d i,.- K;.;. ;,1L; U;V:;JJ4 ft "ir ii JTmv M-I L I r. I i .... f,' 1 1 OL. XXXIII. " (r I t ' I? i 5rs'. " -', j 2, I-" . -tRA L EI H,' N-. - G.V- W ED N E jol feOBrlt - : .. I :;: 1. . .. : i . .. r . . t -- PRESENT SUFFERINGS AND - . a . w m V . X PJUUCKEX) BEFORE. ;TH N. C bStit tfrXTH OonTEimoa,AT Haxsao-; tartainlyjcriew whattU"nffering w4a.? ! f -or compared . with ;i objects with jjiaeat of thV fancy; tli 'very linage of ttie brain," the' most un- Irthly creation oi our areauis must H alwya ivmade tip of Wy ojmy.Roynticeptp, . which we have :seen with "sufferings of, this present time, rariaiti . . it... - - our bodily eyea .a-.... j - t . ence 9f the intul raob, nd, ,,on five everal occaaioni, ireceived thirty-, nine iashet onhur bare 'hack."3' He ly well, prepared; ; to calcalata .the glory to be Tevealed, One, of our poeWJ after pintingv tertible sights till the' reader haVupped full with ,tnlCkon that the Bufferings of thit prev 8re sot worthy to be compared -hi s,017 whIch haU 1x1 revealed-if ' ,onu VIII; J3. . -,j -f nTiA nible describes, heaven by ''r ,jon. 'There is a reason for I e?. jhe constitution of oiir minds ach,at weican a,e nq'appre- Iseen, unless ,they be -Composed I tmutterabie; to6 glorious for human. i'Wilmaii1 ? horrible aad wfa' 1 Which pr'tto eamq -red be pnlawfo bat riaul tells us iof being .caught up into heaven and hearing things teri and which' it was Punlawfut , for iim to reveal. Ko, other maiiv had so "trod thei wayf of glory, and sounded all the depths and " shoals of honor.' ' l.l s I may dream of a yjBgel "uO , 6" , t -1 if iUi"-; horss ; but I have seen a horse, and I have seen wings ; and the imagi nation combines these familiar ob jects, and the result of the combi-' Bation is the winged horse of my dream. .. ; The whole frame-work" of onr fig urative language proceeds lipon this principle. Men . first gave names to material objects, and to phisical actions, and then, as thought expanded, and , new ideas ffere born, they transferred these names to objects, and to actions ' of an immaterial nature. Thus we speak of the 'point" of an argu ment, or of "leaping" to a conclu gon, or of "arriving at" a result. Judge Rowan of Kentucky used to say, that he would not care much for a heaven which a man could describe ; but the heaven which he desired was one of which even a Paul must say, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things vhich God hath prepared for them that love him ;" and while I can not endorse his interpretation of this passage, I can still fally sym pathize with his state of mind. I do not mean to aitempt a discrip tion of heaven, nor do I pretend to be able to give any adequate con ception of its glories. Neither do I mean to ' institute a comparison Between the saf&ringaherelad-the glory there. My business shall be gimblv to develop the thought of the text, and to show that there, is comparison between earthly pains and heavenly glory. The in conceivable nature of that glory is Krongly presented in the thought, that the sufferings-of this life,great as they are, still bear no sort of proportion to the glory which shall bo revealed. We sometimes fail in our at tempts to console a suffering- saint, because we erroneonsly suppose, that the sufferer will bear his bur den the better,if we can make light of it. But the true plan is, to make it out just,as heavy as the facts will warrant, ' and then impress him with the thought, that, notwith standing its crushing weight, it i3 ai a mere nothing compared with t&e glory which his heavenly Fath er has in store for him. This will make him look up J and .the ema ciated face, even now; bathed in tears, will be wreathed with smiles, m the San of Righteousness shines through the clouds. ' ' ' " L " ; But let us now- scrutinize the language of the text.- We find that Paul says he "reckons. "There is a world of meaning to be found in a' careful study of Paul's uords. He Mea them with wonderful discrimi-; nation, and the very aroma of-his j thought often escapes - us through oar carelessness in handling1 the package in which it is put up . Sbvin this passage, he ' does not saj he guetses. ' He doe3 not say he He does not- say1 he tup- or hopes, of believes f hut ; he K..-T. ' -r- ' '.' .l il.