Y x f 1 . T V C0u COO tcfc V ( J to fficALipcoiipmt, Miaww ll?V C., tt la ua pet F ADTERTISSMEXTS, inirti for s few veekaor moots, kott.4 rtfca. ? TJ U btlwrtedavthe . gfSiH, M Pu - a I ! X ? w,ilis wuerfaon, .... . i S UJi by the yew, Kbtral r.-ii v. .WnrtArf from tlio&hna m. JOB HuUIi wttlf aad lispt?lt tn tiu kf. ; -' -r -. c H ; i n t: , , o c r 1 1 1 n ; ' i c r g 1 1: r: , an 5 Ccu-nl rritcllifjcncc. . iToki y description will b fttrlha -Jltrcws frca SLarl TexST" 8T TIMOTUV.' ,1 iCit trW1' ... i,pSyscally so spiritually men arcstror -Jltt :? yind exercise are necessary for the rtngUw, Neither sxrill ilo w ith . fa ykhcut exereiae engenders dpfJepi a; txetc wiwout looa prouuces eiuus- a OA FaoJ oust be not bnV proper, but sum -Lj tad ihe iercte judicious. ? ' Ta promote tpirttu&l - etreagth. we tnu3t trtwause nam oi w ora ana wrong JtlmttiS bo Trutli upon which vro im tiro obej JW "We mtuit t doert T luin tfee tympathics excite without pis!! benevolence, caa o&I tlynt the abildie,r,.The orgaus of sostt become pftttcuti from cutture.4:1. 1 WoaUf be toPg-r ? tfc H ladoctr&e, -.Bujr the truth and sell it not FWi myriad of a4?otcatea. 1T need (rocg ael tru the truth the hole tii-wobef it, ' ':-4;;5 T: t. v. . v Ii ittt.j ' Firmljr cany' oat the teachings 6oa jrtii : Ha? Uiis as vpur purpose 'iffTTouU ;i :Jt may J occult : Tbew (tjiuucii to be done." Sia and to j be conquered. Ererjr perform. smdfalf itill add to you strength. 'i rtnoig are cheerful hopeful and cottr tjbtt f jhe :xhoruuon mayi apply to jfettMmell asmdiTiduali. : Xika j'sfanid fait in the kitly quit yoa be strong. 4 y ' ; - - lie Lord u our strength.' 1 - ' ' ! , S ; C ST T. TBXODOEC L. CCTLtR. - '- 'll - ' ' - 1 ' 0 the tottaeni coast of Scotland laost i t &on the, decks of the Cunard steam em tiuj pass into LirerptH.l 4iea the pah i Attvorth, - In - this anaeni parish irt rjtiad:ng not many years since. d p rij!-$ is sian Jig to this houran an t :r f.i r:; cbcrch, ;':The swallowsda-rt-j a summer, built liwxr nests in the fas w iu root. ,fjM crumbling walls fwrvnTtnred with sioo. and fiastnunMl jtt eref?v Tinea. k In th now College of Uburjrh; iti ntauc key still hangs , as ! rrhe ef the era of1 th W .o4 CoVeiiauL" P.. freserved.: And, well it rnay 7 a. iht iap.t. once, atood m'.man always 'preacbia al ways ng Hieek, al .vavs "catechiiins and al- n? mmt the War j of, oj it- it 7l.Stterd tWt ; ffi-einorabia't aavtnr tn li!Myitncis are iwUareo mould be ' two hearens to JMamlTation 'f you all as, two sal. 2f ""4 r That, was the pulpit of Erritarojtn-glory of all devout tol -o? "Vble-satursted discourses J ! tha; ; hallowed place , to sal pieltirig auditors havev- for the loBS go. But still that J . jwjffcbered. and wilt-ke whUe Wr Christian .heart on earth. SS- : ttiher. e"' eoioriaiMore than two ixlZ 51 were - written in the blesome days of, obstinate King imeU of tb wj"h Vanl ia cPneTer .Pd from thfs Gab fcofimi t"0!1 ; : fle eliciou aroma of l 'l ,Pal' interest as descriptiT or JUJ'd.eiroil1 H literary am C?;'? f hMl dissertauons, they bm. ,u' r ,,7e' from perremal to tlate L:3 L , Aberdeen in r oo ia ;rr -r r-- eyes rulc3.' t..u..r, he fc. author cf the 3 Try ei II .3 r :cr.t "r On Us i:.:.d vay I.Tm & us?. in walls IIALEIGEVIT. -WEDITESDAY, JULY: 10, 1G31. ca th t" ' ' ' . I. - .... -i 'H.iv.a 'i t' iouierri.T t. . u . -v J.1 1.13 hcrae : the ,lOhl cg for a few h-"-r iv;" r fishermen in tCXiJfl CS 7 icrd and Vrom thence he was carel M .4 r ' , xia dc . br tha tt ' . ; v 7 - - c i a i:-ft . son U kiM?eat and his vuiuuiya r.angman. 4 ; cf t!.3 1T.TI0I 4 II f Jt" .4 r The cVjfct cf a cVv.rth c ir At'cn'lnV-r is twcfolJ; to t!:.din the truth and th . ordinance of thQ . gwr fnl t, ext5ad y wwe.ot U.c;n auKu- all r vmirca is proerc wi uv J it is rv(rrvl ant ia tha decree to orr d. mea re a irtUi lhf pervtdea them f they; are tw.?"! J. The tainted 2f PniI nf 10 tt'M Rutherford a tbe.cluset Cecl stIedit "Sflf Richard Eaxtcr said, 14 awe?L -'5 ' ' tUch book th9 W tW Li7' i ' oun extrava ffden ? haTe nem S60 into this f Wen trellises, and 5air rfimcs that' linger SI ?utherd'a letters Which CrtT.C&setn excellent rcpriat kiT orougldy pencil- to one ownership. ' It is sdIx'P?.0'1' fro" waking note f5 Intf U,U Alcorn,, wfcl ' l " ynt way soaver tKftn rnm-t " bnt . . y . w w's r it tf ii; "Sht ftf thee;; And sure isu Ter;to providing t.. :a oo-jsare Son K k"Sf'Goa, ,ia than Hllf-Ttowi.