4 ' r-. i 1 j. .J t AND' U !. : r 1T T u ah y. .17. isle. ' s't r Ail t -" - f-i.i s.i.-inccr.'.y t.vro; :. Jjlsc:fu'' manccs mot L j t . . . ' : .-TrVctK'rvvise the subscri' drainer, annual tem. ' - Sj ucontinuanc iviilL . u. . . raii, except by special c -1 to ; 5 --.HcirtUcxieitSi adtcd t; n : '"- v jl be JnsertrJ t-ihe usual rite.5 . - All orders, not attended to in a rt - be repeated; and all j-emittancoi i should be injured alter that errors s . i i . . - b'3Vr'!T-PllyCQrrected - ' - Fir; s s.vidinj us six new r.c:r,; f s "... 'v3 r,;-?v fcroi'.c year enclosed, tl. : L 3 t ;r cf '",' 1 ... t. x ur; j caroiTAG'EAD TIIE PRESENCE 0? THE SriFJT. J. What christian is not ; mourning-the lor ab ' Knee cf the Holy Spirit from our churches ; end I ho.is- not praying axid -expecting thai God will j N er Ipriappear and graciously rev ive , his work. Ths hirers ir diSererit arid distnr.t parts cf .ihs I count ry especial! ct the South end .West, report . sots rciresning.snower?, wnicii we tfuct nrj but t!.? earnest 'of richer blessings th.-.t G JJ "wiU "fcc vs'.v en humble, prayerful endeavors 13 whi souls 43 him. v ! -'.. - Mr. P. C Holt slates that Vt a late session cf r " r 11 t ri - "tbs .Maumee' Valley .rresovterw Uh;o, the intnis- Merstarrtedfand coatmued public exercises ; ihaUtTim." 3:2. ' . ' " . . tiiw. -jisuii vcic.icjU4uiHij in uope, anu ouiers i.;quirKig"fof ths way lbf life.' : f- - ; . Ket. J. M. PenicV, vh is laboring a's cblport t3iirj.it Kentucky, writes, JAt the meetings I have attended alone i and; in. connection with brethren i ' in the ministry, persons have professed a "hops -thirtv-eijht'ofthe1 jfiut;"' fr.. -H!ni.v indlviilnsiUl ; ha?e: assured me that t!ieir attention was first drai ; to holy thbughts : ;some;book or Tract of MheSocietyfawnd.I have ben. cohttnually cheered ctimy way by the lhai.ks and t jngs cf those - who, for the first tvxe, hr. ' religious instruction and i Teligioas books to rer.d. ,d who for the fssdine inc!tWrid the fa.,.;;,, lur-'He ines one Retghtiirhood cf sever.t; -rine families where twen- Itf.rrcv flirt" .. P" ' --J .r.-, ft '! '...!,-.'. w slxbf thq grown p., ccr.j could neither 'r v.rue. He visited this neiryhborhsjJ with n rhrl;. JLaa brgther, and the result cf their labors wcj 'J froi., t!.s tctnp' day or i,!!.t, f.r the'ri-l- pwerful revival of religion and Uhepeul cc:i- .tl, J .i.3 cf the c'-:rch end L:r.:vc!ent t ! vcmoa of thirteen souls. . - J:--:: cities r;r4uirVen rdrr.cst " constant atter.f -ce h .Lev. Aaron Jones, in 'North Cerollna; r?po:lIhj saueiu-ry, and "It is theory cf the mi:.! ::;'.? t-at in "oneYMcc where Me creachrd -rJ cI.-cl'.. , cjcoqktha truth was 1e-cJ m t. j atvakening t . . .'- ... .... .-'. . ' ut twenty have been added to t' .1. rcli;n a f:.t which they regard as cenr.: : j -..iih tHt '"n-xL;V r "-; . ; r' r'her, Milton Cain, "n North Carc'ir.a, writes, "A veri cr grade is evidently begun .in this region.- : :vc:al hundred have been hopefully -con verted v3 "!'n,nl!e3 f.1 ,ia" V,SitedV a,S rs;eactivc,y engaged m c-jrt for the salra- , r-ra' . - . . . ' ii-ve te-.w g-.:hercJ into tbefthurch." ". L:v:rt D.