-J axons. - lie uses a maiueLuon- term. . The Apostle1 tells ' its wre. tKat Ka li'aW mhtlt'a, cdLcuLaiion. i he'has taken certain : amoaiits M set them down,' and footed up columns as, : the. school toys that he has worked ;put the Vknd the 4 grand result, Rafter the additions' and subtractions ebeen made.. i& triven in remembering tthat- the 1 worse ;,wp make; them out - to be, the more glorious by comparison will appear the rest that remain eth for the peo ple of God. ) One of the sources .of suffering in this world is. 4 ! ;r'J,; POTKETT. . 'J : 1 -This is a. dire e viL Men may philosophize as they will about the dangers and evils of wealth and luxury, and about & virtuous pover erty and its attendant blessings; but with all our philosophy, pover ty ia stilt a terrible calamity.: - I hava visited the widow with her six helpless children, and found fhem.with only two sticks of wood, when the pitiless . storms of snow and sleet - were beating upon the ice-bound earth, and when there was not a morsel of food! in the house, and not a cent with which to buy. Do you . ever think of the poverty of many, a struggling, toil ing minister of Christ in these days of darkness and of trial? Have you not known such men, who had been reared amid luxury, men ot culture and attainments, who were often compelled to hear mortifying remarks made "by strangers, who would refer to the shabby and iri sufficient dress of the preacher's little children ? His little ones are running upon the pavement with their feet bare, cold and blue, "and some well-meaning stranger will say, "Poor little things ! They are bar t-footed, and so thinly clad 1" -Ancf'thete tbe"tati wte! tip 'front the depths of the father's stricken heart, and in an agony of soul he lifts his eyes to heaven, and says. "God bless the little darlings ! God knows I would provide better or them if I could." Bnt he sti fles the rising sob, and turns his troubled mind and stricken heart to At work, looking into the recom pense ot the reward. Brethren this is hard hard to bear. God help you my toiling brother 1 The God of Israel help you to attain to the grandest height of human heroism to labor and ia wait ! I have sometimes pictured to my self the meeting, between Elijah and the widow of Zarephath. The nronhet has reached the. outskirts of the city, and he sees a poor worn an picking up the broken sticks and little bits of wood which are lying neglected in out-of-the-way coro ners. He accosts her, and asks her at first for a drink of .water only. : She looks so poor,: that' he has not the heart to ask Acr for bread. But as she goes off to bring the water, stimulated; by hunger,-he asks her to nring him a morsel of bread too. This last request pierced to the core of her sad heart, aud broke lip the fountains' of the great s deep. - The mother's rrief burst forth : "As , w the Lord thy GodlivethI have not a cake, but a handful of meal in barrel and a little oil in -a cruse; and, behold, X anv-, gathering two sticks, that I jhay goiA and dress it for me and my soap that we may eat it and die? 'There-was - sufer ing tiered How muchof just; such suffering i2nows existsamOng -the widows and orphans of this stricken But" another eource of great suf- tering is-o v norniolw" that thi'' BUtter- gwncs of heaven. . ' 4 . , "robably no man ever lived, who Niuch matrialsjas aurhfdS?r a calculation? Fe w: men ever r. 80 intimate a personal icqtiaiat race ith the, various ' forms of ttaa suffering..! A.xnanof.. keen aibiHties, a high sense of person 7; ?nor, and great national pride, 8was driven about from . pillarto Pt hooted at hissed, reviled .and C4st off by j his ? on countrymen ; aen,-after, going farlwayfttc; e wntilas. he was . still pursued relentless hatred from city, to 'lf. pressed leyond; -measure, . so JJ N even desparedSf Jife A ;.' : -sdculti vsted jeSned'gen BODILY PAIS., hand was' thrust far in the", mahgl- who (God bless herl) hai nobly keit! ' :.ABH0B4 H AT 'WHICH ts'vnlj t ed flesh; il has made me thant.God herwofdt Shall we' meet with'aji; " 'f f It'iP thf tWi; . -o . -f . , - v. . T6! f.n When a"4nan abhoral a .thingrt he forever in the sunshine oTour Sf, U lMbm vumr a iuve 1 luere wilt uo Kiury--1 . Ai r vr u.S.,.U,.1a ru,uWui;,.iuc s soon -us j in tiiat meeting. -v" " UiA.i. . - j.v-aI they eo beyond a certain tbmt'.ot Rhlt T W '1 .Tl?l'ww now grey, who years: ago called e, k hhnJ, u ; .nn tl (r ' tancrht triv ' fnfant I - -: i: X '...4. :iJ. il-iii -i i rmm ir n nn mAr a i Vrnnnin