-! Sometimes r''flo K m; rt of Mrmni' cf L:5 'he ;;he,i ini writing t4 L . ly ' - ' k ; . . t , car.i too h' r wm BIS dvir. l . . , ' " that Mad got, another summons behoTe to aiHwer w f'JT 4 aoagrevfJ5tTrcomei , ar18 lWS hft n'ed out- Oh t for tm when he should pass oyer the unbrid? ed mer ; and on. tha last afternoon of his life be ssid ; This n,ht will close the doc a.d fasten my anchor within therS, and I 1 fn jTS" Ther 5 nolhnS no ketweS me and the resurrecUon, fcut ' this day thou S?SI W lSl0B3 f P broke.up. lr if5 claimeJ-Glor gtory dwelleth i ImmanueTM UndT ' With this thant of triumph on his lips, he passed throngh the pate into tha fit-. mU .v. news reached Parliament Uia he was dyin it was yoted that he should not die ii lite 1 v- Y?U,??0t T0te Nvutf be jen. f .Nor could tiey vete him but of the hearts of tens of thousands who hare found in lhat orcharQof spiritual delights which au;lervid piety .. planted for' them, tome of the i sweetest satisfactions their souls shall feed po this aide of the New Jerusalem Th nearer we come" to our 4 'lom b. some bcolcs' grow to us. And upon that sneii of ourumer sanctum, on which w lay t homas a KempM, we should hare place That which I hare found most beneficial m my.' experience for the . last years in the public ministry of the Word, is wj-, ocnj tnrea, and especially the gaing npw;and then through whol cosael ", 7,:;r."f. say case ia a "twcwld wyt euneroy entering, minutely into th beannjt of erenr Boint ocenrrinir tk thm tion, or by gifing the general outlines, ad thus leading the hearers to tea th mTi- and connection of tha whole, t The hene'ta hich 4 hare seen? resulting frou tmoukimn lk o .t "? . . o kJvujiMMva, jro mese : i. a ne nearer are thus, with God's - blessing; led to tha Scrip. n, t1)... ttJ . . .. . ""i were, a practical cse of them in the publte meetings. This in duces them to bring their Bibles ; and I haye ODaered j Uiat those who. at first did not bring them, hare afterwards been induced to foso, so that, in a short- time, few (of the bliYers at least,) m-ere in the habit of com ing without them. -This is no small matter; for eTerything which,, in our day, will lead believers to value . the Scriptures, is of im portance.. , 2. The expounding of the Scrip tures, is m general, more beneScial to the hearers than if, on, single rerse, or half a Terse, or two or three wordj of a verse, some remarks are made, so . that the portion of ouipburq vf scarcely anyinmg out a. mot to for the subject j, far few have grace to medi. tate much over the word; and thus crpc sition may not merely be the means of cpea ing to them the Scriptures, but may? also create in thera a desire to meditate for them selves. 3. The expounding of the. Scriptures leaves to the hearer a! connecting! hnlvsb that theeadfng pvef againrtheportionrof tne PfortJ which "has been expounded, brinf to their,, remembrance what haa been said, and thus with God's blessing leaves more IasdrTg impression cn . their mindi' f This is particularly of importance as it regards the illiterate, who sometimes have neither much strength of memory nor capacity of compre hension. ' 4. The expounding of i larga pc tions.of the "Word, as the whole of gorpel or an epistle," besides leadiug .. the Hearer, to see the connection of the whole, has aho this particular beaef.t for the teachert that it leads hin, with God's ' blessing, to the con:;icra tion of portions off tba ySTcri which ether wis3 he night not have ccns:arr:d,n l kcr-i Lin frcu epeakin? too much c.i Lircrlia cub- jicta, and leaning I too much to particular parts of truths which tendency,; oust surely sooner or later injure both himself, and las hearers. Ex pounding the TTcrd cf God brings little.honor to the preacher frcrthe unenlightened or careless hearer, but it tads much to the teaet of the hearers in general Simplicity in exprc::'cn, rrhilst the truth ii set forth,. is, in ..connection with what has bcea "said.- cf tl;3 ctn c:t ', ir r crt&nce.Tlt r to tpcafc so t is said of the .Church in Jerusalem, itn lately subsequent to ita TVf, ,rtrt.i-k. tr r s ; : 7-.:.at 4 b "Ted. . And what was the secretW tt3 dally increase ? Why are not churches now thus tlessed ? These ar8 iortant toman. s and vron wl'.ch fo ccn- ui.ia c:.;i irs:?" even acraucn w . fi -rf V ... 4 t ... . - .