-dro"::, colporteur in Alabama,; - nave sp-t f,;o cf the hi: three -months! -stcontinucl labcr. nreach! -d-v r.r.d n-fit. 'jZ &Ti3 czr-zrz:?.-' wi'.'j cn.x;oos sir.- 1--s.i-now cr. '...er i::o-' o-ia cro-r- -. I f,rtT . i . , , j . r,. us-: -v-v- ! --y nora th::j -) i.av: ; .::cl;cj a ho; : ' . ' ( rpi - i . . 4 . cr.y ta";ed . r i it .. r t t " ' - w. . 0- 2 C . . ; 2cfthsch.2rc:.:J - r.ve I - v cr. ci; , t' .1: t fth- -"t , . , ;vr;t:. Lo: -I . o . . . 10 i 1 1 Dr. --I i. -j ... t ..... i j -" ..... : io - f - r , 1 1 1... C . nopeluJ conversion r eight, sou: 3 pnd adds, Uiff art cf usi.ig meal out of one barrel, end cUc ; ifcavejastj heard f.;.-n: a-church I !. I but cf one cruse, the year rcsind, without dirr.I.Khir J": n Cumberland county,; where I p:..c!.?d j the quantity. I ''. . ' ".--.- thrca times and; circulated many volume-.- -Th3 Lastly, she must be at to rdeaVis c.":rv to dr. 1, ' . . Jf ... I uTLnn , ' )"'y"'w, wiura, . ti,ey should appoint. n 'ep.. a! " cc..:-.'-.Uj t; i.It r 4f ,.t?3 ff r "som.e ll J1- ? I his wife and ascertaia whethcrlie be die cr tvil. ;;;-;- rcica w a neighborhood wher? I eir-h, tQ perfonri ihe" Libot of -fireordirary women rr.any works last spring, and where there i0lll Cfly compensstioa,-except, the crumbs r--3 taxictv-to fret the books, A larr ...t.:i, r.n l t.r .... .. " ..i--. r i r. i IP 'iv:i'. Th e ? " - r Icncecf ih? - . j ;r): ty, until rr:y I. ..;-J c; j i. .rcasc-J my perplejti- Tlie scripture ..iiJ !.-, tS r.;V dcsccr.'J to particulars.. Th-y by dawn g-nrral r.;!.'t Lmv. ing the respduslwility. of amplifying specifying and applying ihcm wit! the AvorU. Thcreforepub lie sentiment is lo be our giiide wlicre the ecrip tures fail, and or. 2 principal thing for which' min istcrs ere set npart is ta expound r.r.d enforce'its prospects. . -Still clihe our teaching with au. thority, vie cl -cr. j i:.e jooJ c!J cuit:rn cf takin 1 .... v. . .. a te.xt.fro!n jn all cases." in" a rnotnent ! m.. xf.T?T,.TT ..... K r '.' . ' ."li-i ! wuMvu.iua ..;-.;jtl upn my uioie cno recti : l ,;.-. ,v, i,,t 1 r . -r ri In this rasia-e a cenerai rule is hid diuwn a bil'hcp jntisl have a wi:V '.But in determining her particular dtitie-, (1. Scriptnrcs'f:;!. Hence we turn to the clhVr rul tf fall!) anc "p ntc'th-e pub lic sent iment'f from which" we learn ll.atra minis' lers wifj iliould be, ; 1 ' 1. Like Mary, a!w.ys sitting at the feet cf J- it,... ' i - 3. She fcboulJ be a little more prompt l! rah of old, and have rcfresliments al way :: r v.dy f. Uhose travelling ahgeU whose visits nL thV ty' ! terV house arc not "lew r.nd far between.' J - 4. Like Dorcas, she "ihDnU 'iro c: - ' ; hand a supply'of ready-r clotlJr t 1 1 cpon all the poorsnir.ts cr. J r.r.ers iliC? e l.nity where the resides, with a f 're 1 t f r t! v'. . ' .. ,,' ., ..... 1 .-' T . , 1 ,i":..ti i tvife tb'r.tc.d to t!.:r.i all." " 'Lue.the widow " cf - Sarppta, she murt h V. : ! "becoming all things' to. rdl men," vrr-'men children. Grave or car. rcf.oed cr rj' ir.i- cent cr ignorant. aG1'" or rr-rvr snltt t' company in which she may chr.:.;3 to fall. - - . V. . , '. V , . 