. - ; - - ; . , . : : I , : : v - - - -' I ..;'' t . 1 - . . - Is ' ' : t J 5 1- ' ' ' l , . i-';!'; :- -' . . " ' - - " "i i I ' -Y fl " .VT fl- 5 If r . r i r i f rr r c r ! 'iiil Pivoted ted to, ReHgionv MoxaiityV' - i ! .VOIiUME'.jyi.'!:lfO; 17.fl- RALEIGH, SlTimDAi; APRIL : 27, 1850. i'- HYHOLE' B: 09L ' f ' ' L-ftS- f - -- i. i ; , i ' . , 1 t , : - -; ; ; H , , l ! f - 4 " f - ' t , ,H 5 - - .! f C J - - t t ,f- . id . '.,.','. 1 , ! . . t I . , .". j 4 i .if i :,u i. i i . - ' - i . ...... . . A Religious and Literary Paper: ' published weekly 5af JUleigli,' Ni C.;4 kt $12 00 par iiiiuuui, pajruute m aii ciuws i advance. " - vgcj- For, fonher particulars see last pacfei ' v All" 'comm jmcalions intended lor tins paper Vtotihl Ite ndJressed (post pajV),; to the EJilor at; Ra legh, N.'C h ; u j '., il l.t . t e lteasons tot a Corrected Version of the KiiSlish New Testament. - 0; vr, UV 'A EPISCOPALIAN.5 ! ' J ' - ( Concluded.) . Another defect- arising .from' translating frortt a Latin version of fa Greek original, jre , suits from the Latin ;harin no" article ; so that, where the Greek - expresses a definite sense bjf means of U article, that sense is not c owe) ed by the Latin version, and . errors ne cessarily follo? in the, interpretationT tTriu in Mark, iv. 28, where the; Greek is tjnUa prodvphalaiwii ln& where the ; Latin ' renders v super ctrvicdf) Wiclif rendered;! 'Jp&aTpilewe (pillow,') whi;h veriion hU feviiers fiavel left i.i the teiti So irt fLuke, vi. 12,U?here the I J re t k i s, en U j)roseuchef an d the) Lajin j in (h riftiune? ourj version readers f mprayer9 fol lowing; the Latin : and thu?, the true senses pi prtskephalaloh, and of jrroscvdKc- in those pfaces, are lost to the Knglish reader. ' r ' ; , ; No one now translating from the Greek; would .render Jus, " ikanosm At mas dtakonous wu made us eminisiers; I butj who fitted or qualifidus to'Uinistcrs1: yet 'it.vasso trans lated by Wiclif and has been continued by Ms last .revisers because the Vnlgate renders, quiidbneos nos fecit ministros." This render ing Krasmus allowed to pais,bnt he has shown fn his note, that we are to t understand thus : "qu luoneos no; iccii ui csseinut mimsiri, fluftsi dicas, idoDeavit." And . it is observa ble ; that although the intermediate edition'of 15 IS took advantage of "Erasmus's note, and rendered " w'liiche hathe made us abletd mih im the N. T.,H yi't, the lasjt revisers return ed to WicliPs original rendering,! " made us a - Ut ministers 'j iH . - . ' ..These and all other similar paksages in our EnalislA version -of the New Testament . bear in themselves indellible prbof, that the founda tion, aiideneral fabric of our authorized ver siort, ii a transhitlon front the fatim a . . i nai, ynieu is, :V hosoi shidl i cause ;onel of the great family of the redeemed in heavbn aid these little onea thit believe in me to ' stum-1 mhIi ? TJrt r.-i ii,. ' ble qrt failnn his belief: bv which perversion, .j. .n : 1' - iL: tUa. A.r..i ' i l " . ' ""-." 7" UUB, in VUriBt jeans wueiuer uiey ine awim preassurance denounced against all inrJ r-M i t ' w-il. ? t " who speak or write with the! view'of di.lurb- ft vg 7 i'?00 ingthe faith of thpse who believe in Christ, bk e, bond or free ?, T CV is . utterly deteated ior .though theatin J "carT ieu; lw , lU0uluaw. v tffendo signifies to stumble 6r strVce against no l01ls and are you in the church to gratify some conveyed by the English Wo 4 Now it cannot, be denied, that (wherever they are, often take possession of the heart our English version betray a closer connex- ''AvM j : i .if..'" ; .i 4 , :i. . . C .11 hf.Tft ftrft Ttmnw in ihlt nhtmih that vwnroa t ' uiticgiicu luciMseivi'B lou nil tucT uave u curisi, I maciTca wiui a religion njaicen- nin- memseivcs. iney conzrat- defects here produced, that a "new translation Ulato themselves that they have made their own at they bave be- ' .' ... t. - ! . seem willing to ..