Y V r- i 1 I 'J 1 I t, a: rjs2,-looks v.'l bad not Lor, juu wero re- 1 ' Ho rnent- c to t:.:s nornm.-' -.1 i . -, ail uoh3,' saia; tue -ycuii. man,-. and ct 1 ta? aecoa: naver looked lahiad bim -never from that mb ! II h character was. fixed, conn- .-jj.denca was established.- He was found to be the man to do the thing with promptness. Hc.very . ocn came to be one tbat could not be spired he was as necessary to the firm as any of thepart . nors. 7 He was a religious man and went through a-life of great benevolence; and at bis death was able to leava bis children an ample fortune. He . .was not smokQ to the eves, nor vinegar to the teeth, but just the contrary. London Youth's Instructor. '- - . . Lfi f r frc THE I BIBLICAL RECORDER, F tt I D AT , 0 CTOBER 2 2, 1 8 5 2. V N. C. Baptist Stale Coayention. ; On Thursday, Oct- 14th, the members of this Con tention met at Smithfield, in the Baptist clrarch ., The afternoon was spent in arranging the usual prelim-. : inaiy.buslness.- R$v. James McDaniel was unani-' mously chosen Moderator, bio." N; J. Palmer Secre tary, and bro' R. I. Devin Assistant Secretary i ; In the' absence of bro. Palmer, ' Rev, J.H. Lacy was chosen SecretaryhPro Tern. At night the Introduc lory Sermon was preached by 'Rev. , James Mc Dan iel, from Isaiah 40: 9.-' The discourse was well arr ranged, 'abounding in interesting and profitable pas sages, "and delivered in an impressive and earnest inanner?'.;.'..v.s,, , . On Friday, the Convention met at an early hour. 4 The proceedings ofth is and of the succeeding days, Ave shall give to ourreaders when we. can, obtain the accounf'from tb Recording Secretary. On Sun day 'large congregations were in attendance, both at the Baptist and 'Methodist churches.,, .Earnest atten tion was given to excellent discourses from brethren Brooks, J Jerdar McDaniel and James. At night a Mass Missionary meeting was held in the Methodist church. Addresses" "were delivered by : brethren, "White, James and Tobey,. end the following resolu tions were passed:"" - , -v-' - Dear Bro. Toeev : Many liind thanks for your welcome letter of condolence. If ever man needed the sympathies of his fellows, I am that man. .-My wounded heart still bleeds over the loss of my noble and truly excellent wife. . I am at limes almost ready to give up. 0, the privilege, of ; being a Christian. I God,' I believe is near.me,and encourages me to trust in'Ilim.'-;This, by his grace, I will' endeavor v"to do Pray for me and mine. I write you a line at present by a vessel just sailing for California, in -order to say that since I last wrote, I have found it just about impossible to make my arrangements so as to ,leaye for America, as I mentioned to you in my last. Dif ficulties hedge me in whether I go or stay. Should a good opportunity present, I intend, sending Netty and Johnny, and wait further devclopementsof Divine Providence with regard to myself and the little babe. If the babe goes; I shall wait until it' can be safely taken to sea, and should I accompany it,- the. ques tion arises whether or not I bad better remain a year or two in America among the churches to- aid the Board in securing more men for this great field. I wish, of course, in "all things to -take that course which will best honor God and benefit China." - Dr. Burton has a very .severe attack of inflama t ion of the brain, but.is better yesterday and to-day. The Crawfords are snugly settled in one . half of the Sabbatarian bouse.'' I have now no idea when I shall Jeave 'China, hardly,, however, under 6.or 7 months. , - . . - m 'J . t . Let me hear from you immediately per overland mail, .: My heart magnified God when I heard of the baptism of my ; dear sou at Wake Forest. f I wish him to be a missionary to China, if it be' the will -of the Great Lord of the harvest; - - - Faithfully and fraternally,.; ' ; i ' VT- s ' J, Lewis Shuck .Shanghai, July 51852. - .- Fcr tbe Ucccr.br. Shanghai, China. Jur e 2 5th, 1852. Dear Brethren and Sisters ok the Raleigh Association; ".It afibrds nc much pleasure, at the beginning of this communication, to be able to state, that, I am now enjoying very good health. This, 'while it is a source of thankfulness to me, I doubt not will be gratifying to you. My general, health has been gradually ; impi oving for the last six months; I am now .blessed with my usual strength. ' -As I entered somewhat in detail in my last fetter, as to the manner of appropriating the' funds, contiib- . . . .. . . . uted by the Association, tor my support, i aeem u unnecessary to say anything in this, on that subject; as my wants, each succeeding year, are substantial ly the same. In the mean time, should there be any wUhiiio fn-ihir information on this noint. I beff to refer them to the Rev. Mr. Tobey, who, I doubt nptj will take great pleasure in giving the desired infor mation, as the necessary expenses of every mission- ary are substantially the same. (And wrniie 1 .wouia apologize to the more ' liberal minded for these re- maiks, yet, under 'the circumstances I deem them ne cessary.") ' ' ... ' ' - . v . '. , -'' i I 'acknowledge, with thankfulness, the receipt of your last year's contribution. '.