1 VOL. T. , TDSVCTIUZD TO S.SZjZG'ZOX, LITSBATU- -( T m 1 j'.Ui -' ; ":-' v K'AL-.E IG II, N.: 'C;,! W.EX N'E'S D,A Y, ATJG7J 3T IP, 1.8 fi 0 V : .' :. 'in 1 1 I ... J 'r iU.L; 11 . , ' . . -I- - . t ' 1 - 1 1 TO EEUIiAH AND BACK:" ' 4 " 2-OclockJ'P. Mi A def tomd 1 11a 8 After lhe- opening, vx-rcises Ad-1 tevn. for thotsnpnort f thiamine."-' ti.4 The ; poorest can1 take the pa- H -4 If '.' I'll rftrrt n V.ntl..tn .Mn.u1 V.I nJL 'I T V-fc l i ditlenal letters are real Hro. W. Jw.i Lindsay appoi nted assistant Clerk. r Elder J,ordnn makes remarks on1 the benefits of. Wake Forest College and says that if 1ms boy uever saw a '.book, it would be worth' the money to board onihe ieoU5 lIiU.j iIla loved the people, the bouses And lie 1 loved even every baf of iron' of the'1 thrt railroad passing by the College.' Bro. Justice considered theloca tiou handsome and healthful,' -The ! training, the : public morals,' arid the refined eocitly ..-make the college viting. . . No man can tell ihe infill! ence of j; LPrichard, R. B Jones M. T. Yatea.and a host, of others on; the denomination? M the". Slate' Send jour sons there; aod ?aoch , men will continue tobh?MithaState-J - A colWtion is taken-? J. m Elder Fontaine olTeted the. follow-. ing resolution: - ,-'?'' l Jiesolyedtit the Trustees of;thia Association bo empowered ,U sell ''the Baptist Church edi'flcfiat Greensr: boro, and invest the , procerus, arisr. ' ing from tho sale in aitnoro eligible ; 'flite and appropriate the balance if any to' erecting a bouse pfij worship, . , thereon for the use of the .Baptist church in that place. ,, ; fn ,r0r , - Resolution adopted.. - nAi . Brother Slade offera the t s:,.t t . pppoiT -"1 srnpA",sqioot. . I yonr. committee swpuld epreFS regrei at tbe small ahionnt-of Snn daj gcl;ool labor reported in the?ef terS from the churches. . ' They .hope the time -is 5- approach--ing.,.whea.-.tbe value of- Sunday Schools will be appreciated nd ' un derstood. r. hey .respectfully , urge upon your body the necessity of or- eiriizing fully for the wotk in your They recommended the establish - ins of "schools in all oiif churches, jrhe jofitrcti'op of the yonng in, the!knowledeo"of . the' SaVfour and " for-encouraging 1he 'middle-aged and old to stody" and read the "Word of God. ' : ;! s They also recommended a hearty cooperation wilh the PaptistSnnday pirtj.: MVe' uht' tu1 i-lder'Gaulthey says that the' ac-' church members are read -their religions jia e'raany others hut deeply r'e-' titfejand lively ett ii ?.ay ibat funds are vanting, thpso' wiio re& e.we, brethren, pmyed for more 4 per.'!I feci that "those who Mo not laborer, and' fh . ye ail ;to surrj I read their paper fere ' not' good Bapi lft thoe,whom XjkI Jihb giyenst J.tistsjt neither -areHheir hildrfcn so Wfeel .assured fhajt,,is,onyecY I intelligent as the childrerv of thosft essarv.trt, ate jtheL.facts., and Jthati wlc tead thetr - rclieious papers.'1 out churcheaiU jrovidehe.pT,, protber Blade itljanki tbof editor fori their support. !iUt Vl ult, tti o the 'fanneT'a1 department.1 7.; a .1 W81ectfully Buprued j..,J . IHemarks are also made byOp)ldcr v f ,A. VALIJUi P.hra!pv , b Oliver and brother Justices Reporf. Elder .Wallers n.akes,a plain nn-. adopted'.l-.is.u vn t: t! t iot n varnisncii statement or the reedaot tirotner Made wishes t have the wwso ioiu iwivre 1110 uuuiuueo. Elder: Oliver ofT the fnllowinsr report ,on ; 4. .1 j ' , f I -4 b f. Your committee are, gratified, ,to Jder GauUney and l Jonlan n- lrt tvt the account iriven of the sifi oncollections. ' " ' vLu fn;M tOTlf1o' ' Vl iA collectionlamonntnigto$23.C0. . T 4T1 l -.n1 is taken - ji'tull' s aiuouj fcrayer, brotherJustico leadiue. 4tjpnatheLord has greatly revived fA.i:nMMA,i V-.Vj-. 1 i htfl worlr linn nrAnrnfTAi thA hpnrlfl . hi 1 II II III I I I 1 1 . . . S -1 . -f " - VM'W W w J During the afternoon 'sessionVtl-' j oRhisiaborerft-by " additions'; to tho upr uiiuiiuuy v auio pre-acueu a um 1 cimrcucs. e wdjuu mase special Methodist church. f rafentiou of "the success which' lias 1 ,v . , J AU.CUUOU uio lauuiiui uui ut.