!.. V m T H E B I B L I C A -ti R E CORD E it ', 05 :4 ' 4 n pCORDm rjttxiGU, jr. c. Tnr Chowan Association will hold its next tssrj niceties in Elizabeth city, commencing cn Thursday before tla third Lord's day in this ; jnc-th. Tls Introductory ccrnoa will be preach ( cd by the Rev. M. R. Fory, of-., the Chowan - fersala Irstitute; anl ths Convention sermon ! will he r reached by. Rev. Aaron Jones, or by his Alternate, Rev. .James Deli. . '. ; ' 1 . X Thos3 in atter-lanca wno may have funds ia hand for the Recorder, are requested to pay - the tama to Rev. Q. H. Trotaas, who is, au thorized to give receipts for us. As this - will afford a safe and convenient opportunity for mat i ing payment, it is hoped that those of our sul acribers, living within the bounds ot said Associ ation, will avail th emselvcsliccordinxly. Should -.' brother Trotman fail i to attend, payment may be made to any other brother who may be agreed on. and who will so far oblige us as to act for us The Season, After an unusually , lata win ter, and after havfog suffered the lors of much fruit by severe and urtseasonable frosts, we arc j. how enjoying about the finest spring 'weather we 'have over seen ia this climate.'1 A mild and puro atmosphere, in ' connection with a succes aion of refreshing rains, has imparted to the face of nature a loveliness, which wo have rarely wit nessed ia the Southern country. : t W. y " '.lV "'T . Mivroic Female Academt. We learn that this Institution, under the superin tendance of our crotner, Kev. A. McDowell and his ; lady, is ia a highly prosperous condition. The numper or pupils is greater than it has been for several years. Milton is a pleasant and health- ful villago, and from our personal knowledge of brother McDowell, we are confident that pu pils entrusted to his management, will find am ple cause for being pleased with the location. 1 Orange Street Baptist Church, Wil mikctoh. We learn that . this church, under the pastoral charge of the Rev. A. P. Repiton, is now enjoying a large measure of "prosperity. A succession of interesting (meetings has been followed by the baptism of some forty individu als on profession of their faith in Christ, who hare been baptized by the pastor and added to the cbureb. ' : t .'The Christian Review. The April num bar of this valuable publication is before us. , The style ia which this number is gotten up, is highly creditable to the American press. , The number contains nine j, articles, all of which, so far as we have had time to look them over, are worthy of the places which' thev occunv. Sev cral of them are from -,tha pens of ( brethren ; of Astft MlcTlO4 Mnnt.tlrtn Anil aa An -r kinnls V!V . ' ly' interesting and appropriate, i Th following '.I.-Canadian Affairs. : r1 i!.: .v . - r 2. Recent American Histories.', . r, T v t 3. .Washington Iryiag. Works... 4. Geographical Notes oa the Land of Gosh- ..5. Popular Lecturing... , ; , . 6. Historical Studies. -j 7. The Churches North and South in; their ' 'Relation to the Union of the States. 8. Notices on New Publications. 9.1 Intelligence.! w ' v. Board of N. C. Bap. State Convention. The next quarterly meeting of the Board will be held in the Baptist church in Milton on the Saturday before the third Sabbath in the present month, i : ',!: N, J. Palmxr, Secretary. v , Resign atiok or Pastorate. -Rfiv. . Tabv Mathias, who has long been known among our . churches as the Pastor of the HUltown Church, has recently resigned his charge. For lony-nye years ne has ministered in holy things to the people amonji whom he :was - Za now haymg passed the goal of three-score years f and ten, he retires from the active duties of the ministry, with the esteem of a largo community , and the consciousness of havin? served with f AvL . ty m hU day and generation , Rarely does a pas torate approximate to a half-centnrv in dnrhti andyet mpro rarely does one labor for so manv years with