-We are ; gratified to see, from your published account, that you succeed ed in collecting more for the cause- of Missions du ring 1851. than on, any .previous' year.,. May. your interest in the cause of Missions never abate, but on the1 contrary, may each succeeding year, manifest .a more abiding concern in the heart qf the Kaleigh As sociation, for the'eoftsummation of the Saviour's last command uTo preach the gospel to every creature. J suppose you have churches in your connection, that, although they - have had, ; the gospel faithfully preached, to them, have not had any " accessions du ring the past year ; you must then not be, discour aged to learn that this your, distant.branch or mem ber,' has not'had any additions by,, experience and DMptismfrom among the natives. .And yetjwe are encouraged la labor.on, though the blessing be long delayed. We shall certainly reap-if. ve faint .. not The lamented Judson, labored fivcyears in India for the first convert, and I think five more for the second. Now we speak of the converts there by thousands, Ta accomplish this glorious result, costs much labor and many precious lives; ,f-When we shall have X' pended the same amount of labor, we may reasona' hjy expect similar results. ;Let us. then, put on . the whole armour of God, and come with renewed., zeal and faith lo "the contest To the help of the .uLord against the "migh tyri. , 1 We have during the yean endeavored faithfully to preach tlier truths to - the multitudes who have tnrongeu our cnurcnes. - . " : We have kept up regular preaching service at our places of worship, four limes during the week xmd five (and sometimes when strength of. body would admit) six times on the Sabbath!' - These labors' I trust have not been expended for naught ; ns 1 find from much intercourse with the people, that many of the, facts and requirements of the gospel, are .very generally.known throughout this regions -We -need the quickening influence of the Spirit to sanctify the truth, i The natural heart is the same; every where averse to God and to holinessJ" In addition lo this native depravity, we have to contend;twith 'customs, ry cf his : ; of. Lis grace, t. reasures of his wisJcm, ..uraises of his word, an J " ' For the Recorder.; ' "V ' ' . ; Brier CREK, October 11 tb, 1852. Brother Tobet : According to a resolution pass ed in the .Brier Creek Association, you are requested; to publish the proceedings of said Association. The Association was called taorder by Elder S. D. Swaim, Moderator of our last . Association', -by singing and prayer. Letters from 16 churches, were received with a very full delegation. " - . Elected Elder S.D.'Swaim Sloderator, and W. Adams. Clerk. Received corresrjondinff.messenfrers n !.:.. rri . ; r .v . ..." .' .11. ' lJ " - TO ,inai in iew oi :me yreseni la.oraQie wm yadkin and'JerTerscn Associations. From Yad- elate of thin ss.. in tbe various nations of Heathen- ,...,., .- , , ... - v t , - dom, we feel called upon to put forth the most stren- kin A; W. Martin, Elder AV, G. Brown from Jef- ious efiorts, to advance the cause of Foreign 'Mis- ferson, James Blevins. Appointed W. W. Wright, eions. . , - T - - '-' . .V - --' ; - D. Edwards and R. G. Martin, a committee to con- " - -Resolved! That we consider the vast increase in the suit the propriety of engaging in the Foreign Mission liueof Chinese immigration to our shores an indica- enterprise," who made the following-report. w,,- lion of the intention of our Heavenly" Father speedi- : Xt r .. ' j -. . . .. ly to give to his Son the Heathen for an inheritance " e' your Committee, advise the Assocat.on to and the uttermost parts of the earth for a possession, take up a collection to enable us to. send a delagate '.aad weldeera it . incumbent iipon us, not to . permit or-delegates . lo tbe Baptist State Convention, with any of these -Chinese to say with truth, No ; man our fds to be applied to the benefit of brother Yates, : careth for mysouK" - : ' - our Foreign ilissionary in China: - Jilted, That our brethren in Europe,-who have Appoinled John Madison, John Jinning and'W. been, and still are suffering for having dared to ., , -, ,- , .. b, ,. preach the eospel of ChrisL shall receive our warm- R. Verher, with the delegates of Brier Creek church, ; -est sympathies and our earnest players. T . , ' J to arrange the preaching" during the meeting, who - JLtsdved, That we cannot "understand the.'nature maderthe following appointments for Sabbath. ' 1 f that Christianity, which permits its professor to ,Elders W. ji Chape V W: G. Brown, R. Tardue. know.lhat the heathen an perishing "d yet pwmpta w Jt , commenced lhe services of the dav and t mill to use ur euuri iu cueci. ineir tunvcrMou, . nur i . . . . , . . I .,::Awn :; ' -i i-X" - - ' . cave We any evrapatnv wila sues a. spirit. , yicamcu jiumisuwu uiiaptci, u w 'uow. . -i - ::"!.: r!rv 4-.vr JWr?