'ekiieks. ; perceive that ft'istLe d.ty c.-'chbrcfccs 13 et 8Part y"n3 t.,men and educole . l!.:m for minister's wires. .' 1 ': . "- - i a L-JiiJIlil 13 UUUUl 111 V I, l U JMiiOr, n. . A m;n;,r .:, Or . t,.. . i r.nd nlw-bys at roe. J j always tcrvirj Gcd c:;d d Avavs serving t ' Lastly, she rn'iu be a liitb more prudent then rs'ir 5"Nv!"i r. ! f.l r.-.t - , -1 t ,l?-.t Lt,.. .t .. l . , f; je-s, .utc.i in ner is.unparcc; 10 prevent this, lit a committee of the most jealous, tattling, u!.f -d-T i mn 1 - 4t.f f t.nr .-.. .ji,.g kCi.iaii cc au.-Ji.tCa to UiCt.o to tier enj when, nnd how tftcn, the shrdl vLItcoeh t . . . ... J I' -'.,'. " - ' " ? . t, v.1.3 .cu!i rot be A r.Tr.v.vron's Viriri:. r.Tr-, i.zs ir:-1- 1 j lu Vet tl.:-, ir eo to t" tl. - - V t ; I.i I. , , .1 si. 1 f .- . , k i' -i f. " more tccn t:G divinity 'V r':,rdcd c :r creed l-'i eironger T i the? doc L ' i ' x rcjurro : r:'-!a I2 ?:w!;cir? -viv.'.I c f tl.3 3 v. I.i cr.ee '; .'s"cf I.n- i i . V, . :rn r '"dy C ft Vd! it w: "2 it v. .: j I.i' t- 4 ) t'.-t L r. drive t! -m f ;:n t!:? rJcl-ri uli.,1 t!., ...i. j; VaYr.iUiCS 0: GOD'S CO0D.V-J2S. '" ' ' .L-A- I ::; -::n ll.j pih you 1 ivs! trod frc:n the day t! ' t Hod brought you into epgt and say whether ' u djnot, cs.it were, f?- t'-; read rdl inicx wi-di rr.rsi:. : r.r.J. tr.cnvj cf divir;e goodlier ! Jleco!!:ct t! ' jrljces ? yoa have lived a- J the f :nzn3 v,:U whom j i have mast mumnuiy cenvc:. eJ ; r.r;J call to 1 ;d tlie mer cies yp:j ecu h-.v 2 received i:l - l!;r ' r':ccs. c::J irom it)03 piacw, r.nd Irotn tho3 rn.... Sur I VI V n'sri cmtr nif.;niMir,. -! '.' ff t i ' ------.Jv.a n u. .e i.u; now. tr.anv kird frimd r viwir'. ,..:t.; vcy si yonr ctr.ajairiccs i:i r;! ve llf-: how Utudymg how they rf.-y co'ntrib-it? ' i0;ir cam. uii.;. if:..xioa i termrl;r.b ' .:e::. stances in P.Dvidenco ul !c!i c;.a-brJ : ' l. 'ttinglcf fome bon'?3 tf-t!.: Kin h'. Fur-;t : ' , ; ,-v'ir.n- r... . ; T . ' " . . . nv l.'. 'tncL.? w!'-n ,t- I- been ii.'; fto:n;t!n v grr.cl.r.31! a in their ire Ithl ; 1 a l;.'.i;td' ih"!r ihretes.?lt f,l S " 1 1 "III t borders f ft!. pr.v.-s ; r-- : 1 .-' h' nnr.-.er 1.2 I -'i r rr.,cr.- 4 gam , hi-1 morr.'- 's, r " 1 t-i.b " ! t? cm r-v..: r.'-. " -y, v,: .:;. I.-h rretr.c:;-, rt . . i yc.t v.! :;j re-. the sorrow l." . ;;, r.-!lon, 1 cn i cvent!:e rce.::.;thn cficr.h d. under I. .!o made fuh Djdl r - f vill ... ... . i i i. s La 1 t f v . . : . .. r Ti.ea ;p.;: r t O i, Cl rl-tljn r. J... s 1.' i ; .j v.c..:: --' . f' I... i:.:.::.C:::i N r c I la!!, CJ-.riath. l i. . hall j A r.oMe stsi.'c j .ii-.ei Thy stfenji!! .!.'.; ..jver f,t Thfi surely r!.r.l; ( n?ra:l, Tl.itehgfscaMae. , ; M - The. a, C!;rii'lian r:er, run f -.Far spent is r ; x. ,;.r - Xoan will thy ' lc,, " - - isiK;'. 'will thy; ' ;i 3 rursue thy p. ...... :i r i I1 1 r--a7.ii :c. ' . ' '.. s ".' l'ic.a the t . V.:c!.mar rrmsin ci:::cn;. To'p.-FlMcit IVc!, Pitt t Lord.f I', . and lo the otl.cr Ki!." 1;; j-ts Cover:. n.:c:.t ; , - " '. Treasury. JLc, rjoflkr iia- ee Society, t . try r... t..