acceptance and sucesVinthe place of Another Change Sentiment. Rev. J J. Ez"-i ccaunicatcs to the Alabama' Bapi .u , me louowmg account of the bap. tisra cf a I Iclhodist ttinistfr " Oa Saturdsy betore th oA T.nl3 in t- Resent mcnth, the Rev. I.Ir. Hair, for five xmitzT cf the Methodist Episcopa - crurca, came forward to the Mnniu p.o. tut c-ureh' as an applicant for membership, and after giving evident rf fn- f i;A - T T r-SHU111 view?, was received as .iyHvlbaptS,Ia5 T- caHbe next day t .'10 o'clock, he r--Mi .4 4t.i .J. i. - . .. ' jr toi. Hie L.ac3 appointed . for baptoa, and m the hearin3f a la?e con- 1T"-, nW'l Bro Hair isfdl 31? ' i"3 ta.dJ)een?0reveralinonths closely cr J n an independent i' , , 1 ia tl3 ia regard to i-..u.irac3 a-1 rvcrzment of the. Methodist Li - :: d church, cf v..hich ha was an esteemed Tv lT T'Llc:i rented in the i-iat; ... ..... j . - . r.STVRNED MlSSIONAPitsTlpT T . A O ,.:ve 1 I fatrc3 cf Sotithcrn'E: 1 --""h onr citv on i- t. 3y recently returned i on a?? -rat cf the failiB . - -fc at- Chrcn. ) lj tla talay air cf ;rary sojourn ia her For ?.ecor.: :. Wh LrctL.r. to b3 rit.it tie-Goffrel? Did vou ever, soilw.u3lv; and from the bottom of your heart, when it beat stron in the xaita ot that uospei, Whenit3 every desire went out ia love to God, and swelled with warm devotion toj his caue, inquire for the full and mighty import of the question what is it to bo without the Gospel? ' f " When you risa . from your slumbers ia the morning and fall with bendsd knees and hum bleness cf soul before iz Throne of your Hea venly Father .to thank hini for his rreservins care over you during the past night to acknowl edge his .unnumbered favors to you to suppli cate a continuation of the same and his forgive ness towards you, aid after you havearisen from your supplications with a heart filled with celes tial gladness overflowing with your Savior's love, anu Birenginenca dj the countenance ; ana sup port of such a sure friend, j Oh ! think you the poor blind, heathen rises from his dumb., and senseless ' god with such f eelmes as yours ? If not, whyj not I Because he' has never, no never once heard of the Gospel !-t-never had its eood - it ! sit f If ; . . i . . w news to jvihrate ithrough.his ears- and melt his heart into tenderness and love never " had the blessed privilege of- perusing its sacred pages never had his dark understanding lit up by its heavenly '(rays knows no cross of ChrisU-knows not the ; Savior has groanedj and died for him 1 Thus he fives 1 thus ho dies !-i-lives without hone. dies without pardon. lUmeutable thought ! Oh christian do you1 not fiel what it is to bo without the Gospel l " J ' " l rf r-. x And on 1 with how' manv souls is this dread ful end ; found! you," Sabbath after ' Sabbath, hear the sweet ringing of the t church bells, cal ling you to.the worship of the true God- But do you think of the millions assembling to worship whom i your God ? No ! No ! No ! But thou sands . oft dead and false gods ! Oh ! Christian brother, awake toU sense oil your responsibility to do something for the extension of that clori- ous Gospel which has . dispelled' the" darkness "um juur cjrws, aim leu you tome picssed Sa- vior .i I Euelpis. ." !'.' For the Recorder. Tlr A 15 Bwnl Mrnt-nruir't i Wei 'in the Morlah Association. arV consid- erably behind the itime of imbrovement, bnt it is uve to tne interest ot oir Kedeemer's cause and kingdom,fth sociejty to be calledjaminiiier'sand Deacons'jmeeting ; and we hope that tho abovo mentioned persona will feel ithek imuortance ; of L u Jt,. ;. ... oa that day; aad,!ray dear Brethren, dp not . be J you will i bb ioing tob much" to' improve VOUl. TmT)(lfl AM1 aSunO ftvf ftav VTA Ii.va Ja. all that we can iicl, we are very unprofitable! ser- vants r. We hopa to see some warm.. ; responses to this noticcby, somo t)f our jMinisters and Dea cons of ourj Association, through Jyour collumns.' Brethren li let ns cim Ann f iiiahMn nf 1A . w W V WW VMW WW. W W. ... W i. it. I. -1 !.