(!,iThat;we will not suffer any apparent orown preacueu ,iae jwiswouary oerraon irora -: "rr " vri'vu ,u"u,1"u ox cause, as to slacken our efforts to benefit tke un- J lection of $7 dollars was taken up. Rl Pardue preach- never conceive of the many difficulties and discour bappyand benighted heathen. , . 1 id fro thp 44tu Psalm and lllh verse, "when ihe agements necessarily connected withfforls 'to mo- On Friday ad, SaiBTday nights Mass meetings! religious services of the day ended. r . ' pagate Christianity among an idolatrous, people-so were held to advance the cause f Ho Missios Annointed the next Association to be held with the ,nS degraded by the. power of superstition, and and of Education f.when interestiig and impressive; Shady Grove church, Wilkes County. Elder R. Par- ftrongly, opposed,-from-prejudice and- 6elf-sufficien- auaresses -were ueuyerea oy.Taiious oremrpn.yAi tnt to preach the Introductory Sermon, VV. J. Cnapel CJ a" niupvauons upon ancicni cusxoras.anuine each meeting the sum ol a nunarea dollars was con- j hisalternate; ' Uvl ; ; wisdom ot tlieir loretathers: lo such a people, a ifeuted for the objects raentioDed.- Several hundred Accordin t0 an act of last Assoctal;on; the mn-ls. Wranger from a far countrywho comes to" -preacli dollars were subscribed towards the endowment of tefg of Ae report(1 the number of miles lhey unto them Jesus and the" resurrectioniis-regarded .Wake Forest College. ' - ; , , had traveHed, and the hamber of sermons they bad wth contempt like that manifested by,the Athenians r The Convenuoa adjourned on Monday -Oct. 19 th rnrM.w S.-nt-p, iMmnn. the apostle Taul, .when they said, what will this "to meet atTarboro, on tbe Sunday before the third travelI 435 miIeS. s. D. Swaim predched J 15 ser- abbLer ?a" 11 ""pa'inf ul. lo observe; during a hard mons, and travelled 1035 miles. AV; H. Pardue 47 labored service the greatest possible apathy .and un sermons, and 515 railes.;Thos. Howell 61 sermons, concern to.understand; and-receive antp he.heart, 780 miles. W. J. Chapel 126 sermons: 1039 miles. lhe glorious gospel of :J.esus;Xhnst, or, - any Other Phillin Grimes 44 sermons and - 479 miles. , , W. F. truth from which no Immediate benefit, no temporal er White, appointed as his successor, Rev. J J. Brant AJams 5& 'x and 5o5 mnes. .- W. Goforlh and advantage, is supposed to' be derived- And yet, al -ly of Newberry S. C Rev. W: M. Wingate of Dar- h; cheek did not report: ' James'wVpardue 'reported though there is wanting a spirit of 'inquiry a real lington S? C, was appointed. Agent of the College.'? w haii reveA.k ,r,nt.of---Tfl .5?nfinp-; r.bnfVb.' desire to know-whether Or not these-things-are "sot - . -':"? . . -.." t.u.l 1. if ..1:.' "' t 2.511-4 Cls.i John Mart m ab-ent -of Er er: Creek art5 e gruuuus lor uoue, mai ngui is oegin tOayeilllOn Ueoit ? : - - church. renortPd hp bad rprpivpd ?31 David FJwardfL ng to dawn on this land, and thai the relizious Our readers will learn with pleasure, that we had agent of White, Plain church, reported he had re-UnowSe which is being diffused: in - the, printed the satisfaction ot paying to the ,J1 reasurer ot tbe ceired S2.50 ; Sabbath collection $7. Elder W. II . lorm and by the moulU ot the Jiving preacher, . are'. Convention, ofte hundred and nineteen dollars, eon pardqe Was appointed delegate to the Baptist StateloVS" almost.irnperecptiblyproducing , conviction tributed byvarious individuals, at sundry times, Convention and tbe money paid over to him;- The of the truth of Christianity. Still, it is, as - yet. , but t3rd? the payment of the 4 Convention deht.. Of ab0ve sums are to be applied to the benefit of broth- the glimmering of hope ; arid yet, -1 trust ii , is an er Yates. Appointed A. W.: Martin,: James ' Blevins earnest of what we may expect, . when the; gospe ' . . . " t ' 1. .It t.' '.: 1 ' ' r'- ' r tr . and W. O. Brown, with the iModerator and .Clerk, a snau nave ueen more lanniuiiy preacnea, ana -have committee to" draft a resolution to quell the agitation free course and be glorified. " This however we can amone our churches, as respects -ioinine the Order not reasonably expect with our present force. The Of lhe Sons of Temperance, who submitted -the fol- scarcity of laborers, is severely felt. - True we have lowing resolution, wliich was passed by the Associa- had a Teintorcement during the present year; but l Hon. - ' -" inese are oieeseu wna neanD. at least two vears must Resolved. That we.'the churches within our bounds, Fs3 awaT before th.ey are able 10 teach the peopl who have excluded: their members for joining the the gospel of Christ. -Moreover, life is very uncer Order of the Sons of Temperance, when iheir Chris- tain in this climale-Xl have lived to see seventeen " j, t, tf 9 rJe. goodf to re-con siaer' tneir j jjiissionaries fmaleland female) leave 1 hi s station-i arts: nni that npnrpfnrth inintnir thA . l irnr ' h nn - . . v . ' L.throazn the ouiet town of Smith field. The members L.et nf fPnn:hin xnA WP advise tk nf nr hrpih. removed either by death or.. Joss- of: health. . Sine . . V ..." w I . . . - . I , ' ' . . ' ' ' w - of the band had been requested to pass quietly uy ren who do join, iiot to cast any renecttons on them my last communicauon io you, ve nave teen callei thd churches', lest the meetings shonld be disturbed, j who do not join. . -. i J-,..