x - " I I I " ! I J 1 1; lj- 1 J ' ! 1 '-" I -i " J ,.l:J W 'iy II , j, li j; "I , ,,- WEDNESDAY, JUNE For iiUblicftlBec-ord.r . t ' . ftim. tinea thev . boiroW, earitpayitt Often tb.y . AB Duo. m9 ta p. . request. - for 5 , article on this au...,,- ' It uoes not neom . w u.cy. and will borrowing .TCI P ...air ,r hut he nd felt ' cV waa.and Ifcar'-thathe (rlit, All acquainted w ,f- of Jesus must admit naz oepel requires the strictest lion- H who embrace K. auu - fly li. i . .r'v . jinfita a. man tor jy, dishony - v- Even dishonest" mO? want to cnMionest man (if MJ) '. & to thorn. He mnst bo hornst ? I religious, and in his miriie- ;i'8' .11- u-- ;j rs, and capociaity muni, v ' nest in hia business : transac I If Uo aila in tha .lajthis in; r' f.CC is gone forever. - ;7 know ' that Christ v tangbt -iv if the gospel trutlis by living Miiolea. We bave in 1 Ibo Scrip- exaiaplca of repentance, faith, J, 4ili4y, patience. UbcraKty, . for j! neRi an4 vrbole-boaxtei 4vo t! ; tn icua. : In thesejexampies we J and feel the power x&d beanty of ChristV religion. . , It ia taught no w !if examples. , One real, living, ear- It rhristian basore? power , m a ainnity than eloqaeQt preacmng M WWtlCO. UnO XUCOU.;t "..fc-aornof fusion can uo me fiaae of Uriat WW. damage o waiiy openly sinful oe?. Uence we are c-iilea to give an cx unplc a iiring eUficaUon ol the power ot grace. Mat. v: Jolm5v:8,F!iiuJ i 1 Pcter ii; 12 - . And while wc acknowlcdgb aBa rejoice in the full grace of God, yet , we confess tliat tlie progress tf truUi in ft community rdependa a erea deaKn pon tha ! character of its adlJrentP, V .especially ia this tone ia regard to hint whose duty u to preach and teach. God has put great responsibilities on bis: servants. : If they live; and labor bright, his blessings attend tLem and success follows, t But, 'when they are faitblessi he twith Lalda Ilia favor, and failure is cer tain; and the cause of truth Ian- guishts. This we know irora ooser tation, as well as from the teaching of the Master1. 7 And dishoijesty, whether apparent t ...i.in ...Ins flm ohars.e.fiT or reai, uuenj iuj.uo and destroys thou8efulncsa of mm ifitcre. They ougH to have a ugood name." Vrov. sxi: 1. It is often said with much truth that ministers are -'very poorly sap- ported-by their churches, and hence are compelled, from sneer neceasuy to go in debt, and are unable to pay . This ia sometimes true, ana men ministers are partially excusable. Hiey must live,and like others; they cannot pay money wnen-tney . . . . I L.J ' hare none. But this is not ai ways fiiec&se ; and I propose to notice a fev ways jn which' theyare, or leem to be dishonest : Oealon credit with all who i-J'.-vilmm. and thus bv nof1 and dealing theyi- J ?e7? iioWideht,andofcourBeu., ..o V?11 C,k chang.Vjjs ftRfl the church- Wi V TT1T n i "'-vi of tleir contvci es am cv 11 cciiiwn-.. . j a petition Bnt a removal is . ijifra of the same thing, only tha - - are different persous. Such conduc t's withering in its effects. I know of 4 community in this State that has besa .cursed by several of this sort, and now wbon a stranger riachor visit tho neighborhood, tU peo'p Jpccringly ask,' .'Docs that new preacher wnt to borrow money?" " ' Now", Buch conduct greatly in jures tho canse of truths Dear read ef yoa $ minister i Have you ever, doiia 'tnasf iusn you jiave been a hurt attd curse to the church ofodrrMcn call yoit dishonest ' " . Ministers often 1 appear : to be disbone&t in tho inconsistency be tween their orJs and deeds. f. They never have money whea called up on, by their' creditors, but still they live well, haye a good table nice furniture what the law allows at their owaV80) an( ahvo a they dress bo weji. I quos ajded a pastor, a single man) who fcold nje tliat be was greatly inyolvei in;debt -Xbis .salary was email and ylst be boarded at a very expensive board ing houso and had two nice walk ing-canes, two good cloth coats two beaver hats, and fine gloves, with many .ether extra article?, ind yet he sported al these JeiorQ . men whofft be owed, and coiuld or would not pay' diea th&y'&&4 him "to d U, according to his promiss J"ow, tharefi a palpable incon sistenc7 all this that ruin one's usefulness ; Men ter h0Ut it and call it dishonest-defrauding anu swindling. ' It deserves a very little better name." Men talk of ministers and their families expellipg in ap pearance, and yet owe for it all. I know t a minister