Tm "lS)r TTT8 (V iDl Li -ii DcDotefc to Ucligion, iiloralitn, literature, Agriculture aui general intelligence.. t:::::as;t7. tclly, EJitcr, ) ' WHOLE NO. 1113 IYII, KO. 32. RALEIGH, N: C. FRIDAY, AUGUST ,6, 1852. a BIBLICAL RECORDER, a. Religious and Literary Paper: . ,. . rf weekly at Raleigh;' N, C.; at 2 00 per an- Z-rthld ia -H cases ix.advance. ft 4 ; s3 ill letters on business - should be directed to rtehZr: Marcus A; Meredith Letters contain ; man'icationsi or th any way relating tcT thetsd narunent, addressed to "Editor of uicgH Recorder". Private letters to theEditor; no '"deference to the .Recorder, address thus loCWiTobey, . . ... - . - VJ. ijj communications, to insure attention,; must &d to Raleigh, Cpost-paid. ; - ; " jgr-Yor further pamcuiw. see iusi page. THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. - " ' . ijrtiiscribers who do not give express notice to the J ure coopered wishing tojcpntmue their ; sub- ?Tn subscribers otdar; ;,tediscontmnnee;; of 1 '-Mi the publishers may continue to send them eharzes axe paidvii4S-' I Trhcribers ne?leci ort2rusa to?-take their' pa- I i,a nfiicc toXvhich thav are directed. : thev r.jj re?ponsible until tli-iy have settfed their bill j V. niinnr discontinued.- '" Lanier v-r-- v..t,n rpmnvp to mar maces wntifMlT l- 1 H - - - I in the publisher, and the paper is seat to the for- "TiL.,;,! thvdire bald responsible.-: 5 'I-jSw i3-. : h-ilra f!v:f iiV-: tViiit ifffil4fnT to titt( n. or periodical from the .office, or removing and Viait uncalled ;'for ia' prima ficie'' evidence of From the Religious HeraU. Ca.ll t Preach the Gosprtl la Africa. pjffijrc. bands: . - nnrin my lata ?visit f to fric if iabct trliile viVin'OTer the wia2-U Jia;ior! cnriuriu enw ;r Lfje with heraaad there allabibreTvLa qujstioa kl serious import waaiuipressajtupon my ruiua. fk is it that tasre are so tew uorwnan mini . tmjrtca, eunartruita or coiore'i. ;iu:i iwi ii labetkh; duty to go to Attica as mission:ines.' tht God will not 's?rjdSibi3 sbrvant there ; jji tLerefore, non-i arc iru presaad by hia Spi fit 3 Eothere? is it J that jrienwho ace called i God to preach, have decided to d:j la regard a their call, what they choose ; and tiiereroro, xi no particular .impressions as to Thor3 they AjB perform their wort fbrGod ? 33 One -of . these -reasons l. most tninic, is to D3 asiflnsd for the fact't that tew or noneiappear to becalled of God to go to Africa, I cannot doubt iat God does impress. upon tuejtmnds pt same ifhlsscnrants what it is his pleasure they shoal a a -for. in other words, that Uod cal Is men to preach and perform other service in his king-. to. 1 his 1 presnni2,ll oLyonr reaaersrjwr )tv and I need not stop now to pro? this ' 4i:aittin? this truth, then are we to take- it ffranted that the treason why sojfew even . - - ....... , - - - - f - . . - J, as far as 1 know, are impressed with a oi tneir auty lo preacn.ine gosp- tint it is not the pleasure of God they should stbere to advance his kmjrdcmi and theretore. iics not call them' or move them to co to that ad of idolators ? ho can bolievi this; while isSavitiur's command stands where it now doss; j the New Testament" Go ye into all the urld and preach the ; compel to every crcature. i.Vnca a nart of the world f , JJo us lua.uuu,- 00 of uncivilizsdiuhabi tants Tnake"a partof everV fpnatrlrfi,, to whom! the ffOSDel is to b Do any, other men show more selfishness than such ministers ? If. a 'man, though past . the meridian of life, choose . to practisa law or medi cine, he first studies his profession, at the requi red expense; although he does not know that he shall ever have a case in profession. I would ask that minister, who thinks" himself called of God to preach, and who neglects to qualify him- l i . t i : - : . . : p.. .: s.'ii,rii uq vwouiti - eiimiov anv man 10 penorm official, or - professional ' services, who " had no knowledj i of . his profession ? . Would such a minister tote foKany:-'on3 to bi Hs pastor V if he believed a the minister to hi chosen " could not teach him , and . others the great truths and da ties of tha Bible fI presume it is not ewnrally true that those who devote themselves to the ministry, and look to those to whom they preach..', for a support,, that they do not receive a support; Thirteirse is -more gtn :4f Many who areundoubtedlyjt catwdoWod o the great work of preaching Christ; tiioott tktif: oven IbbitioHy , with as much leaning to salf as if th 6 mi nd of the Lord had nothing to do witl theirocatlonlf Some will not go into the country and beeom a pastor of a country : church ; others do i?o choose Velty lifbSou to preach in a new country Mothers have: wivs who preter a city 10 a couuiry resiuencj, or place near their-relatives ;:ani the.i minister c ho oses , or thinks it best tor please his wife !