-"' ' i ' .i . i , rest s tnougb their own security was all borlto ' ndbih A 'i'm W,r Kn.i,;nl .jconcernedthem; : Thej can sea no , burdens to more certain, than that a new trauslatwnls ae- HKr' n? s. l ai ,ao trials to cessarily a uwst 'translation ; and, that a first endured,' no sick to be Visited, no hungry to translation' arrives 1 at excellence only by re- be fed,' no naked to bo clothed, no mourners to peated revisions ; it being impossible that the beomt"orted.?,j ! " .. '' ' mind, whilst engaged in' t the progression .of r Whitdo'such onM su translation,- should at the jsame time equally. ;ben he said, " Take my yoke uPo!n exercise itselt .jn.the interruptive scrutiny of i-- u t, . " j 'k v..;- L .: :v wara of me." Except a man den you and ny himself, fice of revision. Errors' and! oversights will and tae uis cross and follow me, ho cannot insensibly occur in the process of translation, f wy.wpte.,y ijWhat did the Apostle mean which are onl v to be drtentftd and cnrrprtfl when he said, " Pure relizion and undefiled hp- after it is' accomplished, by j goinj; over the Koro GkJ and tnc Father is this; to visit the wnuie ivuck, again ana again, siowiy ana at-1 auu wiuuws in meir amiciion, ana to tenti vely ; not looking beyond the particular t keep himself unspotted from the world"i How point wnicn is actually unaertlie eye ; and it can the Savior in the lasttgreat day say to 1 1L. A?! . . o i iitji.lt i i J ' insignificant members of an extensire, corarauoi ty, are constantly oroing in ebntaci ona with another; and "transmitting our thoughts, feeling and, opinions.' And .however our fpclio may do lniureu, uur cnaractera assaiieu, our terancrs vexed and tried, let as remember, it is God-liie ' f " TheRev. Dr- Apollot 1 The ptactice of the paperain magnifying min isters with great titles," and pulling their services, is admirably," ta iett'ojphj the New York Ue- eoraer. in tue luiiowing Bencs oi ncw?paperi no fTrr-i.-.tri .v . . . -.1 i.. . ' ' iices, louvuiug iuu movements oi lue.uigut ivev Dr. Apolloa: " ; 1.' , ji ,. "I 1 . Rumor says that a private correspondence is in progress between tho . sagacious committee of the Aloon Street Qlmrcb and Hcv. pr. A pollos of Paradise, on, the subject of becoming meir pasior,f , j - t. t , , r, r . ,.., 2, It is expected that the Right Rev. Dr. A- polios will preach in thq Moon Street Church oh tne next Lrord's day. , j nc .occasion must bo a feast of fat things.! ' . 3. Vc learn that the Church in Moon Street havo extended a unanimous and irresistible call ; ...... i to Rev. i Dr. A polios of Paradise, to become their pastor. . ;. . j. .L 4 4. Intelligence from Paradise not designed for publication, states that Rev. Dr. Apollos is very anxiously considering tho matter of his recent call, and is in great suspense as to his duty, It is thought, however,' that he will accept the such 1 charge at Moon Street: . The people in Pnridis may be solcrtin, very solemn but it u not tba MotLcrl who werxsrl for tlr VtU V. W most. It Is -appolnttd? tto all mcn.once to early loiL that raocrncr art iW . yl C U1 die, but aftet thuijudgmcnt.V'"' Death may be thy now anl child ! Drr Hit "tU i the gatewaytothe place of JosUecbot it bnot rtjoice that thQaiiiti"trtararakbeAMi i . the presence-chamber of the judge. -Or -Death - 7 . rrk,1 ZoxtrU Ojtring may be the PorterVho opens for thee the gate, . r j . - , . t,. , ' ... J i. T. irr 'Pi.. i t i ... mu u H humu8Aiu? r-u.-mai, crowneaana en- .. f yr ith. mvuw nuuiu. ' nuu II IUUU LULU&CSk lO BUllUK from the face of the servant at the gate bow wilt A polios with Street Clinrrli hsi meuttowards that point fn proportion as the a t u ana? ueuier .you nave a lovo Uiat been officially announced to that church,, He first translation has been subjected to repeat- prompts to action. ed i.revisals'.ji i And until that point - shall have I ; ' Do you falter in ; -..