 4fc jiiCJUUejs lx3lll jio ht i1" out the words of tl io in-m r m n andcat, but docs not consist exclusivelyiuld not Lish USr TIIE HIDDEN TREASURE v BY CHARLOTTE ELlZArlII. An affecting incident, lately told in a company where I was present, has dwelt on my tbou.hu ever since. It is highly characteristic ofthc place, the people, ood of the times that beWed to il. . ; Private intelligence havmar been received, that m a certain wild district, inhabited by the poorer class of peasants in 1, -eland, arms were collected and concealed, for unlawful purposes, a pa. ty of military were despatched lo make a sudden search m the suspected houses. Among others, they vis. lied a poor cabin, inhabited, seemingly, by very quiet, inoffensive people, where, after most careful searching, they could find to trace of what they sought, men on the point of departing one man l emarked that the rough stone w hich served a sort of health, wore the appearance of having recently been moved ; the earth about it was loose, and the stone seemed to have been hastily Lid down. This revived their suspicion, and they promptly lifted the rude flag from its place, and saw under it a parcel, carefully wrapped in some poor rin ged pike- Quantitv oi om. munition tbey had seized, was a matter c'f conW- ture, as they carefully unfolded the ragged enve- This was done, and the cantors held ia their handsrlIr1siBhTe:",,' r-.- The fact needs no elucidation everj Ixidy knows that for a poor Irishman to posses the word of God is high treason against the church cf Rome; and that any orTence given to the priesthood of that church, in a popish district, is specdiiy pun ished with the loss of the Utile all of the helpless vict im. The Bible, if discoyei ed, w ould be barn ed, drowned, buried, or thrust iuto some inacces sible corner, w hile a terrible penance would await the possessorof sucl a contraband article, auJ any resistance thereto would incur the curse of ercom munication, with ell its subsequent Urrcrs of cease less persecution and temporal ruui. 'InU uiust be avoided, if possible, by the poor --creatine who has no earthly refuge to flee to, and as yet too fee ble an appreben$3on of divine rcalilies to e;idure, cs seeing him who is invisible Still the Bible " the story o pace," as the Irish rightly call i; which has told him, in his own loved tongue, tach things as never before entered - his thoughts, to cheer him in his sad, laborious pilgriaise on earth ; the Irish Bible, once received, it is bard, ve-1 ry hard, to give up. And so the trembling pos sessors looked around their poverty-stricken abode, and finding uo place where it might rest secure from the prying gaze of bigoted enmity, they take up the single stone that varies he damp surface of their cabin floor, generally the earth on which it stands-: and there deposit the treasure. "When night arrives, the ; door was secured, the aperture called the window blocked up, and the precious T)M 1 1 i t. r. " . . i i Bible,' -takea from its resting place, was read bv !a c-iPCIfec y could manage to af- fbrd- And tl:is .withm