: T- fi E : B t ELI C A' L.. R E C '0 :U i) E 11 . 121 v i i -.. 1. ' THE RECORDER. RJlLEIOH, JVV C SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1S50. Rain. -After a protracted and scorching bought, from which the crops in some places bare greatly suffered,' we hare at length beea refresh ed by a liberal, andit would teem, a pretty gen oral fall of rain. : . One Difficulty Settled, i Ve are pleased to learn that Mr. Pearce's bill for th. settlement of the Texan boundary Question j has passed the Senate by a large majority, all parties and sections TOung for it. We have not been able to learn tho precise provisions of this bill ; but find it gen erally spoken of with favor," and regarded as a measure preliminary to the speedy adjustment of all other existing difficulties. We sincerely trust that it may be so, and that wb may soon have the gratification of seeing i harmony i restored to our councils,' and union and strength to our institu have recently fallen in with anxious sinners in . . - " --"T-. -A. il . considerable numbers." ne urges strongly me importance of sending more laborers to that field. "Send us two or more every month," ho' says, "and we will support them." .American Messen ger. Vs js;-, 7 7: '." - f iitci r i' The Bible in France. At a nublio breakfast riven to Rev. Mr. Mon- . .. w od of Paris, and the Rev. Dr. Barth, of YVurten- . . - . - - - ' I luiuuci ouivcu iuui uj mo J cm cuvuug loot .. apu, seminated through teurs, and about be gave the following which the' colnort power of the word of God, and oij the blessings that often attend their labors : i The Name of Com. Jon Er whose death is Mentioned in another column, is associated with one jf the. most brilliant naval i victories in the history of our country. Commodore Jones was a native of Delaware. At the commencement of th. war of 1812, he was the commander of the Wasp at the time of her engagement with the British i ship Frolic. &rThe Wasp ! "had but eighteen, guns ; the Frolic twenjy-twol The lat ter commenced the action, andwithin the firs seven minutes, succeeded in bringing down seve ral ot the Wasp's spars and sails, and in espe cial her main-topmast, which fell in such a man ner as to render most of her head sails unman ageable during the remainder of the conflict. :- h this crippled state; however, and with a very Tough aea, the Wasp continued a deadly and moistcnactuai hre;, until finally, having rake and grappled her antagonist, hoarders were nail ed, and, led by Lieutenant Biddle, rushed on board the Frolic, to find her deck & p. blood and carnage, with no living persons to be seen save the man at the wheel and three officers who threw down their swords in token of surrcn der- The very ceremoay of haulin i1own: -ti, 5 iuu-eu ineaia ot American hands, and was pertormed by those of Lieutenant Biddle. ' The loss of the Wasp was five killed and as many wounded ; that of the Frolic was' thirty killed and nity wounded, the vessel herself a perfect wreck; . ' Froid tbt N. Y. Recorder. 