: i - i 1 r4 i 1 , bnCFHASI, Editor arj. Trcprict m - r. "rTleIKn; c.; wednesdatv AU i: . " WHOL32 NO..1360: ... j BIBLICAL REGOHDEK A TXJ I lo ni and Ii t c r n r y. la ic r for tui paper,. bai4 oo- natiressea to tunor mvu' -k V suntUy in Caap. - jn ont ia quick nd " fiery" intouUwv3 now li?nJ . subJuetl and elm, m if ;over cwne by the presence of the Supreme Be ! n in holy"ppeaUo eph(re tbrone,H x ew feuch spectaciea iiBj)eu wiwwjtu moderb time?, and it is needless io sd'l that 1 . 1.. -. 'tt J.T .mitK. MAN4 wftndTtoda iower upon llie.heatts of men.-- I Are you forriaed'afterthia reeiuV t!l i Biyewall Jackson iainTinciWe, at0k that he I ean klad hir.arroy1- tv certain victory when I eVcr "GudVWtsSiins 'prwrJea th act?- OatllTca Ler I'scfulacss.- . : - Tae following incident may be profitably iierish TI"tpttm6n-p Acru3t 1 0, 1 862 ! " fh'w of tin - quiff, r.1ns m-hioli' bind the volume orbe'wrek together. For the nwrnent the business of war is hushed! ihelveJ trom consia Upe noi - tecl "lt of iW. W, imitave the V,nU or cheri. . 1 ii... ,t sr.m6 ar lounajfm h?r the spirit here - gi ten, nt,tev. may Jeafn lents ot nwier tbft -trees, aiid some are atten- j from .it ti be more 'attentive d aiTect,0nte Utter class but he is j-t iifl m that eondi- . j f doo ,or Kf . ."1 Heads sermons in stones, tales in tbe tree, anxwua, slf Jiearing that rie wa$ ot "of town, Pomrxin the runninff brooks." and: -. . -1 nnr! nn hrinr ftu Aliened, renlied-- ?1" Areheel0roo8t''wnciifiea.TOs -o?erWl to be her home, nU ni'fatliei; i,b tMt tathra!, and listen 1-tV tlmpealng off .WeU, why. yes;" answered the man. ernI o?J n;benr.- -. -: J v A mblbpr, m .the -genera. May, wa great ProuabtV at Uo 'pertoa Ol inwRr uns- iue r ios.v-. nuv onr uau vumvcu . "-- ' v .v .-ft "ij. L nfwnr . - In liinriT I rn.nrt r.t li l a nlr i Mr !rdF. SO lllftt -poVurs n.rtricts ba accomplished n-at bdy else,- Tbere are gqvm ofln 6onan, m . .1 ' - : 1 - - . - - fieM of battle. . Thejje JI3 , toaiethmg trresisti-1 wa too fveble to be moved; whea 01 tune blp in'the arrsl hicb ,Ue Aln.tgl.ty mxkes oirtraudthitt was itnorej than three nianihs before her death. -Sue had ben "a vka vmn lie sififcca "" ' i m of tin ejeTouT friend and comrade, and goodaotfeer un er 'day, aud worked .veryi few Tiatun-s are" so utterly oVprft ted as)o en- 4ard to bring olall p.T" ' ." - T-, j tirelr distepard 4be-whfeperro3 of jhetilJ r ,4vWilhoutToking in. the face f the heyt-J i.rv..:i..-'-.tJ..Kvar'tf,mnwA viv W man. I directed binr. Ur a .jneisb.borin; 4 uiicpuscib.u!y a?ks biuiselvrhcwe lorn w til 1 eoroe aextand when at the tertauik t tb conflict; b fiijJ bimself. exeraftttd from ihe. awfiil fiat that liaf bronglit death to vtns vety fide and all around htm, gratitude to !u3 creator ia alloyed,' itbonh itv maj, be tut ditnW, witjt a :IolicrJ:moUont.wbibjUt the'time renders 1iiro', a.,. -a,iaer and belter mnu." In tbia a'pect the recent batlWa bavj done more to fliake eligiflusvConverlJ.thau the bonIie and exbortalions rf n' V;: ed from tbe fulpit.'" .A.' man who ha . stuod npon thebresliohl bfetermty; while;in the dlaand carnage of -a fight, Vhaf iieued.tq elcqaence' more fiery : aud io'pressi Ve ithaa ever caaue, from mortal it- " '--."