-' . - i . . . 1 a ' mconceired ;of before: ' Is not this aa"' mac h' a And that aUr, .bcanla'5 bta hetr Ht vara' matter of curiosity as of solemmfy?-- V .U ofbope Kid gUdaets, wa,' mr WrJ let Uli-' ; To die b not tho most important event t It man and her nude,!-, 1 ' : . " ' ! HeaTen tu itcprlated on ataotherS fce Kts-5 thing tht elainu kindred with tift tlizt' ' Tbi thou endure the presence oT tha Kin on xhe ! 7x7i 7. , "lZM ! " . thronafi -,- W.cbfaf eye, waich fiMjtlU Urtta xj t Li j .v '.t. v i noi"TCTncr slumbering child: tie itcrltflSoV - No, it b nbt death that ahould awaken -our 1 "-ltrwi - . . . .... . ... . . the angtUc tmnes, are oUcctaLifli n,ilr ti apprenension du we momentous follow after. ing Karri. efforts for the Sabbath' In Eocland . . . j and bcotlauU ', 5 -A very large meeting was recently held in Edinburgh, lor the purpose of petitioning Par- liament toilop tall poxt-olTicc labor through out the - country , on the Lord's day. It is stated mat there was a rude and nouy mioor- penen nr chisel can reach; as wUcli tttL-f fails in attempting to poortray. ' Upon th etd gies of the most eloquent league, wa VLoall Cal Ttktt writlcn.1 It U la the synipathles of .tie teart alone, where Urts the lovely picture, aal:' the eye may I00V abroad laVala fvr lu counter part In the worbTof art.1 1 i i What au Inflnente. uy in inc meeting, wno creaiea no ftmxil Ui- 11,-r r ( J-ir '- 4 . - '? tuibauce,butin spite of all opposition U was A hcr, ia averytriumphantd,mon,trationoftherirength Stltf'; J1 froa r nd prevaltncy of the sentiment against Sb. , tcba,irta' Ut0 ll "rrci beiwecatwo; bath desi-eral ion. Thi- Ird Prmnt wa i lnd t11" bonJred thonsanl IxZmjiXm ia tleir the chair, aiid made hororahle, mention ol charge. No inSuence, ai preaett, can reach . America as having, shown us a good example thcaa infant minds but that of a mother. Thcsa ' .1 . i. 11 . i.'ii " ' - ... . - Uishop's Bible of 1568, which; was,"1 in ; fact, will enter upon his new charge in thecourso of a your .Christian course. , or few weeks. . u .... . ., been fully attained, no sanction of, usage ori-of have you a love fornChrist that leads to unwa- -6.. We are renuestetl to say that the Rev' Dr human authority can be;, pleaded , again st spc yering obedience to his commandments.', , On- Anollos will bo installed", as' tas lor of the Moon (PCtll'A rpvitlftns Hldra runsnfinni ixn im.l ' .. . . '. j 1 . I 1 oart no real authority whatever: C Recention - "y"Y Wiarcu . on , next , Ihursday evening.- in' pni, ihi- rrrP ,v nf a MipPn iUtt tue alterable declaration of the Savior, " Ex- Sermon by tho Rev. . Abraham Paul. D it is discovered: but it can I neVerom"mt-iC8Iki a ,a.n. b os U-: : ':- - . , i . ; .... i!. raunicate standard value, t U is the same iin ana I0U0W me ;ae cannot bo my disciple." What 7. On Thursday eveninj, instant. Rev - i. . . . I . - '.. - : ' . i. . ' - - ) I " polios was publicly ? recognized as 'pastor Moon4 Street Church in. this city. , An immense, throng filled tho. house, andthescrn wero unparalleled. I The sermon by broth Abraham Paul, "D. D., was ineffable; bu forbear invidious praise, as all the other in mi: inmucr, an example mc more vaiuaoie, lulu at may b moulded at lbs Wia or cicr''iion as no one xtould chirgc tlic Amcricim with ofthese molhcra. 