T XZrJl W. TC2EY, KUor ) Eltuotcir la Religion, iiloralitj), jCitcrature, Agriculture .anK aural Intelligence. l.H, A. MERESITn, PuiUsch .: w --- . , - " .. I'UHE IYH. JO. 20. EALEIGH, I. C, FRIDAY, 11 AT ii, 1852. iwhoie id, iioi in s -v .. - 11 - i " i . . . . i . . i . i i. i BIBLICAL RECORDER pentmg sinners in the humble church as in the I splendid temnle. ..... -:! 7 . . i , , j i 0 i . . 4. . . - f I ' ' ,f Dvuui W vuw ti uu i Religious and Literary Paper :7 was not aware of its melancholy frequency that - ..J weekly at Raleigh, N. C, at $2 00 per a Wi blS cunnmg would nai t impos bis own, heart, i Then he prayed; and preached that while the righteous in eternity ascribe their with the unction of the Holy Spirit, 'and then saltation to the freo and sovereign grace of God, his hearers were awakened, and a good number the finally impenitent shall see and acknowledge converted. " ' - tv in all cases is advance.. i Bible to kmdle the fmirit. Kntoroon I T a. ti.i- c:i." j t . ' i L.-.f ii. ' , . i j7i letters on businesa should be directed to ov V 7" ' " ' , r iue xioiy opmi, uvrexung in:, mm ana sary rCiub uiucir?pwn joiuntary, incornglDie lusher. Marcus A. Meredith. Letters contain- Y . ?th engaged in winning souls for the united with his spirit, which , accompanied -his wickedness, and opposition to God and his truth; -v. . , i - - ". f-. J ".,- .t , . w . er, which breakcth'the shall confess to the glory of God the Fathers if l"L..nnications, or in any way relating to the ed- Same Saviour, and in train? vm V.deemAl sin-1 nnw .a. -.kt-u .. kt.. 1-J ' ' i --'"a ''LZ .LV: !. .hnulahaaddrpwH thT,i!... I- - . . f, : r-;-' " owbiu., u nuu uiauu mo UTllO cvi wr iuito euau 8IW eyerj WDRUB . 44unur ui I n arc t- n ;- t iiti - . - : , - j - .. -v. ... .... i - . - ' - us neaven, wnero eternanuKe as a fire and a hammer, which breakct universal bond and joy of rock in pieces. 1 There was then such solemnity v 7.- We believe in the doctrina of regeneration was ; so sharply lbuked J God was speaking to them, and that his all-J alone, without7 the- deeds' of thelawj1 by: the SSrXS.rrCa - e' cn, Whe M b u fire . hVmm reference to the Recorder, address 1 thus shall ; form the 4 jvom" u UUIIUI, reference to the Recorder, address a thus I w I obey. - v .11 ii. : a . . - - . . I . . - communications, to insure attention, from tiie days when in his manner that it seemed to his bearers that by. the Holy Ghost and Justification by s faith Trtctei to Kaieign, vs.yvsi-paia. ; I wie cuuxca OX UOrinta for its - men have a iitiC11 w " fl-For fortheV particulars see last page. t bribers who do not give eipress notlceo the i Af0 ' 1 f CepbaS 5 -"ft1-of CturC Md k feI tiat, V c grace; ' and that ' they shall 1 never fall finally trarj consjaerea wisnmg to continue their sub-1 " w ; , i"JB wug rcproacu uwerea lacn j m ms presence, j contentions, down to the present hour, piercing eye was fastened upon ' them; " There righteousness of Christ re e been found to. cry ;".'f I am of Panl ; was such solemnity in the : house of God, that 8 We believe the sai ceived. saints shall Jpersovere in Paul calls the church th&lodrf of Christ :;Mth&t,' Baltimore -conapondent of the'Chrifltiait ia the world the hndv nt -CMrUl H hath ChroTircle-and amdrk' weU: the invitation ,waa given him to be 'Lead . orer'allS things to 'the I ?iven n the1 presenceiof ,tKo r,BRs Sara; churcb, which is his body.?1: 'Ep. "Ii 22. ;t J forTeftrenco pttt it m your Scrap-iJook. Nothing can be "more " clear,' from; the Jfew I u"Im toldithat Baltimore is also t tae strong Testataenty than that the church was a body of 1 bold er Methodisrn:-Th3y;Mrtainlyave con- belisvers, a company of tkints;1 Pkul in writinoldi;rable.inflaencehefe,and nave several churoh- o the church of Rome, does not 