V "X Y "WHltt!M'l,,,'rBF' a-apcri - - . v 1 1 r ; - - -V i' : . " r ; . J i j ' . i - -I - f . i 4 " ? u-UTTITKi cr.-.h'-i - f V V - -i Iv. 'y " ; ' .1 i . '7.-T.7I7 717 7Vf il r V.w,. c'H x7777a7j ; 1 1 i TJvl C7'" I: 7.' . r ,.-.,'" f k ? - i . '' 1 - - .. -, . - - i 1-T . "f '' f - '.''i-lr-a - . r V' fjllltKRTlSEaCSTS, Tor tl Rcwer.:.v' rtlofcftisi: Setts A'alpst tL 4 - i iVno rroctrJ with 7.'. FwwtKttmlner 4 Matt, xtl.6 si ; they u "taA a 1 ; This jr-aaji coet r.atr. 1 tf. AjK ir.to consU fj Ut two "ITonrO - It l. tl ft 4 number of ctr r4r& , y - ciL.4es. , . - I . . W r t 24, .uva rf over tU ciuVi of la ".w.vvct! iu an on lo tht c at u rc aipSfte m )Sn tiHi's e n c&j SV ', 'V. t r.; ( TtTO Dollars per AnuuVi ia'AtZvi BUM th Thej httaSta the destruction ur.J.T.n. -.-j e great political and mora!" convulaioni WhlAk kit ..'' the other raS,a to wMcfi I fore itferre? dul ccrtamlr refer In t,.f ,v. nlj. ins Dnn: v( o, prophetic pTanat6n ia ta both cai 0 VUU1 WA ral ah4 second com propheUc u wgt-.bjr commot OH fes!ament on a , larger '8calira?Fned to tha type, proporl anj h u i " foclc,'aH raised tpnin v lire Cohanfi'Ap., . ' r13 Tha' same vn. 271, aayar. -He wLj . oo fa) the waters, r ii:omenoa) t turret v U iUea pantacothen) 1 U 1 4. i Basil the Great, Cesarev oni theIIolj ay?t ,V Imitating the wptiam. (fapf iVmafo ;) tb9se ;zci (6afjV. rhuried in (taj:L Conaat'e Ap. 70 -j i ;J5.Xhrjostomf A.' 1 ponstantinople, Coa ;: cow$e'40,'!.8ayii ,fcl'or r m newness of 'ructloa''Vpl bun. m (rniuf crilalletai) on .ec.7 .Cohant'i Vl i 4i i 370, Elsopf -t, ch.; .15 35, f Christ byfjthe too 'bodies, of n) 'are ' as M the water.-- .,zfu X rAtriarch of n I Cor, J)i?- then to 'A of .the de- f th is heaven 1, not cnljc- feel the di rsate, bu I breathe the ; ambrosial air of - ; v ir I nut die d Jie 1 mtt ; , " --Kit eon kind seraph come.- -'i ' mTIOLE -KO. 1287 ,My I bat hv 4 view, -4 K' f V j 'UThougV Jordan should oerfow ita tanks. : i i ' boldly renture thnnrh " , ' f I The First Eiea;'14P' .uf it and to kit.- ThiC'tiJe JM. UMjUM.ortt AJaif vhatwork bTe we set ourselTet ho pon-instead ! IIoW T w Tge4 th garderv instead of.kept itfsedm ourar-horses with;4its flowers, and eplintetingits'trees into'spesr shafts I " ' Ana ai toe ast. flammc twora. 1m 3 7 an-' re t!:"As?'. rifn nyTo e?q we ctQDpt .bat Inquire with li! icitudt'wbtth er, ita commtSKica does cot extend to' anoth er world v and thougj an aCLnnatiTe answer may shock the ear of guiX it wiH make ihe heart f virtue beat high with" delightful an ticipationsi ,;J - -t ..-4 -. ,, . s' , ; Een thiaaligU raferrnce to some of the powers ol Uie ham an soul, - slows "that it is amaze cf wonders. "What is there ia the bolder flights of. imagination to compare with it? 5 Here then, thm 1, ( rm 'r I -, '. 1 - Icr the r.ecorderj ' Utile SiUIe bl LzTUstltw Bro. James teed yen the fHowiar senrersatioa that took plaas reercay between 1 uiue ca-.ie nne years e4i 1 and her mother, ! which I hope you rU prb:Uh:fc . fck ; , I" - S. Mamma; ain't they,that rrint the Bt- T lies good chrkiaa men? , . " 'T ".','.17 j ill. Very wicked cea ciar pnntVe Bi- ! ble, fajj dear; bat it was at xst written by J can-una enough to feed ius West lore of L xtr A L -the new &d u, wonderful without the aid nPlelVdoxhiytnat B2te3 M!f. ; of romance.'. TV'jU. Tr.v-S. a . jOdiat Bibles too? r n ." 7 . :! ,1 - , , 11 ; ' M. No. dear, the BILIm am !1 .lit. . 1 5 a' Pjeachfng is bo' instn;ciiT aa"doctin. al preaching, by reason of the1 fertHlty ; it gives to Ihe preacheraowa mini. . Mind is very ench as its oHpcU cf thon-ht. If a S.- Mamma.' vrhen amnl-AanI tibi "hmr Bible to read it,:doet ahe read where Philip went down into the water and came up out of the. water?. t .t,.: i , -Yes, it reads ia ber . BiUe itrsi as' it s 13 rr.r.e. -. . Torfe Vut m theory of church orsraaiV Baptist I and eottstitutes One of the fUt' featnv ; between th;,; Jewish. to and thej Christian chdrcbl It tth MirtiW hule mirtioawto see that the ntaay of til Gospelldmicl destroys ill M Wantity wjHwrd to exist brtwert it ui die Jewish uUilment.; But 5 still jdpHstt are puipvil lis rderltatsMf l ikir l6n Bf ptism, to 1 asome the (fcatifjrpf ihe fortaer wrthph Ia4ter7l b3 is tler - own ;words, iheir argn fsMt. fey which ty atteoipt to engraft Ju ausa.ipiHi te Gospel. -Here it is: -fAb4 liui and his seetl,re divine! conf.itnted itroe Tisihle chBrch of God. The Jew uksxiety before CJmst, and the Christian Mcietf ai'ter Christ, are one and the same ciurclii iu diflVrei t dispensations. ; . Jew- iua ciniootciVioa before Qiruti and. (J1fistin ihtptiam after ChrfU, are me and the same li tfioasMn direuttorni. .Such is the jsv platform bo.lt for the sopport of Ijn tat bap6sas..