1 lfthis army ofiooth.riaLouUt being behind ;tl.e age in any of the Irgitinnt, combioa io aceomjlIh any giren cljecl, wlut facilitations pfbuklness, or with an undu? . , , , J, br : eitimate of the adranUgeof regu!a-ity and mlH7 BW" TC7.otaeriloulIia. peed in thetrnsmission cf letters. Several m llXKUf ?l ou 0J con43', Shcrifls cf counties were present and took craU her, infant to the acrnco cf ao Lord, what part. Drs.. Cunningham and Alexander were could .withstand inch a moral icilatne4? And prominent speakers. What prospect of sue yet from these infuits are. to 'come ourrtlcnl ItsJast learned editorsin 1611 'expres.lvitate casr uuuer cuusiucrawon oi ueieois una w mcnuiwij lumugu sma tuuimcmiann Qiru ur.1 A huM Preface that the design of their .work .eirors;in..th,Englisb ersionj i,Qittiapru on exaction by the;! power of Christian love is of the "VaZ-Wot to make a new translation, nor Vet to vu"luJti lraa THi-awB made pleasant and easy, and strange as it may make of a bad one.a good one, but tp " maKeir: Hv P ' i s - seem ia this very crucifixion to the ' world rthe vices a soon one (kwt.'a ine gooa translation wmcni-r w".t,-j ,-""r yin-rUr: sotii taay tina its invest happiness.' " : ' ' ' . mey were to mKc ucner,? was uuui ut t ve t . Lr. r.. .k- kJLi fi.-. 1 me Christian ldve thtf -weat rftinil.itAi.-l,fit 1 Am I n Chriitian properly attunes all t w lTJ n "tfc lhT controlls all desires, by partial; eolation- with .the Grcek; alir,, i." i A - ilv v l( i i -. i.i,ii,..JtJ he strings of human action, performances were' inexpressibly , impressive! regulates all pursuits. I t The angels must havo listened on that evenmd rine, to the bfforingof no with new ecstacy. . 1 i: I .. AJu V,rtm;nii Mnlai;rtn wrJ w rpvii. Uafc himself in doubt in regard to his, adoption leads to no unholyshrn If II IIj I IIUI1I1U Ml 4llklIVWI - VI , WU V . a v. W . - t . , ,t . . : V . 4 - - ! E. -. i ii , . V i . ' r .... I ... 'ions of ;WciliPsreai. tianslatioa;:irora' 'the .Lat- in?ibCJ?yr'of ,Gr Jlln);' phsho 8. The Rev. Dr. Apollos made his debut iq in ; but, none of these conduct us to an actual question remain undecided f. Is it so dilheultto opens to man the fondest visions, and impels to bis now pastorate of the, Moon Street Church, i i . ii ..i i : ' ii "in 1l ii " -l "i I i ' . i .i ' ' ' i i! ' ' ? L.i:..t ..'i:- .n.. i ii.'. .1 . ' . I o j. t-l. t . i i & iransiaiion oi tne; wnoie irom tne jureeK,vonij : determine wnetuer we Deipng to jurist or not iucbi acuun. xiave you inen mis strong anec- ou as ounuay. . iub. ivuv. geuueiuaa . icxi Jjot no, a foo was one ml -the effects, waai. overwhelming. Poor Robert Hall and Thomas Chalmers should have been there to have .1 to collations with it i sof that the term, ' tranda- j that we must remain in doubt ! 1 1 tion for Chrbt and his cause. Does it lead vou was well ehosen, , from 2 Cor. 11 : 16; tiwu applied Ho our English version, aftei " .'There arc 'tests' by which we may try our- to his separation from the world to these acts man think me a fool ; if otherwbe, yet as mcui,. must De i. unuer me, .that t may boast myself a lifiKP. n aiiynifvinrr hnlv rtPViuda i 1 corrections. 1 & -w -us J J -i - i I . ; ... -i A k -i . .1 -i . ,-, . . . I . . . . ..... . .. " . J 0 ' -' :- ' "'f .' 7 single one of them. The Bible teaches ns to tests lisie these yoa may try yourselves anl set- Subject, Mmtslerml ApprecwltoH., It , "fef(f Kmli1 4l, ;an1 'Vinw xvL' m iin'llliiaake our appeal directly, tolthei affjctiqns of the tie the great lmporUnt dusstion Am I ai Chris- of tha Doctor's sublimest productions, a . CcrUintly lour judges,' our mlnllcrt, and T1 .110 iSacaca e mercanuio portion oi uie community have either for rood or evil. :wUtb b' to tirar tha nobly forward to say that Su.ld-y Post jnt-.. t itf UilT,Al.k V, ' 1 - - w . m ft mm , I i i ' 1 t ...... ...,... " r Solitary Conflnemcnf. cess there is, I am unable to say Ill come deliveries are neither needed nor desired bv i , . - . . . .. . . hem. i ii SojUxiA rauuinslTAe Linden Dedarotbn. ' The fondon Record speaks of it as' a cause of thankfulncst, that the question of the rest of the Sabbath being the