'say,' to Jeswita , e3: i Jl ihA j Va7 w: nation cf Ront nor yet utoU toko -.4e&t I induced. by , a Jricnd to . attend seryico ,at;oaao ani Ar cAi7J,VbutuTo'all that be in Home j their most fashionable congregations ycst3rday;' beloved of God, called to be saints'j'V, AVain.1 l.willnot enter into any. i detail jof tha. diflej his cpistles ta the Corinthians is addrebsed, Un-1 fcei&c.ltwas the tareweir sermon of tho pss-i away. snbseribec. order the discontinuance 0rP ? ppij-aow. , VY nereas v there is ; ow, ,t ry te, t some of our young mia- 9. We believ .that ftaptism. and he, Lords . :.n,nfrs.uiepuuiiauoiHiny couunueto8enauiemi j b "iuwuo, s ureis, nuu aro uusuccessiui. mar nuiRt trieir supper arc ordinances 01 mo VviiurBn. or Dcroet v.ii.h charges are paid. ,.... - , r. Ive not carnal wnlV na mln 5 .Cn'.T.' I l-r-j-V- ' iA '..o-ii k i' -. .- I .i!V: ! .-st.V 1 :. II SHI r, L1.;: bribers neclect or reluse to tftv .l " . ' - - u, uimus oy reasoning in me touowing manner : luaipoiigauon, ana mai gospel. Dapusm incmae fiom the office to which they are directed,- they w cbCTlsSl wtternQss and strife in their hearts, u One may say, I have endeavoured to" prepare three tUngs: ,1st,1 A credible- profession of faith sponsible - "" k.-m:L.v?'i . . t . " "r : V r- fa jTba courts have decided that refusing to take-afv rT18 6ur?1Lmeans w destroy performances are approved by some of jteatlonal fraud. X:. the mostaultcre by: a man possessing the ordinary can I do ? jawfioatiohs of .those on whom the work of bap among them the I cannot convert sinners. This is not mv work. 118133 originally CDjomed : J . -J'r'v; 1 ' applei of discord. : A house divided against but the work of the Hblv SDirit' " If God. with-"10-" We believe in:!th;docinef;rWesre. From the True Union..; p;MtH liself .cannot stand." Men will judge of its prin- hold his Snirit sinners must terish. and I cannot Section of the bbdy, and f of a' general Judgment fti Ifflportahce Of Union ; Kmnt Baptists ciples by its'practice, nd will abhor the thought help it. ' It may be. replied, all this that has been ttnd tlaf the happiness of .the Vy;htebu3 and : h is a cause for thankfulness that all true 1 r. um"ufi "t 1P. Witn a cnurcn said is admitted. ; Y our sermonsure well studied, fcUO Fu-ni!?umci1 .lu , !"CJ"U ; Cl(? nnrfians. however divided on'points of external I note(i its. qaarwls.!-.. ;-.l-f, -vr I and' are.dielivered. with earnestness. Your Drav i miv vet "love as brethren' and exhibitr .ETaT member can do something fortbe pro- ers are well expressed, and offered without hesi- Tho? abover Abstract, is still retained,; by the .Mn-rnnion of heart., compared with: which of tQ unim-' BJ chensMng a fraternal tation. i ; But your prayers and tour preachins Associition, whichLfwe publish to-tbeworid as , t e tj. t tjt. i I SPttit; "and avoiding all fnviflinnii iArntvirirtnfl1 rintrATirtf. vnttinm if tho "TTn1f KtlrU' aAiV.Xvti e rsisons have those who are "entirely one ja v"ulv"WBt U"J prmg iur iQCm m secrei, nearers can pe maae. rour manner, tnougt i& hiring " one Lord and ene baptism," to by l001 atiing theirmeetings at times ieribv is not solemn.'". It produces no solemni beuaited in the closest bond of brotherly kind- 25! SfciS J. PfH tymjte maiiest " Untver saltan sV,", "cjre. ! . may strengthen the bonds of love. ' Upon the deep feelings of your heart. ; Your hearers do take the field like men, andcome to th e light; respective pastors too rests a solemn respbnsi- not know but-vou acquired all vour knowl- let 'as- have a full invesUtrati6a of all'- difficulties. Lility in the matter. If they banish aU petty edge of divinity fromeducation and the works and leave the pubho'Vto judge ;Jthis however and selfish rivalry from their, hearts, frequently j of learned and pious