vv oiu it e x n X;y . I ; : J-E'J'.'i J!X)w7&'ID-33S;aL I ttST T E Xj X. T O- "Kl "NT n Til T - lit t'f c-iTTT- rfrnrrrr i -J 1 ' " 1 ' - -i' 1 1 , 4 nun us - Butiful.U-ri 1 the richest gem. R Thac Bhiues in the bright didcm 1 ; : , J Which crowns - aa rainboiioi UjeiVy,' le brow of tj Una Majwt.j m qfT' ? I (it feel k i'resh deli-Ut, . ,i r .,t i ' A thoiKlvit flnsi before mj' igtt,''Y4 " Soft aein'rie wakeft ia mj jH-gast ' As I be io!J thy dm&uV. ere et. - - ... BotnettbMQce of Jep&rted 'times,1 . Sfr-l8 o'er mj SouV tike.lunaUUimepifi When I in my natWe Bertie, ,, . , t Did first tLe benateuaf red-bird' seej Oft Mleethy.flmiosfwi8g,,vuitu t.& ii Or merrily X hew thee sing. tt ; t-i-.-t Sweet cb.iidliood'4 scenes again iiU .. . 7 Before mj food and tender eye v -i & Jisi 'i . When I, intent my end to gam t iAji fieedWa alike ot snow r, rain,.. -V 1 i , Baited toy trap3rita tensptin gTiinF ! f - That thee, unoanscious of rilet :-.tivi - I might into the snare beguile.' -' ," -.i ' O haplew bird! pieagure'to thee;' J:' ' Wis los4of thy weet Jiberty. ,sa l&i&l To thee, the moment of deiieht . v ,f t i The moment was of freedom's flight.', v' 't Aa tboa'didai taste the treach'roaslliuli' Down fell the trap J Sealed, was thy fate I Ir'a almost lorry aW that I u -JR'er played on thee such trickery 4 i.. 1 ,And if-tOfftriH fault Torgire,; ''; " .SeTeragaioilorig asITrf- - -vn TJ&lesa, perchance, ! change mjlmiad . Will I to thee, be so unkind- $- .-- f - -..ML.'" . .n.s---? But though, I did my treasure gain The pleasure came not free from pain: f , -r " For though-thy plumftge is sobright. VV! ' iThis hand well knows - that thou canst bite. 1 And from thy bilttif not thy word,: w . Thia lesson I bare often heard, j 51. - Tbat theyhich are' most' bright and fair' ;Not always to be trusted areC vl',v . -a I Bnt'thongbI telt thy griping bili ' ; 3 : Enamored. I did love thee still : . i, : t? tl Trill of God ; . If Iheu chna- tia? aro seae1 with the Holy Spirit lof "promiae which is the-'eaniesi of our nheritaace? tmtil iW redem It'oo orr(!i 'tffctiaed p6s8e83ion,,t vu-j saivauon 01 wb uuruiiaa is sure. wre thermot all minsterine sDr- i "And still the pleasure to regain, Aeain w :tild suffer the sharp pin : . Am teaantBy who, "when sent to school,' 1 " Gooff to puddle4n some pool; j-f ,v y, u, Fof which,' though at the time so' nice They know their bides : will pay the price Thns pleasure's chain, bowe'er rosebound, i When fastened once, her victim round s Aahe will 6nd,r.y whom -its worn Conceals, beneath the wrtfath, a thorn pp j O'er all the world men often roam,) . s-" TofJnd, what's better found at home yaa ; 80 all would praise the red red-bird's fame. If. only he frornCtina earner ,.' J r ve seen the birds of foreign dye ; w i U Goldfinch ai l boasted Canary, -ty , : ;But thou, my red-bird I to my eye,- - " " Art peerlesa 'midst all rivalry: 1 '" Thy ruby vest; of waving flame, i x . Denes all competition's claim. , ,. sffJ - , v- ? -. , 1 . - s l-1 i . f a ": 3ut though my bird ! thon art so 'bright . :Thoa wilt not always charm my sights - Fast steals away the summer's lisht " ; ' : A.ad hastens on the gloom ofnitrbt " br-fa Boon thy bright wing no more f bali fly, i t . A wave of flame through sunny oky'; Or glisten more thy sparkling eye,- "!-.- ? Ox nna thy merry melody, ; . Alas 1 I can but heave a sigh, Jlv beautiful, bnght bird mo( la ddst his faded plumage lie ;',.; Such-is thy doom, Mortalttc 1 From nlhon earth so false! j bright,' ? s To heav'U, then let me lift my sight ; J ' , Wing to that land, my soul ! thy flight, : No snares are there hio birds that bite,' " t No tempting or forbidden food: t ''J Jt' TrrraT v.- all a f ,a Kcstinf i fill ia rrrwwl ' ' No joya are thereto blesaouYhearf,- 1 r'- Then, i n a moment, au aeparvir t No nleasures born, but to deceive : : fHad na a dav a lifetime grieve. . 