Post-ofliceU is now f!nrnrnminl 'nrl fli. T m!al ... . Innr 4iHi nr whih lUMllr am. ft J..t- til. possible manner.,. Upwards of pebUon. " , " " .r, V7 everomes iota Ikis ,ear- offender ii locked co tot three .. ntn papers ofto-day tprean the declaration M V Biwa.iao.wwr oniy. a bere, r the' Metropolitan .Vssociation, consUtuled .7 J. , 7 .. . r V , for this great object, with signatures Innumera- J,lure f .h5 55." J -w.tr1- i 0n. ble stUched to it.' t At the head of these a,w fora".!,lit Millbank, some moalbi i tgo.l pear the names of the Venerable Primate and" ,." ' - - .r. " 1.vuc V4 T . te are followed by tliep. J. "' . -V The dark cells of Millbank are l"earfcrpli- i ce, and Soroctimcs fcaxfurmistake are made I ?14' ' ' -at .1 ' f universally observed in g persons w uiera. iou.cWcna; w being brought before W "tJ.P f,ro0;.c SToand-Coor Iafo Ligislflure in the i best 4 Te7.a PUge leldij; IcU s.tomdor, oa have been already presented to Parliament f ted, and doubly ? from the Piovjncul towns, whose only prayer ?? &iaVtC d eYe is to grant them this favor: and in the raor- Cf 1 i0 fifteen bishopf. .These sicuature ot nuny ol the nobility and othei I . inhabitants of Westminster; of the mosfemi. a" ; inuuecu.r , , ; nent mercantile and banking firm,; of upwards ;utr "W" W .- He wish-: af4W of the London clergy; and many mem- ? V!? w.tbe otter pnaoncri; de hr. f Pnrtr. f At.r, cUrc1 lh mankind, are brethren f aacg -i heart. 14 We lcnnw that we have massed from an r .'ding eiamples show,: yet the revisions df :that death unto life because we love the brethren.;" translation, in rthe. times of. the Reformation, VLove is of God, and every on i. that i' ioveth is were not conducted with reference- only: to the born of God." ' Thcse are only two from numer- yreek text, but wita reterence, aisoto Jbras mus Greek Beauty: of Forglreness. t .-f had the privilege of annihilating themselves.:; A " How beautifnl falls blessed; Church this ;, though we desperately From human lips that blessed word, roaGivE. sympathize with our s'ister Church in Paradis Is there anything which has power to bind the I in . the good fortune of our brethren in J Moon tv tnhp nrintpl irt rnlnmn hv, the Uiiti of ihe ' love 13 an au-pcrvauuig, au-couiromug uuari, oi uiau wuu a urw, enuunng .aueciion, u owbcu iuvuwuuuj , i.t"iuii uu nyuwe i tnelish Version as if is in the edition Ot l54o "muence iiiat swava, ue uuai ii,; kuu i iuua uiciia wigncucas, vauvaa iuiui uj uic;jl, sincere, uu- I "Jui8w;r wiu4i wi.uwMii,iiuuj . vu uiis umuc not by roe.. tThat , revision, abu$iveW called life Erasmus's tranr. alien retained the f general and ,:- i.i-''iTA fi'V-vv i ' v. J i - 'i' fe, 4 It .manifests itself, ia all Stations, ranks, conditional repen id conditions .of life, In tho lowly it will .sup- ever short our li ntance verytone pf us, how- union iof people and pastor, in Moon Street . ft uvea auu biigus our j experience My of itbe Vulgate, Which he altered "only pressenvyings;r in those ofhigher rank it will can perhaps1 remember when, having done. in- ; . ; 1 f rom T?on I"!'.'.: .t .-- : l.?' f0-un! n'ceyW:,40 j5' '-.rfi subdua justice to some pne near andldear pardoVhas j Tlianatos., , , . , ,j :j ;( ,rinf 'Vfe twit3r-J Gre' fidelity in the friend ; faithfulness in'the man of been implored, and forgiveness readily and aflec- Death ought navcrto be regarded as a calani r f Jrom J"f -i ?ay-; 17 ' t businessl obedience 'in the childj care and watch- tionately granted janremamber, I say,' the mag- ty.- : Neither shoald it bo invested .with any a whole New Testament (ai they calli it) by the feelings of our brethren so as,t6 be ; affjctedjby ot alienated, feeling, jrand bound with renewed and usnce an mtercsungne, uu luvercsung no standard of the original ' GreUJii$'': tm4 whtherbe strength every sentiment of regard and esteern. less on account of its .curiosity than on account .Of 'the aroe'nature.ara the) noinaVtrans- prpmrAingeorrespondbgsy Tlie i faculty of forgiyingV and receiving forgive- f ...??lc.mnitJ:.j .J. Wt : f ( r -r.