-PROCEEDINGS'-- '.' . or the ",. ' , t. : . BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION; : PROCEEDINGS OF THE k-W , r Th Piari of.'Mapagere far the present yearmct in the First Cap- sermon by Dr. lloop fUGfcareu oP tutservntB, mTiuueiy alter a e5-- viJer Ja.racs Mc.f iiel, the Prendsni, in tho chair. forpi-wQt UHS 4 J3ru appoiawa raer iticnard J aco Mission- (a tnirei -m me pound fjriMfiaasm Assocutioa for the ensuing' Tir, tii?y agmng io-provIl& for his support.: r':;"v":'';-';:;-'!, ' Elder PG. Ooaucilv ty-rapiest. was re-apTwioted aMiorvfbr": tmrti of Wadesboroush. irl Ansou Counlr rtr v H:-, i i i i i . ii i . ... ........ Eiaers tin uousan auu j oun xtofwisoa were appointed Missiona- mo rtVa -of Gret-asborough, the Association to provide for their support. ' (friers were aurecteu- to i- lssneu on me ireasurer lor tna payment if vhOfiion-rws employed tho past .year, I according to ternis stinu- ,y the Board. --Auo ia lavor ot. the treasurer of the J Executive .w3ttre of Use Union A-Sciation. accordin? to an ahnr.inriAtinn - eIc at the iiiootiug of the loartl, duria the-Couventioa in October, isx. ' , ' . - ' ! K!I?r,l. G Barkky vs apnouitetl a Missionary pf the Baard, to tte vms of Greeuvilb ia Pitt, aod :TarIorouU in (tdcotnb county, jta lib prnen hi the towa of- Washington," relying upou. hb fiIi of la-' ha ilrhiuirt. C . - ' ' ' . - .KlJct.P. U- Smith, was appomted a Missionary, travel within tho ot4s ofihe Tar Kivcr Ansoeiation,- relying upon his field.of ' labor ifjj-k-oit-35 of Euler-J. J. Jamos, Elder John II. .l.acy was appia- M Lsisiann; y if f Jo.xt J, to preach statedly in,tha towas of Sal-barj"ah';-kviIL;r ii?l-lf at Had' trains, in Surry county. MMa. t C. itkrson is ro-appomtetl a Mi&iotnry -fcr tiio S:t'ft-i' Livvk A-o!!atifp, oa the same eon-littoos a last yoar. ().t motif"?: . l;-4ti r "WTITtaiii Jfin'cs, tho General Aarotit of lies Ooa- vaur r,vva- v-: to have certificates of JUifc Iprat-2rsbip J)riu- tji t;k,'.!'.-i t) tliOH'! eoiitLil to tkb ?aui. Alsoto Lite Directors. Oa 3:.-:bu, the 'i're.uarer was tlir.io toil to pay tbo awirjy borrowed t-jlruM, usi- of tho Convention in payiug its Missionaries. 'Wr;i:us;!!n liif aci tuUrtvi to tk Hoard at Milton. .'I'll j Beard ibc-ir ndjouraed whh tln bcuedictton- bv;thu Prtisnlect. fJAMES McDANlL, rresukntr '' Xi-rtTA.iiEL J. Palmar, Secretary. . .k- - Milton, Odofer29tlr, 1831. '" Boacl uf Manners ofths -North Carolina Batint Statft Con-. v.jatKn, uiut at-the'olnjo of th-VHecordin Secretary, in Milton, on !i;n. 2f,tSi.of Octol-eV. 1801. --Li t A'Tchtuai'l M'eD-Vxyell Chairman the Bterd t!w past year, wak the chaif and calLd the -Boam -to order, and its proceedings waro ith r.r:iv;.r lv orotn.T Jai.ics JM: Aflen. jll wsvs ro-appoiuted- Cliairinan of ta iiH--;icl W illi rirav '?a' !).- iusa, 5 '.' lor MeD j lrt!Or tt0 ensmnsf yea iteiSeciiirvTo.ad tlift rosatution aibpy at the lab session of tb . 'Coavriti u, autiioriziQr and diroctiu'js.the Bard to issuo a Circular to t ti y.-v:i and other prommeiit mcinbcs or the cliurcuos throunout urj .iiaw, tor uiu . duxuuss sfi -vust:;. iijii-uyi. -y. jm .3mm.m jr jt--vv. fr.-haif 61 -the Convention, so to raw? iunaaut inept its present iia- Lilitii s aivl r rt viil.- tho means of increased Missionary labor. On motion nf Eider John 11. Laey. a-comraittee '-'-of threracbtorr of WaVe Forest College. . - ..... . t . . ? 1 ' r t- A t tl 4 T saa rttrectea t- &j unnouisoil tor tuat purpose. tue v. uaBriiiau ap- i . j. 1 .i.hiv, re riiote.l Kldor Lncy nntl brethren Palroor and Allen, on the Coraniittee. ynjnotiarij KV-Iqt Wiiiiam i( . liereroru wa3 appomiea a jiisMouury of lb liurii, tic Cduntie.of,Uuilford, Uandolpli and' Alamance, -'Ke rclyn.cpon his field of labor for hL support, and authorized to coik'et finds for that purpose, and report to the Board. Ua motion, thi Corresponding Secretary was directed to writo to , IVM-y Kuhort li. Jones, Al tssioniry to . mo sraiteyoi uic t aiawoa,m re- iition t -t5t" contrivance of Ins appointment in that field of labor. VljourneVl to'iueetn Milton. 