the actual circuit of the i British isle- fir:' icb tJn llnoin nal.i4 fU.t J)fjlISI1 is,e U1JS 10 ine heart 01 Attestant "tam, thc very throne cf frecvlom. I SHAN'T BE DROVE This is an expression that the minister of Christ oCtca meets with in his attempts to eetthe church to live un to its duty. If while nreachinrr. ImurTps . . ; v J o upon Christians the claims of the gospel, and the duties they ere to perform in order to enjoy the which it is every Christian s duty to do m such meetings, if asked a reason for not doing thus, the answer is, I shan't be drove. Just as though they think the minister wishes to drive them to pray j and. exhort, and to every other duty .-iSo minis-, iter of Christ has such a disposition. He ought,; :while presenting the claims of the gospel, as laid, down in the word of God, to have energy and not iut ins vuiu! vx.ix: uu uis jips. , lie ougiii ijj cv i cry meeting of worship, and in his private labors, ! I, e i: tt i;. to deal plainly and pointedly, encourage and pur suade, and should uphould no one in the neglect of duty. But let his zeal for God, be called a dis position to drive. None but the lukewarm will .think their minister wishes to drivetthem, and none but the lukewarm will use the expression, I shan't be drove Let sach take hecd.- Morning Siar, My THE ACTTwESS monco theEnglyi rrov:nc:al cr !'iS cl couU UcarmNl t,n, 1 , vt., ,r, ' S wsono day nassingtiro.i.Thlhofr)lcJ; Vc urn'' trying Utvuiin. Tl ol.'uaJs count, Fire: ' her ; vnmnh)chEhethcnre!;jcx UM. nit.. . 11. ' r-,..-. J wiiica sLc heard ma noorcotLiw W.v!.... n'M wcfo m.t flA.n t..- .t 1-IOMtv nmmtitJ .i. . . vv..,. t, 4 i w iuik jq me Depih of mc.vv ! r.m tK. t ' The tune was simple and sweet, but heeded it TW.rds,liad ri"ed her ntteution, and she stood motionless, untd .he was ia vtd to c, cr by th woman of the house, who !2 4,1 her siand.ns at the door. ......i- ... , 5t maided during nnwvufiX.rJV, ,,,u C?m aod "ccu.h thee;. j the pcns thn employed 1 1?, uF I. ' i . "-jpioeo. Mie ciuactUhc ot- P w rureU.e book x.hkh contained t. bhe did so and the nrc she read it, foe more deuued her venous impressions became. She at enoed the ministry of the Cwpcl, read brr hither to neglected and demised Eiblc, imdboucd hccelf m humility and coniuliou of Leurt, Icfuio Ilim whee mercy she now felt sbci,cuVd,uhoo MC iiliccs are those of a broken heart and contrite p.nt, and who has declared, that with nch sac- juices no wii uc pleased. Her profession she del crmincd ot once and for ever to renounce; and for some little time excused l.erself from Prpe..ring on ihe f U.e, withotU 1kW. ever d,sclosKig her tL-n-c of moments' o: nu.l log known her resolution, finally to leave it. The manager of the theatre called u-ion her one morn.ng, and icqucsied her tobustain Uic principal character in a new play wlmh was to he pcrforr ed the bcxt week for his benefit. ,Shuiad fre quently performed this chawcicr to general cdinU ral.on: out she now, Uwcvtr, Ud him U-r Ic koIuIkm never to vpr as an tctress ain, at Uic same tunc tivi.ig her serous. At firCt he attempted lo overcome her st aT'es by ridicV, U't thu vas unavailing ; he then pre. euled I he ksj, he slald incur by her refusal, and tmduM m a.