-i Jt ja not- strange.: therefore --a. yta go through arioWcamp-v even on week day; that yoar",araare Miere "d tbvre valbteU vith the nti-lodr of a cboir of voters, ricb, rourid and fulTnng".wUk"ttjte8?gs ! and earnestness : oCtfW tfevothm j.urv tbttt beC tbe':;irg;bt".are onlin the . wvenius, iaanlv fonei are! i(;ard,m Ahansglyln?. Ibr the blvmagiV. that day'? or tbaWhe Bible and Prayer .Btk are catnm'mi bookii npoir . U-.e mm table ; :&t that "'when Sunday ar: rites tb? little stand froro: which t tie Cta (Jam M Wont to ducwraeV.U U-e?itfo.of ,a ; chis ter of luteresje'd and'ptotw fetcUeTtf U '. In many; 6f the reitpenta 'wiicli 1 f this ru?l infTm-nrftvM aufeo the pure'atjd ele- vatei -rbaraet-eroF th oEcers. ,'AVherever aeaCrfl , disciplined," orderly '-q"t' com- tiiand a " nrnmnt- inr thrt, carnn a$ I her are brae upon 'the -fiebU- Now aiul then you way beaf'a taunt, about praying Cap tain", or " Colonel," but "even'lhese ihought le?3 nnrpion come from nri who, vene rate' thtir 'officer and .wonld.; follow, thein to t "dflaih 4 As voir know' some 'of bur abW JJeneraH are. men Iwho have dropped the eon of abo christian for. the apnajalof the LW -Pi.lk was "a bishop,-' rendleUm 'a clergyman; Dl'IL'- Iilla'rHligioi-itithrt Jac!on a digniiary orun scores of bther.occapjing ..auboTdinateppM' .r. orAUtr oih.kii(wn'.:fof their, de of chritiaiv;tv.v;.AU ot thesf centlrriierr haVe-be-n eminently sue ssful in Wbaiever: they'll are. undertaken, j,3t6r 'and returned toray'narsery, I gazed m ih litili? fepsihnt'amited- Or ffrevv uad, ...... ... . . . . : . - . J -;r i. - in imitationi'ot tnine.r ana wonorre" Jay would ever come when I hey ahormi say : 8he has Wilived her njef'i.luess.'h. St.e U ho j coiufort fo : l-.efoejf aiiJ a burden to everj i ven - - Wly tlv -G.hI. forbid that we should ont tire imj.iove 01 ourcuuurui, :-V"V t Wln'tW tolled for this poor motb erVoWequfe I went to list aneinary tipay 4nly tokes uf ' rWpoct -tnJ rt to ibt ag-4 irnir, fifvlt tTmt 1 conldgire her memory Mart.thoiiiU ite niquey grasp in 4rrTilrir -j (Vbotirs-he bad ceased JO' be profitable, ' migbtr perchance bave none to hed. r";" - rf"' -. ""'r Moornfulrv -and long - gpoae When she can no" longer labor for her chib Uren, nor yet' care ,for' herselC'ehe should rll HL-ft m tireciona wetclit on tlieir bosoms and call fortlt by ber'helplessneaa all the no. we, generous .icenng vi vuni. imuiw. , vTnc Awru! Kcnedlction, O' .' General -Steenbock comoanded the'. Swe diib Urmywbicb in' I VI 5 reduced the city r,f AtfAna in nlA. ' In order to avert tbia calainitT'from tbe city," a' depnlatioti was sent to the ueuerai, ir mm.11 waa seen the JUuJheran minister, jonn passe, who.'1 On apienriQg before Styenbxk, weat down , ou b kneesi and for s the ; akd . ot Jesus wounda s sued for mercy v oetiau ot tbe ciHy. 'ppurumg me ctergynmu V excUiwed ; uJ:x tbeaVo of ihe.wouuda ot Jesuy we Uiwan gave no quarter , la ibvU 'Swrt, lft'tgusse however, determin ed not to bo repulsed, endeavored at the laU 4 1 - ii. 1 interview iq prevail ujou.iuB-unnji:vtii-o.) rt t"Ai,rt ViiM-n narific crinciplea.:. But ait MVir!vrr iiihI intercessions oroved'uoa yaihng; bteeubock pleading tjiat ne 1 wa AMbitr nn.ler orders from hiseuoeriora, case said. in a firm tone of voice 1 " l that be ib rsttn if rou fiittff antdv the torcli to the ill-fated city,, according to the command of your superiors, wluloyoursew - are innocem iTthA drMil ul deed, take fience, wivn you, upon tour conscience the : blessing of that ? uord, wno win one oay oe ihb juugf ui u all H and with liiat, Lbe bleaaed the General; iu that awful. hour; with thatweU-known Unedictid i- 4The -Lord iVss thee". mid keep thee," kc. " ' ' . - - Sieinbock lrembled and , qftiverea unuer tlds benedictiooii Tet;'.notwithiaudini' he executed hishorriolo design.- .Bat from that vervIiour, lite genera 1 uy, w iw'tg tbe'io years' war badlaid waste the city ol Magdeburg, with inhuman cruelty), nothing but misfortune Jbtfcl : biro, and .tbe close ol iMT Swedish, war in Germany- saw ahotr General ground his . arms, ..and, surrender 'blmaelf-witbv'bU; .whole army ? prisoneis of war to the Dane?,- near -Tonutngeivv Some fim fi'.r.