-'JIt cpatains twa abeordttie ae'of whtch shal be exhibited ia this num- If litis theory I true, It is evident tKat jU roirai loth Jojaistpand Chriuiaaity-U that w, the whole fparaphanalia of Judaism frg&ee wWtlw htea n'd Jcfnoe4 of the Christian ay stein f to make oiie.ch urch.,This u the oury ratioaa construction that be jpat spin the PedbaptUC doctrine, "sindl it;i rW ttat their teaching and,; the ; Xew Te aateot are as wid apart as the poles. lBut k us lik iat Uif matter la.. little further. Iflhe Jeariih chnsch and the! Gospel church Js ide niical, it Wbws thai" Chnatj and the itpostlf did not fiitild a church ia Uie da s F,"ut (" becau the Jewwa church wu eslabrb.Wd In tW faouly. f ;.Aoirabi's jentariesl-fore the advent of ClirisUhia Ving the case- dii church was already erec W :ieerpmt;ca 'the worlit Sii ruu hwoiddl 'M'twrei Suilt "it anew. Jet sbar thefippaa and Apoden ;wstioa -iOafe say -vl B!ioI,T Uy ' Jam for a fouLlatioa, a mtooc, tried Jne, a precM clruer etone a aur fownda Jw : he that WlieWtb shalliwt toake hasted J-8' 16- In (he days of tb Rmnari r "rl , w Kings, accurdiurto 16. In (he or of iu klnr, -m 1 . ' 1 .. - 1 O W peaoiiaect to up ,kioduifc "In .pe day God uf heawit art npin -.CertaSilr .tticoohl Jibw.tKo jwiah, arthat hld been.et op boikMs f jears prevwasj to this prophecy. Xbe Pi ..-Ws refer dirrtiW to fr ignMiiradrtdi Jfw Wbrt Jt J T. i ..vfv ana my iue pro Jjof- OieG.Hir-.l (church afyet tv bo laid. l d;n M .Alraiaro. Lttnk be fenf Hstofihe pr iffff'l Thlalangtaage Waiiit i Mt,, i?,d " in .oa on wblcf. ! Erf i ..witnuj was;thenrio,wmfnence 1 Jfo, t JVH?vVpeakopitive H .y buili ? Dors lW ui !i SjJorM' with a Mpiorrii ' pltT Pedubaptis affe VH'ef corner stonwrre tij, Wrtf nd Ae Apostles UielaanOal OTUUharchn SuJt,r,,?,t on of the .?,,h- rhihme4rw w "e are mm TUurThe driven rin contending GodlTheBaViotardei i and nronheta were was , v r u f uen press into it. 1 'ffer'Fr ? ,tU ittrouct.on df an--,BJ hob, , s outTeacVwhouhath I waV?? broken drown the Nl4ieiifcpaIt,t?oil tw w f having W ,n hJ? flH tl!e enmitri even th! N't arVt $ W ' himseinor 1WAD ie IWAIX ingf peace -land that 0T t'XTO Go IX oxi rV'W'ia the enmity grl.V-4 tew mat? ' ii,Sraad association brcharch. ! iipictiw W?nsation: crens with i f ft. . .Jince; . opens titut-a bcaven new 13 tt e the church j W Posed bf bpliin r . - 1 nrted as one body b '. t-v. Vm More anAn ' ' ' -v'a irmr. a ; ITl ' V ' " " "hst ar O" - ' ' 1 SVOwcd in f; del aars : ... . the d'rfct rc-1 Bp ' atllr t r,y ? "rn.- P3 w I! " rtr r T7 --t cr a rfnl t.V tft to t f -1- c - - - T V. h- 1? ii r t tuejti sea the of Man,iilf hcaren-.an.1 ti,.-.. V.n Son of Man cnmitU ? i, . 1 . . . . . ,. - --r""o c vufuos oi neavert StttXiik Tr V? T,Min8P .ah that learful siketeh of Ue process 0f the final judgment, i-ow airthese, cuo mtmlr th. am, iiiScultr : 'whiter " " in air. 1 rfv .u h: til JBvrTl I.J hidiK , a ' : . . mostdccidedlf t6'ref.-r thwnuti.; one. a. t; O : . .1 . . . . ryw, vcvnacominff.l,Pn(t! 3 SfuT ,!a, tha of his ath- shall act noon ,the tWn. .:.. when, in-his own solemn BMritim; they; "shall see the Sou of Man Mug vie ngni nana of power, and com mg m -Ot clouds of- hearea when; Wsaid jti'Sr dWpH- "this tame 1 toom ir ta3t manner; as ye have ai bim p into heavenr when tha Lord Jesca shall be rerealed fram hearen with his snightangels, in flaming firii takin verb Wee,1? &c If there could be any possible cttufet about the, refereace of the passage on ill a? Prticularly com ra eating-1 it wouM be dissipateiiy that immediately pre-cediaff-J'or the Sonrnl fA .l,.1i Lii the &fr ht? Father, with his angels? and ,c jcwiw everv man accord n 9-ia kw works.1 r It can admit no doubt that this an an ouier passages relate to the Paroosia, aad teach, or aeem to teach, the speedy com, rag of the Son of Man. a So familiar has this language become, that the dying thief praya the Lord to remember him when he cometh ra his kingdom The erroneous ren WOff oC ourrersibn; finia thy kiagdomv obscurea, ivdoea not materially chaige, the meaning. .Tha diScuttyjrt relation to 'them alL dL appears with the recognition 'cf tha priaciple which l - hare endeavored . to iljaatra'te, that yfvpiiccy oiieu applies the language which strictly belongs only to the. final and con sumraaUng event, to other events which, oaf Uauy 'smtkipated and aymbolized it,' .AVitb but. bearing this in mind, we are !f ia wan dering naaxea. lost" m our explication of IIe orew propiiecy. ine rest of the heaTenly Canaan I .ad ! its partial realization; and coun terpart iri that of the earthly Canaan, i The predictiau f the durability and clorv of Ihe j-reignof ihe Son "of Daid, link themselves wnmronwir to uie eign. oieoiomonj f The giowitig.vioits ot the tuture tnompb and glory of th spiritual "ixrael,- stand conoected witli the, return'of the tefn&orarisrael.from UtoBabyioniaa '-exite.1 And' this character of iivrophecy iliaratotiizea with the whole cJiaracter and economy of Sen ptu re. The whole