DANGERS-OF OUR NEW- SETTLOENTS. "Z I Mountain, n!-.J, saya Vat an interesting state of A colporteur in a recent AY est, gives the folio wirif 44 7 Sabbath is desecrated. Tfc?. .:.k r.,it,.,i..- - r We may add that some of the churches in this agovrwq men vcarae out from V -to nunt yjr -"i Zd FrrT Tl deVon the Sabbath, one of whom was shot by reviral. ;We earn that fler.Mr. Hodge a church 81 tJiUOttijUi is iaruGuiawy tayurcu wuu iuc niuu- ifestations of divine mercy. It would seem that the time to favor -Zion, yea the set tune had IV God so loved the world, mea who had bfonded come. W. Y Recorder; the other, and died on the following Tuesday. Manytfelt that this- was a judgement from God, and nromiswl In hunt W tvmr rn ih Sabbath. - w V W - ' ,1 distributee a large, number of the Sabbath Man-, ual, a very appropriate book ' far the whole com munity. " . . 5 "A vowed Infidelity is found herei I spent two or three hours with an infidel in discussing tli8 .claima ef, the Bible to inspiration. He is a man of considerable intelligence, and apparent candor, RALEIGH. SATURDAY. M ARCH 14. 184C. and lias lectured on infidelity. He chose not to . : " ' -:: - ;;. purchase any L books, but,- consented to take Nel- Q&- Orders, payments, Ice &c, for the 'Recorder, by son'a Cause nnd Cure of Infidelity: if I would take persons visiting Ralegh,; may be left at tbi Book Stoie pome of his books. - I left the? book; and he put :f rner ana uugnew .K into my hand the Age of Reason, and a number of nnhr: tmv. ih ncoule: : knowing that in China So missionaries have tauSbl them, and Jhat they must be ignorant or Christ, the salvation or the soul. What is the ground of our brother's hope or sal vation f TIIEftECORDER: tbe contributions or those who adhere F. Reliance upon Christ saves the soul, and wjthout the general Bible cause ; place them bejond their own it there is 00 salvation. , V ; 7 ' V V . I control and then uepedd on tne noerauiy-01 iuu m rrr 11 -1 - -t...'.i:nna in China feel towards their 1 - . .i 4 : nfaMa in r, now ut ,uiiti-' 7 I waose nanus inev are piaceu. 10 kitb ua ucy yiwwv wi P thty belima. they support ofour Mission? To tbe way ofdy do.!tynoltUl':u lbe worshippers tf is so plain, thar I do not see how any can toubt e Boodh. . j , ::; I : ; ' ' ; have undertaken a Mission to China. Our Missionaries IK Are they desirous of having more missionaries are t0 oul earljr in April. They will need all owr the Christians in China l' rei6n Mission and Bible iunds ana more, unless our sent to them ? - Y. Yes. thev rreativ desire it, tr are constantly praying tor the Christians n America, ihnt iliAir wmiU at.rl lherft more missionaries. W v - . Of... 4 IF. What would Christians m uiaa mnit 01 Ainer ican Christians, who woo14 talk on the subject pf toia aions but not act, not give towards it i This question seemed to w- eomewwai d a poser 10 our China brother. When he heard it translated by bro. lAjaawr.we woaia-cMiwj ai- rtfsttli(i a 8miIe. Ile cpeed bi eyes and shook of t . reDreentaUori should be mainta Lied readers to the address of (?ov. Graham, hls h an(j gaid 6omQfhing in a rapid tone in reply. H taxton and represenuuon snoiiid De raaimaiaea i OUr nrst paKe. deiivereat the close 0! t Was evident thSUardly kiiew what lo make ol m this, as .a all other free organirations r and, besides the periodicals published by the Infidel Club of New Engfand;;:i:p- - uVnivcrsalism seems to be gaining ground here. The "Primitive Expounder," published by an as sociation of Fourierites; the o reran of Universalism in'this State, is taken, and individuals are supply, wlflect of which it treats is one to which bis Excellent Wjrojan eouw ardiy ins themselves with Umversalisl books with a zeal eji has given much of his attention and whichbas ex. thl Si-;.- ot f,,estion. 1 apathy of .many professed chris. I ?d considerable interest among all classes in ourState. eraMy puzzled replied, ! hardly know how to answer. :hase of religious books. 