-r UlU. jEIdcr Jordan' preachet at 'Jiloref Yates for tHo last twelve months , head's Facbry. Text PaJcVii: 7; ! (while tho Lord 'is,' thus sicnallv , jElder Oliver preaches.at the Bap4 btcssing his Tem foreign lands isUthurebj 'i . .UUn u.i w'p have to red that our Mission- j&uTOAvail cwcjk A. Air , a iesaro VufferinVfor the Want ot At,, the ;Methodist Church , ad, rjLrr .Ar.iil .;,,11 talr fhU aressea ruie 'delnroeA by,.brethru oiCasion to UrMtSbnJ onr ch'urcKes dijsticej aud .Hobgoodand iElder creased contrPc5tions for.Hlds bb- ject. I P. OLIVE.UrCiaifrwa familiar with, thoj.coptemplation of Me ., subject. lhe eye jaccustomeOj q the sjghts that are always exhib ited around us.:; And conscouently oir pity is not. excited, our hearts d6 not ache, 1 we passion and con clude that men; will stop drinking J' and by, , It what wa have writ-, n be so, and wo 'dare not ' bclievo y 7v'havo "overdrawn; tW . picture,' oi gbt we not as au, Association to awuife irom our uumDcrings. to oe "I '.'.! .. ' . -. up ana uomg. insisting WV ii Walters,' x : ' . i. w m .... . 11 1 t , ., 2 -i 'Lit- 1! it - r 1 1 I , ; 1 v - .1 ' 1 Remarks are ma4e by Jplders Oil Elder Jordan preaches m the Meth -.- , . w -r . . ' , , , rii , ' ver and ontamp, apd by Pr. S!? L ???'.;Phr GWrrietie. . Bepolt 'uLi preaches tojthe colored people. ; f Elder JTordap's text : sChrist isall mail, , ijonosiana u-r jAsthis. i'myfirst and probably !' Report adopt JSlder Jordan offers tho" following mrsnrnTTOws : 3'.: w .jj.w..-. . ....... iV It is the duty of all our churcn- myjlasVserroonlo yon it. becomes M toWVe'tW houses of worship doctrine of the text), W' '-'' 2. Churches should .aBsembte or ' if!ni?TS!T ti att. ' ' '' S' Worship on the fi rst day , of "every ll. Inohr instificalion, Bv 'ihe'l w66'' . 1, ueeua 01 ine law no nesir cau imj iuh- 1 " " ,",,R i,"",';iu"i ti Bed I VThe wrath of Gotl abides on nould be made to secure for every everv Unconverted person 'who !haii f &bck , the , constant ,.and undiyided passed the lino of 'acc'Hntabilit7. care of a pastor. .1 ' Zi.t r Without the shedding of blood there T irP.$f$?fm & pastor. canletibrenJis8ibnpfArn;bnC fflipfr'.fiBW copduet ' such aer-. his shed bis blood and delivered !uV as .their gifts andgrawsnab froraH tile curse of," the!' Jaw,1 !llis "7 them to perforin. , . , f' tl tA.no '"'Tn r 5,. Churches not .able to .support J v ruspecffolly'-V'V-r. rr: BLADE,' ' v,'m ' ijrov Justice regrets that so little bad been told in tho letters on ilie ' ubjec of Sunday. Schooj8 iStran--gers jWOuld. be,. misintorraedJ ji.We are not doing enpugh for thi w6rk J visit this, body Jo. enequraga 'Abes churches to study the-work of God Our mottotisaiSupday; School i in eTery.Baptist (Cburch and iu every Sestitntp'pcifthborhoo.". - i 4; . wish ; foster ajf 'fhe. ;naay ' School. inierestpl ,V Every phristian is palled to preach the gospel j and we ean'pre'ach in a thousand; ways.., .On every Sabbath. .Christians should v spend part of the; day in- teaching " - the gospel. IL any oppose theso efn forts I tell them, your Savior said,, ,n' ff t MJ I- LJ' - L-lJ 'Onuer npue cijiiurcu iq come unu : - "The Sunday Sfhool oard ' of our Convention -has' been abolished.' The v-j u has' lieen assigned to tbes Sunday r,r!iobI 'Associaon,.'i.That body I 1. iva the honor toepresent, ' a'pd our -1 k s very encouraging!, t I 4o' n'oU. ink' any' phurch pan en- joy spirit; 1' life without a Sunday school and rayer meeting. , Going once a rnc- mi ,10 near a truiyu nottbe v;r ole duty ! of a." christian In many laces the, Sunday school interest .3 revived.' i ;,V here. there were'1! .ontly ,150 -Sunday School chil - . .n, row . there are nearly 2003, JJary church ri have eeyeral Sunday ec 3'"MaDy fiel a desire" to give r-.:cal hbers i;r th3 cause.; Ip f miw toVoa! oVt-'j ,fVa -plrl "V7g f;::rpj pot a fpverjsh ;ecit2r j - .1 ent, but pemanent.labors.-iThQ 1 prophst put salt in . tbe spring aai the. wctsrs were ev;cct. ;SowcciUt begin' with' th9 chilJrca. ,;( ., , ., Our childr n era dear to our hgartj. 