-lf. TT 1 . f . ' . ' 1 ' : . ii me neip oi iue x.oru gainst iae miguiy. ' ' t-,The subject forj discussion Bhallbo "If re ligion is the same now, as in the days of the Apos tles, why is not our seal the same V If it is not. to urge an increase of zeal according to "' knowl edge, x ,4 k.-p j j ; " !. 1 I if A Friend to Zioif. AprQ 26th 1860.j.-,j -i V4 " s - f "j 1 t ; .. t- J . First Baptist ChurchI, Richmond. We understand that Elder. E.I Lathrop, declines tho call to the pastoral oSco, tendered to him bj this Churchi i jilt will be; regularly supplied with preaching by; Elders J.i B. .Taylor and R. Ryland. y t j ('r L T . . f. ' Herald. rThe Pope's last; "BulLM. The railinff of the poor pope acrainst his own dear people for making Rome so uncomfortable a place ; against! : the impious "principle of the ucc iuvciicirtiiuu( vi iub jioiy oenptures Dy the right p of private judgment against " the wicked use ; of the new art of printing,, not hesitating to spread j Holy Biblesln the vulvar tongue," etc., reminds us of Bunyan'a descrip tion of "giant Pope." - Though he be yet a live," he says, fhe is, by reason of age, and al so of the i many! shrewd brushes that he met with in his younger days, grown so crazy and stLF in his joints, that he can now; do lit tla more thaa sit in his cave's, mouth, grinnin at pilgrims as they go by, and . biting : his. nails because he cannot come at them."- v -V- a. Truly the pope has become' the veriest pro- testSnt of the c!rs rrotestinr acainst" thinkm .nd . pmtbs, lisU Mi. Ulcrty, th xl-tls of man and tW clcf-God.; Most of .U,te bites his nails because he cannot ' comeS at this "new art of priatinj;." The mcsidof the press Starts his nerves, i. It 'Was riven Mm so "rAanv : t " . J " 7 . ; V . 1 f3 a -special v-.;1 vvuu.a uxaw into his "'cave's , " fcWA uiiVA IA w t. paper makers,1 with ' what joy and " fniufactl; - i : - would he not crc:i thera, notivit grown so crcsr t.l till ia lis joints" vv Mug. i w L.ij t-i uiirisoa ot the world to seethe c!f-stylcJ vicegerent of Christ while exilci frcrj t?3 c . r. 7 :ojb, seeking to re siatthe action cf T-ttrJ ILV-lvin' infucnccs to muzzle the prers, to arrest ; thought.- and rcl oacicnpoa tLa rorU that Cimmerian n!-ht in whin. i .i - i -. """"" " ey i rt" Ji r : I'r.ftr r' 1 1 . Von may as well stay the sua ia his cor: or eitln guLh VesuTiuscr arrest the r-t;rs cf Xu: ra,as put your Land ca the 1 priztlr-.-rc--t' telegraph, and .the l-teAmJTr. it VllV.", and the-ermines cf iL Lctive, r...aL.l; l' " :T7r thetinstscrta. c:zt"ry.- Vc . " Etacp with L'ilcrfi ri r- v a season ; tut th j ihrill v.LLib : 1.1 : : -:z the triuinf!:s cf commerce tie 1' -3 - i ,7 cxecu'.2 the i ,-rpos: : r f intellect' as free &s the else.: Zv ; l'..3 j: s mil thunder its' tirror.i ia cars cf tjruii tl despot3 as of old ; an I all these and thousind other nroTidential - -. - . ... . . agencies for riddinjr the world of its burdens of sin and error will hem you ia more and moro, and haunt your dreams, and trouble your waking hours, until "that wicked shall be "revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the epirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming." ''Am. Messenger. The Condition or the Tlasses in En;Iaud i - an'a America. i , . " t . . ..... i , By the kindness of a member of the Commit tee now ia England, a recent copy'of the Lon don Times, perhaps the most reliable and infla entialjournal in the world, is placed ba our ta ble, ; An article on secular education,' based on a late bill of Mr! Fox ia the British Parliament, has arrested our attention, as furnishing a graph ic and truthful picture of the coriditioa of the English ;p"-.santry. -We allude to itnot to gratify our national pride,; nor to reproach the fiyo little Chinese boys oa the naia land near mother conntrv. but in fnmicTi iUn r .... n . y i , . r: more complete education and evangelization of w :v ; : v,- '! ;. ;VcSpeako noV'wys the limes? Mpoli- . 