'a-jain on Saturday before the third, Sab laihia Soveriiber next. JS. J. PALMER, lite. Secfy. ,N. B.. Miionarics appointed by the Doard, will please notify the Secretary of their aeeeptiue or uon aeeeptaue e of dijir appointments. ' Tho JJoartJ are anxious that a missionary shoald be appointed to tnjri -wii-hm the bounds Of each Association throughout the State, l lXYA-i ilie Chsuin year : nothiaf; bat their limited means prevents lhev 'qauu3ua!ion of this object. They lielievo that their brethren and iViealit could easily sustain oncer more to labor amongst them. If, ..iWftfore, the Moderator and other active brethren in each Association, wjuli auito and rccomaiend sonie one as their missionary, and resolve that they will sustain him, itVdl afford the Board .great pleasure to luaka the appointment, and thy donbt not from the experience of the naKt ti.t tiia r.,nc ),.,T.no- will follow. A Di issionarv -visitintr of tic churches fitlin flic bojinds of ito Association, series as a Connecting link to bind thetn together, and renders most efficient Jiid to the pastors, and serves as a supply to otherwise destitute churches. M N. . PALMEK. Jjfi0-?11' TaviDa. P0,ti,of.n? Sacred Scriptures, and prayer by Kcr.iTh6ma3 V. 1 obey, of RateighV . ; In the absence bt the Secretary. N. J. : Palm-r r i"V:iA was appointed Secretary ro imli . V , . . i ne Annual Keport was presented and read by Elder U. I. Dcvin of Oxford, Corresponding Secretary! and Treasurer, which was received and ordered to be published with; the Minutes. EMcr Thomas W. Tubey froni a Committee of the N6rtb Carolina Baptist Publication and Sunday School. Society, made a proposition for a union of that Society witi this, and presenting a draft'of a Con fstitutiottfor that purple, when dmnotion, the proposition wasrecei?- . cd and agreed to ;auimudf?.$?y.. "'-V -i On motioa, tbo Board of the Society was located at Wake Forest College- - - - . , ;'; ( ? ; ' - On motion, a Committee f lbree were appointeil to nominate the Officers and Board of Managers, Elders T. W. To bey, R. I. Devin .and Jobn-Hr"lAcy 'vrorp appointed on the Comniitteo. ' . names of members And contributions to the-' Soctty.- Messrs. J. P: Montague and C W. Bessent, wero appointed to comnoso tiiis Com mittee. . - J '.- r - . Tho Society was addressed in an interesting manner, by Rev. Elias Dodspn of the Beulab Association. " George -RT French, Esq., of YVilmington, offered tho following pre amble and resolution, which was seconded, and after remarks by X. J. Palmer, Esq., Rev. James S. Purify, Rev. Elias Dodion, Rev. J. P. Montague, C. D. Ellis, Es-j., and Rev. II. Minor,, whoa they wore unanimously adopted : : ' Whereas, the circulation of the S terol Scriptnres and the ptthlicationa of our denomination, are intimately connected .with ths prorefis of the Itedcem erTa kingdom. 1-Tiercfore, ffeWivf, tliat a more general co-operation of the Church's aid throughout the State, is an ohjecl anknlly tlcifed in promoting th&ohjects of this organization. ; ! .' On motion and seconded, fM-sotfff, That a more etea.sive circulation of the Jible an I of Rdiions tcta, and the e.tahfishrhat of S liihath. Sclo!s !in every church and nei;hlorhoot1, are subjects of th utiu.o-t ifniHirtance anJ woriliy of oar unitetl.and zealoas ctforis. ; . -' ! Ro7. T. W. ToLoy, from thoi Committe.i appomtid to nominate ilieers and a Board of Minagjrs for tho fcioelcty, reporto-1 thj follow- :.. RFAr. JOSHUA J. JA'MHUWU . Pev. U iLLua H. Joudan, Krv- J. li- WmxE and 1Imii,to IIks- ter. K.sq., IVieo Presidents. . i . ,11, C. Stkowo, Esq., Treasurer. Rev. Wm. T. Walters, lieeordin Secretary. : Professor Wm. T. JinoOKs, Corresponding Secretary. BoaYd of Mamrc.rscaUtl at Vakr Forest College'. Rev. j. S. Pnrify, S. S. Bid die, tr. WilUavn M. Crenshaw, N. J . Palmar, Isaac Winston, Rev'. A. D. BLojkwood, IJ. J. ra'jjiev. iS.iniu ;l Wait, Jkau Kefr, Esq., Rev. Wm. Jones, B. W. Justice, Adolpha (I. Jon, Bovr Thouias W. Tobey, R,;v. Ijt. I, D.-vin, Willie J. Palmer, K. F. Bceeham, Moses Baldwin, Bttri.sqn K. Cole, and B. J. Hackney. On motion t waa t . . , ;rtWwi, Thact'each of the Life $Iemherof the former Society, te con M.iefcd Life Members of this .Swictiy. Oa molion, 7ifwi'ri?j That the Tieasur?r and Acjontf of tho Publication anJ- Sunday School Society an. I of fhe NorLh Carolina. Bj.li.