- .1 1. '. .. ''; . ."' 1 upon to deposit in the cold ;'grave one, of our Jittl Instead of complying Withrthis .very proper request, L - Resolved, !, hat the Clerk send the ; proceedings of I band, in the person of Mrs: "Eliza Gv Shuckr" She the musicians passed quietly - on,-until they came this Association to brother Tcbey, requesting him to der,arted this life November 20tb,' 1851: As ' you . .near the' churches, when they : commenced playing gtve inem a piace in nis mot eicenent papery not again repeat them. , Mr. Shuck, with his three - r or the recorder. 7 '- :-: 1 motherless children; (one of which is an infant) can There was a Camp Meeting at ' Abbott's Creek, not lnS remain in this land, . He will, most proba He is the same in 1. fectioi.s of his charr' resources of hi5 the purposes tl "... . the1 blessin-rs cf his c nt. .-. Then let us go to hi;a at all times, and exti-cice 'implicit-. confidence, in him ; and" now, standing as it were on the threshold of eternity, and not knowing what another day may bring forth, or how soon the silver cord which unites the soul "and body may be loosed, let us seriously and solemnly commend ouiselvcs and our work to that Divine Being, who has crowned the past with Lis gooneP3,7and earnestly pray, inai, , -wucn, me iAbi day of life shall arrive, we may., be prepared,' with many ; souls - won: through our instrumentality, , to enter upon a state of. immortal bliss. vu '. But I am indulging astrainthat might have been onitt;3. ' ' - ' ' ' ' - f The health of brother Pearcy is not goodhe has been laid aside from active missionary. duties about 5 cjr Q' monthsand will most likely not be able soon to preach much. " lie is suffering from a bronchial affection. We'toope however that"he will again :be permitted to pi each the gospel among the heathen. . I . Rev. Mr. Crawford and lady, and Dr. Burton join- edjits the last of March. They are now, engaged in I th study of this very difficult language-,JJr. i5nrton since his arrival has been actively engaged (through me as his interpreter). in his' professionab duties has afforded relief to many of the sufferers of this great city. 7 His' labors wiU'doubtless have an im po tant bearing on the spread "of the gospel among this people. "He frequently has as many as a hun dred patients during a single day.t We hope through him to gain more' fully their confidence. 7-. . ylSIiss Harriet, A. Baker is well.,. The boarding net promise much. ;' The day school in f the country is better attended this year than last. . The day school urjdei sister Pearcy. at the south gate of the . city, is in'a" flourishing ' condition. ' The day school at the north gate of the citytau'ght by; " See-Seen-Sang" bu'r native 'church member, )"and "under the .watchful care of Mrs Yates, is also dding welb; Apart from this "general oversight; she has the school to meet in my study every Sabbaih'morningv where she spends an nour or two in religious msirucuon. c,.; !Thus-ousee we leave no means uatried to-bring this people under, christian influence .:, and , we confi- Fcr tbe Recorder. . A . 9 :.z ir:-c:nsMcnT":.:z. At a neetir- cf'the "Ministers and Deacons 1"- from' the longing to t',.e churches of Pamlico Association, y. i 5th Surv-hy av.l two days preceding in Febr.;.fy last, a constitution was adopted to govern f.ure Conventions to f c held in each month having five gur.Jays during the yean One article of the consti tution requires that a course of reading shall be pur sued by all the members, upon which they are to be examined at each regular meeting, by. brethren previously appointed for that purpose. The under sirred was appointed lo select the text books, and to make the selection known through the Recorder, to those interested.. Owing" to providential circum rMr,.o ihprft was no meelin? in Mav. Friday be- oiuiiwvt-t - -7 ij v - " 7 ' - ' Ti3 :,r- -17.:--;. c . in Fr-. : ;, G - racan. In FRANCE our brethren eti'I c-,. intolerant and persecuting spirit cf -""" thoriiies: ' They.