; i Bi i i c L EC O H BIBLICAL EECORDER. X! AiriGH, w. c j? ov. c, xsot. ENIAItGEINT. ' y , We hare ordered material for the en largement of the Ricordir. We intend ": to make it, larger, handsomer, more -entertaining and instructive - Wo need more room for onr able; contributors, and we - bare faith in oar friends, yi The price will .. . remain unchanged. In return for . this out- lay on tur part, we ask our friends te aid, - tl f increasing our circulation.: Kcadcr, " '1 can ou: not send us one subscriber !y I v COMPLIMENTARY. The last issue ot the Episcopal Metho diit, not onl j copies our article in regard W to the quarrel of brother Moore, (Metho dist) and s brother" Watson,' (Episcopal,) out also adds a commentary a column i .3 and i halflong Aa thia commentary I is "evidently intended for our benefit we re turn our heartfelt thanks, and promise to ,.aeit'ireelyV.-. -V, ,. ' y NOT YET,, j - "The child has, not yet wen bap-r tixc&; : Why not? Episcopal Metho dist, r' v v;:v-' .:.' " ' Becaus it was not planted together" , with Christ "in the likeness of his death" nor raised ia the likeness of his resnr rection because it was not "buried with hira by baptism into death.?,'. - ' '- NO POSITIVE COMMAND.,;' j - - - f - But, if children are not to be baptized because there is no positive command for it, for the same reason women should not come to the ,Lords supper Epis copal Methodist. So brother Hudson candidly admits that there is no positive command ; for the baptism of children. He ought also to admit that the Bible does not contain even a remote hint on the subject. Bishop Ives says the .only .'authority for infant baptism is found in the tradition of the Catholic church., Does brother Hud son "teach for doctrines the command ments of men ?. He treads on dangerous ground. Bat fworaen should not come to the Lord's supper. How strange! Now brother Hudson knows that the , V Greek" word (rfpiM the - Latin word ; Aomo, the French word ' homme, and - the English word man arc applicable to men and women, and include the human race. , When Mot .s wrote his account of crea . ' tion, he said, "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him," Then, aa if foreseeing what ; brother Hudson would sav,' he carefully added, "Male and female created he them. Must the masculine gender mo nopolize all the promises and invitations of the Gospel? Do women constitute an ; . unclassified species in the natural history t Are they so surrounded with hoops and trails so bedecked with beads and bogles, that brother Hudson does not recognize the "human form divine? " He reminds of an ft old preacher, who took for his text "What is man," and atthe dose of bis discourso informed his hearers that the sermon wdald have been much? more interesting if David had inquired ; What uwmaru "But, if children are not to be bapUzed because there is no positive command for it, for the same reason we should., not ; . attend pubHcl wonhip."--Jpwcqpoi imthoduu0:y Now, brother Hudson, please read the following passages of Scripture fand see if yon do not feel that you are com-' manded to attend public wowhipVi1? r IVill give thee thanks , in 4 the great congregation.. 'I will praise thee among' iaicV TjeopierPa, 35 : 18. - t i,;0 come let us worship and bow down : let ns kneel before the Lord our maker." aV5:fJ: ' - Lct them exalt him also in the ! con gregation of the people l and - praiso him ; in the assembly of the elders." Ps. 107 : V 32. : . .;; , - 1 - : ." : j WI was glad when they said unto me let cs go into the house of the Lord." Ps.122 1. t t "For where twot. or three are assembled together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matt 18: 20. ' And let ns consider one 1 another, to proToke ccto lore and 1 to good works ; not forsaking the assembling of ourselves . together a the manner 1: of : someis ; Hebrews 10: 55. W e have given you our " Thus saith . tho LcrdM for attending "public worship" and a'J we ask in rctnrn is that yoa will . give us jczt llTLtis saith the s Lord," for the br pthn cf hfts. aaaaj JuJl AUAi, "We Lava -hnccJ r.t tie bock (What . is E:-'.':.-aI) .end every where we loclci we tzir tls betters, and feci very cerf.- c:i: U--: T73 cea entirely. thrcrh itnilhe-t Leir- imers;i." r hc-zl - Co . IIir:l;:ry cace thought. -Tj tlre-.-L" tie r.I;::t 0 . . 1 1 . 