Old Testament dispensation was a typical otte Sacrifices- kadexpiations," the Uluod oilbullj and of goats which could ner- er take away sinpaJmnbrated the great and effident iaacriEce, yet with ino present Inti matioa . that ibesre w ra not efficacious ' in UiemseivleSL UWhero whole system ia typ ical, and but shadow '-of good -things to come, we cannot won Jr tliat thel prophecy which formed a prt of . it should have its typieal, iu aixcsslve atges offalfillment'- To ignore or deny tin's doctrine of a doable and often, a triple fenao in 'prophecy, isi to ignore tha whole structure of the Old Testa ment economy ia to judge : of a part :on principles totally . diverse? from those which regulate the. whole. - f1 tjr :'1 - i Vfheao ' passages of ; tha New Testameni,' tiien, refer to tiia second coming of Christ, and represent it as hear at tiand7 and In lan guage which produced th conviction in the early chnrcb. that it ?a near" at hand, bat which the Spirit .wlu dictated it intended then, to ,falll only aymbolically In other words, the eventful, most siicaTTt and aw ful. acenea connected witb the t downfall of Jernsalrtn, were seized cpon'aa a fitting1 sy mboLnader which to portray the triampha and,i.he terrors of th' Last Day, and thus, as in many times preceding; the expectations of the church . were disappointed by' that pa tience of God which io sorely tries the reck jess and confident- eagerness of man. The typical event, however,' to wbichrlmmediate reference a,had in the passage before tis, is, perhaps, matter of some doubt.; By tiany recent interpreteta, if isreferred to the de-struction-cf jjerustletn, and the setting op of Christ's ki?o On Xheirutaslof the Jewish polity j:;by others sChrys6stotn;:the transfigurniictt of CjirkVaneyenthichjjiil eacli of thos Qospels that record that scene, follows tin laedi A tely upon the".declaraUdn. How1 importsat wai tiiia arent how power ful aftd, J3stic ; Its impression oa those who witnessed it, is showu by2eferchapterju; where tho Apostles appeals" to f Jthis very event Li proof that. they-had not ' fallowed cunningly devbed fables in making ;known the power artd com:? (the tzcovd coming in lovrer and g'ory) toI the Lrd Jes'is Chn-t,' tui were "eye-witnessca - of his maj;.iy.w ' Turn to tl.it iaiv'and weih ccrcf-Iiy its .z:Z', Ht'-3 power and eye-wili. :::cj of In rsp.J:sty ccivtJ frcii. Cod the F.Ln-r !. r," -id it Tt manifest th.t Fctr rc .rJs .!... j f,,Yt' an.l a:i assurance of f e: 1 r. Clrist' "He or and a 1 'a -mi-, T...1!. 1 t.ed and incline ration to. the viS10n vouchsafed 4o the favor- A ihre? tt SJ-0?"1:0 Tranafigurationl Apart from the' nther reasons for it the uv.wm one seems to point to a cry smaii an select "number ' r d r t v, :- ha Religious Herald.- Mage:f EipUdzoo .kisd a$ Eqt:ifi. MEssas, Eniroas :mHe reading life Ij Br. Conant treatW oa .-Thr meaoinl vision -of Matthew; I have collated the fol bwmexampres of words and phraseawita which laidzoo and iu compounda'aad de nvatires ara used as equivalent, or by war Of raraphrase,1by Greek writers. :ifoptng that they may Jbe interesting and useful U some, who either have not seen DrC Cvnant's work, or have inot lif! tfiA;ii --: !j ' . e.A KLLrEiiiiiii 11 t mil uuapart or jt, 1, venture to ask jeuto pulhsh them.! - - - , :A -1 li- Cyrill Biahoo of Jn1m A T m nta Qiriifcfan TnitifttiAn " !'! After thse things,,. were led, bv the hand to the sacred font of the divine Upturn baptxmaioi) afc Christ from the cross to the' areparea HomhS And eeurA was asked, if he btluve in the Wrte or tlfelFather, an4 of tha Son,T and of thaHolv pTofrssed tlie. iating profession and 4unk aovn waauctt) thnce into the' water." and again came up 1 Conanfa Appendix, p. 60. PolIWuK. 205 jears' before Christ, History, B; 5; ch. 47 i V Speaking of ca ralry sent to attack the enemy in a position where he was protected by marshes, be says ' Who, by themselves, lapfued and Anting (Mptidx&rMMikaiiztajututnUs) many of them perished" , Conaht't An. p" 2 3. ireliodoras.A. B.5 390 " BishoV" of TiieeV Jiliioptci, B.: 5, ch. S. - Speaking of pirates who were anable to manage a ves sel in a storm, says : And lecoMtnt lajh tized nrf teaf liuU ' of tinking, -baptidzomenoi la i kataduna tnikron apoleip. ontoon.) Canant's Ap. ptlZ ;5 .. . ?-.. .A .t , . . : - iL " .piuo ui iamagetus, attributed to Hippocrates.- Shall I not langh' at htm. wha having baptized (.Mwa Ins slip with too much merchandise," then blaroeshe sea for having )engulfed it?- (loaen Conantfa Appendix-15, Bonn'eganfs Lexicon, 1st Arnerv Edr aaya hCbutkidz6o haa the same sense, as lap idzoa and refers to He liodorusas authority. "7 1 -.- Bwdorua, Wore Christ . 