- S'O . v. ; 4 I .tr j. ndi; ad cvtr Irir.htenin, ItVa t'..-tuti'asc( f. ora tha twht cf r;om ?o the futiuh. TI;ey are the salt of the c and worthless, havi.-" 1 ' c--.; t -t to u u.::. but ralutary, prcscrvatirv Tha ar,ttity an I conrccr: ' bers form the true glory cf t'.-s Church, and are mo;t L"r""iut cicir,.:.t v. , prcrpcrity. - It is cau:3 cf Ur.caii'.Li h wur- 1.-4.- I i . . . nuvi, a -suc.i aa extent,. rr;.. . n cf rcii gion is caly prcTren c. t !.f ia tha tl.'?. ory ct the Gospel . Vith r : ny, that pr fessiosj teems as uncennectr i tvli'h obligation to glorify God aad do rood t i i as w the recsption cf any ons cf t: ,ct -rtuToscrhy. II rtlv,. not 'esc less ' raver, ; and L.t cf n;an; ir.i ccrrc:tive, i cr ui mem. urmg its day v.! f -....cUng eye. ii t!;5 p:.:".t to develop the Christian prorrptituclo hc!ps noiie, full suture cf character and Ufa wKi the Gospel cftjoics .-nves grace to dcaple Up, and energy tnd cJcieacy.to tlieclmrch ea. Morninj Lur, . , '.- '; Vfc- -"d the v-tch-tU:rs crea c:.o tiur tn- l s er meir r.oiy eyes, we go to rc:t ia t' nth For the Recorder. ::-.:t:rscrI Eccrs'-Ktctls? cf r. U Lisa i:::clt!;2. ' ; :v Bco. Ilurniui Our HmT R? ?Pon8 mcc-" tt.-Moore's Crcxk Church, !Sew JIf.r.ercr county, . was very pl'SMut one... There was rn lao-t unani- L.vui a: ccutire C rcn weri of th- :i Junecj r f t ' ' rs cf the Ex iitcnrg brtth a, il.3 p-:tdr t cf in- 'A r--rrt. mcrr.'.p" in siiariro 54111 our - T!:::ca harpy belief that th gild this immortal land, f.'l this clime we Lave oti'4it r Iap r. ,i ly, tad whither have tied all the L.t tnml mers cf our youth, which we besoo-ht with tears to stay.- ,?-;. -. ... : - . A land of promise is that By-and hy. In it we all have rich pores?iors, the u'rva. Ud'enjAymer.t of which alone 'rend"" fe tolerable.-' The past lm rroveu rr way ; the prcscat it lull cf thorcs a:.. ...'t with dangers, but in' the golden By-ari-by there is .recompense for-all,. There the - ' wo licaieu, ana ine wery if irit Cad a tttU AYho would sell hU lirth riht iu this land? Though poverty, !ooti and cclatica environ ti here, we have loth . V ueirneans. t: codes cf rlctcri hci t- 1. cr v r.:.ca ca tta::ed ia t!.e . .ar.;. .r.cr- m--r f ss we.J ti ar-cn- tie most refr-M r . Y.'iih rTrralhr. wicui, u Ti..i vneir c-::-rx, vivar.cus i"-""-v ry and force cf dicuca wiU L'ght up'thsTeye and awaksa inur-nce, attention, and e-a! Hon. done to tlebeiaa hearers.. The praise which " ii.Uv.ihed en the critical A;heuaas, as t-c--h they ers miradea cf Lute, Ucaue Uey burg with rapture oa tlc lip, c jv,; , EKtheae, is ntarlr as appllcal! toray ether crowds. Look at the history cf out 4 rreat roiiticaJ ypVr T.v. ,v - . r i i .&o bit a in oil. i . . .... - w . r u v v.. - - . t "XT? lroa 8-u vtrThea there wuv bava.oeea na corruptions of drtriae. nsi ' jviwrti if.....:... .- i ... . ? Uons, no jealousies bt sec'4 Tioeakeain of its iCnergtesj hy I interual discords 1 Then each successive age would only tare incrta ed the splendor of light; ad the power of .uence, ana the extent of its dominion: ffd Ion ago U ihe kindreds and people of power i uie cartn wouij taTa been pervadod by its should be the ain eft! r to r?i that children, scrvir.ia, tr.d rVcp!3?h so far as tho natural r-;:ai c:n tho things cf God. It c; ;ht t nen'tcrel th-t thcra h. ; .;L;; cle con r. -l.ca in vL;:a I.:: sot.s cf t'.i tlovo ct.. . :j rr (.Iry caa cad:r. literary' pcr:c;;3-t-,i tha rev.,:.. 5 farther to ,:.r.. t!.3 x. , III ; cr.d:ri i j r. l.oid .... : 1 tha Hi'i - o can not read cay to lh to Lsd:r::a'r.I-; him. c: ..cna ,o to lo re p, ;.ot a tin s l:$ tzt p:r tr.i ti.atif ;tt:.I lii.cv.i;3 ; l- It c-.:;,'.t t t;,s ex; '.j fir G ll::.i .... j err X7 t;vc..: r. : It i' t r cf ;at 1.3 v .: t:. ii- Z.Z) to c..::. t Ih3 I. u-tit't.: 1 1 i.. i . .0IUI4- . u analysis of its ttate Nearly reveal what ari Uve true elements of a prosperous Church. 7 fri.'':Tl:e receptloa'of the Sa vior as the Messjah, and of the great doc trines which he twght,, formed the bond that bound the early disciples together, -Yheth. er Jews or GentUes bonder fw, male or leraaie, refined-Greeks or KrtnricK Ra.-i...