-, gumeuts by piomisiag that if, lo oblige hinN t4 c would act on this occasion, it bbouU be the Ll ie quest of the k ir.d he should malv. UoiUa i -j i c siithis sofic.utions fje promUd to appear, and OD-luc tppemtod evening went to ll thcat;e. a. around lier, and her own situation. The o s.c ceased, but she did not ri. g ; tad sapposig her to be overcome by embanv anient, the bond again commenced. A second timo they paused for her to begin, end rilM fchedlluotoptu her Hps. Athirdllroe the t if was played, aud thcnx.Ilh damped hands, bikI eyes suh't.cd wi.h la-rs, bl:c cang, net the wor ls of the ton" .-but " DepJh of mr-.xy! t.m thee 1.2 leicy icerved fi.r u-. It was ulnxist needless lo add, Tuat the performance was saddcr.ly ended ; many rlJLuVi, tlicuh uma were u.duccd front lUt innorJ!e n'.h; to u con sider their ways ;" and to it a on the ivondcr. ful power of that religion, whici toixU to iallocncc the . heart, and chunfre the liaViuf ot;e blthcrlo fo vain, and so evidently pursub,, the leud whIJi lcidelh to destruction. . It would be Siilisfactorj- to llie reader lo know, that thcchange'iti Miss was as iiernuineiit l.'.U Lord Jc&us ChriaU TEMPERANCE S()N. Br DR. C1LMAN, OV ClURltSTOX, 8. C. "Am Sowe lue to tuim. Some love to iwm Wbe-e the gAes foam, And iLe jwn circles lite: But a chosen UnJ In a levtued lan.l, Aad a te.npeiance life Ibf Whea mot niog beams O'er the mouoia'n sbca'ai?, Oh, merrily Joiih we go. To hallow our life. AVIih a gloiious M'ilfe, A nd to c uh oar country's foe. Ho, ho, ho! Some love to roam, Lc. The soale we nuuk In the bar-100m dark, - . . . And no tempted tu.n our ; And for light good theer, At our homjes to dar. Oh, why should the leirqerate lack ? For with sicaJv aim, . . At an hoooied name, ., And hearts that fear no foe. Our bi other to save ... From the drunkard's pave, In the spii it of love vc go. . Ho, ho, ho! : ' Some love to roam, kc. PRACTICAL SEI.F-DENIAl. Says "Mr. AVadc, Our preachers and schools arc blessed in the conversion of souls; and mvxt i we give them up ? If wc only Ud tic wvcrflui- she saw a few poor peonTe . . ' , in Vrl 5 ' ' 1 J , ,K'il l'-V 1 ' ' J ' " ' ,i"t Uh lb? ve in si olS,1"3 hymn Whrch lhe P'iom. I 'rotwc could fii d ; but we !,d 0 - I ,-.i,M c4 U-H: ' L mt time j.i trtichicg: the Korc::. and m-ir-rtu, i:;itc:.an;.x1!Ht,i:',..: i -T w Ul If M lu 1 1 f ? ' a I in 1 1 l Itx ttf rs.. - t . - . . I l . . " iiiecuaractcr Hie assumed leqal-YKl her to s:n-ra song; mtf wucn ihc coJtnyJ Ira immediately begun the tccunpanituect. But she stood as if lost in thought, as oae. ronvit:T as it u tiugujar ; she wi.!ked conaotiy wah her profession of religion for many years, and at laiglh became the wife of a minister of the Uo.-rel of our .8 4 . old u. .'luail to I XirV r.t W-mr ..nil.... t I . V.1 7 ,-it .t.t'Uuuiv o? yivrX : Ia the South Sea Iv.u.d, lic ml-Vwnars be ing ca'.led on lo hsjt ;.i framing a code of civil lawn, were Kirely ttk-d with ihc polvgumy cX the natives. He Ilev. Mr. Wl'Ibm, "in Id work, writes: There wce two nxW delicate and pcrplcxin subjects which- icrjuircd adjustment, prkr lo the final CsLiLIMimcnt of the Lm w. 