1 affords us pleasure to add, that the Institution in this! I think if they would aid the matter,1 it woald be an e- Gor, Gajiiuin'a ApDaES3.We would -all the at tention of our to be found on the Examination or ..the Deaf and Dumb pupils? - The! such a moral phenomenon Christian could hardly esist. At length, after a short ir& in oruer 10 get at xong loosing consul that shames the. tians in the purchase c rntryoae. dissuade hfrn from his course, bu givenaletter answer.-. ' . - asemhiy, where their resence i feelings in justification, saying, that be felt Atrppyl when ; expoundings the prophecies, and ? warning in Board I will now proceed at once lo the mattcn sorrow.- Such is the lot of man ir this "tale 0f tea in band, and ask, is it expedient to send our Bible unds ! and thus conditioned, H U iinporUni that , we ascen!- ; ' to the American and Foreisn BiU Society, when we;tcWe to look for unlaiiitig conklation and au,Jt want very dollar and more for our China Missioa ?, Do Without these, auctions must jcrush as to the we expect that they will accumulate by their Northern Yet it is painful to remark, to what vain expedient tour? Have we any reason to, anticipate that the ap-j will tesort for comfort, when borne down by al?ersii ; propfiations o that Society for pur Mission wilt exceed j mere is, tiowever, out one source ol real andLid of the South ? ? Gr is it the intention j consolation in seasons ot trial, and distress-" vrheih ere to. the North to give their funds to s these arise fiom the stated the heart, or from oml h htm' smiles bis sustaining power. He is empbatcap" -called in bis word, "The God of axem!6rL acor ' 3. It matteis not, what may be our peculiar enn, or the peculiar nature of the comfort we cted- ' su pply it and he onfy. 'No w here else canlt be fdun Friends may sympathize with us ; hut they cannot rea V the heart, nor ieal lheyaerated spiriUTheietsoai ' of an infidel philosophy ran fuxmeh no relief. : "pP pleasures, !issijiation5,-and business of the world ' 6 lead uVto forget, for a' season'our trials ;bot'ihe3e!J neither remore nor sustain usjndifr therm ' ft &Q that smites, and he only can heal ; for he is "tfie a comfort -H-H Ai-;-, r 2. The ioy.of the christian lare not confined to waj. ohs of worldly prosperity. IHs pcssiUelor hfm to re. joiceeven when called to suffer "the low of all i.: The scriptures record some happy instances of the That he thought such a we should be unwerthy membertrof a Society, to whose 1 of fhis. See 7ok when suddenly bereft of all his earh contnbuters are greatly enlarged. Why then send any 6f them tu New, York when they should go to Ricb- m'ond I We have not a dollar to divide with" the North ; and it may be a vain expectation to look for a division rrom them.. Let us then each-do, as they did in the days or Nehemiah, arise aitd build over against our ze it be ul ri it ,v a lb Ji Shuck, it was amusing tp mark the expression r his own Aot(tt.-But Uour funds must go to the North; one countenance. I was waecntng mm ciowij, uu comiu i representative should go with mem. ine great princi- m a Jo l.,.: ; r Citr. under the excellent management of its present vidence thattneu nearis were rockwj inis repiy seem- - .- . .." - t .1 Jy possessions j and still moreol the children of fci r iecnons, messing me nana wmco cad smiltea hitn The Lord gavefsya tiWand the Lord bm fciwSj way? Wsiyje the name of the Lord. Job. 1: 21. Tu prophet aoaA;tt(4n;appreDen$ion ot the most i'a. tressingj)riFations arid lossessays, "I will rthir, , the Lord ; I will Joy in tfie God of my salTauon Hji 3; 171 8.;'-.PauZv.blessed God during a time cf trvtnr- i men of the SaviooVs approach within five years. "There are a few 'families of Mormons. s One of them observed to roe that hq, knew of but'one book thatj was better than, the Bible, and that vras the boolt bf Mormon. whole Bible in his bouse. Jn obedience to a sup posed revelation, they, are setting their faces to the Far West, Vancouver's Island or California, They are selling otT their stock, find ofTeringtheir farms for sale, and