-tenboi:k buiiself died in prison. iiu- hi dviri t-oucti. tie aiu 10 ine cierev- liiail wiiu auiHiuiairtru , mi; eviuis" ,w him No cre ol all those with whom 1 unoa my aonl i a the benediction Jof ; that uimisterj it wiit continue to iorio.re4 me, otrn in' mv ilvinif 'momenta r -for' it proved to me "the source of dreadful consequen- tear. , :.: . . - , 4 v - - ; Distrust of .ProTlicnce Uetakea " The following incident; may bcaref" f pondered, especially, at Una time: ft He had lift four ei'nalll"Tholi cinstMo -no more thau.tto'u 'PerV cliarira 01 his tat her." Ale nau itibiour- wwu y .vuo v r : - , . children with scarce any iwng v uj'wi- r;- v ; " - i - .. ' - . Titi . f xMiws .anil nn M car. 1 -v . ' ' ,.. ,t . - " orphans will be 'eft jn the :,land, war aha.il close l a me ear. T. . - ' '-T . , rben this '" For' an instant' more the awora was up - lifted; then it. fell-as though -the arm uaci : been palsied. The violent man wa9.cowear- lie strode, oat 91 .me . taju,', v 1 ' Vanity la Ministers -r - , awe-struclr lie strode, out 91 -ine . caro,. -. . -f - . - i'-'-i :iV . . fi, firf.W mdunted his horse, and odeaway furiously, ' - i:,-, ft V ; ' ! f , 4An bid minister, wUng lDr. .Doddridge , , . . , 'M p D, - - ' , r: a.v-,J : 1 .'ib? vutlieo commencing bis Uborsgave ' . ? t fcrlstlm'tr a Cslcs!:.' 1 ' V - '1 tt. i'rV.ltrt'.B in or ntiona.' - Others would I ",ir,.W if PhrUliantr bis a delu&ion.' it !'- T- 1 1 iOne thing that young ministera have tempts to ' destroy Jt is an enemy to man '! :VP u ir.. kind.. It is a delusion which teaches .us. to - I: A atatftsmanr durini? a disastrous, per in tho civil wars of iKnglarid, being appohl ed to a foreign embassy," vm listeningto m violent tumult 01 a stormy pea,. vtw.wft for bid mbarkar:ion.and rcfloctins ou ' perilous condition of his native land, u Uti--HnWA mirwi rnriifiilfl Kleen. A,'. CO dential servant wlo accompanied r .bun, p fiivini hi ilislrpft. Raid.. ' .;: Sir. -da von n6t think that Ud coret ed the world well, before you came into it M . " undouotediy, - , Sir. 'do roa not thinlt He '. - . - ..l- . u-. r, ' .... - .: aswelVwhen-youaregone oatoriw .:,;E ea fof "Uerianilv. - s " 11 5 r&A nee, ior vjou icoiaicw. uj e- - i'i ... w . " 1 " " u SIR "" " M"" -"V " IJ ' ,r,.t af.ira -bv-verv. cesns m omT erever it is tq- -'--1 ' 'I Tf? who was about.to undertake a . tempest uot4 rn t ' :t. 1 'tlli.-', ..... .'Ttiit L f.yM. ppfrit might instruct us. For,. those whotat v. - j and despise it. Icordiuarily also takes ceived, produces a humble, meek, cb anlable , . om the vigor of "a mnn'a endeavorj to 4 peaceful temper, .and , which, did it um-: : r .1. ...:j.;..t.i,; l.;mlf versallvurevait would bamsb wars, vice ana- . . KT. s . . .1 . . I mtspr fmm. tliA - world. -It 19 a UelUSloa- . - . -.7 1 we- contemplate leaving with such. ..anxiety, fc z good, ibereiore, 10 nave wur rj t jr.,., .j irtrA.;t w" -, -v . - wmightbeowrrTessoteaif-werSh defect., and to think XiXb ' ' mained behind!- The calamities oT life wou&B" niuch we fall short of those ex-cellent ? HSfnt tffiSdSS ' -T ' overtake them. SickneMWoddtmTta r: 1V ba " ?eTi2w ' audrrolfind f passage to their ior ; our. imiution. , Let .raot value when alt 0 oLenable. . ; - andwecould nof shield them. ;e cuUi jirselve Jupon,;, nor .f , ' , ' " ... . j i:.. rrrtm t'l.; w- AV -tie opinions of .men ,but. iaoor guisb and -tne-grav. . u delusion can-uo ; . wChlX 3ePuCi ov; -airtlangs. for jh, divine Pprobi l T.u ' to an Almighty Hand, and filledK ' what could the mos blessed realty do mora . - . vith holy fl respondto' tho words of a tIt Is also' of great importance, in all oar - r-iii-.i.p. 0 . ' ,Kwerfurwriterr " We -have nothing to do -: talste'riai performartcea,. fp have con tmoal , -r;; V1" ! ' - ' ' Sideath