- are forbidden to ----in some places tbe chapels Lave 1 ' the magistrate.: Still tbswork 13 cote entirely. On Sunday, July 4 tw-r'"" were baptized at L- , ia the chav norarv bartisteries rirerarcd n. for fear cf exciting opposition bj an lie adminktratioa of the rite. A tcrrarus cru r tac; rs came Irom ' the r,rP fan - chapel to 1 ?. clo3d. ; ; ., " -ijr U , Dr. Devan gives a deeply interestfn'i . . -it. i..ii...t. ; A 4 !,. l,,A4l1f.on mot Of the lihoTS cf One of thA" oft.i .:3 with the church afG.eenville. A very interesting baptized about a Jince, anj ;bassiDce time was spent, giving us reason tohope that the J an evangelist 1 hw brother baa been meeting be continued for years to come. - It tedtf the str; thepor V uTi-n, lwice the brethren, lo carry out the objects mentioned at Qn tbe last occasion beCwscondp-mS . 1 n.nntinr T T, tTT CktT laQ XT a tl" UcrtiarrA lllA 1 il .1 f . - " iuc uioi uicci.iij,, '"" monies' imprisonment ana a nne . of nnr 1 . .'..j i't,. uur. nr. tU (art .t . V t s - .1 - --v yJvi?? UUiy llI)pUCU JVJI1 UiC. : X lie J VUVl vi liijj mv uk.. dooks, wiiu iue iiame ui iub uicimcu 1 irancs,; uuu iu case mese rwere not naii? with costs, (making together five su francs.) and in case these '-.were not niU tute the Examining Committee, appended - to their months' additional ,:impris6nmeiit.---.--Hi3' respective departments : - ,- had been blessed to the conversion cf .5: 1 Church History--Benedict's History of the Bap- -twenty or woom nad peen baptized. - lists, 1st and 2d chapters--Elder J. G. Baikley. ? In Germany persecution of the Japt, 2 Sacred Vcography-Coltmzns Historical Geo- "g Tf .9 ureinren, are noiamx on, Ll graphy of the Bible, Antediluvian Period-Elder G. ? 8 J W tumiy, auu noping . Johnston. . ; . v , . i.ft. j ; i cr ., 3. Engluh Grammar-iSuutif) First ten pages- . . . J KOmft Elder lt. Bennett. - Lit nf mnMi tf i 'oj5i.Aa- j In the department of , Church History ; we select cbristian heart. ; v Benedict, .because we tbink it probable our brethren Arracan. Mr. Knapp reports tbeV-- will take a deeper interest in acquainting themselves of a woman, the first fruit among the Khvc-! with the history of their own church, than they Her case was one of peculiar interest, v would in the study of general ecclesiastical history, had been taken. captivo when a wild Kbysa ': Coleman's Sacred Geography " is chosen in prefer- a band of robbers, and , carried ,., into &T'e. An'wirt AthptV,'A'W a c5miiar.far!irtAf., nn nr. by which mcan3 she learned the Iiurni- 1, count of the simplicity of its plan, and the . conve- anin ton-ae heai'd 'the 13 niencc of obtaining it, (il being for sale' in Green- tJatl0n:. She Lad gained her, liberty wd k a K, x c .... 'been living among tbe.kemees for w ville by one of our members.) Smith's Grammar is by no means our ehoicej.it w adopted at the sug- tigm ja dCSCribed by Mr. Knapp as gestion of pome of the brethren belonging to the This morning the woman who asked 'j' Conventioa.;We hope, however, that, the plan will came in an bumble, becoming manner,' 3 give general satisfaction. Should i not. our bfeth ting down near me said that her heart was t ren can alter or amend it to suit themselves at their heavy and sad on account of sin. She w:: t to be freed from all sin and be a Christ! an: dentlytexpect by, the preaching of lhe gospel of nexl meeline; - ri ... 1 .1. ... .-..r.-jr.. 1. .1 J 1 -. . . ' ........ . . . . . J!J j. a i i 1.11 pi . i-nrisr,. oy ine circuiauon 01 niH Yvrmcu u f JThe obiect of this MinisitprK' and Dparon-,rCon- U1U .uui.wuuu tu z?i iu ieii. 5 one was so uiat cue vuuiu ovaicciy epean, . ana tire t- ing, to "exert a powerfuh influence on. this land, for good. '-True'we are few'm number and at-best but i feeble' in' bodyi but' we are - mighty through Christ j The world is to be converted reliirious tracts, bv.tne neaiing 01 me sick, ..anu oy -vtl nfinn mutual imnmvonwnt: fh.f wa all- mnv me msirucuon 01 me youm, wun .ine-ruivine-,uiess- thfl- hftttpr niloi;r.pd tn iIiSnhar rih'-diitiA nt nnr tu. uunu u" l,a,w,ru cuuexs. 1 a , . - r " - j- 't a aar, wna oeast iana," sne said," " but I several stations. 1 he next place and time of meet- .. . .' r. , . I 11 . . T ., n y n ' :". n ' want 10 nve saiwaniiignt.,; 1 "want to . o - - v .r f .1 r V c T m trnst m Jesus na tabe DW disciple. I CI,:55 .uiineuce u r uuay .ucjorc ym. oaif to bo baptized immediately. .-'v- natn in tlr.lohr. hv llift tlplivrv nts a.n-intrnnnr.tnrvl - . i Tf t . r lu Vuu uy au, . . ur r sermon, subject lo entjersm. On Saturday ihere.will mentions the baptism of two- females on th .--"rv v , r ; - - o- . - , . ue a jmuuc ueuaie, auu a uumuer 01 essays anu ser- j ceamg.oaoDatQ. f...UB9 ot teese. Was a Brt. me ujm.,; wins nave our prayers huu uur am., mons wlU be read and criticised. . The examination widow, tbe first of this-proui casta M una lasi, om.nui ieabeiiu us uiu; maie lwi take place privatehy at the house of some broth- fyfeldetf to the gospel. .The event is record Men who can ", suffer afflictions for Christ sake with- er in the neighborhood. The Sabbalh' will be devo-- a new era m .missions put being glad of it.M- ,"And may the grace-of . our ted to" preachings-We h'ope all the Ministers and ",Mr. Whiting has been reduced by tha As xcho it our strength Mf - Deacons in the Association will attend. - ' ' . ' " - - - I. ' G.' V. JoHNSTOiT.