-it IJiblo Snci-.-ty, be requesteJ to hi!i;l over the to k, mo:i?y-in I oil jct., of t!li-e J5i-v-.ic'i . to Ik appropriate ofiicrw of Ihb So ijiy. On motion, the remainifig buiiinoss of to. Society, committed to the Board of Managers. ; .The C-onstitntion anil proceedings of -tUU ?aNti worj Jlfeetod t? bo published with the proceedings of the Convention. Qn.motion, tho bociety adjoutned, aftr prayor by rrosident Yhite, J. J. JAMES, PrtsUent. ctarik "pro (sw. List of new Members by ffu: ttnili-ibuiion of" one duiitxr ctuJi. O ill" ; J. S. Purify, J. B. White, T. W. Tobey, Airs. H. Beli, ,v Miss F. Montague, L C. llinton, N. J. Palmer, G. R. French, C. D. Ellis, - F. A Graham, E. R. Covanl, James McBaniel, J.J. James, C. W: Ht-scnf, N. Stanlari'l, Uenjnmin Oliver, G. W. Hndhani, John .11. Lacy, A. P. Hepiton, Mt'. Margaret Parham. REPORT OF THE BOARD. - As the organ of the North Carolina Baptist Bible Society, I would most respectfully Ikv lea -re to submit their annual report. We regret to state that w Iittla'bM boon dona during tha past jew in tlifi great and good work of extending the circulation of tha Holy Scriptures. Rev. J. P. Montaguo has acted as distributing Agent about one month, during which time he sold $35.15 worth of Bibles and 1'osta- 5 Report of (lie Committee on Finance. Til? Comraitteo on Finance make tke following Reports 0..-U)l,er, If 31; , ' ' ' ments, and distributed CTatuttoufely 15 Bibles and 25 Testaments, be sides others have aided, in circulating tho Bible, but we are unablo to report precisely the amount done to supply thevdestit ate with the word of God. - - ; - : Since the last annual meeting of this ocictv a debt oi 171. Id baa been ' paid, wlueb was then due to the A. and F. RiLlo Society for Bibles and Testaments purchascil a short time previous by this Society. We are now entirely free from Uebtj with some 30 or 40 dollare worth of Bibles on hand and 38.18 1-9 in tha Treasury. 1 The following is tha Treasur(r's report : , re Die Association, Ore orivfile. " ' r'ayt.ttevjUc church, (13 paid to W. Johes,) Oiime- Street,- Cmtoconary, Ncwberu, r ' . . - Union .Association, , . " Juv. Mis?, society, Wilmington) Tar River Association, : . . -V,'ake Forest, ' - - " Sabbath xroHecUon at all tho chircle? tVnlah Associatiopi . 't . . ; Miitoh. - Mr. MiteheU, - , , h, m. r. ntl 1 n. totai . 7 -75 ' 7 01) 7 06 Ql 75 36 15 . 3 15 8 001 8 10 00 10 10 00 -1 10 90 OO -20 y -"1 OO .7 . t 13 00 13 fi-62 13 00 13 00 40 C2 IOi09 " I . t : 10 00 10 . ! 25 H)3 25 O0 25 00 75 '93 32 50 32 50 i 10 00 ... 10 - r s oo . - ! 1 35 . 1 3S ! i 1139 Soll7 50 55 00 311 30 Ballance in hand October 22d, 1850, Atnonnt received from Finance Committee Oct. 1850, D. Justice for China, " , RevJ. j. James for China, ' " Flat River) ft. Society, " Rev. J. P. iMontaguc, Sale of Bibles, it w ii ii $101 22 i 84 10 2 00 .9 00 21 20 25 00 6 82 $245 34i J19O0 22 00 2 78 171 29 96 13 207 16 $ 38 18i JAMES C. STEVENSON", Chairman. NORTH CAROLINA , ' B1PTIST PUBUCATIOS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL SOCIETY. . i Vomir F.vrnin3. October 17th. 1851. ; This Society hejd its anniversary meeting in "the First Baptist church e a fieiWm ty Rev. C.llmbn Natnanicl Jj Palm er the President, Jn the Chair- . . . -On. notion, ia the absence of the Secretary, Rev. J. P' Montague . appointed Secretary, pro tem. ' '- " x Jh motion, a Committed was'appomted constsdng of EUers Thomas Tobey, C. W. Bessent and Benjamin Oliver, to propose , a uuion "Jj thlvSociety with tho blo Society, f-'and, to be called the. North Urolma Bible and Baptist Publication Society. . : r - . .A Report was presented from Elder J. P. Montague, late Agent of Societyr which was accepted. J'- There beinc no fnrther rn?lns nrfantpid for tbft action of the SOCIO- CONSTITUTION OF THE'. .Art. 8. Any Auxiliary Society will be reeonicd as such,' upon- sending to the Corresponding Secretary a copy of their Constitution and list of officers. Art. 9. The Treasurer shall keep the-funds of the' Society and disburse thein as the Society or Board of Managers may direct, and shall make an annual report to the Society of the state of its : funds, and the Depository Agent shall keep the Books and Publications of the Society, and; dispose of them as the Board of Managers may direct. 