'v v , ' I Italy, y . . . I Rome,' June 23d, 1S0, To the traveller, whatever be his tastes. Italy has charms which no other country possesses. If he is an admirer of nature, there is stretched out before him a beautiful and fertile' country rising trom thft PTtTinrl wano Tin til KTn . WMMW WMW UUA 1 1 V VT Ail IV thosa .clouds of beauty, whosa delicate tints by day wroujn many trouuics - o. How rcfresIc x raci tVrc cf rlrtn- crowd I cannot-deseribe. Tbcy all caas cbcrjin,anl aantlifjiag grace in this cwk htro- more about this wonderful booK. Tbe.bookwu At 10 o clock Ut evenin po?r llcsiul opened. Tha doctor said, If yoo will giTft, at- breathed bis Ut-Jtut bsfore tho oairri a tention to its. contents, I will state thtEa. . Ia a stmi-coascionsacss was restored, and he cxtlxin quarter of an hour be gave a simple Catline. of ed; several timet, as .it were Lis dyic tats the truths of. Christianity.4 They '.ILiteBedwitV "I:.M JZaia IttftxlAttu r9 aai thrala proiouna; attention ; ana tbouu i nave pasaca ancient aynao enca, ' Lilians I ULambr' through many troubles -"and dangprs,'u I stood SucH excUmaUeas coming froa lips we bad and whose richer loveliness by nWit have mad ellnS.on lb fa crowd, many tneaedacat- supposea xoreverciosca in atava were lb rU- :..3 . . r lit .ri tl- L-t " iL.t . . . J 41 ' Jtt aetura. Vci:.s- ce .h c.U tx . to tf ecn izto UJ;t cf licrrt. -Tie, 2 brta Dodl,rlcVaert,:cef tJ CLff,. i-v to U alici cf lUlr cr: !rt. tuS ' c .ctulle larger ta;tJ-- i., fcrnw . i : kra forth in atrf.1 wrt a-ut.a -J., i! B.ptut., Our Ura Bcui t.rs U IU coatisa-, 14 it Jxi fswh-rwj-v.. and challenge! his Wriositv- . Ynn rn itift wait on you in a month, but ! in tha mean- advocation cotpel troth bit friends and fi'euh.l Chaeav frli iv- v. One of the colporteurs, about eilhtecn months ride mfle without finding the remains of some tim9 we hveboaks to giveaway, e bad a sack bors rose agaiait him and drove biia out oftu I ,oppoaa that ths Bast UU'u4u o. knocked at the door of a noo widow, and. ancient building, about which . perhaps volumes of tracts; wo. placed them near a wall, where tula2e.' When he came here, be was haard to this Um e. When ws ora thu-chin.! - - I 1 1 mm a... mm . . I T . 1 .1 . . . I - r . W i couiu attend tiiem it an itunnt wcrn madu i reniara:. un ne wibed ta dm chrr th i.mriUTHvi tv . . time we huve books to giveaway agu. jtuocseu ai me aoor oi a poor wiaow.r anu, . o' -r '"'"v" XI 1 1 1 1, AT i rr. i . L maib ucrjl Will it 1 1 LI. II !'l IU H M 1 1 1 I rtarw tnio T TnlT I oa vusjr aiways uo, snowea ner aaew j. esiameui, i - " 1 and ask her to buy a copy! The price was five one was lts honored occupant, i One, from the t0 8teal them siyie oi its arcnitecture, places the time of its -tM" peace, i i ne woman was noor-sha rctosed at " i""4 1 . , r.-..- v . ... iUIui SB ttwisu fet, but 'at length 'she Tfaaprovaaad on , puV- buunS g lno niia of tho Cscsars; another, receivca a uact, to pass away.