bu i-ta defy. io lift up otir 1 view n 'great end,, which js.tbed- ;TLtf! , V fori and look abor VlHf U I but the ? WcemSaiV uS 1 Wests pi religion, and mor. than, .m n the , Lft ,of almost every , mera loosener of the' bords that moor to f- ealratioa of souls; and not , only in the peraott- mho Clears ,nU gospel faithfully, ?be J if timer the dissolver ot the ce- alt hut in every particular riinialraUon preached, in which it ;afieta turn more than, s . . ruent that aUachea to the things thatxperUb ;l IWen? in our toinds aerysible cor, ordmaruy . hyt hglt upm - -falheJne: .'What we bavelo do with aboubes ttatte, ,,r , w' U lia ' Bind, .which enables Jum to - 'istodeilit: not tok. prepare to mee it, U T T r r ' ' - U d.,!erJU, Jr?'i"3iJ Teen 4 ;- UulWp eparelomeetoidod." , . , CeTlralS. lU tlDC of War. - - . ticed. While thw.J.ri, conttn J.'.y . ; - 1 " - ' Mt-aae Backni records a'" revival with he feels a'mucb more full and atrong couvks-. " f .lt7tTUU. i tn.of tbeuutWhe Bible, and of tbar:: . ''"The time of my departure at larid.-- ie. midst of the war vf; the Revolution, flu and importance of -rehgion, than he ever ; - . 2 Tim; il l ' .1 Blgan" is 1779ahd fpread to.varibus Ml. Ufcr. He - sees, with more .0 lesf , w , r. . JL: . . . i ' .i' f 1 ?? re- .-. . 1 m. f r.,i olame. that bi is a. Kmner ? that as snch: - Affed Uhrwttan. thr av is laf spent, thv fi to ot the ianot inougmui twcWi - - -, - 7 . . J. . - fw j :.u . m.v Hamiui ne is ei rosea lOLroaa aisnieasurerauu inau,: . k .v- racial gracious Influence, until about the uuksasome means can .be.-found .1 lo avert; iHofl782r No outrurink of tbe Spirit tbatpleaaurej be is undone After anch , r; , in ,tt nd deVth UadJeta.knowu mean?, tie iaf,tiieretoret verv inquismve. ;; r . ; - ; . -.. - . 'iiIo.rafi tb Biblti more ireouentlv: and-. - -tr Vv -j . . i ..? . 1 a ...... a,. j''KM.u. 1- a a" v -V'. t' - ; 1 im 11 we-nau wuiueu Kiguij "-. J. 7 s 2. . . . ',. trut vhridm I- there sue nea in. ner tuniii, ; cs wr ivi : ...... siSl and cold. She- makes-no trouble jiowA VT,,e Pre!M'nt Kmpew isr cquallynxious demands lio. lo ve wno aotfer-wowisjno leimer wiui, uk4 vt uic w-w Puile offices.. Ar look of patient endurau.ee. ditiotCaud we learn that "a committeecora we fiucied a!a"an expression "ot grief for Pwd of" Kabbm, luis- been for Forae.ume unrequited We .saron lief marble features. 'Convoked by IheGovernmeuand the mem. Iler cTrildren Vere tliere, cl-dliKweeds ofhera are now assembled to order to consider . v - t.. ...,,.r,,V,i.r,l ii,atr,ti'i-r I wtint no'fcnrM ran Ytf. iidnnted la extend the JIctcincBt la favour oftnc, Jewsja ,A:rate movm'jul of ibj tiajsiau Uoverr. hreut in f..vour of the Jews of, that country i nnmirf-.l -It' is well known that the KapeTof Alexander,, m. 1818, granted to the JewsC in -the government of Cnerson, on tbe LJiacK cea, a tract 01 lour nnuarea uiou journey is nearly ended, - Th greatestjiart or 1 the wilderness -is oetuna tnee. . x aou b4t travftUd msnr ' wenrv mile-, and has ' r.,1 i rlr tint ' innn I nl bast not much ferther to go.;,inou nasi 1 imw tniru i wmury. . , 1' ; . ; - " . ft j,t: ,1- notmanv more davs to spend here. Thou 3e have read, the; recorq yw rourr-rj, w - - r art just on the 'dge'6r,the wilderness on y V revival with The contrast with ana mieresxea-nearer 01 gy' . ' J"" .v . . 0 , ..w , , ' uf... r lof rrrmrerunf on rfeh.noua aubiects.and Der the borders ot tne promised ianu. - aoon, 1 rcesens couuiwuu. .w. v umuuv,- -. - " -. f - j niUt t .1.. v..-ilLni U vJ.M.IltWn'iiMt'AAC m tto the Keart. As haps . attempts to pray for mercy. ; Uwia vnr inn - www vw 1 ..T,,j,.kJi m ;a irr., lAnmio Kaft hrnnibA Ijtntid acres of land, to taiuce them 10 turn .. . . 