who manages admirably well to get deeply in debt on every new field, (and he changes every year) and he boasts that noth ing can be? made out of him by law, sinca bis property , does not exceed iu value whit the law allows. - He is a disgrace to himself and t the human family, not to- say aught of the ministry. -,. Hahas done... Chris tianity great harm in. many places. ? IV. Ministers ought to be willing to suffer any! hardship before they dare to bring reproach upon the cause which they represent, Ab stain from all appearance of evil." Let us think on this short sentence. Let us emphasize every word and it will teach many useful lessons. . ' 'if minjs.ters desire to be slighted, abused and hated, le them be dis honest ; if they wish to be usfiless and avoided by churches , let them only be dishonest ; if thev wish to ghange fields often and ever 4 leave a name that is a foul stench in the nostrils of the; community, then ; let themjbe dishonest really or : appa: School """,E;," .n,.!.u- ents, ,fnchcM and students . This grand and . m A . J . . . olorovft one. - "Tliink pt tuts innneen hundred Sunday School attendants nt)fjs thinly Retlled country, .as sembled c??rjr ?nday .morning for .he ympo&a ofteaclnng'l IsbrJ. fhp sweet and ever-living ' 'V' -itcGod, and you will words v. . k . it e cauo," agroo with mo, t'n.. ' .Union within tlie bounds of this w" Meeting, is moving onward, and that the brethren are at work. We bad preaching Sathrday morning by Bev. Dr. Tayor of Va. Many use ful and instructive lesac fell frm the Ht) of 'Uds faithful servant of the vi4- ?rda7 . . -J. mo many w away m discussing - jectsthat jirescnted theraselvu. lv.!tSG9k the ' meeting, in which brotlierly. love1 and christian syiriL prevailed-. Sunday morning wq were highly entertained with a Sabbath School address by Bov. - W. ' L. Fitcher at 10 A o'clock. After. Bro. J . was thronrh, Bros. R. R. Overby, J.D.1 Hufhamand L. H. Babb occupied the time until preaching at .X o'clock by the Bro. Fitcher. Breth ren Overby, Hufhara and Babb- were .very interesting upon thesub- ject ot KabpajtR ppuoois. i j w0um not forget mention bretbrpn ,Jen- ninzs. Etheridffe, West. Jones and" E. Ferebee, who though jiot minis ters are doing a good work, ia the causes of Sunday Schools and-Missions.! Nor would I forget Bro. Ferebeej who though just . re turned from the Legislature of 1J". C, when he assisted in the affairs of the - State, has not forgotten the Sabbath Schools nor l6 any of hU energy in doing all that he C4n to piomota the cause of Christ. ; ; j Jhe tlnion Meeting has in its em ploy at "present, and has . bad for two years and more, one missionary elen reports, $47,70. Total, $798,- who 8penas ail oi ms ume.iu iuo 29. i " . Ma 0th 18C9.' The Board THtatto MisBtons would t i me fol- towing amonntg through tho Cor. Sec. Uev. W. T Walters. Thi ilocs not include snbscriptions : HaywootVg Chnrch,$G; Mrs. Gob ble, $2; Franklinton church, $27.25 Dr. T. W. Young, 20; Bertie Union Meeting, $411,50 ; Salem clinch g j yfw, yilackwpil 504cts., MU8 A. Tompkins, $1 ; S. Seymore, $5 ; Bethany church, $12,2Q ; J . II. Lewellen, f 04,01 '; Raleigh .(old 'subscription) $H,50 ; Raleigh (per $5 ; A,' Blalock, 75 ctaVp fe Barnes, $5 ; Harriet Jones, $2 ; Miss M. C. Terril, $1; Mrs. Vail, 12 j fct,nhen gtrjckland, ft ; E. S. foore, 10'; Ifrp.'" E;, atnm, $5; Mi M. h. Pain I; R. $i Merrill, l , O, W. Rait, 1 j Ral- -lrh (old jjubscrlptlon) $11 : Do (per Dr. Pritchard) 114 ; Mrs. o uw Mcbane, $2C0 Hester's, 11,25 Ralpjgh jppr pr. Pritchard) $35 ; Deep Creek, $5 ; Brown's Church, $1,34; Rev. A. McDowell $10; Col. B. F. Jordan, $20,75 ; Rev. D.j Home, $5 ; Mrs. E. A. Cain, $2 ; Rev. S. May, $1 ; Joel Revis, $1 ;' Advanced by S. O. Tatum, $1 ; Mt. Vernon $5,5Q ; 'l!)o'(per p. Dunn) $1 1 ,50 ; P. F. Pescud, $20 ; ' An tioch , $1 ; Miss C. Terrill, J ; gandy Cpsft Holly groe,$9,5Q; Mars lJill,"lQ; Oolprain' $13,5; Pleasant Grove, $4,2f, Mary W. Wood, $2 ; Buck Horn, $6 j Mt. Run,. $10 ; Mt. Carmel, $8,70 ; Corinth, $5 ; . J. Rountree, $2,50 ; Roberts Chappl, 2,5Q ; Republi can, $3 1 Col. at, Chowan Associa tion $41,75 ; Bethel, $11,80; Hert ford, $6,25 ; Miss Carrie Ashford, 3 ; Miss Sallie Williams, $1 ; Mrs. J. II; Stevens, $1 ; Mrs. M. Oates, $1 ; Mrs. M. Killet$l ; S. High smith; 50 cts., W. .Vass, $36,43 ; Watch (valued at) $12 ; J, H. Lew For tho Biblical ' . cordcr. Union Mooting Mot with the Church at Mt. Car mel, Northampton Co., N.; C , M.ay 29, 29,30, isny. . , s) jIbioav, 28th, 110 clook, A. M. -t . . Introdnctory scfrnQSt; Elder Jesse Boon preached 1, John 3 : 1. ?.