- Han :J e 1 i atz -willin " t)S?) joa mmidn ;ifd sdrn beatheu land ; but they choose toTgo; to' China or France, or Siaui, or any where but Africa r They cannot seehyid0?-11 el if to b their duty to go to, th jdark Iaiid ofHam.vSyJSj tfAnd are;tbes6 the servantsr of 'J csus f Christ Can such saytM3idPauinwhenthav Saviour bad j hira ."co to Arabia -I'T conferred not with flish and blood ; (Gal. 1 : 16.) : Do they ask as didt the sauii apostliswhen God laid his heal inr hitnd uDon his once selfish -heart t:." Lord wnat ; 1 r"' Froni the N, Y. Recorder. Letter frcn JIaulcaln. 1 iSJWufeMAUi.MA.iN, April;7' .1852. Mr, Editor .--The question of peaeo or war with Burraah is now fully decided. The first oattle has been fought ;: and; the appearance of me Dattie-held makes it abundantly evident that lue rulers of liurmah have determined, at all rusks, to resist the demands of the Indian goverri- ucuw. i ne luiaiuaiiuu oi inose ruicrs Tenders ii quite certain r too, t oat they.wtirontmue the combat until compelled to make- peace upon whatever terms are dictated. Public opinion has decided upou the absorption of,tbo,kinz dom ; and: considering what kind of men the v . m a . -j- - - - - are who now govern at the capitol, it is more than probable that the contest will; of necessity be continued uc til there u nothing-lelt to con que; 1 11 rx&y bc; regarded as quite certauvithat uu conquerea wjrrnury wi oe restoveu.. brella which crowns the summit,' leaving dark man of God. He preaches from the same bible inrtf Mnnn the ulastflred'enlnmn. which, as view- that they have been accustomed to," the same as ed from Maulmain darin the action, . led ; ns tons used in the Sabbath-school. V Now suppose he kiWa that some of the Burmana had ascended was to introduce a Uible into his pulpit, ana into the t)Roda to look out upon the scene below; S his Sablath-scbobi; with immerse into the room of - Before the attacs upon M artaban. almost, tne oafuzc. uai wyuiu oeuoiu ui ivl ntifA dwelling of the r,eonl. the'-bazaar. &c.. of his -congregation ; Wbe.' the n2W,Tersion-j .r . i" - i U - l I is lJ.i -i vn tnl.I t.nnr. miicf tin n a hi ri(i 1PT VV lilla. loosing booui in a ucsenea uiuussirvrj r - v..-. .1- ..- 2:--t.S'-fin- rfcuiMin 'In tW jftW" 'ahrl 'rreafe I conseauencis take caie of , themselves.' Ana so ! ,inPr?rtr to flnr building of the Trind in Maul- we must. The only question is, what is right "-. 1 . ...nj-.i i?. i ' 1' .k'l lV'nnn& linii-il nf i ni 1 n vt n m n li la nnco il W int main, ni tea wuu eiiaea altars anu canw wurn, " vuvb mv-..- - . i.uw.u UM uv.. : priests furniture, palm-leaf books, numerous ot- post, Decaus-5 ue aeciarea tnat me post oau uu ferings, &c, &c in rushed a horde of soldiers, light : :to te vthcreNoi one willustion the tvhr torA retnr'nina from ,thMi rmranit of theflv- soundness of this abstract doctrine of r but w -r a -r .-- -v 1 1 iA f.r ?5U- ceed a battle and a victory :.i'ii.ibt. i.i o- 1 : ' is XOU" truiyf ;-;.; .r 1 luviueuuc cstautumeu m um"" hji w i. the;Anierican.Baptist M ission. . C hurches: were raised un at both t)laces.:;i No other iChristian mission has Wen attempted in tbe kingdom from that lima to this.:f Our. d jnomi uat ion were d riven from the fiidd bv a government which set at dj- fianco the power of God. 'Since then,' we have sought,, through Judson, Kincaid, and others, to time, in spite he got a bloody nosa'neyertheless,- and the post lildinz, it was en- did not step out of hil way noreveu apologize it must go,l se- Ani'Ait fiW! mrtplf it monv n:ilin.l(fl.F 'books as "1 1 n U(i iTft fiha: tell wMblnab6ut?nintn 3.iln' the thiid place' the proposed change U normdswhich will hereafter 3 used to call fbHundosirabU mAtael-VVo are told that tbo Greek ? -: The .word immerse unfortunately, it labors ntages which the word 6tp first placa,' it was trans latedsot' ft om the G reek but froni the Lntfn If w rnat have a transferred word, let us tranr- fir that which bu Lord and his 'Apostles used. fXprill5 1 852: 1 n tho second pkceit is quite ' certairr that the P J S A Ktnamer from RaotroonV arrived to- word Oavnze was used .as an cngnsa wora4; ai dayj brinks' the nsws' thaf that town -waa taken least f iC hundred years: earlier .thau the word nnQ5..!;rtn nfnn TMi.l.iv 'tha lSth; after a nro- immerse'. lt is as' old as tho language. In the "I3etbre tbii meets your eve.