- ' : rr i Ii.o Lcmrr.ii.re r. i c f rpre!.:r.:lor cf Wr tt-., if-. . r r W . . . ..... u J Ci ' T 1 ... J C.w 1. it: ..3 i the 1 .;. . G-.- T. - 1 to d:::r;..;.-c- " ; r ... ' i. . .) r -'! tl.: t :: Of . ..1 ...!. ) . ..... j . . tl . Jncrc-..,.ly c(3nL-df Lr..cur, cs'yoar Me - rr.ori2!4sts r.it.ct t.ily cftLe t::.:.tv.fu!;..:j cf war, when viswcJ.in th; I'-It cf'th-it lulv 1 uh.w. Ut!i tI,jscour.:rv i.t;J Ai..;nca 1 .-t,ft- ri!:,a' rcf J'vne;ot,3at,?ni brad- ... U;a j ,; th.t ,Vwo JJ I iy rhe U.isuf futl.re l.r. i P trmcng every-decree I. r. ,,f, j v.l;..U would fill !vi!v ujn seJi,,, .n;;;:'- iebythe firm, cone. :mory, CrJ p .v.ring t! and protnlly . originate in it rrA employment of.Tnoral nnd, picific ine-S ; ns well! v..: ; have co'r:;o!y done, ,lv , f i;' a, of the ii;ipo,s1bi!ity cf cL:Jr! cati,facto.'!(;rcc:ner.tl thus r n rM c:,!ir V J ffi ! of eW " ry,cttlemcntof.nyauc,t: n lV , :,ere aPPeal to i i,g a .tatecfiW; and Z he .svcrJ, ,ojr .Mciront? ' I re,rec'.fnl. p. , for a J,:ri:,,J thai i?, . C will net cl.ow themselves cny circ-'.mrtances cf pry v. 1 rr.-'y r.rr?, f. 1 V j- ' t!.?y ere t:r.J:rvtauJ to S. t:...; ! c.i f i -.liuenco i-rv.n t well cs upon olj other gavcrnmcnts, which may bef n'.iced in a Minihr Position. - ji yo-jr iicmomiiits vcntiirs in ihis ccr.r.:ctbn , rf - " vu.n Mtti -' i. - nit;; itucriu ed 10 be. r upon the United State3 cr otherwise, they deft, because ther would fnin p- Vr Ar,. jc-tys Government occupying therul,' honora b!c positica-cf relying simply upon a'righteoas cause,, and the suncrintendirrr j nshtcous Gd, attired thnt the claims cf roch n and as hkely to prove an incer.tive f V - r-tt. crthsaa.rseancf Perpetuating thb !.!;::--, cf In the cf your Mtraorulif!?, the fearful ' destruction ci numsn Ue. wh c h ihn Kttm , War tJchLrntelv rni!irir.) o r, ,1 itL ' v. ?.r iierrirarily inrohes, is, ih iise!f, r.iore t' . a tulHcir-.t rcaron why recourse t!;ould never1 ' ",-J tj thi(mode of enforcing national claim?. -A. 1 the other 'evils' of war, gainful $:nd cxien ..3 they arc, vill i.ot bear lo I3 rcmp--1 .. ,:!. c;s ; whilst no rdrantngo that can p-?". L gained, in the C-;rtfnn cf naiional ri , i..- t!.2 vindiestic.j cf r'onsl hcrcr, in cxt : cf territory, or increase i :u:r.meree, can r r k- consider..! a$ present in:vi!al!y facrificc cf 1 1 w C (..v;..V.l;:j I .ten r. - ll :i betwern in. f ci t 1 . -en indtviJua!, i U ur. ' - t - It-v-p....... , w ...,u J-liy ujarm.J'uiih t" . l.rrciic, : r.j true princinlttof.mTiralittf r-m rT--. t I 1 111 ..... . . jfwMl.- unrestrained ttcricc of if, upon the Htld ci 1 -.'