3 ye-', U j;a : - :-t. ... T.2 1 ill . ... . , . r 1 CXHTAINLY ot. "Especially should twt our Daptist brethren bo guilty cf thr.t-cr.bTir;; rr Uco of excluding all other believrcpr the Lords TaWe'.!. ' v y :.j n havonota remote idea of beint guiityi 73 V7 m, T Vf afraid that tome readers r will. -fconstfuo - " .. your , example, if .we shpuld advise jpur-T etvtujii ivi X; r r tSHinn KMr tirtr tn Tireflph unonr uprmdn. I wbuldf'bV annnlnst WspicHonVr: I .' . ..." . ; ,s i. . . 1 'enter JhVT 'V . vk 1 possibility of faith 'ttidtt K Hearl, ... tnVA !Krtw,rfjJ 7V not this practit members Lord1 a . Baptist church , to , betf guilty ofj such an .onloving pracUce,MJ j t :r THE CENTRAL SOCLVriON Aswe havo seen fcot WCPnnt; ofiitMl proceedings , of thej .Centra.) Association- in the Bkcoruxr, we hope it is tnoU m& late . to . make some .. reference . toulhis pleasant meeting of brethren. TheAs-. sociaUon convened .with the.jchurch at Vernon where ! vanxcenoht 'revival hadi preceoedi "We shall not socptof-j get Uie'singinf cultivaWd but nOtf Erlii Ucrspiritualwarm anoTfall rnelodk It almost made us yields our prejudices against choirs. There was jorie thing kWe thought we could not yield, th4 singing of tne hymn ; . .oil , . ' Oa Jordan's rtorm j basks 1 aUad,' to any but some old familiar, and., that by the hle 5congregationa Batrinar)he faith as. eeed-In theirhearta.' Noh uWfttT-riu5SiSV?,.n- long since a Pedo-bsptist churchy W: : ftt,1. ' nd; entered that' churc'h? 'thrmgh th? hloV rho of bantism and Who mWnave4e --fcVnkHntonf was answered by the! church cnaty of the .nnlotingl Heod-be Jaid.ilt ia not for.lmr fAssocla, se, of., excluding, oae,ft JtsfjPWiP tiohaloue tfcapeak 2of. this.: honored :.err in , good, etandinff, .froraftthTvanV lllo iora Jesus.:, vine baptists 01 'tablet? ,Did,any one vec know: Npjtft JJajroljMjwJllrlaita.iPr,. Sapuel .?i.;f5aiyS- .Anaff80.jf; Uavr0'ff'IuTegh on the 23d inst.'wo were as old fashioned as we. thai we arb t uu surrv iur 11. . oqoqiu dt one poiecfc J . ot J - - 1 ' f luia rcicrence iu giving an account ot -an Associational meeting, he may arrange in iui liuuicuicute, 11 L.C cuoqses, unaer s report onfsinging.nUl s By the way, we ire not suro but ' that we ongbt to have some reports" on this much neglected part of iiw6rhip?How may wo secure to our churches the poWi er and unction lof goodSsinging tifSflow maywe animate and quicken:onrf forms 11 is a serious :matter,3nd longwitu preachmir and prater, well deserves onr attention.- CertainWl)rofener W. 5ui- J W HUU IUU9B WtlU FU1U1 ID '- (OS midst of the church, made r a;moWeicpt lent report at theeniral ssoclalionon the power ntfpathMfKotfapiweei J eongsl; It would bavo been raore1 4 1 he could "havo induced , all tholicbngfega tion to, aingj Iiet the people praisa hftnt Let all the people prwsHini sfr There were many ,reporta common; to all our Associations which would, not an terest the general reader. ftWe pass these pjJTherewas one, howeve whch we bare sometimes noticed In the 7prderb? business at other Associations, but which does not receive the attention its 'import tanco would seem' to 'demand, "namely churchea?, fTne usual report on "mis sioni Education Periodica!37f& narily engKwthdtimetf of oursittingsj and ought to occupy alarge space ia. bif proceedings.1 But this but,doarworkfof the church, so to speaky-may engagedoo much of. our time r There,!ia;g; wolc nearer home, a workat onr. d jora and ini doors, which might profitably occupy . s full "day in7onr Associatiohal meetings! Have bur churches been revived 7 Have they prayer-meetings preaching sitions, Sabbath Schools, missionarycSorts; jast around them ? Are theyliving thriving and working at horne t f Theso ancl imii lirpointa could bo canvasled by thf lead-. ing brethren who came toother front tuc L .different i churches, and'some telling horae thrusts made that would do usl all; ;goodi Short as was the . time devoted to -this subject at the Central , Association,- there were some facts brought oat which ' will not soon be forgotten..-. Why, at the church where we met, it was' ascertained there were three Sabbath' schools 1 and three weekly prayer-racctisgs in a health ful, thriving condition: Several hcefdl conversions had occurred, and. the hearts of brethren had been greatly strcrthcn ed end refreshed. Jn private, we heard some cf the' combers phnnirj a neigh borhood ; mission. A place Lr.d been selected where a hr-s c-niber cf t! opcr and illiterate could 1 3 cohered for rre-ch-ing, end the paitor, they e:.id, rzzti be pent at once. It was not exactly gcirg to Charletts cr Ciulclnry, cr n:taiairj brother Yates ia CLiaa, Lat it was to Ills , i, ... , JO l'-to all ti.3 T.