-" when they loved ChrUt they loved one an- Y"Y s one t-unst Jesus. Ana whea drawn -toge thcr by tha all-power-ful magnerof faith la Christ, is was tocon nrra one another ia the fiit! .t. and preserve it lrow w .rcnuuren, ana to propagate it through out the world, ft Her we have the Wei T. eraent of prosperous Church ) and instead wing snooramato one, it is the basis of au otbers that m Jwhtch aH others inhete.' .That the tmth it aai element essential to the Prosperity and true glory of the Church, au History testifies, f: A the " Uuth died cut from the ancient Church, fancy, and credu lity, and corruption ;had freer play: the to dcs of departing lory and of coming night fearfully multiplied. Shade thickened after shade. ; Each succeeding age came wnpped ia deeper gloom, until Uie" fiood w giory w&ica tbe Gospel poured upon the worm was us; tn Hi? darkness of the nrht ci tne jjaric Age which seemed to toH ou as it it were never to end. ' The truth U to the Church what thisst:- soarca of iu light, iU hcit, its fertility, and iTv... zs. Aid, 1m we see ,ia the cacer cf wutM wuiwi fWTci epanea iroa tue foundation which God has laid ia Zion. the v.uuxtu, wueau lorsauce the simple truth for rable, it as an altar without aacriSce as the body witliout the spirit that animatos it; and hence the duty of the Church to coa lend for the Cuth'ance delivered to the The truth is its Kfe. 1 It wa the saints." sword cf Lie Spirit ' Pentecost nd it must ever oe su. -. " " : P2. Another elemutut of pro?permis Church is a true muiutrv. There is a dU yinejy Mthcrizsd mialitry f;r the perfecting of the saints, for the edifying of the body of Lbmt. This ministry must be duly pre pared and authenticated.' It must posseas, in addition, ;! quenchless desire "for the salvation of men- k ITntr tmn tV.;. point the declaration til the ano&thv "For I cotld wish that rnpel were accursed from onnst jor ray brethren,' my: kinsmen, ac cordinff to the fiesh."' Could ha more atronW ly express the intensity of his desire to save souls ? And. araia. h tava ' to- the rAn. I inians, "jp or tnooch I'be free from all men. yet have I made myself servant unto ifl that I might gain the? more.. ... . I am made all things to all rlen, that I might by all means save some."; I This is his own rep. reservation of the passion burnin? within him for the salvatioa ot men. and which dif ficultie3 seemed only tofoSarae ; and hence, m few years, he carried the GosDel mm tit as the Roman eagles.haid sped their flight.' From the hour the'sca&3 fell ! from h-s eyes be lived but for one object to save men by the preaching of the trulh. f - Whether reas oning with' the dews, ir confounding the Grecian philosophers, ct defending himself before Festusy or writing in' chains to the Churches he had collected, his only afm was to save mea through the; truth. 1 t And such U the ministry we'r.ced l:arnei trained to ba master w,orkmca ifit 'taa bs dona tut, above aU. tn'.ly pioaa anl t: consacrated to i a Churclt z t3 wcrk r.;:r.;otry, M'. Lcro hr An'ilhcutEi do. waern coes 7. ;ny stry. any Church tC-;:rish? "VThci told be could r.o live rn hour,- Dr. Eac'r tu;a;kcd that he miglis' ba placed ca hij knee3, so as to oCcr np -another pr:y:r for tne Uiurca ci uca t( .ore ha cicJ. - His request was rrantp.d, a:.i ho -d.edoa bU i cu a rair.' kneei praying for the prcrpittty of Jcrcsa. lent. When rpirit l.ks''t!;ij prrrahj iu nln::try, then will tl.o ll-V.'cf tho CLurch fall upon the world with -till brilliancy cf .ft . . tt IH3 un;tca i. at ct c.v;a s.:na. tion societici, cc".'--;?, t-1 -c;: moua caraea cf the House cf Commons.-J 1 1. u(ri riy they were listened to with C.r.i t licrjxha f -'tcr ca that island grc-i' d.-ircus cf rs hgious instruction, but that none. could. in struct her save, a slave. Two ef the breth ren, Dober and Leopold, instantly cHered to go to that island aad to ell thamselves as slaves, ia ordfr to tooiat that child of Africa to the Saviour, .NVliea the spirit of Dober aa jueopoia pervaaes its entire member, ship, then will the Church be terrible to its enemies as an army with banners, and soon will the world be subdued to the sceptre of ivu , wit uii wax me spjit c: tne members of the Church at Pentecost;, h i vsouier eiementi ; prosperous is ntvnuea anz ttt'.otu tJfurU ofitt members to atcompliih its covenanted work. mis world u given to tha Savior. It Is to be reclaimed to its true allegiance by the uospel nor is the, Church to relax its ; ef iprt to give the Gospel ,to every creature untu tne aarkness which covers Uie earth haU pass away," like the misa