' M J' : nM lY n:ITnT-' - kJ k -UL ; UJ.- : V7,- if- :..-;.;. :.- :rq4 -1 V : T 1 H A H Ppi I P 1 FfN -'- J. Ji JA3ICS, Editor. VOITJMEfXXII r'to2L " J TUB BIBLICAL RERGODER A Religious and Literary Paper: PubUshed. weekly JatOUlJgh N. t S3 00 per tanntn, paamem u cases ia ADTANCX. v v- , X$F All letter on business should be directed to J. Ji James & Co., Raleigh, N. C. , - All letters containing communications, or In any Wayrelatiftg tothe editorial department, shonld be addressed to Rev., J J. James, or Editor of the fS For further particulars sea last page. 1 THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS L I jSubscribers Who do not give express notice to the contrary a re considered wishing to continue their subscription. ; . T - .;:' ,.-. . a.. -ii wo suusuriwoisecuertneaiscontinnancAn their! papers, the publishers may continue to send them till ail casn cnarges ar paid. r ; 3. .If subscribers neglect or refuse to take thJ n persfrom the olfice to which they are directed, the v are neia respuuoiuio uut iuo uvesetuea lueir bill and order their paper discontinued. - . - 4. If subscribers reoiore to other places' without lniorrnmg me puuusuer ana toe paper is sent to the former direction, tny ar held responsible. : 5. The courts ihave decided tbatrefusmg to take a prvper or penouicai irom me omce, or removing and leaving it uncaiiea ior. i$ "pnme facie' evidence ol iHtemionai irauu. . - - . - r,JVV, w, a.'r...vayunir8 book w. evid-n c T7r Tf r jr power, dui -.7'"u, .emng-io- upon our. churche. wncu useabr u amuoff tb ntlires. haTa tn v . j7fr.Vr---- f ?y, to promote minutedah improvement to ; be arrested ren by go for wbi tbiy are worth b mUtTuici " ' v AnoUier Correcaoa. r - , , grcatestible extent ii! There are; I &ar, too few to r. Lib. f nff.!?:.!.1!?" Bo- Eims-m; tb. Af.r.iwZ would do, not like iguoram Sr, t0 U te;tod' rally at bU cVU to dollar ?f Feb.; a -article may bV fcS tide, ttnderp mobyotbme.nath.tfby; the; standard of reformation.. Had we, in each that it ba. bfen eorpariaieW &lmi of cUou, orer the tiiaa of tTO nat l one our.Sutes-Bo inany a. would bave to form an eatimate of what we IhVuUUn " One Hat Knowa," .Ucb drrcfaomTco-- r &th&'lih SotS itX - Sfa " ---V-U--4-;--:y; ' "vedSodom, of integrity of principle and dollara to meet ourjearlr expend DbJ mr . banA. Ue-trndtrUkc to eetS of tbat-ProcmSt.an v;jJf :V.r- ""7 Never, perhaps, before. bava the nrin!n1. holy couraire of Dr. W.vl.nrl f TiKi- r.!. ,fca.rt.; ..-.v f TT .rf Uano ricbt la oor Hilar, et Ri,.i r-trJwt .r . .vupruyemem, of tha Bantisfa Kn . rT Rates of Advertising. ,4 everjc subseqnent insertion,. V 25 " twelve months, ... 10 00 Jem oixteen nnes is a square. 4 v- ? Job Work. ,lcl-,'u;" nu ucamess ana aespateU in this 6f- nec. jjM.nn o mny description will fee furnished at me suurtcai notice, and at reasonable prices. i - - .- - ot the Recorder. Commendatory Notice of Dr. Wayland's "Notes," r The great principle of Dr. 7 Wajland's book, b, a spiritual worship : and an actice chur -hl This may ba regarded, as: being properly its tiilesy motto. To this issue be considers Baptists as committed by their principle ; and he regards them as departing from their princi pies, to the extent, in which tbey vary from this standard ; thus evidently identifying "their principles with those of the New Testament. Id thus exhibiting the principles of Baptists, and insisting upon conformity to them, in their practice, Dr. Wayland's book is, in fact, noth ing h-ss than a discussion of the spirituality" of religion. It is an interesting and lively practi cal commentary upon the great truth, t; (God is a Spirit, and they that Vworship him, "must worship hrm in ppirit and in truth.". The wor ship of the heart,, offered up to God, in the ic i " wuicu ue nim- Bilf has appo nted for this purpose, lY the im portant lesson, Which the book of Dr. Wayland was evidently deigned, and is admirably calcu Jated t6 teach . Whatever tr. Wayland com. ?.?s Le commends as tributwy to this end Whatever he coudimns, ho condemns as of a