-eiIJ a;, j ; r, to every crr.tr: :,' a - j 1 :t cf Mth3 13 , j ar3 v -;:1! : 1 c : : the litstrnec" oft!i(iA von t.ie brctlixen Lavo bet n ca . a... l.'l- to iiiwuiM iiiu uvr-i iure oi two ot inn inot cstfcmcJiueiuUra of, the rbpjy, Opt. S. DJBvt8rftr,J the venerablo' Dr. Sara-' Uw Wait.- Snitrtlle'atid afTccting memo nal wera nrcnftfuJ ri1 rirpnfnfi n. j . :r fcU" Norn a ami remarks wcr tno l7 brethren present, indicst- v.,... ' .i,, V t A r " lite approciAtiott irr 'which ubesa sennU f Christ Vere leT, and itestifyJ . . thfi. lnr . . f ,.... a . : " J'rf ' .: ;.i itbjwhisg irihitotawaa?paUU tiO brother Beye8 by Jm friend bf olherB? W.Justiee. rfu. WFWKJWqECWR ipouicnea . . l tbal?f y i7l?r Of the hthor revered brdtherfbut little .Ut Jft 5( lf J ft Ul ' n"1e .hisharactevhii lfe-long: vosk if writ- tenandc,wlf not perish. Itqwjw i injhls .heart to re and die;with uaj Jtfow, that uie'veicranoiqier is, eoncj vui9 yvuuircn will cherish his memory. , It, is ;fragrant On Sabbath.evcningi jpur brother Skin. ner.addressed ns in, word of tender, farc- weii.f . lifWas. oiten wim-tumcuuy ( luat ,difZeuz J itYrJP if - h onnM rrinari with hulitnnilv fhAtnn subject "The pamfal and the pleasant,1 ''Mm .rr?im ftUnl aiwavs associetea. vve jutwei'i .tozeui- tit' eorrOwiumost of al? for 'tiie I-wor rig mos.t of all for the - words wnich-U MEelttU aVoull .eoilr. fkei ioMiy BeicTi:irterciej't)f if gof enant keeping God attend oiir deaf broth er and family .wbtreTCR they may abide. W, ; '''CAPS FEAR ASSOCIATION .it ty,' the splaco of meeting of the Cape'Few Association: in dne i time to pwit&ese 1 the organizatioD of the body.cvhjfD-i Ji -j.- Bey HcXenobn .was n-eIectcUl Mode- fstorand Rer. (?.Wi:HiH fc-felcctcd Clsrk'aad Treasurer., f - fWe listened witJhj interest thexoad iD2 off the letters of the churches, :, and . were somewhat surprised tov learn , that fifty nine Churches 'cbmpoie thisfA ssocia tion, arid . J with' c w exceptions delegates from all were Jn attendance ! Some of lhemae-lernedf walked morefthan :firty-m$eAlObB: present jaVthisimeeting. Such examples jof interest in the Associa Jtion commend '.themselfear:a;;jworthjpof inyitatiottjr0 scharge therduties as signed. . us by , our ..brethren . ought to ? be wnnr us a mauer 01 conscience i ti Che letters reported jover four hundred additions to, the churches during the 1 present .associauonav year, ana , over one nnndred dismissions for. tne name time.- I idostbf rthhurcfwere rertedas I l'.irri-.'S ":""' Lf??rL'-iI : ::3Tr" i 5 l beinar m a he and prosperous cond i on,;fand'an increased interest in ' the work of &dwefahgeIiiUuonr is apparent. MiThialAsadciatioA'hailffBoardf mcstie Mission which "hold iti? sessions in connection .witb.the' annnaj.v meetiegs of the Todynd, was ? organized by; ; Pro Mims, McDanic! and others in 1838 ; Poring the. present year fouri? Mission are have idefoted.ai part of theifc tune ittnera ithin,: thejb Association and contributions amounting to srrrr idp))arv were sent op -by the i churches.;: Wo were not able- ,to nil up missionaries, wo presented as Uorres- nding BefretarVoiBe 6tefot'MSsio BMrti Uie'piaa M co-operation 'proposci hf the 7 Conventiori:;to the" Associations,! t which"; ws3 VianiradUsly 5 agreed ifo'fand' henceforth ibis Association "will heartily Cd-operato with the State: Mission kBoard in the great wor.k of supplying tho pestl 8 e?APC the State withthe Gospel. After th el first da v j the weather i was .most unfavorable for the! meeting. Rain feli almost continuously, yet th e , atten dance was largo Saturday and Sabbath.' and hundreds of persons stood in the rain to bear preaching at tho stand. : In deed I-have never seen the same ; interest 'manifested in tho preaching of the 0ospcl everywhere5 else: Larga hambersi peo ple assembled at'difTorcnt private'houscs to hear the Gospel f.t night, notwithstarid-r. itg t!:a iaclsuieacy.cf the weather. : The usual business cf the Association W3 tr.:r.:sct:J harmoniously. On Sab IsthKov. R. Webb, Agent far the South- era D -.tic 2Iission