5 There, beaut r-wili no .more decay, ; ' t!sf i But shine through an unfading day. f r- On all that happy land wi'4 be .. The light of immortality : -" $ : n And tA now flown away Irom. me,;' t I hope, from death torever free, . J- , Again, my beauteous birds to ee. T . t .h- , W TT T ULESTILIJI, jx. vr, wauuary 01, iou. ,H . ' KB).' ' 5- f i J"1 1'19 Biblical Becarderi: The Salvation of th.a CbzisUan Sure ; In order to ba bUfe,;th6 j8atTation of "tiie christian mast bat iX)S8ibltr However much we may doubt; the probable ealvatioii fqii&professors ? of religion, r the jmsibfe solvation of certain $innertt we cauo.ot f df py, V that the salvation - of 'the .christian Is possible ; for if not wba ' JLhen can be saved r -ss -1 - Ildwlthechristian to be aaved! He cannot t tave t himself jbot-tGod can save : bim ; for :with ' Godlail things (hot sIncon&i8tent:mith his', nature) re possiUe.vand sparely thi?JS within his .power, . or he would never have revealed ? to man a planof Ealratlon. ? r,. r ';' 7 It is not only possible ? because" God has the power andvtWff ill to save 'but because he his 'given to -rnau the power.to Accept "and retain 'i the gitt, (Jtol cpidd noi offer; whit man could noaecept, viibr Wodfd'he -give what the YecefVer would : not retain. K ' ' 1 ' - 1 r ? If possible, theri his salvation is sure,,. . v -r I. God ia the author the giver of ealvaUoars-vThe 'P8aimit:iay8 ; "God 13 the God of salvation.5'-' Sal- v ration belongeth Unto the ' Lord $ and hu inspired evan-gellst testlfles ' ' Neither is there" salva'tioriin any , other.?' - If God ii the giver the gift, must be perfect'Evcry gbod i giftfand e 'ery perfecf, gift4 is from t. above, and 'cometli down 4 from "the i father of lights ,witlf whom is" no ' t variabLaecs," nolther ' IshaloV of ' tarnin."'t The 'giiT'of salvation then, ia ur?. , , ' - 2. Christ is the christian's ure ty. Paul, - contrasting the old and the new., covenant, says, ( Of so much bettor a covenant wa Je-u-i made a surety." - -Christ said to Lis disciples; "I will n-'ver le;ive thee. nor forsake thee," ''I will ask the Father, ami he shall Other cv f rt:r, that he may abide with yo-i f rever." Thre can be tlna the promise wen aad tut my its sent, fort 'i to rninistor for them who ihall ba heirs' of salvation , ' ,:3eciog then that Gj(i ' giveth'saC vation that Jesus - promises bis contmual pr&Jcnce that, the Hoi?' Spint intercedes, night, and dav thai tu holy; angels encamp around yi chruan, rhat. carj, makevhia salvation donbtfulC fivideatlj nothing bu-t the christian jf himself of,, the final per8tveranpat; ot thf eain( precjiiseexercigti--1 rraoVfie-fligyaad it,i;main?i 1 tained byomethathe christian' .a hi . 1 mayt oi .aiis owasirewuii jorow sought, apfd acceptej. ,tn.-i j. j .But afigaltfiAgfthati he leani.the quetiUien Mi&Hj,wlll he ? That? be will not, will appear Ironic the followiiig considerations; ' (remem ber I pmk at ?chrstians-tt6t5of' all profesiirst) 1 tip-&t -3 - In the first plaee he w-iir not. be cans Ids Mature is' changed. - ' Once' he "Was 'T TndifftrentIabdtit' his salva-! tion now he "desires tb k be saved Old things have 'passed'away;' and all things become newi;: The q ues'"5 tion U nowiirt'estn? this is set tied 'beyorid'.a-rjoatrol,5 notwitE itandmg hia5 ' Doasted'Freagency. "With his mindJhe e'ervei'ihe Ikw of Gtd,' but witnTirs 'flesh the! law 'But there- is' bn ain be .will tkA mn5itV? 'yhbs'6ev'eH is born l-6f God doth not commit sin ; t fori.big seed remaineth in bimi" and be cari1 not sin because he; is born of God, "We know that1 wbosoever is'" born of God, s'-nheth noYjut he'tbat is begotten of God 'keepetrl himself,1 for be'iskept by the power of God,; through 1 aith 11 n to "ski vation."1 4 'If vius oiu uo uui apuetityjr. A nave no idea what it is. J. . -Secdndiy. he will not.'becluse'he" knows what, in W unregenerate! state hedidmot know something of the blisa of heaven.' . , " ' U ' Hiirdlyl hewill notj because bis aeeirfs are cnaneea. uace he de. gired the'lasts of. the flesh., '' now, he j desires to glorifyGod ; and' thiSj ue yau uo,uiuy uv uvaimmug 10 IGVe and to serve him, ."7. 