7e can work for.?,their fcboai ') 1 i ' - 1- f "Send to ns fcr r.:iy Sunday fchool boc!;3 cf every kisd. In' tchilf cf all the children I ask ycu to en? 3 inthu rrc;::. . -t:rp;t.r.4 -''c-livtrrJ Ly LrctLic Gaul In ey. r:j;r r 'if eay C .. oiirSeturn to G.id we are "acceplett; theirospel should unite with stron ?inf Christ and cleanseJ Vrora'the pol- ger churches, 'if practicable, and nse; lutibh of Hiti. The law1 of crace frees their best ' efforts to have their 4ia iftiiii thtf Iaw: Of sin! and Jesus hai I hnacs of worship used mjssiop the fflhrV'bf nnr pal?ation;H ?' '?1 TV stations."' ' '"lit ' .'' . o . . - ; 1 , r, I ' ' i 7''f . ; j i-'--' '. ti i. L;nrisi .is aii in o ir priactiuca- 1 u s'stf n"!1 " m1 tjon.'Tb repew - t))) hert if le inoand that alt , of, our churches work of the, BpirFt: ''and a' trWvin'e' 'should adoptT some. plan ,0.858- snataina the branehesl co we depend I tematlo benevolence bv. which Tecr- on Christ and if separ'aied frond i hirri ular .contrihntlona shall be madetoi we die He 1 i. our example.' ,'jie the "different benevolent objects. went about doing good. ' We are to,, 12esolved9t hat'.tho clerk bo in imitate' as nearlv as we can the per- i stnicted to ask .- thoso ; churches pattern. Strive to be perfect I wjiich' have not this year contribnr we must nate every iaise mwav t , :'" V Everv.thing must bVnd 'to" Gpd's I twrtionatg . to thef prosperity: and iword. f.' ' erabrabo 'ho 'trA i f?rf .paypaept qfr .the .'oilrj feaTs'an'd 'practise, it'' iji our t to. 0Br.wissiop,arii.;.. . iifes iqfou uea(our uivisions, I t?-u'i nt aifHJo cpppDta.ttuts d III. Christ is all in the Qrdi nan coalman of systematic benevolence x.i fi The ol d man off Vin i dead and we 4 jEMer, Jordan. insists , on ! better. are baptiied into the likeness of the 1 naea ot .warap. pn seryiceafittho ceaui 01 vnriRt, anu; as, c;nri8S j was 1 "v ':" w f wtuiuuu ua rcgu- raisea irom ine ueau so, we are rais-i 1 f wuwmuwwii&u utiwvyvtuni.. wnr 4 to newness; fff life'TJioread WPu.ne also opposes collection! it! iot for the want of 'meaoa and fn-( duties f in obtaining .the 1 accuraed thingV This ? evil .has become so ashionable tO' drink) and we had. alinost said, to excess, that the eight ofjit has lost half; its terror, wo have nqtithbse feelings of disgust ana ab-"t hirrouco which such li sight onco in; spired. u.u is tne natural .result things., ,Tho mind has; .become 1 e: ot truth. .and thin nnvpr l.r I I: T I I licro . we re 1 i,f ..1 an J I " w -u2ht a tniffh'tV revolntinn'Sn tbo' I d.'-.ta': '-nhcrcrj, e. i'ter tho Uilkani- c' 'rch. Wo gave the truth' 'in'tro-' aad the ' jn i".rnenti 'death' shall k idosesjand have kept the truth ? .destroyed, , and there, shall bo no' bv ore 4 thom. ' L revival .'candle mcc curse.r-llev'. xxi: 4. xxii : 3 carried on without'anec-Jotes. ,Tbi -"f.i'V 'P-'W. VVtllLDEN.. j rd seems to be preparing to re- ' " V?k0 R V , 1 , . " v 3 his 7work in'this 'whoh'coun tr, ; we Bhb'uld pray andbdr for a - J LifaWiat Ve llake It.', ' :, b j ing on our implead country. ; Locordlin4 Job" vi 9; ' "our , Prayer, .Elder Msson eadmg." 'dkU upon teartlx are but a shadow;" J'f.,wiMS prJob;xivtt-2,"maaiscff3w:daya .-.. ti- ahJfuU'Oftrouble.v'OIOccmcth' - 9P ' 'Itin : foAji'like k flower. W.. J Leaying prj 'Win fgato " to' assist Wflaethl alsb as a shadow and jpm QriB.flttr protracted 'mee,' tiijiieth not' iYet how few seem to hi at Leaks villa'. onrriartV finiov-i ''iollT(.tifrt liiif J.it nn'irr-vKk,.