4 r " . '.. Art. 10.' The Society shall at each Annual Meeting appoint one or more" persons to deliver an Annual Address or Sermon, at the next anniversary.' " ' Art.-IK ; The Society rlloard of Managers shall have power to appoint' . one or more 'Agents, and fix their compensation. -I r "Tt'"! Art. 12. .The proceedings of the. Society shall be annually puhlishcd with the proceedings of the Convention, at the expense of the Society. - : : V ;;" ' FORM OF AN AUXILIARY , V , To the North Carolina Bible and Baptist Publication Society, f Art.1. This Society (hail he called the Bibl- and Baptist blication ScifKfty.af .. - cbwib lown-lhe object cf. hicH Jiall l'theirkurage!-? merit of the circulation of Bibles, reJigiou books and tracts, and the establish ment of one or more Sabbath schools and libraries. ' ! - ? ' Art. 2. This Society sha'l be auxiliary to the North Carolina Bible and Baptist Publication Society, and its officers frhall be a Picsidcnt, two .Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian, with a Board.of nine Mana gers, who haU be elected annually, ART3.uThe1 President, or in his absence one of the Vice Presidents, shall preside at its meetings. The Secretary shall record its proceedings; the. Treasurer receive, keep, and dishuriw its funds, according to the order of the Society; and the Librarian fiiall haye charge of the Library. AjiT. 4. The funda of ihe SKiety shall be paid over to the Agent or Trea surer of the parent State Society, one half to be returned in hooks at cost prices, and the other half devoted to the aid of destitute SabSath chools and neighborhoods. . . Art. 5. The Society shall mert annually, or ofter.er, at the call of one ort more of its presiding officers. At the annual meetings, soma one shall bee-L lecteJ to address the Society, or preach a ennon before it. Art. (5. Any person may became a membeof the Society by'contnlAiting annualiy toils fundus cr a life member, by the contribution at uiic time, of the sum of len dollars. FORM OF A BEQUEST;TO THE WAKE FOREST - J ' . . COLLEdE. x I do hereby give and bequeath to the Trustees of the Wate Forest? Cbl v lege, incorporated by an act of the General Assembly of North Carolina, vxi their successors fn office, the sum of $ , for the nse and benefit ot the said Institution) to b pald by my executor within two years after rajrde ' cease." ' ; ' ' - ' FORM'pF A BEQUEST TO OXFORD FEMALE COLLEGE. 1 do hereby devise and .bequeath to The Trustees of Oxford Female CoU : lege, and their. successors in office, the sum of $ t to bepaid by my execntor witbhitwo years after ray decease, or the death of my widowj a. the case tnajriie.) . , . A ' Tiedonor or devwor can also state if desired, the partf cular'object to which . v KeMeawish-the' legacy applied. ; v " Devises to Murfreesborough Female Collegiate Institute, or any oth-' er incorporated Female Institution, can begiven in the aine fonn ooly.ub- ' 'itinfena" of the-Irrstitation, -J-W. : . - . " - .i fi: ' Archbisbtp Hughes Expounding Dimsel. . t ; i t . The views of Archbishop Hughes, the most influential Catbolic pre-1 late on thisade of tho Atlantic, upon tfio fundamental questions of ro : ligious liberty, and especially upon the practical qdQtion of the tolera-1 tion of Protestant worship in Catholic States, have long been matters' oi curious, ii no muwus, conjecture, v e are tnaniaui tnat ne nas7 expounded himself at' last. - i . ' , - v.