divines without having ever I they scrupulously' avoid.; ' And we now say lo exchange pulpits,: with each other, and in all yourself experienced the power of the Spirit in our readers, tbat J theaboye appenations are their intercourse with " their brother pastors your own heart. The Holy Spirit must accom- names we do api. assume, and that, tbpse who evince a liberal and friendly interest in their Jpany your prayers and your preaching, or sinners hurl them at .us 1; are,: guilty of publishing a success, the people will catch their lovely spirit, j will not be awakened and converted. 4 You seem slander r and. we -chauenge ;tnem to jnaKe NparW owrT nthr Wnm?na But.if .they are celd and distant, and look with to excuse yourself, and to feel that you have the :issue upon cither of the above, or forever together by an arganization which difference or envy on the struggles and pros- done all your duty. You attribute your want of hereafter- hold their peace If we are heretics ole hut' one vast church with nu- Perity their brethren they will infect the ir success either to the immutable decrees of God, $ assorted by rs6me, -surely they have nothing to your fact, nothing lias been untried Ly; those,. who are i I At- -, III - 1. " j .; W - a. .1 . 1 Thev have annarentW nothing to lur r "Q n13 .counsels ana contributions when hearers feel that they are in t his ; presence, and enaeavonng to xarnisn .. our, reigiou3, cnar,acter f,t tJiefr - fcllowshin no barrier ' to rh p-V f I necessary, and bjco-6perating with them in ef- that he is speaking to. them. Neither your pray- which either, falae,hQod or envy could invent- fum current cf Christian affection, i Believing orts to Promote the " common salvation," :each lers nor your preaching appears to came from the We have challenged . them time after timej to oca other to hold the , pure " truth as it is in teas," ought they not to aid each .'other in aantaining and extending that ' truth and to jaa" their efforts, sympathies, and prayers in "slriTing together for the faith ?" . . . , Tkfl Baptists have been wrongfully reproach e& T.ta "being s intensely sectarian. In one sense, oa the contrary, it seems to us they are not eiough so tion is bound iwren tJift whole with the poison of their bad example. or to the peculiar stupidityof your hearers. But fear m Joining issuewith us; upon ;doctriae ntowrfnJ ),.:. I we irust mai every Vnnsuan wqo reaas t1""80 uw yic ua iceuuga ui nucu a3M.un,u .v. wuiv .r.u.uvR. . . r . I . . ... M .. ... ! . I 111 . r T . Tl . nk wr tna A Ka aw h m tt m il ft m m ... Ti eT..MW-:i.t:t,--Tot. - -t,.i these lines - will reflect solemnly on the hints ire Buccesnu m iue cunvenuoa ot ainners. iuey rauu ""J. . tuo -T 'T''r.5At;i-''U'.:-U;'1i thus imperfectly presented. It is written, " If do not accuse God of . anfaithfulness, nor per- pretend to' start, as from i ?,iv..J anymandeniabe'temDle Serf suade themselves that their hearers are more and yet refuse to come to tho point ?. Docs no --.u Uesfrov." Who does not tremble at the thought stupid than many who have 'been converted 8ch conduct prove to all lntqlligcnt: minds Tie Baptists as is well known, repudiate the of incurring such a penalty, for such aa of- They feel that they are the faulty persons-blame that they tear an opea mvestigation, cnoosmg .Vt;. fence? Who would not dread oa the dav o none but themselves-humble themselves before ramer oy aecepuve worus anu lairpewu, iu ud believe ih th ktn'ei fndendMev nf nh judgment, to be fouad aa " Actua, the troubler God tiU their hearts become teader, aad till the mudcad the hearts : of the simple., Tk; - ku.v of Israel." and be sentenced to his awful doom? I Holy Spirit witnesses with their spirits, and co W'&r the be.t ifnrm nf mm.nt: whn ihTo avoid it, let every one