1 a ,; If then -, his nature (is mada anew, -rU'. bU spiritual j jys.tare ; s wUter than were Ms sensual pleasures if , .his desires, his incentives to action are changqdV-jf, Mn, shorty be j ib- a new creature .what u there in him or about bim Ihif will urge bim try forui the deliberate purpose tdeV troy bis soul: and' body in " hell ? Hotbing voithifl, im wfll-nothing' without hiai cdn.l - ,i God lonewbalwronghV'tKis wonderful cnahge-M;hi new rcVa-tio'n-an'noda ;wW he 'has done omnipotence' - rcan' remove the heart ui ucouj auu. icouuto, uo Heart J can eraser" from the ?Lambs book 'of lifeanaine written in it betore the foundation ' of " tho " world"; 1 c4n lucuko tug, oiug - OI UOO of no: etfect can dishonor thef snre tyshipof Je&u's j scan vcounlf ;the blood '6fi rthe3cdvenant wherewith He'was sanctijded an unholy hlngV can disinherit a child of; God nor (I speak'in' teYereace)V'cau! God do ible to hihVas it iV'ior'bim to lie.1'1 1 Lastly,';, the christian j". not onlv. uaili nJi,'bat lie can not 'resiga bis' ii.uppa.ut' utttvea,1: xi we aamit that the" sinner has. 'the . privilege, , the ability to reject', the proffered gitt, it does not follow that the chribtianJ having accepted. the gift. toiZZ or ran refuse to cherish U; He would not, it he could ahi be cannot, be'cansn be will not Kr' ! ' ' " ' ,J (just thifck 4 -tUtt t&) uie si' to' pay tbeValaryfoi yVr'naTert services ttn'l 'kf us.' tit is badA saj-J Ihe'paitolbe u a bill befofS'tlitj teglslatnte that' Ufogric virM'wuutrr? The raxes5 frilf 'mke4 nsW? bfnk'- -" Wat 'aW fbAt-tni Wdfbrj Eegislatirrfe'; Paltor." saV"of6thers Ihljuisltlve.)5 ji'v-" Wefff fwill telt yout1, '(lialf hof urV talk oSnlltuja tSP 1 N J "Sureli int'Valc loo sfowir W haliF 6afe't twelve Mi iri! 3ifnerii8er81,n'ad!'beeh(ri the1 h6u30 UItlnj iiriTlatlShtY4' for one'' bouK 1j j 6r bf Id hi's handkercri ief to hU toon w and twisted dSwn a blsieat, smot' ering a'shout'.i rised to brinj fn'that be warf thankful' hr'Calfai promise and1 a free'gospef y; that b alwayr ret .tifced in its5 ultgbt"-a8 feathert bnfden?- iW1 "easy puyingyo'kei." "He wafned'onDgl profeOrS against 'cros ahirktng.''' "MauyV1 kaid be, "look at tb'e tn-W a loig ways Off ;?other walk rouncF itY sbme tc-deh it ittsr their ItttlesV finger ; once in 'a f while somebodr" taieVit up; but my advloe to'yoft all is; PoeitTTt V He was strlylog fof thai distant land aud Bometimes thooght he could see ita umilk-and-htioybrdnchee fronitita "Fisjr'ah- cld8e1t,:'f that if he faetwithno gos' pel-rhitf hap'fi--nd ' beHongh i I . i 1 4. . , IT t - . I . t 1 , T '- t p;tia.mtnuitf: i' ai.i notnmg.; j uui Mre,sioiuu possens cjuv i uromr uaite "the sundiy school I A Mnfvrf Iwp j ipia CjV-rDoay-paia wHiurt,puoaa u - man,'; was - invited to address the I of the editors of U'jihing.t Vt wVihaye it. jf jhar' i'r ir'fefh.o'ihyd not,coTi into the I Union on Sunday schools which be I cumbia, snent a toi J?tJhr,ffrti?r tTWlPrtfiW??.0 P!luma iaao.mtere8ilflS8peech.-, , H4 hmin sy.tha when she aod nUare.yet he comeby water' The Union then adjourned till id ht r usband firsc cauh to thee rarts $nd by blood, .11 came by .water, o clock, A. M.; to-morrow. , I hVKWf.V'Vrtiinv rn.ari.'itiA . Rimdav. I VS anUerstahd ihik of bkntiam. --i aa I ,rf'PmvA.' A -1L' t n- n t. 1 1 17 t -p' ?rj-i,r;w t.i. JL . w . ": oooo ieaa. Mn repauon ot being the "livel est" 1 8tai-.ini back m the church, crvmer. 1 Bme'dd. Vbwld io-more bear'witMine. J I Wa J.?f : , ; . wlii the raiwaterwaj opnia the neMtblsTidmaatlnhthr& than' bap-- Elder Savage preached in Mnr- rain we'-found the id, t sof I??"?: AS??..n.XjBr mdatfyroilher'Pe freesboro, at candle light. 4 A ' crowded that it'was wiAcdlty Uar iimafit j; why pot go ug and oiiToitoaU8trty i the, idea A ' Saturday 10 o'clock, A. M' 1 we mld obtain seat. , Tbore era , 11? 