-i - H e could -not well avoid snch ancrposition. The Tribune bad not only set him rsght on Kossuth, Whom-he' bad assailed, and unon com j r. Cash paid Rcr. T. Mercctuti for pfinting tjte proceetlmg m u for Cluna distribution a. , ' , . Bill for Freight and Commissions, Amount of draft forwarded to tbf A. and F. Bible Soc, Brcmium on draft, ; - ' ;: Postage, j . ' ?.! . - Balance in ba.nil. i ' The amount in hand willbo l mid to M order of tho Society the book and papers banded over to my sucoessor or to the JJoard i Ptaiso accent this as mv lettcr of rcsiffnation, and while I surrender to you the interests of the Society, I trust that nnder the guidance of Heaven your labors in this glorious causo will bo crowned 'with great success.- Yourk in the bonds of christian love, ; , R. I. DEVIN, Cor. Sec. and Treasurer. riiOCEKPlNGS'OK THE . JiORTH AUOLI A DAPTSST lnr- VTION SoriETTT, - Wn.MiMnoN, Oct. Oih, ISol. f i m.-Ptin'r ofthoi frliMi Ihi t, t1i fo-;n if i i nr n IJ i Ui.it tr.ln in taon Society held at the first Dnptist ehnr.ii, on motion, Rev. Ijvtl S. Villi.irn3 w c iilo l to-t!i ; .t'h vir, :iuJl ILaf-.n f. Joa.3 appointed Secretary. ' The proeeeiltn were opened with prayer by Rev. James McDanicl of W ihninjrton. N". J. Palmer ntatcd the objects of tho mcctihp;, and presented the form of a Constitution for tha Society, which oa motion wa.-j unaniutoasl j adopted. , w ' 0q motion of N. J. Palmor,.Lvsq., , , .RssotreJ. That a -committee be appoinlel to draw up a Constitution, for tlu Society- Committee appyiiue 1, co.isi-s.inj oi' N. J. I'.-iJmjr, Rev. J. Mc Oaa'utl, Uev. J. J. Jam?, tfro. Palmar frond the Coavcwion presenhn!, and rend a Constitution aiirH-iaw, which o.un-y.ina of ibv. V. h.m a;!o;)tel. On ' molion a -"Commttt-eo was appointed to no:u!uato Olfisers of tho Society, with a Hjird of M iii;rs, wlio rvjpi.-tvij Liu t'olbi:ij ; Rev. J H. WIIIT1, of Vak.i Forest College. ProsiJcnl. Hon. Thomas Settile, John Kekr, Esi and NATHAiMEl, J, Pal mer, Esq'h, Vice IVesidents. J. F. Jordan, Ksq'r, of Rah ih, IiecorUin Secretary. Re'v. ThoaUS WroBsv, of Jtaleigil, CorrespoaJin ,Sjcretary. i VrW- - W: W. V&s, f Rai'-jilr, Treafmrer. P. F. Pescuj, of Ualeigh, Auditor. Iimrd cf Miliums, ladled in Rileigh. N. C.Rcv. Jamqs S. Purify, Ad'olplms G. Jonos, D.-tniol Dupre Sen., J. J. Biggs, Georga XV. Thompson.', Hev. Wm. T. H.-ooks, Rev. William T. Walters, Uev. Jamea C. Marconi, Kev. William tlooper lLi. if., Key A. U. liiacK- wood, hi I J. Jimos, Rev. 1). S. iVilliami, Rev. Jatnsj McDanlel, Rufus 1. Jones, Professor Wm II. Owon, Rev. A. McDowell, M. B. K oyster, James D. Nvnn, Walter li. Moore, William fIJallenger. The report was unanimously adopted bthe Society1. On motion of N. J. Palmer of Milton, Resolved, That the endowment of Wake Forest College, and the investment of a permanent fund for the Education cf young Ministers licensed by tfjeir churches' to . preach the Gospel -is an object of the utmost importance to the Baptists of iSiorth Carolina. On motion, Rev. James S. Purify general Agent of Wake Forest College, was requested to act as Agent of this Society, in procuring subscriptions with the mines of Annuil anJ lifu members. On motionj the Constitution of this Society, with the proceeding of this meeting were directed to ber published with tha Proceedings of tho Convention. L Oa motion the Society then adjourned to gm place to the mooting of the Convention. Its next meeting to be held at, Wake F orcst College, on the evening proceeding the next Annual Commencement of that Insti tution. The Board of Managers to make tho necessary arrangements for the meeting. . s DAVID S. WILLIAMS, Chairman. Hurra F, Jons, Swumi. NORTH CAROLINA BIBLE AND BAFTTST PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Art I This Society shall be called the North Carolina Bible and Publi-: caUon Society4, and shall be auxiliary to the Southern .Baptist Publication So- cicty. . JVrtv'2. The objects of tbe Society shall be to 4..