'Hjc fiii, rcfet icd to a pluraliiy of wive. Hits was a matter of much deliberation brturrn my tcotiicd coHciie nnd myself, before wc derided low lo ncL Trior to the iiitroductionofOiriliardtytx4ymycjiu4 cd to a vcr considerable cxtci.t ; and when a per sonjmving a plurality of wive, offered himself o a candidate for Uipt inn, the teachers hid required the iudivMuaUhould nwlc a election of one of them, r.d als r.tovidc for ihc support of tliox wlwnn be mlht jut away. Tlc imtuure Miccccd cd Kycn.d what might luivc been rc3o.i lUy ontU cifwlcd ; nnd cf the mirnlcr who Ud co:n.cd widi this ccnditiDii, enly alout twenty or twenty-Gvc proLs ccca.m-d any trouble, ar.rig wl.un, U. ever, vus the king, whl.h incrca:el cur difneuhy exceedingly. AViili thc v.c convcnd on lliCM.b j urt. Some &iid that thej- relumed to h olhcr, Uemn-e they hid tot Uvu left H )bnv iu ibcir choice; (j4 hem plleged liint ihcj- KuprwJ ihe Kp oratwii would bt; only temporary, and Uuit, Ud ll.cy known ii w to lo jiernvnjcut, ihty t.lodd not nude the e!ection tl.ty did. Actin-' upon lhi. h'.iooU l allowed to select jblk ly tiihec tf their wives oud then lc united to l.er in nani.irc, in ; csencc u the wliolc aK.uiih-. Tiw Tj:i?"xt:tcd wL"c tTt 14 nilJ chndrci, wosL-.-o a ery tertvui t&sir -,, , . o inuit. not bt naroloaga as ut Tahili tul ihe t?tVicty Is Lud. wheic provisions rrc ubcr.dant, and a tiwt tcr of bl:;ht hiipo.fcucc, but a fer.iJc dtpfi.ds tl- mci,. c: t:rely rn her husband. Kno.vi.- lha ti c . . . i n i I est hiSOU.l f 'stcr. by V.boia be UJ ibn t!iir.-r! ai.d his principal wife, v.bj the molVcr cf ux or Ur.. lie wa thta married to hzz u '.he pc-t-uce of h!s people. -? Oa l!ie following morniug Fvi.i, the princij .': tok a mat ti Klap t: rM tin cupels wluh which to inakc ckth ht the lu; uud who lad abai.doe.cd lier, t i l t!e lcV)ved cbi!drtn the Ud loa.c hhn, and h'.'i ibo ki iri'j biKno lo take vn her i csl Jc U4 in the soTlu-Jc f v. I Jot; I cod. Ifv..ico ly a person in the Ktuktuent cold rcuviti froia trais, at seeing k worthy and btt.iabV a wen an, ihe fnodiorcl mi brgc and fine a family, in ibovt pahiful circumstances; ucu cicoii,sdembV in. dig nation was cvi.iced m the occu:on. Vc cur fcc.vcs deeply sympaihued v. -;h 1 cr; forn'.c was a woman nniverKilly c teemed, and frv.m all ibut v.c knew of her, 4;c was worthy of that tttectr. A few days before leaving, ibe csimc to cur 1k;', and while convcrning wiih Mr. YTiittn tpoa ihc subject, said lid, ahUugli bcr afH.