30. Hist B. 15, ch. 8CL ; In ; his -account bf Timoleon'a defeat ot the Carthaginian army, aaya: iTbe rjrer baptized (ebaptidz) many, and destroy, ed them t Idiephtkein attemptinff to awim through, wiUt . tb,eir, armor. Conant'a Ap J 6. Tbe same work, B 1, ch-36. Bescrib ing lheSectaof ha jnandatioa of the Nile, he aays : " Most of tha -wild land animals ara surrounded by the stream, and perish being baptized, (dutphtheintoi baptidzomena.) Conant'a Ap pL 5. a f t ; 4 . - T. Josephus,A. B;'37, Jewish AntiqmV He i. o, cn,.u,r jfar. 3. describing tha muraer oi: tne ,ooy,' Amtobulus,1 who, by Herod's command, "was drowned ia a swimming-bath, ha says : e,1 Continually pressing uww7 um,, yuptmng mm oarountt3 ka pap tidzontes) whilei. swimmmir. as if in snort they did not desist, 4ill they ; had entirely .i,Tv.nft i;m r--a , 8. r Strabbi beCure Christ BO, Geography B. 12, ch 6, f; V speaking of the 4aker.Tatta, which; he calls a natural salt-pi says;s 'The water solidifies ao readily around everything that is 5 baptized baptisthenti) Into .it, that they araw up salt crowns when they lei down Sjcauumt a.arcia 01 race, v (Sonant Ap P. iU.t i j. .it Ui, A.-1). 1 w 4 o, Archbish cp of Achnda, on KiLak ch. 1, wiys : For on laptisn (em beptim) ispoken!; as alaoona faith, bt?causa pf th doctrihd resDtct- "7 We initiation. lin which has been taught to&ptize Uaptidzein) irith , . the invocation of . the Trinity'and to " i7it resurrection, by the threefold jmifly'?ou (Jtafaiastf, P 7 a. . l-.-'v ...: .-v V, :.- tZV.i. h. Ur . Vnkn the Act ch,J, 5, says: I lie who is baptizedJaptidzomenos int. ter, oafufiy Me j vhoU body (O7on to aoiiia trechoon,) while b who simply recelres wa . uuk Trnouy wetted on all places."- Co nanYa Ap.. p, iLm H m U- ih.The aamoo Matt.3,'n f.IHa trtH wiii uvernow uafdAffiweil yoo nnaparinglywith the, graces of the Spirit." Oonauta Ap., p.' 7or; : In the same sense we spean of overuowmg animal apirits.1 of tover flowing plenty, &9t&&u.&d rnVi tate;thatbe has carefully mun oia quotauons, by reference to the opginal authorities,' tad refer to them, gtTWg thechapter.section.,fcaf-Rn1 ;t?n . kJ Pindar, befarp Christ 525, Odea 1 7a 80, comparing himself to a cork of .the fish er's nev floating at the top, while the other parta of thef tackle, are in the . depth below, JETor as when the rest of the tackle i3 toil ing deep.ia tha i sea, so 7, as a cork above, the net, m: Miibaptiztd (abaptistos) in ; the brine."- Conant'a Ap y:2Q. This exam ple shows that immersion is necessary to ihe meaning of baptism, and that sprinkling' or the applrcaUori ef ' water m any other war. is oat ofhe v&tibTi'-; ,10. and I U rolvbua, tbefora; ChrisOOS. Jlist IJ. 35, ch.-3, 7r describing th manner Of taking the eword-fish, with aa iron-headed spear, he saya: fAnd even if the epear falls into the sea, it is not jost for it Is compact ed ofboth oak and pine, 10 that when the oaken part is lapiiz baptidzamenoi).bf the weight the rest t$ buoyed up and is easily recovered. , Conant'a Ap., p. 3.. .Thi ex ample, shows that wheayjar of an fcbiect is said to . be bapthtod the word is applied to re- 1. U.ke i flv.'l C. l'ie r.arratlr ' T tLa jcr.d 7 - -rc n cf tl.s tcc-.a cor: ary ci x t-v. .1 r- L..3 i 1 r on .. . 1 . ;,r rrVcfl tAai part onhj aad tha rent of the object is exrrejsly-excepted from its application T.In a word an oHect is baptized, just to far as it is irjrjerseo, ana'B0xiariner. t4 tjo jfoiyts, Histj'B. 3, ch, 7?,r4, Epeaking of the pas page, of kaoarmyv- through: a swollen river, says; ' They; passed :lhroujK ; (ittSataaa) with diucuhjj the foot.soldicrsiii (Jap tilzommoi) as far as to ihs Ireasis." Co i-nt's Ap.r p.-3. ' Tb?y p::::i tbcrh the .-.-tsr f to ths LrcsctVtsd -r tley. ara r-u3 t? be bsti-d, ar. M f-i!.:r. : 12.. CyrilC Eishc: cf Jeru:!; :I--trnc:.;n 3,-..on-Capt!s3L...l a A. B. "Fcr ..cr. 3 cf !3 L:.l their 1: th;:: t'.-i- - ll:ra r 3. Jc--:3 -..cr!l ul;l thst having r."l ? th?3 v ii r UartisL 12, .iys; Ecur.:nx'' tha.; jica .cf tc2 .tlaia s:a rr.?2ls -hteer.'hic-ii-ea t:-3 the;?, qUOt-.A comparUoo and summa " ? eM;Ta3ages hows, that the an cientTjreek and Latin amrch, Fathers and otherf writers, use Various words and phrases! besidet baptidzoa and it part; aa equivalent toLO! xplanatorv.and deacrintivfrof thm A uon, effects, and attendant circumstance of fueui , mad mat taey are of tha following import, namely :tosink quite down, - or to the bouom to destroy---tb perish to drown to press down to Kink fo-nA Ut Arm,n into- to ingulfrt bory to orerwhelm w uus uown in to be lorrounded on all awlea I by to bet buried jn immeraon and emersion to pas through to hatha the whole bod vi-to"be as in a womlwtn hnrv. to be entombed to be wholly covered by tOb be dead ia iav-fi2are-to 1 immerire-td plunge to overflow to icundate to rob merge toink nnder -I leave;yoar read era to draw their pwneoncIsiaus as to what they understood to be tho meaning of bap tism, and the usage bftha'chufch -' Ia conclusion, 1 respectfully s$k any Greek scholar, of