.i.e. ine Jaw that tinds'the individual, pIn ly c: ; ' t to bind thecemmubit). . . ' Irr? rective altogether ofthj high principles f)f .1 .::ich are derived from the Christian Ilev. t! " :n,r.::d which are .virtually recognized a3 I :':.! ii .., by those governments which nckcowLdge C; .l thn'tjMo be cf divfn? origin, your ir.err.orj. nh i respectfully 'wifcinit that in the affair cf the Ore n territory, there is not : even an ordinary pre; ;t fur war; the possession cf the region i.i qi:- Icn being almost equally unimportant ta both tl.: jrcat nations uncultivated; remote dilHcult cfv jupation, and on all principles "of force, r.o L JiHicaUy 'of retention J so that the surrender bf claim to it,- could r.nvcr bo constructed into an lr. "it ion of weakness, but must be regarded n - rJy for tho sake cf peace, and as re n.eting th. 1 ;hcst honor cpon the. government v.hicb fch.c:. ! display the moral courage; that ivould be Implied I i euch surrender. " - " i '.". Your meirriaiiits would venture also to rug. jrett, that n note cf open I! o.tility tctvrccji Eng. land and America. rnuM. fuiu the closo relations anuVintcrt:::.":Iing cf tho two'pcople, parte'; very much cf the nature cf a civil war; thr.tT-t! the cruel tnf.ietions and results of the batt'cHeld ;uld in this r- 2 be tenfold more pah. d and mi:.' ous ; t! . rnch a war is repugnant lo r.!l t! . L . fccliu; - f 1 "r.kiod, and more especially so to tl . cnligh: ..:J covi.:!.,3 cf a large 'majority cf U:h , the liri:! h : : 1 American people; that' it would, exert th: r t prejudiced influence, ' in' a ir.orI , and red ;l.a3 point -of view, upon all the ,ci3!L.d i nnd i:r.:ivilL' 1 ntions'c f the globe," r.s a .rr l! fvren i! - tv. j co::: c.i r v '.ieh'cro C ' : 1.. ' u .. 1. J 1. ... 4. .. th? ccr.dit cf ii z- r us uc; liUUHU. to a: ;.n tf : ...t it v.o-.IJ r.eee: -orily l!. - back ; ;rrw j cf teier, t Mi." in, cr.l . ' :r: : Lhrou-jhout tho worl 1 ; that it 1 ,r r Iner.'jiy ter tru. M ' i ihrp'J v.. ore th...j at e,.y former '"'.I r-d.h ir..;r,kinJ j t!...t it would :r the adoption cf enlightened f rin Jatieo, upon tho prcdon.Inr.nea cf ...... i H.l J vw .. J UiUIIU tk: iKij , -r.J., and ci;cially cfthc.j r.:iIo;n r.jva:.e-'..a cf a rcr-r::.o:o:.ro 1: a . t!..: : l,r-.a r.r.J .peaceful tr.osree, cl who are dependent upon t!.3 c . 4 .. t ei i..r j reo , cf tho two notions 5 t.. , , ..t,. -tt.(1, r I ,1, v . .. ' 1 --i I w - v v. ..... I C 4 . i.. w . . .. . . f t ! . 3 j , 'r, in tho forr.t cf. direct - ., '! : '..!:!. h v.v from them a " ; . 1 i 1 .. .. 1 1 : tl. no, i v -wii.a crwwrwpiicr.ca Dy cn appeal to 0l,ce t0 assure the American fWnm V "V " -l" r , : phyfi,cal force, but mustsur an apparent' der,r. -ill not go ,o War nlou Or l.,h- - " V t V -.r ? " nmtion, propa.tioncuV Jo i rmount cf tWcu.j arrangement cf theoncsthaT,- ; V :WU "T1' -:' " is ; nnd becau ,eth?y conscicntbu, vcrn.t would ZlU ) - " V -V' V i" h .s i.ch- fir to 'V, iii's '! 1 ". . n-r- . i r.:vl(d U !.' f ij ,. : ! arid wl.itii, i..- ,i:fll 't lipencj into J,,;:,,. .... fii.-nd.Jii- ' nn ! r,.- . r :1!T! 3 13 ivi: e yiuv x-tuner, lor u fj icr . I 'uiy w T -ri-! cjM;m.:.-j.Ji ustin- ' " ever I,nj r:r;r.t.i.rt; ..r ,. ' , . , '- L -u; l . ! J.j.. ij. n r !" r ii , 1 .t . . - - - fcr cr can. ..U c'.-puics between n.i(i ni I cvpr Imn tn,,U f 1 . n.1,,."i "-' hare, - ;.""UrU"y ' enSa,,n? i.W; ir . --V-ottainmem of, objen-t uhich need, lo be arran i ' cd Lctwpcn n-.t n-o . ....::. yrr.ing,i turai claims of arbitration onght to g,i, for C." ; . , - M confidence tuid cd-nt;nn flf nf, t.