0 , ; tj I. T...:.-.ti. r cTriiMi!mrKfir which, it lit Hie years of 1be loit-wom mouier., .-o- -::r' " i berating through our" quiet Tore&ta, and ech to' be remarked, they have no 'particular run from bill -fo ' fiilli tfic knell contmund taste. -Jfour thousand j of them removed itfr n net iiftfiiuru a :wwiwh n mimiivih thi. tirP-enL4 and the future : and let us try imymins pungency of convictiort that Ihe I . '! ,..,.r;irv;v.. I V;. r .1 ';k n,. nUBffjal t with n a U wl then 'Mh hmcuh precious words. Hi- words are gVeetand wiiar tatnera,, ny-ciH way . - 1 - - ."v- " frienda.were dining to jether j-i prevent the latroaaction-or j tdle conversation one ot i cwaful in whatever they have unuenaKf u, ,hare passed. iri)iarrned thrugh' the' dangefs ! . by'w'flicL. they have Wen', frequency ;'nvi . rond, and .are Tiring illustrations, of th truth that a: fightiug chrwtwV-i a te rrtfu .' atfd fn froiiV we. remembered the fctrong QjanV words, ? She" was- "good mother Jn her 'l-yj - ' 1 , - " ' " When thVbell ceased toiling, the strange -' . : . . - . - t. 1 f r 'i ..... !... - t xiinii&fpr ro?e in tii jmipiu j, xj.i,ioi very erect, and bis voice. trong. but nisJiflir silvery v. bite He read several passages of SJnp'rare eXpresJvw of "GdTs cutnpassion,' ipcvie man, auu eejci;iiijf ui u vruytivi ji when grey hairs are on him, and his strength, faildh-' He made - some.: touching remarks pn human- frailty ,1 and dependenfce on GrJ, hririnsr all present toVmake their Peace with Wlim whilt in health, that tbey 'might ?him Jlis' promises when heart- and fiesh uliould rail thera;,V Leaning' ever the desk,-and" ga rino'jiutentTy on the coHined form before him, l. tUoii AA r.vrnr.lv.' Prom a btlle child I have nonort'i tne agca out never uu me rav bairs covered my own neaci, aid x. Know tndy boW;.much - luve'i Rnd. sympathy this class, have" a right ta demand of thetr iVilow cretu'res. " Now I fe-l it.- 'Our moUier,'-be a4ded hlot tenderly, who now lies irt death . " ' " ."11 before u.vwns ft.-strangerv.tome, as, air all thesei her -"desceudaiits.: AlI know ci her h whitt her son -hi toll me to dayr-lhnt.fche wa's-liroiiaht-to 4 thu town trotn ahir, aixty toinemieaasheisgenlle v.bi.frid-. mnojeara a.a happy-hnde; that here 1 onr first invoking Mods fjiessing i. 1 j lectiai), ..The. dependence tf this btrange ffni'from bis'nHadand whatever, he fcm. pf ay?, jt'is - always, pretuced ; "py uoa a . ? f .1 l...vV., 1 1 in one 01 ins oiaciat -.-uespHMW!", cum nencpi - '."Bv. GodTsbVssnia: we have to day J(.fatpd the enemy." Said one of bu PmeH to himthe other day ".w en, uyr. H Briber candidate (referring o I ope) "waitinB tour attention." -V'3? ',;' rve," was the quiet piyt a.utu fe.hsf l.'o 'klipll v receive theui t by God's o his ma wiixtattiort, - - - AfiPr' "bittle has -.been ' f vijrht tK- sirne 1 retaenibrarico 'of Div::ih Po'ver i ,V ve.aVv.The army Undrawn-up-! l',," ,!,fi Gent-ral ilirrnn-.ntji froni.:bis borsf . . Ithtj nrespfice of his. roujrh.'-br troops, .with beUfU un ' vt-re 1 and bent aw e - Uriek ta&H ,h.'nased mosL of her1" hfe-: toiling as br.lv mothers iiave' strength c to toil, unlit he had fimiiv of sons and dan--' teri 1 thathe'.l-ft Jier rboraehero,. clad an the weeds of widowhoud, ; to aweir among uer , 1 .. : - 1 11 i,Im ntirt vifor le.itiier. cliil'ircn : a4 i " :v"-.vn , . . ..i.rt. i:..rt fur hpr .descendants. " Yt.u who logftlier have shared her bve and br care, know how. well you have re Vm ttoilf l,..r k v 0ri)ld-l lai-' . uouscieuuc -i-. ,vi -1 . rnn o ii'-raiuuue unr muririii on accon ,it of ,tlie are eho has been tojou of late. .Vben-you Q biifk tpycvr homea., be car-1 id of vour words and - r -examphs before .your - own chilJren, fur lue fruit of Vour doic; yoti will surely 1 ,.i)frur,i 1 .. .. ...... 