- the Jiritrsa troops will, undoubtedfy,:M;caniped in Promewhcre they will remain .until- after; th . . : sn ; -a1 th - fiam(; ;fate isiaUo frantfcmdABui; rainy season is over ; and, before; another year, 4 .i,; -v- a Vernon of under s-ive'i-al disadva it may; be confidently predicted ithamhovftj longed andi6b?tinaterffbntcst;daringiwluchte officers' were killedi:(ncluding one !colonel and yet:; It is not a household word. It has never r a - .TK( C--ittV" nn i hepn nntiipaliz!d but still 'has 'the manner? and 4 reoccupy the grounde eyes uu ...wa.uua w-ui nAfM-mml to ttttack.on thatdav. but two posea. thy could mucii more easily pervert rois have beta turned to Burmah Proper rand tuey ur tlkin a position nearer than was word from its real meaning than the word baptize have labored around herborders.jwtth -apxious . .n , :frHU'lxpi -.-The8 are-few of the reasons whv we 20 asrainst hopes :to; enter that. bcuighted-:kinlonj, 'and with in the nroDOsedM revision.Oardeeband solemn af.nn faith li!tt 12 nil tannic! rtntn In nnnr t TIO I . .. " . , , -: - :. - I ' I L .. 1.tU -v.r- - j- - V'li i.:;i the walls o distant day.. ;.t he Jims has now: come. ,:lt has ... . , . , .-. - than was ex the discussion for seven day?, danag which titaa tho fi st proposition has been disposed of. Mr, Waller has relied almost exclusively in .his ar guments.upon the admissions made by Pedobap- tist scholars. ; These Dr. iMewton nas question ed as to their genuineness and value, while Lai has endeavored to discredit the .argument de rived from' the classical use ot baplizot by the assertion that the Hellenistic. Greek is entirely different from the classical He contests the po sition of Carson, that the words means a mode, and nothing but. a. mode, of applying water to - the subject ; but maintains that the word Is gen eric,' and that while its .primary meaning -b to Qip, it also sxnvaes any oiaer appugauuu ui w- ter.. r rom tuocnaracter oi tnese argumsuw, and from the subterfuges and popular equivoques ' resorted to by. their author, it is evideat that the. Baptist U master ot the held-i5rotuer ; va.uer- ; if, has devoted 'much research and reflection to (this. - ; r f.' subject,:anl responds to thaTsallldsbf lis'bppo- ' rj; " neat ui a toaTbf dlgniSid and Christian courts- , ; y : This controversy has excited a great" deal of ' . . . interest as it.sregarded as "a successful protest ; f against the reproachea with which the Baptists of v T M ississippi hava : beeu assailed for 'many years. . , The city is: thronged with ' multitudes from Natchez,! Vickaburg, and more distant portions of-the Stated wha; hare assembled to hear what one of' this contemned sect has to say for hia principles." ..The spacious chapel s crowded by an eager audii'Dca fromnJight : to . night. Our good brother-sis. in danger of being deiacd by those in whoso, behalf; be contends. . While I , write." says a correspondent of the Baptist, "the manly and dignified voice of - brother Waller is ometwbat:seema-to,us:an:unpni ioM wero abW to land until Tues' ur numpers werenevcr. lessoic-iic-a i-u- - o--:-, Vftt in a U UI VUV UilVM-l , , -w j . ana a of Rangoon were found to be stronger conviction js that the change hicWweiOppo3e xpectcdaawere'aH : ' 7- ' From the True Union.' WiierVcawe fith-4mi pqssession;of the( enemy, tU lWfW, v of God,3ia islconsecrating hims.lf o the,Sa- Spd f Utenination . bconstw i. Thei Scriptures inform us that eruValeiriv viour,' as ; b. hears ' the cry come f-om Africa. bKer" 5 Whil" your Voider, peruse Hhese AnS pounded 13 Ig1 aiJd all Judi,;.and all' the regi.n roend about help; W r- MP-VCWillT'- Jordan want out to Jol,n, and"wre baptized of iWimmmmm cadmrei4ionary:bbard in England ; SaSdSia?& him:Andccording to Jephusherere churche3, oar cll3g-sand 6ur.theological s-m-f :,WWM5T within these , limits, , from , 8 to 12 millions, of ioaries. .1 would propound to every young min- liVZI S.nt Len ?aD possession of ;t Martaban on .Tuesday 5 Kow,r says Jthei Rev. RR, tster th3 esti6nhich VGlika-the,Kingpf Aaf Grundy D.rD:, allowingVobn to haV.Jmmer- Kaffirs, asked Dr. Vanderkomp, who. was amis- p u,d until a erf tbrf sed 25 every day, (and we have no aufcborfty -iouaito that hft&iVfit; for suppo. ing that . ho possesed more than the plan (of preachin thegOjpeltdVthe Kaffirs) -- - - " : . : --" . - ;w - " - - - - - - -r . r-. onn" forth only" out 01 your own; ueart .' ; ..ia there one'wbo' has formed in hisypwi5 heart the plan tb and preach thgospe nian is need-d,;;if his -taljats aro aaquate to the, work wTK-v.