1 : v ' ""&r:r aaa reaa ana write their own language very tol as partisans whcn.we rccorJ our BQirowful - craily, and have made some little progress in "r 4M?r?f:,SQOr rant than it would be decmUr. even possible to.,aescriDe. What, thev know ofreliHbn ti aUeto do so under scruUny.K Vhat , may be caued their r)rof(s.9inn?t1 VnnvTrw) w M n V " m r. "i w r" " v080mo od may result from the hum spectable. The British laborer is the best liv-m Ur iv:t.u- V ' t . , . .. -..-t . -"-..r. blep"ort ith the returning cool season health ixiic iajui in . w 1 1 r 1 1 1 - i-tnr fi am ai hia vmvwI edge and intelligence end.;. Bcvond n s field or i;:- -1" i'it. ' i. ' ii ' . .V: h bj-mJ, notluag. There is no amount of ior.nMnfo m M.n f LVtt-TJ Z?-! state.pf health among them.. At -Canton, par face of this globe nothing of the history or con- rtnJ: A. ljAl ..' v .. ... ... - ,t .,. ; . ... i ..i .... stitution of his countrvnothin of if-T-t ii-J-rU - , ' . .r-n;v-r iu pmiosonners. ana its divines. TiKPnnt ... tic young clergyman'who enters on the care of an agricultural parish fresh . from the studies ; and honors of the , university, finds as great a gulf be tween himself and the muds of his flock as'if they were wie newiy-converted natives of new Zealand PP041"8! Milton, Pope ,'Gray. and Goldsmith 7T"1 a ourtother national names are' as nt- 1BiCuv?1irirwPupc "wpute their yalue, when Uiey are,tudicd with sincerity an al.f ut, as w-have said,.of all other vtatiuc, i vMiu uiciwrj, an ouier . poeiry, an other science, .thq rustic knows nothingl If he o vm cuuugu iu rememDcr oeoree IV., to may possibly ,be shrewd enough -to concludo" that there was also a George I., but beyoh'd PChat he knows nothinrr : and m ireneraL if ha werii in'op- med by a gentleman that - George IJwas eUb- jishea in this kmgaom ty Casar or Alexander, or. Abraham, he would swallow it without the slightest hesitation, just as he would any other absurdity r in history r or j'science. In' f truth, so,far aa regards all these things, he is. an nttcr Daroarian." v . i 1 ' . . ,. . . All the . bitter paragraphs ever penned by the Trollopea and Marryalts and HallVon Amer ican society may be pardoned, "when the "London Times can draw such a sketch of popular igno rance in . Englaad. , Thanks to ' God for the common-schools and Sabbath-schools and aca demies, and district and town libraries, and col portage and kindred agencies, and for republi can institutions and popular -auffraze. and cheaa newspapers and a i free gospel, by which, the American mind has been kept from stagnation, and the American heart from corruption. It is not by devoting " somewhere about a two-hundredth part of the national expenditure to educa tional grants" that England can be made New England in the , condition of, its masses ; tbut by, expending her , hundreds of thousands for the direct benefit of . the people, and her thous ands for . mere rovernmental nnmoscs.' ; j some of our states" do. ;,Lcss government, and more instruction ia. church and ; states is what tho old world- needs. Let - England break up the unnatural and mischievousonnec tion of the civil with the ecclesiastical power abolisV.all taxcs'ca the press ; abandon feudal laws ; extend the right of suffrage, , and give universality to a pure gospel", and a single gen eration would make the Times' article - a libel t . . . - ",-" pa the nation. --Let the religious institutions, of ii.ngiana pat mm low enough, and make" the pn age, ana to maice them a bcnc&t to the peo nedected masses thpjp minfnft1 raranS xcV,U Pla ia the widest sense. Meat heartUv do wa will 1,, ' A : imn.;,. results; H BMd not be a gencraUoa befoVr &i ,M .ni socul ctan Iboro Indictedfin.. in'the train of their influence.".. Needed reforms will come inst fast iJL.' ii-wml tW . and