1 ........ . -. 1. them, wi;t'iiryou. yourisjivcs - loitti ou iu 1,,-lnk yf-tho trrave. .-I entreat- you - es a f,.;euJ -Rao;. uno has himself enterifd 'the ovfiin of ji.'-,' that you mny never say, in , .,-r !''( lied cf'vour fAtnilies. ii'ir of heaven. what measures can b adopted to extend tb blesf-ings orcivilizfttion ainong the Israelitish population."- -Tle cinnmisstyiiers have.; re commended: - - - 1; The (oundatioa' of one. Israelitwh Uon. sistoryfor :'the ; entire Rusian ernpirel ,2. The instruction of the Jewish youth by the imjtrovemwnt ot me Fcitooii now in existence, ond th? establish ftj en t Tof ne'w ones. ' 3. In struction'as to the historical origin rand sig nihcance,of ancienti Jewsb; rites.' "; 4 The a'dopliyh' of fixed nilel os to:' the - jeirgious firaclises and prayers required ny the Jewish worahipVns well as a control over the; ex pejwes of the 'synagvguej,"and of other chat itable establUihment3. 5. Inquiry into prnc Iwes wbkh aresaidto" have pernicious in ' t V 'if . .-...li!.. ..ft" 1. M T a, M 11 vil .4. a 1 mience on ine posmuii 01 incorm ruipiojru 1. - ; .. 1 i. . 1. .. - m agricultural pursuua sucn nn in:; nuiui ..- . l.lM' .nl.' . .Tr.tV. 5 1 1 rid 'lltirw tf.d eeaifotr roost favorable ior . held wot kST-jirc Cocious marriages arid divorces, and' anilt- qniryjnto the V st mode. 01 conciliating eco nomical requirements wilfi religious exigen- Afun'"!!' s Ai ifnlirot.inrt of t.hi. Trinciid8 , - , . .1 1 . - . . . t.i . .... wutcn ougni guuie uio ciiuice ui religious books ;.-7. ,Tlie ' nrenaratioit :ot a narticular fj-ivm nP nutb ta tifl taken. bv the Jewa when they oper themselves as candidates lor public prontaoie, or, as ooiomoQ iajs, :.., 1 irani i, w;t ufo .v. 4Jk UBU,UVj ,. worTls are as honevcomb. weel to theBOUUMmsTue'rewal aegan when the war had in Knglano, ' 1 - . . ' i . . . -.,..-,,... . 1 . . . 1 .' '. . 1..' r ..m .:..r..i. . .ii and hea Hi in thn honna . ' I bmXTttoiti tOTwara mrou-ii "5 -ibuhiu : vr ancasi, yi t v ...... .. . -, . i.r. 1:. ftf Jartncaa f .Anil nrnlr it tiotllkam'ttiii : U Tit n i))ariia tb niipsfirtfti -.i;. K - . waste iU.-We have not far to go; letus befat ksour second war of 'independence whether jwe shall, one and "all,, without exr; - .' t r - 7 " not loiter VVare in the border country, strffies oXover months and years, we, tod, ceptiori, get to heavec7B-. . This unexpected .-- - 0 let ua expects' visits from. ' tht Utter lanln XWM fathers,' may "at last awakv to a live- motion hiduced all that were present to cher-,;- - , f We' are hasting from' danger and a coun- liefibe of1 eternal .tnin'gs-may'' shale off i8h seriou thoughts;-. and so thoroughly ex- iy . ' t T try. that is doomed j let tis xiof look back. th4 of '-bondage' to the .eacifemenU of amine; themselves. ; One thought : " If -one 1' i V , , Ever step now brings us sensibly nearer theIfarid by peniteuca and faith recall of pur numbgr be lost, I ,sall bo throne Irj . home.." Every hour tells, and the.last hour oufll W (o tht assenabliesf Hispeople. So thought another, thns;'a third, . and;. s . . J ' . will soon be here 4 ' . - AldllH LoVelbasien tbe happy "timely- everjr on of the company, - Even the wau z J ' Let' u3attend' tolthe Apostle's adrooni- elltV " X' CT V ersatthe Uble became aerioas andthongbu - ; ' t Vion, -VThi:I- say, brethrenl'tlie,tinvj,w M!U?; "'"'" ruL lt;snbeqiiehtly-apP?ared(at..thw , f-y: short i' it remaineth, -that they, bbth have 4hi i .UHslon - : r- word gavetfie hrst atartilo, the. convenor ' t wivfen be as - though they" had none ; and t Ollowing 'ah6r(' and beautiful qnoU- of alt who were me4, together on that occa- , ; : . ' ; : they thai weepA3 though they wept not; tionUwfrom the-pen of theelegant, he be- sion.1- ' -jV: iVj-; 7'-;-; ' 7 i ' - r' and they that rejoice, as 'though they .re; nevri jlbthejnspircd Mackensrc .'Speaking .:; .