-Sifc siSy- x,r'i':5j-":-;i: But whv should . Africa b: regarded such an undesirable place for a missionary, that fef feci TOcbcd ? All must answer these questions in ie affirmative. ; That It is the pleasure of our Siriour. that some of hil servants should preach p gospel lih Africa ima I lact he has blessed the labors 01 sucn a3 nave JCmna ther and labored to s turu rrjcrT from lithess to liht, and from their ': idolatry to What I saw- in'mv late visit: convinced me at the mission to Africa, as a whole, had been :3d that I it continues to be blessed of God in a ujnal manner. - Is. this - apparent success .only PPMrent and not real bo. that has either le their or read the accounts of our mission -Ks in th at - land : Can doubt t hat the saviour rwith his S3ivaut3 there, and giving his own .. , . . , , 1 .: 3- . . -- 1 5f?ro?al to their labors m ins cause . - I mist believe it is the duty of more ministers 4 Christ to go . to Africa to preach the go.pel. 'liy. then, do not more feci it tbeir.duly to go . . - -.,-.. . - 'i mt to-that field Of toiL? Jsx" that simfrwrjo w called of God- to preach, choose their own j-rM ii? it. that tuey yieia up iuair.mmu-nj W own preference for a place in which .they labor, or for the kind of labor which they u l am not wholly deceived in my 3 udgment -foa this subject; If I have not wholly, raisin fensretad the hnruae - of I the f circumstances a i On th e 5th insta"nt, H.,M; steamers R attler, Salamander, and Hermes, and the H ; C. Rteam er Proserpine, cania in from Rangoon river;; Ad; miral Austin and Lieutenant ueneral uodonger commander of the forces, were, on board ? the HAnfioR. Thn . sanifi afternoon, mrts of two re2iment3 of Queen's troops were embarked ; and at four A. M. on Monday, the tith, the tour : ' . From the Western Watchman. " " It is ; now' well understood, that the real aim of theswver-ion jjatty, in tha Baptist ranks; is, to bring into use. an Ingush translation ot the in the: woi d as honest the town, within musket-shot range ct; theilJur- "f- The Salamander " UWU1'1'" :i"vf"; Wltr- f r rs . 01 -luj jaaius -desire br:areeven willing to go there to preach steas advancedUotackMartabanJi;Tbe Bible, ii ihrisi's gospel it bause Afviea is a ick4 Rattler and Proserpine steamed up alongside of ft't-aP, anenorea aooui a miie Deiow, auu -o -"-ki r . ,i.. ;,r:-,M .In-tir Hermes took the ground more , than two amies !b,low,uiaJroc tifmSp o:.aay lue action commeaceu aiw iuovuuuv. . . , iif,- i- adof shot and shells froiutbe steamers and to deny, t rbmaoatwa rSOv" Will lUla UUlUb UC ViV v vu umi which immersion tlialL be nhristV'ffOSDel it biaause Ataea is a 8ici oal.ior ,1 prh.,rln-itP'fnl nn alomrs de of wr flapiwm uej uuv, .bi ir eountrv? 4 Butv is it trtti that God ihas said to bis servants-Go ye into all the world and vet , there are men in sue-a climate that no infant of his c m reach theiivf no can uj- liivoftbisButitf will-b3v soberly vasked, 't Tanf K ft inn a Kiitlr Muntrv r ii answer, 1 .1... An,n.nanorl , J --.- -vw . - -ww w --- j . rf - J., vl V ! Vtiuu vuiumvuvvv. it' is when comparea -to oiner cauaini.i,:uii men can; and do live there, and preacu ana ao Suiffififl fc? ii fcnisfl somemeh and worn h harv dif.dthTvv' so "tliev have in btfcrcouhtriei .ithr missionarv A fiilds of labor. So m first ? missionaries - died in Monrovia w?b.neTfe was. " Brother Skinner; th , younger, died, an A . ; Jn tQ3; h tl)at wc miht rcn(Jer assistance to Ue main quesuon, tuereior uot . r "fi r p..: -feKrk fn Wliwliv.l V - , K " rt t ..-. their brethren is. ! Will the cause of truth be nwu.,-:ui -xxut pi , u-. j v; line wounaea natives, ones oi. iub.-uiv" --,"-1' , , ;w"i.;i hAifi n, Ka ed abd labored there asa preacher and governor 1 withl three members w of the,Burruan promoted, bychanging the oid V.10 were vet in rtursmt of the . flvm enemy. v e were agreeably disappoin tld to find no wounded , and, after a diligent search,; we . touna pui ou lpfl hnAv in Hift. towni Oni 'other body -.was found by others; and, it isasserted thatmany ..4:1 iiip- wf4 o- ir. wiien - inc 8, and fl.;,0-un;ia tonir nft.,n nf the town may be selectedto pertorm the woric ot revision, e of our iT. T" " -? for sucblonly will be employed as are m favor of ; but tint " 'tk; JoyW.nlu' covered- all -accessible this change. Indeed, the rules laid down by tne Hft points on the Maulmain side to witneiis the can- Bible Union i h rvnft-.ifciK ; i.i ,A;:rS" tors.aro vidcntlv scr. framed as -to require it.rr. did not die: - Brethren Crocker and Clarke la bored in Africa for several years ; and, although they'are dead, they did not die of African fever." Tl,, ff-vp.