-. 2 o'clock, P. M; j jUnion assembled. Prayer by El der J.;J, Rochello. Elder J. N Jloggard was-chosen ? Moderfttor,J and brQtbpr Tpaap c'clc, clerk, r -, Rcprescntalives were present from 14 chrche8,t.. f ; 'jBrother J. A. Delko having re--aacstS 5 ton a Partor the tirn.o i usually devoted to business, for the ' purpose of holding a Son day ' Uchool itass Meetfiiff on mo tion, ft was agfepd thateafyrday aA terqoon bo get apart 'for that pur pose, 1 Tho pat9r au-ideacons of ML .fc.--.it.,-:.- ' ... , Carn r I church v. were appointed comnritlco "on "clevotionaT exercise Brethren f)elke, L. tjetheni, and Ai'Peelo were' appointed committee to assign portions of Scripture for exposition at tho next Union. On motion, agreed that a collec tion be taken on Sunday, immedi. ately after Jhe ermon, to be appro priate to Iome 'missions' w'thin the bounds of pbowan j.esoci action. Adjourned Player by Jlder Jt .Batvbda? 29, 9 oclock, A. M. f Union met, Pjayer . by brother j oshua Fleetwood! .. " Committee assigned for exposition Elder J. P. Lep preached from John xxi 1 15-25. " Elder Jesse Boon from Matthew xi : 11. - Elder J.N. from Matthew xxvi : 29. Next Union to be held with the church at PotecasijV Northampton Co!, Nt C , on the 5th " Sunday in August. Introductory sermon, by Elder J . P. Lee ; Alternate, Elder R. R. Sav- - f Pifmon Mec Mo work an(4 has made arrangements to employ another. Thus you see how the brethren are at work. When the - sermon ; was over on Sunday morning we all gathered round the "Table of the Lord,1' and thus end ed another session ot the Union Meeting in lore, peace, . harmony and christian affection. a- f ': Truly, ''RUPERT." . June 2nd, 1869 1. Ministers are frequently reck- rently : ;if they desire to be a re- Win tlie Contraction of debts. I proach to the cross of Jesus , and ' t j ; : : iff ikni. I 1. 1-ll anil ofiitio imrtn . t.hft Till n V. Tff 1 vrilUl V W lit-. II . 11 II. . 1 I 1 1 '1 I ' I. N1IIIIJI 1. 111! . BUUlA&Ua uw. v . '- C - " ' '.I.'.-" .11 it-!- I ' 1 1.1. XL .l.Mnrnc( have money, ana especially is ui the case when they have no money. They are careless in their: business matters. ! They buy on credit, and promise to pay, but ftt the, appoint ed time when applied to for the money, they assume some extra HflftUterial dignity, and talk about "the small amount," but fail to pay nfinrrth. let them be dishonest. It they wish, to sink into dishonored graves without , a tear or one to do them honor, let' them be dishonest. : I If they want to be loved, honored, respected, helped! and useful, let them be honest. Jje honest at all costs and sacrifices. Jf , they haye fn Alitor for books, bread and shel- For the Biblical Recorder. Report on State Missions. liepori of $ev. W. T. Walters, Cor. 1 Sec, to State Missions for faff year ending May 10, 1869. y. j Dear Bketiikkn : We closed our last annual report under considera ble financial embarrassment. I am glad to be able to 6tate that since that time the Indebtedness of the Board has been gradually ; dimin ishing ; and it is hoped that ere long we shall be entirely from debt -la point we ardently wish to at tain, both on account of those to whom ye re indebted and on ac count of the great necessity fpr a speedy occupation of the many desti tute seci ions of country within our State cow begging for help. In accordance with the express ed wishes of the Board, I devoted much time during the winter to cor respondence .with pastors and lead' ing brethren on the subject qf sys. age. - - , Missionary sermon, by Elder John Mitchell. 1 " . - Tlie brethren 1 p w hom sijbj ecta had bee assigned not being pres ent, the time was spent in miscella neous discussion; Adjourned 12 o'clock, M. SUNDAY SCHOOL MASS MEETING. 