totcign and ndveisc nature. His l Notes" may really therefore bo regarded as a look on pi-actwal godliness.;- - : - . The; subject of Dr- AVavlandVKortV l, hi sclecMdwitb admiraLlo adaptation to the gene ral slate of religious soeioty, and the special lubirucuon aad benefit of his own d notuina jion. ;We may Indeed, well believe, that it is because his wisdom has enabled him to discern the sigos of the times," and to see the ne cessity; for existing evils, as well as-clearly to apprehend in ; what tha "remedy consists, t:iat hui EPult h prompted him to lay upon .the altar of christian benevolence this latest offer ing of his genius and piety. - - ' The; importance of : this: subject cannot be well overrated. If. religion be;the source of all qor hopes for time and eternity; hjw impor tance should know arhat we should njt flatter , ourselves with the fatal uLcut, mat we are in possession -of a priceless wuen mat ot which we vainly boast, is "r"" uv aunseien bauble. The discussion BUCU ?,sut,J-cfc, even. with any ordinary abU j, TOum not tail of interesting all, entertain- r "7 , Jui sense pt tbe solemn verities of l"C Uioie. How mnfthrmnu - 1 Wbicbi Without uner. 2- CMcb'atUinmftntAf.r..kt.i t. , .M uo ys aner atatinj? tha -minmnlM . vu w ouuii iia iiH run nirai i- as in th Mr;..!.. i ' -r ' -j I X --t- ui.jr oe can available, an rl 1.- . J . ' -"Z,"" " auaptea to & minis- distinetinn - k "cV. o uaciuiuess. in view of hia , j . .. . . .' wo4u me tha Rnl, Jtr.i. . : . -f "Ji uu luily Tield them nrtnmnlAi ... . r ( - f inwuin uo to ever uisungui8aea the Hsptists- lay claim to a higher or more honorable bow before them, and cheer christian preeedcnce"r -to v u miviMH .. . "jmuu s views of thia .k;a 1.- l jr . . . - Bvisvt ilia y (ja boatea in tbe f.rtu;: : i. r . cm- selves schismatics in departing from them, re pent, (by God's erace.'i 6f O'lr Kin in rnnil!.. desid for W Cbriit, aid abandoat on that nder iJU-:drcmnL!t ?;stm0t,T ex,stenoe in aQ maamation with ot lose bis services, grieve hLnirit damn hi, M 0ne trao church- lWero wo!not ,mtJtoJZ W,11iS.t0 d0 80-wa AoiM- stani convicted of prevent you cannot make circumstances nii tbegpodhemishtdo beean w w' wa 8Q0u,a "and convicted o of hSall thSVndeV dSnl F" n??8 "'r0?" t0 th wi"' aQthdri -htbe done " Slconeef . hoQor of Jus Christ, from which awfu 3 "r . D13oor;eeive wickednpsa m nA : JL l j i. . r . f wful deliver' all Dr. Wayland is evidently, for eood or i f w De the Jenerth aud brearlib' f Y;- .z"" """"f8" y oa, in more ou the, subject : and it is n" 0 h plo. 4w very siuaoiicitv sn nhHma k- lm. van unnArsrnrf i i.;i, k- . plaud and admire it. ' . 1 h TIAira ftf r- tT7l s . . . . nSk A . a . w "V" .lu poswncai plan, and m evid calculated to increase the irenl cvaugeuoai operations, that the wonder ao mucn tnat thw Ehrtni.i k j . o: attention is calief to Tern, 7s t,wihiS b t i k fcfi" ofaecUrian pride hay, ever been overlooked: ?d i that u r becau!euthe8e the principles of civil and whether regarding the pCdeteliS FT J lbe Pri-ciplil which guard horr,, "wiowjnueui Ol aUU adVOOate the Thta of .wwx.Uvo, iuc atl.iViLV. niirv unA h.n. I .i ..." , Uvt ness of her members, or tV (r.Vf u if' . ., l0".'1'. ?? tbej ro ibe prmciol.. ?! W rtouFevVr "bare ? K f,.f .' vL?-"'. .t If-."'"" f ea to embody them, n her efforts fo- mn n 7 -.tuguom ; ana m their full de- ingthe worfd Indeed. vtl wh,n evolves the great practical nrimrinl. 71 e"? righteousness, peace and love, .ball duty of every Ltrisn o do Hi am g'ad that liberty Christ, and for the conversion of men T W 'A r" reLleased frm dan-eons and chains, have !nd.rl iL hnA " TV'. V 8 escaped from the grasp of the innuUitor. vlctJ ciple, but I fear, with so little senTa Wil S"?"