- ed a "pleasant trldo , to .Eaidsvtliy''to 'th .fwe are only apjournera here'- ajlieariy 'suppe atjj'thebpuntifut' Ai 4!hawjrohoV jr; artf to Jgo fright apd hospilablo; tablo of.Mr. llarris or , fanning5 ;and performing, think' nd took( breakfast at ouryrespect l ipg tod acting, aa .though,?werha4 mucn ume n oeing though; j this t state-1 fL that'5-tsro hadtaS- htai ' in to consideration. i Ia youth e -actually think the time long, "ajd vainly, wwh ourselves snfficientlyad-; ivu uoiuus;,f vvq aro.irniy gratciui 1 i"ttKBuninuoi uiav our - I id fiftnksvillo friAniU fnr.tbnir'lrinrl. I inverr UB 'A OT as1- ana tpareunoi, , -wi . ki-t.j intn 1a I inftPTIdtATlOA T7Ha 1 1 v. " ' m'- y N :th For tho L.H.lc&l r.ccoi Jr. ' Tfco wctld, cJ"..r cauLLu of fcrrcr and ic-lLTrcnca 13 Ur- coipia'g bto tl j c''Ica : el Cc'.o mu: "That if ycu train up a child in th3 way 1.3 t-3i!i,'go,-when ha is tU ho will net d cpirt from it.'" Arjl it hz.2 cr i3l:ianing to flal oU, thUhcas is not lbs only pl-ca tbltrdn chilrc, tLcc'i crc-ad thf flr3: sida thsy day Kstca to the gopd advice tad v.holcioma iuctrnc tica cf their par;nt3. -There -they may learn good and pious exaraplcs.1 There they may learn ' to? fear the' clfera shatfery aloud ' that our lay brclHrcn shall ly 'pre &rxitty t0 reft4 aa tlleir willins cfpt and sample invite all to for- to 'v'foV lhe WV6al Itncoar Pike the use ot ardent spirits remem hk . s ." 1 1 UrinK tUt tho end of all things is j V ;?.y..c .u.T at band, let us 1 therefore '.boT sober tThBOloglCal J YiewUontained inf l I afid'Watdr' nntV- prkyer. lAll" of !'nre8terdayrTo-filyi and' Forever.? h pr those of ripe year. ' . ? ,A ' i h ytlr 1 a art iAowAnr f n lint vi Ktn 1 vTIncfed-irilifeto -if -.uij-J at i? which' Wd' i El let 'a 't renort 'on temneraneo .naes I i-ij -.t.-.vti ijttf wunonc remarks. : a lew. nays i ? i v ' I I ' I Ji':'l. r '! I ".' m : . . ;i . I. wiiiie ine vonm 19 iniig'inan em? .-wiMitiMi. ivww.- x ibw. uj - V ' And easily We fftUnd f U 'f . , 1..- . . , P afcd.J .-nietfM. chnachi. member Ekchhutmt to IneUrydaarof pilgrim dayv I i4 Wi.S!01?1? so drunk' that be tconld not stand. .Which iwraPu the artbiin iu baptismal J Pf'.frV dfly. sncceedg day, . obii . ,N ItT Tt ' year-year, bo its lineamentSi 1 dpes,yOUtK! give waV tO J icnan I3rahdy may be good medicine, but CwattonV landmarksl arid the fcter beds ..iim,. A Ij never drank, .ardent Bpirits.- Pftingthe land bhiaar nadasturbe'i S! Xobacco is need in temperate! y. Min inters spend too much time smoking. scarce oaa find. S i .. . ... . . ' 1 IA. trace 01 iuss;we: DtonnecL.,.' any ladies are killing themselves "ifthe earthly .JZ'tont ia fau eternal lhe following IS the.nbte fin. thisi, j Ahd pictured in onr yonthfal jniad 1 f' nouiu uv uur cuuiinnau.- .. -. i c .. . .... u " . ; rith snuff. 1 'We ought to lay asido colleocy 1 (la. ix. J 15); and the, pur phantoms with our youth are gone. if llthatinjuresnsl - - -.M , land t.of triromUeist n.fever,, sD.W , - Th.t:. n t V. .-t f I narinir -rviasMginn' uutnrcl :- hw in I . ttJr- i;r. . rv man Keep 11 is bkoib ion ai'nome, 1 .-r --a-.."-"- , .lA al;vm'. 'i i ,. 4l k ! The Moderator is appointed Sun- anamia seeu, jon kvii: may. 11 head are JTered4 o'er;,-, .. , ,Uji tlnv Srhor.l annori ntfltidfint ' I W UOfrflUinuiV irom anaiCKTV inifird ."f "S" wwuuv. .- ,r..-.-. f 1 . . . ' I We Hftnn nn&n ti nn'mnre - 4 t. C11 .1 1 J 'I- 1.1. jl .il. ... i I t hot : li fcMlc !l tAIMMtnill I jx lAlnlittna!! 1 1 . ,. 1. . . . t cjmer juason moves mat oreiuren 1 - miuwni,...' umhhw.m r;;J ,,it 11a i;nvt 1 ' .-v.; ;iifJ ! Ana wna,t are we to ao.Yv oeeing gpod, and McLaughlin be appointed . IHOspeaks of thepibnVas multli 1,. .1 ..ls.t.'ni. nf: ?ir ,i. I jn!),an Aft oUa. I ind our fancies live - only iu thefu- The 6nancial committeorTers iti tion, aAd of other world. Wng pWKTO U i v? H 7i,T m . ... .... 1 I sure xaanhood: stills 1 Wo should be . temperate I J ro,,e UJ jl,f1 U l.-,; . tw! -ot; I d, purged. ,jjot changed " 1 . aaonce, . . ""V aiidW are -almost uhawatearand T: " l V POU(4n89 Sa waters overwnenn'd .uhexpectedly at that Point J in life to nnnsia no nan r.npv ran narnir waiit i aii ,im. .,..viia,wk 4.av,i h . . .-, , . . . i . . IL 7 v V 7- . v I "' t i j C75 T.r" . i 1 Wfnicn .we naa looked' torward' with wiwi report, Keport adopte.o;. 11 1 4 4 J roijher apVl0 oferi""the fol- . , i .iiit if s. , . EEsoLtmoNS : ; 1 1. liesolved, That .we hereby ex- press, on r qtep regret quenpojill thealth, the d uty of our belovei rjnc8.to leave our , midst ; 2;And tliat, him our sympath bo mayicnlo; oi od in aU hisi labors of love, in bia new fteidt' --i J Onr native' orb. erelong toasUaU becama ? 