- Jreenvillef September 29. "-" -J . - . " - .' - . For the Recorder.. - : The Tar Hirer Association 5 e. 1:. j.. v ' At. .t-: t . . . lever, uui oya voyaga on me rsranrauputri r: with" rest and attention lsrecovermg his stren: The year spent in Assam has been, pleasant profitable,' and he looks forward! to ths t ; ninw 01 nis active laoor witn hope ana ear desire.- Zion'r Advocate t: Q4 Sundav in Oct. J85S. We have never attended a 1 more pleasant and harmonious meeting. - The Trustees of Wake Forest College met and af- . .ter accepting the j-esignation of our esteemed .broths Lord Jesus Christ; and the love of God,-and the com munion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. s . -" Fraternally,' "Mi.TTUEw'Ts X bBSawa - . - 1 bn aak aaa ft ftaa ft i iipi ' i I " v r i -; For the Recorder . A Fact for.the New Yersionists ; , . During the year 1808aTiurober of British-seamen - . , . . The Tkird .Aitnivcrmrv- oUAh&JJm 3vcre taken prisoners by the French. Mn.one of the wei rioay,u0Der 1st, ifeO,at iat kock, Biic- r,, comtnencedn fKudaytbL prisons- Ibink it was in Augers about 3000 pris- ranwm county, im . u. 1 he introductory .ser- m Vr: Cone's Church, '.Nework.1 M oners were confined and remained there for six vears. nion was preached according to appointment, by ' From the Treasurer's report we. learn But the spirit of the Lord was among them, and ovei tbe Rev. Thomas Wilcox, of Halifax. Heb 12 : the. receipts were 1 6,527,73?Ainountpf nnAh'nndrfi:! nf lhpi 'worn Vniivprtoil in GnJ : Thv or - '.:?S.f.;:.i 7. "i n Pa pledgfis $61,746. - " rv ,--:-- , -- v J 1 , win imt ci u. ac 7t(t nint tuui jjmiawi,: n t . . . . hiitl nnthinv If inr T,ma RiM. tn trmtU thm nnl . . . , ... . X' iuui uu ausiniCC- Ot UIO repori;OI-vl "MY .I:' t r :r rr AttCr an intermission ot,mteen minutes, the as. ,n the N. Y. Chronicle we learn that '"tie Consld the tcvI ;lish.' Sc '.- iA4 P! brought up in the nat ionalchurches; of: England and fprd..was, unanimously, appointed 1 iModerator, Acts iuTrendi, have beencnsamrnay Scotland, xand knew" very ' well that"" these' church-' and the Rev; P. H: Smith, CjcTk. v 3 ; . - distingnished scholars in,' France, and t'aei practice- infant 'sprinklings but -they, supposed '"There was' a full delegation, and perfect har- isiavorably progressing. ". that this practice was continued only because Jmony and nnion prevailed., were not changed. .. the hearts f the members ISone. of - the prisoners: had ever seen" christian baptism performed.; Forr in Scotland,". :to which a majorilyofthe ,-youngmen' belonged, the name of Baptist had scarcely, at "that, time-been - heard. Yet they ; all but,: five '.'.learned- from :the .Bible that ' christians "should be v buried with Christ bv baptism ." The question ' now- arose among1 -them, how can we carry out our convictions ? -They 'bad this sum fifty- four dollars, were contributed by,tlie ,- . membars of the Kaleign liapust uiiurcu. x """ ,We Jiave also received rom bro. Howell two dollars contributed by tho Spring Bmocb. Church, -Sampson, for the N. C. Baptist Mission House. . - - 1 ' 44' 1 l,.,,- I tyjjg circus ia SxithSeld. j On- Saturday; during tlio meeting- of the. Baptist i State : 'Convention,. the baud of music connected with ' tuec4icusrplayers, who are now passing through V our towns' and villages corrupting, the youth, ..and carrying awaythe money of the thoughtless,--passed f ' Vigorously to the great auaoyance of the worshippers fin the churches. : . Such conduct ought not to be per raitted, without rebuke. ; Our laws defend christian , . assemblies in the "quiet enjoyment of their privileges, and they ought to be vigorously enforced. - . -" CHOWAN TeMAXE CoiLBOIATE INSTITUTE. The .attention of our readers is requested ta the circular " -of this Insiitalion, which appears in our advertising . columns The next session will not commence un : til the first VVetiaesday in November,' at which lime '.the new building will be opened." ; : ' - "i". For the Recorder." At a meeting of a portion of tbe Trustees ap pointed by the Ralci-b. Association, for the pre paratory Bchool at this place,1 Friday, Nov. 12th, was appointed as the tiraa for a general meeting of the Board cf Tr st.cs, at wbich time, all are particularly rc::-:l to attend. ' - - The followirg are t'..3 Irus-1:--? appointed by the Associatirn : P. J. bun, tler P. V . DowdJ). B.i:::'r.i::-' itVI. D- Wil liams, Elder D. il. YtiZ-i, S. P. Ferris, Mi- i L. icrreil, llc-ry UJ Davidson county, N. C, on the 3d Lord's day in bly during the present year, take his child'en to the September, which resulted in 5 or 6 conversions. The United states, where ,.they can be taken care o ministers were Elders Turner, Robertson, Lanier, among bis friends. Some of you 'may., think this Caudle and Crutchfield. ; I was there from' Tuesday step unnecessary ; but I can assure you.