making preparations for going , A LAKGE FARM. - The Qiinaman was then requested to address a few spontaneous remarks to thw audience,' which he did tp tha following effect. ''China is a vast jcpun try: Itcon. tains a yfry great number of pepple. It must be regard. Ye have been mortified by having been compelled, for several weeks past, to use' paper of so Inferior a quality. The cost to us has been fallyjis great as we shouldhave had to pay for a much better article. We have been for several years getting oar paper from a mill in this vicinity, and the hope that we could soon be fur. fa n j matter of thanlfuiness that American ' chris ui&ucu wmi au iraprovea aruue, nas inuueeu us lOJise the present quality v longer than we otherwise should have donei We shall now. jnake immediate arrange- ed like alarge field ; a wry extensive farm. It requir res many workmen. U B were a small tarm, lew would lunds we contributed, if we did not take part fn their deliberations. Now I will ask, who from the South or at least from South Carolina, will attend the meetings or the A- and F.- Bible Society ? Vith.a very few ex ceptions 1 say none. I do not see how brethren can trust themselves into an is not wanted, where, while they may be courteously received bv -a few, they wm oeiscowiea upon oy inemany.-11 cots teem jo imuvn, aim nuunucm. uuig. uoci; 3 tcv u- me that this painful, this irritatin alliance should cease and while, imprisoned auPbillippi, and i ex. in alt its connections. Let us say to our Northern breth'J pecfation of a erne death, "prajed,: and tang waisei- ren, lei mere Df no longer strue. oetween; us. Let cs 1 unw juwk cwiw ;ahu me pwos-.praimirt endeavour to remove all- causes which engender strife, dared, "I will the Lord at aU jumes." , Psalm 34 If you will turn to the fight hand wrill turn - to the 1 1. ' left. kWf tejinquishlo you Buraabs with all 'itstateV I ese examples show, that it isjKssn)ieto6Go csiuiji ti5yuuiuyu,-u wig iue BUiMcgi,pii oar prayers nuuu us tiauwia " uu uio juugempu's cieaie and. our contributions. Wegive irj to yon the beloved J nay, it is not only possible, but thousands bate ccfo ments, however, to lutnish ourselrta with an article of ! in the gnrin?. One of, their parlies. cnnverU has S,IlcrcIU loa,lly- lne above wmarlts, we attach no recent! returned with his famiWmmNaaal man! . . . , ' . t anrt tvhn DA TKav ln YMifl lis ilnntt tnr nm tk. he could, in the present state of bia machioery.- tians feel an interest in it 1 hope 4hey will not relax their eflts because it is so extensive a farm, and re- quires so many worKmen. , ; j ne soui, iseyenu -ry i judsbn identified in our hearts with the rreat cause of thing elsi is precious, impensnap, maesiruct.nie i ne Ullfi We ' tttrn cbinaith its wide snread t . fc . - . AA.f M M A A II .nA..vn f A - - " - A '. -' m: . r .u t " j ,. 1 1 1 nor, jinrl fppmin millirin. eobef man, and consents no : longer; to jbe called a Mormon. But the delusion has cost him dear ; the labor, time and expense of a removal to Nati- . voo and back has reduced him - to indigence, j And what is more, it has poisoned and corrupted his family ; his wile is still a Mormon. Tbey are a most infatuated people, self-confident, loud and boisterous. No argument but those of dire experience will v convince them of Iheir er ror. TEeliglous society Js still in its infancy. here. The churches are mostly quite young, being only three or four years old, and few in natnber. The The correspondence of "A Member'of-the Conven Uon," the conclodiWnumrief tf which we pu Wish in this week Eecorderwill be found to contain a lucid and dispassionats ex position of the merits of the ques tion of continued union with the' Bible and Pulicatioo Societies. Our readers will do well to read. and judge for themselves. so. ChrT Therefore, tas only question is, 'send the (rospel to my countrymen. :f; With put it, they must per- After t raver by brother Dowling, the large audience was dismissed, ntgniy graunea wiut ue .inruaug ana delightfsl missionary