9rHSSW?.'illi.witf The Union resumed its labov." present 322 1 scholars, 23'of SUSDAY Scj:l. One the Herald Tus rainy SuiJaV i Nashville and reports r - i i We went.irith Bro. Skinner -ta the sunday school,, which ernrsf tny tell me I most nay the preachy I ness. v,in - f7er er McD)weH?e'dgi I were new; and bad, their n&: 7; !aiia -Mcuoweu tnat mornings pat upon the T0II4 expositions of Serintnr Th signed them at Hebron. , f everything moves oni like clock w.rk. Committee on exposition oTScrip- i and' they hate V sort 6f ' clocks ' tttre asigned? Genesis vi f. 6, "Jonah f wbich'lnsiead lof marking the h i-ars ' ' I ui?10 to Eider M5Dwell ;' II Timt marks the order, of the ' exerclseg -' uu ,16, n.Tiia-;lv: :,13 to - Elder! and' rezulaies the 'sbo-- ATW 'f.iyilaftEldftr . th exereisea of the.sthool,- -twrr- . 51 doVt'th'iiik uchHf 'such a preacbe'r,i, 'says Sfsfer FreespbSenf He'thlbka' more 'of tnakihg mdoey 1 should-no r r 1 r 1 u t i i lm b i , tit- ivanwii ne it - - ;r-;.v,? rVi -.t -57 :7. :i . t v r I 1 , ':-P;f; oaaens, nis toon, made ot a i-. ..xwgaw; Act xix: .5to Ei- young lidiea, members.thereof, pre. w iuaw-iiuuci,, ,, uiu xrutucr urouusme, me recor- ana.Houie years out 01 ner, never am I wou au." -.Bv a universal law that or isavage : ; jiattiiftw xxivi 22 to f Rantd thwim ju, j ha4 5u3.t aa weU be at .home for f ding teVard of PoteOak Circuit," fl bear of such out-of-the-way Scrip, everything shall produce after , its I Elder'Ehodes ; Mark xi : 13-U to bantism. and were nZil imJbS r9 MrwU rrtP " f maaA tf lav flQ Tlrnthoi' 3arxr uroa' I tnr lcrnnri.nra "N'rvnr tKara ia lin 1 AiiU U!' nL'.Li'i1. Jli L 't i'.'? l f " I. m l,j'v.U , t v ' ' r ' I. . . '. - -! .-' - ri. '.'.' -,. t.8weetnUig ; both J man being Many bad denied his ltnot cheaD. . But'l humani'nat(ireltThnfi. fh Tvhrafl l.vii:,13. ' r - Concretfl.ii fyl ' -rt ilarrireacbiuir to-da,V." I, middle.' it was SO-SO: but if he held honav i$ both f west. and chearv: inst I. ca.m b v water. aifhrd a krharornrnAnti; I A recesa of 40 minnteii wai o-ivtm I At vnnr rp.rineot T will aa V,i-?oflir O ' I" - . ; . V '. . T r. nion resumed ita r .as posaioiegiv you au?;acpqunr ot - ordered- that we j the concrete warehouse ,m- Great? q fy.- w www a aaiuava vw w y ravwwwA v wt a v nuu I, fi Bayjl Sister Kervoua.'5 ,,, a good sptrfrguage if "bespoke f lWt India long;s ''Ip isHo' cold and io late says' the among the firstthe' meetihg' was U WIucU sboi pastbrr r wilf read K chapter" and' ( mdst iir& to' be a dra : ;) if in ' the ? of them j weti ,bt bave no resro P;ToQd,,61'VnllJ.''"Hn'l! a. vlki.'Uu' 1 ix iii.: -ii.A.& .j.. ..Li' h:)AfUoi.nL,.:i.i T , .: j t tj..i. i. l ir. .i 'i mt I; . a. . .. ... ? i.. .1 t - um 1.010. ex. -. vaiu vu yi uu- 1, uu uuui Jl WM uvw, uioio waa luuob 1, ia guepsitriOUUV, r ;.r(UUfc, U CaUUJ :Oy D10XK1, &180.' XUlS ' aifcoC ;WIUCP me U er opiniuaimina to pray, cto con- I Alwayfl,.ft'rooci'tlin8L ' r thattftKes usto heaveuiisehean I by .some, is understood ot .UJinst:a Habora.; It .was . ferencej o'tiunio io, 'TaS.'u, John BeaK'anothVr of the' stew- Jai?a, heaven, after. we.geU;there, O craciftiiocy ' utthat t'eila nofc how jmeet on Saturdays, of our meetings ' Guilford street, built by tne.; rn-the':' Splritualmind and wife 'on ards, an honest, noble-looking fellow; !bow cheap au l-aweetl- O, ' when I hVcam'abd aKenblion proves 00!' ;at 9 'clock, "A. M. : t first placed tr: concrete1 lswompbsed ; the way home! J8 yp'S.Z-Ci ; wbb' usually hit 'the centre being! look out frouxv myjPlsgab.-ctoset,;! ing-whicbWcinxion dbes'ndt prove' 'Elder. McD jwell .reported . that he" of one part of best Portlandc'eoi'ini' j -. "Why are you6erious,busband? ;ai it happened,' a gunBrnith-used' jsomstimes see a golden, pear-shaped of both the malefactors. And be- 1 bad received of Holly Grove cburcb' to seven pVcfmaterUlc)hkistlngfy I ' "Wife I ferdtsappoipted. Christ to Bavthat Jerrr was1 all talk'andL Iviioa " TTor .T aKnoVia ecosc: I of clean .Thames . p;ravel.Up.ms1iftfl - . .. . ' . ...-. . . . . . ... .. ..