that roll op the moraing before the rising glories of a uiamcr e mormog. v i rot glonous work is giveato, the ChttrcM -tu z:ii God is opening ia all thVcarta new clan. nei tor the going forth ef the. waters of life, aaaammau people be ts clearing wide JP oa which to lay the foundations of his Church. The gorgeous scperstitions of In di are giving way before the?reli?ion and v iwu9 oi vnnstiaa sates, vAchne is rapidly rassio over the lfohamm.Un JZrU IU t emblem is that segment of the moon often tesa in the. western iW in' tV, mn. b& and whose Ushl it roini? ont iK bnhteatng glonee of the aua. I Popery, too, w fast wearing ont: and the nrandfn f wou.wiu trumpet tongue, is 4 calling upon we Miurca to Jnse add possess5 the land. w iwi fua worjc beiore i; tad with such epporumitiet of doing it, why should one wemhtr'of the Church of Cod witfcfcnM H. aid? i Why should Jodah Ephraim Jodah T 7L of God perm;t themselves to I i drawn away brcofitreTersua ca the .11. anke. a camnua, Oom the webhty." matters of the I . Sk W ..a -m m - L 10 oJ ours, every, member of thm f!hnTrV atinnM t. -.1 seeking to do good toothers ; they should be laboring together for the spread of the Gospel- Thttt did the members of the Church at Pentecost, and the Lord ? daily added to their cumber. A Church whose members are cauea ia love and fervent in tDtria is t once powerful and attracUve. It is arrayed ta th beauty of holiess. Such was the VAurca er.i'entecoat. li.troduc. and Dcacc and the day enent in en . - i -. ti.e .:s 114 mc 5 v ft - ..I . . . - ' i ' Anouier element 4 of. e rrrnwnii rrt . .. I r - j-nurca u we jnttenc of th$ Spirit. The last command of the Savior U His disciples xerry ye ia Ug city cf Jerusalem un tii ye be endued with' tuawer on KiiK ' T obedience to this command, they returned to that, lamed upper room, and, there for teu V ey weited and prayed, land prayed and waited for the promised power ; and when the day of Pentecot t was fully ; come, they were ilcditb the Holy Ghost, and began to rpeak with "other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance; It is admitted that there were ome thip 'fnir.miw. ; this wonderful erenL t.rt t - UWT IV W expected: but it is claimed thi'I tt other things designed la be woica now, as mea, torra the true power of the Church : and those thin" ra M tnT,i- .t V .. . . 7 0 " ueaia inepnrase,,And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost nd ia this, which ts famiharly caHed - the baptUm of the Spir iLTconusu the real bower of the, Chnreh. without ;which none ot ira Wat rt M be attainedV The disciples had the truth they wercj authorized to preath ) the peo ple were perishing for lack of vision. I Why aeiay day ? They Waited the promise of wo taeri wnca, enda:d with- the power froa oa high, they iwent into Jerusa tern tadvisto all the dearth, r.ni, whersver Vie7 ;;went iney tarnM tha world v ' Gown ; .and hero alone Ii?i the tae Uhqrch. - Cplcn liJ c l i:, ccrcmcnici cat!:-'- I ' -- 1 ... pcacalioa f.r this power i. : r , do cfganiaaticns Lt tha r. .'jrr- ' smncn ' -Let rr.?t?r !' Church, iu cCobcirsrs r.nd rr.cn.hcrs la o'a". ly clothed with this power from ca hi-h, and aen u.w a appear t5 ta what it really is. "aa anet of l:ght, LUing her cherubic form tru3 p' i;; 1. 9 Cf i C-..1- r'l and smiling countcn V I 1- vs.1.,'x a r..,, .;r cf taeaj slu '.cn tha children Corpiratircly usckas calyrj they riao i p bach wm tue maioiry ci 3. Another' clement cf i a prcrrcrous Chr -h htUhci:.-csscfi:jii?,r.l.rs, "Chri.t love I tl. 3 -.Church, tzi r v?a hiicsilf for it. that itcH.t U Icly tad vil.l.out llcaaish " prayer cf Faul kt C i JThc;:alou;--:, L - 1 r.vht- ancl.;r t;.;m v.l ,..3 t:.a: And he Iv trcatj the. IIor4irl3-'to-prr ViJa to 1 ' . uoa a J 1 v ; r. t i . Ar.l .IV..; C!.ri:.t::r.3 to t3 laly in. all I. : ' ; j f.ri t". j trr-s wr . . - . V 2 ! r t:.2 cat j v, cc:. Cf c 1 a . "1 r: to C. 'i tv 5 f ... . wcu-dJ cf socictv : hr.i!.;. i.V r , , , . i : .1 " vi cuiu ; cnvirg fcctore her tho rpirit cf rula chief bringing tha graces ia her train, end cwavt iL.r- earta into a rcternll'-.es cf h cn. - ii.ca, 1.9 tho rh-rct cf t! wne3 towcru f.rn ly "t,- --ai..g,i::,..t iy r." .t W.-j puo cf t .o t;f:et.t:;-;dr-:riSr(it tha gu;d3 tf all tha v.ar.1 ;ir f-e-a o a l . 3 cf. 'i.:ra r.- 1 rrc: ,3 :,r t'.i t' tv .3 r-v 5y, tr.l t v - 3 tha v,Hl CcJ r cf tha t! ov.vitr-r.1 1: was called to order; interesting n t ri. .. , . , . . . 