regard the various operates with them. When they caa preach and -A Command for Infant Baptism ehUTPhPfl treat Mch ' ftthpr with frnfniai Vlnd-I CUUrCDeS 01 UlS OWa iaim as memDers . OI one i yr wnu iuo uwwuu vi me ouirm, iucu eiuuera Ju u icuci vu u.u.puwo-w vj aesa 1 Rnt thft rlnrtrino of inonphrlanft mav sacred body,as forming one great brotherhood, will be awakened and converted. Then they the Protestant .Episcopal Tract Society, Nr ;Y. ix abused, and carried so far that, the churches Let them delight to encourage one another, te will rejoice in the displays of God's power. on pagers, we find the following . grieve itani aloof from each other even rerardinr as rejoice in each others prosperity, and mourn Now, in two ways ministers may obtain the not only to see y writhes 1 tossed to and fro, and rirals those which ouht to be " sisters." each others decay. One in doctrine, in aim, in action of the Holy Spint--by that deep humil- harried about with every wind of doctrine' hut They look with selfish indifference unon the hope and destiny, why should; they not bo one iatmg and close communion with God, occasion- Uhat you also keep out your children from that gles of their brethren, and instead of re- in heart ? ? . , ' 5 1 h; i k I ed b bltt6r opposition and cruel persecution ; covenant of grdce into which theri is no admis- juicing in their prosperity, view it with a jeaL i At a time when the vmg party was threaten- " "y oi uw, i JWn save oy that satrame.ni oj muvuwn to ous eye, instead of promoting their "welfare, ed -with serioTJSision;.a distmgaubed 3poliUt exposareor saaaer8: rro- everlasting misery, wicA the church Mieves Jhemto have a clear tirow obstacles ia 'their way. aad treat them ciaa gave as a motto to rally the disordered host, and the sufferings of the Sou of God for their title" rltBHndisisf bitterness . - LUrf-,,-!" Uennio'' 'of thWhigs"fo fAKisaJte-of lA redcmptioa. , , -. . .,; Christian. Now comes the command of the Great Head our motto Y be the - Union of T '- """T""" . ' of the Church, to show of course, tho "clearness --m 11 uviv tuta i ivauA uv u ua a - w , ' - .. .. i;-- - - - - - - 1 ; ' - ---- - t 4f " I - -. J f ' loesnot exist, it often happens that the mem- the. Baptists for the sake of ; Christ and His , iuum aa3uiiiiwu. . lof title," "Go je tbcv ef ore and teach all natioas nlpt.olVn(TrnRifl with trath." - We are ui the' field 01 battle, a small 4e mterest3 of their owa church, as atterly to J band cacom a?glect the injunetioa bear ye one anothers j would glory Wdens. arid so fulfir the law of Christ." , If livion all past are 'adt like the Jews ;who have no deal- or imaginary, arid girdanrselves as oae maa for to the scrutiny 01 an .eniigntcnea community, jt jg true, are not expressly named neither, are ap with the Samaital3J, they tit least resem- the conflict. A Shoulder to shoulder, let us pre- said Abstract, trusting that our readers Will ex- any other persons of any age or sex ; nor. was it foes a ' solid phalanx of Christian amine it tor themselves, ana it tounc detective, necessary to specify for the expression 'all-na- to the church of God, which is at'CdrinthVto tor--he had Teea there two-years; aad was call-.' thera tbat are' sanctified in Christ Jesui, calleq cd upon -to bid'his'eopladwa. I wasmttcH to be 'saints.' Cor.' l'?jl?5 galn'd1 CorT li pleased as a Wh"ole, and J toast; profited, atthougti l Uato' : the ''church f',:&:walcK''s"r at I could not 'fully enter" into. the feelings' f the CorinthiiilU TOpetib.vBut!to"m ffiere w.ere sonje - S .. Ach'aiaV 'feall class'esj if every ,bo6! belonged feethingSi, lo. 8ayeas,.objectioaa'5- V to the church, why not say'j ' toj-tbe. peopla j)t biVli was,ct)mmunar Se. . Corintli and to, all la Achaia,- vilhout exception." custom, the invitation was extended to all Chris y KlfurVPedobaptistfifriends ;would;Test their tians (faD denommatioas, and, tbis without any caasebn such passages as the following Obey ?t their staridMgiair thei respective thflWnTat nVA:triVlftV-'-nyi,VrVi! !si'i ehurclies'Ba'this;Vth .T.T - . .". would certainly have tbe ejaVce of consislea; 9h Potion. Jiatihcyere ;mvited w cy, which,now.,it seems to me, they fcaveaot.