(!. ' il' I . t J ' if ' '-' -'O- has pfomiBedi -that ."where , two or4 no cider.'1 When "JerryTs license to and carried t ree of the congregation rf Sf1 S?t'Cfc a ir exhort "waR to' V reAewecl, the ma with;him,iiil he came to . ; , . iname, there am il in ine midst of jority said be'was "very feeling some? t . "I want to be as happy . . Kwuu tut uis ' wuru. .out m ne,"couiu,uo mucu ipite of all my, faith and prayer. I ? But John Bear was couta. npt teel that Christ waa in out, ana down-, against for! he'Went by erucillxiOh't Wt he; : Murfreesoro, $4.18 ; Pleasant filaS d.,. clinkerq 5;fromt urnacesi diditiiotcomB byiiti Bat if by the) Grove; $20, in aid of brother W. crushed Lbricksatone chippiagB.. ; pfirasef became by i blood," is uns 'h. Maget; -.. , - i oyster-shellipottery, hard core from, - ertood Jgf nea,c,4;thJft. ergu ,The resolution, s requesting the: uuai-yjirus, uu uy vwipr, miru ana meeting;,!, da, fea.tbaa, Je,rry might talk tl dm,daynd" wnax n??nongnt o. vl, somohingM wpng, o?, thergrpa; would not torn the .color of abaii; JtWJ- ..' ,.v t " manJ JAndrtO IHe'adofhisxshurchwoulibe.with. (Unless helpjuihis'cli "VTell, sai . the old man, Broth; uf wUci :Wrv HhVkfil 'Ka Uio 'n.1,'n',iftni;'1f i.Uv s I ment concrete was , applicable to ; which was the first divine ing Was" ordered to be forwarded to budmS PP08.1 at last got con- ii im it 1 1 1 1 ri-1 1 wtr iiuri ."tiiuv m act v in nia it liuu Ana ci cm a a iittu i uai aaaua C3. ' - " 0 : m ioai.rii rti a v . a .. ih, . a . 1 . . a mhii u iiiim .rmi a n 1 lh ait Jin win iv ti ii - jj"--rr-t :7-- - ST 1 ' ! v h ;a " orfLrtUl, "Jir"i"'- ,..uf uuaju.B the JKecoeder ,witn the request that r-v-s- - v;; --t ir-2 ,t wn,, . . w " JfS? W d?' '. ' - V J ? " ; iSH?8-.-P.M they be publi hed. - built upon an average per day about . t "Mydear.tbey -alwaja aUdPH, and prove up said ef striWhis '"8 $m jforty two, uman- h9 Zion then ndjonrned. ' twelve ancfes all round .the waUs , you to pray, and I can not see how, -Upon palm with bia fist : -'pay down ; . But, ather Goodsine, penus- U" father through sixty .. praVfirj brother J;o, FltA gating m'wjih sand and : cement: it tbitBome people "can'talk so 'cash;anfdtpVu;hu(aithr ted the inqulreV,' fafd feithDrafant" nr 'iriSS"1 u'. 1 f every fresh layer of concrete.. W'prijfM:;; glory wasarights?ongtalk?;: ' ' - A:!iiWdg-.1tock,1 j j W flUGG ARD Moderator - ' also put b hoop-iron bond " aS eadj, r S6A mnch of the nirit of fihriat in toosoon anvhow r .aroordinjr to hi8 i-ioiuiug coum oo stronger. re- n.roHfntitlt! tirA.'ui'frarnrAin "i. f-"j.'j - ' - I floor. We could have built, eisrb..- tieir prayers,4 Ancl the Bible 'aaya, niihdYhe alwaysw'eni off hlf-cock- plied the old matron the subject of' follawa tnat their bffaprtng7, in'the iw.:-?f? ' V. - J teen inches', pe'r day, ' which ia ho "lf any mkn, have mt the spirit bf dV'i doubted. Whether 't be got cte,aP 8fPi than Brother Jerry ;fl; 'pQ oj(Ja8U -Christ Jrnust, inonb Xv "a i V; the apparatus, but I'cba- i(3hristheun6nbofbia; -'.. .there 'more than one time, in ftalk, unless iris Brpthererry'sex- nis natures, have been proved Uo,' .fjT 'aider twelve inches quite fist enough. :, !-rfeWrdbat';wifeTth;te ; No, no'-be kddedt when Terry ,a.mPlev ...M: - -3i. ..VJ, flt .be the Julpomplement. of.buman day.?c?S?7 fi??" lIe? h,h for a building- so high r'thoiigh'at. .like'tfie' churbh'at Xaodteelliik-' 'groans lew and gives morejhe may ; , "As to Brother Jerry's cheapg08r. jt T usrVm beuve'? a tria-. chur.ch 8embe.a at ;.10 c!4t A other smaller jobs I bive often built! . Iwarm'andthatGod'haapw getmy.vote, butnot befot; 2 pel," aaid John Bear, "being ai, ex, ye7tix and -engaged in'-Bingmg b tbiee'teet per day.tThe bniblirigte v ins outofhii mouth.-' Or thqcburca ,ItJM. ba3 uiade great ,cha.nge in.-S'blhLniihi' ;niay school sog9, talkmg veuty feot bytyfeeV.and.sixty. 1 at'Epbwhoseandlest give Brother.-Larkum a,ialkrand '?mifrMlnM QMYvrtWX&&2 about sunday schools; 'and praying feethigb. consists of . basement, , itp.be put out, -because "they bad .n it was agreed 'aBW W.e gJ81 SPft- W !itymarill"4l8im1bhemV 8UJ?5J r '" ' djve Jfloor8each .floor Wrte leathelrflrsttove-Tr ' he 8 bek gypeL - thVbolding lupTrto the' world, the T'At: ocIock Eld McOuwell by twelveiron columns. Thero,fisr "".What does thatmeanJiusbandr . 