1 - ..- Ilea. !ebtte,or the query, Why does not .-v.. yuwivu tnio oaopaia ccncoi t .. ice query was amended to. read, 1 Docs each church have Sabbath School? if not; why, and what is the remedy for, the omission T -u.v wo rusiponea until our next meeting. On SUarday "Should not th members of our churches obnoxious .to - the charge of covetousness be( searched out.and diacTplin ed ?- was called up and after considerable discussion decided in the-aCnnative... ; .The Union Relief Society held its meet ing, after, preashing by Elder G. & Best. $27 were added to its fund. The follow in resolutions ' in behalf of the Recorder were unanimously, adopted and ordered to be nub . Whereas, Elder J. D. Hufliam, editor of uie Skccoraer, lias informed the patrons of that paper that its publicatiou will be us pended unless it is better sustained. i ; -.. rutolvcdX That this meeting has heard the announcement with un mingled regret Resolved, 2nd, Tliat Ue Recorder is a . uwtyt and s such we cannot to let it suspend . ,..'... .. RcMtAvtd, 3rd; That, to rrevent iu sus pension, the members of this meeting who can dq so, wQl dvaace one year's subscription.':.- .,"', . '- ,' - - - i Resolved, 40, That we cordially recom mend the Recorder to our brethren of this Associslion and of the State; and carnestl appeal to each one to, exert himself to prC cure new subscribers therefor, and to join with us in carrying out the 3d resolution. Bro. J. L. Carroll of Wake Forest College, who was present, made a earnest appsdla behalf of the Recorder. ....., h , ,-t. , . .0n Sunday the pulpit wu'suppCU by Elders CarroU,- Stalling and Kenned r.i Tlio congregate listened with revpct'and manifest interest: At the close f the second sermon si coIlecUoa was uken cul th purpose of purchasing testameiiu and tracts for our soldiers, iand , about $17 contributed. The Executive Committee made n annro. priation of $ 1 0 0 fur the tame purpose The liberality of tie brethrea and . friend. Moore's Creek, and the liberal responses of ue cnurenee w. brotber Ulirpr'e i!mn cheered every heari ilay the'Lord arouse ua all u faithful discharger of . our. duties, and accompany our eSorts with the Holy Spirit tor Christ's sake. . - - . , . . 7 J. X. oTALLINGS.' iWrtr. ,. - j. , , W For thr Recorder. v- .... X La:;t. c - -Jth X. J -1.. ' 1 s we knevr it V-..'r . V9 aaaaM&u m tna crca. sari' tColportige kaesg Co SalilVrs; : A colporter writes: I hr h-.t.Vt.M tng the voluntoers ia this coanty.i and I find them very nxtocs to obtaia "pocket'Bibles and Testaments. ! Some of these brave men have wept as I have epokeu to tl.em of the claims of the Gospel, and they have asked me to pray for them.: ... I loke lift frnrtimt for speaking to them word of Admonition, and I do think that good is being done." j A few weeks sga it was proposed through the Herald that thbund persons give $5 apiece towards supplying tie soldiers of the Southern army, now in Virginia; with Eibles and other good bocks. - Some responses are being made to this proposition.'- Sister S. C. Thomas, of Smyth ca, writes: MI ar glad that lean be one of the thoaund to give five dollars for distributing Blbl among ,the soldier, . May God blesa" the work, and may many noble son of 'the South be fathered iato Christ's fold." -A Friend from Orange co.: ."I send 5, and msy God blsss the work.'; " ' j Rev. Dr. W. Eaynham writes: "Tester day at Enon an appropriaiion of about $30 was made by , the Enon Female Missionary Society, to purchase Docket T soldiers." ; M . Thus are the ladies aid ini i Indeed evp.ry donatio rent ui fax thJi r- - roiol.aic:: - f.--m a t!;t:r. We I-j t - r t. ;'.: to L We i'.....i L how C. it ccmr we iliodd recti J3ut no Ariadne comes to reveal iu auannwune secrets, ar.4 we must rest ccn font In . ' A 1- ' uucipauon, anq possess it ouli "J '. .''f .-' ? . . -1 ' -t t.. ; 1 . . ' For toe Recorder. , Several Verr rromiinfrnr! t1.A ladid have Isuly applied to me to aid them ",,n,"5 eJacation. 4 1 haTe been, and . 7"4 v yr joun; . out 11 tucn times as the present, my means are ""' am iircea u tell them flat I am not able to aid them! I tVfi .,u He statement with the hope that it may reach , ue,w,enfc 111 111 wnora liod has bless el with the means of helninm?! , iliwej who feel disposed to do good ia this way, can obtain a.l necessary informatica by writing to me, " They shall know the use 4 every cent they give.