na nm vn reform. f These sufferings,- howev- ever, are comparatively slisht fin agony, they wear out the organism." Exhausted, nature seen reaches the to her side 'ana. taught mV .... v - . jo limit of endurance, and then ref lis- hands to" clasp,5 and my child lips: toJ . ;h-y ,jh 'fc es to rebel againt the injury of the' li8p onr,Father V .Shall I e'et hil J! r :. t,-4t k-uj -.1 a- 't, 1 Tl1? bnthatftlsdwhlfchJiiasthe. u buic. awi iucu (Hsiu veaevt, . iuui i nuu t,uiicu luug uv4- uaiu, vuiyu", i i . ' kind, is necessarily limited, too,jdn j mer'a heat' that his boy point of continuance. -Death, atthe at least.' some preparatio; worst soon comes,and sometimes he up and plead for Jesus. IS a We I on m a mpflsenwr' gf rfitpasn." I hia nnnfwnrn ' rnk" vkr the better land. ; We mav here cive' oatheTrlirnthand of the Jude. anld;! it tnatt & the fullest play to the imagination ; see him gathering his jewels: !fro;.raf4 for, Iiowever glorious the realms of j those whom -JEle allowed bliss may appear fo ns'in visions of I poor weak one to lead t of f it!" Solomon ' Sal, I ' .v, t,'a 'a' tone oerore raui-s day,' "iunrer nor,j might have J , o, s t ilAiV-, t -I n f P&U1 OI XnO WICiBU, BDU K !" Shall T I " P88 V5 oy inrn irora it, noui lonable' dancmg of our flay vu'mkij''i!rfYP?0OFTBS,raaL as'aftythlnJnidirbCrcWelW KfSfjrt it kaidloy Pttindredand.' chtircX j ;f ; i,: 1 virA STf I.AKC&iCAN jBIBLS VKIOS ffOhjl-there. bb no real htm init I ,. , , . f v ju . . , :Ut is only an innocent iiiu$ineiU . J,, Thb opessnessof th prpjecj; 7?ltnuistJ seem riffhtof course, to. uniting all denominations .ia.:tie guwt jroiwmwuw 'uuwij win. l wyrV VM pjyifiing. IDC iHgUUH. OCriP iunuw, iu Biign uywo it w in iuft, larcea us to sneinquiryTwneui' oeen a way ot tieatn, ana is stiu a i er the work is reallr j needed and wayiof deatnitoiliundredaana thoil- 1 80, how it can be successfaUr accoix o0t;2t ruiirwr .'iiitia . tothe Cross I f Ia our coiry ro-aay, musirsee xaai blind, but what dan see that '.there eloquent' An- are 8re 'r? 'spul-kflling, t. I never did" Boul-damning ' eviUin1 euV yeW are eating a way in the very heart' of enraptured thought," we are notified What a meeting then will be bf aavice is gretir fiwaM ai wj hpfnrphftnd tKat nnr liiwlioot ncflrw . f.ot.'.j i,:; i ' I time. There isno ma ffwho is nqti tion of the glories of the npper I I have often wished I could have world must fall infinitely short of I heard the "old man the grand reality. 1 cannot conceive drew Broadus preach the utmost capacity of human suff- J hear him. He died before my day erinc Awv and vAt tha ia nnfhin irl Bnt in ft.liA rlftrinna WArld a.Knv. : o j -a i , . , , ,-. y. , , as ftomnarAd wifli o uv tW0 mav . T not Tumr tVSt vnW wMnh society, ana aestroymg .t&at nign , jl'-- e"j . -I . - . ...i . ;..-( We may therefore feel safe in pictnr- enchained;, the . gathered thousands tonea 8 f nse ot Honor say notning ing lo ourselves the scenes which we here y and will not the thoughts 01 religion tnat nas neretotore been: may think will delight us most,. and : breathe pare, and the ;words burn' characteristic orthe'iiectionjjniv- brighter under the genial w;armthof lTl lo w tDii the '. ffreat Sun of Rii?hteousnes8 "uia e an earnest enort, tnere But wejnust briefly notice TUB CONTrxCAWCE OF THE GLORY. Fewpereons here have any defi nite idea of a million. I have asked many people what was meant by a million. . They would say "ten huri- in accordance with our various tastes we may revel in the most exquisite dreams of bliss, feeling confident that the highest reach of the most poetic fancy will sink into nothing when heaven itself ehall blaze out upon our astonished view. Some of you are fond Of music, and are delighted when you hear sweet voices discoursing the charm ing songs of our Sunday Schools. But what are these compared with the song of Moses and of the Lamb, chanted by the pure voices of -.the general assembly and church of the first born, redeemed, regenerated and disinthralled from all the dis cords of sin ! Some of us love to gtuay; ana as we wors on some deep passage of God's word, as we strive to look into the mysteries of God's ' sovereignty and man's free agency we may teei hko saying with John Foster, "Never mind ! I'll fore on the part of j'each' individual to shhn all manner of evil, firstj , for his own good, then for; the good of others, and