- and all the night till Saturday. : Ems Dodsox. ' friends of missions, that he is called upon by all the obligations ot a parent, to remove them from the con laminations to which" they are exposed here without a mother's watchful care, J When Mr. S. is gone.'Mrs. Y.Vnd "myself will be '.Testament,! . Brother James S. Pnnfy was present as a cor- cutin their work : narhas r been so far f - i " I- .1 . . . 1 ' - fV. : ' 1 .- .... 1 . . rcsponueni : irom 'iue xiaieigu Associauon, ana vanced as to be , printed,- and ;a limited 11 James r. 'Montague trom the r lat-Kiver. ?Ap-Jor copies has been, circulated amonjcscboi A t. - A A ..4 l,X t?l. D ht;..l ' n ; rr .r .. to Fupply the stand with -preaching on, Satnrday 1 . T and 'Monday, " ' - " I Meter's Un i vr sum . The sixth .lan j sev After annointmsf some committees',' tbe Ass'o- numbers of this attractive collection of engra xiiilnn 'iinnrnorl ; Proper Vitr : T P 'Mnnu.m I have been received. " Thev contain views ci SatHrday morning, 10 o'clock. Tho Associ- "riea l"aces Q1reni F"s oi tne www brmcd a church in -the prison''' and chosen;a pastor, ation was called to order, "and opened. by prayer but he ha4 hot been baptized. They decided first to ?J brother J. K.. White. . -r, : - bkptize theiV pastor and then he "would baptize the ftcr .rc.ading. the ' proceedings of yesterday rest. In the mean time.the letters of the prisoners ' iC"r LUU j . , . uu. - ' lt r , , , , ...... 6 . ' , .b . to assist brother J. K. White m obtain ins an mc jL.uru iiau. iiy wis opiru wrougnt m ine nouse 01 education " oonuage, ana many letters. from christian friends, and christian churches were sent to themj containing not 25 cents per No H. J. .Meyer, N. Publisher- - . ' Blackwood's MAGAZiNE.The September this valuable Monthly lies upon'our table. 1 ble of contents is of an interesting and varied acter. Price 3 dollars ner vear.' , L. Scott & Co., N. Y., Publishers.; . , North British Review. The 2 No. of iu , r. ,1 f 1 .1 . - iORTII URl viier some oiner oraiaary Business, tue Associ-t .'i.Af ,,: . u u ..,ir,nmr . 1. , . , ,J, . n, r. . vol. of this review has been received lroo h. uuuu aujuuiuea uuuijs u cioua. 1 ue lonowing & Co., N. Y. Its contents are, only-words of sympathy but also more substantial resolution was then "offered by Rev: J S. Puri" , jZa r tl , ff t T V tokens of interest: ' The christian prisoners resolved fy, and after very interesting- addresses from 2 Sholoty! to consult'one of these churches respecting the diffi- Prof. VV. T. Brooks, W-. T. Walters, VV. 1 . 3' Lituro-icarRefonri in the Church of En'elanl. culty which lhey felt in carrying "out their' convic- Wingate', and President4.!. B.White, was unon- 4. American Poetry. tions'of dut'v.v It did not enter their minds that irul'v imou aPte- '"'-. 5, The Life and Letters of Niebuhr. r-r i i ' i ji - rM. 1 . ..... i 1 1 - ... s mni.vpn innrTiiiM ccrvniri tioti nia inrt,aiaAfi u. i utucvai n tiiftmiir' v ill iiiL4.ui. elsebut PaptUtsT'heyadressmhemselve important object rhtinn J pSSt2bJ College. cfS of thehristianxhurchesUicb: benevolence as connected with the N. C B. S. 'l IndUStnaI CoUeSC n asking coiinseL :and that hapnend' to be a con?ra- Convention, and most heartily commend it to 9.crisis o Political Parlies-The Grand Te r v- 1 . m ' . . - " . u. , me support 01 ourDretnren ana ennrches." nan -answer, but" no additionaUightjo guide, jhem gate to preach on Sunday.- Bro. 1N7 A.' Purify in the matter of baptism.; In this State of mind, they to preach the missionary, sermon by previous ap- nW5 iiutiaicu 1U io, uu were suuseuueuuy cap- pointment. ' . ! ;-'; ' ' " tiied, and they- joined different churches in the vi- N. B. l had to leave i the Association in nl. cinity 6f jhe1r;owrthomes. Five of -these-, converts tend a funeral," and therefore have ndt the pro- Decame ministers oi tne gospeJ,? oneof whom : bap- ceeamgs on Monaay.- - - : r : j . p. M. tized the writer of this"l8 years" ago.' ' Now if the v . version ol the Uible uncommon use, is so defective For the Recorder. rattim. Price 3 dollars per year. . Secular Sterna as to conceal the truth, and to mislead the unlearned in regara to baptism, r how came these unlettered Union 'Bleetin, Distressing Accident Mr. John Y. Pa' a Mr. Brooks, of Roxboro,' were out T urw) on tbe SOth nit.. " unknown to each Brooks, as we understand, vehed, ..whicb v I'll as i hp. nntncr1 hv a TiirtfT. llf ' yelping, and the answer was made, a: cbael Thompson, Parlicr, A. Y. E F. Pes:d, J:' . .. ,- - - ? " - - - j. c. i. ? -a, P. -j 3- - For the Recorder. : t At a regular mccting'of the Reedy River Bap list church in Grcenvjlle District- S. C, it was the'only remaining members of the band of nine unanimously- " . - who leit the states, lor this far-off land in ' 1847. ' 7?c,W Tbnt'WWpn. T,a. ni,m Both you and we have abundant reason for grati phrcy Las been our. enpply during the present tude to God for his preserving care' over' us during year, and bas civen entire satisfaction o us: and lhe Past five years; for when we take . a. retrospect whereas, be expect3 soon to travel in tLa Wes- Pf tbe scenes and circumstances through which we tern Mates. 