-. Their in structiow will be. trictly obeyed.' 'Provuions of every kind placed oa any railroad ia the - if? 06 as cash. . Do the rich wi Ji to do deeds that will bless the present and fatnre fenerations? Da .1fK- 1.; desirtHhe sincere gratitude of their needy swters? Is any one disposed to cultivato . miwu cnanty j Sorely the door of oeuevoience is open. J.IL MILLS, Oxford, N. C s From the Greyson Letters. ' Mr ptu Ma. W ' A comparaiiye stranger, 1 hive o rt"4t umuie you wita aavice ; yet as sincere weu-wiaher, who admires tout taiezta. and tuw, lauoui uias you aiioclcl do jaatice to fciwuwu luitcuon you nave aaaamtd, permit me to make oii or two remarks a a sentiment which I lately heard you express, and which Itile ahuraed me tor vers u ces. ' - ' - You said, I recwlk-ct, tliat Mas vou were going to remote country village, it would 7 w aausiy your rustic congre gatioa ; that you did not apprehend they would make rge oemanos oa . prepsratica ; aad that simple 4iruth, exprened ia simple Ua'uage, would be cuite eriongh for them." Enough, I am sure, if the words be ri?ht Iy understood ; only I fancy that, if that be ilie case, it will be found that "aim nle trctK expressed in aimpleTanguage," must involve Terycareioi preparation. ".Simple -truth' must not mean common-place, nor "simple language" any plain words that come to , , frTou would produce, any lively cr durb.e impression on any audience (rustic vi piwiw mmuers not;,, you must rive them thoughts that rfrvt, and these must be expressed ia apt words and to speakia this usnioa wui reqmre, depend oa it, very care ful study. Take heed of . tie fallacies lark ing the terms ".simple truth"- and ..simple w wjcji m.19. rocsa oa wnica many maa has struck.. '"Simple truthH-10 simple truth of the uofpei, l trust, will ever be the basis of your p reaching,' aa X am sure you desire it w, , APrt trom toat assemblage cf doc trines an precepts which can alone make unuianuy toinsr worth listen la fcr torrowfal and guilty, humanity, all pulpit eoqueneei will be but u so and Ing brass cr Unklic cymbal".; I hope, too, that these vuina 1 as you propose) will be expressed in "r ..6ufec ,uw irum me most u c;r.3 ia t,..j 3 cuichlr.' 0 "..U to hear frcm th fn --sJ. ol t!Jl work ia iCorth Ciirn!!r. ci many ct tacna f.ol a.ino-rl L- M u r t e. w for the Very Addrcas of .tha soldiers 'r.aw hfr V-r.ra:y. .'' A. E. DICKINSON, General Superintend. at." mo nd, V. from every Liito of t!ia Cor. fed.-. ' r- 1 Will Somewhere down the etrcam cf Time ca h wears Coating, isat;aMiJ j-r.d, X th By-ani By. It cay lo jact la- beyentthe r.vxt tura cf t'.orivcri Cni if until the ttrv-ai dij. But we all loclc fof it, frcaa hfaney to'cii r -, aad. dream that all evil will ha t L". rJ, when we arrive at the Icr.utlfJ L!ar.d 4 tore us cr vs em'co.rucs itsa f into I1. - -1 -r V- 4 tUuV net By-andby. All rtrcrr.i important truth p readier can erJbrce cay oe vuy .01 comprenensiou.- and it r K wnns none can misuaderxtaad, and yet its advocate may .hare utterly ne ieciea 01s euure duty notwithfttisdins. His ousiaesi v ty apt method, arrangement, il lustration, itna-srr. vivacitr of Ii- animation both of style and manner, to rea der Truth,1 not simply . uadcrttood, aeeeatel "iii a crowsy r.ol, then s:t ever, b-t f.it; net c .ly La awn, whl;':, by ths war, h 7 -."uU.ora hs creas -lis lipa, eat i:.3cY;:-.t cf sycpatheLo iuUUI:aeo. id t.-.a ro-arce xl eacucat ,to sr.---? ;-v ii. to dot!, 9 it with beauty, tad xalla it worthy cf "all acceptation." , , . - , 11 fc;..aiar yocr roet.a an dience, wi.l decani, (take cr wcrd for it,) Dot lce3 Kluiy tr.i c-ort thaa if yoa v-:5 preaching to the meet poli.hsd . aadiee 1 thelnr.i: ia teme rc:- cts cjl f 5 :tl pcra:;3 3it;ately iprak to the-3 laet (tal caa.iv to yea:. I) wrua wou;a be a - v Cr: 'c to tha p a . t a- 1 f -.r r-'-'H r ... . -? - - cf your dictiea will Oa tha -- a... a ci 1. r ire,"iwners Har sbo ether har.l r:!r, ca 1 ; ca r.:.-.y r.cre Juvlrc .v tad cf year CriJ.,.. rcaaer?,,. ta2 rar-; be n::. li r- h it (t-.i I c- it i dayf we Coat Ui; v:; down tha tail: r ., .t toco ft cr.eo, c r ; tor rieitrJdo lti J t'.3 I. a I c:.::.: 1 1 a f r ia t: ou:.:.:l tho myet.-rirj c" T.' a ii v-eausv.iLhi: truths ti.at l.avo c. .'