?1 ctorumation and protestant in- . . -.vs,v. uj uu vuu;u ana ec clesiastical councils, are heard now, under the banner of law, and the guardianship of the nuuuuuciuz taeir aastnnnx in m of wisdom from the chair of philosophy. It is Kiaiciui tu gee tna Ktp nf K.ti.LKA... :n and.Dr. Hooper of North Carolina, we mirht yet bopo - well for the Writr and nrosneritv of ... i . - - vur vuurcuci. .... IV II J May 6th, 1857. ' v ' - V. i. I had intended to furnish two othir communications, etatiojr in one. what I aa.aome objectionable pointa in Dr. Waylatid'a book, and in another, some important infer- yuc wuiou i mine may oa deduced from it But v my remarks T bs air.,! .-rtjA . cngtb greater than I anticipated in the bcirin- nmg;. I conclude them, therefore, with this uuuiiuuuicauon. In my last article, for Thon br nnM AA once,, lock the jawa of the lion, read Thou iiuai, wuo aiossonce loclc, &o. ortance, as scarcely to expect any effect from hat we say on the nujbject ; so much so", that emales especially, should Lit a iani address themselves to a course of nnn,i . I a ? ..1 i ; utuay. it WUUiti D6 J If mnw AM 1. " - . " surprised at theJr credulity: but d ?Z 17 T0 en of the earth to lay their flnr .1.. i . possessing the attraction whicb the- genius and worth of Dr. Wayland impart to thJ products of his mind." : .' ' 'K.-,, '--vwi, i regard, as e qually sodnd in Pmciple liberal in spirit, and valuable in res- YJ t - pracucai adaptation, to the. great d3 of evangeical benevohnecThey rcfl-ect iae enlarged and rrWorrma -.u i. . t j - . o-"""".- f ius uracil- 1 Msdom and the Expansive philinthropy of iospd. instead "of restricting the embassy "lllo thosewho: hSvpstudied Xatin and f ?r- ayland Insists that tho. heralds W salvation shall be multiplied ; and that eve- Z Sf !l a? a heart t0 feel Mm8elf lhe val e? ii g0S?el and whose lips God has touch or cTtLt 00;1,?001 h,is.aItar whetber court ?ha inflhU Procla the 'joyful sound." 4 -;--w-MWUO W4 vue ministry, ne believe' . ' , T of mmd :,. and 6inno:. 1-TU prepares ;mcn tocoaverr 52 "tepding the kingdom of Christ, lSr1Dm! aCS8ivo Wter, and Si&LChm!ia,n con?-Dr. ' Wayland .What, nn 7 'vuu uavo'Deen tno awtulconse ent the m;. fc",'-wo"a " instead of restrictins Qaenmur uocu uo awmicons condit? ?St SeDerati0Mr m the prcse ife-8rld;ff instead of restricti ..to - men -,of classiaal ttie.PT. - 7 "r'tii?.1? Utt not multiplied tbe fronifcfi;!; ? "'""on and sent them, out, Hbto iWv?sregatl0M and krS& benefices, . . .Perish in r to the rm-nf. fJ0r i . . Sf wJf tr thU e8tI?n' wiU bea Proof , r wot were npi.Boim -rrn. f.i - -. omistrv rl vJiandX Tlewa respecting the itcf dc w n'doctrino aVong Bap7 'arJSi Dr' Wayland presents it rwrfr forcewith wh'cb be tests it ; r?m tL e desuetude, e8ts it, m no Rmall ' .t." U hmZ 0 a Dew drj. -v n .-k i, 1 - a oe mis as it mjy, we are evident! . i -ii . . . . . j .msui-wihi sitnpij admitting the principle, wbib '"""ri --wuuie or me spiritual energy ne- . .: vwmsm,, wmer in our own laumauai practice, or that of the church gen DrMVayland draws an interesting portrai- lU.e o: tae oii jj.pa.t ministers. In his graph- v..puu ui meir uars end conflicts in utoir mcipwncyot their ministry, their toils tlJJ.t- inumpos, ne imparts to bi.r narrative an almost dramatic interest. The artist is evidently. please with the stfbjsct of bis pencil; a fact creditable alike, to the res pecuie parties, i sympathize with Dr. Way land id hu grateful a huiratiou of these venar abl men. f The.y were Indeed a worthy race, lhe names of Slearns, IVeithcrford, and f 'ckiis; and all others of that same faithful band come hallowed to our memories by their .A and pioty, their toils and tears, redolent of the sanctity with .which virtue is" embalmed m hef passage through the shades of the sepal ' chre, and like a sacred, pleasing, and mysteri ous charm, dissolving the vanity of earth, un sealing, our vis on, and revealing to our 'con tetapUtiOD the faithful servant cf Jesus, crown- kill tn ..!tt. f t !" " - - - ... utaieu, witu uiejoys ot bis Lord .It was natural the name of Roger WWam should be associated with' a-book pertaining to the history, the principle, and character of ipuais. it ,s a pregnant name - full of nnnt the Savior. To contributions at tbe feet of God be all the praise. it ioaicatos tbe discrimination and highly p.