-YnsuallvTcalled' the 4 African . or ac- Muniiint f..vfr ) better understood, and of 5our3te'mbre ea years I ajo: . The country f is. more tuan wueu our uib 'uiuiuu-rna cu , afidlik5?all hiwbu -Why' then; do they not come put openly on this plain issue before the people? ,. It is one on which tbe people are, tar better prepareu 10 torui an opinion, than'pnth vision, about which . they say so muca. , ti me Bible Union; and tho Memphis Convention can con vince the people, that it is right arid 'proper; to le which says immerse'; instead' pf.bap .nd P. t 25.' lift tb 3- 1 1 tound me.' solflshness is; so nr, moulding the s'anstrv of thi3 ae as to ive to it almost a new 511 an earthly .roouia. 1 ao not uueuu iu uate that this is the case. with all ministbrs; weir self sacrificing acvotion auuust puvo- ij . jexhausting Hoil proves clearly that they lT5 rpnnnnfofl s f F NTor will I do any of my hren the injustice to say that they give no !cce of devotion to Christ: But, if self stun has had nri lnflnKncG UDon the minqs 01 'Who profess to be called . of God to the iaistrv. how' can we account for' thtur neve : rin? fnlltf nnon their work ? How is tt that es of them do less to advahco the cause of F Redeemer than many who do not pretend to 7.aUd ' to nreaoh. rFb 3ral a re many.of our Arches, . s3V3ral lio3ns ad bre thren , . several 5 have annaarcd ; to be so : impressed with a ft5seof dtitv to God and their fellow-men; that ?7 could not sleep ; tney coui-i nos resi, aev J, !n,i.'.nini,l 0Tnt,.ssd 'annrobation ? church' to do all the good they can in any Yet,-there are churches wnicn can nara; three or fnnrf Kns licensed preachers In there is no - Sabbath School, no ; Bible no Mission no Temperance Society- no, J even a prayer-meeting ! 'No plan proposed 'Jill nf Y. i:-t t. lr,U; r.Tn'tli-! that jiotgo to meeting ; for supplyina families with !?luK tracts, &c, &c: ' Even at church meet S3) no one proposes any practical plan for do H good!- - men. who are really called of God to ; "lch," nso-lect every duty included in their vo- and not be iniiueneed by seiashness i 1 'scarcely think it can be.' " ' - Sanie times brethren profess to. think thetn ,"f called of -God to preach without Bible '1j1o4. f . . --- a Via nVIa f r "n". cleared up hubre ware found,.lhrbwn Into a pit back of . the went out : 1 . ;t r. a nolIrtvAd. and there" is : little , 1 ' 1 . . .1 . 1 jI L.-j. wn-A lrJllor! f use a Bible which sav f - . uuuut mail icea limu uv-uu u-iw.. ... . 1 .... . . ... - . .,r , . . . - tr.i. . . -7 . A - mil -v A l-k 1 0 : W T I( lT Kf 1 III t About half as many were woundod oto?steara-4iwvi : -rrrf "iaw:r i,;t?,-: vf Kii I vt- did t and cause t or other, tuese. iiois-i Dtuuiuu..j J- - r - r. --'di: .2- t.-li ,-r U'nn -tavoifl nnnrtnf tniS Diainest. biiupicai., utw ui-w there are on the. yvescern coast oi n.uic, uut two or turee tu scauu . vue ?-". ,"3U ; ' --"-0;- f..; ni, n,Anl KV -i-1 j'r.r hn 1 r - . 1 r. nn rfif?pnritr i irhiin nnn' nmn nan S!unrnr .ififLii kouckl-u uu i m --j -. - - . - nave uc3it.?uiUiiU-ufY'oiv-- ., . -m .;:.i5u:ml .aft H r-, r l.t.!5.k'-nr hk-.-I.r.than 3.000 1,5 mnnth hv a shot which struct him WhU3-in wnom n rausi., uh-i.oV, r -vr-,; v Se meon the coast doing busin3SS, either as pUrsuit of the enemy beyond- the town. . Some : Our obj,ct .,iu this a.ticle, Us, to,give some aebts. merchants, office or soldiers. : -' ' three hours aftirthe aotion bad closed, and the reasons ; why T"r r -ut.U" U. e -1.1 it. n Riir-1 to irat zur ana circtus .",: wwu..,--1u U I biUSh lor me , Viimu uiiuitii, uu.-t Quiu.wae v-wmrcu ui vuu uu-iuv, - t- -r .-. Tkk J , 1 uiuou ' I . . . . -. . -' - s -'.t- rJ-n 1 t to nnt noppsfiarv. t 1 no oninions ana vv.;wtif I -vvivn dos not seo tnat tue i man ftrawlea ont or - his ambush. Wltu one n-s , -' : --- ?.-- .. . -r--; ... ?; Jv.V" " Z y A , :w w:-? 4-:-rt : f rrii are well' known;-bueU: v- children or this wona - ara-wjr m w,i,gru nearly snoi away, anu nreu upou jaju u4i s.. K,(t.. -.. - .1 :i . p ji:!. i nri i - -re .1 x ;n.nt rbnth snnn ne 1 version woui- u ..