Board, took fcp;;a: collection r.monnting to about fifty dol lars, which w?.s c-rJIy . divided between' raid Bo-rd tad tho Board cf At.ocir.tional' nissiens. - 2 load. ly was oait3 rainy, and only n f. ra:rr.bcn vcat::::d cat to close up tbs rem: $.tlcn.' .'An tcac!:J to i if brncess oCthe A-cU'; -port-rr.ity - was hindly ex- to ?nt V cf ve few v W i'A. Ji A v .3 -t in cr.ia tad;: :. r.alr:. d:I!ar Si: on . IJay ' . fore the 4th Sabbat! in vcucr cc - . ' We ojr.itt?'l to mention in its proper connection, thnt the cburcbe of ti I pel-sermons, j 'C?rrcFpondeuti oftbe ; soctation 'numbers "over ifive ihoalidri2cJiou !lferaj sayttiiit some ofjhe' "members. Ordained - ministers in : the Ordained " ministers in ithe Associauonfr twenty-one. Licentiates After the A? soeiation adjourued-we-weroJ brought on our, wsy to PeacockVr, a sta-i uua ou iae yvumington ana iiancucsicr: Railroad. Qaito a number o 'delegalet1 being' prcscntwe' hVol'-pVeacnYnsr"' J amines! 'and. one t o'clock w'd assembled- at (he Ration cttl await the.arriVal:Ofi ibtT ;trajn fongi;atu)atiniJ.jDunelToartbattfJllN' fajp.onr pathway 4iad been smooth.; jVyO- waited . anxiously v expecting. . the train J cvcry,moraent, uutii 3 0 clock, iwuen, ipfe id mo distance, we. sov vuo oriffni iisov mi vie neaa 01 tne steam norso anq near tua- m: .11' il ' . . j . . . - I . :' TTT tU.. pany witli a torch lignt op i track to signal 6or 'desire for ,'pasati.j1, The,, cars rapidly approach, "-and at ach instant Vo look to see theWpcod chcched, but onward i they came 'and eref -wo haye time to thiqk, whether? vwe are Jto bQjpfy aengcrs or not, oqr station U passe dt and we aro left behind for another day;v 'k 1 rfc j At daylight, after a sleepless night,' olii. company 'resolve rthat1t will1 be nnssfo - vo awauine next train at iuis point -anq, unanimously (Jcteriiiino to walk to White ville, aldistancebf ' somf six orv eVen. mtles." We say1 manltubuslyV perhaps there was a mental i,rcser ration - on the pai t of brother Aaul.RepitonT and XL e editor of tli Kkco roxk i who we h a o ' .'reason ,to J bel wvf,eriously apprehended the ability of their, slender shanks to take- their somewhat 'ciirnbrons.fibodics'jiovyf'' auch a;spacc. ' But all set put with a go; resolution, and all arrived' 'at Whitcvi&oJ The day we passed pleasantly, formed several interesting; acquaintances, " add gathered up quite a'stock otf. lnformatfon npon the subject of grape 'culture, which promises at 'no? 'distant day to bo the great aiapic oi iiois section oc ine-coun" try v Indeed the grape crop of the' pres ent year is no inconsiderable part oft the product of a large scope jtf i country: in' this part of the state. Tliere are-any varieties of . nativo 4 grape; ? the best ; of which js the Scuppcrnong and theFlowf er's grape which takes its name from !a." fir. flowers, w bo found it wild in the swamp and improved it by culuvatioii 1 ""'! .was told that the i chief 4di(Eculty in the manufacture of wine consists in the fact that foreign saccharine matter has to bo added in order to make ' the juice of the native grape sufficiently sweet, and that" si. J . ... . ' . . . its inirouaction' aestroys to some - exieot the genuine grape flavor so highly 'prixeil in some of out best Foreign: wincs But be this a$ it may, the facility with- which the grape can be erowo in fl) of the long leaf ; pine j sections, of this Sta,to, Will bring it into very, general, 'culture,, and ' the great abundance, which tho soib proT duces will make, it profitable. 1 Besides the Flo wers grape is, as I ' am told, Vn almost '.never failing crop,':' while- other - r.vw . v.vw, ops, such ascottoo, &c.,;depend greatly hnon tha aeajtmi r anil tlj?r rvsn Yprim upon the seasons and their escape' from their legion of ; enemies, uch "as aVmV ' such -asaVmV .t ; oT ; 2sF f " 1 t .ir U )n and the un- worm, caterpillar tc ' The low price of cotton and the un certainty of labor will stimulate ! industry in the production of votbor cropland the area of .the ; cottom growing regiod rwill undergo constant diminution. i"f At night, we take the cars, ; andagain arpbn our way horaewaicd bound. At id ocfockf A. M., we are in Raleigh, and our Local smiles afcW tc'lJtWm of jour adventures, but it is a sort of half-forced eourteous smilei w.hichf plainly indicate? I;dcsir1a tochangei JhejubjecrigBndrw opine thatihe5iiJ aniiouVi to 'khowh practical results of ourtrip, i as touchlnil the raony question, so - hero ,; goes I our pocket-book and we aro off for horned I W.T. W. ? VN! Parted last Week with RevJlTl ;e! Skinner, for many years tho faithful "pas! wi vi. vn v avtijjwB i vuuibii ill . lfcaiClgn.i The parting was all tho more aad to . us on ; account.