-, i ! latiops of Ty wWrejoice and Itbose ness is'nf the" finest in human naturef .I t is I expebneo jn my own person what t have Rogers,' &c.; namely revisions andjcoriectidns- forbearance and iye thmam poi oflcn a;eca m othershefrradal suspension of t 1'forme.r trahslattoiuL V.i'- . Lt C Jj :"'-rl-f"iri: -:t f1of 'iUir?t tikt Vliwi ixnoiw nv"'!. ' "inii'nir animal nower. and extinction of animal Iife-rrto Conneilr and 'of . Wt f rliif,n, 0f mr. 0IH1".WD" loia to oe UlCDl ; and WUen re nmP .n Town .ml iSn, Pntnnde1 or i,DS tb.C UOWarranUd Lhcr- e-"' " Jl.MMl..i l. w.. iu un ' ..n unite in one spontaneous prayer for this great "V w i . wiboi. . boon. And .a entirely is it in harmony with Thfy "'.Pretended to be mad ; which, the great command of heaven, w conducive is f e,0f ,lDM. " "pnew twbjected i turn to ccn it to the rest snd refreshment, of man, and to tioual ; panishmenU, and; procured bia so ai hi. social, moral, and religious improvement; JMUgei,iru.Terr.liktJr.IfThey put Ua IbIo'. and so triumDhantlV has the d scussiAn tfthe I . "' 8uvrB B.i unocrauows; , questi amon scheme accom tangibl we are sanguine in our exnectat great mercy is about to be vouchtafed to this country. on issued in the widely-spread cootiction ' ?xr ."" U,B.M7 "V .'J ; all clasies of the community, that the fe.or 1 VJllU MthLu ih- is not only rood in itself, but pfruyr V.,ou co canui.y. . i snau never ior plishment, and charged with a scarcely fJ,,-Vl,,MJ pwied the floor er.lii. lior.. e degree; of public inconvenience, thai " "i110; iui iiioserre visions, as i nave jusi saiu, - "t."i It. I " m me not made solely' byretVrenc!to4t .. rvf t a. ai. -.:. i i. i Lmn K.em iin eii. ...lnuuirti iuvu u..BUbu wc. ieierence .o tue cuiuiuauuiui; icuu- . - . -a. . , , -: ng ot Erasmus, and probably fa5 doubt ot ppM CAiscipune, .unaerwiucii mg sunicient shul iu tne. reeNiiguagc iare prongntii joji ir such a task: Caused the revisers v-to take I . . Amtn rmrmW tTiaf. Jdj that ning men can never ;f becprao gradually blind an deaf and d'urob to K b the ness of. being forgiven is sufficient to aroWo'their the world In which I have hitherto ,livedthis 5 ! l. J.J. .a - - A waa 0 -v-AAnM rirkf. inoo rnriAtia fhfiri rtl ATti VI - I f t t t asmusyLatintexttt it has the magic of acharm to allay withoui eyes hearing, but .without carsr-reon jj to translate by his revision of the' Vulgnfe: c0ndition ii luniayivarY"rj;lt all bitterness, reconcib all difference's, dispel all scions,! bat; without .heart or.: brainknowing, (prthis thepettyuab which so often .i.. . . '.. . .1 . :.. . y . i v,'.. . L... il a. InnrU.tnil iMPmPTit. in lirul'a rmTommnnt rwa-r mm an wall Itt hnna hnr.lroni remOtCSU WOridS IDT inOrSl "nicn is conceivea in ner n 't quod in-ea;patun ,est 014 aot eive " conceived as tne r.nsiish ot pate )natumf - but ' as, that of cnceptum? trasmus's'alfpration' of the Vuleate : tot wh V The Vulite abmties,imeaH their extraction prlowly.nfnd element in Gods government; over man, as . well ry hand, butfrom tS.:feed?torl' humbleltheiceonditionaiiTfiO 5? V-SPMiDleor tbo plan and ; intellectual na vul- exalts not one and abuses ainoteri oreass i n t down all those '1 I :'. lCM I il'i, -in XnirrtAtti ftiAlAa OAAA iuiv- my mora nature emancipated from all ma lt b the leadinz feature of Ho- terial chains, and manifesting a- rigor never be- What floods of. thought am a moment, what tor- , . . . ,j impart in a instant I . . . ftiil UTinofmnq iirtryn meh My W lit, and find an ardent, sincere rcsnonse in 1 fore conceived ox., . , . - - i ri r . L . i " ! . ; .1 't ' m' ... . . . 