--: .f . ,s: - " " - ' - - i I4--W- .,!, il.... .. .r.. Ym Chronicle . . "yiot,Fu:juueuiovcuttniu. vn?t of the Bishops was present And did not object ta ComC (6 JCSUSi" I statemeat,'.:-.! presume it is their usual prae- The'keeperof Hrieresrciallywheri1! remembered that the haying, received anew'supplypK preacher had isail bul ftYewvfia"dedta".!befqnj'.. one vfiththis -title to Ir.;-Mi;whawa3 iathe BmetlrilikelEk habit of keeping ftracte at Jhis lacerbf business embimeatof hr - aad distributing them ia!greatnambersc and 5? JjEPyP. t5K'!?V? .f begging him to read it; aad tell-him; what! Tie .agapitoi1 donot find anyweMelse thought of it. 5 -' - Li:Mi mi ?.d sacli rarrpgnt j.scptarjmsni as is. I Ielche4 forth' "ril (ell you what I think" of it," said he; fronriat least somo of their.devoted priest. Soma absequently, VI want" two hundred copies as of them? are perfecflyjdbgustiag.reacH Meth v as l can get them :,T and soon market-men. uutslu tuuru- ju jrosp x vu wiu not ' imnr , and "all sorts and conditions of meajAm'i''tocfSW thingramonjf I fhsm ' Avsrl ll.mM i.i mt V. i l.T i -' - 1 Jt i-f I . V passed with many adversaries who simply adverted to the Abstract adopted by the Q Son, and of the Holy Ghost." j Oa which ia our defeat. Let us bury ; in ob- Jlnion Assdcxatimi at its organization as an ex- the writer remarks ':. .'Ma '.tho-Verse before us,' all causes of disseasioa, ; whether real poaent of her -doctrinal views. We now submit nations are commanded to be baptized, r, Infants, 4e Priest t and Levitei who "aassedbv 6a seat to our eoier side," leaving the stripped and wound" warriors, united ia love to our great. deader, aad expose its errors w tne.cnristian woria.- iv. u. tiohs,' includes all without ixccpw."i Thu3 t trreller to shift for himself. Oar, own city to each Mother, and the victory shall be puTS.tr- Baptist. ..' , . ' by the authority of the 'Protestant ' Episcopal aat altogether escaped the '-abstractI church a'cbmmaad toga andmake this false ' independence. It has opera- forth to the conquest of a sinful world fair as ' 1. 'We believe in the"only living and true baptise 'if Am, is made to' mean.a pb'm'mand to to hinder the moon, clear as the sun, ana ternoie as an uoa, tne ramer, pon ,ana xiqij unost, co-ex- baptize every individual. of 'all nations, without anything else greatly tnamph OfJ our principles. . Flanted here 1 army witn, panners.-- L&tnG Mi seventy years ago, when Baltimore was iMl.M-'- l. .. Bmall town, we ought by this time to have . , - ..I.Fromthe Presbyterian. ttinv 'flnnrishm. r.hnrehes . in all narta of I :- ' :t 0nTerSi0H. Jistent, co-equal and eteraalj and these three are u,eTar to age, sex, character; or any thing else; r. r fi e . . and we are told by the .same authority that the 2- We believe that the Scriptures f the Old receptioa of this rite is aa " Initiation into the frjiitsti and .-;New , Testaments are the- word nf : find. -aiUn :h . -;?Jinw io me 3 soon sailors were - carrying the tracts in al .directions, with the promise that 'sthey would read themJ? Pleas ant reports of the good they were doing,1 were constantly':' coming in, stimulating to 'coritiriued labors ' 'vf aU ' i rSummer found Mr. M: and 'bis lady ia Ibe mountains, .witK the happy throng" who frequent the Virginia , Spnngs ; but he had not , .left his religion behind him, and, as all Christian Sum- mer, travellers should be, he was well supplied with tracts.; Watching for a favorable oppdrtu nity, he at length opeaed his "Pockets," and quietly laid them on the table and in other parts of the house. ' They did not want for : readers. - 'Adjacent to the room of 4 our friendj "was a young lady, who was all life, joy,nfrankness, cheerful as a sunbeam , bright , and happy as a Dira. one lovea , the company, walks, Tides and rambles j but more than ajl.; the ; dance That . -.