--.. eratiou:taan-!tu--cn tr, . ko norant amputatca. ii wa uu, . -r -t : - v, - r,. nk T.At:tn tnowwhat our views of baptism are r tians'are! K?f :s ;-E'X:;;, V.:- luul "f wuum "vc - , , jiKi-'m -,n -woman, or child. who SDeaks ite men in'Africa do not usually enjoy the . The defenses were well .planned, ana r "7,,, " Mn,tand nur views anv - v n same vigor of constitution. fouW ote -Is UiiaMfric n whole length of the town, crossing a plain , on W aowntrodd t north sid -Brunnlng up ftJW thPrn ? Thre is no poetry, no romanco in a It was about four feet thick on the summit, dot, sueu amenaea.. m-iesiuio . - , StTraito'AtlcvB-lt id" oat to great tliickniss. so. a to giva a grada- tbej now Jcoowr wuat tsaptj SI "ii irfrfom,? Then 1; bU s.t- UtVAe? SSwSSw-toSi. ir" IrSSSrS aKfe:? 'mmmmmmmmM mkmimmmm. mmm i.Ui.-u -.onnlft .m idolators. way nave soma two mues in lensia, lay lua-uei-uauiD AUUUUgu .rrr--:. J 4 ,i,v a-...J '.1- -t,V -rlni established rcligio- : no naiiouj prBu , uuu, 1 tviitriaoaa, proi-Btu j vuom jj- . v . w .-a no Jled23 or literatnre. EO : Mothers. 9 - 'j Many cf these rsgleetto increase knowledge; eo that--tuey may be useful, -, a3 th3v sav, 1::?" 'c.tot JXrd the er- r ..ti ' 1 . . t 1 - .. l' t rX '1 . - lr. t.; .nT mn Hivnn tneir 1 rmm hm-jm hp. a ana nvmi? DriCKS waen w or.oars3enoTeuglo ;r iiatt -ftdthe topbfthe wall. idolatry sior.,:-. books to teaehtaam sysieia. ; a ""r,v',ft"r -rrr; -r-v . -f - . - , - , - 1 a ..:,nS ml th p.r are 1 1 h n-M nrpA AnplnsTi re . there were several roots os areaturauyiauAcv "l '.v-fv? ih r-nerally will hg to bear Uoa palaver, - ----r r gvneriij . w ? . -.., t ,1l 1 il ,tct, f L. ,T -..W wrft sofn set on fire 11 . u SAnniiN - nan ue uuoum 1 uutciuc ui nr-:j -a . .. . - - - c.m-fe tohell- from the steamers lying near, and com lUOSl DyWUeiB,,;. fr"-..- -r t,.-x--.--i ' tt i lit - rlA- "t.J Ko .nnt cnuaren snouia learu ;ti'lsu V-,'!.;"-Af b tvf hcn convertea, anu otjeci or meir,-auorauua, : tut?. ? -t - and others - are their goa, poweness 10 neip or m vuuj a- h min- nF Jhf'ir. caiamitV. &norwv alter, , ,u iiwp landed, wading througu muaay paims, uu ruau ir,, thrrtirh a breach in the wall with but slight peiweeu .0 . v Uncctnn W -lank- thirty and forty d,ys are taker i np in the 7 -there; the expense of an outfit is small ; living need rot be expensive ; there is no cessity hg heads of thQ a foreign language in oruar 10 oea ."'""V:!' - 4. c- for 13 .t w uou ,,- o Astmctive enouso upon . inani . 1?,...- -aenwl IVim IUB CUISI.-': . . uiaus, nvv ' . ,w missiu--ijt ----"'-r:- ,i j i. 1 If Africa fails to receive tne " ""' "-j , be because-- the saviour " 1. -.a.;: ,:.-5rtr,'iiP' cannot ainr,y,:.ucui ennsuaa uiiw" , , r,nr but here-1 stop. -J,1"3 natives some - are now preacmu, in a course of preparation istrv. " " . Africa is near American - shores. Between causa cuilt of their eternal loss Ua upon t, apxi.t m Me iers la Arevica ? God, frrbid it ! cfGn-1, v0 f: -1 in your soub that ' wo is me, :c r-.t t! - ; " "' ' - li ELI BALL, Bur- inammate o,,l, Tjumdas. imases, laois, xrees, &:c. - and it was rather amusing w iuu upu luc fragments of arms, lees, heads. nose3, and . great black bulging glass eyes, scattered m great pro fuslon'over the ground ; some of them of ; coaOs- sai size. -Even the spire of the grca? . pagoa n-rn tha ton of the mountain, rnore than a row from thek.cirr-tUce, received E3veral shot3, f..' n'MttK'arv but no fiirthar. 2.1a the eeeaoi place, sUob n i, amoaded version" could never ba brought into naa. We havft alreadv said, that Pedobaptists will not use ; TJie Bantists who i onnos'eUbc TJroi 3Ct4 of course wiifnot usiat But we go farther ; very p.i vif tha hew rersionists themselves," would use ::' s Althnuorh Rantists are more numerous "than any ther religious- body iotthe.Unitd ; States, y et th ere are few,' if any! communities or pre cincts: in which they are not mixed up with oth- cr sects:A grear portion of our cburco ..ineror bers and ministers are converts from other cc. clcsiastioal ; bodies Our church system .is, an tt. rttnre a??ressive. towards every form i of er- ror.' Baptist churches are made up entirely ot converts. i is ineir Dusinsss w a .tu' How shall they do it? Here is a little Baptist church jast planted in favorable location in the city for attracting a congregation and extending the true faith. They have an active, popular, mn minister. He is laboring to make disciples, A n hantiza them, as his Lord commanded him, ands' Apostles set the example. His con PTpiration is made up of all classes, bis Sabbath U largely coranosed of children from Pe- Jobaptlst families. ' They all know the preach- brdmary strength of ineii) and declaring one half fiOai the suiallest of tae