--,.- . iir,e - . :V?:- ntion of n I crnmenofthc-wcnU No can'vo " is:, doubt that, were the XJrfS, r J e,r,ornI'.; . . rl, .Government, at, , ;yC;to cvp.- U.ein;!vcS to the-cen sure of i ciii.'.zcd u,.rlj. . ac- f, j!:frc'ore, your Manori..' -"!e rr--t i -- C w.oib yo j uieir de. twcen t!i is con'nt-i ' "-s unitcJ y- 5 of America., ; They do SO as lhf rnnrofin.:... r . J many of Her Majesty's, fi 'J" a sincere desire -to" see iho C -i v - T mcir u rn hp ni-r, i - - iw.-.t Li tr: .l - " "nJ t,it:s idling an ct-n. for themselves the gralitude end admir cf i e present r.nd a! f.-ture r-es J Stgned, cn tt half cf the Cc : -,.:itc? cf O cicty for tl - Pr ' r ' . r! , 1 n "n cf iW.e.ner.t cod Ur i- eJ Pt'U-? cf ChrietT,.! rfmc . - - . r y don:; jr.rTERsv 1 T.i TTiTinv , ... ... .... - ... The hour u corr.mg-.end it J, a fearfu, and . emn hour, even to the uisrn r.nd best 1 . i;0u H comln- when v. 2 mut bhi ,0 .1 winch ple.se cs, to the family we -IovC to 1 " friends we esteem. Wl.ct' -r ive 1. ..'", cr uc third; rcf, t! ' - u- . . " :l. ... n in o:tl:.:. -d,t:. nvaa b. tr. ' t' - -' j 1. - v. n:.ee d tf cur'Lst e: r.e, Ln,La.t! rcmen.lrar.cecf. IVii l: V:r;r-2P , we maytrCa. r: t' - r- :tf ft otioa ; but p-jr h-lnclr.nc: U I.. ,1 1 r ur citemnts it r' . H . . " w 1.11 UUJ cr re. ecnon, are m vain. " Ve fcnow that tve -are sentenced to die ; and although we sometimes : succeed ,n castwj cut (ur. a season the conviction ' cl i.ijs unwelcome truth, we never can entirely re rooye .t The reflection bauds us still j it attends " us in sohtude, it fol!Qws us into society, it he doxi n with us at night, it aivahes with us in the morn- . ing4 lec irrcvocabh doom-lini r,n'n..i ........ . . and. too well do we kr.ow?iWJDiwW L -and " vmo duc shzlt thou rJXm'-Tonnscnj. : . ';. 'WOlAN'S SP.UEIJJS. r. 1 ' Tl.3 celclratc J Fonienelle said," that ' worren ' -r? n fl.rc ro-e i;i the heart, and a cell lcrs hi 1 tu.-.n nicii. "' ' - ". ; ' " .'-i in the cours3 cf ncticn, describe n on men, but tho perfection cf a 'roils Ltmeiislcrvl-.tbiistfcr.' 1 ' - tr.: : be liere an j thc;e a soaring ;i wilh tl;. '-'n ' - r' - t - , w, ca... j c..::.:, v. ho -s indicotiot;3 cf 5 "l.J i . ' ; ; i ro t f 1 . 4 ' - . . i- . . , ry. i..:; "d mind j gcs d;- 1 r - r-;M- j' -v t; T.-I .r.. :rp 1: W - - ' I J V ll.". !.. t!.: . net r: -J i.r.r.ote li,z.i crc.cr, uhidi jj ,', ied cu :'e crcr.t:::i cf CoJ. AlMhec;. ' os cf r ;;:dl,.. .. ca in 'their -Md - t torc.iy , ' ' " f - - 1 . . - . v . M 1 1 1 u I J t!' T V o, so v.o.r.ea in t! ,1 . . .1........, .,vu.. .J i: i . ... 3 r:rmor.e:it 7" "J to the -l-sr. ; : 1 j 1- ; i. - hiv -ho tho I 1 i.wd -a Lrr.;. to e 1 1 ;ei. t .a tl, vc rv cl ::rtfi, ul.s . i- " - -....vj .... j I 1: 11. i . 4 iwF Oft rn, v. l... .1 rc- 1 he' id; r .- :ld t iv - t - II. 1 V. ... i 1 , . f - - w llll.MI k v r 1 ' ... - . v.. ' t(V"' . - r . ',, t-: ; .. ; .I - -- . .. ' . A . . 4 . . ;;-.f,r- ; "j.v. n 1 v;V ' AT -1 " i "" V V.

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