--' - was berj dearest . pleasure,1 and -she was": only anxious to hasteni on to the cxt Springs be cause there the "company ; was larger" arid "gayer. Mr. and Mrs, M.1 made her' acquaintarice,' arid soon after she visited their rddni. "The "calf wai a happy one to them all. At length ' I urriing her face to, him ghe said, "Xou are a preacher j' " What makes you , think ! am a preacher ?" "Ah, I know. ; Ain't ho , a : preacher ad dressing Mrs. M.( k i- I "Arid why do lyou think I am a preacher ?" I .Ah,J saw. you distributing those tracts." rtAnd did you get one ?'-- ' -: j u "Yes, and read it, and liked it'yery much.1 V 'Well here is ahother' and a better oneCome to Jesus.', 1 1 will give yotf this, if you will prom ise that you will read it. .j.v-'.W J'OljesJ sal(ishe,il( 'readit;to ntO' The next thao they , met at . table, a marked change had come "Over, tho face of the ? young lady, which was observed with then.ost grateful pleasure by Mr. -M.,' and as soon as they-' Idft the table, he greeted her,' arid asked her ifcsbe had read thetract. '"' : "'"6',' yes. I have read it "twice."" ? , ,'" iii. . vn-.i '. frJ.ja if&f j; ' i "Arid how do you like it l" ;. .. .-r- " Why 1. never saw juch a tjaict, ,I4cried,all the time I fead.it, and have felt so strange, since so ealm, so; peacefuL ; Do. come and talk with me. I wonder if ; 1 have come 1 to Jesus," sure enough eity and : State, ' but disunion has crippled !Vhy are none. A wakened a ' ConveriedtuerUni the only aaerririg staadard of faith and prac- ; Here weihavo a command according-' lay ' a tti m .it. ri im-. -- i .K'' '- 1 '" .. "' mv RTinisttV 7 . : t . . , . l tice. . f '-: '' : " r:! " : : - - i 'tnnAti nnln antTinrl7ad teachers of chr strength arid blasted our growth. Nor are pretended only authorizsd teachers of christiani- aoaein this'gad ')iistoryr I For V fear that we 1 1 ;Thk may be the iaqairy.. of : more thaa-oae ;'" d- w 0 wueve that the scriptures ,unequivo-l ty to baptize believers and uabelie vers, penitents " - . v'V'iL-,ii.'r'-; ti ;r.'n Icallv teach the fall of man from that-'stat of 1 i4 :Ay;iAnta' "w1im niir insane! drunk. i an yet nave r learneawisaom Dy vue yoang msu, nuuuu xawui 1 ? -n i. n f -r., -t. r-1 u,i'rr--f !srf.'. r---- sr-r var tt-t. fii.:we have snffered.f wwoaldilift !bd a istrf " for some'.mewitliottt apparent saccess.v, it ..?f Si wru,- wwu en , openly proiaae, or tlov inieves, iiarmur g voice, and streak onr breren erei- may also bethe inquiry ef more alienatioa of affecUoa. from G od, and derers, and the uricleaa of every name and nature, to cast ant this evil spirit sent V&tittb and'destroy the'armie of the Living nowemplabsof estate of apay mhk church self; ,toj j YMhdz5 3 aad of leviW ia ntngreg Pod, whi teachers are authorized to restore to his soal the "moral image of teach, that such t characters as theselwere -to become members of the church 'of God aad if which was effaced by the fall.! &V importaai laod 'thatChrkiaa sumcient answer to?sucb mquirieso Tepeattrie theyerive their authority, from Uod, .thus to SK. loTe, best mtiM following plsagl? IV.Soilneitherlk. jjfM teleh it appear quite neeessary; to; have a sue- f hbl.borshis tJlantethanytawgjieite esus: Christ, who " is the propitiation for our for we:haye never learned Jt from the 7 But toimprisoa-haffeetioris Entirely but God that giveth the increased iTCot.wft. fM' F8"6 teaching and practice of the apostles, , v ; ! her walls, and to be envious of all others, : The maa who has Teen long in'.the ministry, sms of the whole, ..aaithat. there is.salvation in i.BaVif these teachers! are thus authorized to. heWa oan-id'm andwhoebmnlaWthatieisnoti.M aootbCT.