1 . 'll. . ? . - Ti in w tint mri ioc Dosom fit Avorv ii iflrh-TTitvt.rt man it. KihA i eanaDio oi recciviu? ia - : ' I'Ja-1 lJi. t-i It. f -t.lI sfmnorocf! llnV n Ut n1itn tVin t.ina !! t.n-l I irnra nf intllllfrfnr.fl Ca.II 3t-k .:-.Y- -- iVi., nnitWoiof everv Christian in hi Tri. iitvi Mr.r TI Whatcanacitv to know, to hone, to fear, to love. :aiinus.SUataSme failed bint cn this occasion -Sol same common platform ot,ruinea,1 neipiesae- 7'. " " I derinjr the Greek WorasM kcM .WescmoUonsf his, souLand despair ! . . .. , ... , " thelEn-lish, editors have .altH God' and tf ned the Vulgate van4 of his Redeemer, ;J ? seeing himjn an iron cage -and enc ed the'Vocabularytof Erasmus, as a- w ;- maa.-Uya.an indi- with acurtaanca tent. , 1 nerc, inaecu, we couiu pervert the meaning ot those words in .oe gcgsioM -"gusn text. I 1 n the ,v uigate, troy, are oni-1 ji uxx ffn?thei kin catamind, are anything but nnrileasant oi hu- lAt the bars of hb case be broken, and . let . the S fjfTf TTl dofgr miHating. irA cerUih degree of pride f eharae- curtained boundary bo withdrawn. ;det him look. SSKite sessionSkspbit, te,is forth on the world rangooj fb,- ords c fl.v,:n Jesas are W hat stamp trasiiortHandty up- force and dignity ;; but thepnde that cannot ask wardm the consciousness, of strength and, free- Campbell ; tmW ohSPrve1. " nothins can befur. mi the soiili and form ihl'only accep i obstinacy, isstubbornness ; andldomrr-aad at onea he is invested., with ..another The Lost Gem. The black waters of the rvrer of death were hearing. footitrpi,' ht evidently .tbocgkt they were coming to release bio.' . While we te- maioed in the corridor, be. did cot re ape ; to s bout and Implore most lamentably for free- dora'; when be beard us retreating,. bis voict re idwj a yen ano..wnen tae iu oi uc rblTing sluggishly onward. There approached! heavy bdti told him that we were psne, he one whose features bore traces of anxiety and gave a shriek"! horror;-"agony and depff sorrow'; and wita'a bowed form she gVr?d into which rang tbrongh the pentagon,' iad caa te the turbulcnt streamVailhough she1 would fain forgotten. God grant thU I taaf descr' aomelhinV far 'down in" iU 4 fathomless r" brar och sound, am ! On ccJr ' 7 'i.-iii'. , , -. , a after three or four. taontU', abwoce, U tail rti depth. A being or benign and celestial ajpecx . ... prin a. j appeared at her side; and aid,M What seek est u what hat become of the ma wlarftV, kI wore a' sparkling jewel upon my bosomi " It " The answer Svai, Oh, he wer t tzt J, t-I WMno' paltry baublej but a mona'rchV :glft. ind dissent off to Bedlara ? XHxrii I a TrW1 inVataaUe: ' Thowealihof India can ykli none tu.. H v ? v:; ,1 A ; " to match it:'1 InV an' evil hour U dropped from ' ... ,,. "; iU resUng pUce loloUu dark rif r. !For a bo- J";.iXr '- KoovwCoa K ; ' mentl saw it float near the brio:, ana strew nca He mioUioyouT iiie. l roraMa ail -.jr . out my hand to rcgaia It, bat it was beyond my neis'flows. J Tol know lia, ai rcrciJ: I ja re2cb- and iUank down. tHl I saw it no more: CbrUt Jeuii istlemal life cm earth. H bnelto ?Ler !V Aid la: deep gloom f V. T'' . . : . , , . - - ... - .;.?,' good shall come CDta.thee.'.i Honcr tha Soa Oration he assigns the following reasons e . -"Kos cenceprifwerterr m wqueat sermo s's Greek Swn-in ren slumdalizo gether-abando e'osely follow that creates such: distinctions where car? ridual under .obligations that, to a sensitive deHTladmire his kingly eye. his form, bis port.-; liut. shb turned to depart. r-l ;. SUy, mournef. I - Grieve not, but look again l:.Vl.i. '-.a!"-"1'' Sha TnnVfl .'"W1 err of ioV - ' 1 . 1 V' ' ill.'. .1 'i'i . -i"..! burst from ner nps. " m is mere : i aea in unon the dismal wave. Oh. " shall it not be 41l F '" . Ll r 1L.! i!l ? A-i. rri . ' .- i . 