--1 Deaevc ae5S. ne wit uuca awarcned, aoa tw- if she be aotbaptliei before. There art trtin chase one. Tumi rmmA tA nU r1"0111 the peculiar character of the mortar used, naa one or more.lfa. illeiimjcr - 1 1 come acepiy solicitous for his soal's interest. also waiUnr. an! ws shall trol clijLqfl at, a i Trn;r,o. ,tt,.i A id Ma from the pecubar character of the mortar used. get the five pence to nav for thflNTtimit: cnat it Diiongs to a'Ume anterior to that; a rontiL atout vounW-TOiiim Ji" m,4wtaia tbird VA qual clearness makes out that C W O - ww VUU 1UU1U ,1., , . . i I . S3eW whathewas aw he fecamVvervflnltn aU lf you aro fond of aslcinw Wr if if. wq fni. l.ti K ' kn!l iA ' paintings, let her throw money away in such began to upbraid the colporteurJ him out of the house, and takin tament, he opened it, tore out'5 conversed with hia several times. lie uniform-1 mtereslioz tame. ally lire a vtrr The Lord Uccs la orjti Mysterious Ku.ckiu ? - ... ly Uxprossed a . wUlingness to gave op all for -what a consolalion fcr c wh bm It, V, fl,.-1...V .-M V4l r1?,,;. ' W'l ; 1 :f L.' VI v .1 . I .... . . . : mm , ne asicea wnat the colporteui had done that T. , . "" ; " ""V . .: T ' --7 :-J . 'J nesnouid.have so unused him and from oni . -rT;u- ' "re v V V r"--F . We find a short article imdsr this litis iaa A tlcataat btertit MtfU ta Vonh Vk x- :wJ, , those who roll mwjalth, and those too who have once, bv a removal and aenaratlon of all ih o vr.v . . i a (iaaat ukitii czv 4 ta .oru ltrpi. .VU6. w aUytucr uc uiue w uunic 01 tne leaves , , x , . ' z iwswa ppw mca woumi PcnumcnM oi 1 bmi ibrea wtr UDtitel J ulr 2 !1 Vf f. he bad tiut in hiq Inno.Vet. - H inrSr t. I scarcey S8 enough to cover them-all castes parties , implicated in aay.way; io it. And .wt UomaiaSt W,- .Hw A.ll :v . J ' itsi cf lk id them1,5 when his eve fell on th anyman snau tae away from thl words of the . . . .ViTt; v7 ; ' r" .T; A 7 '-MiJ ennsuan nation ! .UM bo alow of our aworkof rraee ia ihu el.ee ie-afc book of this prophecy, God shall take away his , -"" pr,, mon. nuns-yes, ur innwajuu. atheuUc boastbg m practice at least so long a. anch fkcU .Mt. Four were Lpti lv th ra,Ur ET partbut of the book V of ."iHe was sfruck Purely this is variety enough. deusion that there may be a spiritual or super- Lcct our eyes and aUre b lb , facs. SuJnjtZSfe ' third anniversaby of the pope s wauoulu- "o ness or that there em things as wo refer to are a greater obstacle to sue xkbs tea b aU who Uv. r7 W.Ztl n!j . ! T, ; ' b. any thing morf than a juUog trlek by -e- cess b heathen lands than aU tha error,' b, and 0rdiaan e; allofwl a w r cciiVi On the 21st inst. wo saw thp Pope. That 7 0 seeks to make sport or pelf out of crime that exist ihewJ They are a of Ue LtuS SchL daybaing the third anniversary of his inauguration, popular, credulity .-CA.CAro. greater trial and diacouragemcnt to our bmhrrn Lowell. Twelve ra-. .r. , ofcoursetheremustbesomeexhibitionofjoy. in , r wHb toQ there far ih, aalfaUon of these dark and oWor the morning, services appropriate to the occasion Scotia Daptlst Association. benighted Pa-ans than any and ail thinr$ else t ,v . ulra.owt' utf 1 O- were held at the Sistine chanel. All the -.ordinal, This blv. em Win 11 iK li-ni;. .v.,.. i 1 , " . ' IJ,C fctTl0S J b-f-t-tcj tj lieir at Rome, the higher grades of priests, and foreign in the Province, met at Nictaux on the 2 1st ulU Here they are - , f C ;, f , " 'o,v.,r;- : 1 1 n. n. ta , , . . . i . . ipecuarsoaa to follow their Samaria lie tirt nrA. f .s.i f., ambassadors, were present.; I nver saw such an The Rev. Dr. Pryor was elected Moderator, and I An AmmVan wil,m U r. if.:. 