1 T r Jnhvf TiZn.Ui -'isreat mTBtery. God manifest in th Pached to large congregation, nf ftOUcrete thiee inches thicklaid fh7Ma'aVeTdv" thathe had never met the man yet - natureofJes 0Afar&W mfi ,iVt,f 31ofl6tCork r. betweea ieea foetj 8ix in-;, Stick or the existence, of the Charch. !tv,;4.U -.y.i. -...,191.-., r Jf the Above ;couclasion,,is deduo- , Collection amounted to .lo.To.. ches apart, tjovered with asphalte. should' be put ouV;'and,that;Gbd b , ThU disciple Wont a'fe The Lord's supper wa, admini-' The thickness of walls is to the brick .wdth--thl, ;ISt?SS., ing aus'tWo-fbidnaturo Iftf? '(and anthbr smeVhtck- Eldere Mitchalaad Sav- j. those seventy feeti two'tflrSi , WaVphurch, t because Ttbey .were 'leftoffind the others began, i. One vdUn)a&iit &&Y&K$MW am a very quiet and impressive enty'-seveninchefl, . two.floori . !'lukewarmTbur,onlytope.i8; day tbe congregation at Oakville was; "and thaHhe yYordVai .with' tBtkdd-' ;m.ner' '?? fxerci8a8 twenty;two ; inches and, ,t wo t, floors , ithat tfterA ar a fcur n.ma mk- t. k- nt rr'vt . ' HntrJnrid in.K'nHianKHIw&PmA;.: nging the dear old Lymn,.comr 0;0bren inches 1 the fiftv feet walla! t Sardia. .t ' - .A.aaIL t I w?WA.VtVrti4 T..tJ-v'i'v'i: J rtrir !neadY :aaft. Al fahlntlnnl'to 1 :m5UUUo .1- p.-.-.'.iiU:irirrT r 7- - j . , goon op m me puipic.'.'Hvae"paraonl;"l mg nia jLiviuny, was maue nesu, i&.?,rv w.wjt' w.fiutAaiu soun 4 1 : : I P1 M W he aaid. bad" thrown all of therri inW and in tW'GoUnr'fldwpltMli-' earnest fwaterthefl fi-rvJ: i- d J,.TheiGospeioiiTick., i.. agrietl and himself ihto'a-''great among mtnlTLuif ii , IWatl''? otatef "a Nicode-J jWake Forest I precious gospel, coatj ,some Iqnandary ; but? he looked to J their be,' John, came tot Wr witnVss j ffJW, been Aiidaw our wak j The Board of Ivery little, yetihere are other, who Weilaw-feelinffB"" td helo hirb on to hiavGbdhead anUninniirr Uaadfiieptic.a minds -can I once ?uV avoid the expeas read my title clear." A. J are. two floors , twenty-inches .andi. JVV teobt of the wallSjCouBidering I 'got a ; College SabseftTDtionsV Wreat deal of the material for no . hl ng, . J?rustees wwhinfr to waslundet bl: per rod ; or, taKe tae very little, yeJhere are otberS.whO ieUow-feelinffB" td helo hirh on to his Godhead: and that in nirrr ano: saeptica minds- cam once ?un I avoid the expease ot collecting agents hle ut tne Duwuug a cuue, mo-. jpay less. ' These are not more hoa- jwitb this Mbig cross all-in t treirible.4: (was aUt'tie 8vinUM -Iwidl luerstand that, "Born of ' wator and1 iias'madeit my duty, to - correspond boat wag about, 3S;i,per tbot:t Jorable" than 4 those, "only imprejfor- iHe gave otttthatf his ollo" lay in wTw'communica tof epiriii'asscats CnristV'bwn doc- with2all "persons whose ' bonds are Very strongly bailt, and as good as3 itunater .Convinced that wisom is ;tbe fifth'chapterof the Bong of Sol-' if 4 $t' ,vl rt M ktiat, iu ""the iangaaef borzoi fine, ard respectfully ''ask for' pay- one ot' the warehouse class 4 can be.- auit'aVe'mtioVitii tywfttot 'omon; in thebJsom,? of" the first vButVvariourieVlticr1 jdhtauiV arit, then' this' pass- Kent TEeTTundaare muh -needed It is now 'loaded with goods, every t rubies, they are cafefulubt todo iC nQrUvieaUn'wiy himey: inisTeprek-niedJ';tuU"tw tteiighuWy harmonizes' witK t carry :oh the opei-ationa otthe Col- "flr full';"and has' never shown the t Anatluatb'thegoldyOpbiri Mvitk 'myUneknt nbV? 5a" feuKro3theoeeV :; : J"a.8Jeai 1: incOQXe- -'.fghtest cracked settlement. It U C&nectioaV 'GnWcsV thCermth'ians R09 the result, unless -harder than most kinds of stone used I , ithriUs their' whole man thev have ili'ftTn'Af firaChv wAv'nf irAttini jiff- altar, a. tbn Tim irfpa ah 1 meant born of woman. therrJriiA prompt aiu ia oowtuieu. . for bailOmg purposes, auu is oust hepn known to cbontof th pbttt, fw-t Umi iir-.2-Ti2 'ir :c-1 " :f'J " f N i if:--L::--s-I.:i n'.t... i no el. of J gar-1 V c1 " II. Li .. A - 4 4 i '4 ' For 'the Biblical Recorder.' 