meeting. ;-: . . Iota. spread Let there be a holy riv airy between us, as to-who will dotnrt in giving the glorious ' Gospel of ' the blessed God to the perisln'ng Heathen. My principal reason however for urging the proprie ty and expediency of a total separation from tbe Korth, is, that the prospenty of the Bible cause is involved in it I have no means of access to data, to shew what has been done, withe? South for the Bibfe daring, the past jear.' I hivejio doubt however it wHl be found much less, than for many yearsj 1 know brethren, who MR. SHUCK IN N. YORK. The following account of the reception of Mr. Shack and his Chinese attendant, jn the City of New York. stated means of grace Cwbicb the people enjoy are will,we think, be read with interest. We copylfom bi3 measure: but before iwngM very limited, while more than half netecteven N. York correspoadeaiof the Christian Watchman. W remove a difficulty, which resu on ths minds of many those within their , reach. -The operations of the For the Recorder. )(, ' ; THE SOUHIEKN. CONVENTION - DtAa, Ba.M""rn'-- In a late number I attempted to show; that cn princi ple, the Southern Baptists should withdraw from all j r-aVe been ia the habit Of comributingt vjho have? done connexion with Northern Societies. In this I may have 1 nothings ' JThf y knew .not'wbat destination would be failed; and what appears plain to me, may not be so to given ia'the Bible funds j and they had settled in their others. l-ropose now to consider the expediency of minds that ho more ol their money .should be6enl to the North - American and Foreign Bible Society would do" literally nothing in S. C. ally done it. This may seem strange language to m,' believer- to. those,whose affections art placed a mere earthly objects; and whose enjoy ments ppripgfroa merejearthly sources, but it is fas true, as it majsetia 5 strangel The views which ihe Bible gives ot tbe char acter and government of God j and the confidence b hick faith inspires in him ; render the christian fully saUsfied Lwkh the rectitude of all bis dispensations, and produce, ' uncer ine peaviest calamines, a ieeiing ot seennty and satisfaction That 'lhe Lord reigRelh." ir, to him, wi occasion of exultation and JoyV P4.97; L'i.-'Spffll'-of the purest joys known uponarthf are expVieBad ? m the very midst of outward calamities ; and tbe rood sincere'and elevated thanksgivings which arexifffred to i God,are"often the result of sanctified afflictions. How ' inestimable, then ; how well adapted to the iraBls ani condition of man, is the religion of Christ! Ka olfcef l am fully satisfied thatan Agents the I haa ever been found adequate to his neceai&t Tract Society have now been introduced to their' notice, and tbe reading of the American Messen ger will -give them additional light," - - SABBATH COXYENTIOX. P ' "A Convention of the friends of the Sabbath, was Xev'Yorl,Feb. 20, 1846. , . AKKrVJLL OF - EEV. J. L, 8HUCX.' Taw well-known Misonary to China, accompanied I by his cnildren and Yong Seen Sap- wttea for me hy bra Shuck, who we understand is a Chinese leach- i erarrived in this city in the shipTonqain on Tuesday, me 171a msu -we ream luai nis neaun nas oeen freat- brethren. - They feel that, their present connexion, es pecially with the American and. Foreign Bible Society,' is to say the least a very awkwafd one : but they be lieve we are not yet pretared for separate action. . It is no other can makehim cheerful and 'happy, under 1 1 the sorrows and privations ot lite. :( Let the righteous, then rejoice; and let them thank "the Falter of mer.,' cies, for the abundant consolations of his grace. - 3. The joyraeMhe christiaafetiyirMerailyctioo, Tj f- is frtie and substantial. It is not that pccrconsolatioa,-; y if consolation it may be called, which arises from w . - " a 1 t t . . Beld in Rev.