5. .V ' 11 e nave receivea rrift tn iinwm nfnin.t; , , . . . 1 wu .inmi,,.A,..... andallthis was the result of a conflict of only om an authentic "source, and VTT costumos-th, the Rev Mr Chipmau, Secretary. The editor writes, tmlcr a recent da: - American rum ha. Ja IV.J,;, l, Stcdj- v T.ti:-t,ij.i;': 9 . - L. ,J was really b3autiful. The Pope entered of the St. John. N. B.. Christian Vitr w. dono thUt,ArvU .nik 1 tcjit, aia., ca wuccay, tie turt., vlctnruwna v nL-i...... :. a. s L .. . Wlta manv attendants, and was seatad upon a present, and ho .records with . the molest aatis. than French run. For tL W firm tnnmk. . F-"" ay tux. '-tt-v ""?. v.bu Bwuune ana important l V w-" x-eausees ine nenent ot u on?ht tnUi v -cv ' i - . , . . . ... victory, was deem a character that cd of so striking aid impirt.it who Hii, ; ZJljSSl!?- TfTj 17 , Tt , fcJ . F.rU,,U,n,ontl1,(Ult C. W. J, tV of.i.-Vj, "uA theXeridatnfM.fN.... subacribeitSfe Tm'Ti.ku8 throne Each Canlinalm tarn kuss3d hu hand .faction, nd mth thukfuhw to God, th fact pcotlo 1ito bn littranllr looM with rum. ,..,: . T" -l f" MaSShnSettalDeUW.r.,.nd,weheW '""P," r M 0af - 1 Madnc. ha, r, and pandoniom. ha ..5 StateaJ toUdCaBtain-'Jonea their thanks itl iiEable','md hW tnanr men ' "TP" "8& 4 U fort of feoknea, wen n:arly two one of tho most harmonious, and he imaU one of met us at crery turn. Men who bad not drunk ..,i,r;rZ?,.L?'.T?' JZ-Mr long. Notone word was spoken. Weha,! the most useful, ha ever had the Wl.fai. for rear., are now not orJ.haWJ. W T I-t4 1. lata U te, .pUte.onhim,niSi nhSi i1 VlUvturned "'f '-ding. Man, vexed and Perpling ueoion, al iunkard,. And more than all a rdePTth, Second B.,.i.t Church E.lra'e.C Tkr& JLZJrrt2d' v ' l frnm tf-Lt JrIiVS'A .l up, fbrwe cannot think they have one spark of were to come no for discussion, and , Wh. whita . hrU- -wi i.t irlr. At the second JJspast Church Salem, a tit vvWi.i . KSMU1UU1I1. rilS TiriTs tori hi. tr I vlu - , - j " -s . , ; auva uta WHO vessel, were captured immediatelv after the fio-ht I1""1 by the Poictiers seventv-four.CA. OAwr laurels Death of General Taylor in Europe. The steamship Niagara, .vhich sailed from T rX toe of Wor Boston-on the 10th of July, took the news of ragar0f ;lead ,and r0SC iWater 111 twic General TaylorV death to Endand. The steam. P1 som of the mixture moistened the hair ship Canada, when about four hours out from v . ' f part f to Liverpool, met the Niagara, with the flag of the r?sumed lte folor. He then applied United States at half-mast at tl,ft for. a. thee to aU his hair, andlit-all became, ... .. - among tno iicauiea laflucncea from v - tv. .r.v. i t-1 ra.6 u.ut Suus, ine two vessels then w, . ; , . ' , .. . , i V "UV r the Head of the Church ' IChrktUn UA. n .t. - i ne inula or the revival, wuci approached within speakindlfA - mSton especially to some ex-members, who ar said to have been removed from Pilate's hall at 1 I . m . . U n51 1 h opred to all their efforts, so Lm flf ,t. .uL !, v.. v..v,i...l iL'-, P . lce' and tbe widowers and seah w,fLri i t,.. v J ln i. xAm Thcss Certiinly arc most cncouragInS facts.