- of tho "intimate personal friendship which has existed between: us from early manhood- J " ; -; ' 1 : It is not our, purposo' to recount his past labors in his native;State, but . the Baptist denomination of tthis State ; Will cheerfully accord to him fidelity in nil things committed to his charge, and art unusual devotion to all of the leading de nominational interest which have engaged our attention for the past ten or twelve years -'! ', - i-r- j ' .The church ia Raleigh looses not only a good preacher, but a faithful pastor, one who administered not bnlyT spiritual I food' bat ; tthol tnosuccatly-: distributed the wealth which i God i had given hiavt ia jbaildbg up tha caus3;with which ho Lad identied himself: The splendid chsreh edir.ee in thU city will pcrpcisats tho cicacry cf T. D. 'Skinner. . - - VLl!a loth 16 part with hira, we cna' bat trast that God ia'Lis r;ood providence ha3 c: caed to Lha a yet wider r tie.I ;.. -lie Luvci to cr.'.;r i era cf :i f.Le i- I era cf the Fi: t T- t c:.. r.i: cf iaK; r xenn. . i.3y t . l.'i L:r.:. t cf t1 our baggage together; and station1 one J'. on tne, 1 s r - j , .jii r ":3 t 4 . . Ticay (moruing n 1 evenin; EIJer..JiV.SJer!in crclied iu tL- v t Greenville students DrcachTiko one of the ! Greenville students Drcaciriiko one of the piofeors,, Pcrb?ril th?y-ilo,'i KUer Sand?rKT - cert?.inly -rre-,en like a vcr good preacher, and thchearers are orry I co 97F'lJA were sorhard ; but thcrois a place in tny house 'which hothins else wilffill." ' 1 ' 'Thereare -thousands of '.vacant places In the houses of Christian Wole: which mathW b,it ti, nRn- ra fill' - -Th The cokdxj is anxious to go and fill these iilaeeaend on your inflations, . H l .t ir ;t: r.Pi- ivii-j:f--f i' - , A ill those brethren who received copies of the Memoir of Bey. L?ritchard,' at the May,. Convention and subsequently, -let 1 " J. j. On our way to the Cape Fear Associa tipu, wo hSJ the pleasure of meeting with rr Rev: W. M'YoanMata pastor of the Baptist church ini Wilmington, "who had ingi ri hjoly 'wcd!ckHi, couple;1 wnoso. .bright facea plainly- told fthejoy J which filled iheir iieartsa ,uo iri.t r'V f .BtxAber Your.g Je'aTcs, ai; we Hearri, j a chnrch .wjiichhasi high, appreciation: Vf his past slahors; amongj.thero, -and will carry with urri todus tiew,s field of. Jabdrr J?ittsbnrg, ,lenn., their warmest regard aa well as thtir deepest solicitude -for his personal welfaie atw sacccss, as,a laborer id the Vineyard of ' the "Lord,4" We ? clip the following extract from the Wilminp-Z tonVournil; tv " j ' AccoVding tdfannounccmentV .M. Young delivered! Lis -farewell sermon in the City IIaJli:Sunday4 night last! The' capacious hall, was crowdedto fta utmost exte'uU ri Tha asseinblage -was composed' jwtonly- of tbo: tuciabel-sfof his own' church and congregation proper, but of many of the: many friends, kof Rev. -JTr Toung who have; been attached to" hipi during his stay in our midst; not only on account, of tho - liberal -jreligious; views which he entertains, but ia consideration of his gentlemanly q oalifications, and the encouragement which he has: given to all Jiterary and public enterprises which had for their object the benefit of the people.' " ' During the delivery of this sermon and farewell address many were : affected to! tears. - The chnrch accepted tho resignat ion of Rev. Mr. oung reluctantly, nd deeply regretted to part with his services. As a gentleman and a scholar the 4 whole community will lose in his departure one whom they greatly; esteem, and who is' of much practical, benefit ,to therav.,: We. ?ur8elv9 neatly "regret his departure, Rni cre' w& takc his leave, trust to have the; melancholy Ualisfaction of bidding i t n . .... tir . - TIDINGS FROM .THE I CHURCHES. ;J 'a:):a laiOctober 8th, 1837. f- : c A 2IinlstCTs',an'd Deacons': Meeting con Tened . with, tho x church , worshiping j at Friendship Iteeting Uous'e, , on Friday be fore the fifth Lord's day In September. . Thelntroductory Sermon' was preached :by