7 : H . . n j For ita fdcsV. JnUabitantapt oaly. Jsoma-v. ,alk circumspectly; not as fools, 'but Translated 'Without xleath. for death .was J as wiseredeemirier the time. Eoh. i -noi, , . , , , : i vi xa 10.7 jraiK m wisaom-xo- 4 Ii ''ii-Ziiti J t. I j.i'Ji!-') f -.-it, - , . v , . .v... . .0 tM 6iUliucu 'i8v I -waixr inem xuai are wicnout: ieryo.u Bat at'the voic of God th'e stara, Whfch I'LUiUj 11, iamZ- Jhat ,n,conse. ;1 :vJBNl. , u xVJ H - .A UlvuJiI it. was mado nunwrewsin thekzuraifinnaneattM) f :-"-- .7 w uuw. ,1 bro. F.'IlJ By9U8and8i audtten, ttaBsat4aU3)V ' .''fTrti wo nereDtemiexi.to.i - 4' J inn an1 Vma trAM r Kb j I I -f 1 f:rl . J I 1. f ... t ! : . tt jl t m 0 - . I A i 4 .i . . .vo-u-o.u,.. t 'lire:- . . . . . - "TVWW;; c y gopd health," bo blest And'iV Warr-'to rafrom eartH ana jtTj JUii, . 1 ' . ' . i . ..... , .. . J.. . . i . : I j s plant, lfl' n1, v i Like Adam in some paradise oCfrnitsV ery1 . 'one! asV we 1 oughtj ipeech thus"' seasoned ; gentleness," 9xA grace r fnif j ' . whicli,i8 sure to -wya tho love and es bora wprld; ?fm: VhdtT W iicrd and keep his cotamaniment; Bat they do not imbibo so many 'of' thbVeligtous truths' and' principles at the bnnday 1 School, 'for here generally their minds 1 aro impTess- eawitatr.a carl;::t tl.ou-hla of re-' lgion and . lea ' they are caco in-1 iz'-tcJ, ar3 c.r:r f-r it:; Th-j they learn II.l'.o t,caJthy loirosd'well, az3 which reaJar their b rnea - - nulodiazan . frcm1 week to weeki JUany little children of bad habits, wicked, deprarsd ;aud of bad ulturc havo'. cons t the feandav sohool, and havobeca nadefto love 6od and hate evili tid even, hava fen. instrumental 4o their parents'- eailyalioiLu .Many haveied and :in their last momenta.hava been heard sipging thoso sweeti and dear dittle scings they have learned At the surf-' jdiy.iUchooV such t as Vfl;want to be an ( angelV rThe aariday school is gloxioua ( institution There - is encouragemeatoin ithewordK-iilt is kl r J isa. . a At : nea juouj.i lonin aim&as ine good. and, iraprovement. of all chil dren, and chiefly those about .whom fSis.fjntQrsrttasi been awakened We,re willing to laboj and labor ISitintOus efibrta to bring tho jbuth oC ouidand. within I the xan-o- moral and .areligiousj influence. 1 . ex- 4 1 : . . - .1- vr'Al 1ot3 to r ' yc 1 v. i:il3 u- cr y if yea EC 1 'At . "i r ca r-- ia .:mo : ca f 3 ... - 4 w ry, cad be a err t t ar::ly aad a ll:r:;a - t - . - c - try,xr.Jh.Thatwf-rt-. : a lr?-Lt tad eliraalr-: I' ' i ' . i cL irch, r.r.l rc!:r tD - ':: ; " .': ar.l to tho wrrll cr.tc1 1 r : ! . . j frho abnvfl ia n r---'V j'-'V ' byj a' eaadiy rci Ei'achr Zt. Tabor cclclratlcn, a f:- t?-y- c" nisa son of r.;7. Jc!.aP. I "V and is a yoathef c"' ' . said Boraelliinrr cf the izrn.r.t c - lightening tliis dark rr-ira.' " arpbricSy coniprchcnJl'd, I tl'. , T in-the words, Sunday fjchooU I ; . not ignore preaching 1 7 n: -: -.f riea, and other efTcrta c that V. 1 hey are poweifal aax:!:a:I.:, Lt' K C.,-Baptists think t:.?y cost tvo' -nwichj at least they will net '. invest. tueir money freely pt Siniday Schools cost cca2p2r"iv:!T s nouung; tney can be neld. every t; !-.. bath, they can I3 tcara cvcryL-.j, they .can be kept up ; they loizi na--'1 clei;or if you please, are the c:3d f corn 01 tno criurcr.es." 1 . i Some of these' propositions a-rrut, of dispute. - I was in douLt f.'c;at them until my experieaco ci ' a or 1 wo past sausaea me. 1 1 rinis is ine aarKest section, 1 ta;a 1 the State; everywhere I xr:.3 t' 1 y 'those who had been h 3 V it Sunday schools'could net ha t " vi ad even: the psnal objecticr'? tt 1 ; gpd, and besides, the fict t):..t V : id the stronghold cfaEtct rfl - : ti,5ts who opposo all liber c! t? ;:i kind.". 'Providence directed, raa ta v one of the larkesV"ccmcr3 rfthii gioomy region, in u lacra r.n. 1 p eerx np preaching for perhaps JLen c r f f- sn years. ' Utaccantry vs t -cr tee .and thinly setiki; 'Etealic' r;r:va? tlent; (eii passant I i.d t3 r.eod ler tun to cave tLa .'throat cf a n: r There f ia ijoy, : ia ,thejcxcltes.ez:t among children, theiuil hopein iL Every mendof the suaday school will feel thatjoy, and will bo slated .with hope! " Let.th'e' Lworld; that ia jibs' selfish, s tho shrewd, the time serving once adopt 'and' steadily pursue tho - policy of atteinpting to ayoia navmg criminals in tno corn- tt?