1 - - ini. . : 'Vif 1 f nft mind fnst it wTlI nftt mpit tin A mklnn n.n.1 I J .mwnnw rT. intor-ncf --" iumexDressins tne sense: 01 iue vureeit rtrt i hpre." lnis Jis aui? wet junnsuait asa-s. - -rr'. .rrsAS' u,us uu E"i- .- --i . ii tbaa thVll destitute. of aU that ; ! Now the soul may bo confined within hb cage use wherein it is used." ri nus, wnen we ,caa in our version,' ' Whoso sha "Je of th-c f, -m- viv vuwa UIVH a.aa w - J 1 i i .uitcn me our g WOras are toiai - ',,. . lm t, r.a .11 .rt,i. r rt 4i, t,;-inn. and. become their meaning in haoriffi- dearing kindred-; is suca -uie voux iiii-.- .yjry- . .. w r.v , ,. Rt. iT notiashamed--one" who; bplds 'fellowship assimilates to. aivimty, and nendisa enough for of clay, now its knowledge may be bounded by tnis ll : c$end R- im and eherubimone " of that great pandemonium itself. Could the world at large vbaal borbonbut let, thb tabernacle be db- Ihrisfc aeknowledires himself the be inaaoea to enter, upon tne pracuee ot lorciv- soireo, ana let this blue canopy be drawn aaiuc, h perverted from own heart ?, ; When you meet .with such an one. -xtE poor, despised of .the. great, . , . "Mcvitivii ia vj wviuft uvi Mi -uj javatwi w ' '' ' eifow " " tsolute tranlaiion as that hereafter might J unkaown to fame, do you feel drawn towards , i , -""ti tuai iuiui rc tuai wukuh tci was nut glory. . r E I conscious s of its whole capacity-yb this an event eaded ? To die what b it ? To sink Let us the remember, that as in the ocean the 1 to be dreaded ? greatest commqtionb produced by the action of 1 down in slumber, to wake up with the mostlive- 9 . r . .1. '. . . ... , . 1 L . him by that sympathetic impulse that unites all Isinall parclcs one upon, another- so we. although I ly coycoggess or peu aiaiasj W oraer cj nun'B' vuvv aw w v ( a MV V a . - a r thou (art'dceciTrd:fc What thou 'sees lb but semtlance of what was thine.", Tet, turn thy even as you honor th-I""aibcr. Uectire the Holy GhfKt.y.To tbe sicrcl.Tlrce in. Dae consecrate all yoohare. and are. and hope for. . . - t - r t r. - . ...... . - 'i o i.W'orth Hemcmberlxira 0 . , '. It b not.what we earn, but what we save, that makes us rich. It ii cctwhit ve ttlLoti wbatwe digtrtt, lht!Bkes ns.ftroc.. . It I Bot 'whatwe read, but wfcst.we rtxaeaber,..: th 4 trot le i tjs'leamed. All thiis very lifa pleV but is worth lememlxrirg. ,-t ... t. 1 a.J-! . 'mV. mine once more j"- ,,ihe anrwer came. bat the sem eyes' upwardand rejoice.V She obeyed, and penria a star gleaming irwa v..6- rv . in the murky, sky,' whose rays gave" even the waves of that r loorny river a tinge of brightness, ' . . . ' i T. . .T. - .' 3 J i . V ,- and whose. reflection w uau b"1"4 her own lost reni. ; Then came a tender and musical voice as the beautiful apf5 yatisbed. "Mourner, these restless billows, though fearful afiddark to thee, roll up to the gate, of heaven Ever faithful to their trust, they bore. thiv jewel which was lent. not given to thee, to its nghtful owner, the Men m m . m . mm - a arch rf I leaven, and transicrred to bis care, n will shine forever in Hb glorious dwelling puce.' The mourner iL-parted with countenance thoughtful, yet cheerful , her, gaze no locgcr bentnton earth or the river of death, but waai A charge cf fortune hurts a wlsa t-ia to r Kecklyaad truUr Jj rabed to the baTtcj,1 cUra ctlc cU. t I Claeerfal Mmlc; . - roct Carp 1 Vc ailed lit fr vend lhya.-bow i- ' -fd tha hu ticrchvj munc was alvr- f-a:; tnimatiCg, etcerfiJV and a gy d n To. this, -Haydn's , answer was," I r :..-.-.toakc it ctherwiye. I write 'according Ij tic lLocrhts'wLtchJ ftl ; when I think trn Cod; uy l.-trt ii'aif-'.l cf Joy, that the tct-s Jtnrt : ! "..ip, t ' ' from my pen ; d ':c2 I . ' " 1 cheerful heart, it wl.: I? c . . .. ; thatl serve him with a cL'trf-lfj a - r-

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