-Mr. Snrols ' Chnrch. Washinrtrm WW IWims 8 1 City, on Wednesday of last week. The Church was'densely thronged on the occasion, .and the meeting, we nnderslanB, was highly interesting. The venerable John Q. Adams, as President oftbe Convention, opened the business in a brief- and impressive address on the duty of observing the an iniant died on the passage, Nov. 9.. TON- 'LITEBART UENTtEJIAN. On the afternoon of last. Lord Vday, f'had the pleas ure of attending most ..interesting missionary meeting Is it right to do that which will dry up the streams of Cnnstian Charity in the hearts of our brethren I Is it rizht to furnish to the covetous srHriCan excuse for i""6 tui6u,in,; j , 'uu w wh k w.v..t 1 wunfloiuiDg wnaiis uue io we treasury 01 me low r rneslic Missjola.;; Let tisief these into operation first; 1 t sk these Questions honestlr. and witheen anxietv .:tt J ml kl f-t-..l.'-,' Tl C I . T . i. . . - ' t . V . I J.'iT.-i..".. I :.J,ol Pt TK. rol'imnn hi ana men we WlUJtlllcna IO ujc utute UIUSC 1KB wuuic I ll 11 mv hnmhlo nmnmn hit ntiognn K.h . .nl I UlllCICUVe iw luc luusuicms uwj. mi- i"'b'" difficulty arises from a maken view of the case. . If the cause of Missions, loo has suffered. Wd will rnntin. Christ does not teach us to be jnsensihle to the losses is taken for granted that if we withdraw from the, A- lie to sufler, unless this difficulty is removed. It is this I an1 trials which we are called to bear. These are felt and F. Bible Society, a niw orgfihizalion at the South, Uw nflhe hMii!nrch' h ' 'in i,1m I more sensibly by no one, than by the tree christian.-. will be necessary, wUh -all the expense of business, you, and through you my brethren, who will read these I While religion purifies, and derates, the heart it neith-- nrintm? oresses. saianeo? omcers ace Lei us xam. i ' if r k ....w. t i r nt mv. nnr h nnts. the leeiines oi me man.-" ab r o r- . : iuuai, , u i luuusui mere was no uinarance in me i r . j- w at the Laiijht street" church, which waSr. addressed by ine lbis Pint and lt fSa- --r-When the flow of christian benevolence amongst us, arising from babbattu ihe Key. Dr. Edwards spoke at length, I com panied him, YonSeerr Sang. The latter is a Chi- our!eloved missionary brother from Cbinathe J?er. J. j Baptists were driven from Jbe Amencan Bible Society; L ohucic, and the native Lhmese preachsr, who hasac-i I did not approve of the Jormation of a newSpciefy, J mA iht pTnripnr.ft of nearJr tea veara hn itificfip mm fnlorc.ng and Oltratjng s,m.Iar views of th i ana was touowe ny ahe iCer.' Matthew Hale I k;- ;9.Ufi t m k wJU,k kki. ... i ri trA;m"MiiiA.lViari1 : nr .i si 19 uaiuViOwiubOi & v ua tviu uj oiunici , aJll uvftf iiiaftJsvMa was twiry wmb ivi uuiuca I Smith," and the Rev.- Mr. Danforth, who' addressed the audience with much .earnestness: and effect, advocating the observance of the Christian Sabbath as a day. of rest. -v The Key. Dr. Edwards agam addressed the raeeUng, in dereoceof the important principles whose practical observance it was de-1 signea to promote. loe Key. Mr. Danforth; the Kev.Mr. Sprole, and Matthew St. Clair Clark 'Esq., were appointed a committee to prepare an address to the public, introductory to tbe proceedings of tne aaDbath Convention. We anticipate m their address ah able and .persuasive argument, which .n jjjuuiuib me imporiam oojects eoniempiatea. uvijwutu&U SWKUK at AVS w ViUCU. xdntr is.properly bis name, and that Seen Sang sifirni. was to raise funds for Ffcreien translation and how nes literary gentleman, out is always nsed lor tne sake this cause, 4 should have been silent, however much 1 might disapprove of "our present relations: But 1 can not thinkja; and therefore have I spoken. Will my brethreri'.consider it ? . : One or two remarks more and I have done. ; 1 believe it to be the fault of theagfr, to have every thing done by Secielies. But if my brethren think they can not , pes iizerary geniieTnun, oui is always nsea lor tne saice ,,1,1 ; hne teen to hai nn(.9Win ih nk - ' " . " , ' of distinction;' there, being so many ia e ver Ch'mese ?f ? h? " i1? A P 6et on wilhdat a Soulhem B,bIe 1 iIJ towa ot the nameof Xoitg. ; :. ' tists throughout oar rdryti furnish theneans. jt, proviJed inlhe meanirme arrangements be will ncd po made in Savior himself was not indifferent to suffering be felt as keenly the scorn, the injustice, and the reproach j' which we're heaped upon him as does aBy tnembcr of " -the humaa family, when similarly treated. The eame -:. was truelof Paul. 