(lf frnra ,v i-p.-r, rf ?nity;iby fortifying di;lyonnS 'jUytJxeflcxjrUriiR ' timds against -tta crime; through '4 off-everytLin- ihe.iacycfnoraVandTeligioua iev,rosMlb. Tct thai tamlngj:and that4 moment ' the lerQ ready and waitinj crV ' shnday school cause wiU receive an to begin a SaV.alh LLacl.-l i&rtna'whichwiUmultiply'ita'in- After a week spent- h 'vlllir-' finence an hundred' foid. 1 ' il oTf)OTlcj. t mtt the -rei-hbaiLooJ J'Tfaibnpa-dild'iiithewayhoUesterday' at the- charch; "ItUi aa. tar. TO p"1" uu .mien L8. is oiu jus been neatly noorea, aaa Lcaeac3 par Sill sot depart from It.V There is rj at a costbf C 15, and C3 Liar c something in it, for these we're the 'veral men- - There were 13 bcLoI e wven'ta.-' n 'omftim nr nhnoi'f aasociauona ana. ' Ajouventions. I: " v .1 -1 ' t. . j'!' L "'V ax. J'";'. . r " 1. ; - 1 and. nrfrftfl . that tnnnAtr -.fsbAntfl Ka' I: oroen pouy anu mo . wine, oi ; ma i , . o-- .- -, Ti T. li slied'bloodl . Both Ordinances unite I 'awaltbochnreheaEisdi I 1 . t . '.. . V ' .. .. I PB! ftr Ai HAITI (T nrall- tvltVn a r.Un i.ti F . irtf ivintin!2 to in a deat n and ;to . ta 3 I . t , "r'l rr .rf," "V" bfead of life rind to tbo water of life V-rt. in tbe great salvation bis dpr-i w?ls haJe rolled pjer seve;. r. -. V, ' ' - ;-t- , :. 1 al struffglincf two hundred r -nnd- ' 'i - ' ' v a 'i.t , ' I Tpeancestori.Qj; nwns (jiew j vv i uke Adam, but far diftereat issue now, 1 sas-ingour own uvea more pleasant associations made Iheir'itf.'wlsL'i'MdeW ak agreeabje by soloing? ' TfcUe jTho Presbyter'y Veportetl ho ordV 'And thus from placet planet spread; 'nbt know that kindness io a fellow" niijaLi",1-v,',,'-t,r't:''T' rtJ;tofeV?V!?:::el81, bg-wreivofy;-.' 1 I .... . j..iih. -..jt f i-.,lThewriteTt'does,"notgive,prooCi 1 '.vj "7 -j y rx-fu o Committee, are snuouiicad tore,, the,Bit)lo Ul$t,&. .1 " i0,?1 port at the naxt. seFaion, u , , f i , ' , . ." ' ? not seen that resmpana retali- r, . , t ww . .... .j t -.f.-. .family., (as ho' expressed his idea), ; 'a'"ti i;Vi,- Ji ii. J !i,rgh,T,sude,w. u. jfaijita. oivl.hiu j4iiai,ii8- &V&!&Jtys t-'i t t tt-ta:. i... f; ; . ft 4 ? i Ibc. creAture -hi circumstance to a iii' Xle tclltflvt 'uo4ei a?4 toalirail- ll.'ext?-ntt ert a powerful in,. 1 ilV; Christ i all rip our Mpatb 1,? f opposition, 4 iQnt of Ohrist thW is no' hope,- ' f 4er Gay ' apposes force, w,u bia Bf .flP es iitinued' effort. i ii itu iii. iv n 'h VUUiUl I T1 1 I .'-..- ' , - f I 1 i 'f . !A collection is tJ&ea.li :"" ' ' IA Sanday School maps meeting is greet are al: rf -i or a: 0 uc day bchool maps meeting held in the Baptist- Chorrh and adr drbaspa are deiyered' byjpr., ir galte, a fl; inilsi Elder; Walters, FiB. Hobgood and B. W, justice. sqct.ocTp,ii;" j SIder Walters .preaches at the iiptist Church. (Elder Fontaine at the -Methodist-Church: and Elder. Jordan' at More-head's Factory.'. ; h 1 Monday, 9 O'clock, A. M. The Moderator, calb the house to orier. . ' 1 Gingkgand prayer, Ider Oliver TLe'clcrT: c.lli tho roll, a:, 1 reals' th.3 prccee!ir0i. The 0 ,:araitt on Tcri: lit -fs c r tl:? Ml vvtI: the blundj . in that . appoint- tuent. Pi Oliver f I iy ?r,v4f.iJ.i J.. fed to 'afford, sM4ndHtnea refers to u,auies, p. uri.aiiuu.) if.mVUiU I. WHa-Wov'4ie Min says "this 'M"J'J " i ' ' " I ; -..... ... .. i ot Trjj.t 't.i. i I vn Vnav WHll.Ji ilioro it.haf ' (v taiai raOTi.'