- bHzhUn2 to their most AmAAmA W. .J B"J. f lbe cbarebfi iae,r Urk a1 juwtuiuui mieuigence ot the President's death fnnnA -'i . " ejr J.. '"T r- ; TV ;-r"" Father Manning who p-each-d on Sundav tiT,!. r v ncinity enjoyed doria lart wiater and rpritr . , . .. . ! v- '" found efficacious m vpirv inof ? Savinnr osovl'offw !, ti inauwaj uu p.eacuu on ounaay, is I trvinir to their feelings. . Da not AWnV.riV..l . . tt nee of the President's death i"uigeermcnf-:randit has been Jerusalem, ana to he the ldmtical onss that our . J . " ; i . - - I found fiffifiamrms lTl otjot-tt !notinl ! Tt . I RatnlnTiv. A to those on board the Cana- - ,7" -rj lt u -; rr, JV J- .y now ei-htr-four Vea-s of ae has ben nrcachin-r Um I i " ? 7.- j ""r" kvo been preuy generally ralhertl at tfct arrived atTWl X dje the hair, but seems to operate upon the roots, are twenty m number, and can b 3 ascnddonly " eioQry iour years of a3e, has b-en preaching ism, ignorance, degradaUoa iand depravity, W meetin-of ti. t. rwfv jir arrived at Liverpool on the j .Lai.J. .i : , J! I . 'A J .---m." . . . . J. the clonou3 eosoel for unwards of slxtv vp. rfwv i .i.: ... . I taeeung ox tat pastor t coafifrence, t:rtteci . a , . f j - - l i hhwuauicucu in Ljipir unnnnunn ti t n vmt v. i.. . fviW rlalKnrr nvMT. na wU. f.. ' A..:- t i. hirmnninna OAnTlAn f :.:.t. J L.!. il.! H..I 1 . .... I ' . OS V tCTICCT. I DO Uni3tt FlaVltS:!! Bl . , . ..-!,. i - i nivmof it, nmfl nt ftio mWr. ,;4 .1 ai , . .... uLuaa jwv;iui iui buariiv: io ....vm.vub vw-vu.i.uvuui iu uituuKrB : lou Dtis uie itrr uuckuras oi nit rrtMt.' ar ;t ;. uenera. ..vior Sdeath to England. Thestean.- . "TV IT . snpportl.nd 7 w.KWVA B uuv . i .j aca u va ii.l3 I j ' : - f . . ol. ! 1,. j 'r - i- . ia which sixtr-fonr convert Lave bern ailed It TTnit. Jto 1..1 i ; a ,i '- " inemixture to aU his hair, and 'it-all became U popish superstition. v VWi" vi rci. occasion ior iicu aoca an indignant commentator on such t . , - . ... i CatdtwdLI ;;;a I..-.' 7 t.--- municated; the fact to some of bis friends in Wash .silica, St. John Lateran. Near bv are th R.n, uus.uu 01 V:Jesus jurist, ariea meet itelligen was communicated da, The Niagara arrived at Liverpool on the T Jr t e evening of ttt oml, n ' . and restores the original color : "ua yiiryiu; vae news i rri . . hi . i , ' . . . j . ana is no? of the, President's death to Encdandin eleven Ts Tv " WSI I . ? tromen and children, ascending the nd uaysauerais decease, and without any previous 1.2,1.771 t 7-" T " - which warnin ofhisillnp TtTA,lr,.i4 i tT Tr . ... . oucu bcjujs witness every day, and do , you , i uis luness. ; , it produced a great sen- 4 ounces Rose Water. iH '.t. .-.'i. : J' J dene auo. Kngtad. The leadingjoamala devo- Mix them, Bhake the-phial on isW the . ZvJTS!." ex. -8Pav ? f reie" f Ch,ra0t" ' tee m4 h Jj week or yi, exploits, m whicn they pav a inat trihnta m ki. Ionm!r if ,. tv.,. tx.: - ! " worth and fame. A large meeting of American - " ' ' ' . ' nit. .7wWrrC:CiWrady2.5ti .Gaml,nns;inNew io. ' , witness --7 rcil .iviiarewr presided, ubu passea . tions, their President dent French Republic Will co. in mournin. for Al fPefw, they will very greatly on the knees. There we saw the poor dludVd lDe Pf lor upwards of sixty years, strengthened in their opposition io the truth by 7 J and is now hapnv in tho en oyment of its consol. the. wmrkmmmm .n s.,., wptumtwert reported. ! -t i , - v w. u as nawux UalaibaCgl Oil I -wv a a. ft. av jih am.KSaHI7Iaa, : UUcx. Y.. rahliiVa oiler and . Aletaaira, Y. , eonrrsnnicatia the reaalti of re a tat rfvir3i pr0D hart Irea Boiler by Upiiwa, cuaiiu las n ctdLiau of ihi Semlaary. MippLtstraT, Vt.