-vww, curaeier or Ur. Wat nil' m n.I J . . . . J mat, aevoted as ills lifo ha mn.llv K-n tU duties of, a Collega, ho should have burvayed with so keen an eye tha fUd of ojir d.-nom ni tional operations, and detected with such aa-ra- c;ty the weak Doints in our BfJm N a i,. 1- . wVM.. ..W UAO JJiced abroad, and dwnror.l ; .L, j j iuivii,4 i lu rf 3 auu prac tices prevailing iu our churchc.a. Jm r air.ct their purity, and others impair the cf& i-ieuey or tiieir rclifftoua onpraiinn Ih l.OJ - ... I ..vww. W "Ken reiigiou out of the straight jacket, in whieh it has been heed, an' llnv,i r breath freely. He has brought it down from the stilts on which it has been made to hobble, and imparted to it a natural, and conseauentlv. a graceful, and nn offi Utartf Ar inn i A I - J man has discovered to his honor be it spoken ciait learn d men cannot supply the necessities of the'ehurch. It is evident that! by whoever elae men may ba priest-ridden, it wiircot bj by Francis Wayland. it win bo impossible (certainly, at least, to Rev From tbe Commission. Letter of Iter.M. T.Yates. J. B. Taylor : was not bortt'to terable things ; a name that die. He stands in .his generation like some rail nri4 m i .9 ! j . - . -"..m, u aiuia ana wastes iiftio" its ut:au dcur ueda to Me sses, sublime . irf itssolitarv rran. lltv :iaaf peach the 'wiidom and '-lead Cf cl-i- , ' '",t'.lwcr'ci;'i uaute t;or3 v i ' in2froni bia army 'all tho - - ... , nu.usu summit 13 brirTht urUK Ka beams of heaven, while upon all Jta base rest r r,r"w.3. 0I SaV Amid the lapse of aces. me wirpi Kings, and the ruin of empires, the imperishable name of the proscribed and exiled uero, sains ana sage of Providence, ' ".Among the faiihJess, lijSihfuf brdv be." ?1J t:ofTJbty,'embalma mortal fragrance and undying verdure v :Tho remarks tf Dr Wavland Tan.ttn. tk ministry merely as a profession; bis description ol tbe amateur Dreachnr 1ia ' wuivu ua rdminoa u that the detim. nf n.h is not simply to amuse or 'entertain a con gregation, but to save their souls, and thatjts r-.uf i j - ereiore 06 PUint earnest. laibutui uu t Piniuai. toorethfir tc Ann mrliftinna nA,. : ... . . r . . 1Vi w- joung ministers, can not, ne loo cioseiy studied or too highly appre'- Dn Wayland defends the nraetiftft nf 171 Si in distinction from the custom of reaJinn sermons; Bhovrmsr thafwhln i,.'mf,:.u- It K nrA -. nik a m m hrl J!l. J a ' .1 ; - U1D buuibmjh ior me latter practice to nnf WAotilnU .f tl-li- !i .a uwi. ucomiuiv ui: jivut... it is tno nffon cold as the moonbeams of a frostv nifrht.-; iv aamire tneir beauty,;, but are chilled - by their wiuucBs. vr one, tney picasa, they benumb.--.The deficiencies, of Theologieal Schools,, in reference to' the. wants of .the churches, Dr. VVaylaurl exposesHwith a masterly, but at the same time witb a tender; band,7;, Though never entertaining, all the confidence of some in the value of Theological Schools, I was not aware of the extent of their 'insufficiency to supply both in number and kind, the ministry which is necessary to mept lbe claims of the churches. It is indeed appalling .It may bemade a question,-while admitting Theological Schools have done good, whether-they have not also done bafnijin Tepressmz. in the ch arch. the ministry,; and , thus, diminishiEglinstead of increasing the amount' and efficiency ofevan g'cal effart. ; Jt is clear as . light,; we caiinot any candid and intelligent person) ;to read Dr Wayland's book, without bein nf h; enlarged and liberal" views, distinguished Teoua ly fot their comprehension their benevolence, cud theit practical character. Ho embraces fully and heartily the conttnion of the xootU as the object of her Founder, in the institution oi nis cuurcb; and be apprehends. Clearness, tne ;simpUv yet efficient msans by which this happy end: is to be attained. His book discloses. tha result, elaborated in the Fancui Huu cautious ; processes of an earnest ana inieiiectual mmd. It is evideutly the pro dactioa of a mind that has tboubt; and i bearf that has felt. Yea ; what is still bettcri we can. but believe. that Dr. Wayland is a road