-teach, it will be necessary to shape the teachings jpfrit When" the Gospel was preached -by I ia 'tbe ciaversioa of siariers as heaace was, at IRomey he overhjoked the evil I la esjl to recollectioa the 5state of bis laind . and Lenta in isir fnm 4-1, A ot,Tt on1 -fifti I h&rt before te cxxieriiiied ii. -fteasoii ojf risfrfesll- Jaether inf pretence rr.o'r: ia toatlr: Christ is 1 hiev Whatefer1 weret;tliP'ci)nderions'tfiat .. . . -- . i , 'aeif and-i-do therein T rejoice yea;aad most afiectea mni, ne Daadeepsenseta fejoice." " VThlu Barnabas came to Antioch,' wortbinQss, aad of Hs ependeaoe.en the ;Holy Vgreat nuniDeh Spmt; feirthatEl Was faalty ivwaa ;jearefol ? h. yasSot jedouaof ttie taeeess of athers melexamiaatioa ttt ais bwa' heart View; af recordda ai: whRTi Ti hkdieAn-the n?imeitfomreloi ; feared .'GWw01ad. ;iiW6uld ttair:Sp w., 1 1 (Mi t ir 11 iii its 1 1 u b iirixL j riiiiriii,v,H.iiii i w ci aut t au -- 4 to regarded, aa the commoa : cause oft not blame God, but felt that h had beenanfaith lffln tal-soukare s arecw i5'V f aca strdeCanton Aventi'as as Amjef He ganoquiei to his mu;till be Standaageliikow 5. Y(e rbelieve .that: Gedw Omnipotent, and 0f Christ and his -apostles,5' to: correspond with Alaty-Hhat heiis justp all Shis? waysv aad theirs saccessors'f -hence it will be necessary io holy aiul ,'beneyolent: .m make thetex YeartKe light of the wbrld? thei eridjfro readrI''The world is. flight, of itself," ' Now coarioil' shall stafld,? and I will do all my pleas- Jiuppose -the itonmand' as explaiaed ' above,' be :l & We believe that as a neoessary: result of Uiel the church aadc. if this, w.aa Christ's -jinn, s he tributes off God all things pastpresent arid aeveri would Jaava taught aaythiag juiconaUteat mtaaW latimately with.it; batiaiardcr toshave adl hanaoaixe f iatelligeace, aad that ae . cnose ais people la the eharca ana xne worio are oae, we must reaa, Christ Jesus before the foundation of the1 world', "If & votU tTate i tVie; instead of "hate you," that 'they' should be; holy and wiUuout blame Jfye.were of tfttrsfiJi,, instead of the world befori hini ia love." bilt that he chose them in br.'If je were m the churchtho : church ' would such 'a manner,' that - violence was done to, rid love his own ; but because ye , are not . of the tp 1 aa!s ..'itfia jmcTi manner thai ; sal vatipa is j church t bat 1 bay e chos en you i out of the churdi freely and sincerely offered to all, in a manner) therefore the church hateth yoa." Join 15: 19. " Aad sure en pugh', he found the most delight ful evidence that she had indeed Vcome to JesoiV" ; The joung' lady returned to her honiemade a public professioaf .of her faith in Christ, and the tract., distributer is from time to time cheered with .the. intelligence ; ; that sheis ihoaoririg her ofessioa sd 1 1 A-i-i) h$ $ic;- .Lr: The Rey. Mr. TJ was furbished with a good supply for istributioav iat bis vuuts - amony'the poor aad others 'ot thV city. Amdri others he gave' a copy to 'two impenitent, sisters,"' 'one' of wiiuuu. wua vurjr hi. . x uo.one wo was wen, reaa it atond'to'.'fier ' ia valid ' sister7and th;were greatly jmoved:1 r.lhfi cheering evidence that the invalid sister bad come r.i Thft DUr.tntlnft ProVfd Sacraments J i.'e.' taptism' and. the Lord's Sujper,j ordained of Christ, are, not only badges or t tokens pf ; Christian, : .men's professjop ; but rather they are certain signs; of.grace and God's