--Tt Verait Clrr- de itatoal-that MidileisryI-o u rsyfat the'gTictois U;at8tJif the Spirit " Prx of relief a ire much rtTiTrd, a'jtnrral otriewar prevalU iaia; lha ats d rata,' bub j are ra iia for the ruth of life, sad a few irjwdr; is ths belief that thry have fozad it Ia lit Cot the Association was divuhd, with the utmost rion: J .tm A .v:i l u hluuv ui kppti in3 . -rkcioriifa in innn i i w r iuni i.jc mi.iipnrw ni i orw i id derrradationV wl L n.t ? ifW bodi-tiV xstern, the EDcland nun. and of men from Christian 1. ? ?ow .T ": - I estern. and tlift Cflntrl rvov. ' Rmt ? n.fTc!. v.-.. . . . ... . I aed to the c bore a ia Sott it awav tA thft rnnnntainQ nf STx-itrrlanrl I . . . - 7 1 r " I "wru auauugueu aTJU QeOraVCa LHaVn Tfn lh mnri I . o - ',:i A. oov Associauon, ; We copy from the Visitor : " Du- abandoW nf ih. xtir - - , - t letUr aai experience. At Al , waxavcAAU air a.a.Jixic uulu mn tJ Lix. uii u I - I " - i 'the'. Fete of St. Pwn'th S.t.afternoon, Rer. S. .Tv Rand mads Mm (.'-: : ; 1 nnUm TrartlUr, ba. been pwerfal amaa-ih. Thlar-nnk. f t - sux :.,i.i v. i:. it ti ; W cnconrazinjr. statements in r2rd to hisU- , , : ' - - , eaesee anl Wramiar , - t ; aunt! , uauiuuu. rwii n. ,. "' 1 i j- , - , ., . fc. - i - . .j l iuiik JirnnriT inn. vilfrmn innnna. anil m tMnci. I w. ...... . . I i . . - " ; -i- -i v n-r h tha; nnnnm. . at VI: T nmihaforf - J . T..a a!i. I T 3 ' , ia M naiuu- ITfimit At llf Ilrlnn In l.n i I expressive jdI their sense of tha rt 1J .V ' 6 goier.nas rj. uuuiu. uw uur .pp-jut? . - , , - v -J. t. TV- HU 1 country had stained in th. "VZ 01 attracted the, attention ofa few phUant rmiH doubtless, be Tho following letter, reeeivad. W a cen . and of their svmnatfc. JuZ lhroPic ""."who. have formed themselves into rrow, which is-St. John's day . We leave thi "1 rX . "7? Homan . of this city, will W read with IcVr laconseaueneofthedeathoTr ?Wf" nthe 26th for Lorn'e,d Flo- 2 Mt ? ' V of the United! State, tho P. t.. Obonld the association be able tocarrjbut their rencs, thence to Venice and the Alps. . . S.- A . , ' -, " J :. - ?70l - - 1 Douai. Mar a4ih. 1RM .- j . i . - -; 1 - mm v.rv. va aaa a a, " , ..... : . , , . - . rnia avn ik 4k. j. . x n - . . . x i v . m r h .... m. . I rnnnrri ' a nn.j -Ji . .-. i, i . . i " m ub v uo not ariTa it' trnm ths I Jjr. uicnnii TisE 1 ti n I n 1 nla I m mr,I m I 6'-" eemn service win oe perform- a s -. -r I " r' . fr .tt. - u a. wo.rei7amrj nnr fis. ,.., .a? . i--:.-.o u iu ue uueaea ana a re?- xvy. ir. jieanurst. .witn three mission ' wi vaa uaio lac nJUOB-l' i L i flaSwmhave blach crape attached.-Preso ferkePl it -- I business of . uivvu.i naim uwi vyuijimieu (uo uu3auou Ol , : v "" tjjj belief ttt the gospel' byt 'Lulc,anili3 prosecuting h'w work X asland, bat 1 do aot heiiute to improve nilonll c' as rapidly as circumstances will allow. -He Cads PPrtuaity to acnJyoa a word." t My letter ,Prmroce,. Colportase in California. a . " r. ', . - , . i " I 1 as nipiajy as circumstances wiU allow, -lie find IT"' -fr-" v tu Ju waru. , ny lewer "?"1,f -JS!rL--"I-hf,n1 -lta. moih ffiatA.