whatever aenominationjp ia me and your readers the favor, of iifbrming us, through the Herald, what 'Greek ; words ex preas the sense of suamerye morj plainly and specifically than Judabvtkidzo6, hUadumi, nfjytakhub t a Lejpany, One then who denies that Jopoo uheqivocly express es jtnmersion, be asked,! VVhat Creek word ooea to express it? - IT ha nnaes any, or all, of the above, refer bMto tt Examples I to 41 and 1 7. where parts of 'those "Verba are footed, and nsed ;eqoivalentJy with bap tidzooi aad ha .wiU be aelfrefated. ' Though the above quoted Father apeak of and prac tised, trine immersion, tfuV neither establishes that castom, (Tertullian acknowledge that that Jt iOM aomewhat .moreUhaa ' the Lord prescribed) not doea ytt . Invalidate , their knowledge of tha true sense of aptiizoa as familiar word I of 1 their mother tongua In common and' daily inae by thera. Indeed, the tery. purposa for which thi practised trin,imincr8ira, agree with ao other mode of bapUsm ; namely, to?. symbolize, arnd in a figure to imitate . th three -day burial of ChriaU . tTha -nnwayerinr testimoar. of -all antiquity is, that baptism' symbolize union mll Dn.t I J..l. !. 1 ... I and liff.1 - . ohoatd yoaaee take occasion subject, f Yonra fraternally. a " 1 1 ' - ' ' wrr r or what can we c nceive cflthat ur feiv wiucti we might :t win back if wacnoser -well? he-flow trs are always mi grow wnerever ' we ur them': and tha airer the; closer.- There miy,' id deed. bavaben m Pull r,F Tn .k - r.ii yn...bMt wsuredly creature tucli as we are can' new fancy : nothing lovelier than roses 1 and.Ehea,' -which weald grow' for us fcdeliy sidej leaf rerlapping leaf,? Uil .the M was woitex Anared with .them, if; we cared to,hve it sow- . And Faradiso Iru fall of pleasant' hadea and fr uitful av'enuea w ea ; wbat hmder t from coveriu as tnuch of tho world aa we like with i.pleawit f V P-a blossom, And goodly., fruit ? Who forbid iu yalleys tQ.be covered . over witlj corn,itill they laugh and sing? - Who preyenu Itsdark forests,, ghostly an'dr unln habitable front Ieihg changed into infinite orchardv-wreatlung" tho hills with iM-flo retted anQw. far away; to tha laJf-hghted bor laonrof April, and flushing the face of all the autumnal earth with gW of plastered food ? Bat Faradlae"wa3 a place bf peaci, we f say ad"ne,D"n vjra gentla servants to uv VWell ; tha world would yet be a pbce of peace if way were all peace-makers, ;nd pnU.e service should wa Jiara of it, crea turei I wa gave them gentle matery.u: But long as we itake sport of 'slaying' bird and beast, so long as we choosa toffcontend rather with oar fellows than with oar faults, and make battlefield of our nwadowa instead ast.eTt -na"roljr. the flaming word will tiH tern every way, ndj tha "gates of tden remain barred close enjough, - till we haVa 'Isheathed.t thaharper ? fiamei of -our passions, and broken down .the closer catea of our own heart. Jiuskin. j j ; - 4 i The Wonden ffAeiIiadr ti .,- There reason : to 'beliere! that f ho idea which yef axistad ia the mind can be lwsd. H my.eern to ourselves tQ be goar since we haye io, power .to.. recall it: aa 13 the case with tha vast majority of our thoughts, Botrjureeroos facta sIkjw that it' need 'only omo chanire in our physicsi or intellectual condition, 4o restore. ths- long-lost irnpresi uu rvant gin, tor instance, twenty four years old, who could neitherread por write, in the paroxvisms of afiverl eammm. ced repeating fluently and protnpOusly "pass- gcvtxHiunr-vreeK aaa, tie brew j-and it allerwarda appeared that her erly4 Jay a learned clergyman with whdm alia lived had been .In Uie daily habij "of -walking tlirough a passage in his house that opened into ihi kitchen,-and repeating- aloou' the very passage which ahe uttered daring her fever. . How manT - interesti Infr-nha crowd upofi Uie mind in view of such facta 1 t uat mu rn.mAz.iDg power ao tiiey prove to exist in the soul I. And ' what - aatorjlin'o- development wul bf mad in thia worli or another, hen the yast magaziae of thoughts wiuun us soaii oe ucseaJed ; And who can avoid the inquiry, what kind of thourhti h ia daily pouring into this storehouse 1 1 ; - -The capacity.'of , thai vhuman mmd for Igiowledgai .ia another cf iu woiiderfol pow ers. By. 4rery accesaioi of j knowledge is that capacity enWed : n'er have the ; of that expansion ever been reached J or Hm- gineo. inaeeo tnes nature' bf th : r! leaus iis ua in conciustOD tlial Uhero are no uverj day wa ee; the fact -inn,traU:a' that mma takes on tU type' of jt, pursuit. 