ar ttpoA f ' . I rvi-4V AiV lOJiCl I sNVith aU the 1Snoranca and destitution pre- vaiurg m this land, how utter the contrast with I . .i.ii., 4i u uuk' vuc jack Ui cucuuar edacation we hare chieSy to deplore. There is s , r . eralfact. The great task laid to the hau l of tha CLriitisa philanthropist consists ia moulding and sanctifying the prevalent intellectual T?:r tha't wcull else' run roit with our initltutlo'ns. to have few : utter barbarians" to deal with here, and thcc3 cli-y frcra other hnls Ltcu our frcztler i'ot' but " tooU" for -t.on wul bo lounl anv ttii r.y boJy ij work with. eii- . .... re nt. ' :-Ti, ciieuletir men en, ir.JeeJ, rcu-a ts.1 ce rose cur Tricked, end messes pre -err itijree;:- C. r, j enl t!:ve.- Tru?, t!. "Y r.y - i n, . i. .a c - .. . w- '.t:-.n, i!.,n h , t!.-v will ;e-Tol. f- - . :.- l: :.3 cr : 3 pe.. i.t-i .--.. v.. r t! ..... 2 .--i . cr. i i n !.Ling about, r.ni c.x trace t'..a Li story cf tie r'n r.r.l the i:. tituti'M oft! ir cn c: :ntrv at; least, dbcriiulaaticu and accur.-cr. Plico 50,000 cf them ia California, or anywhere el., and they will construct constitution, and set tho wheels of government moving ia a month, with more precision and with less friction than exists in the workings of any century worn European system. O for ministers and colpotcurs and Bi bles and books and ethers means of evangtliia tioa enough to bring the restless, ever-activ?, indoraitalla nas: :s under the inSoenco of Chris tian truth. Then, if England does protile for the intellectual and moral elevation cf her crowd ed population, America will enter oa the cru sade against ignorance ia the land of her birth, I 1 ' m . 1 ' Foreign Correspondence oi the New-York Recorder. dina. I : 1Ion:kono, Jani3d, Xou will be interested to learn that Ko A Tini !,.. f ; -.1.1 Lr nougaong. , iiany 01 the Doys are young, and appear :more like the members of an mfantschool !a country than an elcmcatiry school ; stUl some of them have been b the school a" long thn'o, Christian knowledge. ..They como over to the chapel at Hongkong for worship 'oa Sunday, and r;J. - l oj- ... . i : A . Ceifom instruction ia their owa language, .,r . . . L i . b iti . i m:J t..: ... !.. . . nasi heen restored to our friends at Shanghai and iugju, wovnare suoerea somewnas irom jever an dtlri thf t mT jm . j- . - n? mwibio tvkuug gu), juw IOC lUOQrOS OI IUO CUV L i r. i . . J ana surrouname -country- : Last week, some r . . " ' if' frictds, and am on? .the numberl an American lady, went to the hill about sirtcWmilea nnHh of the.city, and speak of the hill as " Pisjrab's top," from which they saw .a- largo number of villages Deyona. , It is iioped;that, Chinese pre Ml ' . ...':,.!.. judices may. gradually wear away! and allow, us tree access to ; the cities and towns, fntcrior ; but wikuciMf n u9 uuuu.. cuauueu . y) j uo Doruera of the couqtry, and the edict of Christian toler-J atioa remains practically a dead letter. , Indeed it never amounted to more , than ia formal, ncr- mission to publish the gospel and the pratica. of Chineae authorities, havo i national right to withdraw at pleasure. , Christianity hag little to expect from the toleration' of kingjj or the patroa ago (of mea, -1 1 fortunately : depends i upon a higherpower.and more cSoctivo .means ; for it- promotion. I u. secret influences jaro atworV; and though its. operations aro.. undiscovered bv the world, its progress ,u no less suro and its rc- nl ...!. . 