--k to aitMpd W t tojoa in Loadoa, iafomed everv clerk and bnsihas mat. t,a boob, und UnV & Wt a v;t . .;iw i,;r.v I - . . r .,- . . ., I -- - ... . f Uow"WmM,lwm4.na t"- - Lj: r 1 V it -" iv v" " . Pr liad pwioasly reported. . ; From a recent visit l'" V. TV PIveTM PP. w i noraent. Tbe j now gambles or mav hereafter lip.Mmfl 4m. I distant. - On lanr?iTr. th roc.r? otm.n An .rl ....... l '.L i v t . I.. . . . Mer Arlntuv .' i il ' ,; ; . " rr : "'7 . to Mew Brunswick 'he ascertained that there J"? racB mi iti4 10th last., io at ier A double object is secured bv this remsUr : the sanow -Streetj. for- miriTo? thm- nnt - . . ,-..r- .. . . . - . it will dAf 1 I . "iweremany licmacs InUu ai will aeter men from framing nritmrV .f TflAr thiin fnnr Af faat i. il . .V.. il.. I . ' rf t . . previously reported, TlrTriHrii-V ' a ' CoWeurSin California - .W; Servaif.- aai I fwl- reports in'reUtion to his field, and the snccess of exp liiVanU - xt a I.. . ,. autcewoi exposure, and at the same tune . will -Droteet t6 a thoroahfare. with salend d shons on tacl, Urr . .J : : r.Vr.;r c n...,r.' il. '-Trr his labors. Nn-fi.o.-:-. v." . . .. . ve same Tuae . wui protect w . r.i,fl a7 , PPmau011 18 mPlJeB beW robbed: 1 Another Tea- Ui A multitude initandr Wured forth to-. children. hmn&vJ L -it at : . j& number of ture in the plan istoriv. aid to 'thoaa whom them, askinj in a friendly manner who the vwero ReTlTal Amoni tlio lYettorians. ami day. The next aorniaf L aceotBsaiaed Foulan to Servai-it was to be' with lla on . r uuuuiuat towns. ' a th mrnh n hwA '.i publid school in tte Bantistchnroh in S,n V':lTm l? tD9 iney,wanted. till they; were complete- -The work of craea which bis visited the Nel. session that 1 set out from home so 'soon. Cisco, embraces nUy 200 chUdren and tW ZTrZrLT PfenUy an abl, 'J hedged ; Mr.. Medhurst appealed to their torian Mission.-continued : at th, latest dat AfUr th. momios acrvic. ci5lt peraoas wero ' re several private schools in different .arts Z 1'J politeness-; appeal which U generally sue- with unabated interest. Tbe following extract examined for bap tUo. and accepted. Wo then th. city,-.nd yoi ut a amaU on nna3.ffiS 'g city and cessful-and : said if they would goto atemple. are from the Journal of Rev. Mr! Cothraa.th. went to that bsn of water which 1 ihoVed yoa en attend school anywhere The aVHon of V1 er thei' io' MTbey insUnt. Principal of th. Male seminary : i t th. bottom of the garden. LcdouM. had tho city authorities has been directed to the sub- nosed t a . there says Mr. . The youn g men spent mVh cf the put a!ht nude ton. step, for dcscendia bl0 th. water, iicyndheisdoiag all in his power to cxTite Sd J vSvf Farebrother, one of the , missionaries, "and tha in prayer; The most stubborn individuals seL nd hi. f.maL were ; all . LA in an interest iu public and Sabbath Schools. The the free K cent, like crowd .followed.: ' IA. we passed 'undix ; the gate- to bo reached and powerfully abak.n. . At 9 for th. Wasion ' The maliitulo ca th. SPfQ PopulatioWe ready for evangelbatioa and waCw U? ton, way leadinS to a square courtyard;.: teats ara o'clock' the school assembled f study. I rpok roadajdo, whero.