Jewish historian's esti mate ! of population, it would haTe required four hundred and thirty-eight years to have immer sed them and left a larger number than was ad ded to the church on the day of Pentecost ua tou ch ed.7! I Discourse ; Pv 1 1 7. J ofe i If 1 understand Dr. Grundy, here informs us that it requires more than the ordinary strength ffvian , fojtmmerte over t weniy fizt persons t per dv f: lt is to-this point that the, espscial atten tion of Baptist rnuHsters is hereby. directed - They cannot innocently overtask their physicial powers,, ana pui xneir, lives in aangcr, ai least, where there is no compulsion "of necessity. Let them, then, 'remeraber the limits of safety, and be ware how they transgress them ; lest an im pru dent exceps of labor should bring them, to an un timely end leaving their families destitute, and our pulpits vacant. t This : caution "is "not at all superfluouPa t? Oar brethren, in theirzeal fo vcrv ad venturbu!For exampleit Js mattjr of record ,tiiat"!the cRevJIr, Gpf Culpepper county. Va.i on one occasion immersed soveuty- five persons in twenty-five minutes. ( Broaddus Strictures. yXTAiis; ih len thaUfhiffcan "ho aft, rashly performing Mat vhvJu to ins ordinary strength of men is the tcork of three entire days IN ow, upon tills view ot ir. vjtruuuj,- w nut was this but species of suicide .? ir And, if such- haa' ard be incurred generally, shall we hope for. any suspension of the laws of nature to preserve'our ministry from extinction ':: 1 1 is. true, if; I mis take Vot, that the actor in the perilous achieve- ment aforesaid, still lives alter, tbe Japse : of twenty years, . a naie, poruy, iaooriyus uiau.- But let not ia escape betray others into tenieri- - ,. .. . t a . J - ' ty. It is always oesi to err on ,iae saro smj, For whieh reason.-, bsforo we venture to add even one to the number speciSsd by Or. -G uidy as bur ? maximum I would have ; his impartial. matured and therefore luminous ludmaut rp oo the q.estioni v Does it require more than the ordinary strength of tu3atdlmm3r tw enty ,! But we should -,not lightly, mm tne sore.' ' The present generation of ministers may bi in curably bent on their unsafe practice of adminis. tering the ordinance, when necessary, to large multitudes ; ana n may, mcreipre, us . requisite to devise ulterior temedies.c One suggests itself, ; which I "n w state, with all dus dfrcnee to the tetter judgments the reader be tec, in admission to the Ministry UerevfUr, to require of tJu K ca nJidale for- "orders?; txigaorj dinary strength j 6 that token hi is ladled :.. to iminerse piore than twenty -fin (persons fyfday: he may perform the task without danger ? ' : G My work Is doneThe.rwarnlii is rittererl J Shall it fall to tha ground Aunhaod-d ? : Brethr rcn beware ! 1 Spare yourselves ; and prolong terra of useful sarvice: ta th8-ebttrches ;. Mp::! ySW: ''-iEi3i:NCR.- - ringing out the truths oi nis- cause ia wrreuu ui unbroken and irresistibl-eloquence ; and ha oc- " ' ' cupDs the stand with every gracb which theglo- " e iL-.l. '.J -aUi'nl Anal v SmnflTt " ' - rv oi vruiu auu vi uuvmui vatu v t-Mn- He is undoubtedly engaged m an important r . work; io fur as the first subject of the present A controversy is iconcerjed," and, has' successtaliy - - ; brought it to a coniluubnAWhat willba thofrui of the second branch of :thivdis3US3ion remaias . ' " -to be seen. " " ' . - ' .'f "Doa't Step There.' f " S A layer of snow was spread over the icy streets' . and pedestrians walked. carefully, shod with Indian-rubber, toward the churches, on a cold Sab'-; . ' . bath morning in February. Walking somewhat hastilychttfch-Wardfor vl was latent; noticed 'a ; " bright looking little iad, standing upon the pave- ment, with his cap in his hand,' and his eyes fix ed upon one: spot, on -' the side-vralk. -.. As l. .aT- ,- proacnea mm,' ne looicea up xo ms, auu poiuuug ; -to the place, said, Please don't step there, sir ; I slipped there and felidown." 1' thanced tuo philanthropie little fellow, and passed rounci th darferous spot. . ".Don't step there," r was the. theme oi my lueuiuuiuus uunug vuc reuiuuucr . of my .walk. , - Thpre are many places, as we journey alon -the pathway of life, where we slip and fall. How carefully should we," ourselves, tread past' such" places iu our future journeying.! -Yet how often . 