'In attending to the shame and pej cation, which he and bis feJIo:a'posiles, suffered for h. .' the sake l Christ, he does so in a manner jyhich In dicates, that he deeply felt them; . And so, with ere? genuine believer. . ; v But while religion does not blunt the. meeting w u - : THE IDDRESS J)F BtO. EIIUCI which had been denied Uj bjMhe American Bible So- Son'them Boariior receiving and disbursing Bible heart, It Mparts such a fund of comfort and sopport i. ciety. Tbe object Xvould tavebeerj attained much more was one of the deepest interest, and secured the earnest simply, and quite as effectually if not more so. But this anu aengmeu uenuon 01 one or me most crowueu not 8Uit the views oi-tnose, whose feelings bad been ESS nfI fSrniSi tZ , - faffed by the .treatment of the American Bible-Society, history ot the Chinese-mission; of its establishment in . 1 . ' 1836; of the discouragements connected with its earli- Their Denominational pride twas ap, they most have a est history ; and of the )rovidence,of,God in so oyer-ru- Society of their own. , Andvbat has been tberesull ? ling the dispute between Great Britain and China as to Why, after all the efforts of'Agenta with the machinerV ouciiujaicouuinrwioe preacaiLg oi-ine gospel. in I oflife Difectbrs and life jnembers. t believe ,Iws has characterizing tbet war, hestHted emphatically, that can-1. u'f.?ifiirti' . i . , trafv to the eenerallv"receivfld onininn in frn been raisea ioxnoe greai oojecioi toreign tranialion and it was : : , H distribution than been, by the. other plain, . EEPIXG THE SABBATH.' . A French' pastor relates the fojlowinf anecdote: l4In a district in IJarite Vienna where an Astonishing revival has lately taken place, and where almost the entire population seern to be desirous" of leav- . . l : '" t'. -- - - - ing me errors 01 xvomansim, a larmer requestea his neighbour, one Saturday, to come oVef and sssutiraam.t5ft Utboariogrlri a ifeU, Yon forget, Replied the neighbouf,Uiat we 'are Papists no longer, and that we must not workmen the Sabbath. .: True enoogh,' said the farmer, but really I cannot find time for this piece- of work next week. Vell, then leave it beV and I will come on Monday and do it alone.' This was agreed upon, and on Monday, the Sabba'tTi-keeper went and performed alone in his neighbour's field the labour of which he had been requested to do only half.; The same man once said, with the simplicity bordering on sublimity, in reply to some wno urged that it was ' impossible to avoid losing money in . business without telling false hoods: It is better to lose than to be bstf -Kow our frjeod had not read this in any hook, Tor he does not know how to read V . . News rtoM the : Chukches. -In addition to the accounts of revivals which will be found in this da y's paper, we may alludeto the gratifying in - tell igence which has come to ns) in.bnsiness let : ters received at this office, from several quarters. The Rev. Mr, Coley writes us " that interesting meetings. resulting in great good, have been held by him lately with: the churches at Cross River, Red Mills, and Carmel. The Rev; Mr. Kennard of Philadelphia, writes that, "the" Lord is greatly blessing our. Zion," and suggests that he will send -Dsa morel particular account of "the work now in progress. The Rev. Sir. Teasdale of Schooley's common sense method and they would have avoided On this :pointrhe sibnary fully endorsed the the painful struggle in htchhey are i now engaged Th bokrd funds.? Let brethren know, who wish to advance the Bfble cause, that their money can as well be sent to Richmond as New. York, and I am willios to attend them all the time ihey may require , for establ ishing a grand, imposing and 'efficient Southern Bible Society, .gaia 11 my tremren-rausx -carry jonaii tDeir riioie op erations by means of a Society, they .should have their own. The influence of the word lTmon;has been de lusiye, and has blinded our tjes,as to the real state of lbirs-We, of the Sooth, were far away fronj athe surrmg lncaenig conneciea wun our missionary things. was located i,n Boston. The meetings of the v party entirely, wnnouiioiame.