-jrv ai. aoruaB,:ii -t- -i .... A . ! Osborne, R, A Educatum F. P.:iHobgodd, PJIL'Fo'ntaine, ' ' 1 ' " ' ' 10 ,rwipTrnce.W. IX Lind-1 rea it is rococdem-(Jod ' formed the J earthvrd made 3ilTe created itJ notin vain, He formed it to be mhab ited(I tflv: 18) lhe:Bamo uatiring goodness willf i o ; h ii o wa timi, peo o ) with intelligent worshippers, lEldef Oliver explains that tho il.ii - - -'u missionaries were onco mis- Antt sionary 'bodies,; "and . aYdd' lhe adopf ipn of plans - in', the spirit of the gospel ' Tho report is adopted, f, It is agreed thtt the ne't tcesio shal'bo held aycacoyvilh, Elizx Jordan is appointed to ; reeeh the introductory Etrra., Al'.rrrata El der Oliver.,, ..:... : i ; j Brother 'Valea '.'r 3 cC;T3 tha fol lowing ,U , ! . lie tr. r- i f r: tQar cc":.r.;t.: ;ertr.ac3cf all lY.ly, ri live, 'a If aily 7; " lily is ure.l to t en'. 11; the EiancAr.-Hr.ccr.i 2 - ":r ,cr"".a is -i r.r;,"1 r-.cn li.3 ; !!-t Lit:r:f".re, - t!vp, v;cll Fv.i- i:v:r7 c-r. t c fan 4 - 3 a. 1- ro- An rpcstle ba3 eIJ that t kowl ed9 fchoa.J I2 aJJed Tc... ;:aacc ths,t i car caJact aad tv , . r..'t4. should t? ip exact prcportt;u to the i .. i lA kj LiV2 ci G: ".'3 wrd. If thiji ha f t, L.ii Lkib i O ,.!ii., - iul . . i v.. . . . :y t:.3 - tho-r u"1 God ... .... c say, u. otroua, 17. unnier. . Ktii. nt ,1,... ; fAU members ot the . Association ftPt.h'hnl rA ni -'s.i;-'a: r--Y- . . 1 r . --tiw -r ttrf ."-r11? ueiee!-... ; , are assurcL-iUAhaa. kind oF.ftnf Correspondents to .other asapcia- MtaXta of Ucreitftrct (.Tames I: 18) tidna aro abpoiated , i.t i.-- I The; illimifaMe harvest is yet to'b , The cierk ia allowed $15 for .his j gathered in. ."May .nnr'heirta only services. .i..; ...:.. i n - ' . be in uuiso.-l Willi ihe 'inspircdf dox ' . t . . 1 . . .. . . HcbTutions' of thanks for hospi- pliy (EP- '"20 21) ali'ihat wecari tality oo; the par jftf 'citiaens ' Of w or tbinV'i'aofir.ilrig to tha powV Laksvillo, ' ara adopted,' '' ' . " ' ' ' er that woikelh" io'iWtfnio Hita'be -iElder Mas'onkW'es 'au acoUtof Sry in' thi;oliAr.ili by Clvfiai Jesus gives the revival in Yanceyville.' He wast rcver so anxiou3(to attend an'asa cition. - I desired to be with this , church also. I was engaged at If an cey villa two weca cg6 last Satur day. 1 preached most of the formal sermons. Brother James . has ren-' dcred valnahle service, and nen with every day. The Church is thoroughly revived, though. some ra :ail era are still backsliders. I I have, never known tho fallow preuai raere thoronhly broken up,. There havo I ecu about fifty cen v.r:;:3. T! 1 whole coranuait" n Oar 1. vrev c; 11.3 'I'h'i "9 to Hear tjia ' truth. e ' earz ineaibc cf the. chare h. e.:,H.- .t.'fr! ..t 3 wcrl3, Lit ad.c:a MT.-l V, rear v I .1 . : . r 1 : F. .ih - 1 - - T era;-l to-reaisd uato all tho tf'-.e"r vti'ms 4 of the age, 1 'Concernin;'' ih Lilier.iura, he et doom not tH raiMonia Sablwth . knew' The perfectnes3 of that which was to come, Save ia Emmanuel V Intnl.' - There all was .,, Vlght, .... , , ; And all the holy race of Abraham" " ' 1 ' ' 1 Were clothed in; priestly rftbes, spotless as , , snow. '! J ....., , But elsowherc good was prevalent; not per ' feet: ',.,' t : Net universal. Evil InrkM unseen , Iff ,-Girts that strove ar"unst Ve stri-vir 1 l-tf"", - I t.t rare'ir.LryiU -'s'r irl; - ti. 1 Then; qtuckly,. f a:Mngttfroni I":.r1;,f ' throne r-inde.1 t'.o iiiiwr wilh a enrse like Caia'a; s f Buence, not only upon our own lives, but upon the Uvea -of -those $ around i8 j; by our ,walk and talk ourpre- cept and4exampleor,ir other words llife is tQvus just whal we make it: UttJaii L "-a JA1 ' 'Ha ' 1 ble or morose, irksome and misera ble; just as 4 we accept or reject tb. . t .-. ! ".. . A .... language, 01 tne text reie.rr,e , to.. e How many unnapry Jyaa beings dp ve Kee th?,OLhct ths 'land who ee making -to -themselveo a life of trouble; and to a certain extent, rif.; ling the waters for . others, -to sail through, simply because they are as Paul has it, 4carnal, sold under sin." U-Eom.1 vli 1 14; !scnsual, having not the spirit.' Judoi: 10." t tj Cut enough let us look cntho' other side oi tne picture, and. a few Words perhaps will euface, . t Lifa' is dear to ua all, " and vro Would willingly havo it ta touch ex tended as noir,UabJ "Honor thy f ather ttid tfiy mcther, that thy days yaay be long upen the land which the Lord thy . God . frivcth thee." 5xodn8'xx':12. "Whoso findeth e ndcth life, and shall obtain