-. ,Vord 6f God, and of Religiou Bflfks and Pubhcations, published nnder the patronage ofonr denomiriaUon. Also to encourage the estabUshmenSab. bath School s and Sabbath Schocd Libraries. . AaTThe Officers of this Skiety shall he a President, three Vice Presi-j-'4--rMMmAir .i Tfr.rd$n(r Secretaries. Treasurer. Auditor and De- h U adjourned subject to the call of the President. Benediction bj: pository-AgenV who shall be elected or appointed annually. y- a.vy. TObev. . : ' -. Aa4,-The Annual Meetiogt l ue &ociety. suau u -SV. " " N. J. PALMER, President, ' Carolina Baptist State Convention. Intermediate meetings of the boaety, .MONTAGUE; Secretary-pro Urn. , ? - :. ' may bBcaUedbytbeP B.. The proposed union having been formed with the Bible So; Art- 5. Any person my hec j0 S, UmlT f this Society, was hel d. it teing Werstood - .una luna, wouia oe nanaea oyer to xae new v SrwV tf iifi? DireetOL fthd each Baptist ctarttt Of Auxiliary oociciy ahallliS m annual meetinS5 ot the Society, lor CONSTITUTION OV THS NORTH CAROLINA BAPTIST EDUCATION SOCIETY. Articli! 1: Thus Society shall be denominated the North Carolina Baptist x Education Society; , Akt. t. The objects of this Society shall be to aid in raising a fund for the endowment of Wake Forest College and the promotion of the cause of Educatioo,"particularly among the Baptist denomination in, this Scale. Art. 3. The officers of the Society shall be a President; three Vice Presi dents, Secretary. Treasurer and Auditor, who with a board of twenty other individuals, shall constitute a Board of Managers, to conduct the business of the Society in the intervals of its meetings; and they .shall be. annually ap poi ntej. : " ' . ; Art. 4, The Board of Managers shall be located at Haleigti, tut may ad" jounVto meet at other places. Five members shalL constitute, a q.uorum to do Eaiiness. . ' '-. - - ' -.. ' ' ' - - " - Art. 5 The Society shall hold its annualjmectings with the North Caroli na Baptist State Convention, and an extra meeting at , each annual Com mencement of Wake Forest College, and the President or two of the Vice presidents shall have power to ct-ll other meetings of the. Society. Art, ). Anjr )er?on bjr the contribution i of one dollar annually majr be come a member of tde Society, ana by the contribution of twenty dollars or more become a Life Member of the Society - " Art. 7. At each annual meeting of the Society some one or more compe. tent individuals shall be appointed to address the Society at the next annual meeting, and at the meeting at Wake Forest College some one shall likewise be appointed to address the Society at its next meeting at that place, and the President or Board of Managers may make other appointments or, fill the places of those that decline. T f .-rf, .. r ' .-- :.v-;:. At. 8. The Society or the Board of Managers may appoint one or mora Agents anJ fix their wmpcusation, and give them the necessary Instructions AaT. 9.;The Treasurer shall safely keep the funds of the Society &nd dis burse them and invest Ihem as the Society or Board of Managers may direct, and shall annually or oftener as they may -direct, makea full report of the Btate pf the finances in his hands r that may be in vcsled, , , i - , ' Art, 10.' The By-laws ncf Rules of Decorum adopted by the Convention shalf govern the Societyso far as they are applicable. , , " . j ( i. Art. 11. TheTresident, or in his absence the senior Vice . President, shall preside at the meetings of the Society ) and if neither be present, the Society shall appoint a President pro tempore. . ' - " ? Art.' 12. In the meetings of the Board of Managers the President or one of the Vice Presidents, shall preside J and if neither be present, they shall ap point a Chairman. ,-",'.-' Art. 13.1 The foregoing Constitution may be altered or, amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at any annual meeting. , -t ' SORTIl CAROLINA BAPTIST BIBLE SOCIETIT; ; r.;. . : . WjLMrtiGTO, N. C, October ISth, 1851. A lis Sccistv held Jtq n',. a.w: ,'n h vrtt Binti?t churchi t deck p. M. . i.ucr J. J. James the President, took the chair and called the So: -J to crdcr, and it3" proceedings were opened after singins an appro tUo' T-1 ? shall be entitleil to a delcgal even-three dollars sent up. : . , Art. 6. Auxiliary Societies or churches contnbut.ng to the funds of the Society, shairreceive one half the amount back in booKS. Art 7 The business of the Society shall be. conducted by a Board of linagers, ionsising of twenty mcipbcrs, with the officers of the Society to be appointed aanualJjr mon scnoois, wuicn nenaa caricaturca as "governments turned school