ol prayer f that b has learned to loot for all necaiui help to the'. Father cf lights and that in the reflections in which h Vi the interesu of the" Redeemer's kingdombe hasTeen endowed with wisdom 'from on bish i u . may oe aoubted wbether, in all the'prOduc tions of bis s genius by which be has entitled uracil w ine aamirauon and gratitude of maoi hndy Dr Wayland has written any thing more1 caltfulated to confer real and lasting benefit upon society, than this humble contribution to tne cause of evangebcal religion, j v Shanghai, Dec. 31, 1856. Vsrt Dear Brother : Your note to this "1,,,,ou aatea iew xork, Aug. 29, 1856. .c.u-u oj jast man. You desire Mcacb oje of us, at the close of the year, to give an expression of views as E past results, present V. ; . proepecu or our Mission at ouaugaai." 5A8T SESTL1S. WOuld that I were able to report such resulu -3 nuum uom enoourago and rouse the church- . . om auty requires me to speak the lan guage 0i History, rather than that of fancy, or enthusiasm. r- wuimuenceu operations in the city of ouaagiiai, me rtb or September, 1847, t the date of my arrival.) Rey. JMr. Tobcy joined me towards the close of tho month, and Rev. Mr. Shu:k during the month of October. The firt few years were devoted mainly to the ac quisition of tbe language of this people, a task the magnitude of which, no one who has not undertaken it can appreciate. Our attainment iu this department, as well as in general knowl edge of the Chinese character, &o., may be put down aa respectable. We have secured positions, and erected three dwelling houses, (two of which are at the North gate, jut without the city wall, the other a lit tle distance from the city, within the bounds of the foreign community,) and two chapels, or bouses of worship. Una of the latt-r h.. iug an aud.tory of 60 by 40 feet, ia within th ua m me most thronged part of th city. It is called "Suog-Way-Doug." thoothc with an auditory 19 1-2 by 35 teet, toethe wmu wjuooi room by 14 1 2t is near the ftortb gate Mission premises, and ii called jviaw-uong,",tlaIl for imparting religious in ..-v.Vu. iu aauuioa to these permanent pia, vwuicn,j mciuaing the Mission dwel o-i '--j ovS uviu m wuriu to me iJoard 5u,UU0 we nave tn our connection two rent - i -- .vumoiwu mr, am Mrs. vauaniss acnooi rooms, there is a preaching place in which Brother Cabanias bold stated services, i.ixewise tn Mr. and Mrs. Craw ford's school rooms, there is a preachinz place in whicb Brother Crawford -bold stated aerri. over tbe minds of this strange peop.e. Tley have, for some s inexplicable reaon, suddenly Kt connuenco , in the old , SpanUt dollar. vwu.bu ior .oraj years ats bad a fictitious value of some 30 per cent above its real value io sil ver.) so that iU present value, io native eoin. is about one third less than it was a few montha go. Subjoined you will see the averaged valu of the dollar for tine consecutive year.. " The rate of the dollar to day it 1180." Aboot one blf of tbe dollar in the market are reject ed ; and about half of those for only .about 80 cent. Tbu yoa see the reign ci tno old fcpamah dollar at Shanghai at an end. ; , is aaass cash.' 1848 1848 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 $1 4i tl' tt it ii u it it 1450 1503 1491 1450 1458 1527 1798 1789 1CG0 9114133 t 1570 average . of tbe whole. ' As fast as, from some. imaginary defect, tbey all, m value, below their weight In .tl .u.l are converted into ingots, or bar wlver-lbe only form in which silver bmedaia curren cy : and in this reirion it i ; t only in Urge transactions. Meanwhile, the people are beginning to bavo more confidence id the Mexican dollar. It pnsse. now mocb more readily than tbe old 5?r.n;. . tl. only for about 50 cents, (equ.I 939 cash,') tbe best Spanish dollar being considered lb. ..! ard. trom tbene fact, you can readHr ... bow our operation., all in .mall payments. wUl bo affected by thia criaia. It Z !. ' 7 ' u.J .i r... i. . "i ncr, dm "m",lUD CUWfc w onZ down exchan-e on Enr. rt'TUBE PB0PECT. ivi.. r ?ur PWecU of .access io the fa. nrMkidn v r.. r-t irora it, n cevct ofuch a tling, ontil be saw it in the V'Oao that Knows" .