1. . ' . ... . w.ci vci mux. j b u cncouraxinir to loinx that;whire the Author of Christianity ; deizns to employ "tho agency of man ia his work, ho is not u.fiuui.uif ufu UUU1U4 wcausy or. promising ip pearanocs, but ha left us the rAodia of Lla now er to give success, DifScultics may t. appear, to multiply clouds may thicken over us and throw - c j a dark gloom over our prospects--still theso are easily dispelled by. that unseen Power who knowa his own workaad cannot bo disappointed ia his purpose. His foes may oppose, his friends may by their follies apparently embarrass his caase t stUl it progresses aad will secure all iU promised results. , Vo meet with trials and secmini difS- culties in our endeavors ?to promote, tho great end of living; still we find appropriato - encour agements in the Word of Inspiration, and enjoy a gracious support far beyond our deserts. ." Brown University. . , '. We have received the "Report ! to tho Cor poration of Brown Universitv on chanros in th system of Collegiate Education,',', which , was lately presented at a special meeting of that bo- uy, ana oraerea to ho published, t ve have not tu uiu wvcjl mi aoj accoiuii oi irs con tents ; indeed it will bo diGcult to sketch its outlines in such a way as to do justice to its views. It is in pamphlet form, and we hona w h widely circulated. Happily, though proceeding from a College, it addreses itself not to scholars only, but to all intelligent men who are interest ed ia publio educatioa. It rjrnrwvtvi change ia.. the system of Collegj -educatioa. as shall make our Colleges no . longer institutions for tho special benefit of those who ar ir lawyers," doctors and ministers, but fof the bene- 01 every caumg wtich has its foundaUons ia ece"ceaau i3B appucauons 01 science. U pro- poses tt .put Collees into communication with "joice in such a movement, and ws may bs par- VTAA t0 t SKK; of a first-class New England Colic, .ml l,;. distinguished success, will insure for hl rw wWa nd respectful consideration. X. 11 iiVc. Free German Catiioucs in N. Y. Rev Ur. irrcigar-, the German missionary of the A Z'2!n hl "F l ,l.Lat ttcndanee upon tree Gercaa Cathoho mect'n- In tKit Sabbaths past, after service, ia Allen Etrert, a number of persons hare come forward rcnuL til' . . . o vwuu m 10 co i0ca to enter with their own hanJj th:ir oames iate church look, hyin- tbeir Lanli lyrTrTr X liJ 10 to lb. oir own jui -merit Dr. 1 . states, that the Sun.Iay b:f ore rca - ; 1 mur;..ip m i, re: r.;i u .1 8trcct was aLnc-t !!; 1 wit!i Cath S'T ,f thczinow r.cr.ilcrs cf th- Free Gcrnin Catho- 3 a the city cf rCc-r Ycrk. ! 1 hi ra ii a on lea t frcet chur EchocIccnr.:ctrd with the AI-i V, lCa V i.I t .r n t rt T.-rr- t- 1T . . , r-r.e.;'.-r r-rt cf th j 1.2 I . vi, I " r: f Go 1 to a new t. . -T.C-2 in!.. Citr. fo that I ' -m i .... c r t-r tr; r-.'i :r t'-v ica f-ch Fr.r.hy. All t,.'?ic: t :;:ty :-.:r.hoa t'--t I houll C t 1 " k J Mb p- I"r :j lie CLfi!.m Chr.r : ,. FirstBaptist Cntacn xTr th: Citv. "I! religious interest U sor.5 extent Hill c:r.iir.u?s ia tiiis church an! people. Dr. 11 j U t Sallalh week baptized Cre moro canJiltr?, tzl tlrrc are t cvcral new coses of inquiry. TTew MiattT St&cet Ciiubcji. Rev. ?lr. 1L2 rccp!, atl r-sllr - nl Ur-,c t Saxtoa baptixed -two eoaiilatei last -SaUathjchurtLe, ail tl- vie'.; j,;:7.-:i S week Hilton, Pa. We learn by a letter from Bro. A. J. Hay, that the church at !iUcn trr etillenjojlng God's rpcciil rrcfence. Flfi-cn avo been baptlied, and others are cijecteJ t i follow Christ ia this ordln I . :ance f eca.- Tl: grrgationi are large and attntirp, and the nam ft per, wna now attend tho prayer, meeting is great, as threo .montba ago atUn lcd the preach ing ofltho word. , Several hare bcctjrcjtorcd to the fellowship of the" church, and some received jitter,,, j :,; j Rr.vivau. The New York Recorder tUtcs Uat there ia a (revival In Erie. of. that itate, (wentf-nina hafo already been received ly bap tism and the' work still continues.; 1 .v. . ' Mr. Hague 6f George town' has recently" bap- tucd ' thirty-nine;. . In 'Richmond! and Gray aDoui seventy have been baplkcd. Other churches in" that' region ; hare shared ia ' the work. .. . -j . , ... a.. .'.. ..' j . i The revival ia'Kssex still ccntluues: alitv one have been baptized In this' place iince the urst or January. ;! - -. 