--i-wouia remarK inau tberefore that4Je Nortb, has so far Outstripped there isueh an intimate connection "between the Bible 1 ,u.;' i:: " JL d a..:. oniunH though a fracas in relation to. that" mieht have beenjh immediate occasion oftbe raptyre. The mis- - T - - IDeir jvijssionary enorlS. Drtfig the Same lnflueflCCS ta 6knary then proceeded to make an earnest appeal for and Missions at least en farour Ppreign operatjonsl K,9r linnn ; t-W MinaW '.-fir affliction, as enables the christian to reioice. And us , Minni! Irtw. TtnrloAv frnm a ronsiftpration of ijlC SuVai3 tn grace of God: of ihe sa3cienCy of that mce; and front; ' the well-founded hope that bis season of sufleongJSs ; the clouds of "wyiter will soon pass away and that he ; will emovorerM. the reoose and -bliss of heareo. .', Here, men, cnua 01 aiaiciron : is grounu ;r4iw''; j. oy. ; Thousands have here anchored their hopes,i -: have not been disappointed.:: if, their sajfexing ey abundant, their torn also abounded.". CorJ 1 1 5-"r Yes ; it is a cornfortinsr truth.' that, if we ara called - ' suffer io any way according to the Vi-ilf Jof Goi 18 , will nlUour hearts with all, necessary Cdcso.auoB. ; ft was in view of this consideratioo, that ram , v said"! wrll rather clory, in my. lnfiraiities, wa . power-of. Christ mly rest1 'upon me,w,c: 2 Conatb ;j assistance to erecting a AVv" -fi; BAPTIST CTA?Ennt CiNTON, J ,. ' forlhe use of the First Baptist church in thateity Jn reference to street preaching,, he said that the result b all his' experience as that it was not the thins for Chi na. ' They have -now thirty or forty interesting con verts, but not one in consequence of street preaching. It is no difficult matter to stand up ai the corner of a 6tteet, and get art audience of some 3 or 400 to listen to you, with tolerable attention for 30 or 40 minutes. But it always breaks up in a row, and you leave your stand in are concerned, that it is not only annecesbaryV bultin-l ' wiseao nave two orgr.niauoas,7wnjere sonewiu an-; swer, Without Woltiplyin wordst Iill stale the plan which it seems to me, wif address itself to the under- standing, of every one: JLet au. money for publishio and cirCulsviing the Bible n Foreign lands be sent at j once to our Foreign Mission Board. To this point they o 1 r .u t . a . I son, m IO raise lUnUS lor le eufpi iuicDiunireB.iu IC-I " . .. . . -.!. r. . ... . I extent 01 m4diflt-itnw-the-tef wttfre FoteiTandsT ad after years oi toil, returning to tell ; ua, what God hasIone for the Heather. "i re us, within our1 reach. the meetings of Conventions and Boards, and I will an swer for it the tSouth will awake to her uty. She Will be found side by side, with' the foremost in the great Missionary cause. I agree f ally, -with, 0 the remarks lately made by? him atiiiebmond. ndependent of all other considerations, the greit our country demanded a separate Urbanization 1 1 . L1ma .li'.tritMit Xntt rt iho FnirlleK Pit. hm ..i,I cnrriiif in arm K onn n . ' t i..m.n n mj. am v 1 1 ail ill ll iir u mil li a w t i 1 1 liii i iiir . w rr i rmi - . cwti v. , ? ..1,11 a juiooviiauvc ucivtrc I wiicw h1" u x, i f tK. SA..ih. .. a t. . . L.. 1 i. ?. ...... . . I . ' ,i.i ... . . I IUI UIC UUUIIi i J1U 1 Uf tUI4(M.VM "Kitf IU Wtw in you nave neen saymfr. anq tne hurra and hnst e-at the no printing presses KCoUppreaoi tne Bible in Kng ish , T - - , . " rV. - ,,' , eni. Wbe, .bey hd . chapel in whh lo n,r. .he aue haf f abund.; ,VaJ chp oreapr.ha f1 j',1 TxJ'J. worK oi uoa commenced, hat not till then, t ot this rca-1 we could have the publi&he J. Ijet our Stats Societies do aa they