brother dourlpy, after which; the' meet; ing fwas properlxrganizcd by the election of brother Qpurley aa Moderator, and Thos. jYalentine WClerkVfbr;the -next twelve! months, proceedings of the last meeting read and adoptedi; ;Br6ther,yalentine was : Uien callcd:upn for an- essay upon the inbf fk tfj Temperance, but not "being prepar ed, he was excused,hereupbn; the follow! ing resolution was adopted upon the . sub ject c:mmMmm:M . rj irr That we most earnestly request the "Ministera''" D0und3, to abstain entirely from the use of "ardent5 spirits,! (unless as lacJlcinc) that they may the better be prepared to induco othcra to do likewise. f The meeting then adjourned over until the next day. . Prayer by brother Olivcf. , Saturday morning, met at , alas . o'clock. Brother Caudle conducted therel'jlous ex. crcises. Erother Guthrie presented an es 'eay upon the subject of Sabbath Schools which called forth remarks from several brethren,' . and t wa adoj: tod. ' We then had the question "does good result rrora the preaching of funeral semens." . Brother Oliver and fiarnes thoa-ht good did seme- , tiaics come cf such preachis'g." Brother Tend wai cf the opinion"-' that upon all such ccx-.ioni the ' true character cf the der"- te l ould be pkhly ect Lrlh, tiller for r j-roval; cr " disapproval, : 'aad then good riijlit rc-alt frca;fa-:ral ,z:;zizz& Brethren Ger.riey and Valentine ccald not seo tut v.hat tho practice was fravlit Tvith tll coald bat hopo that it id -lit yet bo g.,:a-up.- Brother CaaJla cs;re:eed' hi-"- T act very favcralla to tLo i re.t p!--- -f r'ehirjf-erab tllcf T.LIe'avej left to the "--tion tot th'r cert! aera tion. At r r rext nertis'f brot?--r C-'-'s v,xi.-i upca tho "Duties , cf Pcrter3 to Cl.-:.l.es, brother Oliver upca IllzI.UiIal aau a.ea:.aetJ aathaB-l .,1 wi"j f-et to di::--3 the .'.re I'-'- -J t.-'eerv::.-.; to tl.3 r l.lttf t:.3 --:3. i i-..ra Cuer trrdBaraei't::; r- 1 tjiave-'.:w:U Ce e". f On 1 iuai so raany reiuse sto'go ana aojiao--tr uotiney in tie tlie nc-tuat t r.a , rrc-ier wise, . A. r - Earpei in the. evenings everjtl.in'jpar-rea .31 J nil. v.: fi oll'wilVaad we hope good v. a ue j 0 1 T9i; a iu&vt icrxjjoxnca"''- SjbT.i i v t. j. VALr'rrT':::. c .a: Jiev. It, B. Jones requests us to eay to T,i-r r nU3 SrL 1U lwvr ?f. -H 1 vi- if 'Hi z &zx r.zcziL It tai Lec-i : rainy hucorreSpWdentst.nat .sickness has, pre- . ... , .1' veoled him from answering their commu- . ,. . j , . ,-,.1 ilS .;V.I'V)Hv;- I . number sometimes Cads Jts way i-totL:: i-Olis immeroui friends, will regret tO parts and' arords us no small pk'-s-rc.' f near 'that ho1 ir very 'VfeebleUndeediidt-it reminds tae of the happy aad prosper-' :L;r CI r u; t - j- tie su? r C u" ject c' ; c r 1 xt ie.ett which will L3 Ltld witli tlciurch at Elm Grove, on rrfdsy bcfcrethellilJrJjord'ayria-Dff-: cenber. 1 i Adjourned by prajcr. Erother Terrel rc--.t!ca who r.-r-jf H-?-?dby tretlvl Association. It would afford me no era all pleasure to hear frca'cy,ioll frisa'Ja ; and have recently been added to the church? ia this place by later 'and BaptUaa-about thirtj-thrce souls. .1 bave la pnrriratieaTor thepreta arery desirable work for all southern peer1. Its predestiaed gIoryf and 6oe . Vmph over all their, enemies, after ; that i:!tl need help,aad csnaot without material I aaa aewmpusa my design. i . uTo all who wfll furnish i mei witli their I address, and one dollar , accompanyir, I j i!1 torward a copy as soon, as it passes from the press.' 1 1 'Tours,&cl ' i i::WlL W.EOITH , X . j I .JL . rorJhe.vEiblicat Recorderl LITTLE LESSONS. i . LXTTSU fSPM DR." MAXXT. ' -K'ot withstanding the pressure on our col- lor the &Uoiiln.4eitenfi--TnVabbry( of tha: colt Jj so good that we are impatient to pe; l in print Although a part of . the lettejr is in ( reply to what j we have already -cor- reeled, th whole letter is so Irind, sensible and instructive that "we publish.' it entirel-f" Eds,1 Bcc r ' C r':-: 1 ' - 5-1 j ? When I first taw the cndqueron ""Little Lessons"; in. the Rbcosses of . 8ept 4tn T thought oC a story X once heard; of a'man who had been breaking a colt ; and think- ing he had; succeeded pretty well, told a' boy to 'go aheaoV'and hide in tho fence cornerj and to' jump' out and say, "Boo," when he came along riding the colt The boy executed his instructions, very eiactlyand yery earnestly.: The colt ran away, and tjorew the old man, who came back, wanting to thrash the boy. ' The little fellow pleaded that he had only done" as he was told. Tc3,w said the old man,' relenting, "but that "was a mighty big boo, for so small a horse. 