13 it lamentably true, that on the same, spot we repeatourV stumbliiig iWhereverJ under the i temptatioa? of the ad versary, or tbrougb tbe wrong impulses vof . my -perverse , affections and , passions,"! haveonce slipped, let me ever aftei? , place a watch, which, to, remind me of my form- . eriad experience, shall cry out to me, 'as - Lap- y . - proach, Don't spthere."3 truly lovese, !whoJs, religiousjy solicitous, for uiy spiritual good, 1 when be; sees me careleeslj 1 ' treading toward a spot where he has bimsclf fal len, will Tefcr to -hU wn;misfortune or fault, - ' and kindly ay to me Don't step there.'V - i i v;t And if I cherish7 benevolent sentiments toward . ray fellow men, desire for their own good that . . ' they should walk uprightly ; if zeal for the honor . . of the church awaken solictude tor the cons:3-, : tency and purity of all my fellow disciples, shall . I.not, when I .see the feet of any of i them near ;; . the spot, where. I have myself fallen, or where I . '. ' have seen others slip, kindly say to them, u Don't ' ; step therei?'''; ' ' . 2 iJelShness would hurry aw-y'fronl the blace of a fall,; multering, jIt is none of my businesl what becomes of those who follow." . Pride would seek to hida its humiliation. 5 Mischief and ma lignity would wait for a laugh, or a sneer, at the . . coming hapless traveller. "But benevolence halts . " for a little to utter a kind warning, and to guard..; a feHow.being against a 'calamity fT i; '- Si J .'--"A thousand times since has tbe "clear voice of .-. . -that kind-hearted child runs in my ear,-remind- : - ing m 3 of my own duty to those around me, and urging ;tne repeat, wherever the repetition promis2s to bs 'useful '4. Please don't step there ,M your Debate la Jackson 3Iis? : irv : tL3 C' ived E3veral shot3, er's seu-it-w u --r-i -f. --7 f tv, ,-rt lite (um-J lis ri,iitry, -boci they Ultevs to b X'ra'terestiod carriel on in this place between Rqv. 'John - L. ; Waller, o: Kentucky, and Kev. A- Si ewton, u. . u.f oi .Mis- i310PU: -1 US controversy iwu pruj;- osittons : tbe fireUnanoea by mt; w awer ana denied by Dr. Newton, that a versiorj of th IVnrl'tTi Srmtnr?i in which hanlizo. and Iti ai--w- w-v- f . . 4. 9 . sliall be translated bv1 immersion and ;tJ.rt.-riflt.P -"winld to that erttint b3 faitht'al to the orisrinal ; the second, affirmed by Dr. New tn nri dniad bv Mr. Waller. thaS the new version movement of the American BibbUnion ;a f,nAaA in tU A'.ra and determination to Knbcf ItntA : imrnPrs- and its COgUatSS for baptlZ nc ;rmW.N : IToi. E." S. Fisher and Gov. iL. S. Foote are modorators of the controvorsy TI-.a u !.' f dacoriim adopted were those con fn,l m Hed-reV Logic. It was arran-ed that A.Uta should commence oa Mondaycven vu w . . r- . in-; June 2d, at ei?ut o ciocic, m tae papui church of the city of Jackson, and doss at ten. afSrraant "occupying one: hour, aai "the "respoo dent the same time, and should coatinu3 as long as cither party ru-ht d;-s:re, oa cica proposi :Xjht Bible better than Plstalsc 5 Rev. L ; r. W a shburn , Bible A gent for Connee- -'i ticut,, in bis last .report, relates the foIiowiDg- - fact:H-:-?-.' ' . . - ' r ' - One ; donor, ""ho is a stranger to the hope , .. of the gospeltold me that be: had resolved to aid in giving the Bible to the world, as long as -r i -- he1 bad the means to do bo.. : He tbongbt it m dispen?ible to the security of property and the pjrhts or men. He said be onus neara an irre- ligidus and profane man,' whose business requir- ff Tf ed him to be often among strangers gay, 'Hhat bb always' .carried his pistols wUh wm, and ur-illy . ; laUr them under bis puiow .as nign , vu xenen- - he saw a Bible ' t ouse that had, pearance-of being well used, he never vitlals from his vaMse. x. ; - .-- ' 'J - if ut ?A- ' J t I "(a cf men e cf life ' :LnrE roa Somethimo. Thousands brfethe move .aud live pas. off tbesta ind are heard of no more. Why ?: None were blessed by them, as the m?ans cf their redemp- . tion ; not a" lino they wrote, net a word they .. spoke, could be recalled, and so they .peris! 1 ; their, light went out ia darknes3, and they were not. remembered mora than i.sacts cf yestarcay. Will you thus live and die, Ob, can immortal ? Live for something." . Do good, a-d ls-Te be hind you a monument of virtue, that te ilcrcj of-time can - paver ... destroy Writs yor by kindness, love and mercy on tr.a tesrts cf thousands vou conie in contact wiih year by year, 1 never be .crcrouen. , 4 f ml ycu . Wl your deeds, Uon. The bicit r:oo- .1 V. tjry name. 'i rart.s VCU 1 brow of ever,;" brightly on the Dr. Chalntrt. 1X2 WUi i :. God earth 3 tbe itars yoar ' !a en tbo ars on tie eaves.. -; t Wa at.... 4r . ,..; t-n t' 3 lb"".'