2 o'clock, P. M. . Brother Isaac Peele was oalled to the chair, and W. J. Maddrey . re quested toaet as clerk. ' - Brother Delke . explained the ob ject' of the meeting as looking to the awakening and directing among the churehes a more s lively interest in lightful meeting together, finding the Sunday School cause, and the the citizens of Washington to be instituting of a more systematic and. very courteously kjnp . The followT efeient method for organising, con ing is the proceedings of the meet- ducting, and perpetuating ; this im ingsofar: portant and invaluable adjunct to j On Saturday, the 29th of 5 May, every christian churcli ; as, also the icrq . mn.f.inb nf.HMew iormauon, euner now, or at some jgqr fbp Bihljpal Rpfiprapf, Meeting in Washingten. ; . : Dkae Recobder : According to previous: appointment we met at Washington N. C; to our joy were very cordially , received by Chris tians of various denominations; and a pressing invitationfrom our Meth odist brethren to oaanpy their stand on JSaDDatu morning , ana nignt which was responded to by brethren John Mitchel and J. H. Freeman ; permit me to add that we had" a de- O. J. Nelson, John Mitchell, B. F, Barber, J. H. Freeman, and G. W. Sanderiin, eonyened in the Baptist house of worship in "Washington, N. C.,to assist in the reorganization of a regular Baptist Church. ; On motion, Elder John Mitchell was elepted Mod.erarj and EJder B. f. Barjjer,!iblerk of said Pouncil. , "glder O. J. Nelson explained the object fur which the eounoil was convened and on' motion of Elder Freeman, (as also at the request of those designing to form themselves into a church), proceeded tq read ine cuurpn covenant -t wnicn was u fiT, i H jiuw vi; o- i , - , nernuru vu.,1 were reau i tematio beneFoienpo nd5am pleased ammously Sdopte4,and Renames Pre8ident-hroiher J. D, R it The creditor loses patience, and ter, let them be honest; if they have tken eonfilence. and thea respect, to take their children from school, ad then he makes it the., theme of conversation. Thus it begins, and won ends in filling the community Vita a report that the minister has winaiea, jus - usuuimoo . ' or cannot pay a few dollars. . J This is often the case, and the tanse of Christ must suffer' because rfinere carelessness. ' How impor taat for ministers to remember that ; I 1 they say and do must in some ; ay effect the jeause of Jesus.1 They re hia 3 representatives on earth. Bow careful then to ' be like him in Aarac'er should they be. Nothing i watched more carefully and has niore influence with men than how a rasa acts in money matters. 2. Ministerff-often ( injure ; them wlves by borrowing money. . They always need a flittle change" and Seldom ever have ay. They eeer to think that everybody must trust turn, r- Sometime j pastors complain of their churches for not paying their waruBtwueniney, owe the ' mem and teach tnem themselves at night, let them pay their debts ; if they have to appear in public in plain and unfashionable dyess and incur un, kind remarks and biting criticisms yet let them do all this and be out of debt and nonest. ,vt,,.. s "Owe no man, but to love," and then they may be sure that' they have saved' themselves from the world's keenest weapon, and the Devil's strongest lever power for overturn ing the character and usefulness of Christ's ministers. ' i. .... ' j ; H H ' ; PonT$iiouTH, Va. ' ; ; . . . ' 1 t 1 , ,-.,. , ,.. ,, i ' -i For the Biblical Recorder. i Deak Recorder : We have had another oonortunity of attending : i . to state that many pastors are now acting upon the suggestion of the Convention and promise to send up regular contributions to our, differ ent benevolentjobjects. The amount sent up in answer to correspondence has exceeded mj expectations, and is greatly in excess of former pon tributions in answer to appeals. We have reasons for believing, that a much more : general , interest has been awakened . by correspondence than could possibly have been done by de'voting the time .exclusively to vis'ts among the churches. ;r , anssioARnw. : v; : It has heretofore been the policy of the Board to suspend many of the appointments during the winter months as a matter of economy and for the additional reason that little can be done during !that period. wpre assigned of eleven members thereto, i i Tlie articles of faith, were, on mo tion, also read by Elder Nelson, and separately adopted by unanimous consent. The Church covenant and articles of Faith tbns adopted . were by a unanimous vote of the coqncil considered .to be in the Gospel or der, and on motion of Elder . Free man, tlie mem hern ihnf hurl nsatrrn. place for organizing a District Sun a their nme thm-fltn. wi Mav School Association to act in con- . , early ' day, of a District Sunday School Association within the limits of Bertie, Union Meeting. 