-tiiou for Icr huxmd was vcty'crv.it, and was truly di Jrc-ed ot the proj'-cct of being K'Yar-tcd from blm, klxs badjiudc up her mind to llie tfilnful tvo;!, cin tinccd tltitl it v-as preferable; (or on bis tClxtim.a were set upon hi joungctt wife, if !c rcIuc!, she slxiuld become the occaton id Ins burg ia sin ; ond mthtr Uiau U.e would it-rc the m lKinuKin, u.MnMng rs u migi.t pnn.v aim v.c regarUed as a pkaaing cv ida.ee 01 li e ruux-r a Giristian principle iivn Ur mi: A. cbc Uxk jh opportunity of leaving ihc hotie while Ur litis- uiua was at Kiiooi ; ami on in rtiurn u 11, no was m'qch a (11-ct cd at finding hu fatdtful compuu - ion gone, for, ahliough his affections v.crc pi acJ farms, the tcnrmls of which were to obey licror- dcrs, and do her work, iltis devoted ond offec- tionate wonwn Kpeut the vUde period of.bcrwi- dowlwod, which conliuucd three cr four years, in making iialiic pirmeuts of iIkj very bot qunKty for her kite husband and children : always taking the utmost pains, and displaying the greater b.ill in lhat which w-.is for the former, thus testifying tier unabated ahcction. Alter aUiut lour years, the wife of Thiemann, the chief of a ncighUring seitlemcnt, died, nnd I i;nu was tinted to him in maniage,by which she is again raised to tlic dipnity sue enjoy cu prior to ner pamiui kcnaraiKai irom I . her former husband. Wc have reason to believe that Tinomana is a truly good man, ai.d t!t Uiey are remarkably Uppy' hi each other. w u mun.inx home, v.e nrre isU I 'o ,, u w tti; .v.j, , . , , li-st c;ck .real experv.' Cui America Cri. - 'M v'- i J.-J. la :U Itui Ub .Srto, o. it tKiiis rUw llict ies alf-dc jlil, ttxvi,iy, end U- iH c - iU f,r.;b of iLdr tne MJ LokV ncv;lcncc ore required of tl:?m by the p.;x!, llu l-r oe vi U Sx 5t : t,:T- oTUiarLroiherj and fci:4cr, whom tUyLaiet Vu0 M,r f ,L ! W-v ' fnn I - I . it...,(fq .. ..vs.., ..... iiiiwii puu 111 J-CU tlKKIni i'JO and, indeed, the tmly way lo. overcome the diilicuMy entiaTy, would U to convene ihe pro- llllf tl- I'lflrt.. ....1 ..... .1 .1 Pc, recumtnenucu mat tlccw!i were dsa.ifiI w ------ - , , ...w ...j ,-1. i ik; i'i t-inv. LtUX UJC tXXii- X'TV Slc?LuuUnZ htulUl Mme?uLIxly ti e lei U.-r! n.n.1 by lick bC It iP in the sir ai.uiuau. nc wtesucd to make bii tomjunion for a-an, cr.i-V cut, -Hum-h! fur lie DutcUWs je, iu c.f i turce v.r.cs be u'ected li e yorr.g- cap. 'ibU tnke of ul tl.yy s'l prr-rrcd m , wbo:ad boiu bun oi e Uidd, in r.rtfctencc to tlii:k it. cat. rd a Iju-. aml'XM ti-i-.,i. on the younpest wde, l.cliad a gteat c teens tor money, and ore unable to juttUm: fcf jxrj itnsrt rivai, who Li J borne him ko Urge a family, ond and fjbkr.;ab:e cLvbci. Be aUmcd iUd be. had been so faithful and industrious a w ife for so . Invkmr and jay to t!c Lord lo give yin a titrtr many years. The king behaved honorably lo bcr, clean biart ; and if you pu7,oj f3tor, llie laeph and bv frivinT to brr thn rmdtirn tX nli!t lumlr i !m.n!i tf r-.1.l .. . i. . . f O O , 1 J ' v. ..v..v. ii.d uui MIL' LTJ L.UCil Ll-rS'l. v. noix NO Si. ; r , t 4 lire IM j TiiUA. a. . .. t . tLi . - . . - - - u. a in iljl;, i.id luu i04 lie Gallk tWjrs", triu, FitvnlU lixxl Cossr u lie tZc, .U 1 1 :x! J,e Uaiff ii Ot lit ct I h ajj Ts cte ttt-tra'cd ui;b Hn pt, . cU lrt n Ll fv U tar; The other k,cd n j-ua t'i. cwjn!a"a Ulr, Ub mti.tCstJ nftJ tw JLwa sun Ulr, Lc she e.