1 - -L , r n r In Williams 'Collcire,- Maasacbuseltt. hasbccnTahfgo numfir of conversions, and the. religious influence' has been very general aad .de- ciacq. - ! Peoria, III. rEIdcr Knspp has been lately .wv445 Uif pwc,ausomc ihiriy nave been baptited.'.1 . ' ' .. ' I Tauxtoj,Ias.-Rcv; Mr.lPoIlanl, admiU tdd to the Baptist church ia this town ih oapoauv m this month twelve. ' v :.. , - , j PiTTsriELD Mass. At tho Baptut chwrch in this place, about fifty have received biptiim. Tho Rev;' Bradley Miller is pastor. He has been asaislia theracetina held, bv Rev. John BUir Of Chaxlestowa: I . :;- r . t jlStv JEasKv. .ThcIcthodut, Baptist,-. an Presbyteriaa'churehca at Wantajro, Dcckcrtowa .".rai Soicx. county, have' had largo accessions within a Ux, weeks" not 'less than four hundred perrons havin? mad a pro fession ot j religioa among . them " within four monuiS. ' l he Coliera and htirri... f P: . i , o m a luvv ton continttc more thaa tsually interested in the subject, and many , converts are reported. A aiinilar stato of feeling exists at Amboy. s a : : t r.i 2 a . riiuaddjkta, Sun., rs; ' :V r " :r 1 1 JlcvirAL iji CoxstcriccT. The Xcw Havea Tal. laditim rara, the reviraL which ha Wn ;n in tie town of aix,Ct, for a few womhs Past. U preaJinjc o the towna and illajts la that immediate of tlksexhaTt alrraJr ben coo verted, and th vV still prorretawf . , In. Cbeittr. Deep River. North- rop, bunion, Xadiaoa ani lUiJaav there ia eoocb io- tertat oan.feAtei. , Watch, tf Reftdor. - .VEaKoarr. Oa the first Sabbath in March, twt&ir ven joung pmoBS were received into the Congre. - w piKjnai cnorca in tnoabora, Tt, all the fruita of a. exleoiive revival aajojed in that place; j. .Cheering Revivals at tho West - From various parts of lb a Weit. , rI,. letters from ' colporteurs give' cheering accounU that the Spirit of God is descending in thowers of mercy upon his people. A' colporteur' ia CHnton county, .Ohio, rayi, that about fifty, nearly U of whom are' young mea and women, have recently united with the chnrch in en r.rt of his field, and that the "still small voice" is yet winning souls to the Lamb. Another ia De fiance countv ears, ten -T?ciftn nn1 Uincd a hope ia Christ In neirhhorhoods he laa visited, that had been destitute of evangelical preaching. Another says, there have been acTcr al revivals of relinoa ia Lucas count r.J Trier. he labored last fall. : In cne place ninety-three united with one church ; ia another place, twenty-five or thirty and ia another, a number hare been hopefully converted. A colporteur in In. diana ears, in a rerival in cna town oa hla flai l. about fifty cads a public prefenioa ofrcl-rica. nothcr in Indiana aajs, within the kit tLrr months between 500 and 603 hare leca aiicl thetdhTcrcLt -churches ca lis field, '.f-nr have found Chmt a pardonlr.g Saviour. ' A coIporUur in Wijcocila writes, thai town has enkyed a reviralSlnce ha fni .-,1 mence'd lis labors there, and alr.t fifty hire joined the church,' Ia aotcr t wa there I-., been a precious workef pracc, iiludve fami ly altars hate been erectei ; ljcl::i:ra Lit a bcearecliiciel.tnl slants Kits tu.-xed tG; Ia ancth'cr jlica is here I- Uh c J, acvcral cc vers 1 ola hate taken r.Uv2. A Michican col' or tcur lays he" las 1:1 t! c rrirc! Cf Ulcrir- ia a retirl cf rch'r;:n nist f f t' it. January in two vill.-jc, l:;i t-2 L ri cvicntlr retired lis wcrk the l rt c " cr.es, at d cr.es, ana renr: : c j 1 i til rs i' t V v , ; h . T -i.i I th::.i, an l fouls lata I. a c :.T. r t t' c : Ar.:th:r :,!l:hr;-.n cc!; vari jus rcTira.!.i ca Lis f.. let-.,, -n 30 a-1 C J h. ; t ia t. ia c t;:. j ru c v.. z i ... . c r- rcviva!?. . i' .'. A, ia ti. r.i a !y c 1T t s res cf t' s tsLere T. c ii c:. .1 th ia t: ..-.i.;al;.i w It a tcrrills t- r. I; Loz".; ni r r-' 1 r " - ' ... tr.l a Urr-s , . . . , ... , , : v , I-rrtltn till: ! r.?cs cf tie r v. i t.1: o I Gr.tTA. -Tl J : frcm crtl :l:ry h I 1 . f . t r- . . .. i ; Mar:r cf tli'.r.!rr.'s t.