also for .the good of the country at large.' " Far it is evident that the example anci in-- nuence oi tno present generation dred thousand ;" bnt this mereljr wiH be transmitted . to , the next, gives it another name, and throws nb light npon the question. I have then put it thus : "If you had a mill- ion silver dollars in one pile, and were to count them one by one into another , pile, how long would it take, counting at the rate-of one per second, six hours a day?" Some would say , a few hours; others a day ; some few guessed a week ; but when Unformed that forty dayt would not suffice to do the work, they seemed amazed. It is doubtful whether any human mind ever had any definite conception of a million. find you out in eternity." What Bnfc now tnink of million of Jmill floods of light shall there be thrown upon the questions which divide Christ's people here. My Methodist brother, you And I shall .not quarrel there over Gods sovereignty and man's free will. We shall see eye to eye in the pure, clear light of our glorified Saviour's face. We shall i - j i i ii oe ainazeu w see now small were some of the objects which arose be tween our eyes and heaven, and how i l'.ii . .i i i laese iiiue wings ooscructea our view, and hid the glory of God from our signt. You have sometimes stood at a distance from some grand building, and you have seen how, Dy placing a single finger immediately in front of your eyes, you could shot out the whole massive pile from sight. But you approach the build ing, and the finger seems to become smaller, and the building grows larger, until you reach the beautiful ions ot centuries, muiupiiea by millions of millions, until the figures themselves refuse to perform thei office,, and. then. thinJc jenioying, supernal glory during all these ages, without in the least diminishing the time during which this glory is still to last, and. you must agree that the word itemity expresses not an idea, bnt the fruitless effort of the mind to grasp an idea absolutely incon vincible. My unconverted friend, how can you afford to throw away such glory as this? You love honor among men. What anxiety young officers display in seeking military glory I A lieutenant who fought in Mexico said that when Longstreet fell des perately 'wounded there was not an officer in the regiment who did not envy his good fortune, because he fell in a conspicuous position and structure, and then the finger seems his gallantry was seen by his aupe- to be a mere nothing, and your eyes nor omcers, ana was sure to be no are filled with the sight of the mag- ticed in the official report. -nificent monument of architectural Alexander Hamilton, perhaps the skill. So shall we find It in our pro- greatest intellect that America has gress to mansions in the skies the produced, after serving with dial house not made with hands, eternal tinction in the Revolutionary war mthe heavens. "It doth not yet and showing signal ability as a sol- 1. 'a. 1 11 1 l . . . - " appear wnas we snau De ; DUt we dier, allowed himself to be shot so that it may be said of them, as it was said of certain ones in the na&tj: "The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth, are set on ge-" ' t .x : But few, however, seem , to take this view of the case. ; The majori ty of them seem to have caught the infection of the age, a reckless. don't care, dare-devil sort of a spir it, going ahead regardless ot the deplorable result. which; must inev itably follow. Now this a terrible state of thin gs, and so long as .this state of things continues, there must be a downward tendency, both in the scale of morals and religion A demoralized country cannoi possibly be a t happy, prosperon country ; for 44 happy only ri J that people whose God is theLord.' Gh 1 that I had the power ' to reach the ear of every- young man in out country to-day, L would say, abhor evil, abhor evil; for though - .