41 If the minister aim at what is Uchnie-Jlr trm. ed -popular preaching,': ,where ; matter , of -utwpr culture, or the tragedies 0 the day are the principal topics of discourse, he may oa a aensationist,- but n'otan Instiuctor.; He ay utter soft aentimentality : he toay par k. and. flash, and catcblthe Jaacy aad. the imagination, but from the nature of the case he can not . be a fruitful preacher" Some Bowers may blossom there, 'but' tbe'nVor that tome from Wrikitrg down mlo th toll WTtrspphBg with iu forces tad.'extrae tmgjts iiuces, wdl be .waoUng,. j W . Uocirmal preacher . comes into direct comninniOnwith the mindofGod.' He lis ten to the still,- small Voice;1 as! truth1 bv truth, it tmfold- thestibHrne Wysterie of gQdhoeaa.;.vThH truth enlwta hu - eaergie and detplop his mental forcea. aa no other truth can. , It clarifies his reason, open the fpnngs of tbouglit, and stir the profoundest deptla ofhis soul The! drsconrse puU his soul all gW.'IIs) see as be rjerer aaw Ufoii ; thdoghf chase cthb'ugTiU j truUi is mked with truth ; bU mind bnmiag, and lie mst speak. These iajmsMn are Idee the cherublni "and flaming gword . of v. iucu -j uimea every j way. - They point.- wherever' Omniscience J has left "a thought, v.xtey reach rorA ihe, animalcule to which a drop is an tocean,, to ""'s wvnpa on nigtt. ;; ;i; i "",!Wffe ShouJOenolKjt"- A. man whq has ben redeemed by the Wood of th Sob of God bm,M tu. He who is an heir of life shocld be'hoIyHe' who is atteaded by the celestial beinwd who is soon, h know pot haw soon, to be translated to heaven, should be bolv . Are ngels my attendants? Then I should walk worthy t their r companionahip.V Am 'I soon to go and dwell with angels? Then I ho.dd- bo. ure. Are -these feet jon to tread the court of hearen ? la thia tongue rng tSod? Are fca . aye of mine soon to look on tha throne of 'eternal glory aad the ascended leemerT Tbeix thesi eet and aye and lip ahovld ha pure and rV"11,,0011 ett.to;tbe world, aad live for Heaven. A , 1 ' , ' a. Uames, can Ua.lItL.tthn. l :" Little Saliie is a member fury congrc - tion, and a awee. chHdr indeed.. But the; question ahe r asked hr Ma. would be too much for any Melhodlat " " " -1 fe 5 1 lV-s , 11- v4 i"or the. Becorder. .' la my former letter I said the price from Norfolk to New York by steamboat in 185? was $8 including boarding and bed room. The fare' from New York to Niagara Falls ,f to Quebec including board' and bed root ! on the steamer was $12 SO.rAWhilearlew I of the Atlaaric would pay front Norfolk to New Yorl a. view, of Lake Ontario and St. Lawrence" would pay from Nispara Falls to 4 Q aSed -. ' It " : Bra, Shuck's School has "33 or. 40 nchoV- ' ars,- ana u incrsaaing even in lbee hard timear 'r-f-:- TV DOnsONr-1 t 1. r t haa already been shown that trlifitova u seauj, ounai, resurrectiOB t,'.'"'"'Jr vwieage ine1 mma acquires, it ;-, .What a magnificent concep- fit.to jnscrt .tiiiaC X mat twn. Attempt to follow the mod alonjr the toaay aomethlnff more on the !,Rla Oflts immortal exisUnce, and to aoe it i . . forever drinking in the stream of knowVA ' ?. - .. , . . tiH-i . f tTHOa COOKE,'?' ereby.tooatantIy tccitoiolalw-atrengt'h, " Harrisonbtffgi March 16. r ' nihas theephera-of iu capacity enlarged, i-r " ' .;V.; yet remaining eternally infiniuly, inferior to ,4 ; Creat Tfianpts.' f" r th,atrf fte P"y H'-Yet who can 1 concetve ;rBeioidimfeei liff!! Sncnei anrl t e .v m - . we 003 01 man standing on the r.rht hand ot uod, wrf(fslH'-;i ' ;.'Thui spake the proto-martyr in the expec tation of death. "- And in all aees hare there heen those acrcsa. whose vision, at their dyr ing hour, similar, scenes of, blessedness have passed. I As orbs of light meet cur gaze when the drkne33 of , nightfallf - vers - the earth, so do scenes '.of Igloryl sometimes ar pear to; the Christian , whqa the shadows of evenin g close his day of life. ; The ere rrowa dim in the light of the celestial city, the ear dullin Etrains of richest melody, the warmth pC the "hdy H as H were, fanned" gently winS3 of lanccli . The' domus xiltima u the outer oouxt of the palace cf .the Great King., ;? It-- ' If'Christ" I'anirels'r "beaatlfal" "rnjiV-." nificentT"delightfl,,! was the lan-uae of vne expiring ur.iope.v :.' : I 'Horae home 1" said INoiman 1 mith. ;Tliey praise Her. p ALL mm Day Star Oli freak t i.i' fa- an:1 luried (f-i-Vew) ia the wat:rs, t3 ha ia th ML see the life w Jerusalem mm,; iney praise. uim."r.s ; . . I " Now .farewell world" ssi J Holland,! i' welcome heaven! th 9 from onligh has visited ray heart, it when X urn coneland: preach. it neraL God dealeth familiarlv witl r an. I i el hfs mercy.' 1 sea his marestr. "Th eth er ia the body or out of, tha bo Jy I c'r.nnot tell; out k see thmthftt aretr.-'. -lla.' MIhave been,? eaidv Walker c." Truro. ".upon Urn wings of cherubim. ' II- . . en haa in a manr-r. opened to me.' I slrll rl:: be there." J ; "Al '. -! 1 - . " Do yea Eee " said Edmcr.d A blessed as:sbly who vrr.it ny r-riv oa cear tnat sweet tnnsis, with v. I. oly mea inyita m-, that I rrar la a rarhler cf t!ie;r harpir.cr ? ; T -1 ,a,i i u- - , cpiritsI.lLetcs ro.'..'lT.'e rr.- '. ' K3 ni" r 11 .1. . 