5 The afternoon was spent agreea bly, and .we trust, profitably, in re marks from several brethren, the exercises being occasionly varied by familiar Sunday ohooj aoag, sung with much lively animation.' Di r ing the exercises, which were pro traoted for more; than' three hours, the large and attentive audience manifested their5 interest by unusn al silence and good ordr. I The co6tttlon and" by-laws of a model Sunday school (Buckhorn, Hertford Co.,) were read by its arncA, a.nd thpir practical working, encour aging euccess attained, as set forth in an earnest and convincing manner. 4 The following resolution was pre sented and - urged by Elder ' J, N. Hoggard, and passed unanimously ; ? Resolv Ths, brother Delko be requested to confer with some of the more central churches of Bertie Union, and appoint a time and i. With tliochnrek in EJenton on Friday, the 28th uf May.1 Introductory sermon l.y Elder West Leary, from Deut.; xxrii chap.' part of the 47th verse : '"For it is not jTvain thing,". &c. - " ' The Union then met in confer ; ence, - - .,-'. dVother W. 11. Mannijig called to the cliAir. P-rayer by Elder T. 0.- Bailey. . . .-: ' ,- .- :- iJretnren W. Myers, and P. F. White were appointed Finance Com mittee, - , , , iXhcclVcjiea were represented as foljows : Ballard's Bridge, 5 ; Beth eLlG; Hertford, 2 J Mapedonic Rockhpk, ' Sam 4 f bandy Cross, 5 j Warwick, 1 ; Topping 20, Recessfot two hours. ' Prayer by Eld Ju&- . The n' 7 wttiOn came together by sing ing. . : " , - - JVayctl tji'o tfprfc. - Letters from, the churches were read ; also Minutes of last meeting, Constitution and Rules ot Decorum. The pastors and deacons were ap pointed committee on religious ex eersises, . ,'".' 1 . greftd ta ta.ke up a collection on Satnrday evening and on- Sunday morning for Ilorne Missions. , Resolved to hold the next Union Meeting with the Church at Salem, Pasquotank Co. Elder D, V. Ethe ridge to preach:, the : Introductory 1 S4?mon. Elder T. C. BaiTey AUer- nate, "" ' ' Adjourned with prayer by broth er Halstead. Saturday morning met in prayer meeting. " Brother- S. J. SkinrAer leading. ; ' 1 ' Preaching at 11 o'clock, by Elder D. V. Etheridge, from 1st Cor. Hi : 17, after which we went into busU ness. ' . . , ' Brother Manning in the chair.; Prayer by brother S. J. Skinner. , Visiting brethren invited to seaUi Accepted by hrothern B iB, i Wil liams, of the Bertie Union meetings Rev. R. A. Campton,of the M. E. Church, South, was present and re quested to retain his "seat during the deliberations of the meeting. An essay on the duty of minis ters to each other, was read by Elder U. T. Bailey. . - i , ; Qn notion, , the thanks of the meeting were tendered Elder B. for the essay. . ; s ' M i Prayer by Elder Williams.. . Intermission . for two hours; ? 3J oclock, P. M,. ! ! The Union met pursuant to ad journrpnt. j ; Prayer by Elder D. Roberts. Elder Thos. Babb, with brethren, John Powell, and lA. Pruden were' appointed delegates to the Bertief Union j Meeting; Elder Babb to! write the Corresponding letterl Riders J. A, Speight and E. Bunch, with brother Wmj Simpson, were appoiuted delegates to the Camden Cnrrltuck Union Meetings ; brother Jejse R. Key, to writo the fotte. ; ' Aa Elders Knapp and Babb were absent. Their essays t were 1 contin ued to next meeting. ! Elder D. Roberts submitted the following report of his labjora as Missionary. Have bea employed thirty day a. traveled k390 miles. W illinm. iL . . the Baptist and brother S. G.Skin" ner m tbftMeUiodirt church. Col lechoo t Baptist Chnrch 0,7,51 . JOS. T. WAFF, Clerk. , . 0r.the Biblical Reconkr. ; Faith-.. . "ti What is Faith? Common lexicons' d? Dot 8aJ- Juspiratian -declares' it I"! be, ft mystery, ! Timothy; Hi; 0. and the Bible is its own lexicon. Atod, that is not written out in vcr- oai ; and eznrAss n:j i i henco tho, meaning of faith is learn eI irora the use of the BjihJa cs this terra. But the nnac?ea feelings and notions o$ refeicnists have forced it jntc,. various significations "And exceedingly fa w teacher have given its truo go.paU - e . n h trilo that 1 trades of meaning are innAer ous; bnt I think thev a$e all em braced in twft great leading 'ideas or senses ot this word, n.Vmely: '1 - 1. Credit, oruassont, gjven to'the veuctty'pf the ipeatej$ or fho' wriv ter. , ., " . " V,,, 2 Confidence, or trust on the (be liever's partin esua Christ, that' he wiU sevens, or, has saved us:' The Qrst'. -meaning requires no more than to give a witness credit for the ver&chy of. his testimony. And tbfg faith