- 'Vice it of so frighttal a mien, That to be hated needa but to be seen ; Yet, seen too often face to face. We first parley, then pity, then embrace. Yes, I would say, abhor every species of evil, and oven the appear- ance of it, andVkeep yourselves from contracting any evil habit which ini the end, like the fabled monster, must destroy you both in body and in soul. There are some evils,' some very great evils, which the world looks upon as respectable J and, tor this reason they are the! more dangerous.' They decoy the unsuspecting and unwary oiienumes irom the path of rectitude, and lead them in the path of folly and crime. ' One of these evils is the fashion able dance, made respectable by its introduction into fashionable cir cles,and by its having had the counte know that when he shalL appear, we through the heart, lest some fnnl 1 nance in two many cases of profess shall be like him ; or shall iee should call him a coward. He Wi ed christians. It has thus become one him as he is." "For noSv we see ed reputation honor glory. It ia 1 'of the most , fruitful sonrcea of; fiit through a glass darkly ; but then hard to give up the cood opinion of in all our land, because it u, the our friends here. It was a wretch ed outcast and suicide of whom Hood wrote the lines, face to face; now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I ami known." . ; But even here I can think of some scenes which may bespecially glo rious in heaven, I stuod one night by the cradle of a little boy, a lovely child, the son of one of the dearest friends I have" on earth. .The little one was sinking fast. . . The physi cian . approached ? the cradle, and "Sisterly, bretherly, Fatherly motherly, , Peelhigt had changed : Love, by harsh evidence, Thrown from its eminence ; ; -; Even God't providenee Seeming estranged. Now can yon cheat your soul of the glories of heaven, and cover leader, the great leader,,; to others more dangerous and destructive. It was characteristic of : t he dancers in Job's day to "say unto God, depart from us ; tor we desire not a knowl edge of thy ways,' and to ask-, the questions, What ; is the Jimjghty that we should serve him ! and what profit shouUwe have, if? we pray unto him ? u It y6characteris ?JA plished. -. tviiji;Vut ti!t ,i sands. ;i It U an: .evil then, great enli aniahoald bel abhorfed., , . ,Th need of the work, is , too rfrtv by eyery on lclaiming to be a Chris- uenUy taken for granted tifamt:$& MamUutS fb4, j f f gumbyTOajiyJthatiitaatmi very: inejicu w any mipg m undertaking for sckoUra tabor- atnltifies theaensesand produces ia J w -ii thA .mn f innl. h. &J diitfiistefof serions thought TahpVl fects of tha CtommoaiiiYersicaland3 Hawaii . Km4rA'.m 1 !.-. Jt -4. J r V -..J f f - . I aieiyrv-a.nu- iao' same conxinuauy,. anashoom be shun- are sometimes used for a' faithful ned as an enemy to the best inter English version of the Sacred SeripV eats-oif one's soul; ; Another great turesV as would employed od3 W ?T6aa".thof; halfofafaithful4)ubHcatioiiofcJ W6 mer'elliad br-Virneidr3it always been in all aires, a atrnnir I mtJAJ. ji4rn:xid i f .ti-. '-.f tt i"i 1 it. - '-4 I . j . r "-.. u i"o .ttance, nine ana . tne if the Bible were merely . a n text- dance usually go .together. It , is honk of reinort WmoiitvJreasina truly , appling; to see , h6w; this abound for preserving 5 it ai it is.: miserable vice of drunlcenness is Suppose that it does differ far numef-' iMMHHiiiK in.im ina ; numg our f nns inatftncea from the-Herrrftw and jail8" nitentiesVaihow Greek ' original"; Wte'am it "7' ry'T1 ". f?TP, J! a! agrees with them. - If a doctrine' is " V' wT," V. wwy.;ttrT.cwM im some places obscured by" an' im- ot the Pt of;.oaing ,caii be perfect translation, ih!uothir'f places done it seems .toetoniifiery- it shines "bit ' cleailyv4 'If "errors ' of flood, as it , moves ; on. with , steady fabt exist, truths f ! superabound.03 If ihe book - a doctrine .inmnrtnnt 'mfrfltearyrevealea Tn fthA Original is dearfe?rV-of1 obscurity' perverts VSjonceath&fh1 frpm the-ndinary'reader: -He may slumhle anfaltorfi&.trVnlla. . m J - thtert deretrtie. - trausl ' . fNor tfrsAteeit tMesbmeV-ora- naryihtfy3pIaiA;th rfanlt-and farnishithb prOrjteerideririg; Jle may erferse'd sf o5nmentaty "the Hpndrj,ds Jiave 1 lived ;i dni ibrrbw ?4aipaiftbn'aa5i)tf.tha word "damiiatioir?. yilQotixWS. Ii 'nJfymJmf. hce,n?ejn.fidelg A JftCimquenoJe ranaUfns ; -t Hstyru .baiiuiiuip-.iuq muuence ot llier'prinpiples0 involvedHin 'retuon. w fcimi hero .introduce some of the I comparis6hsbetween Vran'slatVnsin fthd Common Ve'reton and in thBe VlsEd?T,lfenV:and Genesis d ' Uniofil2 'iJ J''fioi ia-irf tWM.iHi iWYCKOFF) BBOTBjsaMirsjiljii hayeibeen a regdlarreaden oftheLRBcMMior about sixteen years;' It is a welcome visrtof o pVl have' received tt'jich vamao and redoubled force,sweepiug away faults are