have done, snpply (he wants at tiome ;and let funds be placed in tbe hands""of our Domestic Mis- ; sion Board, to supply the v nntsr wLicS may be ascer tained by our Missionaries in'theirfeld of peratidn. Should we delermineno publjsa retigjous Books, and especially a' Southern Oristian - Keview, it may be necessary to organue a bcuil for this purpose. vBut son, now webave a foothold in Canton we want to bmld a chapel there.; And bhe object of his coming to this country, is to obtain'the funds necessary for that purpose; $10,000 for tbe. bouse, and $2,000 for ihe ground. Brother Shuck concluded his address by an' appeal for help which was well responded to by the au. dience. After the missionary had concluded, our ChK nese brother was presented tohe audiences in the abf sence of Ihe pastor, by brother Wyckofl, the new Sec retary of our Bible Society, when Ihe following IXTERESTTXG D11LDGUS . tVZh V :,nS publication cohtract for printing, where they canave COUrSe tnrntl 7 rl IhA mpilmm nt hrnlltai Vhnrlr n. mt.r. 1 ... f preter. and cheapSt done . make arrangements for de- Brother T?.- How tong,wilI jou ask our Chinese positories, &c.There is one Jhing, which will require brother, has he leved the Lord Jesus Christ? their early attention. I mean the .establishment, of a lirother Xong. Itis 6 or 7 years since i loved the ba viour ; but only about 3 years s'nce I became a baptiz IF. What ara your .feelings and views wilh'regrird patronize the Review published at Boston, since it ha lo the Saviour ' ' ; I ccme out io decided Justification of the doings of tbe act- their'busineRS will not be to establ5h printing presses, or to embark m any enterprise rc ; Jinrj large expendi tures of moheylt-r-Tjiey'.'wilfhave to revise works for Christian Review, and the employment of an At all events 3 do not see, how the South c, X. ...Dr. : m Ioniser more thoroughly - than hey have alrtady jone, 1 hope 1 have gren ofierice to none. AJy great object basaeen to remove every obstacle to the progress oi Missions a mortst us. - . ' . : A BIEAIBEROF THE CONVENTION South Carolina, Feb. 7, 1846: - v". For the Recorder. " . ' - :. "SHORT READINGS. 1? The present lifcis one of care', perplexity, and tri- af. From these, none are exempt, howevef favored, or pious. - "Man is corn to irouoie as tne sjrts ny up ward- he isoffew days; and these are' frequently imbiltered by sufferings both of mmd and body. No one can promise riimseu unmixea enjoyarreni. vve Know not what a day may bring lorth." The ' .morning may be fair and joyous the evening may be overshadowed with clouds, and our hearts wrung with billccne? and 12r 9. . . rPiaaXftvf h Sffmter5,3Cj f 5For the Recorder. iii ON "DECISION IS THE CHRISTIJkN CBlUCITS.' : DEia Brethren, f Was recraesied'to prepare W Essay upon thVabovV subject, at, the, iJniorijDeeticg. . which met with Ihe JlockV" River Cburvb, in Augas lastly Thesubject Is a very important :one,Md Ty way worthy of our serious consideration. ; know that w e have immortal souls, which are capaw of stiflering miseryVand enjoying' pleasure and bapp . nessr for ever raore. Eccause we know that we countable creatures toGod, and lhawe .- called to reap he reward of our doings. 'And :oeca the ecriptures teacb us tfmt it is bur duty and oor px $ legeto irirow in race andin e knwledgejDto:y tord'and Saviour. Jesus Christ e1great nporaui : of which is apparent to every intelligent and rccecur mind; To make tneecessary. improvemeBUhert -whiQh.'af accountable beings,-we believe God req : at our hands, we must live in the use of all the ted means of grace fcraesUy coniendng once dVlivered t the fairade 3o !fV 'undoubtably to uhderstand the entire system . ify,as taught by Christ and his apostIes,and ewon. by iheir example, -t Whatfce We should determine to inquire of the Lom will have uS to do.-and aHer Ve hare ty, to go forward with an hambft boldnes . of thecers and frowas of th. worlds aier?, trusting in God, to discharge the varow

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