1 herefore, ; . cave passca, we are remincea pt lavors received, de ' Resolved, That we believe him to be worthy liverances obtained, mercies slighted, and , privileges of tbe confidence ot any community, and com abused ;"and feel called upon to erect another " 6lone menu mm to tbe churches of our Lord. . 0f remembrance" at this new stage of .our-journey. r"l i7 , A?-01? ttese rcS0lutl0I1s be anJ exdaia, "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." iv. w j-iiiiai ivecorucr. JJy order of tho church Octc J. B. Wallace, C. Clerk. 1C32. ' ...Br. far W C . W 1 : CTi 1C c v r "rc Some' who were with us when we last wrote, are now in the silent mansions of the grave. But Time 13 hanir.j cn his scythe, and waiting to converse with us a !'.;; 1er. While the raridtidof time i? I carir j u '.d i..? ccert cf eternity, and the sons of fix ...en, cr? -cur at'.:;..l every ci .: Ci.rist, the ..r rr.-r-.her, rre p?.?5i-j away, let us i ci ti.e Trek cf Aes, v.hich.'.ar. ir.g .c:c;;e Tcr.dr.3 immutable sar.ie yesterday, -and to-day, and forever."' rr:.:,t ".Jesus seamen, to find the duty of all christians so clearly reveaieu f f, lhey were tist views, the very ret d see! The last Union being disappointed by tbe rainy approach'. He finally discovered, . at a c --f; . : - -w Ill 1 i .... ': - j, -. , . ...... . . j . . 1 . - . - . I . 1 1, . MVh!' ' , revealed ? f. They were not predisposed toward Ban- weather, it is thought proper to appoint the next aDut torty yards, what he took to oe y , verse was the case, 'so far as at the same place, tiepzibah, to commence on ?V v' 1 UKe AttKI" t te s 77" they bad any prejudices on the subject. Yet so pal- Saturday before the fifth Lord's day in October, u" mV Q 9 ZZnMnrt pably was this duty taught in the scriptures, as they 1852. Introductory sermon to be-preached by u TW'Wrf hnt a rifiV hll thio'thel? read them, that thev. could not imafnn hnw T(,rlA n f , av!h;, 11-15.1.,, at::1. . A - f . . , - 'a l1 , , : . . - . t, p rr -. , . r'i'vi ? .4 , wiwuno, u,. mrasiuuary ser-1 rarser ..wno -uieu ' wunoui a sirupg'' could be christians and yet not st'e it.? mnn'oii RVinfh ixr Prnf 'W' T 1VU.. : Tl. . f.o.l a lioaJrocc irml.i nf TnrtV feaUr. , ing to be di;cnssod. 1st. Does the present system of missionary operations promise a permanent and speedy evan gelization to the Heathen ? - --- - 2nd. What do the Scriptures teach concern- . - .' ' For the Recorder." v" " Covington, Kt., October 4th, 1852. Dear Bro. Tobev : VVe arrived here safely on the 20th of September after quite a pleasant journey, during which we were greatly favored and safely protected by our good Lord. ' Our school here is as ing the relative 'duties "of the ministry and-the lorffo until,! V a. 1.1 3 .1. . I - . , - .. ''o6 00 -uuia ue itaaunaoiy expecieu unaer ine Cir- j chu cumstanccs. There are 17 students at nresent. Thcri. lurches i le? n. - . . 1 T 1 1 ' 1:1 . 1 ia, as juu niiuw i Deiieve, a iaw-suu; nanginp over the Institution which, just now,- materially affects its prosperity. e expect it. to be decided, however, sometime daring the present month, vhen, il it oes' in our favor I will send you , a communication to puLusa in year rrer. ilz neann ct enr citv is vn- .t tv;: tL-?u?h case3 of cl Vcurs i:i Ci..i t, Ciera cccasioi aily occur. S. Yarzrovgh. - Tbe following churches forming the 1st sec tion of the Raleigh. Association are respectfully solicited to represent with delegates and minis ters : Hepzibah, Rolcsville, VVaie" X - Reals, Wrb Forest, : Wake Unicr., !It. Verne-, New lkx 3 and Hopkin's chapel, a new church. ' : VY. U. ,KxtGiiT,- CUrk ' r .i if--) - , -.'.- , , - - ' . - VvUi..i 'ij .IUi . -. - i i , L. ini Ins body, and exposing nis neaa, ic . .., by Mr. Brooks and killed -Ve .!I'7 with Mr. . Brooks no blame, we are asf- (ached to him. , -,- ; -. , ,; , ": Attempted Captcre of the Aztec VVe le'arn from the West Jersey Pioneer l-a i day'bvenr.g last, as tte carnage wntaiwc? chilJua was returning, from lUle'". and when ahout two miles from ie tacked by tLree persons who had conceaie -- In tLa sbae cf the trees by tbe road for th-t pii'rj-:?es One of me EarV;-trvr Lcr:- aid mads an efrt to catch uem . d!2. when 'the driver,- -perceiving tis them a blow with the wrjp , srring leycr:i his re.ch, ani thus clous designs;;- It ii suppesei tt l:- ed Id lalce the cbu'ren.

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