apparent? ' beauties fiare- le, information fronv it. .and .been mg!) fact Idanot see bdftIQuldda witnbnt it. I rwould loveta see its'ci Frtil tion increased' f it''oughi to "n e In ev- psj; vw.hwv,i9.iv$ ptaKu-and iuaoT.ou.era nos Japusta; inits onward march some of thA f mnlHrtied: j - 3 oii v;&vq J most gifted in the land, and . brine- And the version is 'now5 establish ing thousands oif f, others , down to I ed.5 Millions read itJ l The cht&ches penury,, wretchedness and absolute lot the saints are edified, and sinners . i -j- - t ...... m . - W Y . J want. Even church members who ! are converted, by its tehlngs.1 To a should set themselves as barriers to disturb it,' excites prejudice and dp- the march of this mighty evil are position, and may, in some ' instan- helping it on. Abhor it, i says the oes, unsettle the faith of weak minds, word of God ; , but no says the dis- Why not let well enough alone and titter, the wholesale dealer. the re. do all the good you can with the tailer, 'the Jar-fender, we'll help it on, and on it goes, regardless of the wreck and ruin that follows in ita track. Oh 1 Christian men and women can t you do something -to aton. in measure this wreck and I rain ? ssik d$epy fiifi when rea- ding tprtMdngaofthe?Assoda- ii lii-ld book as it is ! These and many other arguments could, with a strong show of reason, be urged in the ease supposed. But the real case is of another character. The Author of the Book, and bur relations to Him, must be regarded, J God calls upon you your country The nature and character of the calls npon you, your kindred call communications," and their value to upon you ; and every agonizing cry men, must be taken into ' account, that is wrung Ifroicn . the heart and The effect of the errors and' im lip of the aaniard'a beggared wife -perfections BXistrag-can not be "Overt and child calls, upen yen. Will looked. : " :' "'"i you not help ? Will you not heed J ' The influence of the principles in this cry and abhor this evil f It volved in the work of revision, bood rests opon you. It rests upon ' the Christian church to effect a reform in this particular. Z tt It cannot be done in any other way, permanently and efficiently The church of Christ must do it if it is ever done at all. Temperance societies, though they haTe done much good, have utterly failed to accomplish the desired end and ob ject. The evil still exists and con tinues to increase with fearful ra--pidity. It is said that in Waldeck, Germany no man is , allowed a li cense to marry who is known to be a drunkard. It would be a good law, it seems to -Vme, to establish every A - x th6 minds of God's people and of the world.' r .. . : The results of revision already alized: and the prospective results among ail nations. All these and many other subjects of investigation are naturally sug gested. To pursue the examinatiod of such matters at length would in-; definitely extehd these articles. Let us glance over them cursorily. The Author of the Book is the Same Being who made all things an d by whom all things subsist, through! whom alone we know anything andi on whom we depend for all things In it He reveals himself. Suppose I have seen a man with a leg and an arm shattered by ; bullets, f i .tie was lying npon a cp with his shat tered leg bandaged and snppurted by a rope -which -hung- in ta1 noese from the ceilinff. He Would" lief in jone -position nn til hevicbuld Nendure it no longer; ana-? nen Knowing, atany I movemenf bfhid ?bbdy might make e theehattered ' -bones crack and rattle5withini his ! torn fleshy he would try tb mbve his poor sinking frame jost an inch or " two at a .time, and, as tho bones meved, it5waa terrific to .iliesa hil sdfefi in fesi His whole frame 1' seemed td Jbe racxeu witn $agoHj ouW )corjugate,andJie would niter a;suppfessedvaAV iJ 't v;; J3 I have, seen the surgeon using his instruments, in the -terrible ropera jtisnrbfiwsebtibnl blood t spurted,; and . the" muscles fiuiveretzi d:l::-3 ccrrci I VT" f"tTJ7Zl X .T. : t "-1 ' $rTw.!"3 tin of dancers in nnr Hav nnan cian .approacnearna craaie, and- yourself with shame and I everlasting 7' -v;t, looked upon the dear little face, and that day when the ele T! as he turned away the infant breath-' menU shall melt with fnt n!aV! , Pce- the same effect now tha tit ed his last.1 It was the sixth infant '-a v. j- .v.n . . , L ' ( inin- u&isztitv , . , 1 . 