1 v : It occurred to me that tho remarks of my brother, the critic, on "Little 'Lessons" were rather a lig boo for so smaU a horsed However, I took them " in ; g3od part) and thought of making no reply, though I saw at once his mistake about Hoses and the rock.; But I supposed he would find that out hlinselfi and would correct it. .,--" ? J ABut when a second article caaie out (Oct; X6,)-which -I have just seen j and two or three other papers are referring to the mat ter, I suppose I ought to say at least a word too: though. I am not so' much concerned to Tindicate the little book, aa to - improve the occasion, by suggesting the way in :whith. I thiak it can be made cscfal. ? If my friend, the' critic, had not misap prehended the design of ''Little Lessons,", he would notj I think, : have ; fallen into the harsh judgment he 1 pronouaced. It is no fair objection to the book that it "does", not do what It waa'nevcr raeaat to do: for in-' stance ,to -explain, tie hard peea-es' of Script are., t Theses it carefully ukips," as my brother says, for it was rot supposed that a little tract of 24 saisll parres could explain; them 1 to any good purpose. " Its, oDject, was to lumxea ecrae brief sketch of the old Testaneat History, such as children migh t j- memorize. 7 XverjtLiiig i - therefore ,was studiously abridsd,;, ; Such, facts were selected, as it was supposed young chil .dren could -understand, aad take some in terest ia ; and these werd stated, generally ln'tho precise" language of Scripture, ' The cxplaaatioas, which are cert ainly desirable must bo supplied by a teacher, who can talk it alt cvert' with much mora, iat err: t cad in telligibility than a child could read it. Eat the book w&3 meant for those also, who can not read, bat raast le:.ra the L.3era by ike help of an older sister or a parent. ; -Hence nothing was put ia bat tho i inkiest tate mcats. - . , , And the book was laboriously prepared revised, and re-written, carefe dy ead cca! scicntiously, with; coasultation ; aad criti cism. . I caa'e take rcfaga under the pica that I did net do it, as ray brc )therldcst3i or that I did it ia a harry. - It acccrda ia the mala with r.y UellleratJ ''judg-eat' ef what a bock cf Uad fir yoarj chil drea tacald be. And I bnd the c- ;-ica cf such brethren as C. J. LJ ferJ, ti jcha E.cauas. cad ct .3, Vjo raaeli -tttcntioa s t6" bochs' fer' Cchoclia:lractica, ,'thaV.lt. wr.3 ;c: l-ath :atly cc! t:d to tlie r"r-c:x: I r - - - i. ..vr -i.eraa' sayia-, t..;r t' s.r-j i "It u a geax 5 ii i j tLo I : i t T j cf t:.e Llad I have e-f'c? c.." I C.Ji u t a-;d to qaeta thie,' bat Cat tl; cilll- c. t' ere err-) r';'rr.l V"4'-. vi iat:.3i. toi oU::j tf tcr.clJ. Lj - . - , ' -. . i 1,11 Ir t!.2 t-.er.: : - - --i j j- tie -.1 L. ... A te-7 CI v . I - . .. . . ----. . - ? t Eltr thsr,t-asct3rr crcrjt? -nl-'.S , c r t III I? t : ca tlr:-J narratiTe. " f :tjt years old could lean :r- 'is t-r the teacher f" f f LaiiJ cn, a neeeeeary prtrtiuitiu to txtA nations..' . -1.. y-v ... rlTo furnish a maaaat cT this kind; ! pre pared t'::"3 Kttb bocks durirj the w&V Thoa:-zcl3 cftLera have teen sold, and'th f""v:si!(ltB7!iitt they 4rl brother Shuck's excellent little Infant Cat. eckhm,.(cn!y for a slightly raere -advanwn' ce,) whieh ia a decided success, and tiQu "Child's Scripture Question 'Book" of tV American S. S. Ur.ica,tne of the most ful and popular books they issue, of wtU more than a hundred thousand have bceg This is perhaps 'enough on the charge ot 4kippir g the hard. places. That - : precisely what I tried to do. . And I 6Vi remember that IJMafp&iaAf even the east ones; i I was, making a book for int litti.5 folks, and I expected the teachers to do all .tne expiaiaisg. . -. .; ..