masters' and eo assuming dulies which belong to families, but it fcai reminded him that he bad tntssod an excellent onnortunitv to doelarrt . opDortumtv himself on. the object of religious - liberty It called the arehbishonTs aitention to me tato t apai Aiioeuuon in regard to Uathouc worship tor 1. the exclusion of all ether, in Spain, and to the actual prohibition ct l'rotestans Tvorsuip lurongiiont tne 1'ope a temporal dounaions. It like wise put letorc the arch Dish Catholic Journal in London : wise put before the archbishop's eyes tho following extract frOGl g i FORM OF A BEQUEST TO THE NORTH CAROLINA . ' -BAPTIST STATE" CONVENTION. U I h hereby give and bequeath to the Trustees of the North Carolina Baptist ctate Convention, ana tneir successors in oince, lor me oDjecis oi tnat Convention, the sutn of $ . ; , , to be paid, by my executor within two" years &fu?r. my decoae. i"-;C - -. .- If the donor desires it Fpecialiy to be given to the cause - of Foreign Mis-r sions, Home Missions, or Education, Publication or Sunday School ..Society, -or North Carolina Baptist Bible Society, he' or she ran state it in the bequest. v rr. j . i.at. Mmit, Sec w. ''Von n.5;lr if h? fthr lonnl xvcrt ?r t.Vta lin1 rnn.k : Tninoritv, if not in numbers, yet in powcr, -what woalJ ho do to jou ' That, wo sV, would cntirrtjr d;;nCI)d Vp9q VOTjtiflCCl If jt i-irn.-'hk ill f cabs.! of C;Ll!iol!r.ism hr wnnU f..lrrfif it,-,. - if J lie wouM impTisson you, banish you, fine yon possibly he" miht "eVen - hang you. Hut. byssured of one tiling he WOuJd nCVCr tolerate VOU for tho Sitka of tho glorious principles of civil and religious liberty. i ' And tha following from a Catholic joaraal in Paris: "As for myself, what ! regret,'! frankly own, is, that they' dil not burn John IIuss sooner, artd that they did hot likewise . burn j L,uthcr - ' this happeneI because there was not found some prince sufficiently po- lite to stir up a crusaie against thofrotestants." . u Surely," says the Tribune, "it is high time, if the Catholic church is to be vindicated frottf" these imputalions, that some authorized exposi- tor of her principles sltould speak out in her behalf." The archbishop i most. manifestly annoyed, but be cannot keep si- ' lence, and so he addresses "One -Letter to the Hon. Horace. Greeley.' V From this letter we make the following quotations, for the purpose oK examining thcrr import: i "I. As regards myself, I claim to be a friend of civil and rclMouS liberty, in a sense more just and true-that is, in rayoplnlonirfJa iji.ui iij n i w u tuu uic in iuB uauu oi anaciiiog to tnose words.! God is the author of truth. The devil is the father of lies. lam nof .sure that yon believa in tha existence of a'deviL'but ecrUinlrvou can not' deny tho cxKstence of falsehood. IS ow, in my opinion, yonr system -of religious liberty goes to put God and the' devO, truth and falsehood - on the same level. Yoa hold it as a religious right no less Isacred-i deny God, if a man thinks proper, than to worship him ; and hence. 4 you implicitly dony to God himself the right to impose on man the ob-l ligation of worship, for that Would take away the freedom of bis riht to lean atheist. ; " II. 1 deny, with the Catholic church, any right f one, man, physical coercion, to compel the con sere nee of another man. Hence " therefore, I ain opposed to all penal "laws having the COCrClOIl Of COU SCicuCC for their 6tject. ; In Countries' whicb are already divided and: DroKen up into religious sects,, mutual toleration, kindness and good: Will, in all the civil and social relations of life, constitute at once in my .opinion, the duties and the rights of all. But I am hot aware tiki a Protestant State, ! t,hch as Sweden, is bound, by way of granting re-J ligious liberty, to-place Atheism on tho'same footing as Lntheranisni. Neither am 1 of opinion that the sovereign Pontiff, whose subjects am . entirely Catholic and united in belief, is bound to throw his States onea t? tor tlie pi-caclimg of cTory lorm of lrotestantism and Infidelity - JUf 'r' spiritual M of tbe Catholic ctiurch pn earth, he is bdimJ bpresenrd, the