goodivwill (iiwarda. as; v .t thb Owhich hel.'doth work iavisibly ia us, aad doth aot oaly qaickea vite siaaers td the Lord's Srippefi 'and urge tlieir participation ,m it as a means; of regeneration, though f hey wuldeny t when pressed ;.iaargut ment. Here is a positive? proof of it, given by them,' and there are o?tif bad ftings'fo1? whlcif' i uouo i suau never nave any ieuowfnip." , .The Witness mscrlTcIIoIn remarkabl , idocument addmg'tfiSlf atoVivoiy so far as to substitu 'blanks' Yor' the Tfamo6f the partiea which are'given 'id furi'tauaWaVwlti" the eceptioa of the party that comes first, who a perrersion .has been . already announced in thj publi . pjrata jLdtlj.wKose &ame.therefqre mst need.noVhere conceal r oj i iik I .:Ladyt Harris; a yery;: beautiful young wido only twenty-six years old, perverted last year U" Popery, has given-over to the Jesuits her.beaa tiful estate rif Seacliff iri 'East Ilothian her pros pects of iOjOOOa'year from ati old uricle'(Kfrr Sfingo of armylieandail )hladrea colt iected ia india 'bjr her late husband Sir William, Cornwallis i&risJ he ,h' bee loducca M forsake an aged grandmother, and her ' m9ther whose only child she is and to retire into a sriet convent at Grehoble.in France,. committing her .eW?lne. Protection ofjha Jesuit priests.?: ,. ; I Mr. . .... enly -seventeen, has left hia family, and given himself -s overy as well as hit? whole patrimony, to the - Jesuits iri "Edinburgh M r.- t f ia the - newspapers,- complains that Priest -i-sent . books arid letteTs secretly V? this youth and others. . ' I Mr. r -r, a near relative to the Earlof discovered Jately that his . wn, wife had been ss cretly perverted, and hadcarrfed over his yoaag I i son,and twp beautifol; daughters. JJe tiever covered the ; shoek, but .died a short "time smw I literally broken hearted i3$wid6ariditwov lovely- jourig ' daughters aire rio iri'a cbnvont;. and his Boil,-having takeri thull'vpwVf pov-'1 erty, is now without a shilling 'left5 of ha large'1 fortune, .-. ' T ' ;:; t j a nepnew ot r-,- - nas given up 80.000. ' vt;4c ."Tf ucauiui, u.aga. v 'ana 7 -r-r have likewise ...gone oyerr? A governess i the. family. x?f jSir . . i u ,.wbo promissd.'ney-v er to epeak to .her. pupil of Romanism,' -has lent her Popish booksvtill she has now carried btfrVi self and her "whole-income over to Popery.'-''" IP. S.-.Aa old PfesbytorilMr In A 'admityd:ftf h&timiil 'PimT.i PriesV Mrf whoi f iStrng ' &Vn converted her grand-daujrhter,, tho. Ijonorable tidy- and it was,Jhej jast of Lot&-Ugs. life to. make seW-wjH,;by jnrhica Jils chfldrea1 were to be taken from.theicaoitherf if . she be- came a rapist. The Chancellor, is now co'nsid enrig, whether to fake the children, crr merely, ta - mate lady ' promise not tor Jyrxns:thtm- um t Caputs IfJladj t-bpmmUe&tolmir. ' from purgatory,; jfof sqrcral Lcenturies if, shjs can ' pcrveri her daughterswhoi are- hitherto ' firmly 1 Protestant1; T . " i. n "i t s i na .,ir The hl!f Rrtfltli y mt?W- J-.l 'irl - - ; .. . o wuuicrjui is at ilf r-",sf at -"Lately a.larffia Mr?v'awRni7Ad of PaP. Jpung sProtestants.1 Threeeoa fessora were, there, living iri s fleMlA hxarious enoV l?rtJPi!j!i3yhy. d parenH.iae.?aejr.nua daughter was converted he'BlliateT, and has now forsaken her.orao,i her pareat iiP i - From the American Messenger. A Hint for L(IaTo rA motion wa OTce for j raisirig ; and embody inge inili'tia, andr for tho" ' purpose oi saving .wine, u anu them on-Son-. uays. nen iub inuuoa was UKelyjO pass, an -old member 7 arose and said, "MrL. 1 Speaker I , have 'one ' cljeetiOa to this '; Tbelievb in an Void took called I the Bible." The members1 lool-T7 at:orie another and the ; motion "was droppetlr Are the directors of Sabbath-breaking jfaihoai aware that this old book is not ofeso!ct3