-in. tnm. rJ Uit five years. .. lis say that Rey. A. n. IV Tould oaxe.lbt Impression thaT.Jbtr ttvar ' bad been a revival in tbe eborch, cntH lUcr Jiccs wert so!iqiUd,"Ae. ;,Tb ReTr A. 0. B., denies that ba would mV. - j av Ibcragbt- -stUcU cf . trM could see that we were only priog tbat history of a limited period cf the tSurcb, and' were not required, a it tr fact that existed previous to that lime.' 'Oner that JCnows" bas become v,Ue indeed,' lo -pVbliab what tl man 4 oold d;fort Jus aoughu were exm-. crived., . Ue I Lews, and if La Jonl knor IC we can prove it to lia by a camber cf rtent.witoceattbst ibere sraa no rtviral ia ibo churcb, when tbe .; Rav. AI D. B. look: ebargeofit; asd a revirl,did commence tbera ; that yea, apd thra bas beca a . revival et ery year in; therefore it was lbe WiorW 0f. rcviraL . ',-". ";. . v - One tbat'Know. next inquires lT we did not tefl bow many eonverU there were at tbe n,eeUo.!ast. fall, cr bow we .cam. to -bapttii forty-.it sad without. waiting lo bear our reaaoos, proeeed- to give ' tbera, -ol bis own'.' manufacture. W d publiab a nolle, of the ' meeting referred to,, and the ndmbcr cfcotK. rertsj and, the number LspOtcd dafinr tbei " meeting . . (Tbe meeting at ML Gilead tad been published by some one.) Bat tbe hd, bcr baptued at lletbed duriair tv. a., j been publiabed, Junes we said tbat fwrty.Ix ccs. i snail not attempt to give you an idea o the amount of labor, in the wav of t.MiMn., and teaching, that baa been performed in tbese' cuapcis, preacniag places and school rooms. ve manage to keep a daily service dorin the wctit, anu iwicoiou tno 2saD0ath,at "Sung Way-Done four trreat central rvinf f .1 r - fw.wv vi iu1 ana no aDnrenenas. with enul on the abbath at each of thn ml... 1 i. . -i , " , - . - v w v. 1UI Lu Nia The independence and njagnanimity of.Dr it nmctt i wouia ne as impos sible not to see, as not to' admire, f He speaks his sentiments (freely and boldly.1 He is evU uMjr me.iajB woo iias nothing to' conceaL HYtertains no opinions-which be is afraidl or Earned to declare. He stands', up, a bold antagonist against errors threatening the purity of religion 'and the prbsperityof bur churches, rr.-. w ,ur6iucu repuiauon in ine ao viuu-wnvai rciiaiua. T r ie it - ia inmi: rable to see 'bow free this man of stern and nnl compromising principle; is from all asperity of temper. ? jA;spirit , of genial -kindness breathe in i every page of bis book. -.f V 74 iJot the crowning beauty and excellpnoy of Dr. Wayland's book.' is t anirii kr mimiZtl Tbe solicitude be manifests . for the interests of religion, the: honor of Christ - and ih nr?f with which be. Dronounds bis kmdnd affectionate' manner -in which be aSl; lates with Vis brethren, must exalt himWtbeir estimation and endear : him to their beaftsT l bave long esteemed and "admired Dr.1 Wayland as both a mat "and food man V KtiffcTa --; ter never' shene before with'so amiable a lustrei in comparison with the rraca which Chrt K given him. , be the banov caftTint! hnnorAri uml aMi .j....; p i . 1 trust to st,hrm fnr hi umn W bt. ..J m.':.i t... ,.v omuiucuw, u- u ; TT- 7 rrv "w f4! ,iUB u wero cut a email ' matter to suffr th a. hh expectations of many. to isayeot been; realized. -I tlii, as m to??rnany other cases,- we. have be- mercy, to churches send them nin? V come unmindful of a truth, which indeed we puritans. ' V -v . ,Eacb are too prona toforget, but of which God.wm;-.I.knownotwhafr5y-W 1 ".. otfs, ana aoout twice during the week.. These several services, together wKb the superintend dance of our schools, may be regarded as tha icBuie.r luuora.. . ( e preacn, j sappuse, on an .v.o, .v uvut iuvumdu persons per mm wusii icBuiu eternity alone will re veal. It.would be' as unfair to esjtimlto the rc- uu 01 our iaDor, Dy our present membership, as to' estimate, a crop by the first ripening ears. We havo received in all, by baptism, nine lucuioera, ouo 01 wnom is no more, three (the first three, Vhave been excluded - At ktJ ent wo have fivf native members, two males na three temaics, in fall fellowship. These appear, to e. true lovers of the Saviour, and greatly encourage our bearta.' , The undevelop ed results pf our efjforts are Wvond our corn-pa- uua.