is the'same faith, whether the testimony be true or false; that is it affects the believer alike in either case, .Rut while this kind of fatb, looks alone'to veracity, ' the second kind looks (not so much at the being of God, nor , at hia at tribute, not so much at his verac ity, even; bnt it looks) at Jesus Christ alone. It lo6ks right to grace ancTmerey ia Jecus Christ. . True, it remembers particular sins, and sinful actions, and words, and thoughts; we look to, remember! and feel emF true .faith? Saxvii Jaith, depends not on reforming them. J It feels the . wicked;, heart from whi,ch ai these spring; and it pjays, and desires, and;hopest and expects, by the Holy Spirit, to be cleansed ; in t heart-fromthe poling, tion, guilt, and , dominion, of sin. True faith sets its eye on Jesus' obe dience to God's .good and holy law, and Christ's death u.udar ita sen tence and in fhQ40 it looks for fjustk tificatioa- And while the first sort of faith believes God's veracity;, but.; remains lost and trembling; James1 ii; 19: the second kind .believes in Jesus Christ; and hag peace, "with God through him; Rom v'l. "' The whole family -ot the Jews with B,oie exceptions,1 exercised the first degree of faith; and this is de fined "in Hebrews, I. 3,s 6,c.f where God's veracity, and things, are the objects of faith, but saving iaith has in view' Christ alone, and him crucified. 1 Cor. ii, 2. . ;j It is believed that the ivi wthf 'NUMBER 4jj;-fv All. I . . W f 11UIV -finiVlt 'ar y'rr- r- 1 t . I iut:ii Ilia wprk U indispensable to .our. KiJva- And ft this lis ihU woiLvit.1 ' mut he believed, or else the pro4s fetwed . belief w; n0t guided rint6 a! trnfh. And;f .the.professor doe' not embrace tho truth which de Clares : I am, the .Lord, , I, change' " "of.'.",(Mat- i" p) rmd that, of the f . Son, and of the Ifoly Ppjrit winch: affirms, "the Ran auickenRtli whm, ' hfwili ,(;fohnyV2l,)' and Ithat we? t r?v- "iif. power, of GcA - tlirwv?h fcith unto salvation" v- JM.Oofl dU predestinate, Jus peoC pie to be oonformed to'the imagtof ' His Son (Rom. viii 29.) it lollop ' that said professor has neither kind Of faith. He has i neither t,, J heart to beliQv God's word.' ' ' - i.tl ministry j j Tot the Biblical Itecordcr 1 find great, pleasure iaixprosm the columns of your vahialble paper. I think it edited with areat abililvl It tak es high , and noble grou nd oa -1 great, quc8tous'ot' irmValitv and religion,., May1t! sooirffind a ;T lodgement in, e very Raptist family' injtne State, and pour in its richsj stores of piety and knowledge s.V jl am much pleased with the vigi orous manner jn which the cause of, jj benevolence is prosecuted in iNorth,-.-j Carolina. . .Sunday I Schools are, al- -w ways ituportaht in every communi-at , ly, bnt f especially. (, in a State .like? your own.; I hope the day isnot jj far distant when every child h the, State will be able to read the word -r or Cioq and learn the way of salva- tion through, Christ. Every jState- no doubt the Jt3Id North State,', will y inj time make 'such a - provision t but Vjf until that time Sunday Schools areu( y indispensable for the poorer classes for the first elements of $kno wledire ' r as .well aa the promotion of pietv " inopetne Dretnren will pro3per m bucix uuuic iiuua, uuu sew iue ricue&&L fruits of their labors. Sunrlav. Schools have often' been. termed. the , nursery ott tne cnurcnea,.,. May. the' . i l"i Hil l. Hi- I Jjti. "If - "J' topint from on high be distilled urv ,u on these schools, that numperi mayyJ be gathered into our churches, thatj shall q pillars till the day of death It was soon .after entering a Sunday! -1 Schooll hope 'Iwas cen verted to lf: God." They yrill always be dear to" my heart. All your Bchools I trust . win prosper, ana vvaKe iJ orest Uo lege be' tho crowning glory V of ithe" whole.1-" 'P;i;:"..:-Sa;::' -: I rejoice to seo so much interest 4 in Homo and Foreign Missions. JLrvj j the South, generally and. aXtbiOugl we may not for atime,, act togethexi yet there ';i8; such a .beautiful j simit larity in our. vfews . on all the greats t questions,. I.lhink fwe must sooui blend together As to myself I couldi I cheerfully act with either branch hi -A the church North or South,although I; would prefer, to nee 1 them HlLiact79 tmd churches generally hold only together.,! I was pleased, to wee the kind manner which Dr Armi- taee was received bv the Southerft baptist brethren and alo Mr. Dicki i insoa by the Northern Baptist God-" veutioiu f I kuov or uo matter that should-divide nfdr. old hmwU are dune rawayijii IUire m f . Norths i ej-n and Southe'ru bfethren with 4n equal love, and fonly pray . that I f uiay ibei worthy of their Society; ia the New Jerusalem. MOsiii u l i . t iu 4.1 j i-Tr . .1 fi. ..if., ! !.' . . ...1 :v. . . i . ) on church. On motion report waa received, f Remarks of interest were mA by Elders C. T. - Bailev and Rob- erts, after, which a collection was taken np amounting to $9,87. 