-7. !','mZ ' ' t" " 4 ' t v.,Ti,tl,x? iht hnv. a tbnuMr ftp lHSl-rba nrnfe.aa .a disbelief 1ft rellsrion. ; A TBOCgnt lor rarCSlSi . : . ? ,i - they possessed not; and'they thatuselhis he eifa feses nimself-in the following heart- What if God should put into your hanfr.- , worll'as not abusing itj -for the fashion of toulRanherjT ; rj; $V a 'dlamortd and lell you tQ inscribe On it a ; 7-' v v this world, pas&eth away.'But lovould vV,fho would undermine thos fonnda kentenciwuiclr 'should be road at the." last . have you without carefulness. ; ;V , . - - t'on"! if 14 w'hich"' ihe ' fabric- of . W future day, and. shown there 'as, an index of your t y ' iDXieiy aoout temporal -.inmgs uoa, ho 1 nopeT reareu t ..: ti .i.i ir. i;u ' tSSttk.-i rwffiniR un nil w.. ... iits wi,u is w Lino an i uiiiiivi u,i . &i mo," where, we lodge to-night but shall leave J man to-morrow.' ' r- ".'-.' v . Tlrt world raflseth . awav r but he that ipp'orti the feebleness of hu J what caution would you exercise in Ihe se' 7 .. . - . . . ..... ....... i - vwv ' . ..... . j ' , . f Jould, he s pluck ' its little treasure moro- trapeftsh h bosom "of poverty ?' Would he which you are able 'than the diamond," on Y7,X" auoui. o.iuacTiuc, .every ..wjr1 : ooae.t J doetb tbe will "of God abideth' forever.'''--' fromjlli John 1L-1 7.. , V , . ' " " twrcafi KtcruXCli irom.-ine oan -oi ;m anu , every uour, ,ujr -juui -iiiiw.nww,. - , . t- . . ;..-V. ii " t -"1 IremolMTrom tthe.yec4 allliction the oniyiy0urt spirit,, or .oy your - example, Boper -: ' - - ACcctiQ" Incidents.' ' V. wt 7 "Jsoiace;l,its;wQ?.; The way'we-tread is thing, which -will be csbbited'for oragainsfc ?tVV -7.'.'' ist among our forces, jn Georgia, hAiclllLt'rusi, ic wilt - lend-t Tll us both-, V.;.VV- 9.lTlllo ' r'r; s i v -7 v. ' ' - 7 . 'r- lothejGanner andBapttst, the that iHiJirend in the culf:of 'eternal disso-l I. uT think- Ism' rich enonrfisaidtPbnew'-H-L't1"1 1''- incjdentsof arecenttripV' -''': jlutidrilg wfitings7became productive,- u,to; v--l. - - ' 7 t of travel had'i Rearc becnVc- a year. -1 v r riot lhat beam, 1-avt ,Li rC k .artfi irh-KAntMrti:.A-.,i.uv----r .7..- ii world. ire.i' :iAii T ';ma.' k 'o.. e.na,r 1 r-r It ILL LIU t lVVa A Vilk UV . bllC I'iVaotU V v'A, ' r..:.; .? ... ,'-- ,: opce, - V'-- j 'i j - messssjfr -fjss ssajn- L - - f It IslTcIty if You kitaw tho way to , 'x , UeaTca. . A. tnmiatpr nriinfr ono dnV to ftttcndto his ... ...... o-; o v . , afiernoon's'service, was i,)et by, a parcel of 1. -1 . - 1 -1 1 ' . . t . 1 ...4 other: ."Where are you goin ,Tlie otherpointitjg to, a man, who was wnlkiug before them, said ; ".1 kllow this comrade ahead of me, for he knpws the way to yon der'" idace f '. The , minister, turuina: round. said m ft so'emu toho Of voice; 1 M Jtis well, .r tnnivilin wav-to heaven 17" -j Several f; r. the clcrffTmair teamed that these vvf'.f.l t, .:1 Rfineatanoe Hpokeu m vain: had produced an e'J'ect, far beyond what lie had himselt calcuiatea.uiKJi 'i wmuu 7 Elder as Evangel communicates following Ten milfis " " ...1. .t.. .j ...u -x- t.- ijt- I able tati'imneate : -aueach car. the first, terson I encountered .was s hvhlcVMVilh?-n,gf'' 'thlv ' 1 - ' lia rl4'.& nnnr vnMgn wnn. ivoa woornnf na ir nme I ---.- r-r'eat sorrow had overtaken hen . llers wnsfwor'n u in,! tftlp. "nm,V'Wft artnn tritn " Rha wm n I ihg V if v Rsvert hundred miles Irom her tiomn in K.iRt 1 - .1 ri 3 11. 