-. ji cannot do acmca, that tbe great uiaaswvine peopio m mis region have not only ut my guspci im mey snow many of its im portant truths, but many have been brought more or less, under its influence- Many havo been made to feehhat their objects, of worship are false Goda : while others adniit trn religion-of Christ U true, but they jhavVno heart, to ' attend to its demands no w j ' besides, thereare many difSeolties in the way of the Chirieso". embracing Christianity." I proposo Mj.uc&.t iuui 10 uynce tome 01 luesediaicuiues. 1 be present position of our Mission baa rn somewhat anticipated by the foreiroin? remart. AsMt will'appear we are comforuWy boused. v vut ui KurBnin. I nm n nrriA rw . , , . . - -1 r, v'w v. nuiu uuuu r more corumoaiouj, or more eli gibly situated. We are all able to'.preach, and our preachin? services' "are woll fttni,i' r- day schools, six in number, aire well attended. We shall, however,', have to wait some years before wo can. hope tdsee much result from this experiment in schools. ' Indeed, owing to the deranged state of the currency of this rlarV inconsequence of which, the Value of tbe dol lar, in native coin.1 hu 'denreciatAa abnnt . third, we are on the eve of disbanding two "or three of.our schools. 'And it is not at all im. probatla that-We shall ba under the of retrenching m other quarters.'"-. J,,Tho present position of the currency at this port is likely; to cause, both-the Board and ourselves personalty, no littlo embarrassment. And es the pfesent is the beginning of, trou ble, It may cot be inapprorTiatO to'pive Vou ".-. - ; . - o . iaca cs to ti.3 working ci a forei" some n coin ra CLisa, cr-ratber it Shac-bcr.' Oar allow- an:e; as well as tla appropriation for onr" Mis One that lno .1... T'r;.. Methodist revival at 5It. GUead. '.Sach.bow-"i ever, Is not tbe fact t for t,.M ..v .v- church book and counted ib r..m---r tboso who professed bs 'im4-.. .v.. ' revival, and found that n.itbeir tbrce foartb. r;. r .1 . , .. "j-ix; were th. Mys, tbat U be wew to mj that tha whole rorty-aix weroprertc4.JLhronga; Method lofiaenoer would not be fax wrong . How " ojcb influence the Methodist exerted la their " wnveraion w. W uot; but we do kn'ow'that' tb4 Baptist brethrpa attended and aasUtcd ia - og .tbe meeting ; tbev'alao' aidd ia V nd pvaymj and Dcrncadin tU tA - tbir soul'a aalrkfirtn . - . t . , He faith, who ba taken nft;:;r:T.J 0 5 iT . nJ do "w that lalfcf tiQae b ?rtTn self in regard to the nalaTf.TMl 5fS!l " . ciHiP 7"" e"J uiscourajred bv tnn. . I J e xi ditbcull in tbe 1 1 tie man prophecy, vu w oor work through tha uUZ rua?-ilu bad icljenee (k tay le;. thereto. wr,nM .I V. w T v of the promises relatin much to encourage him Tn our present a sm, WOQld eci posiuon in tbs-eonrersioa uaet&at Kno-n m ... - ox. those converts., .': at Shanghai. In the word of ffcTwffirU IT"? ( more clearly indicated than the unirenireiim 5?. powtrf.fcflc oi Lorist. ,iq ira all Dalian ahkll e converted: - ed " The heathen .ball Urfrii i t bim U Kno,r" te'rrttay nrt-V winicrittnee.". "Tb p.pS!IVi? I? , J5.r?S tayinz-that four af E i.JS.- the knowledge of -1 thaTar. Zer TT1 MetbcdutaT y tbesea. The mounter ,ll Vf!Ter ! kxt tairlcca fnfora .haUbotablUhedonthV .-.,, uv4 mil nauoni shall &nw t. l " Jv wwb aaia aav lhin w WV lb. A . I . . ' "l" Christ, bav ngopeoed the.way. and appibted ""P nor; flan four ... the means of accomplirbing these gloriwVendV, 5' yf,?? JT? "-One tlat. ere be left bij abode of suffering, delivered LV Boif ia"cct In bia other I' bis Church the injunction, memorable for be: r apeoircct ia these ; and log bis last command, Cfo ye - into aU Yu Vt" U" tchx9 Btkorifj'M tli. wriur.'; tcorldand preach the r,i !. " f' tt correctness of our taUmr.. Ud. ai It WrtnM r . those Who WOnld .bn'n V 1. . . ..vu aucu unaertaa- i ids. be uttered trimt ?. Kcowa i a wJA vo alma' . i J . .. i uuiu luq tsnn n r iuo wona." i puyuaaca tuat , which be1 l&f ,ftii.:r.