17hy ,uld ; Christ not' neat witli tii , - .unurca if t -- Elder PioasPoorman is " dead ! lillk Epiritual experience, connected jwuauuj ttBrui.jiia,wtw great source of comfort to brother fcpiritualoiind.' .Bat'at bur church, Elder 7ordiy mind succeeds pastor Puorinau. paring the week, brother Spiritu ulmmd ' had ofleaJ ia &ccr&t and around the faLiily alti, pOciod oat his boul ia eruest prayer, tLat tb.3 gvcit llcul of his church would be who. LI, j,fc ,j)le, whea tLy uis.t inL.o k . :..s Lj ivicu a lull .it aud nr.. j tth, 1.3 villi Lai wiiJ j.o to caarc'i. ' ' . Ltj, filLj, i : -tcjj-e. D - C.")aUjT.;)a3 il.lj ; " ''If 1 wouli be toj lite. ; r lb. :h r"T 1 t utt.i. llvahircl wciK ( '! ? y i .r:.i, t?.r 1 1 tut CU-, aa i , ' tvi ii cf .'.; jwitb closed eyes,-dnring the. ;entire . process off lifting the collection:' - . , . . ..... f- . 'scarcely conscious- of the - approach of the taithful steward with the black ag. . Oi'hqwtatefalj jthey feeL. J3.0W, snipletely they realize man' We confidently appeal to the gen- J s(lid mass from .beglaniog ito end j rbsity of those whose notes are due, J While in course otconstructwnlfj -rornAin iomnoaArl if rnBn;K- , I -Wr;,ifVif rn.i" l ' V.v:-. mvki k 1 14 -..,4,..., 1 as it wiu taK9 muca time to send so 1 waa honored bv visits trom -many tr " u'i aa '-t 1 -.,;.!-. n.u T''-.u L I fnimy fstwstB tui uutuy . icttcro may 1 me.nbers ot jrariiamemi. iausi ut tuo . Fail tr roapb t.hrtnA - lira aulr I i !; ':f iV .' V;U:.. .-..n.'n ". -wrv,,v v.uao, rjemuers 01 mo uuituiug jjiutcasiuu,, v immediate remittance f, by.l 'ftUl many' other ge'ntlemen, who regisiered ' letter, " of such Kroat Interest in this great test 'f as" are now- due to me jU I an(j experiment in building, as well ForeitvUle, N't C AU Post Masters J hfoiirllIL 'OodainidLoit ,v arft - hiiuriil J 1) lawr ' to frfffA. a rw 1 1 ' t ij.. ' : , , o - 1 nnn nuuaer ..ii t i.. - ' , ipt for the letter cdutainiaff " the I ', ' . .; and all the. preachers, vwhich have I mow again, firstly, it hvgojd for the I pad "perfect t'ello wship wlthGhrist, aa peitaer swreaoass nor ; earn ; ye t ihungry. -; ine acriptures ' say; "ro $he r3on of, God, and , as the Father; iare they all fed I - -Mysterious prov- ithe hungry soul every bitter thing aadjthat be was truly Gpd,Vand that dsncet Others have come forward,1 iis sweet;" Low sweet, then," must iheir:-ears, ,arvd eyes,, and.i'bands and have pddd the minister ere they sweetening itself be t " W hen a man isvould assure .them .whether ! he wti Hwere aware.- And so the gbod man kshungry. he'isnot ' particular r be man. or noU 7" v --1 snas gone to aadiher field freighted j jwill'eat a go.! deal of comb" to get j f la bis fifqh chapteriI,John,he mhds aadJ send the letter aately to j y- correspondent of the London v.k,,;, vir fcegooj tothepersbnsremittiug the t Why-7 should' wb not make our 1 aatl, waeher;hebe ;roof ..the mpney agaiaht their note. " The poV bbu.es uniufliminable, and our furi spirit, or not. i iU i 'A'U '.,, Uge on a, registered, letter ia only, ijirefir' proof It can be easily ? . . ' 18 centaV All money seat, as above d0ne-ot rathorit could be if there i - v. i Proceedings cf the Bertie .Union " ' l- T.TaptinorJ directed will" be at ourriak and a r were some sort of .compulsion put receipi wut utj ueuii to me - person i mm builders and ujaoisierers.. a chapteri l,John.he re- I ! - . . . ' . .... ... .'l.rthA wholAnntAiiitMirl t.ViA'AA I :--' . . i .