-th. view is ao perfect, waa,im" ' anger possess themselves of .Protestant UrnS' -H0.: Pced; for Aejadiea. V Vo atood im'an elevated to them a few momeats; Wrna them not to I tacna.?. I never saw such a crowd aa ttlll ia telbtaderWfkS8 Wgotcd than raoSl nTJ2?lt- PreciorBadti,.' ' Stand- ccUH ih.',r.'iio.' Lj, (Sal&fl..) -' All alvUdxTC o Jr.. Jf Joa r Ml ton .'iLl Sproi vvT 'Mdrcn at. hf .ied Soni j&t-or ii..Uf. JA oa tilt dij, hr-r wouil tore rrj:ir;l. iTf-V f "Iw'Ia1 fe?? imiWa, JCIa. .d ttott im, and want, of preparation for.ti. And if tloas wto corafortid n. wtea 1 wa. Cr,l tlem ar. to mft, poMi aoioola. . The lact 1?? 1 fT-1T- rl,?t''?, work . ! : - 'f, V coiibj to Frano. .with'tto asuranc." it:: i, coC'ir ' S-Tk. tuC atj'rr V- Tto!,;.f:.nl,-trjy:amWs r Jnpo.iUa to do t,tiL; to.iU VT, lPMOTM. UgMatar. of th. Sutf, of MaSaTTf ? Tl 7 a.d for aom, it am3 m0r.th.o their ..thuaia. daWJ, ai. U?tT-,I '"'-Si' iA'-.VltsM. lS,1J.?v,,? V?"?V ?raa.'.-.B4 driat to pray. VSon. apeod ,tral tour, .tof ..tio-wo.Hti.ottor.r.,ri:.i, rl?X 7 ?t ltiproHbHloUeriearXl Ia r. '. lb. Lord.' :;rtttii:jif.-r ci ? T ! Th8lrct,rcavLoatteHthopraySrntrESS, l J"H. f!r: thl v.!!!?"51?1 I0" "Jlf ,lw ' ;ElnR;-Th- 1 r.Jii,l,. irapli..V..r . .f amrera T Mr. Lciia tiplia-I two --r-:- .; :rT"- f -tHaatropra.tlat.a-elrwcrf, Ecoart.U, to!;. I, r-'tier. C ,! "-"i-'r "3, pHrtlCUIariT IS f'-alf,. vl: - n ; ' ; . J' - i, nrrus.ju l .avou.nva :nie rnow I'd- rr 1 frr.n ; .n1nil 1 H. 1 'V,. UrnlO.irftir t.... r : I t , 1 11 church, too, thtro ar. cacjaraftj Tho Mornioj Star pnU; itals ef relirioa atctt tl uses arrersv vitals ef re'iioa atcttj tlo Freewill rtt a Taaworth Irca Worka, II., aai W vHIe, ilo: . ' - ' ' ' la Carlo tea, Kew Ercarwlck, a rtmid pro-reia. llev. C. S. IIma wrltt t ChritAa XlClsr : M Tie Cisrch is U''! 4 csiathly aecfui;aa cf the fewer ill 17 lhu pait of tho city. We ld two de! eaoca ef Ujljaliit ?rc;:h, arl c.krrtf rw Tcrvcsi ia jitua utrui, wMj cc lorwtra A deep asi trary to!city prrvaiet ct pr Rations; and tbt old meeur--hruae las! caco too ttnit for ca.f . 1 j ' . PiuLACtLrnia.S4J05 St. Cnraca-f The CLtistUa Cv.rcltli IfiraatUt Uit are makir z t fTr'ru i ar!l tlt'r krr.e of nlf with the iatf.iba of rttIilt ia a laon alio lite. Tfco bf hca of lis pral tt 3f . . - - j . art iciur&oaUbl :cta ai r ttUc. p yrax: t.!t. - Mi :.r- io v er lt - i a re ties -J" .. j i.tu . r j - - m h tV. owei aijf:lniir cf is tt;t; li. r It .. . ..rial iLey taiy aa uLc:l n.-jj clt crftlaea f xirtacca c: ti cr.-, ari Lii tif.r Jr- dauly ato-itl ly a iaro' izrrtzi ti i; " r r?v-''n'!V ia im lir., - n- mji CatEcit.. Ccr c!tf ret particularlT in r-a r.,-.;---C?!Il:V?.-a tamed .byaddressin3 fMm.at Kol.T Ci-' J we-iCre cc ' - - - IreeV: YerBT7o 17;". tLa rCr!l t. ..tl.. ,"c .a CL: . f ivt '.5 EtOO 1 l. tie door cf C.tlr clorcts ai.1 l"j. til I bars 1 - - T:c. T ,v 5 ly their . r?, t.. fcet it was a lAUts satallr. .Tha ezr- pc'c;1eto"iaako troalle, tzl I Ir. Lc4 ... . m, c . 1. lUKlu..' TI ;i ..... i - . j, -- '"I 1- 4 liltu hi.