4J ' . , , , -1 uw oub . Buau dq ronea w- that had been . snatched from the aether as a . BGroll Jr ' ' i household ; and, as the pure spirit J " ' M,mtm ' ; h", . toofci wmg,tAe agomzed ' mother - : piteona,wair,:and hrrlrVf nhri A winm J where; or at least, the ladies imight' thafthere was only one ' mistake in I establish it tor themselves, by re- the book, and that mistake conceal fusing to marry any man whom ed or obscured His Godhead. Take they know to be a slave to intern- for instances 2 Peter i, 1, where oe perance. Some young ladies think curs in the Common Version the when the heart is deeply interested, phrase : i "God;and our Savior, . Je- that their influence will bo sufficient sua Christ."If any friend of the Ile- to effect a reform.;, but itfs a fearful deemer knows, as all scholars know, risk, and one too, that has brourht that the original Greek says : "Ooe many a fair form down to wretch- God ad Saviob, Jbstts Chbist: edness, want, l and a premature would he be willing to conceal this grave. ; : t ? ' i fact from all who read the Bible' by Abhor such an evil, young ladies, I Tetaining the old erroneous' transla shrink irem i an never let ybur I Hon! Would any argumenti of 'r-hand-He igiven to one whom yon j foncy-satisfy him thus to 'dislhbn iaye Teasbn te believe is addicted tb 0rHim who had cbmr from his ;thd vice of intemperance. rs . ' ,Uis a growing evil, and one, too, that will have no mercy on 'yen, I youf tears, yottr" entreaties, your ., ... :n 4!ma4-. r uarcosco, win a van uud iiiue Wlin B man -t besotted' by strong : drink. Hence, of all the pitiable spectacles beIs, Testored ns tb favor, called f ns Hence, J.hesitate not to say .that that these professing Christiana who engage in the dance themselves,-or Vsend Jvrtk their little onet'.lto do the same, are unworthyKif the name broke forth xn a . piteona wail, and said. "O mv husband I, will this I HUnnva u 1 haty know mrother ibabies Jwhenl tionmat alcohol topens a series of ,unristianj and. onght to renounbe he . meets them V The sad father, ceils in the brain, which 1 never afJ &$ Mny a, young manyand many could make no reply i but ? we lmay! t&rdsholly cbjlapse iln the( ayOungf womanp notwwishirignd besurbofonethingwhich oughtto iy!.!!!!! tk em ngnlar notfeliaviag m satisfy us-e sAatt know Jesus.- be effected in cahdwnl mml to' tehrptatiob :C Whatprecioueetings shall ,we1 kenness. ahd that the bnlV aafetv id I Md withalvhearinrJlomey Worldly .i.i ''-',-- i ; j . . 'ln... iky."rk-(tTrpi,illi ! I -!nAA ..r....; vivj'i.V-?ii I navo ineui x nave laieiy. lauoreu i uuwut ' vura s mor- r ixiwi iuicbsui jtJk-iiig viavuxa- . , vm . uuus lakut nmui uosicu iv lUIDJ te i an -rinfamy: . worse than i death J Oh 1 could all tha falr'formg; which bnce had within themhnsuapecting lovmg hearts, rise up and tell their' experiences rtell how those! hearfi had been crushed hopes i blighted j and how the dance; had beento them a d ance' of. death, 'men' would indeed abhor u tti'lhere' is fe " wav ...... - - r ( . . .1 " which seemeth right unto' a man," of are ths wyi of death-," jDjjvauj wywwx.. fi I tact, if it oe suchf anaiye jcaii not andoften have X longed tq pe;Withil dispute it. should cause every vounir man so tase ine cap, aireaay raised todrinkr from -his 1 lips and tnt it same IprivatidnJVf ;Butin Jieaven those who allure the nnthintinwi jfbl essed oe God I) we shall not have tthose who cannot lay nb,to taste' the' to part;.;-: Shall : ! meet ner. mpon cup mac wme w xnem ana thetr: whosehand l placed the ring some u"i. ra,iSa,J. . -: , S j ' t: "S Ai.: shame and de&th.-jStaitdard' ! five years : ago, and whose 'young - i heart: then ! promised ; to share'the - ruwht uvxi n-J toils, the , privations, the struggles, tist Churches in " Richmond, ?tnm-l tha pevertyref .thzz lastjears ct i tcris T'.ccfl : r.li? tacz:atl throne of glory, assumed our nature, suffered and died for ns! " : -: Our relations to Him ' are ioF ''the meet mflueritialhrHcter.tWe ar his creatures,1 his ebjects liis re deemed, He has pardoned us as ' re in-'onr- worldi a draakard's wife.va his friends, adopted us into his faro drunlrard'slittleone'aw ily. We owe 'every thing toHim. pUiibleLet me sayto" allJ;ttieiii Shall we hide his greatness and his abhor abhor asucri anevil4 lun "l glory from' rthe5 world Tu3hall' we reveal thern more clearly f stwoidf . What