fa vor with the Lord." Prov.; viii: 35. f With long life will I satisfy him." -I'sal'ms xc: 16. " ' , . ' . ; j Now, these 'promises' aie for the 'n,;-hteous aro fcr all "whcco3YCT vil com may come.' , Tho- iprom iscs are rara to all v, hg'l : ad a quiet and pe.iceable '"$ i 1 all r-odliness and hcnea'5Y.v' "Ha-, la er tromiaa cf . tip' hlo that now i.3, r 1 that wlIcV 1 14 "to come." I Tir.i. iv: 8. -i ... : jThcn llfj to us -will wt f" -f Words of the --wikst nan that ever arsTire'sent, and tho .heals cf taa.?' 1 lived; wb V VeU 5' Understood, the every family in tha vicinity, j They " ihtereeti of both church and state, testified- their : sincerity, by floincn' took: this Method with his bing $7 to provide' 'with boohath y ! children aa bis father did with him. 'school which was crprarized.' TLliT and'sedk what a 'good inahhe was. I theni feeling that the Lord had be- ' fWhaV a wif e1- k'irig ;he was." And I gun his work here, that La could" , yotl'will find'evQ in ddr Uayt that I complete it. and that the Eaiaa c v JJ those Ara08t Ctaizcatjn 'the church bo done in almost every jncIgLLilr-' of God received their first religious hood in'the- Etatel " Had I ' tlraj X impressions and fcsowledge at the might tell what ha3 beca acccv mday school. "-Aaithe old cn'ris- plished by just such a tch&J 13 ther tian man that ha lived nd labor-1 reformation of a dictated r, ed in tho church nearly all his life 1 but my hostess is pres:aa;; rae to tc where .:: first Twero starancd on his I company her to her school, 'v.I.Jre I' raind the impressions of religion?- am.!'tor meet tho cL.lurc:i cZ iLa And j her will say at the fanday I neighborhood.- I feel a&L-facd to- sdhool, and say too,, that they have afk a Pce in ronT cclanir.a Lr r6amed witJ him thesa many years, crudities ; but they ara ths and though ha ho has - passed truth at any rate, and I wLh tly thrcn-h trials, tamntations and difi Baptists to; have ray i:-Lt cf t'l- . -j-.-.-j... . pulties,they havo not been efTaccd, for they were indelibly impiinted on hi mind in characters that have onWivcd -and withstood -all " tne storms and persecutions of "life, whea he was bat a little boy at tho Sunday ichoou' t hers mony to the boundless power cf tL Sabbath School.. . . FS.r. 1 Ml Keetled to-day 1 . O m Mt.Ml.m An.) r. A mtiustcrsach aa the 1.1- yilIiDgtoworkt3the2."lr l jv; Koady to toil lor tne toa ts r.-s t .t , . ... I it you with tJ U3 rood ' children at yonr Botaea cr ia your ntiguo hoods ycu3'thcalJ teach them "to WaU In "wisdoms' ways,' Co observe j 1 sow tjety and I taoT cf to oilier plac' 3 ! . I ' : V ls t! 3 ti:-2 racre taaptel to it tia the Sunday X ' 4 " Kowlatasllse, IJleness is to ghost cf a criae f -L:fa is too friv.zz, ? i c5 l.' : To he zzt ty t,.a 1 '.rr la r. sehool.' Caltivato tla xaiad of' tl.o youth as you weald, tha laot Ua- tler plant; knowing ;tL-t just ls tLa twig is beat, the tre3 i3 iaeliasd. L3y before the:n goedtal 'iom ex- aaiple3. irevcrdr ycur.::lre3 wh-t you for. 1 in tacai. habits f "industry. 1 1 1 " Let I-'.m come ia 1 And fa,it1.fa!!y ta"c to f 3 tzicr ctt.l ; ; L-i hia wa'.i v iLh tin tzi rrt r '.'l ! ' the f rou i," And be v, ilV.z z to F- 1(3 ts f- -T cr t! 3 . s crowd j ' Lt tia come ia I . taca to r?-a fa!::ee:l. .v , , to. ce". ra.a then in irever Eafer Do ret ;raac3 I!-iriics;ncs i uls are so i 1 1. Lit not oe tilct , ' rust , TI.' m t'.e v; ij ! 11. ;':-!r 7: f-j 1 -i i-t L .e tn:. "ow tn.rn: 1 v c:. ,e is. -1 '3 U C:t. a.il the - 1 T.' 1 1, '..r ft; ,11. SO" CL3 lr id "To (Then v'., a v.o're t! 11 tss ia wirdoL i c. tv o rood t ' :y t .3 it. ii;ie we j Hintpy t- l. , ,.:,.;i v .; :r...t av..4 t...' i .:n&l,u "v ' 1 -a r - : J cf wo?..,. rrC -v!--iTl'.-r!er. r " i I t1 c? r-, rv ......j i . .' . ? ' ' ' J. ..t' A. . ...... 4 v . .7 i : :al h ..ea t:.:::." I ... 1 J to cc to i O .r TI lit !' ' Aud Bu'cr Lmv. 1 1 vt3et Ueirt t'-'c' ' t- 1 :t, ! ; h -. l, ci ; 'o t-2 t: ri ti j . i i. t 1 4 .Li - I It' ,;:.ty if') cf car IT rev.: c! if 3 T- ' ' - - 1 (.

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