1 1 he Treasurer reported as follow?: 1869. Jan'y. To amount ree'd from the church-. es for Home Mission, ft . To amount received from Hertford Sondav School. To amount received , fn? Wake Forest Colleffp. To amount of collection on bunday, the "Camdefi and Currituck Union' Applications for relppointment, Meeting," which convened, inday before the 5th Sunday in May with the church Jat Providence, Curri tuck County, N. C, ot which Rev.' R. R. Overby is pastor. There was Wi rxolc than is due them. They quite a large delegation from sister Korrow a lev dollars from each ccjber, and. thns Incur a large ibt in the aggregate. 4 ' Sometimes Uey borrow from those who are r-ot combers. It. is cenerallv true t:.2so borrowing preachers are r3. They seldom 1 ' . , tney o r :rvr to di?- :7 C-1 piy-tnRsts churches in attendance. , Thejintro-' ductory sermon was, preached by Rev. J. D. Hufham.- ,,Twouldhave done your soul good to have listen ed to this faithful ' and energetic brolhtor ' ': ' '-" ' ' I am enre you would have been delighted could yon have heard the reports from, the churches of their ndy ScKojIs.;- Just think, fout t a ciiufchc' t-A every on3 with a 11 and also applications for new fields will be placed before you at this meeting. The following is a list of missionaries now In the field. El der J. H. Lewellin, Wm. Turner, C J. Nelson, J. H. Freeman, J. P. LennonG W. Hill, Iv. Thompeon, F. : H. Jones, J. Roberts, Wells lJrigg?, W. R. Ganltnpy,: J. M. C. Luke, S. Ivey, R. IV Overby , and J; Wheeler. I herewith present such "reports from them as to ths time have been received. By their perusal you will find that marked success' has attended the labors of some of these mission a i i. ; ; l Respectfully sulmittci, ;: "- W, T, YfALTnn ! li nized as a regularly organised Bap tist church, and the right hand of fellowship extended by the Mode rator, and the other members of the connQii. , ' On motion of ElderSanderlin,the Moderator was requested to deliver a charge to the church, after which Elder Nelson led in prayer in their behalf. ' '!''- -' - ' r'-' -' f c c On motion the proceedings of this meeting we ordered to be published in the BrLiCA'ff Rorpes, and that -v- r v. .uo.x aji- gohbol fc Mfc Carmel ,U v f tTq n-wij-ei t; 'Adjourned 11 o'clock. N. C, commencing on Friday before tho fifth Lord's day in August,18G9. I On motion the council adjourned. J NO. MITCHELL, Mod. ; , B. F. Bareer, Clerk. -. cert with the State Baptist Sunday ocnooi ABBociauon, - ' . - v - Adjourned to 9 o'clock, Sunday morning, " , Sunday, 9 O'clock, A, M. Brother Joshua Fleetwood con ducted the opening exercises of a Mass Sunday School. An hour was passed in answering general uibiicai iquestions, discuss ions , on Christ's miracles, and "sing ing. . , ' I . ; Arrangements, jit is believed, were perfected for resuming the .Sunday ISAAC PEELE, Chrn'u. W. J. Maddret, Clerk. ; 1 : P. S. I notice that Bro. Nelson, having received a few numbers of the R ecorder, placed them upon the table, "they went off like hot cakes." ' We think the R ecordi-r will have a chance down this way ere Jccg, at InzU we hope and pray it r-. " ' 1 -n r n & h P Srsn ay, 1 2 o'clock, M. Mietioiiary sermon, by Elder. Jl P. Lee : t:Son, go work tday in my vineyard. ' Collection $9,45 The Uniont and visiting brethren and sisters united with the church in celebrating the Lord's Supper, after which we sang a hymn, and weni our. P J, N. HOGGARD, Mod. the first description of faith; . and tha.t, trusting in the wu j obedi ence to the christian .precepts, and to tha ten commandments, they re main profoundly ignorant of God's righteousness: and ' that repentance oyer a wicked heart, is not known in church or pulpit In' this msn-' ! v ... ner, the light of the gospel is going and far gone. ,)- But saving faith embraces ioo,; the first kind. It assents, heart and "reaohed 20 8ermonv deliver! 