-, -; . t- As to the other two objections, I need not say muchyTo explanation of the as sign" of the plagues cf Egypt is given." I did not explain it, I only stated that 'was'topunishTthe Egyptians. But it j, aUeged also, that "an impression of the (S. vine cruelty is almost inevitable.n J can hot see that . The book gives simply i. cital ofjatured. The facts doubUea made the impression on the Egyptians aaj the LrraeUtesJoo, Ihat this '' Jehovah ' w Tiotone who could be trifled with. And that is precisely the ' Impression I should loa&ke:itX wetcwnltig'lWoM"'fc:; sonsj together with i the fact, which I eiK deavored make prominent, that they kept "hardening their hearts," and thereby increasing their sin, and so their suferirgi -toa ..There arc - several other ' instructin .thingsI could have brought in s about the plagues, which' mv brother .has doubtlea f thought etand eo haze I; but I did not tmnK there was room Jor them m these VLittle Lessons.' I ask a few questions oa them 'occasionally to tome ether tcholcart that ;j,"havej who do!not.cftea complain .of me, for skipping thenard places. ; . . The .third objection t of . "quoting the Bible incorrectly" is a more important mat ter : for 1 agree with 'my . brother that so error can be aught, which mis-states the word of God, and .that ; "children, should not be required tqx learn counterfeit , Scrip. ture,", 5 But the book is right, and - he ii wronff. : l lloses twice brought forth1 water "froa tho rock." First, within a few weeks after leaving Egypt, while the people were en camped at Rephidim, though the rock seems not to : iave been , there, but ,4it Horcb." A second time, he did the same thlngsome 38 years . after, two : or " three hundred miles further North near Kadesk The first time he was commanded to " milt the rock : the second, to tpcab to the rock. And it was on this second occasion,, that ub wuumueu iuc bid, vvmcu Qeoarrea nit entrance into ; the promised land. Eoti places1 are called Massah and Jlcribah, i. a temptation and strife; and this has led many, besides my brother,the critic, to con found them.; ii;I; happened to inow .au about that, however, for I bad preached about it a good while ago. . - ? . : But I have said twice aa much as I in tended ; and would not send this as it is, but that I have no time to re-write and make it shorter. . 1 ' :'-. God bless you, brethren Editprs,- and your paper. 6: It is a good one, full of inter est to me, and I doubts not to. all your readers. I only see it occasionally, but al ways find it interesting, and would sub scribe for itj but for the lack of the necessary'-wherewithal." I " w " " V-' " Tours with kindest regards, ; B.HANLY, Ja. ' Y P. S. I have just obtained the Rkcob D5B of Oct 23, in 'which' the charge of "ia-. accuracy'? is withdrawn, ia-.. very, friendly terms. I suppose, however,' as so mucli has been said, and as I see the South Caroli na DapiLt lm copied your article, it is due to publish the foregoing. I will" only add that if brethren are curious to see aforesaid "Little Lessons parts L and IL, Jbrother C. C. Eittiag, (Greenville, S. C.) will b glad to gratify- them, ' and will forward them by mail, twenty copies for a dollar, cr one copy of each part, post ' paid, for tea cents. '- This article, like a lady's letter, contains its best part ia the Post fcript GENEH O CITY OF AUTHORS ; Ve sthink it right to publish tho follow iag extract from a private letter. Eds. Rec: . '- tcl was glad to sec the acknowledgment In RECoitDEa of one error ia your count, vs., "Little Lessons H." It is honorable and Christiaa to express a change on con viction, andiie do it. I love you the more, not for the intrinsic importance ot the mat ter, but for Co credit it does Christie brethren, a I cade: 3 Part I, and think if you read preface to Hat, and examine Part II again; that you will also recall Eos. 1 and 2. Yoa can help tha and the work by aa introdactory "Notice, makirg your readers 5 acquaiatances of ours. .We thaak you tery kiadly for. your -favors si ready. . We thaak you for the cause sake, for that is our aim. IJo author has ens ceatcf personal iatercst ia any of the boohs They gcacroasly gave us all the labor, etc Very truly yours, etc' - U. U. LiTTIiur, . ' - Cor.Eee. OEITTJAT.nZS : Tea liacs, niacty words, of obituary ce'.lecs wa ir.:;rt rnri oy ciiAEGEj1 yl& the frieada cf tl.3 c!:::;;:d desire the licatlea cf. lor er clitaarlca iive..ask;.th22... to seadthcrcTith rrvn cists for everyria r'cr H TL:i r-dl price is intended to ftf t"-3 r-!at;r e..:. 1 to cct as a very raoder:'' r;. -1 ... . Ltericflcrgclitaar::. :::-tfe? Cec- r:t 1:-T3 1:5 - -r;.-Tt r: 1 c 1 ! 1 E "TTl-O ( ) :T2 erf" c t. :o -.-..m-m fc b.... .

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