-. ' , itbiJlMirctuitaiteithetrUcb. Wme honey." A'great mmj .ermon-' We more pointeily the .uljeot cf p7 V" b ut . - " -.' . T " T Z7,Zir -U'- U.'y .t.ta throw glory laveaclearttj.L.a.Utecpph Siviu, ,ata,e h4 ,appe J to. a tria. J""j , ' ' , s ' i.ut Vi t.i. inohay.,geaeroulygirenSul,3crip SKfku., Tho ftU... hou,wiuuuotoui5 Htm uunw,uii(.e 1 jogt j)een announced Dy .a ucrmaa i favorable 7 response" andlthereby iherrjiPt Vho was commissioned to , lub vyoueg uie-, ueavy ex- gbiTVthe question by a fire insurance . a coUecting agent. - - ' ' : ' Water elass will act as' . jgrouni 01 a world vaony givea up pure gospel uu noney-coab 'with j f .,A trinity, al3o, bears witc;3 to . i ; JAMES S. PUEEFOY, T7i Wit tensive rock salt is: Eo'thmaia'cLi-a! lU.a ;Lcj Lia Loey-aud he Lit all the better his hucaa nature; th:t i:. . ."tla Fii'toen churches were , represented. "Tre-w irer of V. F, Colle. T J, .i !r . - rl , -t: i..l..'. 1 I K j , . r -Tr,An.toran1 ! u-.mn'nf . ' ' - - - ' Cheap. Aae sail, tov, xuuc.t huli wLj t..L iLvwCcj: tL:7 I k It valh wL'tha rot wLvU Lerob- I But while Carit filly' rr.v 1 MA MM I Mkawwwwwww- wwaVMB HMA Ukikiit I lit 1 ti.t W a W w v.v w M w f W Jku H I Lll 1J11U B i V 15 1 l:r. .1.1 lit ill I lit A 1 1 (I i I ' 1 1 If - ." ' t peters tra thj jcla cf our m.th- honey.5 Even thit a maa might et." The Fathex;tha Vord, and the LLAy Ptdl fr?m Hatthe -jevi: 13-19. U ' fT,-w rv "ir fhrth t1- rin- 'rf. a t-p i! l. in ! t ' I . n :r t, J, - 1 1 , A rece or 40 minutes.was given. I pf tLJr Uht, a j unst tLa t..k- a gre-t del of trash to get I a little hat he is God.- i - Kr W-hlch Ith" U?1(m , asf pans; of U&riN,3 fwa C -.r Cm v.ii-Uwavia: 1 i i t -i i. .. V, I . 4 1 "P.-tV'-r Jtir-,' ?3 tuey a iriiia , i.j tiavtr aaa ta ueart l tuese mree tesiimouiaia 01 nurap.r.ity m tLa mouth, j be came by only two of them, cine. I s.' 1 tLIj j .t tL--.a Lit LirIf .4 ' good a I y, by water, aal Vor alth-j a Cin.stry." Iiovt.' c..j. t-j rcalcr 1 ta lov-lz a t lit-acr i.l ; 4', .;rar. - 7 .,---.v.f r hurcii, with" briy., J.' A. J DEAnKECOUDEa: I do wish your proot agamo5 urj rv- astituted alfcommittea- on correspoadeata' . wquld subscribe ges of insects.', Its antagonism to . their names to their, articles." As fire might be turned m eccoull extiaguishtng flames, lora eoiuu tcrria . c Joid CJU i . . . ' . . ........ u.3 exeseiaes" Inf. I A ecti ri w5i .ordsxe l oa Lord's J my memory serves! me, but one wri "a r ri 1 1 t -i ' ' .11 i .1 ... in'--- 1 . ,., J, ' ir!o!Ai.iiit' . fiu.,..nn ' fir h..u.ri(ilrinilrirl thfl mifttlfifl fll SHii"" r. j cia Lor-o u.ay one, exc;p- I neaaa ta3 spirit 01 a ra -ana c mot I -? n'uu- 'utiu i - . , : . .w .. , "J . ' . A I . I 1 .1 . 'J. I- . 111 .! M. J .JV,,"AW..fl.Ji(;nil .i'moa"5vTllli;tU .-- - O - -.- '-Ii. .." i - . - ' I , . . , : ,- i . i - ? , , u L:t i f.i n 1 n th . irds ofEdacttion are but-Uttie Detter: du quite a o Jl ji , , . - - . it was like-wi-sa mott generally poor j fait spirit, ha reiso: - 'l, r j d, I frt : L-Il.-aj. . -a, i. J - i -A W iwJ to r.tli- .. 1 ,. ' 1 - ' -- t - " rr Ii r: .-it I T 1 ft -J O'v-tt C. ai V VlCi .-3 t. . - J 1.11. IJIID"!. ) ..... I - ti'inz, tl-c. Ila h 1 1 T7t "t u3. 7 .Tit t . Ji 'f- 1 t , 1 - 1 -t r' 'i tL3 c :rc' c. c " i : . .... 1 d fi.' Zillions. I numoer or your readers ua v w eiit woo- E;.M,a HilTury; Tiylor and eJ their preference for the real name ' ICov.ai pere app)iotci (IJs- cf the correspondent. , One "Travel- m Ur ioa. Lr " it is thought by.many, nas ian- M cf tLa Id TI ei to notice, that A polios, theprob e bla adiniuiiitrator of baptism in the case of the twelve disciples found at EpLc-as, was not a proper; adminis trat r cf tha ordiaance ; because no cne was authorizedf to administer J,L's Baptism but him.s ; ev r f x-onr rpadnra Would, be triad , . ...... rf - .... w rt Be tl1 i topre- , - ja.t . - T " a i on er' u- purnped out ' of a fire ez -ine nr a burnicg 'matter -'Wu.d bo va-tly more efScient lhan plain water1. .! " 2. . ..-' , in ; . T ' i . . ; Mr. Jessie C 'Little, a neighbor of our, "made eleven baka of Button and ninety ban els ot corn, an i u i le as much pork &3 w-i c a. . nnn-lncios and houses tL tr Tiio monev rjaidout L bor was 115, allt.Ii. IT oli mm, over 0 r""r woman, from phnti cotton " was choppsi -. which w&3 all tli a - i, id in mkii' M; JeT waa in uo ' 4 v.i ' !.i e a --

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