1 80Ul to th? veracity pt God's word, quested to prepare the life ofbrbthtr Sunday School lectures, visited 33 I It believes this truly, that God was Wair. hi hope it will WVonipIoted "- -v, "ooioivu iu urumjyiig 1 iu viutiei, levuuuuiug me wuna nil- 1 us uruuiet vt aid uas uon macil lot " td himself. 2 Cor,, v 19. and not I North Carolina,' and richly deserves x . a , i , . .. . v ..... . imputing their trespasses sun to I such a monument to hismemoryf til them. ' But it not only . credits this j I sea that a monument was lately s truth ; but it leels its power.fr The erected to ithe. memory. " of brothtr f great work of saving faith is feeling, j Patrick Dowd-rone of thei best and t Faith ia not savine . faith till l it I most useful of deoarted -worthip. r ! . . . r . . i - - - f " reaches the heart. "With the: heart b V his , Bantist .brethren 1 and breth i i , m t '. - : man . believeth tmtov righteous-1 ren of, the Mystic Tie;.: uL'knewi nees." Rom. x : 10, t . The .door for brother Do wd well, nod highly, es righteousness is through the sinner's j teemed .him , as u good miniaterpi) 13 neart. Uignteousness never reaches Jestia Christy iXt.waa fitting lor his 1 him till this door is , opened. i And Baptist brethren .who, had : sb loner its impenitence guards this passway, so I listened, to ngjAyeniyf.trutbi ;roin thi&Ji that faith itself cannot enter till im- bps, , to unite, ,m such; mark .of re penitence ia , displaced by itrue re-1 Bpect,jilt was .very becoming SQtilt peniance. xvepeniance gives iaitn 1 u.uowuu.j.ucwicufWi.,iu4iie ineuH lte exercise. And hence, faith re mains nnsaving, till the . " !r i HOLY 8FIRIT t - .... , 5. ... j : breaks the heart, and inserts, faith in it. "In Christ, dwelt the fulness of the Godhead bodily,' Col. ii : 9. 1,71 "'--r, ,'. i I -2.00 13,47 , : -: , contra l869;Jan'v. 1 Bv amount paid Elder Roberts. By amount paid clerk, ' V " " brother S. J. Skinner for Wake " Forest College, 39,73 $32,54 . -5,19 9,00 edin his . ate, so noble a 1 model of r,, ttieir principles. , tJ j. m ; ,t isonio, j j K.t, Bible, and to. follow) its teachings.- JA d . v ' 6 39,73 . 5Jn motion report was received. and ordered to be appended to the iuinntes. ' ' -Finance Committee Rec'd from Ballard's Bridge,$ 2,50 Vl " ; " tne VJhurch - at Hertford, . 3 qq xwec a irjsm me Bunday bohoot at Hertford, 11 1,00 Reo'd from Macedonia, - " 1 1 ,15 " - V Balera, .1,57 V. oppim,- 3.45 Vi;c6 is to le condemned, and every It occupies .a. qouspicuons rplace irv The Holy spirit was there embodied. aU their ; assemblies nd processions. But when . Christ had r ascended to A ney noui ltyreng to attempt any -,. .1.1 il ..!, . , .1.. t . : - I - i' r T v 1 1 ' 'I i! 1 " " .1 heaven, .the Holy 8pmt,,came,to fiT MTiPt.iiv-.Rnrl tnimidn nn nntn 'all out tlie oeuejit ol prayer. .very. - truth." John xvi : 13. , "We enter not into mis irutn 01 oeing recon ciled to God, till guided unto it ,by the Holy spirit. John vi : G3.' From Christ's ascension down to the end of time, it is" divinely made the work of the Holy spirit' to make ; . ' '4 . ..'..( r. . t i 'f !. . . i .tl -..1...:.:'.. . --j : v.'.i vi viriuu, pj a Miic-Uj us v uupe w reacu . tho blessed ' above. It' was fit tin ar that iueVi 'jf shch noble principles' ahoiigh"itis"t6 be regretted, they" d6 not always honor them by their '-u lives, should, unite in honoring5 de-i - $ 12.73 v U-port was received and the cuui- mitee dipc!-arget. lneLleik was direrti-d to end tne mmutes to the Bibmcal Re corder apd request publication. On motion Rdjuurned with pray er; by Mder Leary christians. And as only ' the Hply Prtetl wprth' . "'I- , ' ' I (T' ' spirit makes a sinner aliye,'and sanc tifies : him. John m : t-7 n ; 63, 1 Peter, i : 2. So it must be conclu ded that only euch as have experi enced his qinckenmg ; mnuences, know anything of true faith. If the doctrine of the cf tLo TRINITY . : ouuuay morning at .11 0 clock, be true, then the gospel age ia strict- Iy an age of the Holy epiriid work. If to make the ! :d s-'t-.t rI.v- Eld zx T.'J. Knapp preached in the it- "-'. ft it i T wish some out" like- brother'1 William Hill Jordan,' brother Kerr, ' or brother McDaniel '. wcold ,yt t j the history Of the ' - fathers Baptist church in North Care!, think" it would be deeply arid embalm.' rnanv l':.l3 tl. soon be' lost, Thf-re v. :: : thcc3'r.:n c T v,-!..- 1 V. not v.- -.

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