-e j-.f ct:-I ;f ar.l t-'.e r rcr'-rAr cf tie I- " -- : . jeopardy.. Tie cvher rrcf-srs are 1 1; 1 themselves wltli rrcitrr cHigtnw i, a-. v and jutticg forth j acfUcM to t,ca , - .f htilca which Lavs Uca talin. tri "1 them. Prof. Schercr Las adopted . t 'j UnClf,l0.fri.t-I?:.f. the infxraUo, i,' ( acred Tolame, and other cfloots fr&a aame evil stock Lavo .boca ecraftcj oa ll. Rome. The . return of the Pc Is at fix.ed, cn paper at lcart, and Lis raereaecti ar, heralied with exulutidn by" tie cowt lx. Ho will End the ponti'cal chair; at the Vatles, I to be a crown of thornf, and can rtUia ij, j cr only ly the bayonet. ; The mcr rf of the Papacy is utkrly loU b JUlyaaJij, 1 tone cf feeling tsrlpcnlng, ia the public thi 1 for a general religious revolution,'.'. JCoisuL standing the lynxWyed vifilaoce f the Caria. a!s, bibles snd rcligiQus boobs art "circthlrl among tho people and a cocTtclion cf the U- renness of the Romiih fAith is'rpreadln ie. ' ' 1 rrow the S. Baptia idmi . -? "IteTlTml ln IIouaton.Texiu . Dear13ro. Disc A W-Llt in rhi lU'Ltl. krestiag to your rraders to learn th:t God U greatly revived lis ouae ia'aV.VitV. ' Oi charcb, for aomo, monlhi, .has brta ia a rvi eonditioa ; some of iu'tacmbcrs have beta ar. .ju ifc urcm cl grace. It ls$ a.oar, "FPJ pnvilego to rcctive yourj era- lavo "held meetings 'dally formort thaa" tlrt weeks ; daring thla.llujc there were, ai oear u we can asccrtaia, about thirty roavenioni : trL tea of these converts lave joined ourebkrc6- tcrn, of whom' aro leads r famUlea, the red jwuu6 ucu uj i-iiz ia wo L LOO la C4 Ue. The'good acoomplulod mutt net be crtixttol merely by tho new acccialons to our Ecn.h-' the whole church las Vceo revived ani iurm. ed la seal and lolIneis,sel the conam unity rs erally lave been deeply Irrr rckml with tha ia. pcrtanca of rtligioa. Other drrominaticni iit beta benefited by this revival, crpcciATj The preaching Vas dene' elicfir It bra I Robardi,the travcllin cvacrjkt: lr-moai were remarkable fir their eleanesa aoi pever; tccy were t4lrtae4 tlicfif to the bUlItct, wi will nevtr be forgotten by many ia tits comajs. nily. "' Bro. Tichenor, cf Coluabus, Mia., with us during tho first of ihctaeeticg; lii U- bors were greatly lVcd of God ia corJcrl- Christians, and ia filing to the uneoarcrtri the beauties and conMlaUona of rtlipoa. W were also favored by Us prracaco aod a'4 of Elders Z. N. Morel,, G, G.U:ggrrlr, X. 112 and R. II. Taliaferro, ' 1 ' '! " ; Years, afectionsely,! ." V -. '4"' ' V ' Rcru O. BrattM., Houston, Texas, April 8.. , ITevr York Pre Scthad - - We regret to tec, by the pTOcdh ef ill. Mw lork LrglatAire, that a Lwbis Vca pis tcd to submit to tla people the .rurttica tf. i v v n c. ire uee art, v -a was so triuarhantly susiilse 1 a . the IaI! t Vx lait year; net that we tiveacr fesr i! ut was then so wiiclr rclf J r. n r -' - - - .. mm TOtcd, 1st b?causa it fir!!' !?. schools a rcrtcftcmrorary txirrsrh, a:.l i uiatca ir.crn to frfh a-.u: n ef ..r.rr lu. ral r i o..cy. The f rcr.t U-r if r. -i 7 " I'-t it ii thi JU IHTl CD5 I'll 7 1 r t j 1 '.Te all the chUdnrn cftl.it r-it a ; -bUntial, free elucatlca. it sr-uli U ; in f ree as tl-l-iU f f ccr:; e mtfn, araendjd frcra time t, time la n-t ir-rr't-i d:'-- tew clrcu ;;:.: . ! To r-' il U co, l-r.ra ithti lii t:; to(Tkafahv:-'d t-cw ia tha pe a j at csce tti-f- coning in them, ani pre Ida! fpu-it cf Chmfu-ifj t-.!;;i:rty. Id til f '-t Cnnir-OntrrC A'e f.reth :riCC5 f . ' v. fc t"-.e s'.zti V?- :! ' ::"" i cf a r I i i I r : t ! his v..'i f.ra silhel'C.-r. ' f ' .:. a t ..:- : ir it. T".i UIc i - rs J Cc r . - n It w 11 t e a 1 1 s Ij i tr a . , r. h I.l0w . 1 j t? . "c'l b.'r."- I . t. . :;rl:!i' : . . . S'rr.M h.l I : : it-- 1 : to tiff - frc-a J , t a rt: i N 't- ' ' - .... f1 a t 1 verts at every "Church xncctin in this ynj. But witlin i the last f month God trs dlrjhrcl his power ia the convc'rioa of taaov soul. ir I aap-: 1