1. . .1 ..... .11 ...3 .11 . li... , . ... , . l lonua, riiu cue iuiu vtuveueu au , iiini, way ""JV,T B" " . . .'IIIJl' KILL LIU t VU' A IT 1U LU (U T . bLiC I'JVUOIM V V 1 the despondency cf .ilUrequited Lr ,.;ih lt. T hnin t W.if.iin . niumuita umwuKurw v euuwi- whl0 Jam alive, and seems others, emoy it. s - to soe her husband who, she, had learned, 1 I )ri .. . 1 . :t-?'- 1.1 ' ti 2 ....... 1.1 I. -T.i.r. ll was in a iiospiiau in AUftiu,., uow usiiuiui r a-nun was bortltsappointinent upon rejfehing that nobly c' cUy at four the previous afternoon, tto learn in one j her hushand had been uuriea at nine 1 iits toned m: hat and knnp?ack lay on the seat beside her. 1 back to Her tliree huio children hna.Dccn leu m tlie closn to 'care of friend 'during her absence.- .What! ishery w was to bficodie of Uiem aho did - not know, j denial 1 being left - utterly destitute' of the means of outrage fio rovrcr of. vann. : ritor ot the xtevoiution : , . ian" overruling Providenoe 1 -- -.- - - T " 1 , . . a ? monument if there ,wa3 a friend in want ,-'-r ' -above ground." - . i. .-J-Vx- , ... 1 v- i, A 1U I IMV.IIUV ' It " I .. , l t hued tn a- case winch occurr r3ie Jerseys. " A friend 1 . .. L'own "barn. waa I simriort. -'. There Is another of similar character. Boon after the passcn r tra""i ha 1 parsed, my attention was drawn to group ct per rul'ptl uoon' to rroach, about tax imles from son?, nu?t behind racy who -seemed v'"' " t 1 . - . .. 11. t.V. P Ti - I... .. 1 . . and still i v a is ror With a 1 I cannot pray'but I sin ;' I'canhot give . t n m r receire .uio.oM,,'k'" : . . I Ta- -(tf-frtl.l ti?itli liia I t . . T itrtr. :rge door, with a dra'n sword fessions are stilf. aggravations of them. . lIy;-4" b'rp.V5t,-. which an er Brit-)r0pentance needs to bo' repented ; of ;' my - Vreat of instant death, 1:1 case 01 tears want.wasuiug , ;uo iciy wiviiLj, of my tears ha3 need, to .be waihed again i;i :J ilia blood of my Redeemer." I2:$?kop . JJoo. it iusal of compliance -with some bmand, held in his hand. - Calm T.l r ftnH stooJ. ,:iiseemeu w g ib re, m brc-:rltjv r. . i.t. r . T L a. ... a. I r . hc.ni" a man ca:iiO to ban alter service, to whelmed witn gnor. as. uirnej oi;i t ; . ;ry v. r.i .1 ..,1, vim r,!r ilia aforodald allrc!-qt wh.ch i-oor woman, her Lather a:u Utlier-i.i-la. . - ..of.vnt 02" uiB.in. ...... . , . ,, ..:,,..f.,u.' t- .: . 1 ,.,...'.! i "persecutor beyond all bounds, hde obiufaiion he flourished his 'i - I ...NLTn A llBlYa 1 ! I . 1 1 IL w l ...?.. tiir.iL' paused: IIOUIU HI"' - f e'luicd-ht his eye.' 'It was u .1 - 1. , ,1 rtt(t . tlaV rror to tnu oyatrtnu- a , to nve m "r-iyviiee v fVu - . ; ' ' J ' " i ' oiit'ived htr fuh;es had made r.:oh a "en impxeiou on. his fche And her tatter were ca routa i w ,-1 1 - - l 7 I .Vrr Pmind " TU&. 1 PSith bads un u-,r,Und ,e.,UWe; O'.rr. other bai , . M LrrW result U 'Lij thotddgl, conver-Inah, to see her soldier husbaud ift.the hos- L The stRji'. vas profound . Jho. a .d fVikentotbetioun., ihe voice of the good sbP is a. burden -to. w, -Never .t.over, heart,, as to re-Jit a .. t, f . . .lLthfr haa-iust met his corn " in' nan looked U his cacmys eye and poa : aWlttU few iiu?3 blura waa ring- ,Wher cannot ve:o lona.,ilutl oi.1ov ; : 7C. . 7 . , .H11.. 4f Vf , ? -" V v ; ' - .-s ,7-,- ?, - r'7;;7.- ''.s".-y- r ''."-r' -7 -.f, - . : - ' 7-1. - . . . -5. .. - . t. . . ' ' . " . I . . t . 1 v;. . - . . ..j - . ?- . : .- aE. t ' Siid r.tl.ick' Henry, to hi? chilJren, tt l 3 ay-on bis death bed, "If I c Jd will to . ou the Christian rclion, hj-.TglIy V r i. r, .1.: n.l without, any" ' ' . . t t l. . C , t A 1 W r.i. i, . vr.u wmn i im nnimi. f rirh : without if llion"-,! wiM ad else it l tht? haartcan wish Tdd w r-iir 4- - J" lilOu'Til Wi" yx wduli ba . cii34;a'x

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