- -jou,-protessmg -to know iu . If fc did kna vC w vbu command, aom f n more It an ten .- i.. . . --,r-v, ua lh of .u.-r. tt:v." vur oraM w sti?menta u- "V ' y w cerUined jjiaicuiiv. ftii i. Uken our position a mo tu 'V uea pcsitiona, we late, tor .years, been pub- brother' ishing the word of rcconcilatioa to teiiTf lwottef.,.V: i . f.T Jef'. Ibo New Testament Bort.tbaB bu bro axsirtions, as satufactorr 1' ir7?:lbi--- Q1r - One: . that j 4- cither knew Lheaa i.?rf-. -. v'l jr-t' of k, iv r 7V . BO anew mea, be r . wMawW WO I QSty 0f kooww-ly making f!.. yccupying eithtr position U ftrtJ' I tin a had 1 1 " ,, . r.wwwitB J e it Quia . id do weU. to cast tho W.cmV cf bis owa Vt V npts to cast th. moto out cf bis V . . hi. t... ..i ) i'.. . . wkiueuk .. - Z .I , J 3 , 9: f,DSe of lb" peo-L - llw ,M wTt. wfll perctir. tbat . ' ,. - o.a ui nousaods of Oac rnT dws BtTTta, if- we suonrea tha rl r . .' i . . . rr , , w itu, wenuon. Si AmllftftAAj IL . m . iu u ai:Ki . n aip t a r. w vuiMciiiiMiirni rr em a r . a. aaid.rrA Y-..v?'-?.vaBUSc Tel .. 7 "J or mis time.' ...' . . . 4 ' no conacr tnat.undflr th serve as a plcdg, pf triumph, S tho worf ts prosccded wfo vigor and b faith. : V . And yet tbe oninion Frtm tie America a lfrr-- Tbe eras of our Toutb 1 - TTw tT it .T'v remembrance, even if C.cA t.j.., sak.. blotted them cat. v 4 ' I bad been tnb Wn c.tv.it. t. Uft : Aft v. i. i" , ; ,Skl U1BI m i n I . I tmi V t . ojodr.eTcrylher. trttied in vain, bs pointed ?' tojao-eard, VTboa God see i T oerarselawir. ;te'ed iia been: vet the omnirm RMtJ. ' . ri.-f. . r-"-"'iwju terwa our. teis, inat our mission baa . aili JUUtureiruJ,ni - mads .rr fn,r,: rT-. "c - jostico to the SUDDOrtef f " hmW" cTv'r ..M -ooortU aatl,. ' V ' r:r . wu"wi teacher, yoa are pro- views and f-lirV: . , , wc,klu al "ft :";" pcrnaarnt roo3 itnprtsr;oa. - !S ? n "f.S8. totimated above, towards en whea cost tempted to y. "J aa dor- - their .fellow laborers abmrl i:.' )iii,u-i .aaacoi , be Jaunted, that in a wwk of akV.t.l InT - . MA... . " . ... . ' " - I - K..r Q weu for awhU., ..."UCAL.LosoETiTr. Uall Jocmil r falln tnij ik. u i V Vi ! VMicr uaTeiy. "-4t- Bi.ngaiy eierrynea wto. rauea into the "slough of despood' whUeotb. d.. ia the rear lS55.one ba!f Lad tZIa score and tea. thus- cocdcg tlccr-.a. sUtuUcuns that theologians are tie l'-. tneabcrs cf tbe b-ama P I a . . k mm I . . i ... a . . . a . - 1.1 - - - " .nuj. mi c iccureir inn f in u . i uirrn urnr. anifitn f . r . . - v. .u . mjcfl ik z-. v . r wr. . . - w tun ni hit .ri.t.ni iv .. .L t . . a ... 1 : J - ..1 . o uicn an ins disposed to charge ui with ineGcienoy, or yield to . feelings of cefpondeaoj becauss a rreat namber of cenvcsions has not been rn oox to.the prophecies; the commands.-and th. promises of God's word, in relation to ths evangelization of .the world, as a son f ,n. couragemcnt as well as a motive to actioa. Th. commaad h to -go." No cncoursgemenl is held out to those. who tslt by the wayf but we are assured that wo "ahall reap if we faint UUI- - iiencc. taonth w.v r.i!t .... . ' . O " " " kU i t ingje case of conversion,-. wa encouragement, in severing ciijrt in family. are not report a not witLoat dono the bett foundation cf hisi in . the Xord of God, fcr rre his rfcat work.- We have we could, v'xahhty We havB- lail the snpenlructcre ; and , r Gfc'bocccgh as.1 tv . - 5a ccoottaued bttreca ivaiago. - -I.-'"- - .... - " . . , . , MB.'?,AtT- Tbe. Ilcv. r. ir. Chtrsa.' a talented Lnivr!iM prraeWr, rko aow iKtirtg. a tKlary cf f.rt thootaod ioUt froiu JLU rrrr. iJor. in L?rodvrar, , M d to y Ws j3TlVr3 , use cb.re ct a co:.f 111.00 ia CL:cr3, l.cc-i. t a taUry of ten tLouaf,J di!:tr. - MutuxTEorrtta. TleIr.J,'ar.s' lee c-- wtie rawcffJ at L' - L.r.i M vcttraf .t a..,;:,i Lflrrfa tU trt. M l i r.at is no mean part of any work of importance.

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