-1-te ibut sMctihab UtL cf Ua Lt j.cd Saa Ju.l ,i-1 ry. " - . , H40iu..iii4L"c;.chru.e . Tl. Hfr. of LUad a4 lie drl tf c.r l h iiu td rh ci y. ,1. c'xx. . Fiua lie llanJLf ky tlaoc. -4 Vt'hp.p art tbe tj..i,M r.owl 0,'j.frd ia ILe Lw.Uc iii.'c. ro owe llf ir iUc ate b.j i;e , fe Uyttr, Wbth if''lrd ib p ...tn ot G & nh Lcr, TJ.c l.eur an tJ ilc cLVa nar Now llj ?te tV.rti t r ci i)oe ie ticZi f hi rr. Aid to irg ir o iLr ; 0 fur'ou f:ni, a.l.c Ibc t'-u ar ILT.t. THE CNKINu CHILDRKN. - . Jl TSt L ST0C1T. "To, it b tie eis" one; -Hurrlh ! ilcre it p! ---Cich ir, Twn, tud Wstit tp s wid a ieIUics5cd boy, whh a r.wrt t4c cap. Tl.trc wtuc o nwi,y Ijuj s tUi I ctld tA for a nui.utc tr Uxx tH2urh ui;h wist ihry wxs oiauMi- UiciiiKiic. At L iJ4c wird Hew to wurd ii tt Kulc cUh cap, U4 nadc to be urcia www W tiiis winter, Ul cry neatly rctairtxL A la!c hey after ihc can tr.d tried to m it frtnn the ciK I II. It j d wa Urt,t!jerrfure 1 con- chdei il V.-as lb- Oh! UrUV Kid be, "ive h f o n jccvc D. Ubnu.u ; w ho dl J 3 on buy it of, th f The Utile trvjitilcd oTcr 1 the cap ws tt la;. whh diilxchy Ir.-t frvra tra:. aud tben;r :r gcr.V -ni.i U ing iJ3d cixi.h 1 7-oii, uurd Urn to j Lb it tp frosi the din, acd k-ii l.ini lo w!k l;ue v.i;h ii, Iru'birtj i: v.c II s U could, end ti j Irg to rjvt it ia Ujc rphi, lic lmr vlxft'w.g in bin t c ti.d IU fjce cwurin; tl the rtrcxikja if lie inK.hi.g, vut ind trt tCidt be UJ cxpcrico- cd fmul b:. u l. Ji UZoW K V. be i tiiU UuV? liry nst.ie lonc, X brard 1.5m tuy t'j bit iij. :.r 1 cioriU wear ibis cap spin." VM,y i t V tid II r ibrr. - Why, the c.bcr Uiys have i..v cj;?, ti.J lL:y c:U uc ibe Duicb ini op." 'ibis bttle bny'n mc'Jrr nai tb!i;rd to tc trry trutjoeocid or t.-.5, g 'u !.i c!otLir; that Uq . im;Ut be eraUed fa f;ite Un a rxl edacs:ii, , crd on Lke Cc fjicf lins o4 know vt; ste ua rich, o xuany U ll-e?n sir. But lielrns 1 Lu-h ti ci I p tl e iret, srd itck ray cup eff in lb- el.it, ti.d lUtml feel su, I dai'l Itxjv wUt to tlo Oh! rc.t!,tT, get nso a i.e-w cap." . H v vuld if I rvJil? sal l.i tncd-cr, let ytri know I ;n trcir.n . 13 l'cd wmiufu!!rii K?m ct.d wiJ, Vot e idx k?UA rrsii te trv u-- auj os.j v,QvrJ;t cliJdrm. Bat liwu-'u Udr jU-tatir ctcoma itioitiicc tud icry UkZi priJe, ycu tuuti tt.dtaiTir to Uar it vid p.ic and f.r.r r.es; st,d tlxAf U.cui ly 3Mercwdu irrx-fl W wer oa-Kltrt. uai a toy's tlxrzttcr i rjrdetmnaicd ii15 1 wape or quality cT li cVkiIks, Vou t)trd u4 lo cUimd to ouu tUt yocrmrrr.u Uvetx morh cess. j Qoe wxrd to chlUren who behave to tbrir fellows as I lev; boys did. A nobb wr'lbml, and especially a Cyixcn child, wTJ lixrw Uist drrst eiocs ut male a rcriUcman or lidy ; lliat at far tu ibis is cojjcrmcd, tlicy arc mot rek-cialij v.lio ere not meanly hruncd to drr cxxrdlta their circunittsiicr. A wicked Icartend a mraa djoMtion arc ulcn fourd under fi,K clotljcs. Our Ixrd Jvu CLrirt wr.j ten cry porr in o-itward tl.inp, and did u Jamon? tlc piy ard f3!iioiinb! lint-tale 'Lis rs r.l- c c lie csinli. liut I ft . x 1 tUi uia i;cl t. Jr. ;:i l is rral di t !,-. a . 1 1 cm lhat any child w)to, wxrAl beUen nnxll it U eu'jty of lie i;cnnncm nr.d t:r kird It La i i. our u L.ec cJ.wit. He Z. Z. .Vrw cr. 1