. rcfh-tntu:;.3il;, v: ,al. 1 i . "5 ' -1 ::. 1 liar4:al;rC), if e topics t;a;.Vu ;.r tr.:-i ced:-l With (ral !:t tzy t.il - ; t. :y ca C" v ' h x 1 f'--l r-, ' r3 rvarra.jy t..'. .'-'..t), r:-? cf t' p-.;r, r.ay L...v ca year Ci. c:3 tl.e'tr t:::'-:7yhS;r' - 7 ray...- N.iillythrorat-.-.-. Vc- m - .. - D-.d net Tralsctlous 'crowd. t-i : a.u-.r-:v SS their -nnrt audience cf. fellow reT3rer!tt;. 1-tL select. Is it ' of" nnL ui iraesi r-. t. - " : "mmJ' Ca ir.e grtalat preachers. - Have not men of all orders of .i!gwjce, na or U.e wriest dr-recj ic meir ccr Tegltions ? ' ;Speakingcf the direrlnce between pre SiSflrK Ul,e iiiom,-the v' uaaerstood by those wh uaiatolhgible to thoso w ho rpeak the kaer 1 Dr Kennck curiously cbserves: "lie case - ; : . or languages, or. ratner speech, is quire coa-- ' r trary to that of science; in the fsreer. the i ' ignorant understand the learned, Utttr thai 1 ' the learned do the ignorant: in iv. . ' ' otaerwue.". Something Ike it msy 1 U said of true eloquence: . cumr.ca snlfto day sppreuaie the poiat, force, vivscity, f discourse, csy instinctively feel the ele gsnce and muo of H, and not be ab! to speak single sentence mjr.if;n v- will not, of course, suppose that I wish yotf ' to attempt style, whether cf thec-hter' ruae A VMa. . L w . - 1 fiock; tVoi would be anything but true queue: ia my esteem : all I enn i tbere is to them, as to every cue, at great ' di-erence between ccmonp!ace trc.traeut or the very tame Christian truth, aid one reajy adapted to awakea attcntioa and Ian- -die emotion, as there ia between taa ttvle cf the dullest retailer .cf acpariia truac-s aui the style of Demcrthencj ; d that to aitaia such genuine eloquence, if yoa have, as I believe voatave. sacred a-v?.rA- ,j,c guoo, u weiJ worth year etueet dil and is cot to be attained without iL ' . r e... rer-oe" . . 1 , . - a 1':: -?,. v. . , . oxa tha Chsrch laiiatrtaasi. irt..i. -: Fe rS3! tTioe'er la Cdsii rait, , . IIUA ia rtrr woe : Tf TT7i Whea' the temnest tl tlr a. the whirlwind ef sorrow panes oreryc,-, fellow-suremv ia Hi, earthly journey, the clug to the Ocas-draw thVaelf c. doT to u,Uneaih the outatretched urn ever ready tombrace aad protect yen, Shelter- ed there, aad while yoa clla- most closely. 1 1 wy cown at its foot all your self-wl -your selishness, all your pride, vanity, and ' love of the world, aad leara to ta will,1 towed and ' hitmfi1 rvTi-f n .-n a- a naj bumble rom- Tl u wtM be done, O God and pray thlt, heuce- - U Tour '-ch-wcraV . . r ? With thu lesson learciJ f r V . wiv of his infinite mercy, eadus" yea wit!'. jncncr ana sireEgta ; and then the s sweet peace of submissica wul Cow over you, and' you wiU cnierstaad: f-Hy the wcrdx "A . JVf 90 8"lU lh gth Un -My friends 1 I rra.k tV.t T V. a the aad, hard school cf experienc for V have verified the wcrdj cf Jr.S -tt-. 1 is born toTrouble, u the sparks tj upward.- x rem childhood, in vcuth. thri?-ii mi.J ?w t? d now cn the "down hik" cf lie. t auction las ukea tne ia every rar.ety e4 . form ; and from grcpirg ia dzrVrras arrd de- 5 epi:r, pricking my weary feet wieh the thoma ra onar mJ hj d path cf LTa. GoI tss now allowed a gentle, eoctllrg twil -hr I" w oe anea over my way f a the radars' d t-iamg cress; and btHevirg that who sees the end cf all o'ir liM ! .11. i-;.Z.;r,T , a 1.::: ?. our !if ia the world to cc HOW. CSV Sdifir dsr f.V -I my armor cf faith, and riL'e-M? --! l-? ca tial cm that never fzOs, pmh ca h the daily stnfa, keeping the shield cf suVr-oa ready to meet LVs tuttlv.-s. ' ' - " Another leuaoa have I Liarr? 1 pressed, aad ready to sink with a n-altituae cf urgent datles that God givca cur lives to cs ia ntnuret, ar.i even the? c-Jm If . . v . i r - 1 trc . - ' T W' 1 ! V -J t-3 C-.V C raeuntala cf ciace' daally die:rrear. ar. 3 I w trata ana tea at a i ty cf Talurda werdt Lhst 3 ar -'ft! we all i!d rcadiea tht. 1" - To ua aad ca.ii laaluur.. : j a. : And so, ray frie-.da whsa Gal e : u:ar, and lays LIj htevy land cf tC -r cp;ni v will Tl:I J mi r.tni' Vd -e ply Uy to do th, cf:!yef the pr::-- ra ra;at truzil-j i C. J f ;r rr.-c--: f- 1 CI'-- ' 1 7 to tacre ?a ri-. t-.t r--'-- 1 1 aaa we a. u u suata;a ua. ma a :ie: T " I " T o v 1 : a t r m t: 44 f i.ri r 1 . , t- , 4 -3 1 a a t- ? 1 ) tf 1 c r v. . j r . ... . t 1 ca: -t 1 'i t' t ; 5 a C. 1 t:.3 1 . ill 1.:

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