1. . -l : " x cu s ra to e-: ?y fcrctc;' - edl.c-9.tL 0,CoUIs. ,."0 longer a Lrctis," to "tha j: IT at Do :1c-3 :rth v. ! I' :3-Let mately atUini or it mora than afflgeCc intel leciuaiiuifipt rr., y. i. ::- ,, 1 r. 7 m -Noie ivonderfur is man a fapacity foa happiness. "J- Here,' too. we find ao Iimitant ihfinityl The hanpy emotions of to-dsy'on-'j 7 nuiuiiy ia ioui ior stronger emotions to morrow, provjded all the strings of the deh". cate. instrcment .are. in tune. Nor is; the increase ia aa arithmetical but in a geome trical ratkC' Who shall set limits to the ex panalng series, or who "will doubt- but; God iainfiU to oyetflowrng tbe mostThlarged ca pacity through -eternal age ? iU-Alilee nanlimited. -i mana capacity , for mtery. In this world his Kifferrigs some time rise to a. fearful befght," Nor can wa discover, fa the nature" of mlnikmr-'rM.srirt whvf an increase of knowledge 4houldl not addaproportionatainterfaity to suueriro' vau kc.t nuk jvuuuMus oi laisery may le brokea ttp, or when, in the round of eter nal ages, the angry, billows shall .cease to roll ever the soul that has broken loose from the great' law of rectitude , and haopbess ? O, it is not strange that an inspired writer should declare that teaa i not onlv, ful batcarW7y jnade. t Hiauxlimited ca- pacity tor misery, is, surely: a most fearful trait ia his tatel!ectaal'coastitutica.' C "Not less' fearful is the supremacy that is given to conscience in bit moral ; nature; es r.ccially.whea we - recollect with: what ! un". bending seventy she applies her scorpion lash upon the soul that hss fallen? under her displeasure! Yet no less prompt! r does her approving. roice cheer the soul that is alro gling alog tie straight and narrow path' 4of duty, and brbg down into . the- ;heart ; the spirit of Heavenr Ia ahorVto-the mastery of tha csntdc'nfe etery ohatoust sooner or later submit. Rightly has it Uen called uows vicegerent ia the soul and ouh'it ne-parsot onrs:Ive3, wacarvas c.iy aani hilatetha sou!, ns escape from its Irninion. vru wnra wi think how ternb'.o are hi i..ctiorl3 sorrietimcs. trpoTi tha g fnan tta .m V.?. J ... collect our tmlimitod capacity f or m-ra- rcldery, Jt aril TnUhs It Baptist Sabbath - -W:-$C-WlSt;lfii.- 1 - .What are tha disflnctlrB ff4tnr.!nr "R.U. tlt faith ami pohtr with- whM children 1 tight .to.be indoctrinated a early a possible,?"' -': ' . .;! ' . j J ""-rTVJ"-ft "-o lutrrTogaiory, we wUl propound and reply to another ; suppose it wer proposed to omit- from our Sabbath school iustructious,, the. inculcation of fkith repentance or to ignore the truth thai aal- ..wuu, w vi grace inrongh the meriU of Vunas,ror Uiat It l best Pot to tirl, tt,. w mosUqve our enetniea; return good for evil or pray foi those who despitefiiUy me nV what would be theffect? .Whr . Knii horrorwould pas through eTeiy Ide vout frame. ? j S ;.; ' . '. J iWCUfc -AJla Jfcl 1 failure to lmrmrt In .,10 otner.Tery tmportant 'command oi Christ and instruction of tha Bible and inculcate obedience to them, is rivW wuk ao l particular degree, of , concern by many Baptists.; 1 -. u :rJ. -.; ifjt 1 nrfit to 'love -our .--;. m. , , ... r . . .. .v tnem m curse us, and ray for those who deipitefuliy use us,' and to teach oar .chil- aiao rgnt to teach them that immemonrbelieyer only ; U baptism, and c - V? ' - " culJ 19 repent, believe and be baptized, that they, may thus become a member pf a true gospel church 'and there fore be entiUed to partake of the Communion ? St jDCe 10 0x11 Saiour'a command.' -; 1 The .distinctive feature of i Baptist faith and polity with which, our Babbath chool children .onght, then, ,tq. ba . indoctrinated as early as possible, are that, as it 'is the duty to repent and believe, o it U the daU of believer?,. and believers only, to he bap tized, that immersion .is baptism, that baptia td pepons bnly can compose a true gospel church, that such only . ooght to partake of the aacred elemenU t in , commemoration of Christ s deatL that each chnrrS . i-.n.-.. . dent and the highest seat of ecclesiastical au inor!vt tnat all mimsters are oa an pquality, : and no member is entitled to a TTre-i.min.nr oyer others that the only rulo of. faith' aad practice ia the Bible,j according, express puiui)n o.:; wmcn churcr tlisciplrae f BSi prestrved pure an4 invio- ..Let these things ba taught, - and ; all ' our saooiiin school children will grow up .tbor ough BaptisU from.principle not frora p'rejal dice ; and they will be able not only to give a rrason for the faith that is in ) them,, but oe aoie to defwd .their principle and the polity of. their Denomination frota the! fre quent aswnla of PedobspU'sU Index ' : T x : H yoa want you rpirllttal Ufa tof ba'mort healtbly ar.d " Yiorona, yoa Tonst jast . cowe more boldly "to the! throne of grace. J Ti e ecret of your jreaixess is your' Iiule " fih acd your HtUe prayer. l;The . founUra h r, sealed, but yoa only, cp a few drops, . Tte bread of ife'i' before yoajyet you ouTr eat a few cTumba. treasury of hearrn ia open, but yoa only 1 take a few ptner. Olv man of littla jaith,. wherefore do yu doubt 7- Awake toj know your . j;riT3eg 1 Tdl me' not of spiritual bunged and Uiirat and poverty,? so long aa tbw throne, f grace 1 before, you. Say, ralher, ypa are preod, and will not coma tn it . TWIT ainrvar 1 Say rather,' yoa are Joyfulaid wiT W take rains to get taore! Xast aiide-' tha the graya-clolhe of pride that stlBs bar -anmnd you. t Throer ttS the Egyptian :gar meat., f: mdedence, tVch ought ttc t to bare been broueht thrrmh t)i : Away with that belief wLich llw -paralyreaj your tongued. ' Yoa are ?aot atraigiitened in God; ut in yocreelf. :CWe boldly to . the throneof race, where the -Father i ever waiting to giv-nd Jeani stands by him to Intercede.. JCome boldly, for you mar. caS!airifol u von ftriT ;r .. e in the name of the great High FriC come A Tcscilr; 1 a. T4 - -! -Nothing can be more touching than to be hold a scft-and tender woman, who bad been all weakness and dependence whPe treading the prosperous paths of lifa, sudif&ly rising iatnenUl force to be the"con:forter and sup porter of her husband tinier cUfc-tcse; At the vine which baa' beg twined i'.3 fracefal foliage about the ca!c, and lica If.el by it i . -. ...... . - J . rifted bytliethtradeilolt, clin romd it with ita caressing tendril and .Ih.J cp iia that terca bort!:r.s, so woman.- who ia t :i dent and ornament of - man in h '3 hart ier i.uur, unutDy ma s;ay ana soLjco when smitten- with- anddn sr. irrcfr? ...T' ..The Eat Is the BfrHtalrr. . t Jim the death of tha dying year i the Ii f the comine : so b it witn ih- r r,u. Our relation close at thai time with , earth. But they begin in a higher degree to eterai ty. ' l- v. ;,--' v - . i The end of life! ihe begTnnra of oar knowledge of God. . Our ignorance of tho Great Being, with.waoeecoiintfess moTe meaU ia Providence and tiatora,- we hourly come in contact," la surprising. ' A intimate and necessarily as wa taove in the" atmos phere ; so do we lire and lav our being in vod, r Yet we go on tot yeari, and scarce-' yrealixathat wa eyer.met Him. VTb go down to the grave, as 'un conscious of . hi presence and power, ia thobgh He wer& dead, Thi fact will be; a eubjectof thedb est wonder to the thoeghtlea ia tha world to come, When I awake' I ara atill with thee.n There wiU ba at that ; awakin g ia eternity, many marrel. . But nothing will so deeply aatonish "tha oaaV, a their life long midnight tgnbranee of the overshadow-! ing presence and powe of Jehovah ? Tha and of life ia jthe beginlng, of onr knowledge of ourselrea; Tha .Thotghta 0 Pascal" unfold, perhaps, the most ' profound consciousness of his own relations to God and eternity, found iaT4ny writer: ; 'Etern ity dwindles to poiat-inind d pbmt cf time expands into eternity " Is if surprising tha under such delusion, , million Eve ahd di. never seriously knowing thai they are' bv mortal I k ; . A scholar looka with! wrmd'eV i t1m fettered, hand, aa lie carries m-his tyrtem on orraaizatioa so comntete with Ai-rln der of tkill and power.! And angels look i with profounder wonder at that aaroe achol. 1 ar, carrying ia b is bosom a spirit, far mora compCcate ia its nature, ; and overfiowirrf- with ten-fold more of wonder 1 and m-rrrr - Yet the nnderout scholar lites as profound-" y ignorant of his spirit as the rnatie A' of hi . body: ; Bat 1 when th change; coaej5, the ren drops. ' La end of Efa wUl oe to many the begintung xf self-ksowl-1 dire--: ,..!... . . The end of sorrow ia the hirir ; f a-it joy if; we are the' children "cf God. ' Th Spanrsh monarch who had tasted cf the mer-' ey of a: pardoning God, wa haded with a" wish from eome courtier. :,Sre"raiT all ' king lire forever.,, . He replied TheaV would I .not be king. . ) Under birirrown clostered many aid cares, " ;Th"us riih the rankraad fie of mankind ; - they find bt sorry inheriunc in this rala el tears. To many are mil red to Coctirraa the. txpen ttentcf jkiLrtrticg comfcrt from Ji cure-, , until (he grave cla-e the scene. - Bet to die believer' "longing to dr part and b wi'J" Chnst,' death brings a bleced rcleaae frora ' these aorfo'wa . aad heart aches.' like tha Grecn!and.,tammer'a run at Uhe xaiin'gVt boar; it is seen,- briey dipping Uhlnd the -cold ice' mountains, ana pl-iing th-ir frisgl"' rocks kzl Vtr;.:r glide rt with hit til iS teams.- And whUa tLedw!!erlraM. " the tight is tarred, aad the ecra dawes, in -the tame look, which saw its rtfr- r!-rt. . Thus death is the corrtrnencer-e-t cf i;.r5. The end cf oar aarJily tcrrow, is ths lc- '' ginning cfctf averhrsLrj pjiJ.ur; l. Iamity, 4. i : A. t 1 11c ir.xi ra-jie ea- Ues frcn c:o t!.it w but 1c arcs n:e pvjr indcel