revelation which has Christ for its Author. To eneouraga -oppo sition to that religion would be to take sides with tho f&thW Of lies and i am i Miiu, sir, tuat vou wouiu Daraiy expect the Pope to go bo far. Besides, as a temporal prince, he knows the horrors of civil war which have desolated other countries, springing out of the ambitions of reli gious sects, each strugling for political ascendency in the State. Hut besklee all this, he knows that it is a fundamental" article of the Protes- tans rcngion to oeneve mat nam antlCUnst. JjlDertJ Of C9BtCrDWl tuuiciuiu, iu jour bunso, wo uiu require tnat the Fope should beeomo airecuy- a )riy to me luiroaaeuon or every gpecies ot error ua uapie- ty, and the overthrow of his own authority both as temporal linQQQ Jfli : sovereign Ponliff.M. . ... ' 1 v : , Now before examining this language In detail, we ask the reader" to f state distinctly to himself the doctrines of religious Fiberty as1 U nnder- lies our Constitution, and is practically illustrated in the habits of our A people. The American doctrine of religions liberty, then, is iot than ' it is a duty, or expedientj-oinder certain tircnmstafieM. reasons, to tolerate Protestants, Catholics, Jew or Infidels, i bht that ; civil government has no tit lit to inlAi-ntj. Anrl it. - ' band no right to prescribe, regulate 6r enjoin religions belief or . . ' . r hw vim uesw. And these ricrhts ot conseienea am tiAM hvili. iWL.. -irr: - r- as a grant or charter from, an earthly government, bat as an indefeasi ble rights human nature. Man holds them by virtue of tiflpersonaL relations to God, to whom alone in seligioua matters, he ia responaiblo : This is religions liberty, as first illustrated in Rhode Island; mad - u -finally accepted and exemplified by the whole American people Nfir 13 this Goctiioe held as right tm ti&s M but as equally right and suitable for all mankind. The rights of cor science are belieyed to be universal rights, never.' in any .time; or placo : to be invaded, without infringing upon the high prerogatives of AlmJ"h tv God. . ' - "; v-r V ' Such is tho American doctrine of religious libertyfiwr Is " it to' W swcrvd from to the extent of a single hair's breadth. The moment nu eariuijr guvcruuicni is cioiisea WlUl tlie WLXXttlOrtty to tolento or diency. : It may hoU a gentle reWoriLh with whips 'and' RioS It may udge it best among mixed beliefs to inculcate and exemplify forbearance, r when greater uniformity prevails, it ma. load 4Lwent with disabilities, or persecute it with racks and flames. The American doetrine puts no such power in human hands, and tho American eya will watch with a jealous solicitude the inroads cf any such pretensions. i ow we turn back to the archbishop's letter, ' As regards myself," says the archbishop, " I claim to bo a friend of civil and rehgious lib- crty, in a senso more just and" truethat is, ia my.opinn of coarse " than any which you are in the habit of attaching to those word.'! Very we!L 'What docs the archbishop meaifcB Go on, reader, tLrough tha paragraph, and when you have got through, tell what he means--if yott can. He has affirmed nothing but his claims, which nobody cares fori-:yoxi are left to infer that religious Iiberty'has with' .iio soma qualification or , limit, bnt you cannot tell precisely what it jecta to ' a system of religions liberty which puts 41 God and the dev il, truth and falsehood, on the same leveL' Does the archbishop rneatt .that the eivil government m a jr prescribe the worship'of, God and pro-- hibldeyil-worship, that it may enjoia the truth ia- reKon as dis tinguished from that which is false ? If he means .so, heBeds that some, man teach him the first principles of American liberty. Under ; this rery plea every form" of usurpation over the conscience has beca justified, and every enoraity persecution :has been r-raffr" K, if a man sees fit to abjure Godand practise idolatry, or to . -.1 -truth and falsehood in religion, he does it nnder revponsiLiwf j to LJ . Maker alono, and the civil government, wLiciooncernsitsuIf Tfitii t .

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