directions does HeiveTin tions, which1 tavei recently hn pnblisn?d'irftKPBibTO .some little interest is manuesttdTby e pf;theHiin., regard, the'irpnlation of the Ilecorderhk ffL ci)ivi mention ! is - made at lall ; 'tnav be thev have not so much as heard whether ihere i be. a; Recorder- In,sdine. Associa tions, 'resntcoeg the Recorder werg.pussedir bnt Jhey really seenij aajftheyere.a, mere compliment .to the iaiented -Editor, Such. resolutions aire : not worth the paper andnk it.tooklo ,wre them, - as pastxperiencejhjastaugh us- , ,.rOther. Associations, .the Editor beingT)f esent, an bpportunity was given him at the . very tost momenta of the session tot present $ne claims 01109 ztecoraer. , jpeaian aiat Very weu, re Jjee very well, ,f he jEditor being 1 present niia&iiaa pretty fair showing, we trust it will teil well in future: But Chowan Association 1iafc excelled -then ilU ThirAsio- ciatioh recommends' that an active 1 effort bb!i'made to extend its circula tion fTbii Is what we want,actibn;nbt nlefr resolutions appended' fcd our f -. ( -iSWarrentbb; i?N;rXX . A clertTTman - in Jvansaa mats h I r has , married t but " one couple ina I suchi. casesltAlf thejjdosejjbfithb yeari and that they paidt nim nothf I BereUtioni He aayg JiI teltifyv. -to ingatoiditb dinned a? ;it -was st ver- ona that hearsicthet worda-of M nV) t mTiA ihl I - . . . . . . aaaaai j wsi - wtinngu aa AST haab;;;Vm oneahalladd tothem,God,will add Iqhobascb.-- we ought not to des- i !,,. wv ? -f.nWn' aii piaeithosefwltheii-orance.twho 7 late hdrnd edncation; Jmte: Jf who iave habgoodeducation,am4 book of; this4jjropheeyGodf wilh negleci to improyo by, it ; No ,one take away ni part rom the ;tree,of trv- .wa ---ii. " ' j " .::. i.:.i. minutls read'bhiy.!'.byJjfewreme bered by fewerttd"pnt1niQr prad- ice'by how many)'0!' WMabdutto say none, bnt I will not.I Will leave it for the reader to guess the" nura ber. 1 I was about to write a resoltitibn for you' tb publish in' the 'Becotfteri with a request that the AssSciatibns itf this State adopt and act fiVont Thef whablf ail Have meVJ oefetb this time. Yet Twill send he yes blutibn, Jperhaps some who takeHhe Recorder majf riadlt? i .-WtowsWbgb'f" worth mbre 'thari inati igbdd thettghts andesotutiobsiTnerkbre be it mi! ''huh-g tti tmttm , e'Reedlve'diTh&l' every Tne tobeV'bf this by r become a permanent sob acriber -o the'B.scOBDitB,' and sult mg action iotbe words,and we will Immediately send bu- namei td the editor acebmpahied by the money and we will do all in our TOweH to increase its: ; circblation;ai beingTas- sured ttwea5,qnld,.in.no;.ther ' "wayi ' more t successfully prosecute bur Telfgibus purpose in extending heTdeemerViihgdomiJ -. h In the Biblical BEcoRPsawehave an expododer of onr principles, and t an1ioWerenaer.bt.Jth deliverer to the saints., It is a me dium through which everyv facility offered ns ofJT holding, conyerse witnS mef ou'distan isetdesmetol of ascerlain iug the Necessities of Ine different Boards, and the amounts of labof performed. It acts, favorably ft by giving usaew imwtns, hwben - hearing o thet gbbdi.accomplished pliea to-itican uong ne IgnorantT .HnAf'iw;ifc"'i vr- y ; wmniunications conyeydjo, .Aeed)tooftheJJpippa1jChWi !ourmfc'thetW oraan at ChicaffoJ aavas ITiidee,AAn I KtAilkJ .tf.Y- i .- eolnmna n 1 . -i ,i,'-i!S ?i:" opeiV td discus, any official act of I0? any..Bishoblinthe Chnrch.br any render it jnorempor, at. eiprcssibn-.of bpinipntwhicH a B.)sh-: jmen wipuld stndyfand,. jbelieve ithej op, mak'esbf any advice whichv-bel, words of VeyeiationTneirTmmbr gvAllUhopV. taimlefestaependnpony above, any judgment of purs,orany Aik other man's . - - ILt ii lir.i-YriicII Do nit think t vt,. k y4 ri he Devil ' "alwavt I riav ha etunal rnm. , It is not a.cer- byiothersVf tit rovbkes trsftb love' andodaiwbksliklfa-M courier, t informs ns of the .battles 5 fpffghanTjcJpneej l4ihJfdirjBf aly so iniornmgr b? fthe-michinatibns of tbe-enenly of ulahherV c filvVBleWfe bnallciy iehjlnMt?fitiTd3,iift effectually warded offh&iassa&ltju ItTiaiS ncHsity.-erhosb wh do nfttkeifaWasTeioitfieif1 eeot ibtetVfthurbhe? fisbofoxRlsteabV they payj their . ! 1 lfumM fare, niora.heatUyi jejangeli4atipnjof ministerslkpnjda.l!, m bisipowerj :, (totpdlrcnlAtl0rr "ryfjQT ofonetellcie n ;U2 'er. fort to inoreaio iif elreulaticr:. -'

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